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Sep 6, 2018 • 55min

159. Quantified Self: What Gets Measured Gets Managed with Lisa Betts-LaCroix

If you've been following the show for a while, you’ll probably know I'm an avid biohacker. I love biohacking. We've had a lot of episodes on biohacking. I've had the Godfather of Biohacking, Dave Asprey, on the show. I've also had other amazing biohackers on the show like Luke Storey, Dr. Daniel Kraft, Mark Sisson, Nick Delgado, Dr. Daniel Amenand Michael Morelli. We never really deep dived into QS, Quantified Self. This is where you measure and record everything. Peter Drucker said, “What gets measured gets managed,” and I firmly believe that. I'm a big believer in QS. We're going to go deep into this topic and also talk about learning independently, productivity, ADHD and a bunch of other topics. I think you're going to enjoy this episode number 159. Our guest is Lisa Betts-LaCroix. Lisa is a podcaster, speaker, actor and dancer. As host of the Super Power UPodcast, she digs into mental models and skills used by experts and everyday rockstars. She's been in over 100 films and TV shows as a dance performance speaker who inspires audiences to embrace vitality and passion in later life. At age 50, she is a world champion Pro-Am American Rhythm Ballroom dancer.
Aug 30, 2018 • 1h 4min

158. Emotional Range, Awakenings, And Brain Training with Dominick Quartuccio

You are about to get some coaching and mentorship on raising performance, short-circuiting burnouts and eliminating drift. Drift you ask, “What the heck is that?” You are about to find out. It’s a crucial concept. My guest and your coach in this episode number 158 is Dominick Quartuccio. As an international keynote speaker, trainer, executive coach and author of the book, Design Your Future, Dominick works with the best of the best. Those who have an insatiable desire to achieve more and continuously improve themselves.
Aug 23, 2018 • 55min

157. Reprogram Your Mind with Marty Weintraub

Marty Weintraub is commonly known as a successful entrepreneur and speaker. Yet, not everyone understands the magnitude of his experiences of overcoming mental health struggles when he was a child and fighting a battle with cancer later on. Through it all, Marty has sought for the comforts of therapies that inspired him to seek for happiness and rewire his brain to go for joy instead of dealing with pain and suffering. He talks about his journey together with doing some therapy for happiness from writing business plans while getting treatment, undergoing DBT, to correcting myths to align with reality, doing pain exercises, and coming to terms with the present by regarding the past and future as concepts. He shares his experiences and how he comes to terms with pain and suffering by focusing more on happiness and joy.
Aug 16, 2018 • 56min

156. Going Global, Cashing Out, and Starting Anew with Elisa Camahort Page

Anytime I can sit down and learn from someone who has built up a business from nothing and then sold it for a number well into the eight figures, I snap up that opportunity. Our guest in this episode number 156 isn’t just successful in business. She’s also a world-changer. I’m so excited to invite on to the show Elisa Camahort Page, known as the Co-Founder and COO of scrappy-startup-turned-global women’s media company, BlogHer Inc. Elisa’s debut book on everyday activism,Road Map for Revolutionaries, is coming out. She also consults with entrepreneurs, thought leaders and organizations to take big ideas to the next level, integrate their values into their brands and complete their narratives.
Aug 9, 2018 • 55min

155. Shift Your Destiny with Kute Blackson

Do you know your life's purpose? Truly, I feel like I'm still discovering it. This podcast is part of it. The two self-help books I'm working on are also part of it. I feel I'm still scratching the surface. If you're like me, then you might also feel like this is a journey of discovery. Even if you've already identified your life's purpose, are you truly fulfilling it? Are you living authentically? Are you changing the world or are you playing small? In this episode number 155, we're going to get to talk with Kute Blackson, the author of the national bestseller, You Are The One. He's been featured on Larry King Now, Fox & Friends, Dr. Drew and more. Kute has been inspiring audiences for decades, starting at the tender age of eight where he spoke in front of 3,000 people.
Aug 2, 2018 • 1h 3min

154. Metaphysical Encounters and Other Mysteries with Monica Ortiz

We're going to be tackling the fear of death, healing childhood wounds, communicating with the dead, spirit guides, channeling and all sorts of woo-woo stuff. You're going to love it. Our guest is Monica Ortiz. She's an award-winning producer, a successful life coach, author of Universe 101: Learn Grow Evolve and a public speaker whose proven techniques and tools have helped to improve thousands of lives over her 20-plus-year career. As the Founder of the Exceptional Life Institute and Creator of the Masters of Mindfulness app, Monica continues to teach amazing life tools to millions of people around the globe in the form of in-person courses, online lectures, published books, and more.
Jul 26, 2018 • 1h 2min

153. From Homeless to Philanthropist with Jabez LeBret

Jabez Lebret turned his life around by getting his GED and studying finance. He became a financial analyst, an international public speaker, an author, and a Forbes contributor. Recently, Jabez sold his award-winning marketing agency to pursue his passion in education as co-founder of Sisu Academy. Tune into this episode to learn more about how he turned his life around, his advice for others who are considering selling their companies, and much more! Find Out More About Jabez Here: Jabez LeBretJabez LeBret on LinkedIn@jabezlebret on TwitterSisu In This Episode: [02:07] - What is it like to sell your business and shift your life direction? And who acquired the business? [05:22] - Jabez talks about why he wanted to sell his business and start going down a new path, which he explains wasn’t due to burnout. [07:26] - How to structure his high school (for example, as a non-profit) was one of the hardest decisions early on for Jabez. [12:08] - Jabez shares his thoughts on B Corps, which he explains that he thinks are great, and talks about why he didn’t choose to go that way. [15:41] - Over the years, Jabez has been on nonprofit boards in various capacities. [19:04] - Funding operations isn’t sexy, Jabez points out, and talks about what he’s been doing to manage this. [24:21] - Jabez gives us more details about how everything unfolded with growing and selling his business. [26:18] - Stephan talks about his own experience with selling his first agency. [31:31] - What were Stephan’s thoughts when he was considering selling his agency? [34:49] - We hear about Stephan’s second attempt at selling, this time in 2007. [36:22] - How far out into the future does Jabez have to go before he’s done getting paid by his company? [40:55] - Jabez offers advice on what to do if you’re going to sell your company. [42:20] - For listeners who may not be familiar with the term, Jabez defines the term “clawback.” [44:50] - Stephan jumps back to the concept of a 510(c)(3) versus a B Corp. [48:25] - When you support a nonprofit organization, you’re picking up slack in some other part of the world that needs to get solved, Jabez points out. [52:36] - Stephan and Jabez talk about issues surrounding homelessness, specifically in Venice Beach, California. [55:52] - We hear a tidbit from Stephan’s backstory: he was a foster child for most of his high school years. [58:18] - Has Jabez been speaking about the topic of homelessness on stages or in TV appearances? [60:44] - How can people get in touch with Jabez if they want to learn more or help out? Links and Resources: Jabez LeBret Jabez LeBret on LinkedIn @jabezlebret on Twitter Sisu Academy 501(c)(3) organization What are B Corps? Impact Network Charity Water
Jul 19, 2018 • 51min

152. Detox at the Cellular Level with Dr. Daniel Pompa

Do you suffer from an autoimmune disease, a thyroid condition, digestive issues, or an unexplained illness? Dr. Dan Pompa joins me in this conversation to dig into cell healing through his five R road map. We’ll also discuss many other topics that will be fascinating to anyone with health concerns or an interest in biohacking. Dr. Dan is the creator of the True Cellular Detox, and an educator to doctors focused on his multi-therapeutic approach, which consists of fasting, diet variation (including feast and famine cycles), and more. Find Out More About Dr. Dan Here: Dr. Dan PompaDr. Daniel Pompa on YouTubeDaniel Pompa on FacebookDr. Daniel Pompa on FacebookDr. Daniel Pompa on LinkedIn@DrDanPompa on TwitterTrue Cellular Detox In This Episode: [02:09] - Dr. Dan talks about how to improve your ability to fight off the various environmental toxins that we’re bombarded with. [04:11] - How is the idea of cellular health different from the traditional approach that people are taking? [06:14] - Dr. Dan uses the thyroid as a great example of how complicated bodily feedback mechanisms are. [08:48] - Would Dr. Dan say that everybody needs to take some sort of supplement and address toxicity levels, or should we get fully screened first before knowing whether we should take some kind of action? [12:57] - Dr. Dan shares his thoughts on the product Restore, and his recommendations for probiotics. [15:10] - We hear whether Dr. Dan recommends whether people have silver fillings replaced with white fillings. [18:29] - Stephan had his fillings removed a year ago; is it now too late for him to avoid the negative effects? [24:06] - Dr. Dan talks about whether someone can use a program independently or whether they should work with a practitioner. [26:27] - What is Dr. Dan’s take on vaccines? [32:18] - We learn Dr. Dan’s thoughts on root canals in terms of their potential impact on our health. [35:21] - Stephan shares his own experience with having teeth extracted. [40:00] - Dr. Dan talks about his thoughts on, and personal experiences with, stem cell therapy. [42:40] - Dr. Dan shares the five R’s of the road map to cellular healing. [49:08] - Where can listeners take the next step and get treatment from a coach trained by Dr. Dan? Links and Resources: Dr. Dan Pompa Dr. Daniel Pompa on YouTube Daniel Pompa on Facebook Dr. Daniel Pompa on Facebook Dr. Daniel Pompa on LinkedIn @DrDanPompa on Twitter True Cellular Detox Stephanie Seneff Restore Neuro-Biotic Mad hatter disease BIND CytoDetox Alpha lipoic acid Vaxxed (movie) Dr. John Bergman on the Optimized Geek Dr. Gerry Curatola on Cellular Healing podcast with Dr. Pompa Dr. Harry Adelson on the Optimized Geek Bulletproof Conference Dave Asprey on the Optimized Geek Dr. Harry Adelson on Cellular Healing podcast with Dr. Pompa Dr. Amy Killen on Cellular Healing podcast with Dr. Pompa
Jul 12, 2018 • 1h 2min

151. Finding God in Quantum Physics with Amit Goswami

Dr. Amit Goswami is a theoretical quantum physicist and a retired full professor from the University of Oregon’s Department of Physics. He pioneered the idea of “science within consciousness,” which he explores in The Self-Aware Universe. It’s all too rare to combine science and spirituality in a compelling way, but that’s exactly what we’re going to explore in this episode. We’ll go down the rabbit hole to a place where quantum physics, consciousness, and mysticism all meet. Find Out More About Amit Here: Amit Goswami@quantumactivist on TwitterDr. Amit Goswami, Ph.D. on FacebookQuantum Activism In This Episode: [02:10] - How did Amit end up on What the Bleep Do We Know!?? He answers, then talks about other aspects of the film. [05:27] - We hear about how quantum physics proves the existence of God. [09:23] - Stephan responds to Amit’s explanation and digs into what he has learned about oneness. [12:16] - Amit talks about a profound experience he had with oneness in 1976. [15:47] - There are four stages to the creative process, Amit explains. [18:23] - We learn from Stephan that the process of awakening is a permanent biological change to your brain. He then shares his own profound and lasting experience with awakening in India. [21:08] - Is there any connection between what Stephan has described and Amit’s be-do-be-do process to getting a quantum leap? [24:29] - Amit fills us in on the university that he’s planning, explaining that he and two associates will teach the first year. He also talks about the planned quantum village experience. [28:40] - Who is the target audience for Amit’s university? [30:13] - We go back to a concept that Amit touched on earlier: the idea of an archetype, which Stephan first learned about from The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell. Amit then talks about his use of archetypes. [34:15] - How is quantum enlightenment different from what people have traditionally heard of as enlightenment? [39:51] - Amit talks about whether the kind of flow that he’s describing is the same kind of flow that Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi described? [43:41] - We hear about the observer effect and how it relates to spirituality. [47:09] - Stephan relates what Amit has been saying about expansion leading to happiness to something that he has been learning. [54:22] - Is it possible to measure chakras, auras, and so on with scientific validation? [59:30] - Where can people go to learn more about Amit and his work? Links and Resources: Amit Goswami @quantumactivist on Twitter Dr. Amit Goswami, Ph.D. on Facebook Quantum Activism The Self-Aware Universe The Visionary Window Physics of the Soul The Quantum Doctor Creative Evolution God Is Not Dead Quantum Creativity Quantum Economics The Everything Answer Book What the Bleep Do We Know!? Down the Rabbit Hole Dalai Lama Renaissance The Quantum Activist Oneness University The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell Groundhog Day Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Amma the Hugging Saint
Jul 5, 2018 • 1h 2min

150. Unlock Mysteries with Lucid Dreaming with Charlie Morley

My guest, Charlie Morley, is the bestselling author of three books, including Dreaming Through Darkness. Charlie is a sought-after teacher on lucid dreaming and shadow work who has run retreats and workshops across two decades and over 20 countries. Today, we’ll take a deep dive into lucid dreaming, exploring what it is and how you can harness its incredible power to improve your life. Find Out More About Charlie Here: Charlie MorleyCharlie Morley on FacebookCharlie Morley on YouTube@charliemorley1 on TwitterCharlie Morley on Instagram In This Episode: [01:40] - Charlie defines lucid dreaming for listeners who may not be familiar with the term. He also talks about the strength of nightmares. [04:16] - We hear about Charlie’s new book, Dreaming Through Darkness, and why acceptance doesn’t mean endorsement. [07:09] - If you’re trying to integrate the shadow into the rest of you, what is a shadow attack? [10:41] - The first step toward lucid dreaming is writing down your dreams, Charlie explains, and dream interpretation is a different thing. [15:26] - Charlie doesn’t think that lucid dreaming is “better” than any of the other ways of getting in touch with the unconscious mind, but it goes to the deepest state of being unconscious. [17:53] - We hear more about Charlie’s experience with tantric meditation. [19:56] - What happens if you fall off the figurative “north face” as you try to take the fast track up the meditation mountain? [24:31] - Has Charlie tried ayahuasca? He answers, and then he and Stephan talk about how and when to use ayahuasca. [29:41] - Charlie talks about Sam Harris, who has interesting views on psychedelics. [34:56] - We go back to neuroscience, with Charlie discussing the neuroscientific aspects of lucid dreaming. [38:31] - Stephan talks about his experience during the 40 Years of Zen week, and relates it to lucid dreaming. [41:44] - How would Charlie recommend accessing more bliss through a lucid dream? [43:34] - Charlie addresses the myth that you’ll die in real life if you die within a dream. [45:52] - We hear about how to learn lucid dreaming, as well as what some of Charlie’s most common lucidity triggers are. [51:00] - Charlie talks about Dr. Clare Johnson, who used lucid dreaming as part of her writing process. [52:53] - Charlie digs deeper into the topic of ecstatic dance and other movement meditations. [58:08] - We hear a quick snapshot of Charlie’s newest book, Dreaming Through Darkness. [59:25] - How can listeners get in touch with Charlie or learn more about him? Links and Resources: Charlie Morley Charlie Morley on Facebook Charlie Morley on YouTube @charliemorley1 on Twitter Charlie Morley on Instagram Dreaming Through Darkness by Charlie Morley Vanilla Sky Inception The Art of Fear by Kristen Ulmer Kristen Ulmer on the Optimized Geek The Red Book by Carl Jung Bill Donius on the Optimized Geek 40 Years of Zen Dave Asprey Chris Keane on the Optimized Geek Sam Harris Douglas Bentley on the Optimized Geek Open Your Eyes (Abre los ojos) Dr. Clare Johnson Deutsche Bank Tony Robbins 5Rhythms School of Movement Medicine Sanjay Sabnani on the Optimized Geek

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