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Business Made Simple Podcast

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Dec 27, 2021 • 28min

#52: The Best Business-Growing Moments of 2021

2021 was quite the ride, especially for businesses, and we’re honored you took the journey with us! Before we say goodbye to 2021, let’s look back on some of the most valuable and insightful moments from this year.   First, we return to episode one, where you learned how to build your business like an airplane so it flies far and fast. Then we’ll revisit the most valuable bites from conversations with:   John Lee Dumas (Episode #12) - How to Create a Content Production Plan   Ryan Deiss (Episode #19 & 20) - Start creating an Amazing Digital Marketing Strategy   Erin Meyer (Episode #34) - How to Give Freedom to Your Team and Still See Amazing Results   Hala Taha (Episode #37) - Why You Need an Internship Program and How to Build a Great One   --   If you are struggling to discover the problem that's keeping your business from growing, we can give you a customized plan to fix it. Just go to, fill out the assessment, and get a FREE detailed report on the health of your business along with a customized plan on how to make it more profitable. It only takes about 12 minutes to complete! Knowing what's really going on with your business shouldn't be a mystery. Go to right now and get the customized plan you need to fix it.   Every week on the Business Made Simple Podcast we help you build your business like an airplane you can fly far and fast.
Dec 23, 2021 • 3min

Discover True Meaning in Your Life's Story—New Limited Series Coming January 6!

Most of us are bored with the story we’re living. We’ve lost interest in our own lives, and as a result, we spend our days feeling anxious, restless or just flat out hopeless. But what if you stopped trusting fate to write the story of your life and started living like a character in an interesting story? Our new six-part limited podcast series, Hero on a Mission, will help you do just that!    Just follow the Business Made Simple Podcast feed and every Thursday starting January 6th for six weeks we will unpack what you need to do to create a life plan that finally lets you live everyday with a deeper sense of meaning and purpose.    If you are ready to stop leaving your life up to fate and rediscover true purpose and meaning, the Hero on a Mission limited podcast series is exactly what you need. Just follow the Business Made Simple Podcast feed wherever you stream podcasts and every Thursday for six weeks starting January 6th you will learn how to become a hero on a mission.
Dec 20, 2021 • 26min

#51: Grow Your Products Without Growing Your Expenses

When it comes time to expand and grow, companies often rush to create new products that inflate their overhead. But in order to stay in business, doubling your costs means you must also double your profits. If you don't it could send everything into a tailspin. Think of it this way: if your business is like an airplane, your products are your wings. They need to be strong and stable to support your overhead, or the body of your airplane. If not, your business will crash!    In today's coaching conversation, Donald Miller talks with Courtney Jacobsen and Kylie Mimitz, co-owners of The School of Dance in Salt Lake City, all about how to grow their product offerings without bloating their overhead. If you want to start looking at how you can serve customers and make more profit all within your current business model, lean in and listen to today's episode!   Learn more about The School of Dance in Salt Lake City at   --   Are you stuck trying to grow your amazing business everyone should know about? We can help! Go to, share what's been keeping you up at night when it comes to growing your business, and you could be a guest on a future episode. If selected, Donald Miller will coach you during a podcast taping to help identify where your business is blocked and what you need to do to fix it. Stop playing a guessing game when it comes to growing your business and go to today!   If you are struggling to discover the problem that's keeping your business from growing, we can give you a customized plan to fix it. Just go to, fill out the assessment, and get a FREE detailed report on the health of your business along with a customized plan on how to make it more profitable. It only takes about 12 minutes to complete! Knowing what's really going on with your business shouldn't be a mystery. Go to right now and get the customized plan you need to fix it.   Every week on the Business Made Simple Podcast we help you build your business like an airplane you can fly far and fast.
Dec 13, 2021 • 32min

#50: Create Lifelong Customers with a Product Funnel

After a customer purchases a product from you, what's next for them? You could call it a day and let that customer drop off. Or you could create a path for them to discover their next purchase from you. Creating a product funnel and guiding your customers through it is a key way to turn one-time purchasers into lifelong customers, generating sustainable revenue for your company.   Think of it this way: if your business is like an airplane, your products are your wings. They need to be strong and stable or your business will crash! In today's coaching conversation, Donald Miller talks with Trevor and David Muir, two brothers behind, all about how to create an amazing product funnel. If your products are struggling to keep your business in the air, lean in and listen to today's episode!   Find out more about Trevor and David Muir's business at   --   Are you stuck trying to grow your amazing business everyone should know about? We can help! Go to, share what's been keeping you up at night when it comes to growing your business, and you could be a guest on a future episode. If selected, Donald Miller will coach you during a podcast taping to help identify where your business is blocked and what you need to do to fix it. Stop playing a guessing game when it comes to growing your business and go to today!   If you are struggling to discover the problem that's keeping your business from growing, we can give you a customized plan to fix it. Just go to, fill out the assessment, and get a FREE detailed report on the health of your business along with a customized plan on how to make it more profitable. It only takes about 12 minutes to complete! Knowing what's really going on with your business shouldn't be a mystery. Go to right now and get the customized plan you need to fix it.   Every week on the Business Made Simple Podcast we coach you to run your business like an airplane so it flies far and fast.
Dec 6, 2021 • 36min

#49: How to Grow Your Business by Getting Specific

Let's start with the bad news. If you're attempting to target anyone and everyone as a potential customer, your business will never be known for anything. But here's the good news! When you nail down exactly who your customer is and become super specific in telling them exactly what problem you can solve for them, your business will fly far and fast.   This is what today's episode is all about. Our guest, Stephanie Gray, is a corporate trainer who originally came to us needing help strategizing how to grow her client list. But in her coaching conversation with Donald Miller, an entirely new career path was revealed! If you are struggling to get specific with the problem you solve for customers, lean in and listen, because today's coaching conversation with Stephanie Gray is for you.   --   Are stuck trying to grow your amazing business everyone should know about? We can help! Go to, share what's been keeping you up at night when it comes to growing your business, and you could be a guest on a future episode. If selected, Donald Miller will coach you during a podcast taping to help identify where your business is blocked and what you need to do to fix it. Stop playing a guessing game when it comes to growing your business and go to today!   If you are struggling to discover the problem that's keeping your business from growing, we can give you a customized plan to fix it. Just go to, fill out the assessment, and get a FREE detailed report on the health of your business along with a customized plan on how to make it more profitable. It only takes about 12 minutes to complete! Knowing what's really going on with your business shouldn't be a mystery. Go to right now and get the customized plan you need to fix it.   Every week on the Business Made Simple Podcast we help you discover what’s wrong with your business then show you how to fix it.
Nov 29, 2021 • 29min

#48: Tom Henschel—Establishing Your Executive Presence

You may take pride in wearing your heart on your sleeve when interacting with your team, feeling it comes across as transparent and honest. The trouble is even though you may have the best intentions, your impact could be leaving team members feeling judged or dismissed. And, even more troubling, it could be holding you and your company back! Today we talk with Tom Henschel, executive coaching expert and host of The Look & Sound of Leadership Podcast, all about how to navigate the gap between intention and impact and how you can strengthen what Tom refers to as your "executive presence."   Listen to Tom Henschel on The Look & Sound of Leadership Podcast wherever you stream podcasts. Access Tom's free resources to help jumpstart your executive presence at   --   If you are struggling to discover the problem that's keeping your business from growing, we can give you a customized plan to fix it. Just go to, fill out the assessment and get a FREE detailed report on the health of your business along with a customized plan on how to make it more profitable. It only takes about 12 minutes to complete! Knowing what's really going on with your business shouldn't be a mystery. Go to right now and get the customized plan you need to fix it.   Every week on Business Made Simple we help you discover what’s wrong with your business then show you how to fix it.
Nov 22, 2021 • 25min

#47: How to Scale as a Solopreneur

Solopreneur- we applaud you. You’ve worked hard, started a business, and grown it to where it is today. Now you’re ready to take the next step! ... Except you’re stuck. And because you alone continue to act as the “secret sauce” powering everything inside your business, you never see the light of day. To take the next step in scaling your business and avoiding burnout, you must first figure out how to scale yourself!   Today's guest, Katherine Kelly of, knows this all too well. Katherine is the "secret sauce" powering her very successful stationary business but is finding it harder and harder to grow when she's stuck doing everything herself. Donald Miller coaches Katherine (and you!) how to give up the need to control all aspects of the business, develop ways to automate, and staff her liabilities to finally gain back the freedom needed to continue dreaming and growing.   Order and experience Katherine's amazing stationary at Follow her on social @KatheringKellyDesign.   --   Are you stuck trying to grow your amazing business everyone should know about? We can help! Go to, share what's been keeping you up at night when it comes to growing your business, and you could be a guest on a future episode. If selected, Donald Miller will coach you during a podcast taping to help identify where your business is blocked and what you need to do to fix it. Stop playing a guessing game when it comes to growing your business and go to today!   If you are struggling to discover the problem that's keeping your business from growing, we can give you a customized plan to fix it. Just go to, fill out the assessment, and get a FREE detailed report on the health of your business along with a customized plan on how to make it more profitable. It only takes about 12 minutes to complete! Knowing what's really going on with your business shouldn't be a mystery. Go to right now and get the customized plan you need to fix it.   Every week on the Business Made Simple Podcast we help you discover what’s wrong with your business then show you how to fix it.
Nov 15, 2021 • 25min

#46: Hala Taha RETURNS—How to Start and Grow Your Own Podcast

Over the last year, podcasts have exploded in popularity, becoming a powerful marketing tool. Podcasts are a great way to engage with and build your customer base, but starting one can seem like a huge undertaking. That's exactly why we invited Hala Taha, host of the Young and Profiting podcast and founder of YAP media, back to the show. She joins Donald Miller to coach you through developing a podcast strategy from start to finish. Hala also reveals which social platform you and your business need to be utilizing to increase engagement and strengthen your customer base.     Find out more about Hala's Young and Profiting podcast and YAP Media at   --   Join Don and Tyler Ginn, Business Made Simple's VP of Sales & Marketing, for a Live Coaching Q&A on How to Drive Sales Using Social Media, Thursday, November 18th. Business Made Simple members get free access! If you're not a Business Made Simple member, go to and subscribe TODAY to get access. In the upcoming livestream you'll get a 5-step plan showing you how to use social media to actually grow revenue for your business. Plus, Don and Tyler will be answering your social media questions LIVE throughout the event. Go to, subscribe today and join us for the livestream Q&A on November 18th!   If you are struggling to discover the problem that's keeping your business from growing, we can give you a customized plan to fix it. Just go to, fill out the assessment and get a FREE detailed report on the health of your business along with a customized plan on how to make it more profitable. It only takes about 12 minutes to complete! Knowing what's really going on with your business shouldn't be a mystery. Go to right now and get the customized plan you need to fix it.   Every week on Business Made Simple we help you discover what’s wrong with your business then show you how to fix it.
Nov 8, 2021 • 30min

#45: Tyler Ginn—How to Use Social Media to Actually Grow Your Business

You know your business is supposed to be on social media, right? So you keep showing up there, posting randomly, spending time and money trying to connect with customers. But if you’re honest, all of your social media efforts don't seem to be leading to more customers or more revenue.   It doesn’t have to be that way. It’s possible to use social media to connect with prospective customers, add new email addresses to your list, and ultimately drive more revenue for your business. In today’s conversation, Donald Miller and Tyler Ginn, Vice President of Marketing and Sales at Business Made Simple, break down the four things that most companies do wrong on social media and tell you exactly how to fix it.   Join Don and Tyler for a member-exclusive Q&A livestream on How to Drive Sales Using Social Media, Thursday, November 18th. Business Made Simple members get free access! If you're not a Business Made Simple member, go to and subscribe TODAY to get access. In the upcoming livestream you'll get a 5-step plan showing you how to use social media to actually grow revenue for your business. Plus, Don and Tyler will be answering your social media questions LIVE throughout the event. Go to, subscribe today and join us for the livestream Q&A on November 18th!   --   If you are struggling to discover the problem that's keeping your business from growing, we can give you a customized plan to fix it. Just go to, fill out the assessment and get a FREE detailed report on the health of your business along with a customized plan on how to make it more profitable. It only takes about 12 minutes to complete! Knowing what's really going on with your business shouldn't be a mystery. Go to right now and get the customized plan you need to fix it.   Every week on Business Made Simple we help you discover what’s wrong with your business then show you how to fix it.
Nov 1, 2021 • 27min

#44: Mignon Francois—How to Build a Business When You Have Absolutely, Freaking Nothing

How can you build your business when you have nothing? Nothing in the bank, nothing left in your fuel tank and nothing much to work with. Believe it or not, there’s a way. That’s why we invited Mignon Francois, founder and CEO of The Cupcake Collection, to share her story of how she started a business at one of the lowest points in her life and grew it into a $15 million empire! If you’re feeling like there’s no way you could ever succeed in your business, Mignon’s story of resilience and reinvention will give you some much needed inspiration.   P.S. If you’re feeling bored with life and are ready to start living with meaning and purpose, just like Mignon, pre-order Donald Miller’s new book, Hero On A Mission (available January 11, 2022). In this book, Donald Miller offers you practical steps you can follow to experience a deep sense of meaning every single day of your life. If you’re tired of living life on autopilot and are ready to make a serious change in your own story, pre-order Hero on a Mission on Amazon or wherever you buy books.   Did you know The Cupcake Collection offers nationwide shipping on all cupcakes? Oh yeah! Now you can enjoy Mignon's world famous sweet treats from anywhere in the US! Go to and order today!   --   If you need help assessing what’s wrong with your business, you can hire a Business Made Simple Certified Coach at We certify the best business coaches in the world who can help you figure out exactly what’s wrong with your business then give you the tools you need to fix it. Just go to today!    Every week on Business Made Simple we help you discover what’s wrong with your business then show you how to fix it.    

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