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Business Made Simple Podcast

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Jan 31, 2022 • 21min

#57: Is Word-of-Mouth Marketing Dead?

Customers are buying your product. They're loving it. ... Then what? As a business, is your job done now? We'll go ahead and give you the answer. If you're not equipping your customers to share about your products after they buy, you're leaving a ton of money on the table.   In this episode, Donald Miller coaches Connor Meakin, founder of Blue Bird Provisions, on how to create marketing that gives your customers everything they need to share about your product, turning them into a sales force for your company. If you thought word-of-mouth marketing was dead, lean in and listen to this episode.   If you think of your business like an airplane, this coaching conversation is all about your right and left engines, your marketing and sales, and after today you will know how to build and implement your marketing so it's not only captivating but moves your customers to spread the word!   Go to and use Promo Code "don" for 15% off your next purchase.   --   Are you stuck trying to grow your amazing business everyone should know about? We can help! Go to, share what's been keeping you up at night when it comes to growing your business, and you could be a guest on a future episode. If selected, Donald Miller will coach you during a podcast taping to help identify where your business is blocked and what you need to do to fix it. Stop playing a guessing game when it comes to growing your business and go to today!   If you are struggling to discover the problem that's keeping your business from growing, we can give you a customized plan to fix it. Just go to, fill out the assessment, and get a FREE detailed report on the health of your business along with a customized plan on how to make it more profitable. It only takes about 12 minutes to complete! Knowing what's really going on with your business shouldn't be a mystery. Go to right now and get the customized plan you need to fix it.   Every week on the Business Made Simple Podcast we help you build your business like an airplane so you can fly it far and fast.
Jan 27, 2022 • 22min

Becoming a Hero on a Mission—How to Ditch a Victim Mentality (When You're Not a Real Victim)

When it comes to your own personal story and experiencing a meaningful life, do you feel like things are coming up short? Even if you have a packed schedule, you might still wake up feeling restless, bored or even hopeless. Know that you are not alone. Too many people have lost interest in their own stories. But in this Business Made Simple six-part limited series, we want to help you change that. We want to help you become a hero on a mission.   Every story includes four basic characters: a hero, villain, victim and guide. Do you know which character you're playing in your life? We often play the victim when we feel overwhelmed with our to-do lists or stuck at our jobs. But unlike true victims who do need our help, a victim mentality is a temporary state that can actually be avoided.   In part four of our series, Donald Miller breaks down how you can take control of your own life, escape the victim mentality, and transform into a hero on a mission.   Dive deeper into crafting a life story filled with meaning and order Hero on a Mission on Amazon, Audible, or wherever you buy books. You will learn to create a life plan, establish a morning ritual and stop playing the victim or villain so you can finally transform into a hero.
Jan 24, 2022 • 35min

#56: Curing the Overworked, Overwhelmed Business Owner

Success as a business owner can feel like a double edged sword. You are accomplishing your dream and growing a business you're passionate about, but you're also doing so much, feeling constantly overwhelmed by the weight of making sure everything runs as it should.   Today's coaching guest finds herself here. Renee Thompson is the founder and CEO of the Healthy Workforce Institute, an organization eradicating bullying and incivility inside the healthcare system. In this episode, Donald Miller coaches Renee on how to evaluate which tasks are the most important and truly need your attention to avoid overworking yourself. After all, if you break yourself, you won't be able to fix what's broken in the world.   If you think of your business like an airplane, this coaching conversation is continuing to show you how to strengthen your wings, or your products, so you can stop living in a state of chaos and actually find time to take a break.   Learn more about Renee Thompson and the amazing work she's doing at   --   Are you stuck trying to grow your amazing business everyone should know about? We can help! Go to, share what's been keeping you up at night when it comes to growing your business, and you could be a guest on a future episode. If selected, Donald Miller will coach you during a podcast taping to help identify where your business is blocked and what you need to do to fix it. Stop playing a guessing game when it comes to growing your business and go to today!   If you are struggling to discover the problem that's keeping your business from growing, we can give you a customized plan to fix it. Just go to, fill out the assessment, and get a FREE detailed report on the health of your business along with a customized plan on how to make it more profitable. It only takes about 12 minutes to complete! Knowing what's really going on with your business shouldn't be a mystery. Go to right now and get the customized plan you need to fix it.   Every week on the Business Made Simple Podcast we help you build your business like an airplane so you can fly it far and fast.
Jan 20, 2022 • 17min

Becoming a Hero on a Mission—Create a Morning Routine that Gives You Meaning

When it comes to your own personal story and experiencing a meaningful life, do you feel like things are coming up short? Even if you have a packed schedule, you might still wake up feeling restless, bored or even hopeless. Know that you are not alone. Too many people have lost interest in their own stories. But in this Business Made Simple six-part limited series, we want to help you change that. We want to help you become a hero on a mission.   In part three of our series, Donald Miller breaks down how to create a morning routine that gives every day meaning, all from his new book Hero on a Mission. Donald walks through the steps to take to propel you towards a meaningful life, including starting your day by reading your eulogy (trust us on this one), reviewing your vision for the future, and knowing exactly what you want to accomplish. Today's conversation will show how to begin each day with intention and purpose.    When you order Hero On a Mission on Amazon, Audible, or wherever you buy books, you get free instant access to our upcoming Hero on a Mission LIVE event on January 27, where Donald Miller will personally walk you through how to create your life plan and morning ritual so you can experience a deep sense of meaning every day. Just go to and register using your receipt number for free access.  
Jan 17, 2022 • 28min

#55: How to Grow Your Business to Seven Figures

It's inevitable; even the most successful businesses eventually hit a plateau. So how do you avoid losing the momentum that grew your business from the ground up?   Today's coaching guest, Gabe Helguera finds himself here. Gabe is the founder and CEO of Drum Beats Online, a subscription-based platform helping drummers level-up their skills. In this episode, Donald Miller coaches Gabe on how to keep his business growing towards his next goal.   If you think of your business like an airplane, this coaching conversation is all about how to strengthen your wings, or your products, helping you level up and reach seven figures!   Learn more about Gabe Helguera and his amazing business at   --   Are you stuck trying to grow your amazing business everyone should know about? We can help! Go to, share what's been keeping you up at night when it comes to growing your business, and you could be a guest on a future episode. If selected, Donald Miller will coach you during a podcast taping to help identify where your business is blocked and what you need to do to fix it. Stop playing a guessing game when it comes to growing your business and go to today!   If you are struggling to discover the problem that's keeping your business from growing, we can give you a customized plan to fix it. Just go to, fill out the assessment, and get a FREE detailed report on the health of your business along with a customized plan on how to make it more profitable. It only takes about 12 minutes to complete! Knowing what's really going on with your business shouldn't be a mystery. Go to right now and get the customized plan you need to fix it.   Every week on the Business Made Simple Podcast we help you build your business like an airplane so you can fly it far and fast.
Jan 13, 2022 • 16min

Becoming a Hero on a Mission—Start By Writing Your Eulogy Now

When it comes to your own personal story and experiencing a meaningful life, do you feel like things are coming up short? Even if you have a packed schedule, you might still wake up feeling restless, bored or even hopeless. Know that you are not alone. Too many people have lost interest in their own stories. But in this Business Made Simple six-part limited series, we want to help you change that. We want to help you become a hero on a mission.   In part two of our series, Donald Miller talks through the exercise of writing your own eulogy, all from his new book Hero on a Mission. While it may seem morbid, writing your eulogy while you're alive actually gives direction how you should spend your time each day and how you truly want to spend the rest of your life. You'll find that determining how you want your story to end acts as the perfect filter to help make decisions on living a life that gives you true meaning and purpose.   When you preorder Hero On a Mission on Amazon, Audible, or wherever you buy books, you'll also get free instant access to Donald Miller's limited video series How to Transform Your Life with Story-Based Goal Setting. Just email your receipt to, and you'll unlock the course you need to achieve your goals using the power of story.
Jan 10, 2022 • 35min

#54: How Writing a Book Can Give Your Business Extra Fuel

Do you have life experiences that feel too valuable not to share with the world? Or have you figured something out in you business you know other business owners struggle with? Writing a book is great way to not only share your valuable story, but also give your business an extra dose of fuel. While it may seem like it's in a different lane, publishing a book helps strengthen several parts of your airplane - your marketing engine, your sales engine, and even your leadership in the cockpit.   But where do you even begin? In today's coaching conversation, Donald Miller gives Kirbee Miller, owner of KiNiMi Kitchen, a step-by-step plan for how to start writing her first book. If you're ready to share what you have to offer with the world, today's episode is for you.   Learn more about Kirbee Miller and order some of her delicious one-of-a-kind popcorn at You can clao follow Kirbee on Instagram @kinimikitchen.    --   Preorder Hero On a Mission on Amazon, Audible, or wherever you buy books, and get free instant access to Donald Miller's limited video series How to Transform Your Life with Story-Based Goal Setting. Just email your receipt to, and you'll unlock the course you need to achieve your goals using the power of story.   Are you stuck trying to grow your amazing business everyone should know about? We can help! Go to, share what's been keeping you up at night when it comes to growing your business, and you could be a guest on a future episode. If selected, Donald Miller will coach you during a podcast taping to help identify where your business is blocked and what you need to do to fix it. Stop playing a guessing game when it comes to growing your business and go to today!   If you are struggling to discover the problem that's keeping your business from growing, we can give you a customized plan to fix it. Just go to, fill out the assessment, and get a FREE detailed report on the health of your business along with a customized plan on how to make it more profitable. It only takes about 12 minutes to complete! Knowing what's really going on with your business shouldn't be a mystery. Go to right now and get the customized plan you need to fix it.   Every week on the Business Made Simple Podcast we help you build your business like an airplane you can fly far and fast.
Jan 6, 2022 • 19min

Becoming a Hero on a Mission—How to Rediscover Purpose and Meaning in Your Life

When it comes to your own personal story and experiencing a meaningful life, do you feel like things are coming up short? Even if you have a packed schedule, you might still wake up feeling restless, bored or even hopeless. Know that you are not alone. Too many people have lost interest in their own stories. But in this Business Made Simple six-part limited series, we want to help you change that. We want to help you become a hero on a mission.   In part one of our series, Donald Miller shows you how to find purpose in your life's story, all from his new book Hero on a Mission. If you're ready to wake up every morning interested in your own life, your own business, and your own story, then lean in and listen to how you can discover a deeper sense of meaning.   When you preorder Hero On a Mission on Amazon, Audible, or wherever you buy books, you'll also get free instant access to Donald Miller's limited video series How to Transform Your Life with Story-Based Goal Setting. Just email your receipt to, and you'll unlock the course you need to achieve your goals using the power of story.
Jan 3, 2022 • 22min

#53: How to Incorporate Your Mission into Your Products

For some business owners, the mission behind the business is what truly drives them, and at the end of the day, means more to them than making a profit. However, as a business, you have to make money to stay operational and actually sustain the mission. So how do you do both successfully? First, you need to incorporate your mission into your products. Second, you need to market your mission and your products consecutively.   Think of it this way: if your business is like an airplane, your products are your wings, and it's imperative they are strong and stable so you can make it to your destination. If not, your business will crash!    In today's coaching conversation, Donald Miller talks with Abra Kinkopf, founder of L.A. America by Mux. Abra designs and sells high end t-shirts to support her mission of saving and preserving Kaqchikel, a Guatemalan language, from dying out. If you run a mission-based business but feel like you're headed into a nose dive, today's episode will help pull you out of it!   You can support Kaqchikel language preservation by going to or @America_Mux on Instagram.   --   Are you stuck trying to grow your amazing business everyone should know about? We can help! Go to, share what's been keeping you up at night when it comes to growing your business, and you could be a guest on a future episode. If selected, Donald Miller will coach you during a podcast taping to help identify where your business is blocked and what you need to do to fix it. Stop playing a guessing game when it comes to growing your business and go to today!   If you are struggling to discover the problem that's keeping your business from growing, we can give you a customized plan to fix it. Just go to, fill out the assessment, and get a FREE detailed report on the health of your business along with a customized plan on how to make it more profitable. It only takes about 12 minutes to complete! Knowing what's really going on with your business shouldn't be a mystery. Go to right now and get the customized plan you need to fix it.   Every week on the Business Made Simple Podcast we help you build your business like an airplane you can fly far and fast.
Dec 30, 2021 • 3min

Hero on a Mission Limited Series PREVIEW—What You Need in a Morning Ritual

Most of us are bored with the story we’re living. We’ve lost interest in our own lives, and as a result, we spend our days feeling anxious, restless or just flat out hopeless. But what if you stopped trusting fate to write the story of your life and started living like a character in an interesting story? Our new six-part limited podcast series, Hero on a Mission, will help you do just that! In this preview of an upcoming episode, host Donald Miller walks you through creating a morning ritual so you know exactly how you should be spending each day.    Just follow the Business Made Simple Podcast feed and every Thursday starting January 6th for six weeks we will unpack what you need to do to create a life plan that finally lets you live everyday with a deeper sense of meaning and purpose.    If you are ready to stop leaving your life up to fate and rediscover true purpose and meaning, the Hero on a Mission limited podcast series is exactly what you need. Just follow the Business Made Simple Podcast feed wherever you stream podcasts and every Thursday for six weeks starting January 6th you will learn how to become a hero on a mission.

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