Too Legitimate to Quit: Growth Strategies with a Pop Culture Spin cover image

Too Legitimate to Quit: Growth Strategies with a Pop Culture Spin

Latest episodes

Jun 15, 2023 • 1h 1min

113: On Self-Advocacy, Spending Habits & The Last of Us (feat. Bob Wheeler)

Welcome to Too Legitimate to Quit - Summer School 2023! To kick off this season of learning and laughs, we dive straight into financial wellness, shame, and the coming zombie apocalypse. What could be more fun than that!? The incredible Bob Wheeler is here to talk us through the emotions that wrap themselves tightly around our money, how we can apply more intention and attention where it counts, and what we can learn from the not-always-so-smart protagonists on our favorite video-game-turned-TV Show, The Last of Us. Resources: - Connect with Bob through his website and Instagram. - Don't forget to check out his podcast, Money You Should Ask. - Feel weird about how you earn your money (or worried about why you don't earn more)? Grab a free copy of Annie's strategy novella, "The Coach Who Would Not Sell" at and use the code LEGIT What's Inside: [00:01:18] Meet Bob Wheeler: financial wizard, comedian, mountain climber [00:05:15] What sacrifices are you willing to make? [00:09:20] Self-sabotage, protection or noble act? [00:11:19] Risk and pushback are necessary for success. [00:16:04] Confidence and benevolence erase narcissism! [00:19:53] "Assess and excavate" to escape limiting stories. [00:22:05] Budgeting and spending: the real scoop. [00:36:52] When characters do stupid things (and when we do) [00:38:28] How to stop being a reactive mess [00:42:12] Problem-solving  = communication + compromise [00:51:59] "Live large, own mistakes, be aware" [00:57:34] Homework: Take a breath, list expenses, analyze patterns. Wanna binge? Check out these related episodes: 108: On Sales Avoidance, Scrappiness & The Walking Dead (feat. Sarah Walton) 4: On Money, Expectations & Gossip Girl (feat. Kate Grayson) 81: On Closers, Compassion & Attack on Titan (feat. Jason Marc Campbell) 85: On Financial Confidence, Control & Yellowstone (feat. Danielle Hayden) 91: On Moneymakers, Self-Management & Paper Mario (feat. Melissa Guller)
May 19, 2023 • 1h 14min

112: How to Avoid Entrepreneurial Bullsh*t: A Candid Convo on Sleaze, Collabs, and True Crime with the Hosts of Pass The Bullsh*t

Crystal Tosh and Amy Hartmann, co-founders of SoTrue Digital and hosts of "Pass The Bullsh*t," dive into the pitfalls of conforming in online business. They emphasize embracing authenticity, critiquing the copy-and-paste marketing culture. Laugh-out-loud anecdotes highlight the absurdities of DM spamming and the art of genuine networking. They even draw surprising parallels between true crime and entrepreneurship, showcasing how intuition and authenticity can lead to success. Their candid reflections spark a refreshing take on building meaningful connections.
May 10, 2023 • 43min

111: On Audio Branding, Improvisation & Dungeons & Dragons (feat. Jodi Krangle)

How can you evoke emotion (ethically) and show your passion for your work? How can you stand out in a sea of similar brands? And what the heck can be learned about partnership, flexibility, and delight from the spellcasting, dice-rolling romp known worldwide as Dungeons and Dragons? This week, Annie P. Ruggles is joined by the incomparable Jodi Krangle. Jodi's been heard in thousands of your favorite commercials and on your favorite brand websites too. In this episode she drops gem after gem about embracing your unique sound and harnessing your fire to create impactful content. Then, Jodi and Annie nerd-out hardcore about the weird joys (and strategic perks!) of role-playing games like D&D. This episode is a Critical Hit! Resources: - Connect with Jodi through her website, LinkedIn, and Clubhouse - Lowry Olafson's SongBrand will sing your brand out loud. - Download Jodi's free guide to implementing an intentional Audio Brand here. - Don't forget to check out her podcast, Audio Branding. What's Inside: [00:04:11]  Music: The Master Manipulator [00:07:02]  Why Sound Is Essential for Brands [00:09:53]  Podcasts: The Multitasking Medium [00:17:54]   Passion Over Perfection [00:23:49]  Tips for Hating Your Voice on Podcasts [00:27:52]  Jealousy and Comedy in the World of D&D [00:29:55]  Essential Improv Skills for Entrepreneurs [00:31:59]   Embrace your Uniqueness Already! [00:39:49]  This Week's Homework: Rekindle Old Loves Wanna binge? Check out these related episodes: 36: On Goal-Setting, Theme Songs & Ally McBeal (feat. Debra Eckerling) 59: On Influence, Ethics & Buffy the Vampire Slayer (feat. Johnny Ball) 64: On Brand Stories, Self-Talk & Curb Your Enthusiasm (feat. Dana Magnus) 88: On Customer Satisfaction, Loneliness & Jesus Christ Superstar (feat. Ron Ben-Joseph) 104: On Values, Adaptability & The White Lotus (feat. Brian Patacca)
Apr 19, 2023 • 54min

110: On Vulnerability, Introversion & Alfred Hitchcock (feat. Joy Bufalini)

How can introverts (or empaths, or people-pleasers) sell and market their businesses without coming across as pushy and aggressive? How can every small business owner keep their nature and their gifts in mind when it comes to energy management, content creation, and consistent outreach? And what the heck does it have to do with Alfred Hitchcock and all those terrifying birds? This week, Annie P. Ruggles is joined by the powerhouse known as Joy Bufalini. Joy is a scaling and simplicity expert who deeply understands you can't grow until your message is clear and your systems are solid. It's a jam-packed episode spanning content strategies, relationship building, client relations, branding, logo design and more before diving into the work and style of Alfred Hitchcock. What can we learn about addressing client pain points and evoking emotion (with consent) from the master of dark shadows and suspense? Parentpreneur advisory: This episode contains brief moments of colorful language. Resources: - Connect with Joy through her website and Facebook group. - Download Joy's free Daily Needle-Movers Cheat Sheet here. - Grab your free copy of Annie P. Ruggles' bestselling Hitchcock-inspired business fable, The Coach Who Would Not Sell, at Use the code "Legitimate." What's Inside: [00:05:40] Why Repurposing Content is Essential for Marketing [00:20:13] Honor Decision Making [00:29:47] Introvert's Guide to Consistent Energy Management [00:34:42] Maximizing Leadership Energy [00:41:24] Engagement Hacks from Storytelling [00:45:24] The Power of the Mundane [00:46:26] The Horrors of Entrepreneurship [00:50:23] Your homework is to master "dialogue and detail" Wanna binge? Check out these related episodes: 20: On Wellbeing, Profit & Grace and Frankie (feat. Sandra Francisco) 43: On Storytelling, Problem-Solving & Star Wars (feat. Seth Erickson) 56: On Aggression, Inspiration & The Real Housewives (feat. Amanda Abella) 67: On Accountability, Energy Management & The Lord of the Rings (feat. Steven Hyatt) 91: On Moneymakers, Self-Management & Paper Mario (feat. Melissa Guller)
Apr 5, 2023 • 49min

109: On Webinars, Credibility & Pleasantville (feat. Tom Poland)

Are you suffering from or through "random acts of marketing?" Online visibility is such a noisy endeavor - so many options, so many "shoulds." How do you know what's right for you and which efforts to double down on? And- is the webinar dead? This week, Annie P. is joined by the fabulous "leads guru" known as Tom Poland. As a multiple bestselling author and marketing expert, Tom helps professionals generate high-quality leads in 151 cities across the globe. With 39 years of experience under his belt, Tom has started and sold numerous businesses, led teams of over 100 people, and generated more than $20 million in revenue. Then, Tom and Annie have a frank discussion about delegation, creation, gimmicks, proof, and the power of intention before living into lessons learned through the color-bending classic, "Pleasantville." Resources: - Connect with Tom through his website and LinkedIn. - Don't forget to check out his podcast, Marketing The Invisible. - You can watch Annie's episode on YouTube!- Get your free copy of Tom's book at What's Inside: 00:00:00 - Transparency vs. Hype 00:01:33 - This week, Tom suggests we focus on lead-gen. 00:04:59 - Predictability can be so boring, but it just might keep the dream alive. 00:10:54 - Outsourcing the lackluster stuff 00:13:59 - The real and unexpected reason 80% of marketing strategies fail 00:14:47 - Passion is the missing ingredient in most webinars 00:16:56 - "Skin in the game:" not to little, not too much 00:18:27 - WTF is a hybrid webinar? 00:19:49 - To attract the right audience, pick the right problem. 00:25:09 - Running away with Hugh Jackman: A Teachable Moment 00:27:27 - Webinars and Demos 00:29:31 - Sales Ambush! (And how to avoid it, obviously.) 00:38:32 - Welcome to Pleasantville. 00:40:56 - Are your following your "clues?" 00:41:30 - The myth of the "perfect" webinar 00:44:02 -  00:45:21 - This week your homework is to challenge your perceptions. Wanna binge? Check out these related episodes: 15: On Authority, Delegation & Jeopardy (feat. Terry McDougall) 37: On Connection, Curiosity & Murder She Wrote (feat. Nikki Nash) 40: On Kindness, Differentiation & Revenge of the Nerds (feat. Mike Michalowicz) 75: On Relationship Marketing, Visibility & Survivor (feat. Angie Trueblood) 89: On Likes, Leads & Somebody Feed Phil (feat. Hannah Acosta) Grab your free copy of Annie P. Ruggles' bestselling business fable, The Coach Who Would Not Sell, at Use the code "Legitimate."
Mar 22, 2023 • 51min

108: On Sales Avoidance, Scrappiness & The Walking Dead (feat. Sarah Walton)

Sales is the art of receiving money in exchange for your goods and services. It's an energetic exchange between two people, and it can be beautiful. Here to prove that point are two highly opinionated, emotional women discussing The Walking Dead. This week, Annie P. is joined by a beloved sister in the ethical/heart-centered sales space, Sarah Walton. Unlike Annie, Sarah grew up loving the rush and competition of selling. (Annie made her grandma buy all her Girls Scout Cookies.) But - both sales strategists stand together in the undeniable truth that if you're running a business you must sell, and sell, and keep selling - but it should never require you to compromise your integrity or self-respect. Then, after swapping sales strategies, trips and tricks, the pair embark on a journey through Atlanta's favorite zombie apocalypse, The Walking Dead, which Sarah argues is "very, very entrepreneurial." *Parentpreneur advisory: this episode contains small amounts of colorful language. Resources: - Connect with Sarah through her website and Instagram. - Don't forget to check out her podcast, Game On, Girlfriend - Find her free Freedom Calculator at What's Inside: [00:00:00] You need a gateway drug to you.  [00:02:41] Small business owners need to focus on selling something every day.  [00:03:16] "Launches" are concentrated bursts of high stress. Some people adore them, some suffer through them. [00:07:03] When did you realize that selling could be a pleasurable experience? [00:12:14] Women do "the invisible work" that makes the world work.  [00:17:23] Deep, heart-centered [self-] forgiveness work may be required. [00:23:02] What is the difference between ambition and scrappiness? [00:34:50] The Walking Dead is the ultimate gauntlet and very, very entrepreneurial. [00:39:08] Fast Forwarding Through The Gore of Entrepreneurship [00:47:18] Your homework is to brainstorm sales role models - and not the ones you think.  Wanna binge? Check out these related episodes: 34: On Selling, Serving & Cher (feat. Katrina Summers) 54: On Persuasion, Sales & What About Bob? (feat. Jason Cutter) 68: On High-Ticket Selling, Integrity & The Lion King (feat. Isaac Ho) 81: On Closers, Compassion & Attack on Titan (feat. Jason Marc Campbell) Grab your free copy of Annie P. Ruggles' bestselling business fable, The Coach Who Would Not Sell, at Use the code "Legitimate."
Feb 21, 2023 • 56min

107: On Growth, Grit & That '90s Show (feat. Sam Varner)

Are you truly making profit a priority? There are so many metrics to track, clients to dazzle, prospects to woo, details to manage. It's shockingly easy for our livelihoods to get lost in the shuffle. But, we can't grow what we don't fully understand. How can we cut through the shiny objects vying for our attention, and focus in on the areas that will help us soar? In this week's jam-packed episode, Sam Varner offers reframe after reframe for your goals, struggles, successes, and gifts. "Entrepreneurial struggle" AKA the horrible, soul-sucking parts of self-employment come up an awful lot in this chat, but Sam and Annie keep things humorous and practical while diving headfirst into their own hard-won lessons and vulnerable shares. Then, we're back in Red and Kitty's basement. What lessons can we learn about our best practices from That '90s Show? *Parentpreneur advisory: this episode contains small amounts of colorful language. Resources: - Connect with Sam through her website and Instagram. - Don't forget to check out her podcast, She Needs Grit. What's Inside: [00:00:00] Are you making profit a priority? [00:02:51] If we work backward, we know the efficacy of things almost before we do them.  [00:08:59] I use my metrics for Dopamine. Spoiler: That's a bad choice.  [00:10:15] Where are you tripping in your sales world? [00:17:14] Grit is being "all in" your business until it works.  [00:29:17] The clearest entrepreneurial success stories were those who pushed through and kept going. [00:36:53] We need to find the balance between nurturing and ass-kicking. [00:40:56] What can we learn from That 90s Show about breathing new life into things that worked before?  [00:45:17] What our audiences want is the familiar.  [00:52:52] Your homework this week is to write one piece of content in a different tone or style than usual.  Wanna binge? Check out these related episodes: 20: On Wellbeing, Profit & Grace and Frankie (feat. Sandra Francisco) 84: On Hype, Consistency & Seinfeld (feat. Jason Cercone) 87: On Data, Downturns & Pretty in Pink 100: On Big Leaps, Busywork & Elton John (feat. Bri Seeley)
Feb 14, 2023 • 52min

106: On Launches, Social Listening & Iron Man (feat. Jennifer Tamborski)

Does it seem like everyone around you is always "launching?" Big launches! Flashy launches! Multi-day multi-media launches! What the heck is a launch anyhow? And do we really need to talk about ourselves this much in order to succeed? This week, Annie P. is joined by digital marketer extraordinaire, Jennifer Tamborski. It's a jam-packed episode about pipeline maintenance, funnel hacks, vulnerability, and more - before dipping TLTQ's very first toe into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. What marketing and biz dev lessons can we learn from Tony Stark, Super Entrepreneur? *Parentpreneur advisory: this episode contains small amounts of colorful language. Resources: - Connect with Jennifer through her website and YouTube. - Check out her podcast, Marketing Matchmaker on all the major platforms. - Don't forget to grab her free guide to generating consistent leads here: What's Inside: [00:00:00] If they haven't done it themselves, they can't take you there.  [00:01:10] In order to create consistent profits in your business, you must have consistent leads.  [00:06:37] Marketing and sales are not the same department. [00:13:14] No one is coming to a baseball field they don't know about except ghosts. [00:14:39] Visibility is vulnerable until you realize that it's not actually about you. [00:21:34] Content creation can be overwhelming. [00:24:21] Creating relationships is how social media survives.  [00:31:02] If you treat your business as a hobby, it will pay you like a hobby.  [00:35:06] Marvel never stops churning out content.  [00:36:21] For Iron Man, it's always about creating something better.  [00:40:22] The ripple effect is so much wider than we think. [00:46:50] Head over to Marketing Matchmaker.  [00:47:58] This week, your homework is to be a hero by practicing social listening.  Wanna binge? Check out these related episodes: - 27: On Challenges, Self-Talk & Batman Begins (feat. Paul Ross) - 37: On Connection, Curiosity & Murder She Wrote (feat. Nikki Nash) - 40: On Kindness, Differentiation & Revenge of the Nerds (feat. Mike Michalowicz) - 98: On Enthusiasm, SEO, and The A-Team (feat. Seth Goldstein)
Feb 7, 2023 • 47min

105: On Emails, Takeaways & Outlander (feat. Danielle Weil)

Is your email list really that important? How can we best communicate our deep awareness of the problems our prospects face without pouring salt in the wound? How can we find the perfect balance between personalized storytelling and widely applicable takeaways? Danielle Weil, copy strategist to the stars, is here to set us straight.  She outlines tip after tip for fostering trust and connection with your readers, finding inspiration everywhere, and leaning into structure to free your mind. Then, Danielle and Annie (brilliant women who read trashy, trashy books) dive into what lessons can be learned from the book series turned TV sensation, Outlander. *Parentpreneur advisory: this episode contains small amounts of colorful language. Resources: Connect with Danielle through her Instagram and LinkedIn. Don't forget to grab her free guide, containing 30+ tips for crafting perfect subject lines for your emails at What's Inside: [00:00:00] - You always have to start with where they are.  [00:00:46]- What do small business owners need to focus on this week? Your nurture sequence. [00:03:25] - You are incubating and raising someone's trust and awareness of you.  [00:04:55] - It isn't just about proving yourself, it's about differentiating yourself. [00:13:07] - If you can give me a takeaway, something that'll shorten my learning curve, I'm all in. [00:13:47] - Small details can be really interesting.  [00:18:01] - When a show manages to get real, we appreciate it. [00:21:26] - What you're actually crafting is a narrative.  [00:24:34] - Structures allow you the freedom to be more creative.  [00:29:59] - Let's differentiate structure from templates! [00:30:59] - What can we learn about writing emails from book series like Outlander? [00:32:44] - Segmentation allows your audience to choose their own adventure.  [00:35:09] - How do you explain germs to somebody who has no idea?  [00:38:09] - It may be easier to blend in.  [00:39:44] - Change is scary. But that also doesn't mean that the solution isn't also scary.  [00:43:31] - Shockingly deep and surprisingly meaningful: the question we asked #PodFest2023 and your homework for the week Wanna binge? Check out these related episodes: - On Bravery, Resilience & Bridgerton (feat. Heather Vickery) - On Creativity, Discipline & The Home Edit (feat. Molly Beran) - On Resonance, Experimentation & Ferris Bueller's Day Off (feat. Christy Cegelski) - On Clients, Connection & Mean Girls (feat. Breanna Gunn)
Jan 18, 2023 • 1h 1min

104: On Values, Adaptability & The White Lotus (feat. Brian Patacca)

Should your stances, causes, and beliefs be part of your brand? Should we welcome unsubscribes and bitchy comments - or play it safe when it comes to "hot button" topics? And what the heck should we do when our best-laid plans don't seem so shiny or effective anymore? Welcome back to Too Legitimate to Quit! It's our first episode of 2023 and it's a giddy whirlwind of marketing tips, mindset reframes, and Musical Theatre references. The wildly charming and utterly soothing Brian Patacca brings so much wisdom and joy to this episode, you can tell he's a nondenominational Reverend! How can we stay committed to ourselves and our truth when the going gets tough (or tender) and what the heck does any of it have to do with international sensation, The White Lotus? Let's find out! What's Inside: 0:00 - Intro & Theme 2:51 - Main Interview with Brian 45:25 - The White Lotus Tie-in 58:43 - Final Thought & Homework *Parentpreneur advisory: this episode contains colorful language. Connect with Brian through his website and Instagram. Don't forget to check out his podcast, Brian Breaks Character.

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