Women's Wellness ON AIR WITH ELLA cover image

Women's Wellness ON AIR WITH ELLA

Latest episodes

Sep 2, 2021 • 31min

248: Cook Once, Eat All Week - Kitchen Hacks w/ Cassy Joy Garcia

SHOW NOTES & LINKS: www.onairella.com/post/248-cassy-joy-garcia Cassy Joy Garcia, founder of Fed + Fit, says that getting a healthy, homemade dinner on the table shouldn’t be so hard, and she helps us solve this problem with easy recipes, meal prep tips, nutrition and healthy lifestyle tips.  GET THE NEW MERCH! CONNECT WITH ELLA: @onairwithella SUPPORT THE SHOW: Become a Patron SHOP ELLA’S FAVES 
Aug 26, 2021 • 39min

247: My unpopular opinions; What I am bad at....it's your Q&A! {SOLO}

Ella's answering your questions: Do you ever disagree with your guests? What are your most "unpopular opinions?" What drives you crazy? Do you have any tattoos? What products are you obsessed with right now? What would surprise us most about you? What are you bad at? SHOW NOTES & RESOURCES MENTIONED: www.onairella.com/post/247-unpopular-opinions    ---------------------------------- CONNECT WITH ELLA: Instagram @onairwithella  Blog www.onairella.com ☎️ Leave a message: +1 (202) 681-0388   ---------------------------------- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  Can you take 32 secs leave a review? Click here, scroll to the bottom, and tap five stars. Then click "Write a Review." Leave a comment and we might read it on the air!  ---------------------------------- 🛍️ PROMOS: Shop Kion Amino Acids - promo code ONAIRELLA Get my favorite probiotic Oxyceutics - use code ELLA15 to save 15% (tip: use “subscribe & save” for an additional 20% discount)
Aug 17, 2021 • 36min

245: Start a Business on a Budget; Make Your Money Work FOR You - Bridgette Boucha

MONEY IS A RENEWABLE RESOURCE...TIME IS NOT. Bridgette Boucha is a heart-centered CFO helping entrepreneurs by managing our most important resources: time, people, money and energy. SHOW NOTES: https://www.onairella.com/post/245-bridgette-boucha WHAT WE COVER Starting a business on budget 3 things to consider before you start Common mistakes Bridgette sees entrepreneurs make Personal financial management is self care How to change your internal conversation about money Why (and how) Bridgette left the corporate world to be her own boss         ----------------------------------------- CONNECT WITH ELLA: Instagram @onairwithella  Blog www.onairella.com ☎️ Leave a message: +1 (202) 681-0388  ----------------------------------------- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  Can you take 32 secs leave a review? Click here, scroll to the bottom, and tap five stars. Then click "Write a Review." Leave a comment and we might read it on the air!  ---------------------------------- 🛍️ PROMOS: Shop Kion Amino Acids - promo code ONAIRELLA Get my favorite probiotic Oxyceutics - use code ELLA15 to save 15% (tip: use “subscribe & save” for an additional 20% discount)
Aug 3, 2021 • 52min

244: How to get the best sleep of your life (and why you want to) - Shawn Stevenson

Shawn Stevenson, host of The Model Health Show, tells us the 1 thing that we're not doing to improve performance, fat loss and life in general. And it's NOT exercise or diet. {REBROADCAST}In this episode:+ What do fat loss, premature aging and food cravings have to do with sleep?+ Women vs. Men in the bedroom. (Not what you think.)+ The pros know that exercising less and sleeping more gets better results, faster+ Melatonin: good or bad?+ Shawn's best hacks for the best sleep of your life+ How your electronics are ruining your sex life. (This is what you think.)+ Ella overshares about her sleeping habits+ The #1 thing that helped Shawn improve his sleep immediately🌟 Guest: @ShawnStevenson📝 Show notes: www.onairella.com/post/244-shawn-stevenson--------------------------------On Air With Ella is for women who want to feel better, look better, live better - and have more fun doing it. This is where we share simple strategies and tips for living a bit better every day. If you’re interested in mindset and wellness, healthy habits and relationships, or hormone health, aging well and eating well, then you’re in the right place. Connect with Ella: @onairwithella www.onairella.com LinkedInYouTubePrivate Facebook GroupElla's Amazon Shop☎️ Leave a voice message: +1 (202) 681-0388 -----------------------------------------------Want to leave a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review?Click here, scroll to bottom, and tap 5 stars. Then click "Write a Review." If you leave a comment we might read it on the air!🎧 Free Custom Playlist - grab yours here.🛎️ Subscribe to my 🎧 AUDIO newsletter for the behind-the-scenes scoop!-----------------------------------🚨 Join us May 9th for the Women of Impact event in NJ! Code ELLA20 saves $20 for the first 10 people! SAVE YOUR SEAT.💟 Treat Ella to a Coffee? For the cost of a cup of ☕️ you can help us grow - thank you! Make your donation here.🛍️ DISCOUNTS & PROMOS - shop, save and support!Build and keep muscle. Shop Kion Amino Acids - save with promo code ONAIRELLAMy favorite probiotic Oxyceutics - use code ELLA15 to save 15% (use “subscribe & save” for additional 20% discount)>>> See all of my discounts and brands that I love right here!-----------------------------------
Jul 27, 2021 • 32min

243: Why We Are Sometimes Our Worst Enemy - Andrea Owen

Andrea Owen joins us to talk about: How and why women are sometimes our own worst enemy We've been conditioned not to take up space and shine too bright - how do we live OUT LOUD against that narrative?
Why women need to start prioritizing pleasure
You thought the wage gap was bad? Wait 'til you hear about the orgasm gap...
SHOW NOTES: https://www.onairella.com/post/243-andrea-owenWANT MORE ELLA + ANDREA?066: Confidence + Courage 084: Ella Needs a Social Life 156: Stop Numbing Out with Food, Alcohol185: Gray Area Drinking "What Triathlon Has Taught Me About Life" on Andrea's podcast------------------------------------On Air With Ella is for women who want to feel better, look better, live better - and have more fun doing it. This is where we share simple strategies and tips for living a bit better every day. If you’re interested in mindset and wellness, healthy habits and relationships, or hormone health, aging well and eating well, then you’re in the right place. Connect with Ella: @onairwithella www.onairella.com LinkedInYouTubePrivate Facebook GroupElla's Amazon Shop☎️ Leave a voice message: +1 (202) 681-0388 -----------------------------------------------Want to leave a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review?Click here, scroll to bottom, and tap 5 stars. Then click "Write a Review." If you leave a comment we might read it on the air!🎧 Free Custom Playlist - grab yours here.🛎️ Subscribe to my 🎧 AUDIO newsletter for the behind-the-scenes scoop!-----------------------------------🚨 Join us May 9th for the Women of Impact event in NJ! Code ELLA20 saves $20 for the first 10 people! SAVE YOUR SEAT.💟 Treat Ella to a Coffee? For the cost of a cup of ☕️ you can help us grow - thank you! Make your donation here.🛍️ DISCOUNTS & PROMOS - shop, save and support!Build and keep muscle. Shop Kion Amino Acids - save with promo code ONAIRELLAMy favorite probiotic Oxyceutics - use code ELLA15 to save 15% (use “subscribe & save” for additional 20% discount)>>> See all of my discounts and brands that I love right here!-----------------------------------
Jul 20, 2021 • 44min

242: Healthy Belly - Gut Health with Elishia Coleman

HAPPY GUT, HAPPY LIFE The gut is such a critical component of our overall wellness and vitality. Elishia Coleman joins us to discuss:
Jul 11, 2021 • 40min

241: Why diversifying your friend group is important & how to start - Tiffany Ellis

SHOW NOTES: https://www.onairella.com/post/241-cross-racial-friendships Tiffany Ellis and I are discovering there's so much to learn and enjoy when we widen our circles, expand beyond our comfort zones, and are willing to say the things that others won't - all in the name of friendship and connection. WHAT WE TALK ABOUT:Women supporting women....all women.Cross-Racial friendshipsWhy are they important? Why are they hard(er)?When the media is creating narratives and feeding you what it thinks will provoke and engage you, the best antidote - in our opinion - is to make a friend! In 2014, a study found that three-quarters of white people don’t have any non-white friends!How to make friends that don't look like youWhat NOT to do when we're trying to build real relationships (vs engaging in tokenism)Why social media probably isn't the best place for this workIntent vs impact, performative vs transformative - building relationships on safe groundOur differences makes for richer experiences... and yet, we have so much in common!
Jul 6, 2021 • 39min

240: My Profound Experience with RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) - Kate Tolson

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) changed my life, and I'm finally sharing the details with you. Four years ago, my RTT experience was the key to ending my binge eating forever, and recently I went back for more.I'm sharing my journey and the nuts and bolts of RTT with Kate Tolson. WHAT WE TALK ABOUT:The power of subconscious healing for permanent change (when nothing else seems to work)What is RTT?Why / how does it work?What isn’t it?Does RTT work if you "can't get into hypnosis?"My own experience and healing journey with RTTDownload the free INNER CAVE meditation!Want to work with Kate? LEARN MORE HERE.SHOW NOTES & LINKS:www.onairella.com/post/240-rapid-transformational-therapyOn Air With Ella is for women who want to feel better, look better, live better - and have more fun doing it. This is where we share simple strategies and tips for living a bit better every day. If you’re interested in mindset and wellness, healthy habits and relationships, or hormone health, aging well and eating well, then you’re in the right place. Connect with Ella: @onairwithella www.onairella.com LinkedInYouTubePrivate Facebook GroupElla's Amazon Shop☎️ Leave a voice message: +1 (202) 681-0388 -----------------------------------------------Want to leave a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review?Click here, scroll to bottom, and tap 5 stars. Then click "Write a Review." If you leave a comment we might read it on the air!🎧 Free Custom Playlist - grab yours here.🛎️ Subscribe to my 🎧 AUDIO newsletter for the behind-the-scenes scoop!-----------------------------------🚨 Join us May 9th for the Women of Impact event in NJ! Code ELLA20 saves $20 for the first 10 people! SAVE YOUR SEAT.💟 Treat Ella to a Coffee? For the cost of a cup of ☕️ you can help us grow - thank you! Make your donation here.🛍️ DISCOUNTS & PROMOS - shop, save and support!Build and keep muscle. Shop Kion Amino Acids - save with promo code ONAIRELLAMy favorite probiotic Oxyceutics - use code ELLA15 to save 15% (use “subscribe & save” for additional 20% discount)>>> See all of my discounts and brands that I love right here!-----------------------------------
Jul 4, 2021 • 35min

239: Gas a Woman Up! How to Be a Better Hype Woman

How to be a better hype woman and empower yourself in the process. Do you think women truly do a good job of #womensupportingwomen in business & social arenas? My experience is that women are insanely supportive of one another in SO many ways, but can be lacking in this area when it comes to business and public support.What comes up for us when we “share the shine?” How can we empower ourselves by uplifting others? TIMESTAMPS: 00:55 - UPDATES00:02:33: Gas a woman up! 00:18:48: Life update...from head injuries to relocating (with the ex?), to recovery and silver linings. Oh, and I have shingles (?!?)SHOW NOTES: www.onairella.com/post/239-gas-a-woman-up🎧 Free Custom Playlist - grab yours here.🛎️ Subscribe to my 🎧 AUDIO newsletter for the behind-the-scenes scoop!-----------------------------------🚨 Join us May 9th for the Women of Impact event in NJ! Code ELLA20 saves $20 for the first 10 people! SAVE YOUR SEAT.💟 Treat Ella to a Coffee? For the cost of a cup of ☕️ you can help us grow - thank you! Make your donation here.🛍️ DISCOUNTS & PROMOS - shop, save and support!Build and keep muscle. Shop Kion Amino Acids - save with promo code ONAIRELLAMy favorite probiotic Oxyceutics - use code ELLA15 to save 15% (use “subscribe & save” for additional 20% discount)>>> See all of my discounts and brands that I love right here!-----------------------------------On Air With Ella is for women who want to feel better, look better, live better - and have more fun doing it. This is where we share simple strategies and tips for living a bit better every day. If you’re interested in mindset and wellness, healthy habits and relationships, or hormone health, aging well and eating well, then you’re in the right place. Connect with Ella: @onairwithella www.onairella.com LinkedInYouTubePrivate Facebook GroupElla's Amazon Shop☎️ Leave a voice message: +1 (202) 681-0388 -----------------------------------------------Want to leave a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review?Click here, scroll to bottom, and tap 5 stars. Then click "Write a Review." If you leave a comment we might read it on the air!
Jun 20, 2021 • 36min

238: "Why Do I Feel Unfulfilled?" Healing Emotional Triggers & the Subconscious

April Adams, the Emotion Coach, is talking with Ella about:Longing, dissatisfaction in relationships after the 'honeymoon phase'How to be happy even if your partner isn’t constantly fulfilling your needsHow to remove emotional triggers & retrain the brain to homeostasis What is an Empath? How to create boundaries if you are oneHealing the subconscious for true, lasting changeThe connection between the erotic mind & your emotional needsSHOW NOTES:https://www.onairella.com/post/238-healing-emotional-triggers ---------------On Air With Ella is for women who want to feel better, look better, live better - and have more fun doing it. This is where we share simple strategies and tips for living a bit better every day. If you’re interested in mindset and wellness, healthy habits and relationships, or hormone health, aging well and eating well, then you’re in the right place. Connect with Ella: @onairwithella www.onairella.com LinkedInYouTubePrivate Facebook GroupElla's Amazon Shop☎️ Leave a voice message: +1 (202) 681-0388 -----------------------------------------------Want to leave a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review?Click here, scroll to bottom, and tap 5 stars. Then click "Write a Review." If you leave a comment we might read it on the air!🎧 Free Custom Playlist - grab yours here.🛎️ Subscribe to my 🎧 AUDIO newsletter for the behind-the-scenes scoop!-----------------------------------🚨 Join us May 9th for the Women of Impact event in NJ! Code ELLA20 saves $20 for the first 10 people! SAVE YOUR SEAT.💟 Treat Ella to a Coffee? For the cost of a cup of ☕️ you can help us grow - thank you! Make your donation here.🛍️ DISCOUNTS & PROMOS - shop, save and support!Build and keep muscle. Shop Kion Amino Acids - save with promo code ONAIRELLAMy favorite probiotic Oxyceutics - use code ELLA15 to save 15% (use “subscribe & save” for additional 20% discount)>>> See all of my discounts and brands that I love right here!-----------------------------------

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