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Follower of One : Missions For The Rest Of Us

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Mar 27, 2023 • 5min

893 Heirs of God Part 1 Debtors To The Spirit - Romans 8:12

What does it mean to be in debt?   "So then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh." Romans 8:12   Paul is reminding believers that we're in debt, but not to our flesh. The verses that follow show that we're in debt to God, or the Spirit. We don't owe our flesh anything. It hasn't done anything for us. We're told in 1 Corinthians 9:27 that we discipline our flesh. We need to tame it, not the other way around.   Our debt is to the Spirit. We work for God. We're his servants. I keep coming back to an idea that we work for God. The Spirit is the one giving us direction. He's our manager. We're obligated to do what he says.   For the next few episodes, I want to talk about how we're heirs with Jesus. We will inherit the universe. It begins by remembering that we're debtors, but to God, not to the flesh. Let's live like we know to whom we belong. Because we have been saved, we're free to love others and do what God wants. If you find yourself thinking about what you can't do, tell your brain to change it's tune. Let's consider what we can do and do it. We're free, not to do whatever our flesh wants, but to do whatever God has for us. How will you live in light of the idea that you're not in debt to the flesh?   Please also check out our Marketplace Mission Trip workbook. This is a 6-week discussion guide for a group to consider how we can live on mission with Jesus. You can get a copy at Get a few copies and take your small group through this study over the next few weeks. Or if your group normally takes the summer off, get some copies and plan to do this over the summer.
Mar 24, 2023 • 5min

892 A Letter from Jesus to the World - 2 Corinthians 3:3

Did you ever consider that you are a letter to the world, written by Jesus?   You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all. And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. 2 Corinthians 3:2-3   I don't know about you, but I don't think of myself as a letter from God written to people in the world. And he wrote that letter to the people who would know you and interact with you.   What kind of a letter are you? Do you encourage others or challenge them? Do you energize them, or deflate them? Do others feel like anything is possible when they interact with you? Do others feel loved by Jesus because of how you live?   When I consider that I'm a letter written to my family, friends, coworkers, customers and vendors, I am struck by the idea. Is God using me to draw others to himself? Or am I repelling them?   Does your life help others move one notch closer to Jesus?   Today, please consider that you're a letter from Jesus to the world. The people who have helped you spiritually have contributed to that letter, but in the end, everyone will know the author is Jesus. One day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess him as the Lord of all. Let's consider how our life can help others for eternity. It's not too late.   Follower of One is an online community where we hope you and I help one another live in a way that attracts others to eternal life that can be found in Jesus alone. We want to help you encourage, challenge, inspire and activate other believers in this effort, too.   Please also join us. We're an online community being built to help Christ-followers encourage one another to help people move closer to Jesus. You can join at no cost because of the donations of others. Head to and create a profile.
Mar 23, 2023 • 5min

891 Not Peddling the Word of God - 2 Corinthians 2:17

Do you think we are called to peddle Jesus? Are we peddlers?   For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God's word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ. 2 Corinthians 2:17 ESV   The biggest slam against Christians is hypocrisy. Do you feel like you have to "sell" someone into trusting Jesus?   Paul here reminds the Corinthians that he is not a peddler of the word of God. He is sincere in what he says. He doesn't ask anyone to do something he hasn't. He's a walking testimonial.   In fact, the challenge by Paul to the church is for us to live what we claim. A peddler is someone who sells something. I think the idea here is someone who is selling something they don't use, or don't really believe in. Paul seems to be giving a bit of a defense to the Corinthians, reminding them he's sincere in the way he lives and speaks.   And our challenge to you today is to live our faith rather than trying to sell it. Really pray. Genuinely appreciate others. Serve from sincerity. Live in such a way that others ask, "Why are you doing this?" Then you can tell them with sincerity why you do what you do. Your sincerity becomes the proof. I don't think you get some trophy in Heaven for having the most conversions. But genuinely live and let God use your actions as he works in the lives of others.   Please also consider being intentional of your practice. We currently have 2 groups doing Marketplace Mission Trips. Did you know you can lead your group, business or ministry on a Marketplace Mission Trip of your own? Simply send a note to to learn more. One of our team members will get back with you quickly. Our dream is that thousands of everyday Christ-followers would live a genuine faith. Imagine what it would be like if your whole church took a mission trip to their own workplace. Either drop us a line or head over to to learn more.
Mar 22, 2023 • 5min

890 Christ Leads a Triumphal Procession - 2 Corinthians 2:14

Have you ever seen a triumphal procession?   "But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere." 2 Corinthians 2:14 ESV   I read that a Roman Triumph would occur whenever a Roman army defeated more than 5000 in battle and took new territory. The procession would be huge, with the leader in a gold chariot. Roman priests would burn incense to their gods and one commentator even said sometimes the incense smoke would obscure the procession.   Paul is reminding the Corinthians that God is leading us in a triumphal procession, too. And we're the incense. In the verses that follow he talks about how the incense was a sweet aroma to the victors but a sickening aroma to the losers.   Today, let's remember we're in God's victorious procession. We're celebrating his victory. We're on the winning team. And our lives are to be that incense. We are different. Our job is to live a life that can't be explained without Jesus. Paul says that Jesus spreads the fragrance through us. He's using us. He sealed the victory. This isn't as much about our wants and desires as it is about us remembering this is his victory. We get to celebrate in it. But he did the heavy lifting.   Remember, too, to pray for others in the family of God. We have 2 groups doing Marketplace Mission Trips if you listen to this podcast on or near the air date. Ask God to protect them, and help them celebrate the work Jesus is doing in and through them. God's working in and through all of us if we'll cooperate. We begin by punching in. Check out more about our Marketplace Mission Trips and take your friends on one. You can find out more at Thanks!
Mar 21, 2023 • 5min

889 What Does Amen Mean - 2 Corinthians 1:20

What does "Amen" mean, anyway, and why does it matter to Jesus followers today?   "For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory." 2 Corinthians 1:20 ESV   Amen is a Hebrew word that was just kind of ported to Greek and English. The Jews were instructed to say Amen as if something was true, or finished or absolutely correct in God. Amen is often translated "truly," in scripture, too. In fact, many place in John, the words "truly, truly" or "verily, verily" are actually translations of "amen, amen."   Amen is like us acknowledging to God that something is true or complete because of what God has done. In this passage, Paul, the apostle, is telling the Corinthians that Jesus is the Amen of God. Everything is complete, true, finished in Jesus Christ.   How does this matter for us at work? I don't know about you but I get very tense when deadlines are approaching or when the pressure mounts. I can get tense and react sharply. I even do it now, when I have a deadline pending. This is a persistent problem for me. I want to remember that Jesus did his work. Everything is "amen" in Jesus. He has completed God's work. I can relax.   And I can be someone who relieves pressure at work. How can you rest in amen at work? How can you bring grace and peace to your workplace today? Ask God to show you and then get to work.   Also, take a minute and pray for this ministry. God has finished his work. We want to rest in him, and be a blessing to people. We're donor supported, so if this podcast or our online community are a blessing to you, would you pay it forward so others can also take part. Head over to to make a gift so that others can enjoy integrating their faith and work, too!
Mar 20, 2023 • 5min

888 Helping Through Prayer - 2 Corinthians 1:11

Do you help when you pray? How is praying for someone helping?   "You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many." 2 Corinthians 1:11 ESV By praying, many will give thanks. It seems Paul suggests here that prayer is effective. By praying God will bless. And because they prayed, they will give thanks. Just in this one verse, we see that God, who is doing his thing, allows us to join him through prayer.   As a result, we get to celebrate what he does. We end up closer to God by praying and asking God to work in a situation. We also are more likely to see him work in that situation because we're praying.   God is doing his thing. but he wants us to join him. We put skin on the works of God. When we take part in his work, and we celebrate what he does, we help others see him. We help them move one notch closer to Jesus.   By actively praying for others, we join God in the work he is doing. I wouldn't have designed it that way. Often, I only want God to do what I say. Then I miss out on his goodness, his creativity, and his glory. I enjoy those much more than my own ideas.   Who do you need to pray for today? Ask God to show you how to pray for the people you will interact with today. God will give you glimpses of the work he's doing, and then you will get to celebrate. Your joy can be directly traced back to your prayers. Spend more time praying and let me know if it doesn't work. When we truly focus on God, we must see his glory because he's doing his thing, not ours.   Why not join our online community. We pray for one another in there, too. It's a key way that God puts us to work. Check our community out at thanks.
Mar 17, 2023 • 5min

887 Celebrate the Victory - 1 Corinthians 15-57

Is your life a celebration of what God has done for you? "But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Corinthians 15:57 To wrap up this chapter and these last few day's episodes, Paul almost concludes his thought in this verse. Thanks be to God. He didn't leave us dead. He came and made a perfect way for us to be restored. He gives us victory, but victory over what? Well, he talks about that in the verses above this. Sin results in death. In verse 54, he says that Death is swallowed up in victory." Jesus is the key to God's restoring all of creation to himself. It's a battle. Victory has been declared. But you and I still must battle. Our will and our flesh have been captured by the enemy. Our spirit must choose life. As we choose to follow Jesus, we are saved. We instantly become part of his strategy to save others. All of this is God working to protect our freedom of choice and still save who ever wants to spend eternity with God. Our only response is to live in thanks. What does that look like for us today? Let's go out of our way today to live like we know God is in charge. That doesn't mean we break the law or blow off work. We serve others. We go beyond what is expected of us so we might convince others about the possibility of the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Maybe you need to purchase treats for the office today. Or maybe you can send someone a text message and just ask how they're doing. It all matters. God uses everything we do and he rewards those of us who join him. Today is the last Friday before our next Marketplace Mission Trip starts. Head over to and join us as we invest a little energy over 2 weeks where we invite our spiritual life to invade the rest of our life. Click the link and join the community and then join the Mission Trip. Bring a friend, too!
Mar 16, 2023 • 6min

886 The Direction of Your Life Part 2 - 1 Corinthians 15-33-34

Why should we live like those who follow Jesus? What difference does it make? "Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” Wake up from your drunken stupor, as is right, and do not go on sinning. For some have no knowledge of God. I say this to your shame." 1 Corinthians 15:33-34 ESV Paul seems to caution us that bad company ruins good morals. We can be a negative influence. In fact, if we didn't know about life after this life, we wouldn't be responsible. But Psalm 19:1 points out that all of creation points to God. Therefore if we don't live like we know there is an eternal life, we are part of the problem. It seems Paul is quoting something here, but it was commonly known. It even is today. You've heard sayings like, "Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future." So our challenge today is to wake up! Do not go on acting like there is no God. Some of the people we interact with today have no knowledge of God. Do you want to be part of their celebration in eternity? Or do you want to be part of their eternal separation from God? Those are the 2 outcomes! How we live matters. What we do matters. It all matters. Today, ask God to show you where you need to change. A friend recently told me about this prayer: "Lord, how do you want me to trust you?" Ask God that question and write down what he says? Then do it. He may want you to purchase a lunch or give an enormous tip. Let's be people who live like we know this to be true. We will experience more joy in this life and the next. Also, please pray for this ministry. God is calling us to a new season. We need leaders who will help us scale this ministry so dozens of churches or businesses can take marketplace mission trips at the same time. We have proven, tested, practical activities that will help any marketplace Christian realize there is a calling for their life today. Now we need to grow, and I can't do it on my own. Please pray for leaders who will help us scale this idea and mobilize believers over the entire globe. Prayer is the key. The job is too big to simply write a plan. Voice a prayer for us today and let's see God mobilize his body for his glory! Thanks.
Mar 15, 2023 • 5min

885 The Direction of our Life Part 1 - 1 Corinthians 15-32

What is the heading of your life? Where are you headed? "If the dead are not raised, "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die." 1 Corinthians 15:32 We spoke in the last episode about how, if there is no resurrection, we're most to be pitied. Paul begins to conclude that thought in the end of this verse. What does it matter how we lived? We might as well go for the gusto. We might enjoy everything we can because one day, it will all be over. I used to have a cute saying from my fraternity days: "Live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse." It was a joke when I was younger, something I said to give me an excuese for eating and drinking for tomorrow I would die. But once I started following Jesus, I began to consider the longer part of my life. This life isn't going to last very long at all in light of eternity. I don't want to make light of difficulties you're facing, but compared to forever, 100 years isn't very long. I used to think a year was a long time. Now that I've done 65 of them, they come and go much faster than I'd like. Today, let's consider where we're headed and how long we're going to live. What we give away in this life, because we follow Jesus, matters forever. Give something away. Find a way to get outside of your job description. Give something to someone today simply because you know you will live forever. If we lived like we knew we would live forever, we would be more noticeable to the people around us. They might even ask us why we're doing what we're doing and then we can tell them about our faith. Don't forget to also keep improving. Join our online community to interact with other Christ-followers who want to invest this life in the next one. That's what we're doing. Head over to and join us.
Mar 14, 2023 • 28min

Integrating Faith and Work to Further God’s Kingdom with Mike Baer #137

Today on the Follower of One podcast, Mike Henry sits down with Mike Baer. Mike Baer is a former pastor, business executive, and now a leader and mobilizer for the modern Business as Mission movement. In this episode, Mike and Mike talk about the Third Path Initiative, God being faithful in giving us the desires in our hearts, how God is no man’s debtor, the idea of integrating Faith and Work, and how you don’t need to be the Billy Graham of your workplace.    Outline of the Episode 01:10 -  About Third Path Initiative 03:20 - God is faithful in giving the desire of our heart  07:19 - The Third Path Initiative courses  08:22 - The true meaning of Capitalism  14:56 - God is No Man’s Debtor 16:05 - The idea of integration of Faith and Work 21:08 - Engaging congregations about being ministers in the workplace 24:33 - You don’t need to be the Billy Graham of your workplace   The Idea of Integration of Faith and Work When we integrate our faith at our workplace, we get to be an example of Jesus to our coworkers. Now, we are not saying that you have to stand up and preach the Gospel every time you come to work, but you need to show the love of Christ in the way that you work. Whether that be through praying for a coworker, or going above and beyond at your job, our mission is to have people ask us why we are different.    God is Faithful in Giving the Desires of our Hearts Have you ever thought about where your desires come from? As Christians, we are called to chase after what God has for us. He is the one that gives us the gifts that we have so that we can further His kingdom. God is eternally faithful, and He will always provide for us when we chase after Him.    Follow Mike Baer Business as Missions  Third Path Initiative Triventure   Connect With Follower Of One Join us over in our Online Community, get social with us; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Listen to our podcast on your way to work and subscribe using your favorite podcast app!  

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