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Follower of One : Missions For The Rest Of Us

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Apr 6, 2023 • 5min

901 Wisdom is Light for Marketplace Faith - Ecclesiastes 2:13

Do you consider yourself wise?   And I saw that wisdom excels folly as light excels darkness. Ecclesiastes 2:13 NASB   Every day, you need wisdom. Wisdom is applied knowledge or the ability to skillfully apply knowledge. Many of us believe in Jesus. But we need wisdom or our faith won't make much difference in the day-to-day of our workplace.   The CSB says, "there is an advantage to wisdom over folly like the advantage of light over darkness." The existence of light means the absence of darkness. The existence of wisdom means the absence of folly.   Where do we need more wisdom? What are we doing that seems futile or impotent? Let's be wise today. How can we add wisdom to what we do?   First, we can remember that wisdom comes from God. Proverbs 9:10 says "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.   Second, we must ask for it. James 1:5 says "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach and it will be given him."   Third, we must believe God will provide it. James 1:6 continues, "But let him ask in faith, with no doubting.   Ask God for wisdom today. He will not give you some great principle. He will suggest some actions. They may even seem a bit foolish. But if you asked for wisdom and got what seems like a silly idea, maybe you should do it. God may be testing your faith and challenging you to go to another level.   Let wisdom inform your daily ministry. That's right. You're a minister. You are on a mission, the one Jesus gave you. And that mission includes what you do today. It's a ministry to the people you work with today. So put on the full armor of God and get to work. God will use you in the lives of people. And it will start with some wisdom he gives because you have faith.   Please share these podcasts with someone. If you enjoy these podcasts and if they challenge you, why not tell someone else. You can point them to us on any platform or they can go to to subscribe using just about any podcast app.
Apr 5, 2023 • 5min

900 Seeking the Benefit of Others - 1 Corinthians 10:33

How often would you say your motives are purely for another person's benefit?   "[J]ust as I also please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit but the profit of the many, so that they may be saved."   I spoke about the verse before this in Episode 784 Give No Offense, but I skipped to the next chapter in the next episode and never talked about this verse.   Can you say that you seek the profit of others? I think we blow past comments like this in the scripture. This is actually part of a one-two punch. Give no offense was the idea from the previous verse. In this verse, we're challenged to do everything we do for the benefit of others.   Paul said he did everything for the benefit of others. If I'm honest, I must admit that for me, that percentage is very low. I hope it's growing. Before I was saved, it was probably very close to zero.   Paul's reason is even more compelling, "so that they may be saved." I do want others to experience the joy I have. I do want others to know Christ better. But my default behavior still can end up being what I want.   Today, let's ask God to help us do everything for the benefit of others. That may cause you to pray for people you're waiting on. Oh, wow! I just discovered a weak spot. You can pray for me, that I remember to pray for people when I'm waiting on them. I almost never do that.   What will God prompt you to do today? If these podcasts are valuable to you, please make a contribution to help us continue to provide this ad-free. Maybe you or your business would like to sponsor these so we can reach more people. Please contact us at to make a gift or join our effort.
Apr 4, 2023 • 5min

899 The Demand for Perfection - Matthew 5:48

Does Jesus expect us to be perfect?   "You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:48.   Jesus seems to be summing up one section of his sermon and moving to another. This could be a great transition verse. In most of chapter 5, he's been blowing up the ideas of the past and the way the Jews think. He's making the point that perfection is the standard.   All of the law was designed to show the Jews this verse. God is perfect, therefore, if we want to measure up, we must be perfect. If we want to achieve God's status and level, we must be flawless. It's just not possible.   Jesus isn't done with the sermon either. It just keeps going. But for today, what difference does this verse make in our lives? How should it show up in the way we live.   We can't take credit for most of what we want to take credit for. In the end, whoever you might compare to yourself, you will find that we're identical in the one measure that matters. We don't measure up. We're imperfect. Perfect is what mattes and we're not it.   Jesus intends for this to make us humble, not despairing. Pride keeps us from God and from one another. When we remember the standard, we're free not to compete with our fellow man. We're able to take the lower position or take the second spot. For me and some of you, it's ok not to get there first. We're all imperfect.   Jesus seems to be saying, based on everything I just said, "Give up. You can't do this. Stop trying to be God. Stop trying to be better than others."   So let's remember that we're going to fall short today. We can pout about it or whine about it or we can help someone else who will be experiencing the same thing. Since our gap is covered, we need to be those who bless others. Ask God to show you how you can get on-mission with him today. What does he want you to do?   Please take a minute and pray for this ministry, too. We have an ambitious goal of equipping every Christ-follower to live on-purpose for Christ. We are an online community, we host this podcast, and our Marketplace Mission Trips to help you be more intentional and get busy on your assignment from God. He doesn't want you to just stay out of trouble until Sunday, or until you die. He has a job for you. Why not join our online community and get in the game? Head over to to check it out.
Apr 4, 2023 • 33min

5 Dimensions of Discipleship with Dr. Charlie Self, Ep #139

In 2011, Dr. Self Charlie Self asked the question, “What does a healthy Christian look like 24/7? Can we measure that?” Dr. Self and colleagues Johan Mostert, and Jame Bolds set out to figure out ways to articulate wholeness in Christ to help Christians grow in both their strengths and weaknesses.  In 2013, they published an assessment tool to allow individuals to answer questions and receive a personal report. They’ve spent the last decade refining the work. Together, they wrote the book, “Life in 5D: A New Vision of Discipleship,” to describe their new vision for discipleship. In this episode of Follower of One, Dr. Charlie Self talks about the dynamic nature of discipleship. He shares how the book and assessment can be used as a tool to increase biblical outcomes in individuals and organizations.  You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in... Learn more about Pastor and Professor Dr. Charlie Self [1:08] Learn about Life in 5D: A New Vision of Discipleship [5:51] The dynamic nature of discipleship [12:26]  Your workplace is your ministry [14:02]  “May I add value to one person today” [17:32]  How “Life in 5D” can impact you personally [19:35]  Everyone has the capacity to be influential [27:03]  Learn more about Johan Mostert and Jame Bolds [28:59] Resources & People Mentioned Life in 5D: A New Vision of Discipleship by Dr. Charlie Self, Johan Mostert, and Jame Bolds Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization The Discipleship Dynamics Assessment Connect with Dr. Charlie Self Dr. Self’s Website Friend on Facebook Subscribe to Follower of One: A Faith at Work Podcast Audio Production and Show Notes by - PODCAST FAST TRACK
Apr 3, 2023 • 5min

898 Heirs of God Part 6 Fellow Heirs With Christ - Romans 8:17

Imagine you're an heir to billions of dollars. What comes to mind?   "[A]nd if children, then heirs - heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him." Romans 8:17 ESV   I came to this passage thinking about being an heir with Jesus. It was really a cool devotional time as I thought about this. He owns everything, and I'm an heir to that fortune.   I spend too much time obsessing about money. For others it may be your health, or your comfort, or a hobby or another person. We can think about things to excess. My obsession is rooted in this fear.   The most common command in scripture is "Fear not!" When I can focus on being a fellow heir with Jesus, the tension surrounding my fear dissipates. I'm free to get back to work. Jesus has a job for me. Whatever I'm whining about has already been factored in. That includes my own failures and my own incompetence.   God chose you and me. He knows us better than we know ourselves. And he has a job for us. In and on the other side of that job is great blessing, peace, ease and joy. So when I start whining to God, I often like to think that he says, "Mike, what are you whining about? Just get back to work and I'll take care of everything else."   Think for a moment what it means to inherit your situation for all eternity from the Almighty God and Creator of the universe. What's God saying to you today? How does he want you to show up and serve others simply because you trust him today? What's stopping you?   Follower of One is an online community designed to help us mobilize and launch one another in full-time marketplace ministry. We call that living on-mission or on-purpose with Jesus. We want to help everyone we meet move one notch closer to Jesus. Why not join us? Head over to and create a profile and check it out.   Remember, what we do because we are on-mission with Jesus matters forever. Thanks for being a marketplace minister.
Mar 31, 2023 • 5min

897 Heirs of God Part 5 The Spirit Bears Witness - Romans 8:16

Have you ever been a witness in a trial?   The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. Romans 8:16 ESV   I've never had to be a witness in a trial. I have been asked to talk about things I've experienced before. I often share about what I've been through so I can help others avoid the misery of many of my mistakes.   The image of this verse is about how the Spirit shows up and speaks for us. He tells others we're his. And he tells us that we're his possession, too. He stands up for us. And he's not shy.   I did a podcast (Episode 62 How the Holy Spirit Testifies for Us) about this passage and I talked about how the Holy Spirit even tells others about our faith if we're living in obedience to him. If you're not being used by God in the lives of others, you might check out that episode.   As we obey God and do what the Holy Spirit prompts us to do, he uses us in the lives of others. And he points others toward God because of our obedience. He's confirming for others, both those who follow Jesus and those who do not, that we are his children and his heirs.   Today, you're free to live serving others simply because you trust Jesus. Whatever your circumstances are, ask God to give you an idea of something you can do and he will put you to work. And the Holy Spirit will tell others that you're a child of God. Why not try it out. If you get a list of several things you can't really do, that's not God. He's not reminding you of a bunch of things to make you feel guilty. He will quietly tell you about something you can do. Do it.   Thanks for being a marketplace minister. Consider joining our online community at, too!
Mar 30, 2023 • 5min

896 Heirs of God Part 4 Adopted by God - Romans 8:15

Are you adopted? How does that illustrate what God has done for us?   For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by who we cry "Abba! Father!" Romans 8:15   Notice the contrasts again. Fear and death and slavery are all associated with the flesh in these passages. But we don't need to be subject to those things anymore. We have been adopted.   We don't often get to choose our family. But imagine the joy of being chosen. After being alone, isolated, and unwanted, all the sudden someone wants you. They appreciate you. They want to help launch you and see you shine.   We're all adopted by God if we follow him. We get to call him Dad. I always wanted a boss that would be OK if I screwed up trying to do the right thing. I could be wrong, but I bet your best friends are like you. We like people who like us. God not only loves you, he likes you. He chose you. And he has a job for you. You won't get fired from it. You may get reassigned, but you won't get taken out of the game. God can use you any time or place.   Why not ask him to give you an assignment today? He has a job for you, but it's not as painful as you might think. In fact, when we do what he wants we experience his joy. Why not be a blessing to someone today and watch God bless you both? What we do because we follow Jesus matters. You've been adopted. Go for it.   Also, if these podcasts or our online community are a blessing to you, please consider making a gift to Follower of One. We're supported totally by people who benefit from our community and our podcasts and who want to give others the opportunity to experience life following Jesus. We call that living on-mission. If you're up to sharing a gift, please head over to and click the donate button in the upper right hand corner or under the menu on mobile devices. Thanks in advance..
Mar 29, 2023 • 5min

895 Heirs of God Part 3 Becoming a Son - Romans 8:14

Do. you expect an inheritance from God?   "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. Romans 8:14 ESV   Back in the time the Bible was written, sons inherited things. Paul uses the term "sons" here to denote that we will be expecting an inheritance. We are heirs of God. We're his children. He's going to give us his glory and his riches. Once we trust God, and get in the position as a Follower of One, we are children. It's done.   Are we led by the Spirit? We decide that once and he comes to live with us. He leads us and we "are" children.   So how does that show up in the world today? Our eternal wealth is more than we can imagine. We have an unlimited supply now. We get the opportunity to live on-mission with Jesus. His purpose was to save mankind. Our purpose is to be led by the Spirit and take part in this grand strategy.   We can be a blessing. We can do things to make the world and life better for everyone we meet. Maybe it's a prayer. Maybe it's a gift. Maybe it means we will do more so they can do less. Maybe we need to fix something. Imagine getting up every day and asking the Spirit what he would like you to do today. That's our first daily habit. We want to get in the habit of living on-mission with Jesus and being available to do what he calls us to do with and for others.   What's stopping you? Do you think about all the things you can't do? Ask God to show you what you can do. He made us an heir. You're part of God's strategy. Let's get in the game.   It may be that you would like to see how this is done? Check out our Marketplace Mission Trips. These are either 2-week online or 6-week offline exercises where we practice living like a child of God. Check them out at
Mar 28, 2023 • 17min

Using Your Christian Influence from School to the Marketplace with John Decker #138

Today on the Follower of One podcast, Mike Henry sits with John Decker. John Decker was one of the founding directors of Every Student Sent and lives in Syracuse NY with his wonderful wife Dorothy and has 3 children and 8 grandchildren who love Jesus.  His passion has been to influence secular college campuses and the workplace by preventing the 70% college faith drop off and catalyzing awakenings in academic departments, then the marketplace.  This has become a national movement and coalition to prepare and connect every college-bound student to ministries and churches many months before college, and prepare them to engage the secular culture and multiply disciples. In this episode, Mike and John talk about integrating your faith at work, the creation and impact of Every Student Sent, transitioning college students to the workplace, using your Christian influence to impact where you work, and the importance of Christian communities.    Outline of the Episode  01:10 - How John got started integrating his Faith at Work  04:16 - How Every Student Sent Got Started    06:44 - The impact of Every Student Sent   09:18 - Transitioning college students to the Workplace  10:40 - Using your Christian influence to impact where you work  12:22 - Getting opportunities to talk about Christ to people  14:12 - The importance of Christian communities  Transitioning from school to the Workplace Transitioning from school to work is a hard thing to do. But, if we place our trust in the Lord and have Him walk alongside us throughout that transition, it won’t be as difficult. When we put the Lord first, people will see that through how we act.    Using your Christian influence to impact where you work As Christians, we are called to look completely different from the world. This also includes where we work. We want to look so different that the people around us ask questions. The door to talk about our faith is opened when our coworkers ask us why we act differently.    Follow John Decker LinkedIn Facebook Instagram   Connect With Follower Of One Join us over in our Online Community, get social with us; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Listen to our podcast on your way to work and subscribe using your favorite podcast app!  
Mar 28, 2023 • 5min

894 Heirs of God Part 2 How Do You Live - Romans 8:13

How do you live? What guides your life?   For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. Romans 8:13 ESV   Mostly in movies we see life or death situations. You know the bad guy has to die. Paul reminds us that we battle death all the time. If we live according to our flesh, we will die. Notice how the opposite of living according to our flesh is that we put to death the deeds of the body.   Our physical nature is contrary to God. We can't live in a state of non-aggression. Either the flesh is killing us or we are killing our flesh. Often, I speak with people who say things are good. They're doing pretty good. But this verse seems to suggest that we're either battling our flesh or living according to it.   What does this have to do with being an heir of God? I've chosen to do a series on these 6 verses in Romans 8 because they talk about us being heirs of God and co-heirs with Jesus.   Because we're heirs, we don't have to fight for ourselves. We're free to fight for others. When we kill our own flesh, and start living for God, we will be a blessing to others. God puts us to work as part of his plan to save the world. You get to take part in his glorious strategy to save your friends and family. We do that by helping others move one notch closer to Jesus.   Today, you can live on-mission with Jesus. Punch in and do what he says. Ask him for direction. He will bring people across your path and he will give you opportunities. Life according to the Spirit is real life. Life according to the flesh is death.   Why not join us? We're an online community designed to help every believer live according to the Spirit every day of the week, even when we're at work or in school. Head over to and check it out!

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