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Follower of One : Missions For The Rest Of Us

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Mar 14, 2023 • 5min

884 Hope Beyond Death - 1 Corinthians 15-19

What do you spend your time hoping for? "If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied." 1 Corinthians 15:19 ESV Our hope determines our aim. We live toward our hope. So what You hope for matters. I confess I still hope for material ease and comfort. The problem is, neither of those things will last beyond this physical world. Jesus spent a lot of energy helping us see there was a life after this one. He told stories and parables. There is much recorded in the scripture about what Jesus said about our life beyond this world. I was tempted to say "the next life," but I believe Jesus made it clear that we have that next life the moment we trust him. That's why he said the kingdom of heaven was at hand. (Mark 1:15) So he encouraged us to lay up treasure in heaven (Matthew 6:19-21). He wanted us to send things ahead. But the only thing there would be the rewards we're given for how we live here on earth. The stuff we compile and the comforts we save up won't go with us. Today, let's remember that what we do for others, and the way we love others will go with us to the next world. We have a great promise in that regard. If we live like we know that even the cups of water we give (Matthew 10:42) will count for rewards in our eternal life. How we live matters. Invest in the lives of the people you're with. Go out of your way to show appreciation for your coworkers, customers and vendors. Join us on the next Marketplace Mission Trip. One begins next week based on when this airs, but one is always on the schedule. Head over to and request an invitation.
Mar 13, 2023 • 6min

883 Scattered but Preaching - Acts 8-4

Do you consider yourself a preacher? Now, those who were scattered went on their way preaching the word. Acts 8:4 Imagine what the world would look like if each of us lived in such a way that others would ask. I don't think everyone went talking about Jesus all the time. But they went living in such a way that Jesus is what they ended up talking about. Basically, Saul chased the Christians into the world. Can you imagine years later, the Apostle Paul meeting someone in Corinth or Ephesus who he had chased out of Jerusalem? But now Paul's an apostle and the person he chased out of town was one of the people who started the church at Corinth? Do your relationships end up hearing about Jesus? And if not, why not? I confess, I'm not very urgent. I get passive. But as I interact with more and more people, I want to help them move one notch closer to Jesus. Do you interact with people who don't follow Jesus? Then ask God to give you opportunities to speak. There are words. We have things to say. Ask God to show you where you can step up, and then do it. Speaking of stepping up, Follower of One is looking for leaders. We need people who want to help their church take a mission trip. We need people who want to invest some prayer and money. It's time to start growing this ministry and making our mission trips available to other churches, ministries and businesses. Would you be a champion who tells others about Follower of One? Send a note to and let us know what God is prompting you to do!
Mar 10, 2023 • 5min

882 Rights as Stumbling Blocks - 1 Corinthians 8-9

Do our rights cause others to stumble? Are there areas where this might be true in your life? "But take care that this right of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to the weak." 1 Corinthians 8:9 Paul is talking about meat sacrificed to idols. However in current days, this may be more true in the area of alcohol or marijuana. The Bible doesn't condemn alcohol. It speaks very sharply about the misuse of alcohol. I was an active drinker in college and beyond. But after I became a Christian, alcohol had less and less of a pull on me. Food or alcohol or sobriety doesn't commend us to God. But I believe we're here for a purpose. I'm not sure alcohol or drugs facilitate that purpose. In fact, I'm pretty sure they do not. Since a policeman, or a fireman, or a doctor or a pilot can't do their job once they've had a drink, I don't believe I can do my job under the influence of alcohol either. And my job is simply to help others move one notch closer to Jesus. Our rights can be a stumbling block to others. I have to remember that. I have the right to do what I want with my money. I have the right to drink whatever I want as long as it's legal. But in the end, it's not what's best for others. Today, ask God if you are claiming something as a right that might otherwise be a stumbling block for others. Let's remember our job is to minister in our workplaces. Minister just means serve. Are you willing to ask God to show you need to improve as a member of his team of marketplace ministers? Ask him and then act on what he says. He'll manage the rest of it. And then join us in the online community. Head over to and create a free account. And then join us on the next marketplace Mission Trip. Let's help everyone we meet move one notch closer to Jesus.
Mar 9, 2023 • 5min

881 A Place for My Opinions - Proverbs 18-2

Are you quick to develop and share your opinions? A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. Proverbs 18:2 ESV This is like part 2 to our previous episode. I need to memorize this verse, too. In some of the older translations, it says "but only in revealing his own mind," (NASB) or "disclosing what is on his mind," (NET). Today, let's listen to what we say. How much of what we say is sharing our opinion? I am convicted as I record this. We have an opportunity today to live like we follow Jesus. That's the only chance we have of integrating our faith and work. We don't make more of Jesus at work by talking about him. We show others we follow him by obeying his word and doing what he says. Will you take this to heart? I hope I do. What we do because we follow Jesus matters. How can I delight in understanding more today? Well I can listen more. I can ask others to give me more detail. "Tell me more," or "What else?" Practice it. Try to use those phrases more. If you talk with me today, count the number of times I say it and if it's zero, tell me. Let's get better at listening to others instead of sharing our own opinions. God's in charge. He can make things happen. We simply need to trust him. Why not join us in a community where we can work on this more? Check out and join us. And please share this podcast with others. Think about the improvements that will happen in your workplace, if just one person, you, begins to listen more and appreciate others more.
Mar 8, 2023 • 6min

880 Saying Too Much - Proverbs 17-27-28

Do you ever put your foot in your mouth? Proverbs 17:27-28 Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding. Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent. I talked about this passage (episode 143) over 2 years ago. I need to read it and recite it every month. Can you restrain your words? Can you cool your own spirit? There are times when I throw temper tantrums. I get angry at something. You probably never have that happen. If so, you're doing well. I've just always loved the practical nature of verse 28. Even a fool, when he keeps silent is considered wise and prudent. The more we're talking, the more likely we'll prove exactly what's going on in our brains and often, what's going on in our brains isn't as good as we think it is. I hope to remember to choose words carefully, especially when I do the podcast. Today, can you listen more than you talk? I need to listen more to my family, my coworkers, and my customers. Every person I interact with has something to say. Why not try to hear it all before you start talking. I even want to let a few seconds of silence pass just to see if I can do it. This falls under appreciating people in my book. If I can listen to them more, I may learn more, but I also show they're more important than myself. I exercise my faith at work when I can listen rather than trying to talk. Today, let's listen more and talk less. Let's remember that we may seem foolish to some, but if we open our mouths, we may just prove it. And please also remember we're a donor supported ministry. Please consider sharing this podcast with others. Either tell them about it or make a contribution so they can hear it at no cost. To make a donation, head over to and click the Donate button in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Thanks very much.
Mar 7, 2023 • 5min

879 Within Our Control - Proverbs 16-32

Do you handle your anger well? Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city. Proverbs 16:32 ESV I often need to remember that I must be slow to anger. This verse is one that's pointed at me. When we're quick to get angry, we shut others out. When we're slow to anger, we can be quicker to share. We can ship more grace and we can integrate our faith and work when we are slow to anger. If we can rule our spirit, we're able to be a blessing to the people around us. Can you slow down and remember your calling? You're called to help others move one notch closer to Jesus. Step into that calling. When we lose our temper, we shut off God and we become gods to our selves. Why not stay connected to God and watch him work? Maybe you need to join a community of people who are working on these very things. We want to be used by God. He puts us to work as marketplace ministers, people who serve others so they might get to know Jesus. We have an online community called Follower of One and you can join for free. Check it out at and you'll see what I mean!
Mar 6, 2023 • 5min

878 How Do You Think About God - Hebrews 10-31

What terrifies you? "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." Hebrews 10:31 The writer of Hebrews reminds us it's a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Our faith doesn't negate the power of God or our need to fear him. Faith causes us to live differently. I want to use this verse as a reminder that I report to someone much larger and more powerful than I. He operates the world. He's given me a chance to play a part in the rescue he's engineering. But he is so much more powerful and terrifying than I am or anything I fear. I get the opportunity to play. I get to make a difference. I get chances to take part. But in the end, Let's not forget who is in charge. We don't choose our purpose. God created us for it. But we can know things about that purpose. We're created to know Jesus, and to be close to him. We're also equipped to help others move closer to him, too. That part of our job is clear to us. And we've been saved from the wrath that we deserved because we deserted and committed treason against God before we even knew who he was. When we live according to that much understanding, we help others move closer to Jesus. Just because we can't see him or we fail to fear his wrath, that's no reason to think we're in charge or that we're all there is. We get great joy from trusting Jesus, too. Step into the joy. Everything you give because you follow Jesus will be multiplied back to you. He's powerful enough to make that true. Let's ask him to use this verse to remind us. We're not victims of his wrath because of what Jesus has done for us. Now let's pass that along by the way we live and act. We have a choice, we have an opportunity. And we get to experience all the best things about God when we trust him and follow Jesus. Why not join our online community and see how we encourage one another on a Marketplace Mission Trip. Check out and join us.
Mar 3, 2023 • 5min

877 Remember our Former Struggles - Romans 2-15-16

Do you remember life before you started trusting Jesus? "They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus." Romans 2:15-16 ESV We're reminded again today that our enemy isn't flesh and blood. See Ephesians 6:12, 1 Peter 5:8. The people who don't follow Jesus are victims of the enemy, not the enemy themselves. When we don't follow Jesus, or when we're not listening to the Holy Spirit, our conflicting thoughts either accuse or excuse us. Other translations offer accuse or defend, condemn or approve. Without the Holy Spirit, we're stuck with this coin-toss. But as we listen to the Holy Spirit we end up getting more clear direction. We have access to better info. As a result, we're not to judge our coworkers or customers or vendors. We're to give them grace. So how can you show grace to your coworkers today? What about listening to them? What about giving them the benefit of the doubt? What about asking God to show you what he appreciates about them? What about doing something to be a blessing to them, rather than only focusing on yourself? Why not join us in the online community. You can intentionally put yourself into a community where everyone is trying to listen to God better and make a difference in the lives of our coworkers. You can find out more and create a free profile at
Mar 2, 2023 • 5min

876 Evidence for a Creator - Romans 2-14

Are certain things just wrong? "For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law." Romans 2:14 ESV As Jesus-followers, we find it easy to see that certain things are wrong. It's not wrong to each a lunch, but it is wrong to do it if you took it from someone else who was just about to eat it. We who follow Jesus and believe in God get our right-and-wrong from him, at least in some degree. But where do agnostics get it? If you believe the world was an accident, how is there so much purpose in how we all sense that certain things are right and others are wrong? Today, let's stay on the side of right. It's right to do what's best for someone else. We know it's right to forgive (Matthew 6:12-15). We know it's right to put others ahead of ourselves (Philippians 2:3). Ask God to give you a challenge today. What does he ask You to do? Will you do it? Others don't even need to know. Just do what Jesus has for you to do today and let him handle the rewards. In Matthew 10:42, we're promised a reward even for the cold water we hand out. What we do matters and God's keeping score. Let's live like we know the rules. It may cause others to ask us why we're different. Please also consider joining us on the next Marketplace Mission Trip. There's another one starting soon at Or you can request an invitation to the next trip at Either way, we hope to see you soon!
Mar 1, 2023 • 5min

875 Action Counts - Romans 2-13

Do you consider yourself a doer of the word of God? "For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified." Romans 2:13 ESV Knowledge of the law isn't what matters. Hearing the Bible doesn't count. Only doing the law matters. It's not what we know, but what we do that counts. That's why it's so important to be a doer of the word (James 1:22). What we do matters. So what will you do today? Will you tune God out until you get back to church? Or will you listen to him while you work? Our ability to hear and listen to him, and do what he says depends on several factors. Do you pray? That's our first daily habit or activity. Begin by punching in. Also, be thankful. Thank God for the things that happen that you don't appreciate. When we practice remembering that God is in charge, it's easier to act like God is in charge. We need continual reminders. Ask God what he would have you do. But also, do it. Only the doing counts. If you ask God and he tells you, but you say, "No, I'd rather not," after a while, you won't hear him at all. Ask God what you can do an do it. If all the answers you get are impossible, that's our enemy. Focus on what you can do today. Also, consider making a gift. Give something away at work, or to a coworker. but also consider paying it forward so others can hear this podcast. We operate on a pay-it-forward model. The money given to Follower of One goes to make sure the next person doesn't have to pay to take part. Everything we do is on a free trial. Try it out. Then pay so the next person can do it. Head over to or click the Donate button and make sure others can hear the podcast or take part in our online communty and our Marketplace Mission Trips.

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