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Behind Greatness by Inspire North

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Oct 8, 2024 • 1h 16min

198. Joe McMoneagle (part 1) – Ret. US Army / “Remote Viewer #001” / Author - Letting Go of Your Assumptions

To give to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors Thanks again for joining us at Behind Greatness. This episode was recorded with Joe in June 2024 and is part 1 of a developing series with Joe. Joe was a US Army intelligence veteran already before he was chosen to be a part of the psychic intelligence unit at Fort Meade, Maryland, in 1978. He became known as “Remote Viewer #001" within Project Stargate. Project Stargate was the United States' first organized research into psychic phenomena via the Defense Intelligence Agency and contractor SRI International. He is an author and also founder of Intuitive Intelligence Applications Inc. Today, he also teaches Remote Viewing at The Monroe Institute, a leading center in exploring human consciousness.   During this introductory episode, we get exposed to some of Joe’s military adventures from the Vietnam war – falling out of a helicopter, breaking his nose multiple times while under enemy fire and taping himself to the top of a tree for 14 hours. We learn about his recruitment into the then classified remote viewing intelligence program and the ensuing 40+ years as one of the worlds most accomplished remote viewers. Joe helps us understand what remote viewing is and what it isn’t, the operationalization of the practice, using the skills to help police department and detectives across the US in missing children cases, the need to “unlearn your habits” and the uphill battle he’s been fighting for a long time. And, so much, much more.  … to be continued… Previous episodes/discussions with Remote Viewers: Russell Targ (ep 80) - Co-Founder, SRI Institute Courtney Brown (ep 131) Stephan A. Schwartz (ep 155, 156) Lyn Buchanan (ep 163) Nancy DuTertre (ep 167) Paul H. Smtih (ep 180) Joe, Books: Parapsychological Association: Monroe Institute: IMDb:
Sep 20, 2024 • 1h 10min

197. Michael Cremo - The Forbidden Archeologist - Questioning Your Assumptions

To give to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors Thank you for listening to Behind Greatness . We talk today with Michael Cremo from his home in LA. Michael is best known for his research and work in authoring a global best-seller in the 1990s: Forbidden Archeology. He brings us through his journey of an exploratory life starting with his youth spent as the son of an air-force intelligence officer. We talk about his seminal research work. Here, he first discovered that something was amiss as he researched what narrative the world’s prominent academic archeologists were fashioning in the late 1800s. Do we talk about a shoe print dating back millions of years? Do we talk about confronting an agenda of opinions forced through the educational system? Do we talk about paradigm-shifting discoveries made in near the Sierra Nevada? Do we talk remote viewing with Stephan Schwartz? Do we talk about physical reality vs consciousness? Do we talk hidden knowledge? Do we talk challenging Darwinism? Yes, ma’am. We do. See episodes with Stephane Schwartz (ep 155, 156). Michael, Website: The Hidden Origins of the Human Race – Talk: Forbidden Archeology & Evidence of Extreme Human Antiquity @ Google: Book:
Sep 9, 2024 • 1h 11min

196. Dr. Rudolf Schild, continued (part 5) – Offering a Different View

For Rudy, part 1 to part 4 please visit episodes #179, #186, #192 and 195. To give to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors Welcome back to Behind Greatness. We are back again with Rudy. Rudy is a pre-eminent expert on black holes and a world-renowned Astrophysicist from Harvard, practising in the field since the mid-1960s. He is also the co-Founder of FREE / CCRI (see co-Founder past guests Rey Hernandez & Mary Rodwell) and also the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Cosmology. Rudy immediately brings us to his thoughts on the big bang theory, the mother-daughter relationship of spawning universes and the blunder of the current dark matter theory. He lauds the work of his colleague Carl Gibson, an expert in fluid mechanics, on helping to unlock secrets of the universe. We hear about orbs, the spirality of consciousness and being forever marked by expanded possibilities after being in touch with a ufo (“miracles”?) and Rey Hernandez’s contact modalities. Previous episodes/discussions referenced in this episode with Rudy: Dr. Tony Cicoria (ep 55) Rey Hernandez (ep 153, 154) Dr. Garry Nolan (ep 187) Rudy, Center for Astrophysics – Journal of Cosmology - Personal website - List of Published papers - CCRI (Consciousness & Contact Research Institute) - Book (co-Author with Suzy Hansen) – Dual Soul Connection: The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement: Book: Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness & Contact with Non Human Intelligence - Edgar Mitchell Book: The Way of the Explorer: An Apollo Astronaut’s Journey Through the Material and Mystical Worlds - NASA – Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy “SOFIA” -
Aug 5, 2024 • 1h 9min

195. Dr. Rudolf Schild, continued (part 4) – Recognizing the Vast Sea of Potential

To give to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors For Rudy, part 1, part 2 and part 3 please visit episodes #179, #186 and #192. Welcome back to Behind Greatness. We are back again with Rudy. Rudy is a pre-eminent expert on black holes and a world-renowned Astrophysicist from Harvard, practising in the field since the mid-1960s. He is also the co-Founder of FREE / CCRI (see co-Founder past guests Rey Hernandez & Mary Rodwell) and also the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Cosmology. We dive into the burning of libraries and conservatories, the magic of operatic music, composition, intent and emotions - and accessing history and the potential future from the black hole. We talk about the ultimate cosmic intelligence, the purpose of the universe, the “sponsoring” of the “big G” of our universe of universes, the limiting of the size of the black holes by the quantum field, and the limitations of math. And, there’s more (as always) … Rudy goes on to describe the agreement he had with Dr. Edgar Mitchell before he died in 2016, the rewiring of the brain after the exposure of light from UFOs and a device that was developed by colleagues which he helped test “to the limits” to detect consciousness beyond the grave. … to be continued… Movie - A Tear In the Sky (Caroline Cory) - Previous episodes/discussions referenced in this podcast episode with Rudy: Dr. Diane Hennacy (ep 113) – Psychiatrist / Author Dr. Dean Radin (122) – Chief Scientist, Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) Kevin Day (ep171) – Ret US Navy Rudy, Center for Astrophysics – Journal of Cosmology - Personal website - List of Published papers - CCRI (Consciousness & Contact Research Institute) - Book (co-Author with Suzy Hansen) – Dual Soul Connection: The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement: Book: Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness & Contact with Non Human Intelligence - Edgar Mitchell Book: The Way of the Explorer: An Apollo Astronaut’s Journey Through the Material and Mystical Worlds - NASA – Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy “SOFIA” -
Jul 29, 2024 • 1h 7min

194. Dimitry Toukhcher – Founder, LGFG Fashion House – Existing at the Edge of Chaos

To give to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors Welcome back to Behind Greatness. Today we are speaking with Dimitry from his office in Estonia. In this conversation we are treated to a battle-ridden, caterpillar to butterfly story. Dimitry brings us through his ideas formed through his experience living under a Communist regime to a zealous video gaming obsession to selling books door-to-door to building a truly international bespoke fashion house. Along the way, we learn about the power of “being delusional”, the skills learned to diffuse a bomb and how to make yourself allergic to shrimp. We discuss growing up in a system where lying is the tool of ruling , the predictability of seduction, being more interesting, the right dose of desperation, creativity of the entrepreneurial mind and the power of being at chaos’ edge. Warning: hard lessons to be learned here. Have a listen to a bad-ass who lived under incarceration in a communist regime: Luis Zuniga (ep 115). See here other entrepreneurial luminaries: Alex Rechichi (ep20), Matt Rizzetta (ep43), Anthony DiIorio (45), Ryan Albright (ep50), Mike Fata (ep77), Edoardo Ghignone (ep91), Doug Putnam (ep119), Anthony Scilipoti (128 ), Werner Barkhuizen (ep162) Dimitry, Website: IG: @lgfg_ceo_dimitry X: @lgfg_dimitry
Jul 25, 2024 • 1h 9min

193. Sergio Di Zio – Award-Winning TV, Film, Stage Actor / Downsview Boy – Creating Story by Letting Go of All Story

Welcome back to Behind Greatness! We’re back with another fun episode with a fun guy – actor, Sergio Di Zio. What don’t we talk about here? Sergio brings us through the moment where the “pope” declared that he become an actor at age 18. We hear about a once painfully shy kid who uses audacity, the monster at the end of the book and letting go of story to carve through the universe and to be delightfully entangled within it. We talk destroying and building lives. We talk piercing words of a loving father raking leaves. We talk Brando and his cat and we talk Jeff Daniels and his empathic laugh. We talk Elisa. And we talk love as home. Let’s go!! See episodes with trauma expert Dr Gabor Mate (ep 143) … Exorcist John Szada (ep 174) … Actors: Enrico Colantoni (ep2), Giacomo Gianniotti (ep 29), Ken Choi (ep 66) and Amy Jo Johnson (ep 92) To give to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors. 
Jul 5, 2024 • 1h 3min

192. Dr. Rudolf Schild, continued (part 3) – Accessing Quantum Information

To give to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  For Rudy, part 1 and part 2, please have a listen to episode #179 and #186. Welcome back to Behind Greatness. We are back again with Rudy. Rudy is a pre-eminent expert on black holes and a world-renowned Astrophysicist from Harvard, practising in the field since the mid-1960s. He is also the co-Founder of FREE / CCRI (see co-Founder past guests Rey Hernandez & Mary Rodwell) and also the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Cosmology. Rudy brings us through a discussion on various cosmic topics: the earth’s giant radio telescope, that we can now see the character of the black hole for the 1st time, and an explanation on why our classical definition of the black hole is now proven to be incorrect (congruent with his theory from decades ago). We hear about the significance of interstellar dust samples, biological material in space and plants spilling out their DNA. Rudy further tickles us with his thoughts on the quantum attribute of space that records what we say and think and his thoughts on the inside-out black hole: the distant horizon. And in case you’re wondering, we get to the “G-word” and the possibility of a supreme being. Play with this: “The human mind accesses the black hole to get glimpses of the past” - Rudy Schild. … to be continued… See earlier episodes with Rudy’s FREE/CCRI co-Founders Rey Hernandez (ep 153, 154) & Mary Rodwell (ep 149). Rudy, Center for Astrophysics – Journal of Cosmology - Personal website - List of Published papers - CCRI (Consciousness & Contact Research Institute) - Book (co-Author with Suzy Hansen) – Dual Soul Connection: The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement: Book: Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness & Contact with Non Human Intelligence - Edgar Mitchell Book: The Way of the Explorer: An Apollo Astronaut’s Journey Through the Material and Mystical Worlds - NASA – Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy “SOFIA” -
Jun 20, 2024 • 53min

191. Shehnaz Soni – Rocket Scientist / NASA Aerospace Engineer / Quantum Coach / Author – Questioning the Question

To give to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Welcome back to Behind Greatness. We are joined today by Shehnaz Soni. Shehnaz is an Aerospace engineer for NASA and is currently working on the 1st ever human landing system – slated to be part of the Artemis moon mission in 2026. We are immediately touched by Shehnaz’s sparkle. She has a marvelous story that starts with a closed religious upbringing, to an arranged marriage, to a desperate situation in a new country to an education that led her to reach for the stars - literally. But, that’s just a small slice of this Rocket Scientist. We dive into many a topic: her quantum coaching, NASA’s lunar regulate harvest missions for travel to Mars, non-human intelligence interfering at launches, intuition and light, NPCs, the grocery store as a playground and a boundary-less existence of being. Shehnaz, Website: IG: @ShehnazSoni LI: Book: The Quantum Being: A Self-Sustaining and Magnificent Human Craft -
Jun 11, 2024 • 50min

190. Dr. Chris Lowe – Marine Biologist / Director, The Shark Lab - Drilling in & Zooming Out

To give to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Thanks for joining us again at Behind Greatness. We’re speaking with Chris Lowe today from his office at California State, Long Beach. Chris is also the Director of The Shark Lab and has been studying shark for over 30 years. We talk about sharks as the new dinosaurs, his life-long fascination with them, the understanding their mysterious lives and the importance of “drilling in and zooming out”. He shares stories about sharks at play, sharks at Thanksgiving and sharks as precise and sentient beings. We talk Great Whites, hammerheads, sleepers and cookie-cutters and having scientists train in translating their work for the public - a reminder of scientists’ important role in serving humanity. A fun talk with a fun guy about a fun topic. See episode 94 with Julie Church for another pioneer of the sea. Chris, Website: Shark Lab | California State University Long Beach ( FB/X/IG: @csulbsharklab
May 26, 2024 • 1h 5min

189. Dr. Jeffrey Kripal – Chair in Philosophy & Religious Thought, Rice University / Philosopher / Author - Owning Our Own Divinity

To give to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  For our part one with Jeffrey, visit our discussion in episode 118 (August 2022). Welcome back to Behind Greatness. We are back with Jeffrey for a part 2 in our discussion. Jeffrey holds the J. Newton Rayzor Chair in Philosophy and Religious Thought at Rice University, where he served as the Associate Dean of the School of Humanities (2019-2023) and chaired the Department of Religion for eight years. We delve into the Archives of the Impossible – a project that he began in 2014 at Rice University that now holds over 1 million documents. We talk about his very profound out of body experience, the “great big magnet in the sky”, dreams, and our culture both informed and “broken down” by impossible events. We hear about Jeffrey’s thoughts on the trickery of the paranormal and the cultural placebo effect that is religion and our unwillingness to own our divinity. We visit belief v thought and revisit the discussion on the “third space”. The impossibility of translation of one type of consciousness to another … non human intelligence being perhaps us … being the mask … and the superhuman. We recommend a listen to Diana Pasulka (ep 142), Werner Barkhuizen (ep 162), Scarlett Heinbuch (ep 164) and Mike Clelland (ep 176). Jeffrey: Website: Archives of the Impossible: Books:

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