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Behind Greatness by Inspire North

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May 14, 2024 • 1h 17min

188. Matthew Roberts – Former US Navy Cryptologist / Experiencer / Author – Pushing the Boundaries of Human Perception

Welcome back to Behind Greatness. We sat down with Matthew Roberts at his home on the East Coast and we were treated with a thoughtful talk on a fascinating subject. Matthew worked in the US Navy as a Cryptologist for 16 years where he spent many years working on encryption/decryption communication process to catch the bad guys the world round. He is also recognized as being featured in Episode 1 of the 2023 Netflix series Encounters. Starting in 2015 he began to have a series of fascinating profound personal experiences after being on board the USS Roosevelt during the famous Gimbal and the Go Fast events. The Navy later described these events as incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena into military training ranges. These events completely changed the course of Matthew’s life, who had been a life-long atheist up to this point in his life. We learn about his journey of self-discovery, the subsequent opening up of his world view and his exploration of our place in the cosmos. Amongst the several themes in this episode, we discuss his insight on humanity’s lack of insight on evolution beyond us, the dead-end nature of our materialistic western mindset, what he thinks non-human intelligence is trying to communicate and the significance of “picking at the edges of human perception”. See episodes with Ryan Graves (ep 141) and Kevin Day (ep 171) to hear about more experiences from other former US Navy servicemen. See also the session we had with Dr. Steven J. Dick, Astrobiologist and former Chief Historian at NASA (ep 150). Matthew, ·    Book: Initiated: UAP, Dreams, Depression, Delusions, Shadow People, Psychosis, Sleep Paralysis, and Pandemics - Netflix series Encounters (episode 1), featuring Matthew - Gimbal event: Video: Go Fast event: Video:
Apr 29, 2024 • 1h

187. Dr. Garry Nolan – Immunologist / Inventor / Founder, The SOL Foundation - Asking the Zen Question

To give to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Thanks for joining us at behind Greatness. We sit down with Dr. Garry Nolan at his home in California. Garry is an Immunologist, an academic, an inventor and patent holder and a business executive. Dr. Nolan holds the Rachford and Carlotta A. Harris Endowed Chair in the Department of Pathology at Stanford University School of Medicine. We pack this conversation with Garry’s practice on focusing on the data to provide the conversation piece with other scientists and the public. We talk about Garry’s personal experiences when he was younger and how they serve as fuel to his scientific inquiry. He elaborates on the importance for him in hiding his long term intent behind a cloak of real science. We hear about his research in a Harvard lab on the basal ganglia, prompted by earlier work done with Kit Green and high functioning remote viewers and intuition. We learn from him about doing science best with asking the Zen question - so that the answer will always move you forward. And, we hear a refreshing perspective on speculation of the non-human intelligence question and that “something behind the scenes”. As a life-long question-maker, he also shares with us the type of person he honours and why. Why? Because ‘why’ is the answer. That’s why.   Garry, Bio: SOL Foundation: Youtube: SOL Foundation Talk : Interview with Ross Coulthart: SALT Talk: X: @garrynolan See episode with Diana Pasulka (ep 142). Garry is also “James” in Diana’s book American Cosmic
Apr 15, 2024 • 1h 22min

186. Dr. Rudolf Schild, continued (part 2) - Opening up your Mind to the Mind of the Universe

To give to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.    For Rudy, part 1, please have a listen to episode #179.   Welcome back to Behind Greatness. We are back with Rudy. Rudy is a pre-eminent expert on black holes and a world-renowned Astrophysicist from Harvard, practising in the field since the mid-1960s. He is also the co-Founder of FREE / CCRI (see co-Founder past guests Rey Hernandez & Mary Rodwell) and also the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Cosmology.   We begin in the deep end with Rudy on this talk. We discuss his research experience and scientific exploration and the modern realities of getting ahead of the current science. He describes how the current belief in dark matter is incorrect, his discovery of the cluster of planets, the importance of MECOs (magnetospheric eternally collapsing objects) vs the classical definition of black holes. And that’s just the start. We discuss his friend’s (astronaut) Edgar Mitchell’s mystical experience in space in the 1970s, his desire to get NASA explore this with him, the experience of shared animal and human consciousness in space, our thoughts in the quantum field and the importance of empathy as a driver for the universe. We discuss Rudy’s desire for academics to mathematically study the lights emitted by ufos and for establishing intellectual academic research studies in this field, his belief in non-human intelligence and the wish that we open our minds to the wisdom of the universe.   … to be continued…   See earlier episodes with Rudy’s FREE/CCRI co-Founders Rey Hernandez (ep 153, 154) & Mary Rodwell (ep 149). See also Michael Masters (ep. 184) @ Montana Tech University, Diana Pasulka (ep 142) & Dean Radin (ep 122).   Rudy, Center for Astrophysics – Journal of Cosmology - Personal website - List of Published papers - CCRI (Consciousness & Contact Research Institute) - Book (co-Author with Suzy Hansen) – Dual Soul Connection: The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement: Book: Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness & Contact with Non Human Intelligence - Edgar Mitchell Book: The Way of the Explorer: An Apollo Astronaut’s Journey Through the Material and Mystical Worlds - NASA – Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy “SOFIA” -
Mar 28, 2024 • 1h 37min

185. Dr. Iya Whiteley – Space Psychologist / Korean Medicine Practitioner / Founder, Cosmic Baby Academy – Listening Through a Different Sense

To give to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.   Thanks for stopping by at Behind Greatness. Today we’re having a chat with Dr Iya Whiteley. She is currently the Director for the Centre for Space Medicine in London. Iya is an Aviation and Space Psychologist a Korean Medicine practitioner, an adventurer and martial artist and also the Founder of the Cosmic Baby Academy. Iya studies what motivates people to go beyond the edge of their capabilities, researching professional intuition. Her work focuses on pilots and astronauts to "hear their thinking”. We learn about childhood innocence and the astronaut, the significance of coincidences, the shattering of beliefs with the experience of space travel, ghosts in the cockpit, plonking to earth and fragility. And, she brings us through the cosmic connection with the baby’s experience and her desire to create a language for babies and parents not bound by linguistic parameters. A Searcher without needing to prove a point.   Proposing a way forward.   Have a listen to Diana Pasulka (ep 142) and former Navy fighter pilot, Ryan Graves (ep 142).   Iya,   IG: @driyawhiteley
Mar 19, 2024 • 1h 8min

184. Dr. Michael Masters – Paleo-Anthropologist / Author / Musician / Painter – Wondering About the Future Us

To give to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Welcome back to Behind Greatness. We have a chat today with Michael from his home in Butte, Montana. Michael is a professor of biological anthropology at Montana Technological University in Butte where he actively researches hominin evolutionary anatomy, human variation, archaeology, biomedicine, and the UFO phenomenon. His research examines the premise that ‘aliens’ may be our human descendants, returning from the future to visit and study their own hominin evolutionary past. He brings us through his early fascination with the unknown as a young boy and his personal follow through on his what ifs straight into a life in anthropology – and back beyond. We learn about his experience holding ancient skulls, non-local consciousness and the question on whether or not rocks and mountains are ‘alive’. We talk manufactured stigma, telepathic downloads and the support of his university in his quest to investigate the ufo question with both a scientific fastidiousness and an open-minded viewpoint of the world informed by his own mystical experiences. Straight-up, straight-talk. See our talks with Archeologist Dr. Vera Tiesler (ep 81) and world renowned Paleontologist Jack Horner (p 158) …. And Jeffrey Kripal (ep 118). Michael, Amazon Book Link: Website: X: @MorphoTime FB: IG: Podcast discussion with the 2 strangers with whom Mike had the experience:
Mar 11, 2024 • 1h 5min

183. Fr. Francis Tiso – Expert on Tibetan Buddhism / Author / Alchemist – Rising Informed

To give to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Welcome back to Behind Greatness. We sit down with Fr. Francis today who joins us from Molise, Italy. Fr. Francis is an author, a scholar, an expert on Tibetan Buddhism an alchemist and an artist. He lives a life of science and spirituality and we discuss how alchemy plays an important part in his life as a reflection of that balance. We dive into languages and dialects and their interconnectivity to geography and culture, the trek of the snow leopard and a discussion on the most important laboratory on earth. We hear about his mystical experiences as a young man and the wonder that has pushed him since. We learn about his searching for those in Tibet who have experienced the actual dissolution of their physical body and the manifesting of their light body – the so-called rainbow body. And we learn about the wisdom collected along the way.   Fr. Francis, Book: YT - Rainbow Body in Gebchak Nunnery -
Feb 27, 2024 • 1h 3min

182. Pacho Flores - Trumpeter, Composer, Dreamer - Seeing the Sound

Welcome back to Behind Greatness. We are honoured today to be speaking with Pacho Flores from Valencia, Spain, in his first interview in English. A native of San Cristobal, Venezuela and an early student of El Sistema, Pacho is a globally recognized trumpeter. He is also a leader in the blending of Latin American sounds in his compositions, with composers drafting pieces explicitly for his style. He is also the lead artist in residence with the world's leading brass instrument manufacturer Stomvi. He hear about his thoughts on genius v crazy, investing for quality, the miracle of Jose Antonio Abreu's El Sistema and the joy that the Southern Hemisphere brings to the world (of music). We learn about the trumpet as the big protagonist in music and Latin American sound, the joy and the sorrow it emotes and his personal/professional mission to show Latin culture through his repertoire. We discuss why music is "the queen of the arts", the role of empathy in music and why dreaming for Pacho is pivotal in creating pathways.    Our warmest abrazo to our friend Dr. Vera Tiesler (ep 81) and a tip of the hat to Joan Koenig (ep 79) and Wynton Marsalis (ep126).   Pacho, Website - IG: @pachofloresofficial  FB: X: @pacho_flores YT - Concierto de Otoño para trompeta - Arturo Marquez   Stomvi, Website -
Feb 19, 2024 • 1h 12min

181. Dr. Eric Wargo - Science Writer / Author, Precognitive Dreamwork & The Long Self - Being Broken Open

To give to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Thanks for joining us again at Behind Greatness. We chat with Eric Wargo today who lives in the Washington DC area. Eric is a science writer with a PhD in Anthropology working for government institutes conducting archaeology, psychology, and neuroscience research. He is a writer and an author and is well known for writing about dreaming, creativity and precognition. We delve immediately into the "long self" and exploring the idea of connecting to our future surviving long self and how dreams are about our future thoughts on experiences. We learn about his early precognitive dream experiences and the personal ufo sighting that fired him up - and his new intellectual and creative path that ensued. We discuss art and literature as prophetic and how artists borrow from other artists precognitively. And for fun, we talk about his developing theory on inspiration actually being precognition.   A thanks to Jeffrey Kripal (ep 118) and Diana Pasulka (ep 142). Eric, Books: Precognitive Dreamwork and the Long Self and Time Loops Blog: X: @thenightshirt
Feb 7, 2024 • 1h 25min

180. Dr. Paul H. Smith – Major, US Army (ret.) / Remote Viewer & “Psychic Spy” / Author - Using the Gift for your Potential

To give to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Thanks for joining us again at Behind greatness. We are tuned in today with Paul Smith. Paul is a retired major in the US Army. He is most known as being a key member in the US government’s secret Psychic Espionage Program, Star Gate, during the 1980s and 90s. He is a leading expert on ESP, Remote Viewing and applied consciousness. He was only part of a handful of people trained by the father of remote viewing: Ingo Swann and he in turn became one of the few trainers in the unit of other remote viewers. Paul brings us through the Men in Black scenario of his recruitment at Fort Meade … to his time in the unit and the stories of his remote viewing exercises … to unofficially using his skills when he served in Desert Storm … and to his wife figuring out about his psychic military duties. We discuss non-local consciousness and the difficulties that main stream scientists still have with non-physical realities. We discuss applied intuition and ESP-informed intuition, bilocation and when Ingo Swann saved the world. We also learn about Pat Price (the country’s most capable remote viewer at the time and Police Commissioner) finding 4 presumed UFO bases on the planet in the 1970s using remote viewing - and Paul’s experience in remote viewing the same and his discussion of the “people” he viewed there. See other remote viewers: Russell Targ (ep 80) , Dean Radin (ep 122), Stephan Schwartz (154, 155), Lyn Buchanan (ep163), Nancy DuTetre (167). Paul, Website: Book: Reading the Enemy's Mind: Inside Star Gate: America's Psychic Espionage Program - Book: The Essential Guide to Remote Viewing: The Secret Military Remote Perception Skill Anyone Can Learn - Link to Ingo Swann: Ingo Swann Speech, Human Super Sensitivities, 2006: An Experimental Psychic Probe of the Planet Jupiter: Documentary – Ingo Swann: A Life Gone Wild:
Jan 31, 2024 • 1h 24min

179. Dr. Rudolf Schild – World Renowned Astrophysicist / Black Hole Expert / co-Founder, FREE (CCRI) – Being Responsible for Understanding

To give to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.    Welcome back to Behind Greatness. We sit down with Rudy, who joins us from his home in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Rudy is a pre-eminent expert on black holes and a world renowned Astrophysicist from Harvard, practicing in the field since the mid-1960s. He is also the co-Founder of FREE / CCRI (see co-Founder past guests Rey Hernandez & Mary Rodwell) and also the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Cosmology.   Are you ready, listener?   We plunge into the vastness of the universe and swim in the nothingness and fullness of it all. We hear about blackholes as nature’s hard drive, the nature of existence and reality, his friendship with Dr. Edgar Mitchell (storied astronaut) and Dr. John Mack (famed Harvard psychiatrist) and their unique research, the quantum hologram, the alien breeding program, interaction with non-human intelligence post-Hiroshima/Nagasaki, changes in the brain post ufo-contact, and the important work of scientist Wilhelm Reich in quantum medicine and quantum engineering .   And we only got to swim in Rudy’s shallow end on this talk.   To be continued.   See earlier episodes with FREE/CCRI co-Founders Rey Hernandez (ep 153, 154) & Mary Rodwell (ep 149). See also Kevin Day (ep 171). CCRI:   Rudy, Center for Astrophysics – Journal of Cosmology - Personal website - List of Published papers - CCRI (Consciousness & Contact Research Institute) - Book (co-Author with Suzy Hansen) – Dual Soul Connection: The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement: Book: Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness & Contact with Non Human Intelligence -  

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