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The Made to Thrive Show

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Mar 9, 2021 • 1h 13min

Western Medical Dentistry Exposed: Dr. Rojas Unpacks the Importance of Oral Health

Dr. Orlando Rojas believes in ethical bio-aesthetic dentistry and discovering the truth. After graduating as a dental surgeon in Colombia in 1986, Dr. Rojas was deeply disturbed and disappointed after uncovering that amalgam fillings were not safe and the dentistry world knew it but still used them. He wondered if they lied about that, what else had they lied to him about? Since that fateful day Dr. Rojas has been on a journey of truth, including witnessing the crippling effects of fluoride, and devoted his dentistry practice to that as a biological dentist, much of which he pioneered and taught himself. He has a degree in Dental Surgery and a litany of advanced certifications from local and international universities such as Harvard and NYU. He is an international lecturer and instructor, member of the International Associate for Dental Research South Africa and the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology as well as many other South African and international associations, co-founder of Dental Care Group, a group that as early as 1994 treated underprivileged South Africans with the best biological dental care, and is an associate fellow of the World Clinical Laser Institute. Dr. Rojas is also a man of principles, and abides by “the” golden rule: Do unto others what you would like to have do to you. He aims to provide the highest quality of health care through gentle, personalized conscious dentistry, which acknowledges everyone as a holistic person with not only a physical body but also mental and emotional bodies as well as a soul. Or as he puts it, “All medicine comes down to this – find out what doesn’t belong in your body and get rid of it. Find out what is missing, and replace it. The body does the rest and it is more important to understand the imbalances in your body’s basic systems and restore balance rather than name the disease and match the pill to the ill.”Join us as we explore:Dr. Rojas’s journey from believer in traditional dentistry to leaving that worldview behind.What exactly is biological dentistry?What to do if you have mercury fillings and why mercury is dangerous.How both root canals and wisdom teeth extraction usually lead to a poisoned body.What to do about root canals and wisdom teeth?How we are more than a “sack of teeth and bones”.Dr. Rojas’s personal dental hygiene routine.3 hacks to immediately improve your oral health.MentionsDr. Karl Ulrich Volz, Alvin Danenberg. Nutritional Periodontist. https://drdanenberg.comDr. Dominik Nischwitz.Support the showFollow Steve's socials: Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | TikTokSupport the show on Patreon:As much as we love doing it, there are costs involved and any contribution will allow us to keep going and keep finding the best guests in the world to share their health expertise with you. I’d be grateful and feel so blessed by your support: me a WhatsApp to +27 64 871 0308. Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all of our content:
Feb 25, 2021 • 58min

South African Neuroscientist Dr. Caroline Leaf Cleans Up Your Mental Mess

Dr. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. Since the early 1980s she has researched the mind-brain connection, the nature of mental health, and the formation of memory. She was one of the first in her field to study how the brain can change (neuroplasticity) with directed mind input. During her years in clinical practice she worked with many people who struggled with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), learning disabilities (ADD, ADHD), autism, dementias and mental ill-health issues like anxiety and depression. She also teaches at academic, medical and neuroscience conferences, churches, and to various audiences around the world. Dr. Leaf is also the bestselling author of Switch on Your Brain, Think Learn Succeed, Think and Eat Yourself Smart, and now is out with her brand new book Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess - 5 Simple, Scientifically Proven Steps To Reduce Anxiety, Stress, And Toxic Thinking. In her new book she explores with rigorous research why the mind and brain are different and how what is often treated as a perceived mental illness of the brain is really about the mind and the stories and identities embedded into individuals. In her new book she outlines the necessity of managing your mind and does so with her own process called neurocycling. Join us as we explore:How Dr. Leaf has fought for decades to focus on the mind vs the brain.The difference between brain and mind?How all of us are capable and must strive to be Olympian mind athletes.The interrelationship between beliefs and habits.Why feelings of anxiety and depression are not mental illnesses.How you’re mind must be managed because it is always with you.How managing your mind is about catching signals and owning them.How mental health isn’t about the brain - it’s about the mind.The danger of identifying oneself as a diseaseHow the theory of a “chemical imbalance” in the brain is a mythWhat neurocycling is explained with a real world exampleMentionsCleaning Up Your Mental Mess - 5 Simple, Scientifically Proven Steps To Reduce Anxiety, Stress, And Toxic Thinking, PREORDER available now on: https://drleaf.com comes with amazing bonus content including exclusive bonus chapters, a free one month subscription to the app, free webinars and much more the showFollow Steve's socials: Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | TikTokSupport the show on Patreon:As much as we love doing it, there are costs involved and any contribution will allow us to keep going and keep finding the best guests in the world to share their health expertise with you. I’d be grateful and feel so blessed by your support: me a WhatsApp to +27 64 871 0308. Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all of our content:
Feb 23, 2021 • 58min

Eye Health: Ending Shortsightedness With Jake Steiner

Jake Steiner is the founder and pioneer behind, the world leading resource hub on how to reverse myopia and naturally return one’s eyesight to 20/20. Twenty years ago Jake himself had a -5.00 diopter myopia but now has perfect vision. Throughout his journey Jake accumulated and cataloged the many tools, resources and experiences that eventually became, which has grown into an active community of thousands of fellow “myopes” who share knowledge, information and every tip and trick of their own eyesight recovery journeys. This online community combines science, biology and clinical research with the human touch to create an engaging community passionate to help, guide and support everybody who decides to take their eyesight back. Jake himself still leads the charge and is fervent about proving that bad eyesight is simply a “refractive state” and not a medical condition. Based on his success story but more importantly the many thousands of other successes in his every growing community, Jake has proven that it is possible to correct one’s eyesight and ditch the glasses for good.Join us as we explore:Can you really reverse myopia/shortsightedness?Is shortsightedness, or myopia, a “refractive state” versus a medical condition?What was the red flag that sparked Jake’s 20 year journey?The origin of myopia and why the treatment is the problem.What the number one factor behind the explosion of myopia.Advice for parents with young children. How to practice active focus by making it fun.Strategies combining getting away from screens and improving vision.How reversing myopia is actually about habit change.How to balance stimulus and strain.Jake’s practical day-to-day advice and top 3 tips to improve vision. Mentionshttps://endmyopia.orgJake Steiner the showFollow Steve's socials: Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | TikTokSupport the show on Patreon:As much as we love doing it, there are costs involved and any contribution will allow us to keep going and keep finding the best guests in the world to share their health expertise with you. I’d be grateful and feel so blessed by your support: me a WhatsApp to +27 64 871 0308. Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all of our content:
Feb 16, 2021 • 1h 8min

Dr Tom Cowan MD: Solutions to Chronic Disease from One of the Most Intelligent Doctors

Dr Tom Cowan is a curious observer and courageous teacher.  He is the author of Human Heart, Cosmic Heart, and the principal author of The Fourfold Path to Healing, and co-author (with Sally Fallon) of The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care.  He has studied and written about many subjects in medicine including the heart, cancer, autoimmune disease, nutrition, anthroposophical medicine, and herbal medicine.  He is a founding board member of the Western A. Price Foundation and writes the ‘Ask the Doctor’ column in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts.  In 2016, he and his family launched Dr. Cowan’s Garden, a company that makes and sells organic vegetable powders to help people diversify their vegetable consumption.  He currently practices medicine in San Francisco. Join us as we explore:Understanding the Concept of RealityThe trouble with ScienceWhy Cancer is not a Genetic DiseaseThe Theory of Liver Cells and what causes CancerThe Gerson Diet to clean out the Garbage and dissolve a tumorWhy there is no such thing as a Genetic DiseaseHow water can change your Genes.  The expression and malfunctionUnderstanding that there are no cells in the body, only flowWhy our Medicines do not solve our problemsHow belief is the most important field to structure water and its flowYou are the creator of your life together with the DivineWhy ATP is not the source of EnergyHow to stop poisoning ourselves, tips for a healthier lifestyleWhat you need to know about Mistletoe InjectionsHow to sustain transformation for continued success and health  Join our community:Facebook MadeToThriveZA; SteveStavsZAInstagram SteveStavsZAMentionsDr Cowans Garden Heart, Cosmic Heart: A Doctor’s Quest to Understand, Treat, and Prevent Cardiovascular Disease by Dr. Thomas Cowan Mullis Barbara McClintock Pollack Linghttp://www.gilbertling.orSupport the showFollow Steve's socials: Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | TikTokSupport the show on Patreon:As much as we love doing it, there are costs involved and any contribution will allow us to keep going and keep finding the best guests in the world to share their health expertise with you. I’d be grateful and feel so blessed by your support: me a WhatsApp to +27 64 871 0308. Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all of our content:
Feb 9, 2021 • 1h 3min

Dr Jeffrey Bland: The Father of Functional Medicine Shares His 35yrs of Wisdom

Jeffrey Bland has been an internationally recognized leader in the nutritional medicine field for over 35 years and is known as the father of functional medicine for his ability to synthesize complex scientific concepts in a manner that is both personable and accessible. A biochemist by training, Dr. Bland earned dual degrees in biology and chemistry from the University of California, Irvine, and completed his PhD in organic chemistry at the University of Oregon. He is a Fellow of both the American College of Nutrition where he is a Certified Nutrition Specialist and the Association for Clinical Biochemistry. Dr. Bland has authored five books on nutritional medicine for the healthcare professional and six books on nutrition and health for the general public.Join us as we explore:The double entendre of Functional Medicine, what it is and how to deliver healthcare vs. disease careHow atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons and the goal of reducing human suffering founded the Functional Medicine ecosystemThe ethos of ‘same disease different pattern, different disease, same pattern’How Dr. Bland got momentum against a very Westernized Medical modelThe role of Functional Medicine with COVID-19 and Dr. Bland’s top tips on how to develop a robust immune systemGroup practice and community to reduce healthcare costsThe role of health coaches and advocatesMitophagy, Mitochondrial resuscitation and how to hack you’re your Mitochondrial health Mitochondropathy and the interrelated relationship to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Desert Storm and Multiple Chemical SensitivityThe tools of gastrointestinal restoration, metabolic detoxification and immuno-rejuvenationThe Oral Microbiome, periodontitis and hidden infections simmering in your mouth cavity Light is Health along with how anti-bacterial approaches impact our natural immunityJoin our community:Facebook MadeToThriveZA; SteveStavsZAInstagram SteveStavsZAMentionsDr. Linus Pauling Schweitzer & Albert Einstein Medicine for Functional Medicine (IFM) Lifestyle Medicine Institute Mark Hyman Maskell and The Community Cure the showFollow Steve's socials: Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | TikTokSupport the show on Patreon:As much as we love doing it, there are costs involved and any contribution will allow us to keep going and keep finding the best guests in the world to share their health expertise with you. I’d be grateful and feel so blessed by your support: me a WhatsApp to +27 64 871 0308. Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all of our content:
Feb 4, 2021 • 49min

Josh Trent: Wellness Force Health Hero on Optimizing your Mind, Body and Soul.

Josh Trent is the Founder of Wellness Force Media and host of the top-ranked Wellness Force Radio.  His iTunes show focuses on Health, Self-Help, and Fitness & Nutrition that showcases world class experts in both physical and emotional wellness. In 2004, he began his wellness journey in search of the truth and embarked on his very own Hero’s Journey. He has spent over 17 years as a researcher, trainer and facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence requirements for humans to thrive.  Josh is also the creator of BREATH, a 21 -day guided breath and wellness program using ancient wisdom to boost your immunity, calm your mind and give you freedom from chronic stress in the modern world.  Josh believes in truth, love, kindness, and service to others.  Join us as we explore:Josh’s journey from food & porn addiction to health & wellbeing How to live your life wellMentors and spiritual mentors, and his relationship with GodCuriosity: how it can work for and against you How childhood wounds affect our behavior nowThe key to moving forward and yet remaining unattachedThe three overarching stages to the Hero’s Journey The importance of nourishing thoughts, belief, and faithExplaining the Loop of Creation: Belief, Thoughts, Feelings and Action Why the physical and emotional side of wellness is fueled by spiritual intelligenceUsing our breath to create balance, create momentum and shift our stateSpiritual intelligenceFurther benefits of breath work, conscious and unconscious breathing How thoughts become things – the basis of the thought movementIndoctrination of mask wearing and enslavement of Covid-19The massive Hero’s Journey we are currently experiencing as a collective The hope emerging in a greater level of consciousness Josh Trent’s routine – The Morning M21 Guide to create and sustain momentum.Unpacking why simplistic action is not easy.The importance of quality sleep – Why we need to make our bed in the morning. Josh shares his biggest biohack Why community is everything - caring for other lives taking preference over ourselves Plandemic causing a separation of communities. Energy of fear in our communities Join our community:Facebook MadeToThriveZA; SteveStavsZAInstagram SteveStavsZA MentionsWellness Force Wattswww.alanwatts.orgSupport the showFollow Steve's socials: Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | TikTokSupport the show on Patreon:As much as we love doing it, there are costs involved and any contribution will allow us to keep going and keep finding the best guests in the world to share their health expertise with you. I’d be grateful and feel so blessed by your support: me a WhatsApp to +27 64 871 0308. Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all of our content:
Jan 19, 2021 • 1h 2min

The Light Diet strikes again with Matt Maruca

Matt is a young expert in all thing’s ancestral health and a massive inspiration! He suffered health issues from a young age and soon realized that conventional medicine and doctors were not the answer. From thirteen years of age, he began to hack his way to health and has managed to mitigate his health issues and could be a poster young adult for Optimal Health.  He is currently only 21 years of age and is highly influential, best known for the Light Diet. His primary mentor is Dr. Jack Kruse, but Matt has also tried and tested his own ideas and ways to reach Optimal health. After extensive research, Matt developed his own line of Blue Blocking Glasses and this is how Ra Optics was born. Ra Optics are now positioned as the best quality blue blocking glasses in the world. Matt also has a blog and podcast where he shares his knowledge and hopes to make positive change in the world.  Join us as we explore: Epigenetics – can we change our Genes?The importance of natural light to ensure the smooth running of our bodiesWhy we only want to expose ourselves to certain types of lightWhy you should avoid wearing sunglasses, contact lenses and sunblock in the sun The reason for chaos and imbalance when we don’t have exposure to morning lightWhy artificial light disturbs the Circadian Rhythm The misconception that UV light causes Skin CancerThe importance of consistently and gradually exposing ourselves to the sun dailyThe mineral we should be using as a replacement to chemical sunblockThe link between skin tone and the amount of sun exposure needed for the creation of Vitamin DMatt’s daily routine touching on light exposure, supplements, food choices, movement and meditationWhy we should not consume food at nightHow our beliefs affect our Biology- find out the recipe for success!The damaging effect of EMF’s and the link to diseaseWays to reduce your exposure to EMF’s and the 5G nightmareMatt’s top three Biohacks  Join our community:Facebook MadeToThriveZA; SteveStavsZAInstagram SteveStavsZAMentionsBen Greenfield Jack Kruse App Optics Storey Dispenza 4-Hour Workweek – Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the Rich by Timothy Ferriss the showFollow Steve's socials: Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | TikTokSupport the show on Patreon:As much as we love doing it, there are costs involved and any contribution will allow us to keep going and keep finding the best guests in the world to share their health expertise with you. I’d be grateful and feel so blessed by your support: me a WhatsApp to +27 64 871 0308. Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all of our content:
Jan 13, 2021 • 55min

Siim Land: The World’s Youngest Pro Biohacker Unpacks Fasting, Autophagy and Improving Performance!

Siim Land is a 26 year old author, content creator, public speaker, professional biohacker and a high-performance coach. His passions include performance improvement, longevity, mindset and overall wellness. The overall term he likes to use is Body Mind Empowerment which refers to physical as well as mental development. Siim hails from Estonia and is an anthropologist by education, but he’s branched out into entrepreneurship and writing, beginning with his blog,  This includes articles and tutorials about intermittent fasting, ketogenic dieting, meditation, cold thermogenesis, taking saunas, self-discipline, morning routines, and everything related to becoming a high performing individual. Join us as we explore: His research into fitness, performance and longevityHis pursuit into illness avoidanceWhat is “autophagy”?Autophagy as a central component to healthy cellular functioningHow to activate autophagyThe pros and cons of autophagyThe benefits of intermittent fasting Using fasting as a nutritional levelThe effectiveness of the 16:8 versus the 20:4 eating window The effect of exercise and sauna on your body’s ability to activate autophagyThe role of autophagy in assisting with cardiovascular disease and cancer preventionWhat is “apoptosis” and its role in the destruction of cellsFasting and muscle buildingAnimal proteins and their relative risk to cancerComplications of reduced muscle mass and metabolism Siim’s daily routine of exercise, meals and creativityUse and timing of infrared saunaThe best low-impact cardio, weight training and HIIT exercise to maximize longevity The benefits of KAATSU bandsThe benefits of training with the X3 BarImportant factors to manage to optimize sleepHow to improve REM sleepHow much deep sleep should we be aiming for a night“Hormesis” and its role in your longevityHow to activate  hormesis, and quantities for optimal benefitImportant physical and emotional indicators for high stress Handling stressors, such a cold thermogenesis or saunasBenefits of CGM in assisting your overall metabolic healthFactors that affect glucose metabolismUsing these tools to enhance your quality of lifeEMF radiation – how worried should we be and ways to mitigate risksHis new book, “The Immunity Fix” targeted at strengthening the immune system, due out any dayJoin our community:Facebook MadeToThriveZA; SteveStavsZAInstagram SteveSupport the showFollow Steve's socials: Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | TikTokSupport the show on Patreon:As much as we love doing it, there are costs involved and any contribution will allow us to keep going and keep finding the best guests in the world to share their health expertise with you. I’d be grateful and feel so blessed by your support: me a WhatsApp to +27 64 871 0308. Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all of our content:
Jan 5, 2021 • 57min

Justin Cohen: Thriving With True Community in a Socially Distant World

Justin Cohen is the author of 6 books and 8 audiobooks. He is currently the host and transformational coach of MNET’s prime time reality show The Single Wives, and a doctoral candidate at Middlesex University in London. Justin hosted a CNBC Africa TV show in which he interviewed some of the world’s top experts on success. With a postgraduate degree in psychology, and a special interest in human potential,  Justin Cohen speaks and trains in the fields of motivation, sales, customer service and leadership. Over the past 20 years he has presented in nearly 30 countries, and in virtually every industry, to an average of 8000 people annually. Justin is a Certified Speaker Professional and a Southern African Speaker Hall of Fame inductee. He is an individual all about purpose and inspiring people to live to their full potential. Join us as we explore:What community is and what we get from our connection with others. How Covid-19 has affected this sense of communitySocial vs physical distancing The positive influence of technology in building connection  The role of language in creating realityThe impact on human emotion due to lack of touch and engagement, and is this temporary?The importance of community on your health and performanceThe chemical response associated with all the new technologies and social mediaInstant gratification and human needFacebook’s pros and consHow to evaluate our own communitiesThe impact of social media on our self esteem, and suicide ratesThe importance of kindness in relationshipsA good barometer for evaluating a relationshipThe impact of cellphones and other devices on our relationshipsContent consumption versus content creationThe “reactance effect” – the aversion to having our choices limited or alternatives removedSingle biggest success factor in life according to longest running Harvard studyHow to motivate your teens to develop their social skillsThe power of habit in sustained changeJustin’s experience as host and relationship coach on the reality MNET show, The Single WivesJoin our community:Facebook MadeToThriveZA; SteveStavsZAInstagram SteveStavsZA MentionsBook: Winning with Relationships: 21 Laws of Influence in Love and Business by Justin Cohen the showFollow Steve's socials: Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | TikTokSupport the show on Patreon:As much as we love doing it, there are costs involved and any contribution will allow us to keep going and keep finding the best guests in the world to share their health expertise with you. I’d be grateful and feel so blessed by your support: me a WhatsApp to +27 64 871 0308. Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all of our content:
Dec 30, 2020 • 50min

Carlee Hayes: Why Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) is the future of Individualized nutrition:

Carlee Hayes, is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and Lead Nutritionist at Nutrisense, a company that uses Continuous Glucose Monitoring technology to oversee nutrition, and hopefully change the world. Her role at Nutrisense involves working with and overseeing the data of thousands of users. Nutrisense has more data on prevention, and not simply diabetes management, than any other player in this industry. Carlee believes this technology has the ability to prevent disease, optimise health and fine tune a person’s diet based on their own biology. Carlee is based in Seattle, USA.Join us as we explore:What is a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)?Why healthy people should also monitor their blood glucose levels Glucose: one of our other “vital signs” What is a high blood glucose and what is your optimal range?Glycemic variability and why is it arguably the most important measure of metabolic health?The relevance of an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test How to test for insulin sensitivity around specific food sourcesThe damage a glucose spike causes and the health implications thereofInsulin and insulin resistance Common, everyday habits that affect glucose levels The vicious weight loss cycle Which foods mitigate high blood glucose levelsDoes food order makes a difference to your glucose and insulin responses?Three critical considerations with regards to blood glucose monitoring What sets Nutrisense apart from other CGMsThe four pillars of glucose: food, stress, sleep and movementHow to incorporate a CGM in your life  Join our community:Facebook MadeToThriveZA; SteveStavsZAInstagram SteveStavsZAMentions Book: Robb Wolf – Wired to Eat: Turn Off Craving, Rewire Your Appetite for Weight Loss, and Determine the Foods That Work for You. 2015 Food Order Study in people with Diabetes Book: Dr Satchin Panda - Circadian Code: Lose Weight, Supercharge Your Energy, and Transform Your Health From Morning to Midnight the showFollow Steve's socials: Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | TikTokSupport the show on Patreon:As much as we love doing it, there are costs involved and any contribution will allow us to keep going and keep finding the best guests in the world to share their health expertise with you. I’d be grateful and feel so blessed by your support: me a WhatsApp to +27 64 871 0308. Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all of our content:

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