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Nov 21, 2023 • 28min

Unlocking The Secrets To Powerful Lawyer Presentations with Val Madamba

Watch the YouTube version of this episode HEREAre you an attorney who needs help with delivering presentations? In this podcast episode, Jim and Tyson host Val Madama, a legal presentation coach. Val shares her journey from practicing food and drug law to coaching lawyers on improving their presentation skills.Mastering presentations is a skill that takes practice. Val goes over a few common mistakes lawyers make when giving presentations. One mistake is assuming everyone needs the same things from the presentation when really everyone needs something different and will walk away with something different. This means the way you communicate to an audience should reflect this idea. Tailoring a presentation to each audience is key to keeping them engaged. If the presentation is about writing legal briefs, tailor your content to that. Another mistake is not presenting using plain language. Legal jargon only makes sense to lawyers. If you are giving a presentation to an audience who is not, ensure your slides and your language is clear and makes sense. Think about starting presentations off with a thesis or why you are there and what you are trying to “prove”.Val, Jim and Tyson talk about the importance of storytelling when presenting. A lot of people are more focused on making their slides look better or using eye-catching software to create their presentation. Others are more concerned with not stumbling and making sure their entire presentation is perfect. The reality is there will be stumbling or saying “um” or “like” and that is fine. As long as the presentation flows like you are telling a story, the presentation is a success.Ensuring there is enough time to practice for a presentation is really important to delivering it well. Val talks about developing muscle memory when practicing. The more you practice, the easier it is to remember and create that flow. One trick is to treat the presentation as if it were a conversation with colleagues or a normal Monday morning meeting discussing the week ahead. This also takes the “nervousness” out of presenting because it is being treated like any other conversation. Start rehearsing for presentations when you are 75% done creating it. This will allow you to flesh out any issues and go back and forth in how you will say things. This will shape your speech and also develop muscle memory. Though rehearsing is important, make sure to step away from the presentation to allow for the muscle memory to develop better. This will also not create a robotic speech to your presentation.Take a listen!Jim’s Hack: There is no substitute for meeting people face to face ( like your team!) Val’s Tip: For everyone's next presentation figure out what the action you want people to take, and then identify 1 to 2 benefits of that action, and let that be your whole thesis statement. Tyson Tip: Change the mindset with a quote by Guy Ritchie: Love the game because you're in it. Own the game, accept the rules and move into the rules. 3:00 Common mistakes lawyers make in presentations4:28 The importance of using plain language and avoiding legal jargon10:29 Prioritizing content, storytelling, and tailoring the presentation16:56 Regular practice and muscle memory in improving presentation skills19:39 The importance of taking a break from rehearsing to allow for passion to consolidate🎥 Watch the full video on YouTube here.Connect with Val:Website Linkedin 
Nov 20, 2023 • 8min

Perplexity: The Most Efficient App for Quick and Accurate Answers

Watch the YouTube version of this episode HEREAre you looking for a new tech tool to help with making quick searches? In this episode of the Maximum Lawyer Podcast, Tyson introduces a new app called Perplexity and how attorneys can use it to their advantage.Perplexity is an app that simplifies and accelerates searches made on the web. It works differently from a Google search engine that will spit out dozens of websites which forces you to go through every one until you find your answer. The app makes searching for information so much faster. Tyson uses an example of asking the app “How do I speed up a website?” From here, Perplexity organizes the sources. Some responses are to optimize images, use a content delivery network and evaluate the hosting provider. The app lists the sources and websites that the options came from. At this point, you are able to click the options Perplexity gives you which takes you to the website directly.Listen in to learn more about how the app will simplify legal research!1:09 Tyson shares the new app called Perplexity2:05 Features of Perplexity4:02 Testing Perplexity for legal researchTune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here. 
Nov 18, 2023 • 12min

Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT

Watch the YouTube version of this episode HEREAre you trying to find a way to become more tech savvy? In this podcast episode, Tyson discusses the capabilities and limitations of ChatGPT, an AI assistant. He demonstrates how it can answer questions, provide suggestions, and engage in dialogue.ChatGPT as a tool has become more advanced since its launch in 2022. The new function includes a conversational component that is very interesting. The tool can handle text based tasks, can generate emails and create drafts for legal blogs. Tyson talks about the voice feature of ChatGPT, which really makes interacting with the tool more like a dialogue. It is a great tool for summarizing and analyzing texts, but not particularly legal texts. Instead of sitting and reading through a text to figure out the important details, you can copy and paste it into the tool and it will provide you with the cliff notes. For the voice feature, you could just ask the tool a question and go back and forth to get the answer you need.ChatGPT can save searches, responses and conversations as well as create meeting minutes!Take a listen and learn how to stay ahead of the tech curve as an attorney.2:11 ChatGPT can handle text-based tasks easily.3:24 ChatGPT can analyze large chunks of text.5:31 ChatGPT suggests creating FAQs, using conversational language, and writing blog posts.Tune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here.
Nov 16, 2023 • 30min

99 Things You Should Stop Doing with Jim and Tyson

Watch the YouTube version of this episode HEREAre you an attorney who needs some tips on what to avoid doing? In this live podcast episode, hosts Jim and Tyson discuss 99 things that lawyers should stop doing. Jim and Tyson go over a long list of things attorneys should not do and provide advice on what to do instead in order to become more successful in the legal field. One of these is to not schedule hour-long meetings. Truthfully, most meetings do not need to be a full hour. Go into meetings with a defined agenda and don't waste time talking about things that are irrelevant. Attorneys are known to work long hours with little sleep. Tyson and Jim really emphasize the need to get enough sleep to maintain good health and to be more productive. Set boundaries on when you need to finish your work in the office and transition over to doing things that help you unwind. That could be implementing a hard stop at 5pm and putting your phone on silent until the morning. Many people fall victim to saying yes to everything as a way to keep the peace and avoid conflict. As attorneys, you will be busy with a lot of moving pieces throughout your day. You will not have time to take on every case or please every client. Learn how to say no and get comfortable with the feeling.It is important to not compare yourself to others and focus on your own goals. The legal field is full of aspiring attorneys who want to be the best in the business and will try to compete against their fellow colleagues. This can really eat away at many people’s self esteem and progress. Tyson and Jim talk about the importance of focusing on your own goals and not letting other people’s progress affect your own.Mental health is an important thing to focus on. It is important to focus on both your personal mental health and that of your team. Think about the decisions you make as a leader that affect their work and personal lives. Make it a priority to have routine conversations with your team to understand how they are feeling and how to adjust expectations.Take a listen to learn more!1:39 Avoid wasting time on unscheduled phone calls and hour-long meetings3:13 Prioritize getting enough sleep to maintain good health and improve productivity8:23 Discussion of the importance of saying no18:13 Focusing on your own growth and improvement26:36 Importance of considering the mental health of both yourself and your team
Nov 14, 2023 • 27min

From Prosecutor to Law Firm Owner with Aaron Levinson

Watch the YouTube version of this episode HEREMeet Aaron Levinson, a former prosecuting attorney who recently launched his own law firm. Aaron's journey from being a prosecutor to starting his own firm is a testament to his determination and resilience. Listen into this episode where Jim and Tyson dive deep into how and what Aaron did to start his own law firm. 01:06 Aaron’s transition from being a prosecutor to starting his own law practice07:22 Starting his own firm 09:53 Aaron discusses his plans and observations while still working as a prosecutor, and the steps he took to prepare for starting his own law firm11:12 Aaron talks about the different mindset required for being a prosecutor versus a criminal defense attorney and how he approached the moral quandaries of each role16:57 Aaron discusses the unexpected aspects of running his own law practice, including the supportive network of attorneys and the misconceptions he had about competition. He also shares his plans for future hiresJim’s Hack: When people show you who they really are, believe them the first time. As it relates to potential new clients.Aaron’s Tip: Say “Yes!” and be open minded and experience new opportunities.Tyson’s Tip: Use ChatGPT upgrade where it talks back to you in a conversationConnect with Aaron:Website 
Nov 13, 2023 • 9min

Is Your Law Firm's Website Load Speed Costing You Clients?

Watch the YouTube version of this episode HEREDo you want to increase the client experience when using websites? In this episode of the Maximum Lawyer Podcast, Tyson discusses the importance of website load speed for law firms. Tyson talks about the reasons why load speed is crucial for law firms. One reason is client experience and the second is SEO (search engine optimization). You want to make sure your law firm's website is up to date and running smoothly so clients can access your company’s information quickly and without any issues. If a potential client is finding it difficult to locate you online or if your website is slow, they will give up and click on the next firm’s website. That is one way you lose potential clients, so it is important to focus on this and find quality servers.Tyson provides a few ways firms can maximize websites for the best results. One is to optimize images. There are many tools on the internet that you can use to reduce the bandwidth of images to which they are reduced but keep the same quality. This helps maintain that good client user experience. Another way is to utilize browser caching, which allows for elements to be stored on the user's (in law firm’s cases, potential clients) browser. This will allow for your information, like your site or images to load faster.  Listen in to learn more on how to maximize the client experience!2:06 Tips on how to optimize images on your website to improve load speed3:22 How to minimizing HTTP requests can speed up your website5:08 The importance of hosting your website on a private server
Nov 11, 2023 • 10min

Unleashing Your Full Potential: Mastering the Art of Goal Setting

Watch the YouTube version of this episode HEREDo you want to know the best method to set and achieve goals? In this episode, Tyson discusses the importance of setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals. Goals are only possible if they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and have a deadline. Many people are not able to reach goals because they are too broad and with that comes impossible ideals in order to achieve it. Goals need to be realistic to you and your lifestyle. If you have a goal to make $1 million in 2 years, think about the actual possibility of that. Think about how much money you make now and what your profit margin needs to be as a business owner to get there. It might include adding or removing a few things to get to that goal.Tyson breaks down each aspect of SMART goals. The “S” is specific, which means narrowing down your goal to something simple. If someone asks you what your goal is, it should be clear and concise. “M” stands for measurable. A goal needs to be measured or tracked somehow. This could mean every week checking in on the numbers and seeing how things are going. “A” stands for achievable, in which a goal has to be realistic and in your capacity to achieve. If it is not, you need to figure out a way to make it possible. ”R” is relevant, which means the goal needs to align with your mission and what is within your vision. Finally, “T” stands for timebound, which is setting a deadline to finish your goal. Nothing will get done unless a deadline is set. This is not just the case for goals, but for projects. No project just starts and ends as there is work put in with timelines in place to make sure people are held accountable for the work. This applies for individual goals as well.Take a listen!00:24 The importance of setting SMART goals1:13 The struggle with setting specific goals2:56 The components of SMART goals
Nov 9, 2023 • 21min

Metrics That Matter with Tim McKey

Watch the YouTube version of this episode HEREDo you want to learn more about how to create and maintain a successful business? In this episode, CPA Tim McKee delivers a presentation on "Metrics That Matter" at the 2022 Maximum Lawyer conference. Tim discusses the many ways to run a successful law firm.Tim shares how there are only 4 ways to grow a law firm: increase the value of each transaction or resolution, get clients to revisit, take on more cases and increase the value of those cases. Working in law firms, attorneys focus on identifying what the information is and how to go about obtaining it. Obtaining it comes from data systems such as spreadsheets, KPI systems, case management systems, etc.As law firm owners, communication is key to a successful business and a well functioning team. Tim talks about the importance of communicating to the team about performance, where things are going well and where things are lagging. Most times, teams don't perform well because there is a lack of clear communication on expectations. If this is the case, you need to ask yourself as an owner if you are providing your staff with the right tools to succeed and if they have had the right training to do it successfully.It is important to train staff in order to get the results you want for your business. No one walks into a job knowing everything there is to know. You also can’t expect new staff to know everything right off the bat without a proper onboarding plan. There needs to be something in place to ensure staff are showing up and performing, otherwise you get turnover and a bad workplace culture.Tim goes through a few key performance indicators (KPIs) that businesses and firms should consider to understand how well the firm is doing. One of these is diagnostic reporting. This involves categorizing cases which then are turned into numbers and percentages that can be analyzed. This could be closed cases with a fee, closed cases with no fee, cases that didn't make it to trial, cases with a physical injury, etc. The categories are endless, but what this does is take all of the information and pump out numbers that show the performance of the firm and how many cases are being handled each month or year.Listen in to learn more!1:59 Four methods for growing a law firm9:13 If there is low performance …13:20 Highlighting the need for training and coaching in order to achieve desired resultsConnect with Tim:Website  Instagram  Facebook LinkedIn YouTube 
Nov 7, 2023 • 33min

3 Things We Have Learned from Running a Law Firm with Jim and Tyson

Are you wanting to learn a few more law firm business tips? In this podcast episode, Jim and Tyson discuss what they have learned from each other about running a law firm. They talk about lessons learned and things both have implemented over their working relationship.Jim speaks to the things he has learned from Tyson. One thing is the importance of incremental improvement. Many people feel they need to create the perfect formula or system to get things done. The reality is that improving a little bit each day or slowly working towards a goal little by little will truly get you far. Another thing Jim has learned is to systematize aspects of a firm for maximum efficiency. It is important to identify and invest in systems that will take your firm to the next level and make it the best it can be. This comes with streamlining processes or working with different technologies to make the client intake system better.Jim continues with learning how to stop the “BS”, which is another thing that Tyson has inspired him to do. Many people struggle with doing what they know they need to do or do what they know is right. It could be fear of rejection or the fear of getting people mad. The reality is nothing will get done unless you do what needs to be done, regardless of who gets upset or if it fails.Tyson shares how Jim is able to address and embrace the pain he has endured. Jim shares how Tyson is able to address, own and control the painful experiences of the past. A lot of people are not able to do this as it takes a certain level of awareness and strength to use it to one’s advantage. But, to use it as fuel and motivation when working with clients is very rewarding and makes you a better lawyer. Tyson also shares that he has learned the importance of taking a stance and position on things from Jim. Many people struggle with taking a strong stance on something they believe in. Tyson talks about how Jim does this very well in his marketing strategies to convey his message to potential clients. Doing this is not about making sure everyone likes you but about showing those that need your help that you are behind them.Not caring about other people’s opinion is another thing that Tyson shares that he learned from Jim. This is another issue that people tend to do and it can cause people to minimize their growth and success. The truth is even if you don't believe it inside, saying it out loud can bring a sense of power to you that can then lead you to believing it. With this, it is important to surround yourself with people that matter and will support you through your career.Take a listen to learn a few things from Jim and Tyson.2:02 Focus on making small improvements each day 5:49 Embrace the pain in life8:15 Dedication to creating and implementing systems13:22 Exploration of the value of taking a position and not being afraid to be divisive🎥 Watch the full video on YouTube here.
Nov 6, 2023 • 9min

Unleashing The Power Of Voice Search with Tyson Mutrux

Watch the YouTube version of this episode HEREAre you looking for a unique way to market your law firm? In this episode of the Maximum Lawyer Podcast, Tyson discusses the growing use of voice search assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa, and its impact on marketing strategies.What makes voice search assistants so popular is the conversational piece that exists. It feels like you are having a conversation with someone. Tyson talks about how people are asking more detailed questions. For example, no one is just searching “personal injury law”. People are searching “Where is the closest personal injury lawyer to me” or “What is the best rated personal injury lawyer in my city”.For these voice search assistants to show your business when someone is searching, it is important to ensure your contact information is up to date. This is because if someone asks Siri or Alexa for the closest personal injury firm in their city, it will pump out all the ones within their range and the information that is already online. If your address is wrong or your phone number is not updated, these assistants will not provide potential clients with the right information. This  truly puts you at a disadvantage. Optimize Google My Business to ensure potential clients are seeing you through voice assistants.Take a listen!00:24 The growing usage of voice search assistants like Siri and Google Assistant.3:20 The importance of optimizing for local search as voice searches are often local.

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