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The Funk'tional Nutrition Podcast

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Jul 19, 2022 • 1h 19min

Understand Your Cycle; Take Back Your Power with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack | Ep 213

If you menstruate and have ever experienced pain or discomfort associated with your cycle, you’ve likely been told that it’s normal, and to take hormonal birth control as a treatment option. While this is certainly a viable and beneficial option for some, for others this answer can feel dismissive, especially if you’re looking to avoid hormonal birth control or want to dig into WHY you’re experiencing these symptoms.These experiences can leave those seeking to better understand their bodies feel as though they have no control, and in a society where access to reproductive care (and even information) is increasingly hamstrung, this loss of control is especially disempowering.Enter Lisa Hendrickson-Jack. She’s a Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner and Fertility Awareness Educator, and in 2019 she sat down with Erin to get into the nitty gritty of everything you ever wanted to know about your period. Tune in to hear Lisa highlight why your cycle is a vital sign, the role blood plays, what’s considered “normal” with periods and PMS, how to know your fertile window, differences in birth control options, and how cycle tracking can not only give you insight into your reproductive and overall health, but also help you plan your life.Whether you’re trying to get pregnant, trying to NOT get pregnant, or just trying to understand your body better, this is an especially relevant episode that offers up powerful information to take charge of your fertility. Reproductive health affects EVERYONE, so share this episode with anyone you care about! In this episode:-When things feel out of control [1:29]-Additional fertility resources [5:09]-All about Lisa [15:24]-The power of cycle tracking [17:05]-What is a vital sign? [19:02]-What does it mean when you skip periods [23:03]-The Female Athlete Triad [24:03]-Osteoporosis risk factors [25:40]-What a normal, healthy cycle looks like (and why you need to know) [28:06]-Why PMS is NOT NORMAL [30:22]-What to do if you have severe cramping and bleeding [37:11]-How your diet and personal care products contribute to your PMS symptoms [41:00]-How to start paying attention to your cycle [47:03]-The best ways to track ovulation [54:16]-The best ways to track your hormones [56:46]-3 main signs of fertility [57:57]-Rhythm Method vs. Fertility Awareness Method [1:01:46]-IUDs and Copper IUDs [1:07:43]-Using your cycle to plan your life [1:15:44] FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Jul 12, 2022 • 51min

A Functional Medicine Approach to Labs | Ep 212

Today on the show Erin highlights the differences between functional medicine and conventional medicine in terms of how we approach lab testing. While oftentimes healthcare can be cost prohibitive for some, Erin discusses how you can utilize very basic lab work—that doctors will run and is covered by insurance—through a functional lens. Tune in to hear the differences in functional and conventional lab interpretations, limitations of conventional lab reference ranges, and real world examples of how to approach common lab markers with a functional lens.If you’re new to the concept of functional medicine and functional nutrition, this episode will whet your whistle and provide you with tons of additional resources to dive into more deeply. If you’re a dietitian, nutrition professional or other health provider looking for ways to help your clients in a more efficient and effective way (and you’re not already taking a functional approach), this can help you understand what it’s about! In this episode:-The underbelly of going viral [3:09]-Allow me to reintroduce myself [8:03]-Why practitioners (& patients) will benefit from utilizing a functional lens approach [11:41]-How functional medicine interpretation of lab testing differs [17:05]-The problem with conventional lab reference ranges [25:19]-Using blood sugar markers to illustrate the difference between functional & conventional lab reference ranges [27:03]-Viewing basic vitamin D labs through a functional lens [37:08]-How we look at hormone lab work in YHR [43:49]-Limitations of only looking at hormones through blood tests [45:50] FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Jun 28, 2022 • 32min

Connecting Healthcare Practitioners & People in Need | Ep 211

In America the ability to access healthcare varies widely depending on your healthcare plan, where you live, or resources available to you. Open Path Healing Arts Collective is looking to change that. It’s a nonprofit organization that offers nutrition and other healing modalities to people who need care but lack adequate health insurance coverage, and today, Erin sits down with Karie Reinertson, Healing Arts Collective Program Manager, to talk about this nonprofit organization, how it serves communities, and how practitioners can become a part of the Collective.If you see the gaps in healthcare, chances are you want to get involved and this nonprofit is a beautiful, symbiotic way for practitioners to gain experience working one-on-one with people who need care. If you’re a practitioner looking to do more for your community or gain more experience working one-on-one with people, or if you’re someone who is seeking new avenues to gain access to healthcare, this will be an informative episode to tune into!Open Path Healing Arts Collective is a nonprofit nationwide network of holistic health-focused professionals dedicated to providing healing arts care at a reduced rate to people in need. The Collective includes Massage Therapists, Coaches, Nutritionists, and more. Open Path provides people in need with access to transformative and affordable mental and holistic health care. We envision a just, compassionate world where all people can easily access the care they need to thrive.In this episode:-Why practitioners should listen up [4:37]-Origins of Open Path & the Healing Arts Collective [6:03]-The five disciplines the Healing Arts Collective offers [9:26]-Types of practitioners ideal for this Collective [11:22]-The importance of gaining clinical experience [13:08]-How someone can become a member [20:27]-The beauty of creating a healthcare team [23:31]-Sharing in the mission and message [26:45] FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Jun 21, 2022 • 29min

Coffee & Adrenals: Do You Have to Wean the Caffeine? | Ep 210

You’ll hear this time and time again on the show: there’s a lot of nuance and gray area when it comes to our health. What’s right for one person may not be right for another. It’s your unique context that determines not just WHAT is appropriate for you, but also WHEN—because context can change. Sometimes knowing what’s right for us gets confusing, especially when we hear conflicting health information. Today Erin offers insight into coffee, caffeine and the health signs to consider when evaluating your intake. Tune in to hear how caffeine affects our stress response, how to recognize what your body is asking for when you want to drink more and more coffee, how to lessen caffeine withdrawal symptoms, and coffee alternatives to try.This episode packs an informational punch, so be sure to tune in if you have a hard time getting through your day without lots of caffeine, if you have increased stress or anxiety, if you have trouble sleeping at night, or if you’re looking for some alternatives to coffee and caffeine. In this episode:-What to do when you hear conflicting health advice [1:16]-A tip for practitioners about taking clients through caffeine elimination [7:41]-Why it’s important to evaluate your coffee intake [10:40]-How increased caffeine intake can affect your health over time [12:53]-How caffeine affects our stress hormones & signs it may be affecting yours [16:07]-Recognizing what your body is really asking for [19:18]-Signs you may want to avoid or reduce coffee [24:00]-Caffeine withdrawal and coffee substitutes to try [24:54] FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Jun 14, 2022 • 44min

Health & Environmental Effects of CBD & Full Spectrum Hemp | Ep 209

On the Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast we typically bring you interviews with clinicians and experts in the health and wellness world—folks in the trenches working with clients to impact real change and transformation. While today’s guest isn’t a health practitioner, their commitment to building quality relationships, sourcing quality ingredients for their products, their reverence for the environment, and focus on conscious consumption over and above profit speaks volumes.Today Erin sits down with Ret Taylor, cofounder of Ned & Co, to give us a high overview of Ned’s full spectrum hemp, how CBD, CBG and CBN interact with our body and affect stress and sleep, plus the importance of magnesium for our overall health. Tune in to hear Erin and Ret discuss consumerism culture, health and environmental effects of sourcing and farming practices, and how Ned truly puts their money where their mouth is.Ned’s purpose is to help people feel better and live better through simple means and a deeper connection to the natural world, and after listening you’ll understand why we’re such big fans and honored to be partnered with a company who cares just as much about their product as they do the people behind the product, their relationships with farmers, and their relationship with the environment.In this episode:-The surprising thing Ned asked before partnering with TFN podcast [2:40]-A high-level overview of hemp and the interplay within the body [6:27]-What is CBG and CBN, and how these cannabinoids affect our stress and sleep [9:42]-Why sourcing, sustainability and the extraction process matters [15:01]-Ned’s commitment to diversity in farming [19:51]-The people behind the brand [25:01]-Putting more thought into conscious consumption [28:07]-Does full spectrum hemp contain THC? [32:55]-Broad spectrum vs full spectrum [35:18]-Dosing and where to start with Ned’s full spectrum hemp products [36:35]-The importance of magnesium for health [38:08]-How Ned sources magnesium [41:15] FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Jun 5, 2022 • 1h 17min

Weight Loss: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know | Ep 208

Explore the complexities of weight loss beyond food and diets. Discover why your body might resist shedding pounds and the vital questions to consider before starting that journey. Learn how societal beliefs mislead us into equating weight loss with better health. Prioritize overall wellness by understanding the impacts of stress, sleep, and nutritional choices. This episode challenges common myths, encouraging a more mindful and compassionate approach to weight management.
14 snips
May 31, 2022 • 53min

Gallbladder, Bile, Gut Health & Hormones: What You Didn’t Know | Ep 207

When it comes to overall gut and hormonal health, the gallbladder is an unsung hero. It plays a crucial role not just in digestion and your ability to access nutrients in food, but also with detoxification and your hormone systems.Unfortunately early gallbladder issues are often missed in conventional treatment, leading to the formation of gallstones and eventual gallbladder removal surgery. While there are certainly instances when gallbladder removal is necessary, removing the gallbladder typically doesn’t resolve the gallbladder issue. This is because it doesn’t address WHY the gallbladder issues arose in the first place. It’s not a root cause approach.Today Erin packs an information-heavy episode all about the importance and roles of the gallbladder, bile production, and alerts you to some of the warning signs you may be having issues with your biliary tract. The purpose of sharing this is so you can not just take in this information and comprehend it, but to really take preventative measures BEFORE you get to the point of surgery.If you deal with bloating, acid reflux, constipation, hormonal issues, thyroid issues, leaky gut, and particularly if you’re female (and over 40)… you’ll want to listen up!In this episode:-The body is the subconscious mind & a new approach to healing [2:07]-The difference between comprehension and embodiment [9:03]-One of the most common procedures in the US [10:38]-The gallbladder and its functions [13:19]-Why gallbladder removal surgery may not resolve gallbladder problems [17:45]-Why gallbladder issues are often missed in conventional treatment [21:02]-Symptoms of sludge and inefficient bile release [22:23]-Why bile is so important [27:52]-The link between toxins and hormones [31:05]-Signs you’re not effectively clearing estrogen [32:19]-Various roles of bile in the gut [33:27]-The impact bile has on hormones, and metabolic health [36:34]-Factors that can increase risk of gallstones [42:09]-How to support overall bile production [44:58]-The importance of bitters for improving bile health [49:31]FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
May 24, 2022 • 52min

Weight Gain in Menopause: What Gives?? | Ep 206

Menopause is a phase in women’s lives that involves big physiological changes. Like during puberty and pregnancy, women going through menopause experience huge hormonal shifts that can have cascading effects on blood sugar, gut microbiome and adrenal health. These changes can also affect body composition: women who never struggled with weight are suddenly dealing with more belly fat and love handles. Understandably feeling a lack of control, many seek out answers to help understand what’s going on.However, many in conventional health still tell women going through perimenopause and menopause to simply work out more and eat less, which can oftentimes exacerbate the new issues these women face.Like Erin discussed in last week’s episode: if the approach isn’t working, try a new approach. If the physiology changes, we NEED to change the approach.Today Erin peels back the layers on not just what is happening during perimenopause and menopause, but WHY these changes occur and highlights underlying factors that can lead to problems like insulin resistance, adrenal fatigue, cortisol dysregulation, sleep issues, gallbladder problems and weight gain. She also outlines things to consider for adjusting to these physiological changes and ways to support your health during this phase. If you or someone you know is going through menopause and wants to know what a new approach could look like, this will be a valuable episode to hear.In this episode:-Space to have a deeper conversation about weight [5:18]-Preframing the discussion on menopause [9:49]-Understanding the aging body [15:08]-What the hormonal changes during menopause have to do with weight [17:31]-Questions to ask if you notice body composition changes [20:23]-Hormone changes and a potential shift with insulin signaling [21:06]-Imbalanced cortisol and other metabolic changes [23:01]-Signs you might be dealing with insulin resistance and high blood sugars [27:39]-The two huge needle movers when it comes to menopausal changes [30:30]-Building muscle, movement & other ways to improve insulin sensitivity [31:58]-How sleep impacts glucose metabolism [35:40]-Food and gut health considerations for blood sugar during menopause [37:37]-The 3rd most common GI issue for women over 40 [41:04]-The link between insulin and gallbladder problems [43:34]-Symptoms of potential bile issues [45:41]FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
May 17, 2022 • 1h 2min

The Shoulds & Shames Behind Weight Loss Goals | Ep 205

Women hear an enormous amount of “you should…” statements on a daily basis—from social media to our family to our friends to our own self-talk. And when it comes to weight, body image and our intentions surrounding it, women often receive messaging that promotes weight loss as salvation AND anti-diet messages that promote body acceptance.These conflicting, black and white, either/or messages creates fragmentation within ourselves and shame surrounding whichever direction we lean. There’s no room for gray area, for both thoughts to be true, and this can be especially pronounced for those who have struggled with eating disorders or even dealt with chronic illness. It’s not wrong to have a body image goal, but in order to achieve sustainable change, health and wellbeing, it’s necessary to understand the “why” behind these goals first.Today on the show Erin taps into these whys to really get to the root of our body intentions and offers up thought provoking questions to uncover our own belief patterns. You might hear yourself in some of the examples Erin showcases, and you wouldn’t be alone if you did—these are conversations Erin has had with others both in her group programs and 1:1 work, as well as in real life with friends and family.If, like so many others, you’ve ever found yourself somewhere in the gray area between diet culture and anti-diet culture, this will be an especially important episode to hear!In this episode:-Body composition goals, our sense of worth and shame [5:32]-Fragmentation and lack of safety as it relates to food [9:56]-Healing Diet Orthorexia and interoceptive awareness [13:47]-Why it’s hard to “just let things go” when it comes to emotions, mindset & weight [17:33]-Subconscious reprogramming and identifying the fragmentation [19:48]-Building new pathways in the brain [24:59]-How to approach a structured food plan without restriction [28:00]-Using self-inquiry to better understand ourselves [34:34]-Questions to ask yourself to challenge old belief patterns [39:30]-Why confusion is a good thing when it comes to change [45:23]-The thing that holds people back from making change [46:32]-Shifting into self compassion for deeper understanding [53:19]-What’s needed for a true root cause approach to healing [56:36] FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
4 snips
May 3, 2022 • 53min

Cortisol, Blood Sugar & Improving Your Sleep Hygiene | Ep 204

Explore how cortisol impacts your sleep and its surprising connection to melatonin. Discover why managing your bladder health can help reduce nighttime awakenings. Learn actionable tips for regulating your circadian rhythm, including light exposure and hydration. Delve into how blood sugar levels might be waking you from slumber and the potential pitfalls of intermittent fasting on sleep quality. Find out about supportive herbs, GABA, and whether melatonin supplementation is right for you!

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