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The Funk'tional Nutrition Podcast

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Sep 20, 2022 • 39min

Fragrances, Hormones & Simple Steps to Healthy Living | Ep 223

In this re-release, Erin answers your questions about the effect of fragrance on your hormones - plus what to be aware of with the products we use on our bodies and in our home.Most people have no idea how harmful synthetic fragrances can be - or how often we are using them! The chemicals used to create or prolong these “fresh” scents impact our neurological health, metabolism, and immune system.We’re bringing this topic back to the forefront because Erin will be doing a deep dive on autoimmunity here on the show soon, and exposure to certain chemicals is part of why autoimmune diseases are on the rise.Tune in to hear why cutting out fragrance is a simple, easy step to healthy living.In this episode:-Small steps we can take to get closer to non toxic living [9:04]-Starting with the basics [11:08]-Fragrance and endocrine disruptors [12:22]-“Overly sensitive” or canaries in the coalmine? [14:37]-A non exhaustive list of product types that contain artificial or synthetic fragrances [16:29]-The real problem with fragranced products [20:44]-How these fragrances can affect our health [22:56]-Why and how synthetic fragrances linger [28:03]-VOCs: what they are and common sources [29:22]-Best way to protect yourself from outdoor pollution [31:14]-Let’s talk about phthalates [31:56]-Xenoestrogens and estrogen dominance [33:46]-How these chemicals impact our metabolism [34:43]-Mitochondrial dysfunction symptoms [36:55]FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Sep 13, 2022 • 55min

Creating Sacred Space for Healing & Transformation | Ep 222

There is this old, pervasive omnipresent idea that women can’t handle information about our own bodies. We’ve been fed a storyline that our bodies are too complex – AND that we’re ill equipped to handle information about the complexity.This is bullshit, and it’s one of the reasons so many of us are so twisted up about our bodies.Today on the show Erin is discussing why knowledge is power…but *just* having the information doesn't necessarily create the changes we desire.Creating space to integrate that information is KEY, and Erin is unpacking exactly how to do that in today’s episode – including how to cultivate intuition and inner guidance to assist your own health and healing.In this episode:-Cultivating balancing between the Divine Masculine & Feminine [2:20]-The one question to ask yourself every morning [7:30]-An outdated (and bullsh*t) reaction from a pediatrician [12:26]-How the idea that women can’t handle information about our own bodies causes harm [14:28]-The link between your hormones & your gut - and why you CAN handle it [15:45]-Why integration is the missing link to your healing journey [17:51]-Why “I already know this” blocks you from transformation [19:59]-Subconscious reprogramming work and somatic release to clear and recode [21:43]-Energy audits: one of the most important thing you can do for your health [23:28]-The link between ACEs (adverse childhood experiences), empaths & health struggles [26:24]-Practicing conscious consumption (and why it matters) [29:45]-What is “energy data” and how do we access it? [35:10]-3 steps to cultivating self trust [43:00]-Your experience IS evidence: why this is a radical concept in healthcare [46:08]-An update (and a little secret share) from Erin [51:24]FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Sep 6, 2022 • 1h 3min

Lymph Love with Leah Levitan | Ep 221

In the past Erin referred to the lymphatic system as an unsung hero of the body. It’s responsible for maintaining fluid balance, for circulating hormones and immune cells throughout the body, as well as transporting toxins out of the body—but it wasn’t something many people talked much about. Increasingly over the past few years, however, lymph is getting its time in the spotlight: more and more folks in health spaces are discussing lymph and lymph work. Perhaps you’ve seen some tutorial videos on lymph drainage massage or how to use gua sha stones and dry brushes.While it’s great the lymphatic system is getting the credit it deserves, it’s important to know how to approach your lymph and lymph work in a mindful way. That’s why Erin sat down with Leah Levitan, licensed massage therapist, massage instructor, and Vodder Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage Practitioner, to dive into the nitty gritty of the lymphatic system, what it does, how interconnected it is to the rest of our body, and things you can do to improve lymph health—in a way that’s safe for your body.The thing about lymph work is that it’s very gentle, yet very powerful. After listening you’ll understand why Leah’s work with lymph comes from such a grounded and comprehensive place.If you feel bloated, puffy, wake up with puffy circles under your eyes, or if you’ve been curious about lymph drainage and lymph work, this will be a helpful episode to hear! In this episode:-All about Leah [2:33]-Why Leah loves lymph [4:34]-Lymph goes viral [7:48]-Taking it from the top with lymph [11:21]-Stagnant lymph [14:29]-Things you can do to improve lymph [16:03]-Movement, lymph & the connection to our gut [17:39]-Breathing & how to know if you have a tight diaphragm [21:57]-Can you be too aggressive with lymph drainage? [26:18]-Signs you may be dealing with a lymphatic drainage issue [30:19]-Changing your breast tissue through lymph work [37:07]-Bras: to wear or not to wear for lymph flow [40:18]-How to support our lymphatic system at home [42:54]-Vibration for lymph flow [46:51]-Where (& how) to start practicing lymphatic work [49:13]-Tattoos and the lymph system [54:55]-Injectables: yay or nay? [59:09] FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Aug 30, 2022 • 52min

Hormone Lab Testing: A Non-Algorithmic Approach | Ep 220

Functional lab testing has been gaining in popularity over the last few years. More and more folks are seeking answers to their health issues, and providers are responding by offering various options for hormone and other functional lab testing. But not all providers provide in the same way, and we’re increasingly seeing an algorithmic, “if this, then that” approach to labs in the functional medicine space. This doesn’t give folks the answers they need, it doesn’t get to the root of their issues, and it doesn’t help them feel better.Hormone testing is a great tool to help uncover and confirm imbalances in the body, but it doesn’t answer ALL the questions you might have. Namely, WHY and HOW the imbalance came to be in the first place. This is where a la carte lab testing falls short because it doesn’t consider your full, unique picture.On today’s episode Erin explains the approach she and the Funk’tional Nutritionist Team takes to health, healing, and hormone testing in our private practice and in Your Hormone Revival, our 3-month balancing program to revive adrenal, thyroid, and hormone health through root cause restoration. You’ll hear not just what kind of hormone testing we do, but also WHY we do it the way that we do, all while sprinkling in answers to a lot of your questions about hormone testing along the way. By the end you’ll understand the value of a provider who can not only look at lab markers, but also interpret what those lab markers mean in conjunction with one another, AND in conjunction with YOUR unique context.Whether you’re looking to test your thyroid hormones, you’re wondering about your estrogen or progesterone levels, or perhaps you suspect something is up with your adrenals or cortisol, you’ll want to tune in to this episode! This also provides valuable information to practitioners who want to understand the true meaning of taking a functional, root cause approach to labs and supporting their clients.In this episode:-Big news [1:09]-Questions about hormone testing & how to get it [3:27]-Two schools of thought when it comes to health [4:38]-A third school and why it exists [6:04]-The thing that separates clinicians who take a true, root cause approach… and those who don’t [8:08]-How we practice at The Funk’tional Nutritionist [14:15]-What a hormone lab test won’t be able to tell you [17:46]-The importance of knowing what to do with lab information [20:05]-Red flags when looking for a functional provider [27:10]-Signs you’re a good candidate for hormone testing [31:10]-What to do if your labs are normal (but you feel suboptimal) [34:13]-The different ways to test hormones [35:27]-How hormone testing can help someone with endometriosis [40:57]-New organic acid markers for the DUTCH test (& a word of caution for utilization) [43:41]-When is retesting recommended? [46:00]-What to do if your provider won’t run tests [48:53] FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
5 snips
Aug 23, 2022 • 1h 8min

Endometriosis & the Overlap of Hormone, Gut & Immune Health with Dr. Lara Briden | Ep 219

Dr. Lara Briden, a renowned naturopathic doctor and bestselling author, sheds light on the complexities of endometriosis. She emphasizes that it's not just a hormone issue but involves immune dysfunction and gut health. The discussion covers the impact of epigenetics on women's reproductive health and the role of dietary choices in symptom management. Dr. Briden also highlights the significance of a holistic approach, including lifestyle changes and natural remedies, to better understand and treat this challenging condition.
Aug 17, 2022 • 8min

Hear From an FNA Student! | Ep 218

If you’ve been considering joining the next round of the Funk'tional Nutrition Academy in September, but want to know what the experience of being in the school is all about, listen up! Hear directly from current FNA student Lori Fish Bard, MS, CNS, LDN as she shares why she joined and her experience thus far.Also…Extended Financing for FNA Now Available! Check our full show notes with the link below for more details!FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Aug 16, 2022 • 46min

Going Beyond Gluten for Celiac Disease | Ep 217

When navigating healing from food sensitivities and food allergies, the first action step is to remove the trigger. In the case of Celiac disease, that trigger is gluten and gluten-containing grains. However, while removing gluten from the diet is a crucial first step, it doesn’t necessarily heal intestinal permeability, reduce gut inflammation, restore a damaged gut lining, and stop the autoimmune response. Today on the show Lori Fish Bard, MS, CNS, LDN sits down with Erin to explain why this is the case.Lori is a licensed clinical nutritionist and board-certified integrative health counselor who works with men, women, children, and families, many of whom have Celiac and/or gluten sensitivity, give up gluten, but still feel crappy. She describes her experience working with her clients, plus her own experience navigating Celiac disease with her daughter and self, an experience that prompted her to dive into the research and even go back to school to receive her masters in Clinical Nutrition. Lori is so committed to a root cause approach to healing that she also enrolled in FNA—stay til the end to hear about her experience!If you suffer from gluten sensitivity, Celiac disease, suspect you may be sensitive to gluten, or have tried going gluten-free but still don’t feel better, this will be an insightful episode to hear! In this episode:-Why Celiac disease is hard to diagnose [5:01]-Where a lot of folks get stuck in their healing after Celiac disease [9:41]-Unexpected indications you could be dealing with Celiac disease [11:57]-How Celiac disease contributes to malabsorption (& why healing requires a nuanced approach) [13:42]-Testing options for tracking healing progress [15:45]-Other foods that could potentially be problematic for those with Celiac [18:28]-Molecular mimicry & why this is important for Celiacs to know [19:59]-The empowerment and control from knowing your genetics [23:06]-Eating out safely & confidently after learning you have Celiac [31:02]-Gut healing strategies beyond removing gluten [37:13]-Why Lori chose FNA for deep functional nutrition education [41:34] FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Aug 9, 2022 • 1h 26min

Strictly Biz: Pricing Your Services, Investing in Yourself & When to Hire a Coach | Ep 216

Investment is a word that often conjures up thoughts around money, especially when it comes to owning, starting or expanding a business. However, money is actually only part of the investment equation. If you’re a business owner or entrepreneur, you’re also investing your time, your knowledge, your attention and your energy into your business. So where are you investing in your business, and is it paying off?On this Strictly Biz episode of the Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast, Erin continues the conversation about energetics in business and dives into what it means to invest in yourself, when to know it’s time to invest, plus the different ways to do it. Erin unpacks the energy surrounding many of our struggles with money and pricing your services, consumer culture, and how to get the return on investment you seek…without feeling like you’re bleeding out.This episode is for all the business owners and practitioners who are struggling with investing in themselves, setting or raising rates, or feeling burned out. Tune in to hear why!**Lion's Gate Portal SALE!**The number 8 represents abundance, transformation, rebirth, alchemy and power. On 8/8 the Lion's Gate Portal opened, which is when Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, aligns with the sun. Named after the Greek word for "glowing", Sirius helps us achieve our highest potential. If you're looking to reach YOUR highest potential, be sure to check out our Lion's Gate Portal SALE on Erin's LIVE-taught, 5-day course, The Energetics of Expansion: Social Media Visibility, Business Growth & Entrepreneurial Expansion! Find more details in the link below! In this episode:-The Lion’s Gate Portal [2:02]-The Four Minute Mile mindset [6:28]-Mind, spirit & energy [9:15]-Pricing your services [15:04] -Investing and self importance [17:03]-Wise words from RZA [20:43]-How abundance begets abundance [25:38]-What must happen BEFORE you can feel good about your pricing [29:54]-Reciprocity & “consume-her” culture [31:32]-Finding balance in your free and paid-for content & services [38:03]-Why self-importance is a good thing [44:01]-The relation between fee setting and self-respect [49:04]-The different ways we struggle to invest in ourselves [51:21]-The ROI of investing in yourself [55:57]-Why women don’t invest [1:03:04]-Assessing the right type of investment you should make [1:12:17]-Do you need a business coach? [1:14:52]-How to know when to invest [1:18:30]-Coaching vs mentoring [1:20:00] FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Aug 2, 2022 • 1h 21min

Business Growth, Expansion & Going Viral | Ep 215

Energy is one of those things that no one can see or hold, but everyone can feel. We feel it when we’re in our flow, when we make meaningful connections, and we also feel it when things feel misaligned, inauthentic, or forced in our life.We also feel energy in business. Whether you’re a business owner or entrepreneur trying to expand your reach to others, or you’re a consumer who’s considering a business for a service or product, you can feel when energy is in alignment with business. There’s an authenticity to its message, something that draws you in and cultivates a relationship with you.Today’s episode is all about energy in business, and how in order to be successful in business (whether that’s increased visibility, growth, expansion, or something else), you must first understand how your energy—your subconscious beliefs, your mindset—affect it.In this episode Erin discusses her business expansion and going viral, the framework Erin created for visibility, and how she had to work on her energy and her mindset before she could truly expand and be seen. This is one of those episodes that was originally intended for entrepreneurs and business owners, but actually speaks to anyone looking to expand themselves. Tune in to understand why!In this episode:-Exciting things coming down the pipeline [3:03]-If you’re a non-practitioner interested in entrepreneurial training [5:35]-Why it’s important for women in business to talk about money [11:12]-Erin’s definition of Energy [13:10]-Going viral and the importance of mental white space [17:26]-Synchronicities between fear and going viral [18:34]-Being more visible while staying grounded [22:47]-The Visibility Framework [24:01]-The work behind the success [28:17]-Confidence in your craft [30:23]-Normalizing fear and self doubt [33:03]-Striking while the iron is hot & “going ugly early” [35:53]-The anecdote to Imposter Syndrome [41:19]-Comprehension vs embodiment [43:38]-Recognizing where your personal power is going [47:40]-Egg wisdom, Lighthouse analogy & allowing people to find you [51:16]-Aligning conscious desires with subconscious beliefs [54:19]-Sharing your gifts with aligned energy [1:00:12]-Selling is sacred [1:03:20]-The Long Game in the culture of virality [1:08:11]-If you feel like you’re “not there” yet… [1:15:03] FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Jul 26, 2022 • 1h 9min

Food Sensitivities: Symptoms, Testing & All the Complexities | Ep 214

Food sensitivities are a growing problem—and the reasons behind it are complex. Unpacking food sensitivities is NOT a straightforward task, and for the first time in nearly 5 years of podcasting, Erin addresses this tricky topic and helps to make sense of all the moving parts and considerations. In today’s episode you’ll hear Erin discussing food sensitivity testing (the good, the bad, & the confusing), the differences between food allergies and food sensitivities, obvious (and not so obvious) symptoms and signs you might have a food sensitivity, the nitty gritty science behind our body’s reactions to foods, how our hormones relate, downsides to restrictive healing diets, and considerations to take if you suspect you may be dealing with a food sensitivity.The truth is, getting to the root of food sensitivities is a lot more complicated than an at home food sensitivity test commercial will ever tell you. After listening to this episode you’ll understand why, and come away with more knowledge, potential solutions, and even hope for getting to the root of your own sensitivities. Please share with anyone who could also benefit from this valuable information!In this episode:-Digestion is a top down process [1:53]-The downsides of restrictive healing diets [7:32]-What is the best/most accurate food sensitivity test? [10:28]-When food sensitivity testing becomes problematic [12:32]-Considering how results from labs might be influencing other things in your body [15:55]-How Secretory IgA impacts food reactions [17:06]-How our skin is affected by food sensitivities [20:51]-Food Allergy vs Food Sensitivity [23:00]-Unintended consequences of seeking out food sensitivities [29:38]-Symptoms of food sensitivities + how “strict” do you need to be? [35:21]-The stigma with food sensitivities [38:57]-Why food sensitivities are more common today [42:15]-The interplay of estrogen, cortisol and dendritic cells [48:32]-What your at-home food sensitivity test results might ACTUALLY be telling you [50:14]-Food sensitivity testing: yay or nay? [53:44]-How best to test + what you need to know about elimination diets [56:38]-Clean eating and reactivity [58:01]-What to do and how to truly heal your sensitivities to food [1:02:07] FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:

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