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The Funk'tional Nutrition Podcast

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Apr 26, 2022 • 56min

Bladder Dysfunction, Gut Problems & Pelvic Floor Health | Ep 203

If you’ve got gut problems, have you considered your pelvic floor function?The pelvic floor is a grouping of muscles that encompasses the center of your body and today, Erin brings back to the show Dr. Cristin Zaimes of Oceanside Physical Therapy to discuss all things pelvic floor and why it’s so important to our overall health. Cristin is an expert in pelvic floor physiology and brings deep knowledge on the subject. Tune in to hear her highlight how pelvic floor health is about so much more than doing Kegals - our gut, bladder, sexual health, and even breathing can be tied to how well our pelvic floor is functioning.If you’ve ever experienced leakage when you sneeze or exercise, have experienced back pain when lifting, have any sexual pain or dysfunction, or have gut problems like constipation, diarrhea or even recurring SIBO, this will be a really informative episode for you! In this episode:-Why Erin recently worked with Dr. Cristin Zaimes [7:09]-What the pelvic floor actually is [8:57]-The relation of the diaphragm [10:20]-How to access your pelvic floor muscles [13:31]-Telltale signs you have a pelvic floor dysfunction [16:18]-Trauma, shame & treating the whole person [20:37]-The crossover between the pelvic floor & GI dysfunction [23:21]-Benefits to having a team [31:43]-When health feels like a struggle [37:48]-A game changer for those with chronic SIBO [40:35]-Next steps for finding pelvic floor therapy [46:51]FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Apr 19, 2022 • 1h 9min

When Your Doctor Doesn’t Believe Your Pain: Sexism in Healthcare | Ep 202

What do you do when your doctor doesn’t listen? When your provider doesn’t believe you?A 2019 interview with Selma Blair on Good Morning America brought to light a scary fact: women are not being heard by their medical providers. Chronic conditions are going undiagnosed for YEARS, despite the fact that women are reporting real physical problems. When you layer in intersectionality, the issue gets even worse. This lack of care can have irreversible consequences, and despite increased awareness, the problem still persists today.In this episode, Erin interviews Dr. Cristin Zaimes of Oceanside Physical Therapy to discuss how sexism in healthcare creates shame and distrust in our own bodies. While this episode originally aired in March 2019, Erin and Cristin highlight why this conversation is just as relevant and important today. Tune in as they discuss what we can do to change this—including ways to tap into our innate power to heal.Dr. Cristin Zaimes holds a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Simmons College and has specialized in the field of orthopedics and pelvic floor dysfunction for over 15 years. She opened Oceanside in 2011, when her frustrations with the healthcare and medical system became overwhelming to her as a practitioner and she broke away to create an environment that supported healing and thrived on providing the best clinical care.She has extensive advanced training in pelvic floor, bladder, bowel and sexual dysfunction for all people. She believes in allowing all those against whom the traditional medical system has biases, to have access to care that supports, connects and empowers. Dr. Zaimes spends much of her time advocating for patients through community connections, workshops and speaking engagements. Her passions include advocating for proper menstrual health and the awareness of abnormalities in period and ovulatory health, supporting new mothers and parents and fighting cultural norms that impede the healing process after delivery, and providing knowledge, guidance and support to women transitioning toward and after menopause.In this episode:-Cristin’s real passion points & the relevancy of this conversation [5:51]-Sexism in healthcare [7:43]-Scary statistics that highlight medical sexism [9:37]-Why women aren’t being listened to [11:09]-Why does chronic pain go on so long? [16:26]-Neural networks [22:01]-Hypervigilance in the body [25:54]-Re-establishing resiliency in your body [36:22]-Stepping away from generalized health recommendations [39:04]-Building out a health care team [48:42]-Your power to heal [58:32]-How to find trust in healthcare again [1:03:23] FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Apr 12, 2022 • 56min

Parasite “Cleansing,” Food Combining & Alkaline Diets with Natosha Ash | Ep 201

Today on the Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast, Erin sits down with Naturopathic medical student and TikTok aficionado Natosha Ash to separate fact from fiction with the latest fad diets trending on social media. Speaking from both personal experience, through research and in working clinically with real people, Erin and Natosha clear up the confusion surrounding parasite cleansing, food combining and alkaline diets. On top of bringing evidence-based research to the table, they also touch on bigger picture topics like orthorexia, body resiliency and mindfulness surrounding health information sources.If you’ve ever wondered about the validity of trending diets on social media or have gut issues and considered one of these diets, this will be a great one to hear!Natosha Ash is a Naturopathic medical student, also studying nutrigenetics & nutrigenomics. She has a passion for sustainable health and wellness practices. Natosha believes that you shouldn’t have to go to medical school to understand the basics of the body which is partly why she created her IG health page. Natosha is also a genetics and biochemistry junkie. She previously earned her BA in pre-Law and is currently working to merge her passions of health and law together.In this episode:-Why people gravitate to how Natosha puts out information [4:32]-Parasites and “rope worms” [9:52]-What is mucoid plaque? [14:00]-The problem with obsessing over cleanses and cleanliness [17:52]-Food combining: what it is and what you need to know [21:16]-GI confusion: is it gut dysbiosis or are you improperly combining foods? [27:15]-Stress and resistance with food rules [34:16]-The popularity of the alkaline diet [36:30]-The false premise behind acidic foods [38:24]-Potential Renal Acid Load and why this is important [41:08]-Fads, experiments and the resiliency of our bodies [43:11]-Being mindful of where you find health information [45:30]-How distrust in the system affects beliefs [48:24]FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Apr 5, 2022 • 1h

A Special 200th Episode: How it Started, How it's Going & Answering Other Listener Questions

Today on the show Erin celebrates some big podcast milestones: 200 episodes and 2 million downloads!! Tune in to reminisce with Erin and hear answers to a smorgasbord of listener questions ranging from career pivots (is it ever too late? How about with a baby?) to whether coffee enemas are actually beneficial (and how to do one properly!) She also covers questions about molecular mimicry with gluten and thyroid, detoxing mycotoxins, what you should know about binders and serves up thought provoking questions to ask yourself when healing feels like a struggle. We’d like to extend a huge THANK YOU to you all–our listeners–for tuning in and sharing this podcast over the last 4.5 years. It’s your continued support that gives Erin the motivation and inspiration to show up week after week. Here’s to another 4 years, 200 more episodes, and 2 million more downloads! In this episode: -The different reasons people come to the podcast [5:36] -How it started, how it’s going [7:22] -Reciprocity and changing the culture around expectations and entitlement [12:46] -Alignment with brands [18:23] -Is it ever too late to make a career pivot? [20:03] -Showing up despite feelings of failure and lack of validity [23:12] -The immunology and molecular mimicry of thyroid and gluten [30:41] -Antigenicity and cross reactivity [35:48] -Where to begin when detoxing mycotoxins [41:47] -What are binders and what you should know about them for mold exposure [44:19] -Are coffee enemas actually beneficial? [48:49] -Questions to ask yourself when healing feels hard [53:33] FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Mar 29, 2022 • 1h 12min

Creating Space for YOU to Exist in Your Work & Your Life | Ep 199

What did you do to grow your business? What strategy did you use to expand your social media presence? How do you get more clients? These are the questions so many business owners and health practitioners ask when trying to grow or expand their own business; however, the answers don’t lie in steps and how-to’s.Our subconscious beliefs and how they influence our health has been a theme on the show lately, and today Erin highlights how these beliefs can affect how we show up (or don’t show up) in our work, our business and our life. Tune in to hear takeaways from conversations about business and life that Erin has had with other business owners and practitioners, how she uses intuition to guide decisions, creating authentic connections on social media (or any platform), investing in personal growth and why creating a safe space for you to exist in your own work is paramount to success.While she does talk shop about running business, this discussion extends well beyond business and can be applied to your health and life, too. If you’re a business owner or practitioner who’s looking to grow your business in a way that feels good to you, if you’re someone who feels unfulfilled in your work or your life, if you identify as a people pleaser or codependent, or if you’re looking for ways to gain more awareness and tap into your intuition, this will be a powerful and thought provoking episode for you! In this episode:-Creating a space in your work for you to exist [5:56]-How work and health intersect [7:22]-Life aspects that contribute to overall health [11:49]-Your inner pilot light [14:54]-How to show up authentically in business [19:43]-The importance of creating space for intuition to come through [23:53]-Why inner work is required in business [25:51]-The one thing you must understand in order to grow on any platform [29:30]-Parallels of personal growth and business growth [34:37]-Shame, self expression and subconscious beliefs [39:42]-The foundation of any powerful brand or platform [46:07]-Do you know what your Personal Philosophy is? [49:09]-Cascading effects of setting boundaries in business [51:57]-Where Erin’s marketing & sales differs from others [55:41]-A real-world example of staying aligned in business [57:03]-Women, financial goals and building wealth [1:01:30]-Pressure to get the sale [1:07:31]FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Mar 22, 2022 • 1h 11min

Protocols, Elimination Diets & the Pursuit of Wellness with Jessica Flanigan | Ep 198

A functional approach to healing is a root cause approach. It attempts to unearth, understand and resolve unique root causes of any imbalances going on within the body. Where it can get a bad rap is when it becomes too cookie cutter, relying too heavily on protocols, elimination diets and supplements.Today’s conversation is with clinical nutritionist Jessica Flanigan and taps into this growing trend in the wellness world. Erin and Jessica discuss problems seen in our modern culture of healing, how to find a skilled clinician, authority and power versus experience, how restriction can affect oral tolerance and the power that belief work and spirituality have on our healing.While this interview originally aired in 2018, Jessica showcases why, even today, she’s always been lightyears ahead of the functional medicine space by offering ways practitioners can approach going deeper with clients to find the root cause of their issues… and ways we can go deeper with ourselves. If you’re struggling to get to the root of your health issues, feeling exhausted by the pursuit of wellness, or are wondering if the health answers you seek fall outside the echo chamber, this conversation is definitely one to hear.Jessica Flanigan is an authority on the autoimmune, paleo movement & well beyond. For 25 years she has been a clinical nutritionist and worked extensively in private practice with medical doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists and body workers. She’s the author of The Loving Diet, which she created to help clients have a more comprehensive plan for healing. Using Loving as a way to better health, The Loving Diet is a revolutionary approach to healing. Original air date: November 7, 2018In this episode:-What is a functional medicine approach? [4:39]-Looking past the echo chamber both in health and in your life [9:41]-Pursuing health and wellness from a place of lack versus abundance [20:59]-The #1 question to ask yourself before attempting any diet [27:04]-Personalized medicine and judgements in the wellness world [29:04]-How to find a skilled provider and the importance of clinical experience [32:56]-Tribalism and modern authorities in health movements [36:22]-The lie you’ve been told about food sensitivities [39:05]-Oral tolerance - what it is and why it matters [41:30]-How restriction can lead to inflammation, gut problems and autoimmunity [43:20]-Plant-restrictive diets: yay or nay? [49:45]-What to do when we feel stuck [52:02]-Our unconscious belief systems [54:22]-Hot seat coaching [1:03:48]-A different orientation to trauma and safety [1:07:57]FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Mar 15, 2022 • 55min

Secretory IgA & Gut Health: What You May Not Know | Ep 197

Explore the critical role of Secretory IgA as the gut's first line of defense against pathogens. Learn how low levels can leave you vulnerable to infections and what this means for your overall immune health. Delve into surprising insights from stool test results and understand how your mindset can play a key role in gut healing. Discover the connection between emotions, stress, and secretory IgA, plus why enjoying life—like savoring a glass of wine—can contribute to holistic wellness.
Mar 10, 2022 • 21min

Confidence, Clarity & Courage for Practitioners: The #1 Thing in Your Way | Ep 196

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”We SAY we want success / financial freedom / bigger audience / more clients / private practice / fill in with your own personal goals… but deep down there is some part of our subconscious that is TERRIFIED of this.(Ain’t that a kick in the head?)In order to achieve our goals, hopes and dreams, we have to first acknowledge any mental blocks, limiting beliefs and/or fears that are standing in the way.You MUST have practices in place to clear them, to move beyond them, to recognize them as untruths.(Because PS It’s not that you have LESS limiting beliefs and fears as you grow, it’s that you get better at NOT believing they are true.)Because of this, we do A LOT of belief work in the Funk’tional Nutrition Academy. As Erin says, FNA is a container for growth. We won't let you sleep on your come up.In today’s episode Erin discusses one place where your limiting beliefs may come from, and how to recognize if this is holding you back.Enrollment for the Funk’tional Nutrition Academy is officially OPEN TODAY!!!!Click here to fill out our application form: a current FNA student:I just wanted to reach out and express my deepest gratitude for Erin and the FNA program. I'm about halfway through the program and can confidently say that enrolling in FNA was by far one of the best decisions I've ever made, on both a personal and professional level. Not only have I learned so much about functional medicine (like seriously, SO much), but I've also learned a lot about myself along the way. Participating in this program has helped me to gain the confidence and clarity that I needed to leave a comfortable, yet unfulfilling, 8-5 job and move forward with my dream of opening a functional nutrition private practice. If it weren't for this program, I'm not sure if I ever would have built up the courage to make this leap, no matter how many functional nutrition trainings & certification programs I completed.Happy International Women's Day, Erin! Thank you for all you do to build up other women in this field. Your work is making a difference! From a recent FNA grad:I have been over the moon with my experience in this program!! I highly recommend FNA to my fellow practitioners looking to expand on their functional nutrition knowledge, education and application; as well as those looking to embark into the realm of private practice. You have everything to gain, and this program will not disappoint. This program was everything I needed and more - it helped me organize the knowledge I already had while further expanding my understanding of the content and enhancing my ability to utilize this knowledge in practice. Thank you, @the.funktional.nutritionist , and happy international women’s day!!View on our website at
Mar 8, 2022 • 1h 3min

Why Wine Makes You Feel Terrible: A Case for Natural Wines | Ep 195

If you’re mindful of what you consume and you also drink wine, or if you’re looking for a way to enjoy wine without feeling terrible, this is a conversation for you. Today Erin sits down with founder of Dry Farm Wines Todd White to discuss how we can consume and enjoy natural wine in a way that’s in alignment with our overall health - and the health of the planet. Tune in to hear about the environmental impact of conventional and natural winemaking, organic, biodynamic farming, the importance indigenous yeast, how wine additives, alcohol content and sulfites affect your health, and even touch on the spiritual and community aspects of wine. While we’re not about to tell you that wine is a health food, this conversation does make a good case for enjoying what you consume.As the founder of Dry Farm Wines, a writer, speaker, and a leader in the organic/Natural Wine movement, Todd White has widely educated communities on conscious consumption. Built on a foundation of honesty and peace, Dry Farm Wines are lab tested to ensure each bottle is sugar free (0-0.15g per glass), lower in sulfites, and lower in alcohol (under 12.5% alc/vol). The wines are friendly to low carb & low sugar diets. In this episode:-Allowing yourself to lean into joy and what feels good [6:06]-Why Erin was drawn to Dry Farm Wines [8:45]-How the conventional wine industry compares to the food industry [10:28]-Additives and why there are no ingredient or nutrition labels on wine bottles [13:16]-What you need to know about wine if you’re vegan [14:08]-Natural additives found in wines [16:09]-Alcohol content in wine - why it matters [17:32]-What is “natural” wine and how do you know if you’re drinking it? [21:49]-Sulfites and sulfur dioxide [24:27]-How wine becomes sugar free [26:41]-How conventional wines contribute to histamine sensitivities [31:31]-How darker wine gets its color [36:01]-Why it’s hard to find natural wines [40:59]-The impact of irrigation on grapes [42:04]-The accuracy of the alcohol content stated on wine bottles [44:11]-Differences in farming practices of conventional and organic, natural vineyards [46:15]-About the small, family vineyards that Dry Farm Wines works with [49:54]-Why the Dry Farm Wines subscription expanded Erin’s wine horizons [57:20] FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:
Feb 22, 2022 • 1h 2min

The Hormone-Brain Connection | Ep 194

An often overlooked topic when we are talking about hormone imbalance or adrenal fatigue is how to support hormones by supporting the brain. The brain literally tells our organs and glands how and when to make hormones. So in order to have “healthy hormone balance”, the brain has to be healthy, resilient and balanced.This episode has lots of nuggets of info, with one major message: Your thoughts and stress levels influence your brain and your physical body. If we want to change the physical body and feel better, then we have to start at the top. Listen in as Erin dives into the upstream factors of hormonal health, why information alone won’t solve your problems, and her top 3 tips for paying attention to thought patterns. In this episode:-Erin tells a story of synchronicity & signs [3:22]-How investing in yourself can help others [12:35]-Making changes: Are you looking for the problem, or are you looking for the answer? [17:36]-Where to start when regulating your hormones [23:18]-The value of information and education to understand your body [27:22]-Why information won’t be the thing to save you: The IIT factor (information, integration, transformation) [29:05]-The HPA (hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal) Axis feedback loop [33:16]-The functional root cause approach to hormone balancing [37:25]-Dismissive providers & validating your lived experience [38:04]-Potential causes of unsuccessful ovulation [42:38]-“Thoughts aren’t free”: the cost of negative thought patterns [43:23]-How to change your biochemistry by getting out of fear [48:16]-Why the goal of eradicating all stress is futile - and what the goal should be [52:03]-Erin’s 3 tips to pay attention to your own patterns [53:44] FOR OUR FULL LIST OF LINKS + RESOURCES, HEAD TO:

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