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Growth Mindset Psychology: The Science of Self-Improvement

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May 9, 2019 • 39min

53: Making it as a Migrant - Rafael Dos Santos - CEO High Profile Club

Rafael Dos Santos is the CEO of the High Profile Club. He is passionate about helping people grow their brand and achieve success and has been named one of the Sunday Times 100 most Inspiring Entrepreneurs.He migrated to the UK from Brazil and launched his first business when he realised he couldn't get a good job. He has hustled his way from success to success since then. He has written his own book about succeeding as a migrant entrepreneur and travelled the world Public speaking.On the podcast we discuss: How to deal with language issues in a new country How to start a business when you don’t know anyone How to write a book The top things you need to do to get PR and the big mistakes people make Rafael's vision for the futureRafaelConnect on LinkedIn ( Profile Club ( ( THE HOSTMy name is Sam Harris. I am a British entrepreneur, investor and explorer. From hitchhiking across Kazakstan to programming AI doctors I am always pushing myself in the spirit of curiosity and Growth. My background is in Biology and Psychology with a passion for improving the world and human behaviour. I have built and sold companies from an early age and love coming up with unique ways to make life more enjoyable and meaningful.Sam:Instagram ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon ( TIPSEveryone is PRable. But you need to do it right:Have a tangible story - you need to have a cool story that ideally has some concrete metrics behind it that can people can understand and this will help a journalist tell a story Choose your one thing - To get press journalists want to have a succint 50 word summary. make it easy for them and focus on one thing that you are an expert at that you want to be known for. If you try and do multiple things at once you just end up in a mess that doesn’t go anywhere. This is a wider lesson for life as well as your PR Everything gets easierA number of times Rafael was challenged but he embraced the difficulties and fears and they all become much easier over time. He was challenged starting his first business, and every business after that. He was challenged by writing a book. He was challenged by living in the UK. The pain goes and it’s important to remember that and not let our fears and difficulties overcome us. BOOKSGet any of the books free on audible ( DENNIS - BIOGRAPHY CALLED HOW TO GET RICH ( is a part manual and a part biography of his crazy life and how anyone of reasonable intelligence can get rich.FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY BY SUSAN JEFFERS ( what it says on the title. teaches you to overcome fears and become a boss at life KEY PERSON OF INFLUENCE ( you how to make the most of the world around you and tools available to become known for your thing and get to the top of any industry. Subscribe!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Rafael Dos Santos. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 23, 2019 • 57min

52: Launch Lessons in Podcasting and Business - Daniel Murray-Serter - Host Secret Leaders

Daniel Murray-Serter is a serial entrepreneur who hosts the Secret Leaders Podcast and is launching his latest business Secret Leaders is one of the top business podcasts on iTunes and we discuss our lessons growing our podcasts and how he managed to achieve great results in a part-time project.We also discuss plans for his current business as well as his successes and failures in past businesses. After a career in advertising, Dan is a master of getting attention and users for his ideas. He went into the world of startup and shipped £1mill of product in the first week of one startup and achieved over 10,000 downloads on the day he released a fashion app.PODCASTINGThe Secret Leaders is one of the top business podcasts on iTunes and we discuss our lessons growing our podcasts and how he managed to achieve great results in a part-time project. We discuss top lessons:How to interviewGear set up and soundWhere to recordEditing podcastsGetting ListenersBUSINESSAfter a career in advertising, Dan is a master of getting attention and users for his ideas. He went into the world of startup and sold £1 mill of product in the first week of one startup and achieved over 10,000 downloads on the day he released a fashion app. We discuss:Biggest mistakesFounder issuesRaising and returning capitalWhen to call quitsCreating compelling offersDefining a Name and a Brand earlyTRY DAWNWe also discuss plans for Dan’s current start up and how he is growing his email newsletter. I highly recommend you sign up to learn the latest science on health and wellbeing in a highly enjoyable newsletterSign up to Try Dawn ( on LinedIn ( ( THE HOSTMy name is Sam Harris. I am a British entrepreneur, investor and explorer. From hitchhiking across Kazakstan to programming AI doctors I am always pushing myself in the spirit of curiosity and Growth. My background is in Biology and Psychology with a passion for improving the world and human behaviour. I have built and sold companies from an early age and love coming up with unique ways to make life more enjoyable and meaningful.Sam:Instagram ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon ( TIPSSHUT UP AN LISTENIf you're interviewing someone, use your ears and not your mouth. Every time you're speaking that is a time when your guest isn’t. Your podcasts or any form of interviews get much better when you stop trying to control the interview and make it about you and just focus on the person you’re talking to. PLAN OUT YOUR IDEAWith solid preparation, Dan managed to get 10,000 users in one night. That is insane. Compared to so many ideas I’ve seen with people spending years to get a thousand users. Caught up in running around doing all these different things and not using focussed effort on the most important areas to get the most leverage. This is definitely a great example of the 80/20 rule and focusing on what matters.FOCUS ON A NICHEDan’s podcast is highly focused on just Great Business Leaders with a crazy amount of experience. He releases 16 episodes a year and in 2 years already had over a million listens, and I'm sure this year it’s going stratospheric. When you focus on just a quality niche it’s much easier to grow what you do and can take a lot less effort.It a sad truth that I am just too interested in too many things to nail myself down to one concept for the podcast and love being available to talk to any fascinating human. But, I’m definitely changing tactics to become a seasonal podcast where I go deep on one niche at a time and really make high-quality content for one field at a time.BOOKSGet any of the books free on audible ( know for a fact some of Dan’s favourite books are ‘Lost Connections (’ by Johann Hari and ‘12 Rules for Life (’ by Jordan Peterson.Another favourite is ‘How To Change Your Mind (’ by Michael Pollan, which we will both discuss in depth on a future podcast you can look forward to in my upcoming Mindset bookclub.Subscribe!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Daniel Murray-Serter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 9, 2019 • 47min

51: Creative Healing - Naveen Arles BCA - Founder London International Gospel Choir

Naveen Arles BCA is the founder of the London International Gospel Choir. He was awarded a British Citizens Award for his work in the art and creative healing.As well as running the choir full time (currently on tour with Take That) he runs various singing related projects to help people in the community helping hospital patients, mental health sufferers and prison inmates find joy and peace.As an immigrant to Britain, he educates me on the concept of Third Culture Kids and how to make friends anywhere. His wealth of experience leads to fascinating insights and mindsets for success in the arts and life in general.NaveenConnect on LinkedIn ( ( THE HOSTMy name is Sam Harris. I am a British entrepreneur, investor and explorer. From hitchhiking across Kazakstan to programming AI doctors I am always pushing myself in the spirit of curiosity and Growth. My background is in Biology and Psychology with a passion for improving the world and human behaviour. I have built and sold companies from an early age and love coming up with unique ways to make life more enjoyable and meaningful.Sam:Instagram ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon ( TIPSLEARN TO SAY NOSometimes your greatest strength can be your greatest weakness and when you love helping people and delivering over and above what is asked for you quickly find yourself spread to thin and things become stressful difficult and not as good as they should be. Both Nav and I suffer from this and when you learn to say no and be protective of your time to truly deliver at a top level on just a few focused projects things get a whole lot betterONLY DO IT IF YOU LOVE ITTo succeed in the arts you have to just love the art that you are doing, whether it is writing, painting or music. it shouldn’t be about fame or other things because that won’t come instantly and you won’t enjoy yourself. you will constantly be questioned and challenged by what you're doing and if you don’t love it you will give up. I really liked his example that a banker doesn’t have to get tested to see if he can be a banker every week, but as an artist, you are constantly auditioning to even be able to do your job.This leads nicely into another important point aboutHAVE THE RIGHT GOALS AND METRICS OF SUCCESSWhen the choir were in a big competition and put in loads of work and hours they had an awesome experience and massively grew the profile of the choir, every person involved gained new skills and they made beautiful music. yet because they didn’t win the competition they felt like failures. if you removed the bit where you mention your in a competition and just say that your going to be in TV to millions of people and be awesome that sounds great and hardly something to get depressed about. So before you do anything it is important to remind yourself what is the real value from what you are doing and what you want to get out of it before you chase the wrong goals.BONUS TIP - NOMINATE SOMEONE FOR AN AWARDBeing nominated for a BCA was one of the best things that happened to him and also thoroughly deserving. Similarly, with a previous guest Lisa Forte who was nominated for top 100 women in Tech it's great when someone who really deserves recognition gets it. So I’m pretty sure we all must know someone in our community that deserves more recognition. So just nominate them. Whether it's for a BCA or Top person in Tech or any other award. If someone has been making your day brighter give back and give them a nomination. If they are doing great work already they’ll be able to do twice as much if you give them a little bit of help.When developing gratitude they say you should write more letters to people deserving, but going one step further and getting them a nice award is five times better and I”m sure you will feel fantastic if your favourite local hero gets an award because of you. It really is the least you can doBOOKSGet any of the books free on audible ( - FRANK HERBERT ( in the far future amidst a sprawling feudal interstellar empire where planetary dynasties are controlled by noble houses. A regular entry on the top sci-fi books everyone must read. One day I’ll actually finish it.THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON MUSIC - DANIEL LEVITIN ( you load your iPod with Bach or Bono, music has a significant role in your life—even if you never realized it. Why does music evoke such powerful moods? The answers are at last be- coming clear, thanks to revolutionary neuroscience and the emerging field of evolutionary psychology. Subscribe!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Naveen Arles. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mar 20, 2019 • 29min

50: AI Solutions in Finance - Chandini Jain, CEO Auquan

Chandini Jain is the founder and CEO of Auquan. Their platform provides Machine Learning solutions for big finance.Chandini took her experience as a financial trader and built her own platform to take on the problems she saw. She has grown the business Auquan into a platform that empowers big finance to get solutions from ML coders across the world.Auquan is an alumnus of the TechStars London accelerator and has gone on to raise funding and take the business to the next level. Chandini recounts her lessons from trading and tech world and raising finance.Podcast NotesABOUT THE HOSTMy name is Sam Harris. I am a British entrepreneur, investor and explorer. From hitchhiking across Kazakstan to programming AI doctors I am always pushing myself in the spirit of curiosity and Growth. My background is in Biology and Psychology with a passion for improving the world and human behaviour. I have built and sold companies from an early age and love coming up with unique ways to make life more enjoyable and meaningful.Sam:Instagram ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon ( TIPSDON’T MICROMANAGEIt is so hard to let go of your baby. whether a mother with her child or a CEO with a business. At some point you need to let go so it can learn to take care of itself some more and ultimately become much stronger without your control.DO MARKET RESEARCHIt might not be fun or feel like progress. You often risk finding out that you are wrong yourself. Instead of working on your baby as it should be in your mind, you may need to change your precious idea.Validating your idea properly will save a lot of time and money to you can build the right thing the first time.PRACTICE PITCHING TO EVERYONETalk to as many people about your idea as possible. Every conversation will help you become more clearer in what your mission is and at helping people understand it.Just because someone doesn’t seem relevant you never know who they might put you in contact with. You should just treat all people as if they have the power to make your dreams come true.Subscribe!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Chandini Jain. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mar 10, 2019 • 52min

49: Stoic Determination and Tenacity, 'Sisu' - Mike Follett, CEO Lumens Research

Mike Follett is the CEO of Lumens Research. They create eye-tracking software to understand human behaviour and intent.Mike is full of fascinating insights on life and business. He has some fantastic stories where he used 'Sisu', a Finnish ideology of grit and bravery, to get himself out of sticky situations.ABOUT THE HOSTMy name is Sam Harris. I am a British entrepreneur, investor and explorer. From hitchhiking across Kazakstan to programming AI doctors I am always pushing myself in the spirit of curiosity and Growth. My background is in Biology and Psychology with a passion for improving the world and human behaviour. I have built and sold companies from an early age and love coming up with unique ways to make life more enjoyable and meaningful.Sam:Instagram ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon ( TIPSSISU!The Finish word for stoic determination and tenacity and a great word. One of my new favourites.Sometimes we need to show some grit and determination. To be the David against Goliath and do the scary things. Mikes example of taking on a bigger business trying to shut him down is a perfect example of realising when you need to just step up your game.FRAME YOUR STORIES CORRECTLYWe are the result of the stories we tell ourselves and so it’s very important what stories we use to explain what happens in our lives. We covered two very important points around this to ensure that you encourage the best activities from the stories you tell and learn the most you can. - 1 - Try to frame them positively so you can see the best in a situation and not give up. When Mike nearly lost the entire business instead of explaining themselves as incapable idiots who certainly shouldn’t be running a business, they explained it as a big lesson and an example where a plucky young company managed to overcome the big bad guys - 2 - On the flipside. Don’t blind yourself from your problems by telling yourself things too positively and believing your own hype. When Mike was struggling with traction and thought his business idea was the answer to everything it took his marketing director to explain that realistically not everyone in the world will need this or be amazed by it and you need to really know who gets exactly what value from it.DON’T BOX YOURSELF INThis nicely summarises the last two tips. Mike boxed himself into thinking he needed to use a specific piece of equipment from one supplier. This was a stupid story to tell himself and nearly cost the business. It required ‘Sisu’ to overcome this toxic mindset and open the business to other ways of operating.The reason this is a third tip is that before you even start telling yourself stories or need ‘Sisu’ to get out of a sticky situation you can avoid this by not boxing yourself in in the first place and planning out a business that isn’t reliant on a single break point, whether it is one customer or one supplier or one piece of technology it is always really key to not have all your eggs in one basket that you don’t have control of.BOOKSGet any of the books free on audible ( of Innovations - Everett M. Rogers ( new ideas spread via communication channels over time. Such innovations are initially perceived as uncertain and even risky.To overcome this uncertainty, most people seek out others like themselves who have already adopted the new idea. Thus the diffusion process consists of a few individuals who first adopt an innovation, then spread the word among their circle of acquaintances--a process which typically takes months or years. But there are exceptions: use of the Internet in the 1990s, for example, may have spread more rapidly than any other innovation in the history of humankind.The Imitation of Christ - Thomas Akempis ( the Bible has been more influential as a source of Christian devotional reading than The Imitation of Christ. This meditation on the spiritual life has inspired readers from Thomas More and St. Ignatius Loyola to Thomas Merton and Pope John Paul I.Written by the Augustinian monk Thomas à Kempis between 1420 and 1427, it contains clear instructions for renouncing wordly vanities and locating eternal truths.The Chimp Paradox - Steve Peters ( consultant psychiatrist Steve Peters knows more than anyone how impulsive behaviour or nagging self-doubt can impact negatively on our professional and personal lives. n this, his first book, Steve shares his phenomenally successful mind-management programme that has been used to help elite athletes and senior managers alike to conquer their fears and operate with greater control, focus and confidence.MARKETING MINDSET EPISODEMike gives some fantastic lessons in marketing from his deep insight in the industry and scientifically analysing human behaviour. If you’re in the slightest bit interested in business, human behaviour or how the world works you should give this episode a listen!Get Attention in the Age of Distraction (!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Mike Follett. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 27, 2019 • 1h 2min

48: Cyber Attack Wargaming - Top 100 Women in Tech Winner Lisa Forte, CEO Red Goat

Lisa Forte deservedly won the top 100 Women in Tech award for 2018 for her work combating cyber-crime.She is an inspirational public speaker and a tenacious entrepreneur. Her business Red Goat Cyber Security helps businesses combat cyber crime. If you want to play at cyber wargaming in the office to prepare for malicious attacks she is the lady to call.Her previous experiences working to combat Somali Pirate attacks on shipping and then for the British government have made her a real expert in the space.Lisa’s attitudes toward life and learning are as infectious as they are brilliant. I can’t recommend her more highly.Lisa & Red Goat SecurityConnect on Linkedin ( Goat Security ( THE HOSTMy name is Sam Harris. I am a British entrepreneur, investor and explorer. From hitchhiking across Kazakstan to programming AI doctors I am always pushing myself in the spirit of curiosity and Growth. My background is in Biology and Psychology with a passion for improving the world and human behaviour. I have built and sold companies from an early age and love coming up with unique ways to make life more enjoyable and meaningful.Sam:Instagram ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon ( SUMMARYOur guest, Lisa Forte, labeled as the winner of the top 100 Women in Tech award for 2018 and an established keynote speaker who is passionate about sharing her personal experience on cyber crime, social engineering, and cyber-attack wargaming, a simulation that helps businesses run exercises to prepare for cyber attacks.With her background working alongside the U.K Police Cyber Crime Units, Lisa is one of the founding partners of Red Goat Cyber Security where they provide a range of security services as well as the only GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) certified social engineering training around.Aside from her work, Lisa does loads of pro-bono security work for the NHS (National Health Service) and various charities and cares deeply about helping the communities we live in becoming more aware of the growing threat.She talks about social engineering or human hacking which is the act of tricking someone into disclosing information or taking action, usually through technology. The idea behind social engineering is to take advantage of a potential victim’s natural tendencies and emotional reactions.*Instead of working on months hacking into a company’s system, social engineering would bypass the process which would make life easier for individuals or criminal organizations. Cyber attacks hit businesses every day and have increased every year as people try to benefit from vulnerable business systems. *Lisa started out taking every role in the company, Red Goat Cyber security, to set as a sample in getting the business off the ground. If she won’t move, no one else will. She mentions that it’s a constant challenge to run your own business, comparing it to taking care of a child that never grows old. It needs constant attention. Lisa also cited her success in public speaking that helped the company gain more clients and, at the same time, elevate herself.If you’re really struggling with something, if there’s a block on something, don’t just necessarily go and look for the obvious solution. Go and look outside the box and try to find someone who might offer you something that blows the barrier that you have.Lisa believes that the Cyber Security industry will grow exponentially since consumer products being developed nowadays are intertwined with the internet. She mentioned that since almost everything would rely on the internet, this would make users more vulnerable to cyber-attacks.Hopefully, individuals will start becoming more aware of how they connect with the internet and become more security conscious in the same way you never go out of the house without locking your door.Lisa brought up that there are 2 types of hackers: black hats and white hats. Some hackers are criminals and use their computer skills to harm or damage computer systems. These people are called black hat hackers. White hat hackers, on the other hand, use their computer skills to perform ethical hacking. Ethical hacking can determine vulnerabilities in a computer system.If companies don't hire white hat hackers to seek out potential threats and find vulnerabilities, there would likely be a lot more cyber crime activity and data breaches. It’s basically stepping up their game to make their life challenging.Our guest talked about the internet becoming a space filled with malicious links, trojans, and viruses. Data breaches are becoming more frequent, and naive users are more vulnerable than ever before. Lisa provided some tips that can help users stay alert and safe online3 Tips on cyber security· Check the information you’ve provided online· Make sure to have a firewall and anti-virus from different vendors that update frequently· Use a password manager to strengthen your securityTake more responsibility for yourself in the cyber world. These new technologies are something that the NHS (National Health Service) and the government, generally, need to be taking advantage of more.KEY DISCUSSION POINTS:[2:07] Get to know Lisa Forte[3:22] Idea of social engineering as a business concept[8:38] What Social Engineering is[12:01] Building Red Goat Cyber Security[14:22] Experience and tips on public speaking[24:25] Discussion about routines and ways of relaxation[27:46] Overview of the Cyber Security industry[41:34] Use of BlockchainTOP TIPSLEARN SKILLS THAT INTEREST YOUsince recording this I’ve read a book called mastery which actually speaks about developing various talents that you’re just bloody interested in which you can then combine into your own unique skill set. I think Lisa’s example of becoming great at photoshop and public speaking along with getting a deep knowledge of cybercrime was genius. She’s perfectly set herself to start a great business just by following her interests in seemingly completely unrelated fields. and further to that it gives you an all-important story to tell which is key for public speaking or just getting people to remember you.FIND SOLUTIONS BY GOING OUT OF THE BOXLisa used Hypnotherapy to convince herself she was excited to go on stage rather than anxious. Now, this is just so awesome and not a tip I’ve ever heard someone use before. If you’ve read one book about public speaking you’ve read them all. but if you go into completely different fields you might learn something. As Lisa says with this podcast it's really nice to hear from types of people you’d never normally listen to but actually find things you’d of never thought that can actually help. Like who’d of thought Lisa a Cybercrime and social engineering specialist would be giving us a public speaking masterclass.PROTECT YOURSELF ONLINE - DON’T TRUST ANYONEHackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated and aren’t just doing crazy things with code to get to you, they’ll often exploit human vulnerabilities by just becoming your friend and finding ways to physically get in. so have some strict policies about who can do what and don’t allow yourself to make any sacrifices along the lines of, oh I’m sure just for you it will be alright. because if your 99% certain you really don’t want to be the lemon that happens to let in that dubious 1%And of course, don’t use the same password for everything and use a password managerBOOKSGet any of the books free on audible ( WAY DOWN: LIFE AND DEATH ON K2 - CLIMBING ( awesome book that will put you off climbing even a slightly snowy hill. It’s a nail-biting read and a huge example of mental courage and human resilience.If you enjoy it and want to go on an adventurous reading journey then other similar books would be Touching the Void and Endurance by Alfred Lansing.Subscribe!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Lisa Forte. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 20, 2019 • 42min

47. Building the Future, Matt Ward - Disruptors Podcast, VC, Author, Amazon Millionaire

Matt Ward launched an Amazon business which he sold for $1 million after just one year. He is now the host of two great podcasts: Matt has an amazing focus on the future and has a fascinating set of insights of what is in store for us and what we should be excited for and what we should be worried about.He has the personal goals of living past 150, helping end factory farming by 2030 and getting humans to colonize space by 2033. An inspiration to have on the podcast.ABOUT THE HOST My name is Sam Harris. I am a British entrepreneur, investor and explorer. From hitchhiking across Kazakstan to programming AI doctors I am always pushing myself in the spirit of curiosity and Growth. My background is in Biology and Psychology with a passion for improving the world and human behaviour. I have built and sold companies from an early age and love coming up with unique ways to make life more enjoyable and meaningful. Sam: Instagram ( Quora ( Twitter ( LinkedIn ( Sam's blog - ( Support the Show - Patreon ( TOP TIPS HAVE 10X GOALS AND THINK CREATIVELY TO GET THERE be ambitious. It’s better to get halfway to a billion and fail than succeed in getting to one million. When you have massive goals you can really surprise yourself. There are two ways to achieve huge success like this. you can build a business the traditional way. or you can form a movement, depending on what you want to achieve you might not need to become rich first to achieve your dreams. this is a really strong point that completely relates to a different idea I've been putting together to do exactly this which I”m hoping to launch this year. watch this space for details. SUCCESS IS CREATIVITY PLUS PRODUCTIVITY I love this definition of success. It is exactly what I’m striving for, the two things that make me happiest are when I am being creative and when I’m being productive and when you can find something that overlaps both you are in the sweet spot. My idea’s going forwards are really going to be optimised for this. HEALTH This whole attitude on life extension is awesome. the main take homes are to avoid as many carbs as possible but perhaps going full on keto is a bit too much. but try and micro fast which is eating within an 8-hour window each day. so for me, I have lunch at 1 pm maybe snack on some fruit and then dinner. After a while it's incredibly easy. Once you get used to it you can push for longer fasts like 24-hour fasts or I’ve started doing regular 40-hour fasts which is basically one whole day of not eating in the middle of my normal 16-hour fasts as those just feel like normal eating now anyway. I pushed it really hard last week and did a 100 hour fast which was a bit mental and had some interesting results which I’ll do a whole podcast on soon. Let's just say there are too many people advocating extreme fasting without useful medical advice so I deliberately did an unsupported one and documented what went wrong to prove a point. I might do some more sensible ones with some science involved as well in the future but who knows. BOOKS Get any of the books free on audible ( HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE ( Awesome Books, so many profoundly deep lessons on how to just go through life being an awesome human being in a way that everyone likes you and will try and help. Life really doesn’t need to be as hard as you think PODCASTS Matt runs two podcasts which are both great. THE SYNDICATE ( Matt interviews top investors on latest insights and experience, if you're interested in investing yourself you can join his syndicate and invest in the latest startups alongside him, other top investors and even myself. THE DISRUPTORS ( (PREVIOUSLY CALLED ‘FRINGE FM’) Matt interviews innovators, scientists, entrepreneurs and anyone doing cool future stuff. basically TED speakers but in a 30minute to 1-hour long interview. He’s got some great casts so check it out. Subscribe! If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends!Special Guest: Matt Ward. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 5, 2019 • 36min

45: The Future of Supply Chains - Ben King, CEO - Pesky Fish

Ben King is the CEO of Pesky Fish. They run an amazing service connecting consumers directly to fisherman on boats so that you can buy fresh fish as it is caught and have it delivered to your door in hours.We talk about solving supply chain issues in food whilst creating transparency around what we eat, as well as a multitude of other topics: Hiring mistakes and lessons Educating consumers How to make a good pitch to investors How to launch a ski resort The benefits of nearly dying Ben & Pesky Fish Connect on LinkedIn ( Pesky Fish Website ( ABOUT THE HOST My name is Sam Harris. I am a British entrepreneur, investor and explorer. From hitchhiking across Kazakstan to programming AI doctors I am always pushing myself in the spirit of curiosity and Growth. My background is in Biology and Psychology with a passion for improving the world and human behaviour. I have built and sold companies from an early age and love coming up with unique ways to make life more enjoyable and meaningful. Sam: Instagram ( Quora ( Twitter ( LinkedIn ( Sam's blog - ( Support the Show - Patreon ( TOP TIPS HIRE BASED ON INTEREST Don’t hire people based on what is on their CV and the skills they apparently have. Make your decisions based on who is genuinely interested, passionate and motivated to achieve the vision you have for the company. They may have a bigger learning curve but the work they do will be ten times better TELL A GOOD STORY By telling a story that really pulled on the heart strings Ben got a crazy level of interest from investors at the Techstars DemoDay. he started with a video from one of his fisherman explaining how his life has been changed thanks to pesky fish. He makes more money more reliably from working with the app and doesn’t need to risk his life going out in dangerous seas to make ends meet. By telling a story that people understood and buy into the concept which massively increased his chances of success. THE WORLD OF FOOD IS CHANGING Chef’s and consumers expect to be able to get hold of better products faster and more transparently. The next five years is going to have a radical shift in the food chain as people become more connected with the sources of their food. Seeing how a company like Pesky Fish operates opened my eyes and once you see how it could be it seems ridiculous to think it could ever go backwards. BOOKS Get any of the books free on audible ( CAN'T HURT ME: MASTER YOUR MIND AND DEFY THE ODDS - DAVID GOGGINS ( This book is about how the author went from being a depressed overweight young man to one of the best endurance athletes on the planet and setting numerous world records. Sounds like a pretty awesome human being with a good mindset! Subscribe!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends!Special Guest: Ben King. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 1, 2019 • 34min

44: Your Heart is Stupid, Follow Your Interests - Richard Chapo, Internet Lawyer

Richard Chapo is a business lawyer in San Diego who has been practising law for 25 years. In that time he has started many businesses and helped countless other businesses with legal and growth problems.Richard has a huge bank of stories and insights from these experiences. I really enjoyed the conversation and Richard's attitude to solving his own problems by acquiring the skills to do something that would fit the lifestyle he wants.RichardConnect on LinkedIn ( ( Office of Richard A. Chapo ( THE HOSTMy name is Sam Harris. I am a British entrepreneur, investor and explorer. From hitchhiking across Kazakstan to programming AI doctors I am always pushing myself in the spirit of curiosity and Growth. My background is in Biology and Psychology with a passion for improving the world and human behaviour. I have built and sold companies from an early age and love coming up with unique ways to make life more enjoyable and meaningful.Sam:Instagram ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon ( TIPSDO WHAT INTERESTS YOUIt’s not always about doing the thing that makes you happiest 100% of the time. Doing anything worthwhile will usually entail some pretty difficult or boring moments at some point or quite a lot of points. You’re much more likely to be successful with anything you do, if something that fundamentally interests you.AUTOMATE THE BORING STUFFWhen doing something find parts that really don't interest you and take up your time, these will often be holding you back from reaching your potential. You want to find ways to automate them as much as possible.For a bootstrapped entrepreneur this might not be possible straight away but it should be one of your highest priorities as soon as you have the budget. If you can automate your admin and accounts and stuff that just takes your time and isn’t that interesting you can spend more time doing the interesting thing that delivers value and thus build a better business or get more experience in whatever it is you are trying to do.If it turns out the hard boring thing you want to automate is the critical part of the idea or skill that you are working on then clearly this wasn’t a thing that interests you and you should be doing something else.BE SELECTIVE OF YOUR CO-FOUNDERS OR CO-WORKERSDon’t work with anyone just because they sound like they have the right skills. You need to know that you can deeply trust this person, that you both have the same long term goals and that you have the complementary skills. (and also that they don’t have a shady history)So If you don’t already know someone it might be better to work in a non-binding agreement as a test first to see if you really both have the same goals and interests and that it will work long term. It can really help you avoid a messy breakup or issues of silent co-founders dragging you down and of course, hefty legal fee’s to deal with the problem. Richard is doing himself out of a job here.But as he says he would be much rather be helping you scale your business up anyway.BONUS TIP: THINK ABOUT YOUR RISKSHis business failure lead to some huge lessons. Don’t take too many loans and leave yourself exposed. Don’t have one point of failure just because a market seems so strong doesn’t mean it will be that way tomorrow. Hedge some of your bets and choose a niche that will be resilient to change.BOOKSTHE COMPLETE TURTLE TRADER ( book sounds awesome. It is the real-life version of the movie Trading Places but with 23 participants in the experiment instead of just Eddie Murphy. It sounds like a lot of fascinating insight into the world of trading and redefining What people think of as inherent talent vs. What is just following standard procedures.Subscribe!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Richard Chapo. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 26, 2019 • 21min

43: Hit Your Health Goals - Sam Harris

Sam discusses some top tips for making wise health decisions and keeping diet and exercise something that feels fun rather than a chore. Then we get a bonus masterclass from Arnold Schwarzenegger on the topic.Warning you may feel thoroughly motivated.ABOUT THE HOSTMy name is Sam Harris. I am a British entrepreneur, investor and explorer. From hitchhiking across Kazakstan to programming AI doctors I am always pushing myself in the spirit of curiosity and Growth. My background is in Biology and Psychology with a passion for improving the world and human behaviour. I have built and sold companies from an early age and love coming up with unique ways to make life more enjoyable and meaningful.Sam:Instagram ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon (!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Sam Harris. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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