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Jun 27, 2023 • 7min

Is The Spiritual Ascension Coming Soon? Podcast Snack

The post Is The Spiritual Ascension Coming Soon? Podcast Snack appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jun 23, 2023 • 31min

Emotion Code Therapy: Dramatically Reduce Anxiety & Depression

If you struggle with anxiety and depression, Tenya Eickenberg works with Dr. Bradley Nelson’s Emotion Code therapy to find relief and enjoy life more. Things Looked Good But They Weren’t I asked Tenya how she got started with this healing process and sharing it with people. What was at the root? Tenya had just purchased her dream home on Chesapeake Bay, her children had graduated and her husband had finished college. 2018 was a big year! Everything looked wonderful on the outside but on the inside, she said she felt like she was miserable. She had hit her highest levels of depression and anxiety. Plus, she had a big fight with her mother and they hadn’t spoken for months. It hit her that she needed something to heal this once and for all because Tenya was tired of the roller coaster of medication and talk therapy. She Googled “emotional holistic healing” and a modality came up called the Emotion Code therapy. That is where it all started. She went to a few practitioners and decided to get certified, so she could heal herself. Her Journey to Healing First, she learned the original Emotion Code method, then was certified Body Code and within four months she had healed about 80% of her anxiety and depression. She still had smaller bouts of sadness and mini-panic attacks. That’s when she found self-care including meditation and journaling. Within six months of finding the Emotion Code, she was completely healed. How fantastic! Dr. Bradley Nelson was the person who created this system. I have some experience with his heart wall concept and have had amazing success. Learn about the Heart Wall Meditation It’s fascinating work and clearly effective for Tenya. Anxiety and depression can be debilitating. No one knew she was feeling poorly because she was embarrassed and ashamed of this. And she had a lot of fear of being sent to a padded hospital room. She’d been on and off medication for years and was tired of it. Now her mom has complications due to the medication she’s been on and Tenya wanted to avoid that in her future. That’s why she’s grateful for finding Emotion Code therapy. How Emotion Code Therapy Worked for Tenya I asked Tenya what is it about the Emotion Code that helped alleviate what was bothering her? Turns out she had a lot of inherited energy from her father’s dad who passed away from alcoholism and his liver. This became clear through the healing process. She thought it would have been through her mom, but it was through her dad. If it hadn’t been for Emotion Code therapy and it’s muscle testing technique, Tenya may never had known this was a problem or how to release the ancestral issue. Tapping into her own subconscious mind, getting to know who she was and what was affecting her was a game changer. Tenya feels mental illness is not a chemical reaction in the body but a trauma response to what our ancestors, our parents, and ourselves went through. It may even include what’s happening with our society too. Manage Your Consciousness If you scroll though social media or watch the news, it’s 90% negative. Tenya doesn’t follow either. People ask how can she not care about what’s happening in other countries? Her point of view is that she does care, but doesn’t need to make those stories her own. What’s happening in other parts of the world doesn’t personally affect her. I agree and totally understand what she is saying. You have to ask yourself, “What can I do about it? Is this a place to put my energy?” Sometimes there are things you can do, but other times there aren’t. Take Ukraine for example. People have collected clothing, food and money to send to the people of Ukraine to support them during this time of war. After that, worrying and being upset about every battle won or lost won’t help the cause. However, it sure could drag her energy down. I don’t watch the news any more and I can’t even watch the same kind of violent cop or spy shows I used to watch with my husband. I’m not sure if the shows are more violent, or if I’m just less tolerant. This could also be a change in my consciousness because what you “consume” affects you, just like food. Being conscious of this, I am choosier about what I watch and expose myself to. It’s for my sanity. Clearing Ancestral Patterns Back to ancestors for a moment. When I first heard about people working to heal things from their ancestors, I was a bit put off. After all, don’t we have enough to deal with just ourselves? I’m here to learn my lessons, not my grandparents lessons. And I’m not responsible for healing their souls. Yet, what I’ve come to understand is that is we have “DNA residue” from what our ancestors went through. Today I can see how clearing these patterns energetically from our consciousness and at the cellular level can make a difference. Discover more about generational and ancestral healing Through science we now know that our consciousness and state of being absolutely affects our cells and DNA. So, we don’t need to actually heal our ancestors. Instead, we heal the consciousness residue that is handed down through their DNA. There are certainly things we need to heal from in this life and there are layers of issues that need to be dealt with. And, you might not even be aware of it. So, I have to admit there is definitely something to this and for Tenya, discovering this and eliminating the leftovers from her grandfather dramatically changed the quality of her life. How Ancestors Handle Money? Another example is how your ancestors handle money. If you look back to the depression in the early 1900s, if your family was fruitful then, it’s probably fruitful now. On the other hand if your ancestors didn’t know where their next meal was coming from and they had to hold on dearly, this can easily impact your relationship to money today. Tenya started her business because she felt there were likely a lot of other women who wanted to heal their depression and anxiety naturally. Maybe they tried talk therapy and it didn’t work or want to feel better without medication. She decided the most effective course of action was to pair the conscious side of healing with the subconscious through energy healing and self-care. First she helps clients clear the blocks energetically that are contributing to the anxiety and depression, as well as blocks to not being able to do self-care. Becoming emotionally intelligent, you learn that your emotions are not going to kill you. Thankfully, they will pass. Tenya can help you learn how all of this works. BIO – Tenya Eickenberg Tenya Eickenberg is an anxiety release coach, certified in life and self-care coaching. Her passion is to help women release emotional baggage and direct their energy to healing and regaining strength, freedom and happiness. Her own long-term fight against depression and anxiety made her seek alternative healing methods. She discovered that energy healing could produce positive changes that medication and therapy could not achieve. Today, Tenya encourages the use of deliberate self-care techniques, along with energy alignment, to overcome anxiety and depression. Her specialized skills and expertise have contributed to her clients’ recovery and lead them to live a more positive and vigorous life. Website & Social Media Website:  Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: YouTube: The post Emotion Code Therapy: Dramatically Reduce Anxiety & Depression appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jun 16, 2023 • 29min

3 Single Women Get Readings About Love And Dating

This episode is about a more spiritual and conscious approach to dating. I recorded short readings for three women who attended the Full Moon Messages event and coincidently, were all single. They all just happened to ask questions about love, so I felt this would be great for the podcast. One woman recently fell in love and has been seeing an amazing man for five months. The second woman is a widow who hasn’t started dating yet, but is thinking about it. The third has just met someone and feels nervous. Julianne’s Reading Julianne is 60 and has been divorced for about a year. She worked with me to jump start her dating. I wrote her profile and gave her the basic understanding about using the dating apps and online too. Having been in a long-term marriage, she was nervous about going back into the dating pool. She dated for a few months, then took a break over the holidays, restarting in February and met a good number of men. One got her attention and things got serious. Now, after five months, she’s very happy, in love, but feeling a bit skittish because so many good things have been happening. Julianne wanted to know if she could trust all the good things that have been coming to her in life. Here’s the answer from spirit. Your cup runneth over. Do not be alarmed – this is a good thing. It’s a true testament of abundance. What spills out is not a loss because there is more, more, more.  You need not worry about the excess, there is a limitless supply. Enjoy every drop whether you catch them all or not. It doesn’t matter if you miss some because there’s more!  What a positive message to start off with! I circle back to Julianne at the end for another question. Angie’s Reading Next up is Angie, a widow in her middle 50s. Her husband passed away seven years ago and is just starting to think about dating. She asked if she was ever going to find love again. This is a predictive question basically asking, “What will happen to me?” That’s very passive, which is why I wanted to help redirect her question so she was taking ownership of her desire. “Will I find love?” positions the question like you are a victim of the Universe rather than a creator of your life. I reworded her question to make it more empowering. “What can I do to find love?” allows her to take responsibility for her love life. Here’s the answer from spirit: Love can absolutely be yours when you put yourself out there, take the risk to be vulnerable, open your heart, and trust the Universe. You are completely capable of finding love.  You may get a couple of small bumps and bruises along the way, but if you were an infant you would know that this is how you learn to walk. It is the same for love. It doesn’t have to be horrible, tumultuous or devastating. It can be little bumps along the way for learning if you can keep it all in perspective. Relationships and dating are for learning. The point of dating is a journey of self-discovery. You learn about what works for you, who you are, what you don’t want to experience again, and what you want more of.  Put Your Toe in the Water Know that to put yourself out there is absolutely worthwhile. However, if you wait till you are 100% ready, we aren’t sure when that will be. You will have to just risk it. Put your toe in the water then put your whole body in the water. Just try it. Remember whoever you meet, they are a reflection of where you are. If you meet men at first who are thoughtless, don’t respond, aren’t interested enough, or don’t keep their promises, know this is a reflection of your energy. Look at yourself and know you need to support and be there for yourself, trust yourself, and feel good about yourself. The better you feel about yourself, the better the men you meet will be.  The higher your vibration is, the more you love yourself, the better the men you meet will be. This is sometimes hard to swallow, but it is the truth of what it takes to find love. And you are completely capable. Finding love is more up to you then you imagine. It is not spirit dangling some carrot, luring you into the trap of dating. It is for you to decide, “This is what I want, this is what I will do and this is me facing whatever it is because I have what it takes. I can be strong, tough, sweet and vulnerable. I can be whatever I need to be to find the love I want.” Why You Attract the Wrong Men Angie was appreciative of the message and took it to heart. I never know when I say something like, “The men you meet are a reflection of whatever you are at,” if the recipient will be insulted and indignant. I don’t mean to be insulting. Sometimes women are so worried about being vulnerable, they get walled off. That’s why the only men attracted to them are not the kind they want. They are less sensitive to the energy and have a lower emotional IQ. They don’t pick up your cues or have the right mindset to notice the signals you’re sending out. When you have any kind of barrier to love, whether you have a bad romantic history, or you fear being vulnerable or hurt again, or you’re independent and don’t want to give that up. Whatever it is for you, sometimes you won’t get good quality guys and then you blame it on the men. But it’s your own misalignment that causes this mismatch. Sally’s Reading The next reading is for Sally. She’s in her 40s, has been divorced for a while, and has been meeting men on and off. She’s found a few guys, but they disappear after a while – you know how it goes. Part of the dating process for everyone. Sally recently met a nice guy who seems sweet, fun and easy to be with. This makes her nervous. She wants to know is this guy for real? Is he really like this all the time or is it some kind of playboy thing? What’s underneath that question is can she trust him, and even deeper, can she trust herself to know she has met a good guy this time? Here’s what spirit had to say: What you see is what you get, but know there will be more to see. Stay in the present and take it one step at a time. Allow it to unfold and see how it goes. Do what you can to not get ahead of yourself. This is hard, but it’s the best way to experience the process. Staying present makes it easier to not get overly attached or involved before the time is right. As you get out of your head and stay present, you have less worry, fear, and concern because you’re enjoying the moment instead of worrying. You want to avoid thinking about if he’s like some other man from the past, about regrets from your past, or worrying about how he’ll behave in the future. This means you are living in stories. Then you’re either in the past or projecting into the future, but not in the present moment with him. Do what you can to stay present and distract yourself when you start thinking about him too much. That will help you stay in a balanced state and more logical place. This prevents you from getting mired in emotions that are not needed. This is a great exercise to learn to trust yourself and know what’s in your best interest. You think you are concerned over trusting him, but this is really about yourself. This is what you are learning, which is invaluable. When you can trust yourself, what else matters? Julianne Asks about Trust Then Julianne also wanted to ask Sally’s same question! Can she trust her situation, because it’s going so well? Here’s what spirit said: Truth is like a ball. When you are standing on the ball of truth you can only see so far around the curve. Then you walk a few more steps and can see a little more truth. What happens is more truth is revealed with time as you keep moving. You can’t see the big picture from where you stand because you have to keep moving. What this also means is that surprisingly, there is isn’t one truth. The truth can change as you move around the curve or you might see other truths that you didn’t notice before. There are always sides of people you might not see at first but come into play at some point. Know you have already seen quite a bit of who this person is and so far it’s good. Feel comfort in that. If and when there are surprises, balance that on the whole of what you see and not by itself. Then you have a better gauge of what that means in the big picture. Since it hasn’t been that long yet, you probably haven’t seen everything, but what might come up won’t erase all the good you have experienced so far. Keep it in perspective. Julianne said that made sense to her and she started to feel better about her situation. Even when things are good you can feel on edge if you don’t have trust. Avoid Creating More Emotional Baggage When you take this more conscious approach to dating and step back to see the big picture of what you’re learning, it takes some pressure off. Find a way to see dating as a learning adventure. Do what you can to stay in a more neutral “We’ll see how it goes…” place. This allows you to be more balanced as you go through the natural ups and downs of finding love. Most men are doing the best they can even if it’s not what you want. Very few are actually mean spirited or trying to break your heart. Most men have been as  hurt and disappointed as you have by love or are working out difficult childhood traumas through their relationships. Instead of all the anger you feel, which is understandable, see if you can consider how a man’s bad behavior is a signal to you that he’s the wrong man for you. Then walk away. When you walk away early after seeing red flags in dating, you honor yourself, you value yourself, and you avoid creating more emotional baggage that holds you back. After 20+ years as a dating coach, one thing I know for sure is, if you desire a lasting loving relationship, and you do the work, love is YOUR DESTINY. I’ve seen women find love over and over again which means YOU CAN FIND LOVE TOO. Wishing you love! Click here if you’re ready for a reading about your love life, dating, work, career, family, friends, or your spiritual path.  The post 3 Single Women Get Readings About Love And Dating appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jun 9, 2023 • 34min

Spiritual Walk-ins, STEs, Mediumship, Ancient Aliens & More

Do you know about spiritual walk-ins? My guest Julia Marie is one! We talk about STEs, star seeds, mediumship, ancient aliens, pyramids in Antarctica and so much more in this week’s wild episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. Spiritually Transformative Experiences Julia and I started by having her explain what an STE is – Spiritually Transformative Experience. She said this is what happened to her 35 years ago when she had her awakening, but there was no name for it back then. Any experience that causes a person to look at and experience the world differently. It could be grief or loss, out of body experience, past life recall, having a vision, etc. Julia had just finished law school and had passed the bar, when she had spontaneous activation of healing ability. Her hands got hot, she got red circles where her chakras were, and she had a 2″ inch stripe of fire going up and down her back. This was also a kundalini experience. This happened over a period of months. There was no medical reason for what was happening to her. Then invisible people showed in her living room and started teaching her things about life. She could feel their presence. This part made her wonder if she was losing it. She wrote everything down and used her legal training to challenge these beings (which gave us a good laugh). The material was logically consistent and guidelines for her to live by. She called it perennial wisdom such as “Intent is everything” and the process went on for 18 months. He Died, Visited Heaven, and Came Back! Vincent Tolman wrote a book called Life After Death: My Journey to Heaven and Back. He had died from poisoning, was pronounced dead – it had been one hour and zipped into a body bag! Then he was brought back to life in the ambulance taking him to the morgue. While in a coma for three days, Vincent visited heaven with his spirit guide, learning the 10 important guidelines to live by which he put into his book. Julia agreed this sounded very similar to the material she wrote down, although she was glad she didn’t have to die or have an NDE (Near Death Experience) to learn these principles! Julia wants people to know that everyone doesn’t have to go through her type of extreme experience. You can do yoga, meditate, or drumming to have an STE. She wants to be there for people going through this kind of spiritual awakening, so they don’t have to be alone. (More on the spiritual walk-ins soon, I promise.) Julia Marie’s Work I asked Julia how she works with people and she said she offers a couple of services. First she provides guidance as a reader and certified medium to connect with people’s loved ones on the other side. She also teaches classes like intuitive development and mediumship and attunes people to healing energy. Plus, she has a podcast called Evolving Human. We spent time talking about mediumship and how you can tell by the energy whether you’re talking to someone on the other side or getting the information intuitively. When you get evidence from spirits about who they were, what they did, or had, this shows you the communication is REAL. They are providing validation. Ancient Aliens TV Show We then jumped to talking about the Ancient Aliens TV show on the History channel, both agreeing it’s completely fascinating. I’m a little afraid of aliens and don’t want to meet one. But when it comes to archeology and ancient history, I’ve loved it since I was 10 years old. What’s amazing are the similarities about Gods coming from the sky around the world and all the art that shows the Gods wearing what looks like space suits. Pyramids on Antarctica Have you heard about the 2 kilometer pyramids found in Antarctica? At first you could see them via google, but now the government must have censored it and it’s no longer available. I saw them in a YouTube snippet about the show it aired on. There is scientific fact that shows Antarctica was tropical at one time. In a Netflix show called Ancient Apocalypse that talks about how meteors hit the earth about 12,000 years ago which caused the earth to shift on its axis and a great flood. Sounds like the Noah’s ark story, right? Another guy, Greg Braeden, was on the YouTube show Next Level Soul. He talked about how the archeologist are begging Netflix to recategorize the Ancient Apocalypse show from science/documentary to science fiction! They refuse to acknowledge civilization has existed longer than what the Bible says. As yet another example, a hammer has been found stuck in sedimentary rock dated at over 100,000 years old, when the rock had actually been mud! How did it get there without an earlier civilization? About Spiritual Walk-Ins I’m learning a new healing technique called Soul Intelligence which is a clearing method that uses charts and a pendulum. There is a chart for star seeds which I don’t know much about. Julia explained how she had learned a similar method and that’s how she discovered she was one of those spiritual walk-ins! Yes, when she was just 3 years old, she entered her body as the original soul decided to leave the planet. This information was shocking to her as she was going through all of her awakening experiences. It all felt like a lot to handle. She also learned she’s from another galaxy or even universe and came through the Pleiades to our system. Truth is, at this point, we are likely all hybrids, not just earthlings. Wow, we covered all sorts of topics in this episode! Julia offers a Free Grounding Meditation on her website, so be sure to visit and check it out! BIO – Julia Marie Julia Marie is an insightful, dedicated spiritual teacher and mentor with over 33 years’ experience. As host of the popular podcast Evolving Humans, her mission is to help sensitive women and men as they take the next step in unlocking their intuitive potential. Julia is a gifted trans-dimensional healer, intuitive and medium. If you want to schedule an appointment or are ready to accelerate your spiritual development, please visit Or go to, click on the purple microphone in the lower right hand corner, and leave her a question! You might hear it on the next listener driven episode! The post Spiritual Walk-ins, STEs, Mediumship, Ancient Aliens & More appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jun 2, 2023 • 35min

Are Inner Peace & World Peace Related? MarBeth Dunn Says Yes!

Is peace a spiritual practice and if so, how are inner peace and world peace related? That’s the discussion for this episode, speaking with MarBeth Dunn, creator of the World Miracle Peace Experiment and founder of How to Create Inner Peace Before I dive into the interview, I just want to talk about how peace really is a spiritual practice. I did a little research on this because I just started to volunteer for MarBeth’s organization. There are many benefits to peace as a spiritual practice bringing you more serenity and equanimity which means a calm and composed state of mind even in the face of upheaval. That would be quite helpful! Peace is also quiet time. You can get to a peaceful place by quieting your mind and meditating and connecting to spirit. When you are in a peaceful inner space, then you are not inclined to be combative. It’s more likely that it will create peace around you. The vibrations you send out are also peaceful which impacts the people around you. It can also come in other ways. You might make more conscious choices about what you watch on TV. Whether you watch or avoid shows with a good deal of violence or even the news which is rarely uplifting or inspiring. I rarely watch the news. If something happens that I need to know, I’ll hear about it from someone. You can’t really escape it. Your days might not be peaceful because you’re running around like crazy. Maybe you chauffuer your kids to activities, see clients, do chores, and more. Who has time for peace? Inner Peace One Minute at a Time But what if you could sneak it in for just a minute or two at a time to make your day more peaceful? You might take one minute to breathe deeply and slowly. Maybe one-minute to wonder about the universe and the stars or marvel over the structure and beauty of a flower. This is mindfulness where tiny increments can absolutely help you feel a sense of inner peace. Anything that helps you feel more serene can be really helpful in a crazy life. Slipping in a few minutes of peace here and there can make a big difference Maybe it’s even your first cup of tea or coffee in the morning, putting good vibes, love, intentions and affirmations into the cup and then drink it. When you take these little moments of peace, you might be surprised how they help you feel more inner peace. What a great benefit that costs nothing, doesn’t take long, and you can do it any time anywhere. Just remember, your inner state can definitely impact your outer world. When you come to a place of inner peace, you affect the people around you and the world as well. This feels really empowering to me. Promoting Peace I asked MarBeth how she got started with promoting peace. As long stories go, it started nearly 40 years ago when she lived in Haiti. She was a painter, relying on tourism at a time when the tropical island underwent seven government overturns. There were no tourists! In addition, her marriage was very difficult and her health wasn’t the best. This caused her tremendous stress as you can imagine. But she discovered A Course in Miracles. The book explains that you can only connect to God or Source by being peaceful, which is why peace is her highest personal value today. Following what she learned from this spiritual book, everything began to change for the better. She experienced a number of miracles. Her marriage actually blossomed and was totally transformed for six years, including restating her marriage vows and having another child. Her health improved dramatically. And even though there were no tourists, people somehow showed up on her doorstep, commissioning artistic projects that were lucrative. Ever since then, personal peace has been her priority. For MarBeth, inner peace has lead her to work towards world peace. This makes so much sense because as you find more inner peace, it’s easier to create peace elsewhere. When you think about it, the more individuals there are feeling peaceful, the more world peace has a chance to become a reality. So yes, inner peace and world peace are very related. The World Miracle Peace Experiment In 2018, MarBeth woke one morning and heard, “You’re going to do a daily meditation and you’ll start in two weeks.” She asked her guides for more time, but spirit was firm. This was her first Facebook live with between 50-100 people from all over the world. The power of these meditations built over the two weeks. She based the peace meditations on two leaders in the spiritual arena. The first was Lynn McTaggart who wrote The Field and The Intention Experiment. The second was John Hegalin, the head of Transcendental Meditation Organization and a physicist. He did experiments where he brought people to meditate at war-torn areas and the violence dropped as a result. For example, the change was measurable in Israel during the war with Lebanon. Humans Are Made of Energy MarBeth went on to say that as humans, our minds are all joined. We are all one even though it doesn’t seem that way. We are “wearing” these human bodies made of atoms which consist mostly of space. If you put all the matter in the human body together, it would only be about the size of an apple seed! Humans are basically energy beings, filled with electricity. We have energy fields (the aura) that are all around us and there is also a collective or unified field. This is why MarBeth decided to work in “the field of love, peace, and miracles”. She chose to focus on the Middle East because she knew there was a group (ACLED) already tracking violence statistics there. So, if the experiment caused an improvement, it would be noticed and measurable. Her experiment lasted a month and while she guided most of the meditations, she also brought in guest hosts to help. It was such a big commitment! In the process, they would join all the minds in the field first, then focus on peace in the Middle East. After the month of meditations were completed, there was a remarkable 20% reduction in violence according to the ACLED stats. Impressive! Phase Two Begins Then this year, on February 6th, she was on her friend Teri Angel’s podcast – The Pea Podcast with another guest. When the former diplomat from Australia, who is working towards nuclear disarmament, heard about her peace experiment, she suggested they do it again focusing on world leaders. For MarBeth, the timing felt right and she has been joined by Teri Angel and Maureen Whitehouse. All three teach the Course in Miracles. Nostradamus Predicts Peace Recently, I was watching a YouTube video with Dolores Cannon, who is famous for her deep hypnotic past life regressions. As it turned out, one of her clients happened to be a student of the famous Nostradamus. According to Dolores, her client, while in trance, said that Nostradamus wanted to talk to her – Dolores! It seems he felt misunderstood. Even though his predictions are dire and many have come true, they are worst case scenarios. In other words, he says humans are not puppets on a stage. Our minds are very powerful, especially when we work in a group with a single focus or intention. Then the power is squared or exponential. Nostradamus pointed out that once we hit the year 2000, we can manifest 1,000 years of peace if we work together. We have the power to shift all his predictions! I wrote an article about Nostradamus’ belief in humanity creating peace and how that supports the Ten Million for World Peace project which you can read here. Giving and Receiving MarBeth pointed out there is a spiritual law that giving and receiving are actually the same thing. When you send love, peace, and blessings, you receive everything you sent. She commented that after her experiment, many people wrote to her to share how their lives has been transformed by participating in the process. Just seven minutes a day, isn’t that amazing? What a fabulous reward for putting effort into creating world peace. Ready to Help Create World Peace? Please join us with any (or all) of these four easy things you can do: 1. Meditate with us for 7 minutes every Sunday at 1:11pm ET on Facebook. 2. Join us for our new 21-day peace mission beginning September 1st, 2023. 3. Volunteer your time to help us spread the word by filling out this application. 4. Donate here to support us by covering the costs. BIO – MarBeth Dunn A spiritual teacher for over 35 years, MarBeth is an Intuitive Energy Management Specialist and Miracles Mentor who supports and helps highly sensitive, empathic professionals manage their energy to ditch the drama and live happy, peaceful, prosperous lives. Her holistic approach incorporates energy healing, spiritual principals, empowerment training,  mind expansion, yoga, and QiGong. She provides individual and group counseling. MarBeth is also the award-winning creator of the World Miracle Peace Experiment, correlating with a 20% drop in Middle East violence in 2018. Her inspiring work has been featured on several television networks, including FOX, NBC, CBS, and The CW. Website & Social Media Website: Facebook: The post Are Inner Peace & World Peace Related? MarBeth Dunn Says Yes! appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
May 26, 2023 • 39min

Crystals, Ancestor Altars, Magic & More With Leslie McAllister

Do you love crystals? Are you curious about ancestor altars? If so, you’ll enjoy this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast with my guest Leslie McAllister, owner of the Ceremonial Shop in Pittsburgh, PA. Crystal Enthusiast, Witch, and Tarot Reader Leslie shied away from being called a crystal expert and insisted she is still a student. Yet, she certainly knows a lot about rocks – like a ton of knowledge! I started by asking her about her favorite stone and she responded immediately – selenite! Here’s why. First its named after and connected to the Greek Goddess Selene, who is the personification of the moon. She’s the triple Goddess of the full moon and divine Mother. Leslie feels like the moon is her home base. Intensely programmable due to all of it’s layers, the structure is delicate but strong.  The stone works great for clearing energy and works like a phone cord to speak to your celestial friends above. For Leslie, it’s calming, energizing, clearing, and great for charging. You can get lost in it’s many faceted formation. The natural shape is long bars but it can be cut, shaped and polished. Selenite is a self-clearing stone, but no matter what you do, never put it in water – it melts! Personally, I use it like a wand to clear my energy field, running down my body held a couple inches away. In addition, I sit my jewelry and other crystals on top of it, so they get cleared. (We’ll touch on crystal grids and ancestor altars soon, so hang in there.) Tanzanite, Merlinite, & Kyanite with Ruby For me, tanzanite is my favorite gem. That blueish purple color that’s sort of periwinkle just sends me. Tanzanite is a facilitator of higher consciousness and stimulates your intuition and perception. The stone also helps to detoxify the body, never mind that it’s stunning! Of course, I have several other favorites such as Merlinite which seems to come as two different stones. The one I like best is dendritic opal but there is also indigo gabbro. Leslie considers this stone like a deep stormy force. Think of Merlin and other grand wizards like Gandalf or Dumbledore and the idea of light, dark, and balance. Other stones we mentioned are kyanite and ruby blended which we both love. It’s gorgeous and the combination helps you connect to your higher self and speak your truth from the heart. Herkimer Diamonds, Bumblebee Jasper, & Labradorite Then there’s Herkimer diamonds which are high grade clear quartz.  I have one that is palm-size and Leslie mentioned desert diamonds are similar. This stone is a power ally to increase spiritual energy and open your third eye. Also, a huge favorite of mine is bumblebee jasper with it’s orange, yellow, white and black bands helping you connect with joy and happiness. Next up in the fave’s is labradorite – can’t have too much of that stone filled with bright blue/green flashes of color. Beautiful! Leslie said moonstone and larvikite are like labradorite, as they are all part of the feldspar family. These stones create a sense of magic and cause you to look within. Labradorite is a gentle opener for your journey to spiritual awareness, helping you see the seen and unseen. Clearing and Working with Crystals Leslie talked about working with pointed crystals and how the energy flows out of the point. She might point it to something she wants to manifest or at a part of her body for healing. Spheres are amazing because they radiate energy in 360 degrees. Palm stones are soothing and calming fitting snuggly into your hand. She does a lot of altar work in the bath and creates a crystal grid which is a formation using several stones. (Information on the ancestor altars is coming up next!) She also keeps similar stones together like blue stones for communication. Working with crystals, you want to be in the right relationship with them, saying this is the work we are going to do together. You under utilize a stone if you just treat it like artwork, leave it on a shelf, and don’t work with it. That’s a shame! Crystals can be cleared and programmed like computer chips – they like to hold information. Leslie advises that you bond with your stone and keep it with you. Sleep with it, carry it in your pocket, put it in your bath. Put it on your bedside table. Take it in the car wherever you go. This is practical magic. You’re making an agreement with the stone to work together. Communicate with Your Stones Ask your stone, what do you want to do? Listen and let it inform you. Next take it to your working altar and create a grid with it. For example, working with pyrite or citrine which are high manifestation stones good for financial growth and stability, prosperity and joy. Write your intention and sit your stone on top of it. Place 1/2″ clear quartz points which amplify the energy all around it in a circle – there you go crystals grids made easy. Leslie allows the stones, her intuition, ancestors, and guides speak to her about what steps she needs to take. Trusting the crystal and her intuition is how she does it which is really organic and maybe not that traditional. But she loves doing this and gets great results. Ancestor Altars & Crystal Altars Okay, here’s how to set up your ancestor altar. Start with framed photos of your ancestors on the altar. However, make sure there are no pictures of people still living since that messes with the energy. Next include items representing each of the four elements and directions. A goblet of water (west) is an offering and represents the element of water. Crystals stand in for the element of earth (north). A feather works for the element of air (east) and a candle for fire (south). Placement is important for the ancestor altar. Find a spot in the living room or kitchen because your ancestors want to be in the middle of things. That’s why your public living spaces are perfect – the natural places you would gather. I also have a heart for love and card I wrote. And this is the place where I give thanks. I literally stand before the photos and look at each ancestor going back to my great grandparents and thank them for their DNA, their wit, problem solving ability and intelligence. I’m grateful for their love, support and guidance too. Leslie suggested asking at your ancestor altar, what do you need me to heal? I am at service for you. That sounded amazing to me – great idea! It can be joyful, gratitude, healing, or you might do shadow work and so much more. This magical woman is also careful to call out to ancestors who have healed themselves, opening the gate to those who are already healed and truly ascending. This is how you do work for the highest good of all concerned. We also talked about crystal altars, charging and clearing your crystals during different moon phases, how to trust your intuition about the stones, and so much more. You’ll have to listen to the episode to hear the rest of this sparkling crystal discussion. Last but not least, Leslie thanked Vanessa who is a fabulous Soul Guide and Business Coach for connecting us. You can listen to Vanessa’s fantastic interview here – its one of my favorites! BIO – Leslie McAllister Leslie McAllister is the owner of Ceremonial in Pittsburgh, PA. A long time witch and tarot reader, Leslie opened the shop in March 2016 with the vision to build connection through ritual and intention. As a reader, teacher and facilitator, Leslie continues to grow, expand and learn through community in the new ritual studio, Ceremonial Treehouse. As an intuitive and guide, Leslie has grown a clientele worldwide and earned the trust of many via transparency, warmth, and kindness. An ethical practitioner, she works to create a grounded space of intention while working to cultivate lasting bonds. By honoring her ancestral path and lineage of readers, she continues to move along her path with dedication and devotion. Website and Social Media   The post Crystals, Ancestor Altars, Magic & More With Leslie McAllister appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
May 19, 2023 • 34min

Conscious Dating & Mindfulness Help You Find True Love Faster

What is conscious dating? That’s what you’ll discover in this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast with my guest, mindful dating expert, Lauren Smith. This will improve the way you date forever so treat yourself and listen in! Conscious Dating Is a Mindful Approach Lauren started the interview by clarifying that’s she’s not a dating coach. But with her extensive knowledge of what gets in the way emotionally, she sure could be. She’s just a human who went through a lot of heartbreak and needed a tool to get through it during the pandemic. It worked so well for her, Lauren wants to share this tool with other singles. This all started with the quarantine when it became hard to meet anyone new because businesses weren’t open. Not the movies, nor the restaurants or bars. So, she got on the dating apps and found someone! Lauren decided to date a woman this time and attributes this coming out to the solitude and time to think provided by COVID. Meeting this new woman was SO exciting. She’d never felt this way about anyone before. Because dating couldn’t happen the normal way with dinner dates, etc., they ended up spending a lot of time together at each other’s homes. This sped up the process and things got hot and heavy quickly. The pace dramatized all the things Lauren had been doing wrong in relationships. She noticed a lot of micro-behaviors leading her to toxic partners. The sped up time frame allowed her to clearly see the crazy things she was doing. Gaps in Her Skill Set Gaps in her relationship skill set caused these problems. For example, the hardest gap to admit to was her expectation that the person she’s dating should have their sh*t together. Lauren found she was hyper-focused on why her girlfriend wasn’t trying to fix her own problems. Bravely, Lauren admits that she should have been focused on taking responsibility for HER OWN problems. Not looking within created a fog around her that made it harder to see these toxic behaviors. Finally, Lauren figured out that she wasn’t actually resentful about her girlfriend’s problems. Nope, instead she was mad at herself for not taking steps to create a good situation for HERSELF. In other words, she was bummed she chose someone who wasn’t right for her. In fact, she recognized she chose the woman for who she could BECOME, vs. being who a person who could meet her needs right from the start. The Brilliant Ah-Ha Moment This was a brilliant ah-ha moment because when you realize you are externally focused and putting pressure on someone else, that’s your first chance to look at what you are doing. You need to focus on yourself and figure out if your date can meet your needs exactly as they are today. You have to accept the person you’re dating as who they are in the moment. You can’t hope and wait that they improve. Your dates that don’t work out aren’t bad people. But they aren’t right for you since they might not have the same values, want the same kind of relationship, or look at life the same way. That’s why it’s a mismatch! The point here is that you cannot fix anyone. Conscious dating means that you are looking for a good match based on who the person is right now. Many of my clients come to each new relationship with the attitude that they can “make it work.” That’s not appropriate! If you’re in a year long relationship and a problem comes up that you want to resolve to make things work, that’s fine. But not on date two or three! That realization for Lauren was massive. She could no longer point the finger at everybody else. She admitted, “Oh it’s me. I’m the one that has my priorities mixed up or I’m the one avoiding conflict.” At that point, it became clear she was the one who had to change. Mindful Dating – Fantasy vs. the Present Moment Another big lesson was to beware of getting lost in a fantasy. Since this was the first woman she had dated, she got lost in how great it felt and how excited she was about the future possibilities. She wasn’t paying attention to the facts about the present moment. Basic mindfulness is about coming back to the now, re-engaging with your senses, figuring out the real experience you are having. You have to look at the evidence. If you lose touch with this information, you might be thinking everything will be better later. This is a place to apply mindfulness and why it’s called mindful dating. You stay aware as you get to know someone new and don’t let your heart take you away in the fantasy of your romantic future. Even when things are great now, if you ignore facts and focus on how great it COULD BE, you’re thinking you’ll be happy someday. It’s almost like you’re trading happiness in the present moment for happiness in the future that hasn’t existed and may not ever exist. In Lauren’s past, focusing on a fabulous future was better than looking at how she might need to look within and make some changes. This is where Lauren truly up leveled her consciousness about herself and dating. She started to meet new people using this new conscious dating concept, really thinking about the practicality and facts about the people she met. Future romantic fantasy is a huge trap women fall into, thinking things will be better later when the guy falls in love with her. However, a relationship will NEVER be better than the first few dates. Sex on the first date and more dating questions answered here When to Walk Away If you don’t see what you like in the first three dates, walk away. If someone is close to what you are looking for in the first few dates, go on another date to learn more. However, if the person doesn’t make you happy, lift your spirits, or add fun to your life, walk away. Or, if the person you’re dating doesn’t treat you right or bring out the best in you, move on. This mindset shift that happened for Lauren has trickled into every part of her life and now she has the most confidence in dating! She thought that was backwards but I assured her that much of life is just like dating. For example, sales – plenty of rejection there! Love is Your Destiny One thing I’m a firm believer in is that love is YOUR destiny. At one point Lauren had said something about get your matches while you can as if they were scarce. This is where I disagree. If love is your destiny, then there is no shortage. Every person you meet brings you closer to the right mate for you. After a bad date, dust yourself off and ask, “Okay, who is next?” Insecurities come up for everyone. But having your standards set and feeling worthy of love, helps you get through the rough patch of doubting yourself. Keep those standards in mind! That’s what conscious dating and mindful dating are all about. You are worthy of being treated with respect and feeling safe to be yourself. Don’t let go of standards like these or others you may develop. This is how you find someone you are compatible with for a lasting love that is fun and fulfilling. Oh my gosh there was so much more in the episode, you’ll have to listen to the rest yourself. Lots of gems tumbled out of her mouth and Lauren is a fountain of dating wisdom you just can’t miss. If you want more, listen to Lauren’s podcast Date in Peace on any platform or her website BIO – Lauren Smith Lauren is an author, speaker, and host of the  Date in Peace Podcast. Combining her own personal success story with her professional mindfulness training, Lauren empowers singles to ditch the dating struggle and claim the loving relationship they so deeply deserve. She is the creator of the MettaDate Journal mobile app, and author of The Mindful Dating Journal: Find a Healthy Love that Lasts. Learn more at         The post Conscious Dating & Mindfulness Help You Find True Love Faster appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
May 12, 2023 • 32min

Are You Reliving Groundhog Day? Ask Coach Amanda Kate

In this episode, I’m speaking with Coach Amanda Kate about the repeating patterns in your life that seem like Groundhog’s Day and her new book Divine. Messy. Human. Twin Flame Relationship We started by talking about how she’s in a twin flame relationship and I mentioned how that must not be easy. These relationships are often tumultuous. She agreed and admitted sometimes she wonders why she welcomed this in. Then laughed. Amanda explained that every day, it’s like having a mirror there, showing her the good and bad about herself consistently. Yet, there is such a pull, it’s hard to imagine life without him. So, it’s a place for incredible growth and plenty. Then we had a good laugh as she also admitted there are times when she calls a girlfriend and asks if she can just hop off the merry-go-round and stop with the lessons. She just wants a holiday from it! Who can’t relate to that? Spiritual Growth Is Not an Easy Path When I was younger, I thought the spiritual path would make my life easier and Amanda busted out laughing hearing that. She pointed out spiritual growth is not an easy path. Being on your path means you have to forge it every step of the way. Yes, it’s exciting and wonderful, but requires a lot of rest, patience, and nurturing of the self. I shared a story about the eulogy I gave for my mom when she passed and how I told a bunch of stories that all began with “My mother taught me…” I’m so lucky because my parents were very supportive of me forging my own path. They never gave me a hard time about quitting jobs or starting something new. It hasn’t been easy, but honestly, I don’t think I could have lived my life another way. We also laughed at how it feels like you need a machete to cut through the underbrush to find your way! That’s so low tech. It’s time to upgrade and change the vision to a cutting tool that at least has a gas-powered motor! LOL. Reaching Your Full Potential Shifting gears, I asked Amanda about how she helps business owners reach their full potential and magnetically draw ideal clients to them. Turns out there’s no magic process. She said you can’t just imagine the Mercedes appears in your driveway; you have to take action as well in the 3-D world. This goes back to forging your own path and taking charge of your life. She also said when you admit you have no control and embrace uncertainty, that’s where the magic lies. While there are people who can follow a step-by-step process to build business success, that didn’t work for me. What really helped Amanda was finding her four purpose and passion archetypes which revealed her genius. This is what she does with her clients today, because finding the way you work best is so important. She leverages whatever she has learned, fills in by learning from other experts, and takes that work out into the world. Amanda’s Process Involves 3 Steps Set up your future vision and know how it will feel (joy, awe, excitement) Then seek your next step And glance behind you for what is holding you back and needs clearing Sometimes you can set a time frame and deadline, but it’s not always needed. There are also situations when it can get in the way. Amanda could totally relate to this because of how her book got completed in just 10 weeks. Once this was stated – it just came pouring out of her. Amanda belongs to a group called Lunar Life Networking for intention setting, releasing, forgiveness work and gratitude. It’s amazing. And regarding their manifesting, they say, “This or something better now manifests for me under grace and in perfect ways.” Is Everyday Groundhog’s Day? We talked about routine vs. living in a more free-flowing state. For some people, there is a lot of safety and security in having a daily routine. The consistency helps them thrive and focus on achieving their goals. Earlier in her life, everyday was the same over and over again which she likened to Groundhog Day, the movie. Today, Amanda goes by what she feels. To her, routine doesn’t allow for tapping into creativity and expressing yourself completely. This goes back to embracing uncertainty, where nothing is the same and anything can happen which creates more opportunities. Muscle Testing and Kinesiology Amanda uses muscle testing and applied kinesiology in her practice. This is a blend of Eastern wisdom and Western science. Everything that happens to the body is caused by stress – physical, chemical, or emotional. What is applied kinesiology? Also known as muscle strength testing, it’s a diagnostic method and treatment based on the belief that muscle weakness can signal problems within the body. From Amanda’s point of view, the more harmony and energetic congruence there is within the body, the healthier you are. She uses this method to find and release blocks related to your business and life not just for health. Combining all her skills (which are numerous), Amanda helps her clients achieve their goals with many non-traditional techniques. Amanda offers a Free 20-minute chat to see if you would be a good fit to work together and you can sign up on her website below. Bio – Amanda Kate Amanda Kate is a Kinesiologist, Mentor, Mother and more. Author of Divine. Messy. Human.: A Spiritual Guide to Prioritizing Internal Truth over External Influence, she released the book with the information, tips and practices that helped her move from self-loathing to self-acceptance, self-love, and self-empowerment. A recovering people-pleaser and self-flagellator, she walks the path straddling the Divine and Messy daily. Always growing, developing and learning new ways of being to hopefully, one day leave the Earth better than she found it. Amanda Kate helps people to regain their vitality, smashing through their internal glass ceiling and limitations to find new levels of health, vitality and abundance. She also works with business owners to increase their vibration and attract greater wealth and prosperity. Amanda Kate lives in Melbourne, Australia with her twin flame, her children, his children, and a dog named Zeus. Website & Social Media Website: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Spotify: YouTube: The post Are You Reliving Groundhog Day? Ask Coach Amanda Kate appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
May 5, 2023 • 31min

JJ DiGeronimo – How To Advance Your Career & Life With Mindfulness

In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, JJ DiGeronimo shares how mindfulness helps you advance your career, business, and life. From Tech Leader to Empowering Women I wondered how JJ, a tech industry leader, pivoted her career to become a coach and speaker for career women. She told me it wasn’t part of her plan, but instead came about through a bit of desperation. Women have so much marketed and promised to us with the idea that if you just keep going it will all come together. But for her, it all fell apart! She had her children in her 30s and she realized that sometimes she lost herself in saying yes to things that didn’t serve her. So, she pulled some women together to figure out how to get going in the right direction. Then she wrote it all down and shared with other women. JJ DiGeronimo’s Biggest Secret This got me curious to know what her biggest secret was along this bumpy path to her current success. JJ said, recently she turned 50, and she can say that her biggest secret is that “The Work” starts within. Society makes you feel you have to stretch outside yourself to get “there” wherever that is. She’s still trying to figure that one out. But many women have started to catch on that the dangling carrot just keeps moving ahead. Until you stop and realize this is not a recipe for success and isn’t making me feel good. Where the hell is my joy? That’s when you need to regroup, figure out who you are, what you stand for and what makes you happy. All of that starts within. Maybe this is why so many people are quitting or doing the gig economy as a result of this discomfort with working the way we have been for so long. The typical pathway has become intolerable. Earth Energy Is Shifting JJ pointed out that the energy on the earth is shifting and we are moving more towards the feminine. So things need to be shaken up. Is this working for me? Do I believe in that? Is this what I stand for? She also admitted that she doesn’t do the inner work alone. JJ’s mom started taking her to Lily Dale (a spiritualist community near Buffalo, NY) back when she was 12! She returned back to her spirituality and many of the modalities from her youth to figure out who she had become in her life and career. She has worked with the Enneagram, Human Design, and Gene Keys to name a few, all providing insights into what makes her tick. What other energy practices does she use? JJ talked about ancient energy practices for women to tap into the earth and their own inner wisdom, and unfortunately many women have lost this. These practices are the tools that can help you reconnect with who you are and why you are here. Connecting with Women She loves to connect with women with solid practitioners which she does through her online community This offers a way to get an additional level of insight with a trusted practitioner. Practices include Jaguar Sacred Dancing, Cardology, Astrocartography and many others. Her latest book, Seeking, is a 12 year journey she’s been on, both working with practitioners, but also her own inner journey with 250 prompts to investigate. The real work is understanding your stories. Are they hurting or helping you. YOU need quiet time to look at these stories to see what you are ready to release and what strengthens you. A Buffet of Spiritual Methods I think there is an endless buffet of spiritual methods, so it is important to choose something and go in deeper. There is so much out there to choose from and at some point you have to just STOP, sit with it, and let it all settle in. JJ agreed. At one point she went for a reading and it seemed like the Tower card (from the Tarot deck) kept showing up. The advice she got and followed was to go to mindfulness training. At first, she didn’t want to hear about it. But the advisor convinced her that it was a vital step for her. Things were falling apart all around her, causing her to look within. That’s why JJ is grateful for this advice. Being Present She learned how to be in the present moment which changed her life. She compared it to our podcast conversation where we were having a solid exchange of energy. This is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. The magic happens in that present moment – to really be where you are at. You have to get out of your head and just be. Often, we live in the future, planning what’s next or thinking about how you’ll be happy when xyz happens. Or in the past, feeling filled with regrets or what did or didn’t happen or get done. JJ also has a gratitude practice that she does through her today, noticing how things are going her way which is also a big help with her mindful process. Shut Down Your Inner Critic Going back to the stories you tell yourself, you can also call them the monkey mind, the gremlin, the inner critic. The point is your inner voice that holds you back and tears you down is not your true authentic self. Dealing with that inner voice is vital to make sure it doesn’t ruin your dreams. Doing this also helped JJ start to hear whispers. I call this intuition. For instance, she heard she should bring women together in nature, but had no idea what to do with that. Then, she went to one of her favorite energy practitioners for a little coaching who gave her amazing advice. “JJ, build an event that you want to attend.” Now, this year she’s having her 7th annual retreat in nature! Getting that additional help really helped. This is EXACTLY the kind of intuitive coaching I do with my clients. Helping career women or those in business become more aware of their own inner wisdom. Tune into your own authentic truth and get familiar and comfortable with it so you can trust it! When you find a way to stop second guessing yourself that is the core of finding your way. That’s how I help so many people gain clarity and figure out their next step. Also, JJ DiGeronimo pointed out that the spiritual journey is not a solo trip. That’s why it’s so helpful to find your tribe and get support. Each one of us, as we step into our journey, lights the path for countless others. JJ’s Free Gift – 10 Reasons Why Every Woman Should Step into Mindfulness BIO – JJ DiGeronimo Award-winning author and former tech industry leader empowers women with tried-and-tested strategies, mindfulness, and energetic practices to increase their impact and influence. Her work has been featured in Forbes, The Wall Street Journal and Thrive Global. Through her three books, keynotes, and popular podcasts, Career Strategies for Women that Work and Together WE Seek, JJ shares proven key findings that help women gain more seats at more tables. Discover her work at or inside her community, TogetherWeSeek.Online Website & Social Media Website: Community: TogetherWeSeek.Online LinkedIn: Amazon: Instagram:   The post JJ DiGeronimo – How To Advance Your Career & Life With Mindfulness appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Apr 28, 2023 • 30min

How To Get Unstuck And Rebuild Your Life After Divorce

In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, author C.K. Kelly Collins talks about her book The Swipe Right Effect and her journey about how to get unstuck and find happiness after divorce. You’re sure to learn something new! Total Life Makeover Along with her divorce, Kelly decided to sell her publishing business which was another key piece of her identity, along with being a wife and mother. This left her whirling and needing to fully reconstruct her life. After a few years of doing hard work of healing, she embarked on a year-long travel sabbatical to write her book. She met many wise people and enjoyed a wide range of experiences. Naturally, Kelly started dating after her divorce. We talked about how dating after 50 is very different than when you are young. Since raising a family is no longer a concern, you can focus on how a man treats you, if you have fun together, do you share the same values, and have a similar lifestyle. The Swipe Right Effect Next, I asked Kelly about her new book, The Swipe Right Effect and to tell me what that’s about. She started by saying it was a “pay-it-forward” book, sharing all the wonderful advice, patience, and love she got from friends and strangers about healing after divorce and rebuilding her life. As she traveled, she began a gratitude process, recalling and reflecting on the advice and how it changed her life. Every chapter tells a different story about where she was at the time of receiving the advice, what her friend said, and then each friend’s story as well. They are all incredible women. How to get unstuck is the underlying theme. We also talked about how you might have different friends for different reasons. Some friends just want to gossip, some might want to play golf or go to lunch, and some get deep with conversation that explores the world inside and out. Choose Yourself – Take Care of Yourself The Swipe Right Effect is a take off on the dating apps and swiping right to choose who you want to date. However, the book is about choosing yourself. Working on yourself and learning to love yourself again – that’s how to get unstuck and build a new life. Looking back, she came to realize how terribly stuck she had been after divorce and confiding in her single friends helped her find the understanding she needed. It is so important to have your own life and be happy with it before you start dating. That makes you far more attractive to men. If you make a man your sole focus and hope for a better life, this puts pressure on him and is energetically unappealing. From my perspective, the last thing you want to do is try to fill a hole in your life with a man. As a dating coach for 20 years, I can say that is a recipe for heartbreak and disaster. Kelly wants you to take a beat and work on yourself after divorce, before jumping back into the dating pool. Very wise. She knows this now because she didn’t take the time to first recuperate or heal before dating. Jumping in with both feet right after divorce, Kelly didn’t get to know herself, think about what she wanted, or what would work for her. This makes finding lasting love with a quality man difficult. How to Get Unstuck – Love Yourself First Kelly highly recommends looking in the mirror and saying, “I love you” every day before you start to date because you have to love yourself first. Louise Haye would certainly agree! No matter how trite it sounds, this is a necessary step. I chimed in with the fact that you can’t meet the kind of quality men you desire if you don’t love yourself first. You just can’t fix your life with a new man. That’s why you might not be resonating at the frequency you want to attract lasting love. First you have to love yourself and create a life you enjoy. Then you add a loving relationship, and you connect at a much higher Emotional Intelligence level. Kelly points out learning how to reframe situations or thoughts is essential, so that when you come in contact with heart wrenching reminders of your ex, you react less, accept what is and have healed from it to be in a more neutral place. Talk about how to get unstuck! Discover What Makes You Happy Writing down what makes you happy is a super simple yet powerful exercise that helps you lift your vibe. You don’t have to make a vision board with pictures, you can simply list what makes you smile. This is a dynamic method that helps you STOP thinking about the past and START thinking about the future and what makes you happy! This is the perfect example of CHOOSING YOU versus letting your power drain as an angry victim. Don’t get us wrong – you have every right to feel angry of course. But at some point, you need to work through it to move on to find happiness again. Constant Change Is Evolution Things in life today are constantly changing. You have to grow, move, and reshape yourself. You’ve got to pivot, adjust, and address new things that crop up which is all happening so rapidly today. How many people live in the same house for 30 years, or keep one job, or stay in one relationship? Things are changing which can indicate you are growing and adapting! This isn’t something bad – it’s evolution. Kelly went through a long process of forgiveness. She had to work on forgiving her ex. But she also had to find a way to forgive herself for staying in a miserable marriage for so long and looking back, thinking about so much wasted time. She had to love and accept herself for who she was at that time, and who she is today as a result of who she was then. This is an incredible step forward! It’s Time For Adventure and Fun Discovering how to get unstuck doesn’t have to be hard. At some point, depending on your healing process, you can start to have fun and see things as an adventure. Creating a new life can be enjoyable and very rewarding! What if the horrible things that happened to you made room for something new and wonderful in your life now? This is where Kelly goes back to talking about gratitude. For example, she’s grateful she and her husband had a good retirement fund, so she could travel for a full year and heal. Give yourself a chance to find what is good in your life right now. Make this your practice, as well as loving yourself and forgiveness and this is a powerful recipe to get to happiness. Get Kelly’s free gift – You can read the Preference and Chapter 1 of her book on her website. She also has a free tip sheet you can download – BIO – C.K. “Kelly” Collins C.K. “Kelly” Collins was an award-winning publisher and owner of a hyperlocal new publishing company when she decided to get divorced, retire and sell her company and change her life. Believing travel feeds the soul and grows the heart and mind, Kelly embarked on a travel sabbatical to write her book, The Swipe Right Effect: The Power to Get Unstuck. Her journey took her to Buenos Aires, Patagonia, Portugal, Span, Italy, Utah and the Grand Canyon. Kelly grew up in Nashville but now resides in Rhode Island. This book is the first of a four-part series, so stay tuned!   The post How To Get Unstuck And Rebuild Your Life After Divorce appeared first on Intuitive Edge.

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