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Aug 25, 2023 • 32min

Release Relationship Patterns And Blocks With Soul Realignment

Feeling stuck on your life path or not finding the relationship you want? Release relationship patterns and blocks with Marilyn Penny and the Soul Realignment process. What Is Soul Realignment? There are so many ways to use the Akashic Records, and the Soul Realignment process, which is what Marilyn Penny works with, helps identify blocks and relationship patterns quickly. These situations may stem from this life or a past life. However, Marilyn’s work is not like a past life reading which is what I offer. She won’t tell you what country you lived in or what year it was. Instead, her focus is on releasing anything that has taken you off the original path of your Divine Blueprint. This is very practical work which is a reflection of both Marilyn’s approach to life, as well as the method’s founder Andrrea Hess. Marilyn’s spiritual journey began in her 50s. After her divorce, she became a life coach but she wanted something more which is why she studied Soul Realignment. In this energy work, she can channel your past and current life stories that cause restrictions. The information has been so accurate, pivotal, and useful, it continues to blow her away! The stories she picks up on come directly from her client’s soul records, which is why she’s so on target. Past Life Patterns In addition, Marilyn has found that many times you are repeating relationship patterns from a past life in this life, still trying to learn the lesson. This is where she helps you to complete the process so you can make new and better choices and finally move on. This is so different than how I work in the records, because I do see the details. Sometimes clients are simply curious about who and where they have been and I call that a Past Life Travelogue. Other times, someone is stuck and they want to know how their past might be holding them back. Then I go look for the specifics to share with the client. I asked Marilyn if she’s noticed any patterns in doing this energy healing work. She mentioned that there are often blocks during pivotal times in your life such as marriage, giving birth, loss of a partner, etc. Relationship patterns worth noting include were you being “conditional.” This is how you give your power away to be loved, accepted, or even to survive.  You end up losing your authentic self in order to fit in or be loved. Making these choices brings about negative consequences and separates you from your divine blueprint. In addition, many children today have strong intuitive skills, like talking to spirits in the house, ghosts or ETs, etc. She’s helped parents better understand what their kids needs are related to these experiences, their journey and growth. Her own spiritual awakening came after her divorce and recovering from depression. She was searching for more and deeper understanding, left the church, and started doing a lot of reading. Relationship Patterns & Blocks People have negative karmic patterns and tend to repeat bad relationships, with the same issues over and over. This applies to women who have a “type” or when you meet someone you feel like you’ve known forever. Discovering what is behind this, can free you up from these relationship patterns by learning discernment, being true to yourself, and making better decisions that support your growth and divine blueprint. These might be the same souls cycling through life and after life (which is about making soul contracts), or they have similar qualities that you keep attracting as you work through the life lessons. If you notice this repetition happening in your life, take a break from dating. This is especially true after divorce. Give yourself the time to figure out who you are again. Investigate core issues, learn to be more discerning, and get some healing to help you wrap up that last lesson and start fresh. That’s how you get to know yourself better to understand what actually works for you vs. what you’re attracted to from old patterns. You want to break the cycle of attracting the wrong person over and over, so you can finally find a good match. Love & Life Lessons Like many practitioners, Marilyn has found she attracts clients who have similar life lessons and blocks to work through and she feels this makes her more relatable. She has a good understanding about many relationship patterns, even like waiting too long until the relationship is completely broken before they try to fix things. For example, if you are struggling already at the six month mark and want to go to couples counseling, that’s a sign you’re in the wrong relationship and that is not the right partner for you. You can’t always make things work – you have to start with some level of alignment. Suffering and misery are not signs of a strong love – they are signs that something is NOT working. A relationship that’s good for you is one in which it brings out a better version of yourself. You find yourself wanting to grow and level up. A Transformative Process Working with Marilyn, you choose the area of your life you want to change and set an intention. But that’s just the start of the transformative process. The work continues after your session as well. She talks with a lot of empty nesters who need to restart their life and explore new areas, as their kids have gone off to college. Marilyn says she’s a big believer in living every frigging minute! I thought that was a fun quote. Get Marilyn’s Free book Finding Love Again – A Guide to a Healthy Relationship. BIO – Marilyn Penny Marilyn’s own transformation has led her to serve others on their journey to living a more authentic life. As a spiritual life coach and guide, Marilyn works with the Akashic Records to bring clarity and understanding to the life areas where stuckness and repetition in the choice and consequence loop need attention. Clearing blocks, breaking relationship patterns, and creating new circumstances is her superpower! She’s on a mission to help as many souls as possible return to their own unique divine nature. In my opinion, Marilyn is simply a delight to speak with and wonderful to work with as well. Website and Social Media Instagram: Facebook:   The post Release Relationship Patterns And Blocks With Soul Realignment appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Aug 18, 2023 • 32min

I Don’t Call Myself A Psychic, But I’m A Brilliant Intuitive

I don’t call myself a psychic, predicting what will happen to you. I do intuitive readings, so you can understand the situation and take inspired action. Psychic Predictions To me, being a psychic is more about predicting the future – you’ll marry twice, have three kids and move to California. That type of thing. Psychics in my mind are more about telling you what they see is going to happen to you. While hearing about your future can be fun, from my perspective it’s a more passive way to look at your life. A psychic reading talks about your future, as if your destiny is totally predetermined. But you have free will, so how does that work? On the other hand, my work is more about problem solving in the present moment. When faced with a challenge, clients come to me for help and insights. To do this in an intuitive reading, I pose questions like these to gain a deeper understanding of the problem: What is the problem? What can you do about it? Is anyone else involved? Can you fix the problem? What’s the best way to handle this for your highest good? How does this challenge serve you? Does the issue stem from a past life? What can you learn from the situation? Working with intuition and connecting with spirit in this way is more active. In other words, the focus is on what you are learning and can do to change what is happening. This takes you out of being a victim and puts the power in your hands to create what you want. You can move from victim to victor as you learn, grow, and take charge. Intuitive Readings Are Empowering I believe the purpose of sharing my intuition is to empower you. Through tuning into you, the energy, and spirit, I see images, get messages, hear your guides, feel the energy, and sense what you need to know to shift things. My intuition leads to seeing the situation clearly, helps you understand your next steps, and gives you the power to take action. This is why I ask so many questions during my intuitive reading – to gain the clarity needed to know what to do. When you go to a psychic, they might tell you what will happen, but can they tell you how to get there? Learn more about Intuitive Readings with Ronnie So much depends on how you view yourself, the world, and your life. Is life just happening to you as you stand there watching it go by? Or are you an active participant, making decisions and taking steps towards your desired goals? Let me share a few client examples to show you how this works. Lilah – Starting a Business Lilah is a massage therapist who was just certified in a new type of emotional healing therapy. She’d been working at a spa for ages, but wasn’t happy there. Working for someone else didn’t give her the freedom to grow her business or choose her hours or pricing. Lilah wanted more freedom. She spent loads of time thinking about this and came up with a few possibilities to leave her job and make the change. Then a friend suggested Lilah call me to get some insights into her plans. When you work alone to solve a problem, you can often figure out a solution for yourself. Yet, bouncing your ideas off someone objective and intuitive can help you discover choices you might not have considered. This is true for me as well! Lilah’s first option was to go look at retail space, but the monthly rents were a bit high. She thought about finding someone to share the cost and that led to thinking about opening a center with multiple service providers. She thought if she was going to spend this kind of big money, she should add a room on to her house instead. Option two was even pricier! The Power of Experience Now, part of my strength in talking about business with clients is my background. I have an MBA in marketing and worked for years in advertising, brand marketing and promotion on the client side and as a consultant for over 20 years. Combine this with my coaching background and down-to-earth, practical nature. Now you can better understand how in my intuitive readings, I offer super helpful business insights and advice that hits the mark time after time. Find out how my intuition worked for me. Her First Intuitive Reading The first thing that happened while listening to Lilah tell me her story was that I felt constriction within my body. The idea of paying a high rent was scary, but adding on to her home with a ticket of $100,000 was frightening. I could feel her energy being crushed under the weight of that financial burden. This is exactly what I shared with her. Yet, Lilah was very attached to her own ideas, which is to be expected. I suggested she go ahead and get a few building bids and look at rental property. Gathering information can sometimes help you make a wiser decision. More importantly, my advice was to seek out sublet options to rent space for just a few days a week. Lilah did her homework and a few weeks later called for another session. She went over what she had learned and tossed expanding her home out of the equation, thankfully! Taking Action & Gaining Clarity In this second intuitive reading, what became clear is that Lilah wanted to be associated with a group of therapists thinking they’d be a great referral source for her new healing therapy. We talked about looking for therapist groups to connect with and she started talking with people. For the third call, Lilah burst out telling me how an old connection was leaving her rental space which was in a community of therapists! And instead of being $1500 a month, it was so much more affordable at only $500. Honestly, I was so excited for Lilah because obviously she had manifested exactly what she wanted. In addition, she avoided the possibility of a huge financial burden of either renting her own space, or building onto her home. We went on to talk about negotiating with the new group to meet her needs as well as how and when to leave her job. What an amazing outcome! Ready for a reading now? How to Expand Grace’s Coaching Practice Here’s another example. Grace worked for a high end consulting firm and while she loved the work it had become a grind. After getting certified as a coach and working with a business coach to build her own practice, she went out on her own. Things went so well that she quit her high paying job to do coaching full time. Now Grace was ready to level up and expand her practice, but she had been struggling with which direction to go in. She could train coaches in her method to expand private coaching or grow her group coaching program. Grace felt torn about this and had been going back and forth, finding advantages for both choices. During Grace’s intuitive reading, I tuned into the energy of both options. Group coaching was the clear winner with far more energy. However, Grace was resistant to this idea even though it was one of her own solutions. I got her to open up more about what was holding her back and it turned out she was pushing herself to start when she really wanted to travel first. By talking about a different start date, everything fell into place. She was thrilled with this direction and grateful for my insights. Tammy’s Billing Question Tammy came to me about her pricing. She’s a writer in a tight situation where she had quoted a flat fee for a large project. Then the client made changes and shifted direction after much of the work was finished. She didn’t feel she could charge more on the current project but wanted to figure out how to keep this from happening again. During her intuitive reading, I tuned into her client and the energy of the situation. Thankfully, I reassured her that she could ask for additional money given how the project had changed. I felt her client would be open to this request and as it turned out, she did bring it up and he compensated her for all the changes. We also discussed language to include in her estimates to ensure she’d be covered for this sort of thing in the future. Susan’s Client Blindsided Her Susan had an intense business crisis with her largest client. They blindsided her with some big changes. She called me for an intuitive reading feeling somewhat panic stricken. Relaying all the mucky details at a frantic pace, and Susan admitted she was unclear about what to do. I listened, asked questions, and did what Susan says is, “one of the things Ronnie does best.” I got to the heart of the problem super quickly, telling her what was the core issue and what she needed to address first. Then we mapped out a strategy and step-by-step plan. I helped Susan get out in front of the situation, to be proactive and make choices from a place of strength. These insights, combined with the plan, helped Susan to feel calmer and more in control. Thankfully, the issue got resolved without Susan losing face. She pointed out that the clarity I helped her find made all the difference in how she handled things and how much she appreciated my wisdom. For me, that was really nice to hear. There are two more client examples about dating that you don’t want to miss as well, so listen to the podcast and enjoy! Book your intuitive reading today! The post I Don’t Call Myself A Psychic, But I’m A Brilliant Intuitive appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Aug 11, 2023 • 29min

Your Ego Is Your Body Guard, Not Your CEO – Handling Stress

Have you ever heard about the four seasons of the soul, or that the ego is your body guard and not the CEO of your life? Learn about holistic stress management and more in this thought provoking episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. Stress – It’s All in Your Head My guest this week, Dr. Brian Luke Seaward, is a health psychologist who began his career as the sports psychologist for the Calgary Olympic games in 1988 which he says was great fun. After that, he went back into academia to teach stress management which for him is about how to improve human performance. When people get nervous playing sports, their performance decreases. At the Olympic level, most people have the same physical skills, so what separates the winners from those who don’t win is what’s in their head. That’s why Luke says holistic stress management is actually mental training in the athletic world, including confidence building, patience, mental imagery and rehearsal, etc. Then, in the every day world it can also be a spiritual practice. Defining Spirituality How does Luke define human spirituality? Years ago, he met Elizabeth Kubler Ross, who spoke about Holistic Wellness which is the integration and balance of the mind, body, spirit, and emotions. She asked him to help her reintroduce human spirituality back into healthcare and health education and he agreed. Three things are essential to human spirituality: 1) Relationships, 2) Values, 3) Meaningful purpose in life and this has been the focus of so much of Luke’s work. I know he’s spoken at medical conferences, so I asked him if American physicians could ever get this idea into their heads. Luke’s perspective is that doctors who embrace this concept live two lives. One life is at work in the Western medical model and the other is their personal  life where they address spirituality on their own time. He has spoken at the Mayo Clinic, so there is some acknowledgement that spirituality impacts your health. In my opinion, this is one reason for the rise of functional medicine doctors and naturopaths, who take a more holistic approach to medicine, health and wellness. What Are the Seasons of the Soul? Many experts who talk about stress and spirituality, are actually describing what Luke has named the Four Seasons of the Soul. Autumn is like the centering process where you enter the heart, go inside and get to know yourself – this is like soul searching. Winter season you need to empty out the thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs that no longer serve  you which can get in the way of your progress. This is when you have to let go to make progress. Spring is the grounding process when you get new insights and visions to help you move along through life. Summer is the connecting process which is likened to Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey when you come back with learning and share with others. This helps raise consciousness for other people trying to make sense of their lives. You cycle through these seasons continuously and can be in different seasons in different parts of your life. This is a process of letting go and moving on, but many people get stuck, not realizing they don’t have to stay where they are. Words like detaching, releasing, and emptying all describe the process and are part of holistic stress management. Luke thinks of these actions as domesticating the ego. Often the ego resists letting go because it doesn’t like change and wants to hold on, thinking some of this stuff may be be needed down the road. Taming the Ego Meditation tames or domesticates the ego.  Everyone needs the ego because it trips the fight or flight response which helps you stay out of danger. However, your ego is supposed to be the body guard, not the CEO of your life. The ego can’t be in charge of everything. Meditation, which is a great way to center, quiets the voice of the ego to gain clarity and allow you to let go. For example, feeling victimized about how your life has been is natural at time and good to acknowledge. Did you know meditation can create inner peace? However, you have to let go of feelings of anger, frustration, resentment, which are important to recognize, but aren’t healthy to hang on to for weeks, months, or years. This becomes baggage which can hold you back. So how do you let go? This is of great interest to me personally because I would LOVE to release some stuff. But I think people (like me) get stuck here, not because they don’t WANT to let go, but they can’t see the possibilities of HOW to let go. Energy clearing is another way to let go and release things. Luke agreed because the fear of the unknown can be scarier than being empty and letting go. He suggests meditation, journaling, and support groups for sharing and learning from each other. These are all part of holistic stress management. It’s not easy. First you have to recognize that you are hanging on, right? Then you can start the releasing process. This takes some work. Don’t I know it! Muscles of the Soul In his work, Dr. Seaward tends to listen to many stories people have about their lives which fall into two categories: 1) The Victim and 2) The Victor. The Victim stories all sound similar, but what really makes him curious are the Victor stories. How did someone get through a bad experience and come out glowing? People often point to things like optimism, sense of humor, patience, and forgiveness. These are gifts that are appropriate for everybody to lean on. He calls gratitude, humor, forgiveness, etc. Muscles of the Soul and they need to be exercised and used or they can atrophy. These are tools to help you navigate tough times and are also considered to be coping techniques or inner resources. Time Tested Techniques for Relaxation Luke’s suggestions are either coping techniques or relaxation techniques and they can work together. He’s a fan of meditation which is very helpful for sensory overload. It’s really important to unplug from the world for at least 5 minutes a day. People listen to music and this is called music therapy or sound therapy to calm your nervous system. He also mentioned humor therapy because laughing is vital. Find one humorous thing a day. I brought up my current favorite series of YouTube videos – Denise, The Heaven Receptionist. Denise is the receptionist for heaven and she is hilarious, talking with new arrivals or people who want upgrades. Too funny! There’s so much more in this episode, so listen in today and enjoy the whole show! Brian Luke Seaward offers many gems and insights into destressing, letting go, and moving on which we all can benefit from. BIO- Brian Luke Seaward Brian Luke Seaward is recognized nationally and internationally as one of the foremost experts in the field of Resiliency, Stress Management and Corporate Health Promotion. In addition to being regarded as an esteemed inspirational and motivational speaker, Luke’s wisdom can be found quoted in PBS specials, The Chicago Tribune, The Huffington Post, college graduation speeches, medical seminars, boardroom meetings, church sermons, and keynote addresses all over the world. He has authored more than eighteen books, including the popular best sellers, Stand Like Mountain, Flow Like Water, The Art of Calm and Stressed Is Desserts Spelled Backward and the leading award winning college textbook, Managing Stress (10E). For 25 years he served on the faculty of the University of Colorado Consortium for Public Health. Currently, Dr. Seaward is the Executive Director of the Paramount Wellness Institute in Boulder, CO and serves on the faculty of The Graduate Institute (Bethan, Connecticut). As a holistic stress management expert, Luke’s corporate clients include Hewlett Packard, Royal Caribbean, Wells Fargo, TransAmerica, Procter & Gamble, Conoco-Phillips, Motorola, Quaker Oats, John Deere, BP-Amoco, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Maxtor-Seagate, Organic Valley Dairy, The US Army, Air Force and many others. Website and Links Amazon Author Page NatureScapes Audios The post Your Ego Is Your Body Guard, Not Your CEO – Handling Stress appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Aug 4, 2023 • 28min

How To Find Joy In The Journey – My Spiritual Adventure Update

Discover how to find joy in the journey in this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. Get the update on my spiritual adventure which includes learning how to let go, synchronicities as guidance on the path, and the fastest path to joy! The Spiritual Adventure Continues! A few weeks ago I talked about a Celtic Shaman Journey I went on where I encountered Merlin who had a message for me. He told me I was on an adventure with no destination, no map, no guide, and no details! I’m just going blindly somewhere. If you missed the first episode about my spiritual adventure you can listen here. That was a bit daunting which is why I invited you, the listeners to come along with me. So, on my first update, I want to let you know that quite a bit has happened! That’s a little surprising considering I don’t even know where I am going. Networking Online My first stop was at a networking event where I met Jen who is a somatic coach and she talks about the Power of Gesture. Normally this wouldn’t appeal to me, but I did a free session with her and it ended up being fun. So, I agreed to do a series of sessions with her. I set my intention for the sessions to learn how to accept what is and find joy in the journey.  The first thing I worked on was resistance. Jen has you make hand gestures that represent what you are feeling – it is so interesting! I put my gestures together, she played some music, and I started crying! I have no idea what that was about but Jen said it doesn’t matter. I’m releasing stuck energy and emotion and that’s a good thing. The Sunflower Pose The next session I worked on letting go of frustration. In the third session, I wanted to release feeling constricted, so I could feel more expansive. My hands started at the heart level with the palms up, then I raised them and moved them out to the sides of my body, as my head tilted back just a little. I call this the Sunflower Pose. As I did this gesture, the sun was shining in the window on my face, which felt really good. This took me back to a blessing I wrote 10 years ago with the help of my spiritual guides.   Connect with the Oneness and expand Celebrate that you are a part of everything Elevate your energy to the level of your desire And shine, shine like the sun Beam love and joy from your heart Embrace the sparkling being you already are Flow with the Universe and blossom And be grateful for all you are and have today Every time I say this blessing, especially the “shine like the sun” part, I feel joyful, and connected to spirit. That’s what relates to the Sunflower Pose. It just puts me into a blissful state. This is how my soul shines with a higher frequency. Find Joy in the Journey That’s when the light bulb went on as I realized this was my intention, right? Accept what is and feel more joy! The Sunflower Pose does that for me! Plus, when you accept what is, you can grow, shift, and expand, because you are no longer struggling. I am learning to let go, by shifting my focus to feeling more joy. I realized that if I kept thinking about how to let go, I wouldn’t be able to because I’d be thinking about it! Turns out distraction is a vital piece to letting go. The Sunflower Pose is letting go and shifting into a much higher frequency! Listen to this Podcast Snack about Letting Go This encouragement to find joy in the little things is not new to me. Spirit has been telling me this for a few years. But for some reason, I don’t find following this advice very easy. I did get a short message from the honeysuckle deva about the sweetness of life last year. Meaning of Sunflowers Now, let’s talk why I named this pose, The Sunflower. I looked up what sunflowers mean in a card deck – Soulflowers by Lisa Estabrook. “Confident sunflowers stand tall and radiate, shining like the sun. When you are suffering from low confidence or self doubt (I’ve been in self doubt), Sunflower humbly reminds you of your true magnificence, instilling acceptance and understanding and allowing loving compassion to flow from  your heart.” Sunflowers are believed to seek out the light and hold their heads high as if in adoration of the sun. They call out to you to appreciate who you are, and embrace and accept the differences between people. Their message is, “Stand tall and follow your dreams. Focus on what is positive in your life and don’t let anyone get you down.” The thing is, I didn’t look that up beforehand, I just saw this now as I’m recording this. How magical! Synchronicities Abound I’m amazed at the synchronicity of my experience with the Sunflower Pose and the messages the flower offers. To me, this means, I’m on the right path to find joy in the journey because when synchronicities show up, that is magic! It’s a connection to spirit, which puts you on notice to pay attention. Thankfully, I’m not missing a thing. My thought is, if I can be comfortable where I am, then I can let go and naturally open to more joy. I won’t be struggling against what is. At that point, if I want to let go of something bothering me, I can just step into the Sunflower Pose and allow the shift to happen. That will surely help me find joy in the journey. Find Happy Memories I also have a business coach and we are working on the same thing, as it relates to my business. Michelle suggested I make a list of happy memories but surprisingly, that was really difficult. Most of my happy memories were tinged with some other disappointing memory. For example, on my wedding day I was thrilled to finally get married for the first time at 43. However, the Justice of the Peace forgot to come and showed up 90-minutes late, while we were eating dinner. Not the end of the world but not a memory of pure happiness. It took a while to breakthrough and uncover untainted happy memories. What I realized is that most of my current happy memories are more like magical moments. For example, the first time I went into the Akashic Records intuitively, I had incredible energy rushes with energy circling my head, This lasted for several minutes and was no doubt, some kind of energetic initiation! There have been a few fabulous vacations I’ve taken with my husband. We went on a cruise to Nova Scotia, a relaxing week in Martha’s Vineyard and an awesome tour of Ireland. OK, I do have happy memories, its just for some reason, it took a while to dig them up. Create a Ceremony Being disconnected from happy memories made me realize I needed to somehow separate my happy moments from the disappointing stories or feeling crushed that often followed. To address this, I created a ceremony where I imagined pulling cords that connected my happy memories to the disappointment that sometimes followed. Next, I imagined that I burned these cords to transform them. Yes! That was so helpful to separate these states of being and prevent them from wrongly being tied together! Magical Card Reading Telling this story to the somatic coach, she recommended that I increase my awareness of the magic all around me. It was time to see, notice and pay attention to more of the magical clues my guides provide to help me find my way on the path. Today, I decided to give myself a card reading and I picked one card from four decks to better understand where I am. The first is from the Aura Soma deck which is about color therapy. The card mentions wisdom of a new era and dissolving fear that hinders clear thoughts. That goes well with letting go! The second card was the Whirling Goddess from the Rumi Oracle and it says certain thresholds can only be crossed with the heart. I’m being asked to trust vs. understand, so I can leave the past behind and embrace the beauty of life’s journey. How amazing is that talking about having trust and being on a journey? That’s exactly where I’m at! Looking for joy in the little things. The third card was from the Sacred Creators deck and the card I chose had only three words, “Your soul shines.” That blows me away! The last card was from the Soulflower Oracle deck, and I picked the Dandelion card which says, “Release and let it go! Listen to your body” which is like the work with the somatic coach. Also, release attachments that no longer serve your soul’s journey. I’m on it! More Synchronicities Did you notice the number of synchronicities? OMG that was a crazy amount of synchronicities! Between the journey, trust, letting go, and soul shining, I was absolutely astonished! Wrapping up this spiritual adventure update, I just want to say that noticing the synchronicities, is my evidence that so far, the adventure is going well. I just have to have faith that I’m headed somewhere I need to go, even if I don’t know where that might be and that I will find joy in the journey. What will you do to find your joy? I’m sure there will be more to add to this tale, so stay tuned! The post How To Find Joy In The Journey – My Spiritual Adventure Update appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jul 28, 2023 • 35min

Discover Your Star History With Galactic Astrology & Ulrika Sullivan

You’ve had past lives on earth, but also in different star systems! Discover your soul’s star history with Galactic Astrology and my guest Ulrika Sullivan, in this week’s episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. What is Galactic Astrology? In this practice, Ulrika combines her intuitive skills with the Akashic Records and astrology to help you understand your soul’s journey. Readings like this can be an accelerator for self-awareness and deep insights that expand your consciousness. As luck would have it or with the help of synchronicity, Ulrika just landed in front of Julia Balaz’s program online. Upon seeing it, she got a huge intuitive YES! The Universe conspired to have her take this program and get certified. Your Galactic Heritage When you take a higher perspective, you can think about how your soul is so vast, beyond traditional astrology in our solar system. In Galactic Astrology, you get beyond our sun and out into the Universe, which helps you learn about your soul’s uniqueness. This adds another transformative level to gaining insights about what makes you who you are. Julia Balaz was a past life regressionist and after doing thousands of sessions, she found some interesting similarities. She’s traced things back to constellations in people’s natal astrology chart to understand the bigger picture. Indigenous people have continued to follow the stars for thousands of years and are multi-dimensionally connected, while many of us are living from the 3-D perspective only which is not as high a vibration. This is what we’re doing on earth right now – being invited to remember we are galactic citizens and to live a bigger life than just going to work, coming home, socializing, and doing laundry. A reading will help you look at what’s relevant in your chart right now. First you can get your Galactic Astro chart done FREE here. But then you do need the professional interpretation to make heads of tails of the information provided.  For herself, Ulrika has very strong connections to Andromeda and Beta Centauri. But she says everyone has experience with multiple star systems in their soul history and its much more complex then just saying something simple like, “I’m from Lyra.” Knowing your galactic history can help you validate and confirm who you really are which gives you a deeper sense of peace. She Really Was Angelic! How does this galactic astrology information impact the reader? One client always had the sense she was connected from the Angelic Realm. Ulrika discovered that was true about her! This allowed the woman to stop doubting herself and open to the frequency of her point of origin. How cool is that? Of course, I wanted to understand why someone who had been in the Angelic Realm would ever come here to earth? Ulrika says your soul continues to evolve and so, perhaps she wanted to experience duality – earth sure is the ideal place for that! There is plenty of unfinished business for anyone to investigate and learn about. Ulrika has seen a lot of alignment between Lyra and Orion and when she learns about her clients, this has explained their interactions. This has happened more than once. It’s also true that the practitioner will likely attract clients with curious similarities and this has been fun for her. The likelihood that she and I have been together in the past is also high. It goes a step beyond the soul family to the star family. Atlantis and Lemuria also come up frequently in her readings because many people have come back to earth now, at this time to be here for these wild changes we are going through. Get Ulrika’s Free Gift – 7 Step Guide to Listen to Your Intuition BIO – Ulrika Sullivan Ulrika supports mindful working women to find calm and return to balance in all areas of their lives. She’s a mom, wife, National Bestselling Author, intuitive spiritual life coach, podcaster, energy healer, yoga teacher, and a fiercely calm professional. And now, she does Galactic Astrology! Ulrika is passionate about helping you see your life in a new light and get you to where you want to be professionally, personally, mentally, physically and spiritually. Get her book Wisdom Beyond What You Know The post Discover Your Star History With Galactic Astrology & Ulrika Sullivan appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jul 25, 2023 • 7min

Tips To Let Go – The Adventure Continues With This Podcast Snack

As my adventure continues, I’m working on learning how to let go. In this short podcast snack, I share several helpful tips to release old emotions that might drag you down or make you feel bad about a situation or yourself. How to Let Go While doing research to find methods, tools and tips for letting go, I happened upon this article on and want to give Rebecca, the  credit she deserves for creating this great post. What Is My Adventure About? If you’ve been listening to this podcast over the last couple of weeks, then you know I’m on an unusual spiritual adventure with no destination, no map, and no guide. I went on a Celtic Shaman journey, where I encountered Merlin who told me I was going on an adventure. However, this is an unusual trip because I don’t know where I’m going, there’s no path or map, and I have no guide and must find my own way. That’s why I decided to talk about this on the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, inviting you to join me, so I won’t be lonely on this crazy journey. I’ll be updating you from time to time on what I discover on my path to no where that’s meant for my spiritual growth. There have been a coupe of breakthrough developments which you’ll hear about in the upcoming weeks, so stay tuned for more! The post Tips To Let Go – The Adventure Continues With This Podcast Snack appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jul 21, 2023 • 37min

The 12 Chakra System – What You Need To Know

How many chakras are there in the body’s energy system? Some say there’s a 12 chakra system. Others say there are 7, 13, 144, or even 200! The 12 Chakra System In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, I’m speaking with Sarah Bright, Your Chakra Coach. Sarah started out as a personal trainer, helping people get into shape and stay fit. Over time, she began to realize that without her, people’s accountability dwindled and the changes they had made reverted to old habits. Sarah longed to find a way to help her clients make more permanent changes that moved them forward on life’s journey in a powerful and positive way. She discovered the 12 chakra system and started working with her clients with this in mind. The chakras are an ancient philosophy that studies how the energetic world is related to the physical world. For her, the missing link was the blending of emotional and mental health with physical health and in that moment – your chakra coach was born! What Are the Chakras? Your primary chakras are the seven centers in your body from the root to the crown, which we’ll being going over in great detail below. Chakras are energy wheels within the body and when everything is going well they are open, spinning clockwise, and aligned vertically. Each one has a particular purpose which is what we are going to be talking about. The veil between the physical body and the energy body is the thinnest at the chakras also connecting with the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. The Mind-Body Connection I asked Sarah how she got started working with the chakras. Turns out she stumbled into a workshop for actors about how the chakras can help with character development! She liked what she heard and after, bought a book that was very detailed about the chakra system. At the same time, she was doing personal training work and realized that her clients fell off the fitness wagon when they stopped working with her. They were outsourcing their accountability to her. In other words, they relied on meeting with her to keep up the discipline of working out. One day after a meditation, it came to her. Her studies showed that the mind and body are not separate and she realized she had to incorporate this 12 chakra system information in her training work. The training alone wasn’t helping her clients feel good. But when they would become aware of their inner world with the 12 chakra system, this helped create a better state of being and more balanced emotions. Sarah had this idea of combining exercise with nourishing your soul. Instead of trying to change the outside to change the inside which is very patriarchal, this begins by working on the inside! Sarah started from the bottom of the seven primary chakras at the root and worked her way up. 7 Primary Chakras Root Chakra This is the body’s connection to the physical. Grounding, security, safety. The fundamental right is to be here, to take up space, to exist. When you focus on being your authentic self, you can peel away what society says you should be. According to Sarah, this is where issues of self-worth and being more productive reside. It’s so important to understand your own personal value. The root chakra color is red. Sacral Chakra This is about your emotions and relationships with others from family, to love, to friends. You have the fundamental right to experience the full range of human emotions. Many times you’re told that some emotions are not appropriate. For example, don’t be mad or angry, and don’t be sad or cry. However, you have the right to your emotions which are real and need to be felt and worked through. Stuffing them down or ignoring your emotions doesn’t work, can cause many issues, and prevents you from being balanced. This area is also about sexuality and creativity and the color is orange. Solar Plexus This is a place of action, doing, confidence and taking steps for your highest good. Here you’ll find your drive and it’s no surprise that its related to your adrenal glands and cortisol. Sometimes taking a nap or saying no to something is for your highest good, right? This chakra is about your right to your personal power. The color is yellow. The element here is fire, but you can’t burn forever without recharging. You have to rest and regroup. When you lose passion, this is a solar plexus challenge. Also, stomach and gut problems show up when there’s an imbalance. Heart This is the chakra of love, both giving and receiving. Blocks are often found in this area, often about receiving love which is why opening the heart can be difficult for some people. People close the heart when they’ve been hurt to keep themselves safe. You have to do the inner work and dissolve the blocks to get the love you want. Imagine opening your heart with a physical opening like your your shoulders, collar bones, lungs and heart. There are yoga poses to help with this too. The heart is green. Throat Chakra This center is all about communication, expression and creativity like speaking and singing. You have the fundamental right to be heard. This center can manifest blocks when you don’t feel heard or someone else takes credit for your ideas. The neck is a narrow spot physically, so things can easily get stuck. If you have difficulty getting things off your chest or out of your mouth, you’re having communication problems. Also important in this center is the responsibility to hear and listen respectfully – that’s sort of lacking in the world today. Being creative is a great way to unblock the throat chakra and the color is blue. Learn about energy healing in this episode. Third Eye This is the seat of intuition and the fundamental right to see, not just physically, but also to see reality vs. living in your head. Constantly thinking about what could or should have been or worry about the future causes anxiety. The “what ifs” of life can cause an imbalance in the third eye, disconnecting you from your intuition and making you spiral emotionally. The third eye connects you to your inner knowing and wisdom and the color is purple. Some say it’s indigo which is a deep blue. The right to be seen can be a challenge, especially for women and many keep themselves small because they don’t want to be seen or have any attention. You have a right to be acknowledged for who you are and want to be. Crown Chakra This is the portal to the divine, your highest self, or deity of your choosing. This is about the fundamental right to know. Not the details of everyone’s life! It’s about the right to know your truth, your path, and that you are safe to take action on your path. Sarah said she got to feel more peaceful in life when she was willing to open the crown chakra. This is the spiritual part of yourself which is white or purple if the third eye is indigo. The balance of your chakras changes all the time. Check how your body is feeling to see which chakra may need some work and your attention. You can even simply breathe from the root up to the crown and back down to get the prana moving. Download Sarah’s FREE gift – Chakra Balancing Basic Course here The 5 Transpersonal Chakras Then there are five additional transpersonal chakras that extend beyond the borders of the physical body. I’ve read that the Earth star has been assigned the number zero which is why if you add them up, there are actually 13 chakras in this system. Go figure. Or perhaps the five transpersonal chakras are the ones above the crown. Earth Star Chakra – This chakra is about one foot below your feet and that connects you to earth life force energy. Soul Star Chakra – The soul star is one foot above your head and that connects you to divine love and your own divine sour. Also, it’s how you connect with the Akashic Records. Spiritual Chakra – This helps you connect to and enter the spiritual realm which allow you to interact with angels, guides an all sort of light beings. Universal Chakra – This center is about fully understanding how the physical and spiritual world work together. Galactic Chakra – This tunes you into the galactic energy so you can speak directly to the divine. Also sounds to me like this is the place where ETs can connect, but that might not be accurate. Divine Gateway Chakra – Also called the Stellar Chakra, it represent the energetic plane and opens the door to the divine world. BIO – Sarah Bright Sarah has been working in the fitness and wellness industries for almost two decades, helping 1000s of people reach their health goals as a personal trainer and coach. During that time she was also a student of the chakras, an ancient philosophy that studies how the energetic world is related to the physical world. A few years ago, that the missing link in most people’s wellness program was the blending of emotional and mental health with physical health and in that moment Your Chakra Coach was born. Sarah is now the host of the podcast Your Chakra Coach and provides guidance and direction for 1000s of people in over 50 countries each week showing them how to expand their well being and happiness. Website & Social Media Instagram: Facebook: The post The 12 Chakra System – What You Need To Know appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jul 14, 2023 • 35min

Do Your Travel Plans Reveal Past Life Karma? Past Life Reading

In this episode, you’ll hear a past life reading for Lori. We talked about her travel plans revealing surprising clues to her past life karma. Past Life History Lori was curious why she feels a strong desire and connection to Scotland and Hawaii. She would like to visit both places someday. In addition, she’s read tons of books about romance in the Scottish highlands. Interesting, right? Turns out Lori has had many previous incarnations in both places that are on opposite sides of the globe. Her lives in Scotland are more recent, starting around 1500 A.D., and she’s got plenty of past life karma there. Without revealing too much (it’s so much better to listen to how the reading naturally unfolded), Lori had several lives where she was involved in magic, healing and was close to the land and the old ways of life. Spiritual travel and past lives. Things weren’t always warm and fuzzy for her as Lori discovered some of the hardships and challenges she faced in her Scottish lives. She was considered an outsider in one life and didn’t manage to become part of society. A Past Life Love Story Of course, there was a love story which is always a fun part of anyone’s past life history. In one incarnation, Lori lived through a war that took her husband’s life. There is a clear past life recall happening that weaves threads through her life now. Lori also had messages from spirits that there is a man of Scottish heritage she is destined to meet. So exciting and romantic! Her guides call him Blue because of his intense blue eyes. Get your past life reading today. Today the land is calling to her and that is why she feels so drawn there. Her background and spiritual skills will likely be enhanced and some may be awakened when she steps on that rugged terrain once again. Previous Incarnations in Hawaii Going deeper into her past life history, we discovered she had several lives in and around Hawaii, including an ancient one where she traveled there from Lemuria as it started to falter. This goes back at least 12,000 years in earth’s history. Lemuria was a highly advanced and spiritual land that was around at the same time as Atlantis. You can find quite a few books on both locations and also about their differences. These lives in the South Pacific were again strongly connected to the earth, the land and were deeply spiritual. Coincidently, Lori said she often did the forgiveness process of Ho’ Oponopono which originated in the Hawaiian islands. Could your past lives be holding you back today? Some really cool things happened in her Hawaiian lives. Although once it seems, she may have been sacrificed to Pele, the Goddess of volcanoes! Lori said she was standing looking down into the hot red lava right before I said this to her. Completely amazing! This is what I love about doing past life readings. It can be so much fun. But the process is also incredibly informative, as it helps you get a much bigger perspective on your issues and life as you are living it now. Past Life Karma Lori was inspired by her past life karma and history and stated that she was going to investigate going to Scotland very soon. She’s lucky because her work is online, giving her plenty of freedom to travel if needed. I encouraged her to go visit – why not? Make it a fun adventure. You never know who you might meet, whether in the airport or in the countryside. Or perhaps simply in the planning process itself. Discover the magic of reincarnation Clues about Your Past Lives Towards the end of the episode, I shared a series of tips on how to find clues about your own past lives. Think about historical novels you’ve read or periods of history you feel drawn to. You might think about what you enjoyed or wanted to do as a child. What skills come naturally. What hobbies you enjoy including sports. Your job could even harken back to previous incarnations. For example I loved calligraphy in high school and when I started doing past life work, I discovered a few lives as a monk and a scribe, writing the Bible by hand and illustrating the pages. Other tips can include what you like to dress up as for Halloween. I did a past life reading once for a guy who I saw as a Viking. His wife laughed because that’s how he dresses up every year for Halloween! Your past lives bleed through into this life in the most interesting ways. Sports can be another area that helps you recall your past. How many of today’s Olympic athletes where probably Olympic athletes in ancient Greece? Be sure to listen until the end to get all the juicy tips that can help you with your past life history and past life recall. If you would like a past life reading, looking into the Akashic Records, click here to learn more about getting a past life reading with me. The post Do Your Travel Plans Reveal Past Life Karma? Past Life Reading appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jul 7, 2023 • 27min

The Tipping Point In Life – My Spiritual Adventure

Have you reached the Tipping Point in your life? I sure have and now I’m on a spiritual adventure. I’m a little nervous, so will you join me? What Is the Tipping Point? You might wonder what the Tipping Point is. I’m not talking about Malcolm Gladwell’s book The Tipping Point which talks about reaching a critical mass, a threshold or boiling point. Also, how little things can make a big difference. That’s not what I’m talking about. The Tipping Point I’m talking about has to do with reaching a certain age where instead of looking forward, you start looking back to examine your life. As I was growing up, I always wondered what I’d be like when I was older and all grown up. I’m not sure I’m really grown up, not that I’m Peter Pan, but I might be Tinkerbell. But when you are young, you spend time thinking about how your future will unfold. Who will you be? What will you achieve? Where will you live? At this point, I’m not looking at my life that way any more and I’m not wondering what I will become. This is it – I’ve already become whatever I’m going to be. I’ve already arrived. I’m here, so now what? This is the Tipping Point and it’s been going on for several years and right now I don’t know where I’m going. Forging My Own Path I’ve forged my own path in life, especially in my career, so even if I didn’t have a mapped out route, I did have a destination though. I was headed somewhere and I created my own path which does have some adventure. This is different. Now I have no destination and no path. Take the podcast for example. Two years ago I didn’t know where I was going with it, but I had a focus of creating content. I’m letting you in on what’s happening right now in my life and asking you to join me. Please consider this your invitation to go along for the ride. Maybe this is about becoming a human being vs. a human doing. Instead of running around doing a million things which is masculine energy, I’m learning how to just be which is more divine feminine. To enjoy what is, such as going outside in the sunshine. Or being in nature and listening to the birds chirp. It’s like that phrase “Be here now.” It would be an accomplishment I guess, so that’s one way to look at it. Yet, it’s still a bit disquieting to not have a goal. Merlin Suggests a Spiritual Adventure Currently I’m taking a Celtic Shamanism course with Jane Burns and her journeys have been really good. This morning I did one imagining getting into a round boat and allowing the sea and wind to take you to land that has a message for you. This is about trust because you cannot direct the boat in any way. You have to go with whatever happens. I followed the instructions, found land, walked into the island past the tall grasses and into a forest. There in a grove of trees, I saw Merlin who is one of my guides. He said one word to me, “Adventure.” My first reaction was, “Oh no!” I’m not big on adventure. But there was more. He also said, “The point of adventure is that it is unknown. There’s no plan, no map, no guidelines, and no destination. You will see what happens as you go…just go.” Surrender Dorothy “It’s about surrender to the adventure and this is where trust comes in. Let go of control and knowing where you are going.” To me, this is scary. I don’t like adventure because there’s no control. I mean, I’d like a little control… This is why I’m inviting you to join me because I want to be with friends if I don’t know where I’m headed. Can you blame me? The idea of surrender reminds me of the Wizard of Oz and how the wicked witch of the west wrote “Surrender Dorothy” in the sky with her broom. This situation also feels like the fool’s journey which is the zero card from the tarot deck. You don’t know where you are headed, you just step off the cliff and have faith. This is all metaphorical about my life. Crazy Dreams I’ve also been having crazy dreams which means my subconscious mind is unsettled. I dream I can’t find my ticket to get on a plane, train or bus. I have to get somewhere and people said they’d help me, but they disappear. There are wild and twisted staircases I walk up and narrow tunnels to squeeze through. Not very restful. The idea came to me to look on the web for how to calm your subconscious mind and I found a great article on with 13 tips and I’ll share them with you. One problem is that I don’t know what I want. I mean I want to have fun, be engaged, make a difference and serve, but other than that I don’t have a clear picture. 13 Tips To Get Your Subconscious Mind on Board Be willing to see things can change. Give yourself permission to be successful. Don’t allow other people’s fears to influence you. Surround yourself with positive reinforcements. Speak about success in present tense vs. as a future plan. Create a vision (Um, I don’t have  a vision). Identify your resistance (Got plenty of that!). Have a master plan for life (That doesn’t apply here). Express gratitude journal (Very helpful!). Ask for what you want (Ooops, I don’t know what I want). Release attachment to how things happen (That’s perfect!). Rally your allies (That’s why I’ve invited you to join me). Fill in between times with affirmations and motivation. There are a lot of helpful suggestions in this pile, even if a few don’t work for me. The Benefits of Adventure One more thing I want to mention about adventure is that I got curious what the definition of the word actually is. I looked it up on the web and it said, “An unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, activity or experience.” That’s the problem – it may be exciting but it’s also dangerous! That made me wonder – what exactly are the benefits of an adventure? I looked that up too and found this  by Gregg Vanourek, “Adventure is not just something for daredevils and skydivers. It’s something for all of us who want to live well. It makes us more awake, alive, and free. It feeds us with the energy and excitement of exploration, discovery, and surprise.” Have Fun With It! So, if I’m going to go on this adventure, how can I make the best of it and make it fun? This made me realize that can be my goal – to have fun with the adventure! I need to learn to roll with it, accept that I’m on the adventure, and go with it. Maybe part of this spiritual journey is to see the good in not knowing where I’m going and being in unchartered territory. Then this thought occurred to me. What if I… Meet new people and make new friends Discover a new kind of method for creative expression Find something that makes me smile and feel happy That would be wonderful! These things are just as possible as feeling lost or bewildered or unfit for this adventure. So, if life is what you make it, and it helps to choose your perspective, it would behoove me to find the fun in this adventure, right? Okay, then that is my focus my goal, and my destination. FUN. I can get behind that. I’m hoping you’ll join me by telling me about your Tipping Point, your spiritual adventure, or if have tips to share. Please post them in the comment section below! Thank you! I appreciate you and your suggestions. The post The Tipping Point In Life – My Spiritual Adventure appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jun 30, 2023 • 34min

Bio Energy Healing: The Remarkable Soul Intelligence Method

What is Bio Energy Healing? Discover how to clear the stuck emotions, energy and trauma from the body and move on in this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast with my guest, Kristine Glein, founder of the Soul Intelligence Method. What Is a Bio Energy Healing? First, bio energetics is the correlation between physical wellness and mental and emotional wellness. If you’re physically feeling well, typically you are doing well mentally and emotionally and if you’re having trouble mentally and emotionally, often physical symptoms eventually pop up. This is the gist of what bio energy healing is all about. A bio energetic hack is about working around to shift things that are stuck and that’s what the Soul Intelligence Method is all about. Personally, when I think of this process, it’s a form of energetic clearing, working on the physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies. Everything and everyone is energy, so to be healthy and whole you need to shift out trapped energy. Energy that is not in motion is stuck emotion and that’s why people often hold trauma in the body. What Started Her on the Path? I asked Kristine how she got started with creating the Soul Intelligence Method. She had a spiritual awakening while working in her corporate job. Her doctor told her she needed a biopsy and her appointment was six weeks away. After hearing this news, Kristine went to every kind of energetic healer, massage therapist, acupuncturist, she could find. Basically the advice she received was she needed to embrace her divine feminine energy. What does that mean? Kristine had been in corporate America most of her life, grew up around men, and lived by the idea that there’s no crying in baseball. To her, that meant being feminine was weak. Embrace the Divine Feminine What would embracing her divine feminine look like? Should she wear dresses or dance? Instead of being a human doing, she learned to be a human being – going within. Tapping into and embracing that creative potential. She started to research powerful female figures and Goddess like Sekhmet, Isis, Kali Ma and Lilith. These are badass females from history and myth – that’s what it means to be a fierce female. Being feminine isn’t weak, it can be empowering if you embrace it. During the six weeks from when she heard the diagnosis and when she had to get the biopsy, she did all this work to heal and connect with her feminine side. And when she got the biopsy back, the doctor told her the cancer was gone. Was it the biopsy that removed it all or the spiritual work she did? Hard to say – probably both. The Work She Is Meant to Do The next thing that happened on March 12, 2020, was she got a call from the head of HR, telling her that her services were no longer needed. Yet, Kristine had just gotten a performance bonus and things were gong so well. How could this be? She was in shock and had never been fired before in her life. She always focused on being an over-achiever. But the divine said, “No, you’re being plucked out of the corporate world to do the work you are meant to do.” Now she had several trips already planned to Phoenix for her job and had signed up for retreats in Sedona. She had a lot of time to pray, meditate, and be in sacred energy, to get clear on her next steps. Several years ago she learned an energetic clearing technique called Spiritual Response Therapy. Kristine built upon this to create the Soul Intelligence Method. Initially, she used this only for herself. The process is like an advanced form of prayer where you set up sacred space, connect with the divine, and you ask to shift what is in someone’s best and highest good. Glein uses charts to figure out what is getting in the way like repetitive thoughts or trauma, bringing stuff up from the sub and super conscious mind to be released. Opening the Door Next, she got brave and decided to tell her functional medicine doctor what she was up to and offered to do a session on her. She was busy, but her colleague, the chiropractor, was free so they worked together. When almost done the doctor came into the room asking how it was going. She saw her colleague in tears and realized something powerful was being released and said, “I’m next!” It was game on from there and Kristine’s business was born. Kristine ended up doing work with everyone in that office, then their families, with referrals and more. It snowballed and grew. At the same time, Kristine was doing private leadership coaching with companies and slowly started to bring the Soul Intelligence Method in that part of her work as well. One of her clients had such great results he wanted to bring her on full time with his company, making nutritional supplements. Thrilling Client Results I’ve been in Kristine’s program learning her Soul Intelligence Method and it’s been an amazing experience. Once I started to rely on my intuition while following the protocol, it all came together Mona Kristine and I shared some pretty amazing client success stories. The first story was about my client, Mona, who had been divorced for 2 years, but still had this idea that somehow they could become friends. It was very difficult for her and she had tried a lot of things to heal from yoga, to coaching, to therapy, the energy healing and more. She came to me and asked if she could release any relationships that no longer served her. I wasn’t sure it would work and I did the session, she said thank you and that was it. The next day she woke up and called me and told me how she no longer felt that pull to connect with him and felt free. A couple weeks later Mona called again to say that so much good was coming into her life, it was amazing. I was very excited. Now, she must have been ready to let this go and she sure did. Functional Medicine Doctor Kristine likes to work with functional medicine doctors who need this healing work. First, they often don’t take care of themselves, but also she wants them to see what their clients will experience when they get a session. This one doctor had pain in her foot which is about standing in her power and moving forward. She related this to a lawsuit going on with contractors working on her home. She also had a cold that she could not shake and she’s a doctor! The next day she texted Kristine that her pain was gone and so was the cold! Patients who work with functional medicine doctors often have chronic issues. Things that keep coming back or new  symptoms that crop up. This process is great for this kind of thing because we can dig up the root cause. Donna One last story about my client Donna. Donna had moved out west to live the outdoor lifestyle. Trouble was she kept getting the jobs that totally drained her. So she’d work, exercise and then lie on the couch reading a book. She just couldn’t get off that couch to make new friends or get outdoors the way she had originally planned. Donna could not move forward. We did three sessions and worked on a variety of things. A few weeks later I spoke with her and she told me she was going on a 5 mile hike with a group that day and a canoe trip with a group from! What? That was an incredible shift for Donna! She was outdoors, socializing, living her life and I was thrilled. Kristine and I shared another couple of awesome client stories which you can hear when you listen to the podcast. If you’d like to learn more about the Soul Intelligence method, visit There’s a free masterclass as well on that site abut the method that you can sign up to view. BIO – Kristine Glein Kristine is a Conscious Leadership Executive who is focused on transforming individuals and teams into game changing leaders. Her work results in increased performance, consistency and alignment, so they can make a greater impact on their clients, coworkers, colleagues and employees. She currently serves Chief Growth Officer for Nutritional Frontiers, a leading nutraceutical company. Kristine is also the founder of Soul Intelligence and energetic alignment system founded in the science of bio energetics. Kristine has a Masters Degree in Organizational Management from the University of Phoenix, is an ICA Certified Professional Coach and lives in Tampa, Florida. The post Bio Energy Healing: The Remarkable Soul Intelligence Method appeared first on Intuitive Edge.

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