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Oct 14, 2022 • 30min

Better Conversations With Diana Indries And Better Topics Game

Discover an easy way to have better conversations in this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. I’m speaking with Diana Indries, creator of the sensational game called Better Topics, helping couples improve their relationship. Creation of the Better Topics Game I asked Diana how she came up with the idea of this game, Better Topics, to help couples improve their conversations. Turns out this was created because she and her husband needed it themselves. Both of them love card and board games and often play on date night. That’s how the idea came to combine improving their relationship with the fun of a game. They tried many other existing games, and were frustrated with these options. Other games weren’t helpful for creating a deeper conversation, so they thought of developing their own. Together they considered the types of questions that would work, and also how to make it an actual game that is fun to play and can be used more than once. The game are also includes rewards for the winner, like a foot massage, breakfast in bed, or choosing a movie. Plus, there are custom cards to create your own preferred rewards for the winner. Having Better Conversations As a love and dating coach for 20 years, this is something that often comes up for my female clients. They want to have deeper conversations. Diana wisely pointed out that it can be quite exhausting to have deeper conversations all the time. So true! Diana said that most people are not used to opening up or talking about their feelings. In her own relationship, she was the one who tended to hold back. When she would get frustrated, she would shut down, stomp around, slam doors, etc. and not talk to her husband. Communication Breakdown Diana’s husband would ask how he could do things differently to not upset her in the future. She’d tell him to leave her alone because she didn’t want to talk about it. She was punishing him in a way. He said they could not continue this way and encouraged her to open up and talk to him so they could work it out. Diana has discovered that the vast majority of couples don’t know how to talk things through in a productive way. Better Conversations Come Easily in the Game In playing a game, you are more relaxed, so people are more willing to express themselves. It also feels like a judgement-free-zone, making it easier to be more honest because it’s a game and not in the heat of an argument. Questions are a mix of deep topics and lighter ones. Making these inquiries helps you learn when to be there for your partner as you get to know them more in-depth. Plus, you and your partner will feel heard and acknowledged. That alone can deepen your connection. This goes hand in hand with the different love languages. The game helps you pay attention to what makes your partner feel loved, because everyone is not the same. The game makes communicating easier because not everyone is willing to read books, articles, or go to therapy to learn what you need to know to improve your relationship. Making the game fun and repeatable was brilliant! It comes as a card game or an app. Feedback about Better Topics Game The feedback has been mind-blowing and heart-warming at the same time. One man wanted to play with his wife but she was not interested. So, he memorized some of the questions and brought them up during dinner. This worked and she started to open up. Diana realized they were helping people all over the world to start having better conversations and get to know each other as well. One couple who used the game to provide her with feedback, already had a strong, long-term marriage. They thought they didn’t need the game but tried it anyway. Their feedback was surprising because while they thought their communication was excellent, the cards brought up some interesting topics for discussion. Turns out even some families have used the cards with their children (removing  cards that were not appropriate). How Diana Met Her Husband Diana’s story of how she met her husband was pretty magical in itself. You’ll have to listen to learn about that. She used the Law of Attraction and as it turns out, so did her husband! How the Pandemic Created Success In 202o, with the pandemic, the timing couldn’t have been more perfect for this game. Couples were stuck in the house and with each other. There’s only so much TV watching that can be done. People needed to start talking to each other, which is why the game was well positioned for success. Get your own game from Diana’s website and use this Discount code [Magic10] or on Amazon. BIO – Diana Indries Diana Indries was a Manager in the corporate world of NHS (National Health System) the UK to Creator  and is now the creator and CEO of Better Topics. She has helped thousands of couples in over 170 different countries improve their relationship and communicate more effectively while still having fun by playing the Better Topics Game for Couples. This is a game that encourages couples to have those much-needed deep conversations, but with the fun and light-heartedness of a game. The best part is that Better Topics is a repeatable game, so couples can play this over and over again. The game also won the Innovative Gaming Product of the Year 2021/22 at the Central England Prestige Awards. Website & Social Media Website: Better Topics – Youtube: Facebook: Instagram: TikTok: The post Better Conversations With Diana Indries And Better Topics Game appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Oct 7, 2022 • 0sec

Lisann Valentin, Female Shaman Answers “The Call” As A Healer

In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, I’m speaking with Lisann Valentin, who is an empath and 5th generation female shaman, as well as an amplifier, author and actor. Growing Up With Shamans Lisann said her family didn’t use the word shaman or even energy healer. These are things she came to understand later in life. She’s Puerto Rican and part of her lineage comes from Spain, a mix of other European countries, and even African, so she’s a result of that cultural blending on the island. The indigenous traditions were passed along without defining them. Lisann said, “This is just what you did on Saturday.” There was a gathering with food, energy healing, and divination. Her mother was great with plants and her grandfather was a diviner, with super clairaudience – he heard it all. Her great great grandmother was famous on the island for her gifts. The word shaman didn’t come into her life until 2006, when she was fascinated but terrified. The Call To Be A Female Shaman She heard about ayahuasca, the rainforest, and Peru and again was curious about shamanism. Then she thought, “Girl, you are from Brooklyn and you have no business being in a rainforest.” So, she shut it all down. The second calling came after being on the Clubhouse app during the pandemic. She listened to a few shamans on the app, one being a kahuna from Hawaii and another a shaman from California. While listening to them speak, her body felt like it was on fire. Electricity was running up and down her body and she couldn’t understand what was happening. Lots of these initiations and mystical things started happening, so she sought people to help her. The next thing that happened – she was dreaming and got a visual of a shaman who asked if she was ready to answer the call. Was she ready to become a shaman? She responded, “Yes,” and felt overjoyed. Then woke up and freaked out wondering what this meant and what had she committed herself too! From there it was like skyrocketing. Shamanic Initiation You’ll hear about: Her initiation in a dream where she was operated on by seven shaman surgeons who replaced her heart. A dream in which her head gets chopped off and is replaced with something else. Another dream where a shaman spread yellow jelly on her body and she later discovered what this important initiation really meant. When you embrace your magic, you know that your words and intentions create your reality. Then it’s really exciting when someone else experiences and receives that too. This is evidence that your experience is REAL and what started happening for Lisann Valentin. On her continued journey of growth, she started channeling other shamans for whatever kind of healing was needed. This expanded her repertoire. Things can get a little wild because as a female shaman, Lisann might chant or sing. Once she even acted like she was knocking back a shot of vodka and spitting it out the way a Mongolian shaman does. This was quite surprising for her since it was all imaginary. You’ll  hear all about it when you listen to the podcast. Listen to more on shamanic intuition. Shamanic Healing Clients Her first client said he felt like the two hemispheres of his brain were disconnected. Lisann was instructed to knit the two parts back together with golden thread. To her amazement, the client could feel this happening during the zoom session. Lisann worked on a cancer patient and was told to burn peppercorn, even though she never heard of that before. Afterwards she looked it up and peppercorn is good for burning out dense or negative energy, and for getting out the root cause of blockages. Shaman Means One Who Knows Lisann explained that shaman means “one who knows.” And what each shaman knows can be completely different. Lisann felt much better once she realized she could ask the spirits who approached her if they were good and served unconditional love. If they answered yes, it meant they serve in God’s army, so she knew she was safe. However, if a spirit says no, she could alchemize them into unconditional love or firmly send them away. Now, before she opens sacred space, she calls in all her helpers from unconditional love. Practical Advice from A Female Shaman I asked Lisann, as a female shaman, what was something the listeners needed to know that is practical and helpful. When you want to really believe in what you are saying, the most practical thing is to get grounded (anchor in this moment), let go of anything that isn’t yours (release energy), then use your words (create your reality). How do you do this? Grounding – You can do this with your breath, in the shower, running, or lighting a fire. Use whatever tools make you feel grounded. Release – Let go of everything that does not serve your highest good and get into a peaceful state. Think about someone you love or your dog, or a beautiful experience. Anything that brought you joy will work. Breathe into the feeling of that joy and love. This is how you alchemize and shift your energy in a moment. Anchor into love – Connect with spirit or play with nature – that’s how you open up your intuition. This is also how you find more peace in your life. You don’t need to do anything else but be yourself and anchor into love. Here’s another podcast episode with a female shaman. Lift Your Vibration If you’re having a difficult time, remember a moment when you did feel a spark of love or joy. It might be something super simple, like looking at the stars or walking at the beach. Then say to yourself, “I’m having a good day.” This is training yourself to focus on the good and moving into gratitude as well. You can feel this way anytime, it’s just a muscle that needs to be exercised. After a while, you won’t need the memory, it will just come up with your intention. As humans, it’s common to make things complicated. You want the recipe, the instructions, and the specific directions. But according to Lisann, female shaman, you are the recipe and blueprint, just as you are. Spirituality doesn’t have to be an elusive, scary thing. Tune into yourself because you are so powerful. Give yourself a moment to feel that power in the shape of love, get more grounded, release stuff from the day and use your words in a positive way to transform our life. If you can do this, life will be so much better. What a wonderful way to wrap up the podcast interview! Enjoy Lisann’s Free Gift – a shaman journey meditation to release and let go. BIO – Lisann Valentin A native New Yorker,  actress, amplifier, and bestselling author, Lisann Valentin has had many careers, and being a 5th generation shaman (boitiu) has played into every single role, even when she didn’t know it. Learning from and about the lineage of healers in her Puerto Rican family and the power of prayer in her own life, these contrasting experiences amplified her faith and her empathic gifts, which helped her thrive in any environment. It took years for Lisann to embrace her calling as a shaman, several careers, and the courage to untangle from limiting beliefs. The descendant of four generations of intuitive healers before her, it wasn’t until she answered “the call” as a shaman that everything fell into place. From pounding the pavement on Wall Street as a lawyer and working the red carpet as an actor and author, she has sown seeds of peace every step of the way. She has also appeared on dozens of hit TV shows and films, and her books have graced many best seller lists. As a professional storyteller and shamanic amplifier, she continues to guide other empaths like herself – creatives, leaders, and healers – to thrive within their gifts…on-screen and on the stage of life. Lisann Valentin proudly walks in her purpose (in jeans and sneakers) between NYC and Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. Website and Social Media   The post Lisann Valentin, Female Shaman Answers “The Call” As A Healer appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Sep 30, 2022 • 30min

Celtic Mysteries & Moon Temple School With Tahverlee Anglen

In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast I am speaking with Tahverlee Anglen, founder of the modern mystery school – Moon Temple School. She’s a priestess of the wild who walks with the blood of Athena in her veins, and is a conduit between two worlds. Yeah, this is a juicy discussion about Celtic Mysteries and Eleusinian Rites with an outrageous story you don’t want to miss! Getting Started Practicing Magic First, I asked how Tahverlee got started with magic. She consciously started using tools to shift her reality about 7-10 years ago. She says most of us use magic every day without even realizing it. When you start tapping into energy fields or intentions in any way, shape, or form, you are altering reality. As a seer, she’s been using magic since childhood. The terms to give it definition came later in her life. I wondered how Tahverlee got such a huge social media following so quickly. She explained that we are living in times where there is a great awakening. As we become less dense and release a lot of things, people are moving away from religion, but still seeking God. This is the space where she shows up to ignite spiritual growth and is why so many have been attracted to her messages. The Eleusinian Rites Tahverlee had a clear message to do a solo ritual in Taos, New Mexico. She’d never been there before, but flows with this kind of calling. She planned the 24-hour ritual and found an amazing Airbnb. Since she had such a fabulous location with 14 private acres, she felt comfortable embarking on this day-long ritual sky-clad (naked). Picture this…the sun is starting to set, she’s completed her cleansing bath, the candles are lit, and everything is set up. Tahverlee steps outside to light the outdoor fire, sky clad and whoosh! All the doors slammed shut! So, she’s standing there naked with nothing but a sheer little robe and her combat boots that she’d left near her vehicle. Keep in mind, she has no keys, no phone, nothing to cover up with, and she’s on 14 private acres of land near nothing. High Magic Ritual In high magic, once you start the ritual, you move into an altered state. So, she might not have been processing the situation completely right away. As the sun started to set, it came to her how far she’d have to walk while naked to get help. She did get picked up miles down the road by a good person who helped her figure out how to get back into her Airbnb. While in the truck, she realized the ritual was still on and the journey had begun! Learn about the modern mystery school Tahverlee runs. She surrendered to the trek and knowing the ritual was in process, things started to make sense. It took three days to complete, but it was the most magical experience of her life. It was also one of the most mortifying. Once she got home and talked to her peers, they pointed out this was definitely the Eleusinian Trek. She had always been connected to the Greek Goddesses Persephone and Demeter, so she knew this was the Eleusinian Rites. Pushing the Envelope Tahverlee is not afraid to push the envelope and go to the edge. She thinks of this as being a shadow walker. That’s why she can help others in the modern mystery school, because of her willingness to go places many others will not. My request was that she bottle some of that surrender because I am not good at it and we laughed. I shared my story about wanting to connect with Hecate, and being schooled on how to do it. I was told I had to be at a crossroads, a wild place, alone at night in the dark. But my backyard has bobcats and coyotes, among other critters, which made me nervous to be out there. What I loved about this conversation with Tahverlee was that while she’s a professed warrior, she’s also warm, supportive, and compassionate. I was grateful how she pointed out that I had surrendered when it came to reaching out to Hecate. The way I chose to do my ritual was comfortable for me and she considered this to be a type of surrender, since I let go of worrying how it should work. Turns out I did get a message in just 10-minutes! Tahverlee explained that “dogma”  which is about all the rules, never replaces your own inner knowing. Well said. The Tenets of Celtic Mysteries Tahverlee walked the 13 steps, initiated as a Celtic Priestess, and went through this process with her daughter which was very special. Having family roots on both sides, in Wales and Ireland, she felt called to study that wisdom and knowledge. Her great grandmother was her guide on the other side. She had come across the Atlantic on a sister ship to the Titanic. She originally was booked to cross on the doomed boat, but missed it! Tahverlee looked into her great grandmother’s life and what the Celtic mysteries would have looked like back then. It’s good to know the different energies from various spiritual practices to better serve people from all over. The Modern Mystery School Tahverlee is the Temple Keeper of the Moon Temple School since she’s the one who oversees bringing people together for community and learning. In addition, her warrior spirit wants to ensure the students have protection. She also has a Temple Keepers class that meets monthly, like the Witch’s Mastermind. People pursue divination, go deeper into studying the mysteries, and may also share with others. That’s why it’s important to know how to be your own temple keeper. We also talked about: The rise of the divine feminine The rise of the warrior spirit Warring for yourself vs. against others How to get in touch with what your body tells you Why you need to pay attention if you ask spirit for help Learning how to listen and receive A 21 day free-writing exercise that always works! Why she’s always willing to be amazed by her life And so much more! Free Gift from Tahverlee Anglen – Join the Witch’s Apprentice monthly group for half price with this code “Ronnie50”. Taste a little bit of what is possible when working in the magical field. She teaches hands-on, practical tools you can use immediately and get results. This will bring more magic into your life with the Celtic Mysteries among others. BIO – Tahverlee Anglen Tahverlee is a Priestess of the Wild, creating bold spaces to evolve our voices and consciousness. She walks with the blood of Athena in her veins, a conduit between the underworld and the cosmos, and she’s here to guide your soul work. As a High Priestess, Ritualist, Initiate of the Sacred Way, Initiate of the Eleusinian Rites, and a practitioner of the Tenants of the Celtic Mysteries, she works hand-in-hand with a wise circle of fellow guides. Tahverlee bridges barriers to connect with spirits who have passed on, living with one foot in the otherworld, and one foot firmly rooted in mother nature. She holds others to the essence of their highest potential. As a business expert and spiritual leader, a social impact entrepreneur, podcast host, and an accomplished speaker — Tahverlee is someone who pushes the edge of society’s assumptions. She continually redefines what it means to be a warrior, woman, healer, and a witch. Tahverlee holds space unconditionally as a fierce seeker of truth.  She is both the Temple Keeper and an avowed heathen. While holding the Sword of the Initiator, Tahverlee commingles light and darkness to cut through the bindings that limit our own beliefs. She is a trusted leader who puts us in touch with our truest self-expression and ignites our spiritual growth. Website & Social Media The post Celtic Mysteries & Moon Temple School With Tahverlee Anglen appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Sep 22, 2022 • 30min

Healing The Nervous System From Trauma With Stacey Webb

Learn about healing the nervous system from trauma with Stacey Webb in this week’s episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. Find out how this police detective learned to release trauma from the body and use her intuition. Police Detective Turns to Healing Before becoming skilled in several healing methods and starting her practice, Stacey started her career as a police detective. So, she knows a lot about trauma. She helps clients find a safe space within to release trauma from the body including using your intuition. I began the interview by asking Stacey how she made this amazing and unique transition. She said it was a very long journey.  For 15 years as a cop, she was a police detective specializing in sexual crimes and was surrounded by people in different states of trauma. Taking their statements could be difficult since victims often had to relive the horrific experience. That’s why Stacey wanted to learn ways to be helpful, started studying the healing nervous system from trauma, and a variety of trauma release methods. Her hope was this would be supportive for people as she was taking their statements. Basically, she learned to create a safe space, so people could be seen and heard as they shared details of what happened. This allowed her to get the information she needed for her investigation. She discovered her service became her “medicine” and how much she needed this work too. Emergency Service Workers Have Trauma Too At one point, Stacey realized her colleagues also needed healing and that’s how her practice started to grow. Being a detective allowed her to help people at different stages of trauma. In addition, Stacey wanted to break the stigma of mental health issues for her colleagues as well as other emergency service workers. Healing the nervous system from trauma is just as vital for them as for crime victims. I was curious about people who go into this line of work and wondered how many might have been traumatized earlier in their lives. Stacey thought there was some truth to this correlation. Trauma gets stuck in the body when people get overwhelmed and don’t allow it to process and flow out. So, it’s not surprising that emergency workers wanting to help others might come from how this mirrors something that happened in their life. Emotional Freedom Technique The first certification she received was in the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) also known as Tapping. She found this to be extremely beneficial. It’s so amazing to use your fingertips to tap on meridians and feel relief without anyone else knowing what you’re doing. There’s also a lot of stress when presenting evidence in court, and people felt a lot calmer with the tapping while sitting there! Her work as an intuitive trauma release mentor has helped many to start healing the nervous system from trauma. Discover more on EFT Tapping Building Her Intuitive Skills I asked Stacey how this work has impacted her intuition and other parts of her life. Interestingly, she said her intuition has definitely strengthened and she now listens to her inner guidance and follows it more. She’s dropped some of her resistance and fear that she would be lead astray and today has a lot more trust in this guidance to know it won’t steer her wrong. How has intuition worked in other parts of her life? Stacey had a history of being a people pleaser but has released that, as well as perfectionist tendencies. According to Stacey, another big benefit is that this work has helped her be a better mother. For example, she often rewrote her homework as a child to make sure it was perfect, spending a lot of time redoing things. Today, she can spot this sort of thing in her children and help them let it go. Improving Her Marriage This also applies to her marriage. There was a time when her husband was under a lot of stress and would lay on the bed listening to music when he got home. This triggered her because he was not spending much time with their four children. As a child, her own father sequestered himself in the bedroom away from the family when he was feeling stressed. Not long after that he passed away when she was only 12. Initially, Stacey thought her husband was reacting to something she did wrong. Yet, she avoided responding from this trauma by using her skills and intuition. She asked herself empowering questions and realized she was being triggered by memories of her dad. She dug in to better understand, feel those emotions, and let them go, healing the nervous system from trauma. After, she talked this over with her husband without blaming him, having a productive communication. What’s important here is that Stacey allowed herself to recognize and feel those feelings, go through those layers, and then release it all! A Deep Level Of Skill This demonstrates that Stacey knows her stuff and is capable of separating from that internal voice which is quite empowering. It’s a much better process than simply being reactive, very impressive, and inspiring! Her process is amazingly productive since it gives you time to understand what is happening, figure out what you need to do, what the root cause is, and then letting it all go. Listen to this episode for more on healing within  Turn Fear Into Your Ally When it comes to healing the nervous system from trauma, Stacey talks about using fear as your ally. I asked her how that works. She suggests that being able to meet your fear with curiosity and love requires the ability to create a safe space within and to feel supported. Of course, you may be scared by fears, and the emotions underneath. But if you work through all the levels, you start to release it all. While trauma is a part of life, it doesn’t need to be the driving force. That makes a huge difference. This way you work through the emotions vs. simply react. Trauma is felt within the body. Your body reacts before your mind does in that trauma state and attaches a story to it. So, knowing that it can be released from the body, helps the trauma response diminish. You can connect to your body more, healing the nervous system from trauma. The integration and the healing journey continue on after the session is over. Stacey and I went on to have an eye-opening discussion about intuition, how to strengthen it and open to new ways of receiving messages. You’ll have to listen to the podcast for that part of the conversation. Learn more about Stacey Webb, get her free journal prompts and sign up for a free circle at Be sure you use the “au” for Australia or you’ll discover a different website! BIO – Stacey Webb First and foremost, Stacey Webb is an imperfectly perfect human being, an Intuitive Trauma Release Mentor, Warrior of Grace and Author of The Intuitive Detective. She is passionate about guiding and supporting people on their healing journey to release trauma, stored emotions, energy blocks, and limiting beliefs that may be creating limitations in one’s life. Through body awareness with the breath, Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping), somatic embodiment and intuitive intelligence, Stacey helps clients reconnect with their heart, their inner child,  and their intuition through heightened awareness. She believes that by assisting you to create safety within your nervous system and cultivate a relationship with yourself, you will be enabled to build a flexible autonomous nervous system to release fear and trauma. This allows you to step into a higher timeline and cultivate a life that is increasingly aligned and purposeful. Stacey became a police officer with a career as a Detective for over 15 years. She dedicated her career to holding space for people who experienced trauma while investigating offense reported. She has also worked with colleagues and other emergency personal and first responders.   The post Healing The Nervous System From Trauma With Stacey Webb appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Sep 16, 2022 • 29min

The Sage Method: Developing Intuition With Isabeau Maxwell

Discover The Sage Method: Developing intuition with Isabeau (Beau) Maxwell in this week’s episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. The Key to Developing Intuition Beau won an award from the Coalition of Visionary Resources for her course, The Sage Method, and felt honored after 15 years of teaching this program. They look for visionaries – people who are changing the flow and creating books and courses that are life changing. I asked Beau what she thinks the key is to developing your intuition. Personally it took me seven years to breakthrough, but I know people open up so quickly today. Having interviewed a lot of people now for this podcast, I’ve noticed two paths that help others open to their intuition: 1) Reiki and 2) Yoga. I started channeling after taking Reiki 1, and the 21 day initiation period. However, there are many other paths. Beau agrees with Reiki and yoga since these two practices quiet the mind and get you centered. Her approach has been scientifically oriented and she comes at this from an analytical base. (She has a math degree!) Maxwell worked directly with her guide to open up. Everyone has intuition but clutter blocks their access. All the extra thinking gets in the way and with yoga and Reiki, you calm this brain activity. That helps you to hear messages. Figure out who you were taught to be versus who you really are. What you want in your life versus what you tolerate and what can you shift that is weighing you down. Shifting and eliminating this clutter allows you to open up. Look for training that has an outline, so you can see if it fits with how you roll. Beau is very down to earth, practical, and analytical. Intuition, Spirit Guides & Mediumship What is the difference between intuition, spiritual guides and mediumship? Beau says intuition is an umbrella and everything else falls underneath it. Psychic work and mediumship are different from each other though. Psychics are able to access information intuitively about people, places, locations, the environment, and objects. But a medium focuses on communicating with loved ones on the other side. Spirit guide communication has a hint of mediumship and falls in between these two using both sets of skills. Intuitive information often comes utilizing the five senses. Psychic work comes from source, mediumship comes from a loved one, and guide communication comes from your guides. The Clearing Process Beyond clearing the clutter, what else can help the “Cracking Open” process. Her favorite tool is GCP – Ground, Clear, Protect. Grounding covers the physical body, clearing covers the programming body, and protecting covers the spiritual body. You are aligning the different bodies and caring for them all. Many aren’t taught how to take care of their energy and GPC does this with really cool side effects. Ground into Mother Earth. Clear out all the energy you don’t need to carry and all related emotions – yours or other people’s. Next, imagine water pouring all the way through you to clear you out. Then put a protective bubble around you that is programmed to allow in what is for your highest good and keep out what isn’t. “This simple, five-second act is an absolute game changer,” says Isabeau Maxwell. It will start to shift everything and is explained in The Sage Method program. Do You Need Protection? The idea of protection keeps coming up. If you don’t feel safe, then you want to do this. GCP protects you more from living people than the spirit world because we pick up their emotions and energy. It works more like a filter. GCP helps you stay in a balanced state, which actually allows you to be more helpful to people since you filter out emotions and thoughts that aren’t yours. What happens as a result of not putting up that protection? Everybody else’s energy, thoughts, and emotions get in the way of you manifesting what you want. There’s a lot of static clogging the channel. Once cleared, your energy and manifesting will magnify to attract what you want faster! Cracking Open – Beau’s Book I asked Beau to tell me about her book, Cracking Open: Adventures of a Reluctant Medium. This is her memoir of her opening up intuitively – all of it – the good, the bad and the ugly. At 32, she had no intention of opening to mediumship. She was scientifically oriented and not at all interested. Then her grandmother passed away. A couple hours after she passed, her grandmother appeared in her living room! Right in front of her, 70% solid. She winked, smiled, and disappeared. Isabeau told her not to do that again! After that earth-shaking experience, she decided to look into it more and was helped by her spirit guide. This lead to other spirits showing up as well and her mediumship journey began. Beau started doing readings. Her guide taught her how to declutter her mind and then told her to bring this to the public, so they can learn too with the Sage Method. Seeing People Who Have Passed I shared an experience of seeing my aunt sitting on the headstone of the grave next to hers as she was being buried. She looked only 35 and dressed like the 1940s. After, when we went back to my cousin’s house, there was a photo of my aunt exactly like how I had seen her! I was so surprised – it was unbelievable! What difference has she noticed about seeing spirits? For instance, my father looked like a disturbance in the energy field, but I could see my mother fairly clearly. Beau says how spirits show up and the messages they provide has to do with the receiver. That’s what you needed to see and hear. Additionally, it matters how attuned you are in the moment. Your emotional state comes into play. Also, spirits differ in the way they want to communicate, whether it’s in dreams, when you play music, or through a medium, etc. Your spiritual team members tend to show up a lot more than those who are not on your team. They visit when they can bring us something we need, which is a nice reminder that we are not alone. The Sage Method addresses all of this. The Sage Circle Community My last question was about the community she created. When Beau started out, she felt isolated and alone in her intuitive development. That’s why the Sage Circle is very close to her heart. She knew no one who could relate to her situation, help her, or answer questions. The only person who came to mind was a man who taught Tai Chi, so she went to him and he took her under his wing. He was such a kind man with a heart of gold. This is why she vowed to build a community and this is how The Sage Circle was born. The community includes new and full moon gatherings, Q&A monthly sessions, a library, and a social component. Learn more and sign up at BIO – Isabeau Maxwell Isabeau Maxwell is one of the leading spiritual coaches in intuitive development today. Isabeau (“Beau”) brings deep channeled knowledge and personal understanding to the field of spirituality. She has helped people connect to their authentic, natural intuitive abilities for over 15 years. Isabeau is the founder of the award winning intuitive development course, The SAGE Method, the author of the best-selling book Cracking Open: Adventures of a Reluctant Medium, and the creator of the popular online community, The SAGE Circle. Website & Social Media   The post The Sage Method: Developing Intuition With Isabeau Maxwell appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Sep 9, 2022 • 31min

Soul Mission With Generational Shaman Roxanne Chaput

Learn about the Soul Mission and Soul Purpose with Generational Celestial Shaman, Roxanne Chaput in this week’s episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. Generational Shaman To start, I asked Roxanne what a Celestial Generational Shaman is. She explained that she helps people connect with their spirit or celestial guides to find their soul mission on earth and understand how to be in alignment with this mission. The term Celestial Shaman is from her belief that she has been a shaman in many past lives. She’s also from a lineage of generational shamans, as part of Canada’s indigenous, native population. Roxanne always had a fascination with traditions, ceremonies, pow wows, and understanding how to facilitate them. She didn’t share much with her family but did connect with elders from the community. Dreaming Her Soul Mission She had a dream that came to her over a four month period, with a woman who she though was her grandmother’s grandmother, singing a beautiful, melancholy song. Normally, Roxanne’s people don’t share their inner guidance, but she didn’t understand the message of her dream. The woman in the dream kept motioning to the land and this was a mystery. Wisdom of the Elders So, she asked an elder from the community who carries the wisdom of the land, ancestors, and elements. He explained that her ancestor in the dream was literally calling her to the land to discover her soul purpose. Roxanne also learned a song from her dream and the elder recognized it and said it hadn’t been sung in healing circles for over 100 years. His father and great grandfather had sung it for him privately. Roxanne’s version of the melody was tweaked a bit but he still knew it. Another person told her the woman in her dream was calling her to the land because she’s meant to be a shaman and heal others.  But Roxanne didn’t know where to start or learn these skills. Healing Ceremony Not long after these discussions, Roxanne woke up one morning and knew she had to go into the forest to heal, even though it was pouring down rain. She got into her vehicle and felt a flood of emotion come over her, which desensitized her to all the traumatic events that happened in her life. This was actually a good thing. While driving, she chanted a healing song, plus the one from the dream as well. Arriving in the forest, Roxanne hiked out to ancient healing grounds and saw a big rock. She knew this is where her healing would take place. Chaput did a smudging ceremony on the rock, burning sage, cedar, and other herbs to clear and purify herself. The four elements were there – air, water, earth and fire. Soul Mission as a Healer All of a sudden, a deer emerged, as did a chipmunk, and a humming bird to greet her and she took this as a sign of support. She sat on that rock for over four hours, crying her heart out. Wrapping up the ceremony, it dawned on her that not one drop of rain fell upon her, even though it had been pouring! At that point, Roxanne realized that if she could do this kind of healing for even one other person, she will have completed her soul mission. This was her soul purpose. Healing herself this way, she had a profound sense of who she was and what she needed to do. Raising  Your Frequency When people raise their frequency, they can have a life of unconditional love and inner peace. Sharing unconditional love and eliminating judgement can make a tremendous difference in the healing process, all part of Roxanne’s soul purpose. We are not here to have perfection but are intended to experience individuality and our strengths and weaknesses. All of this needs to be accepted as part of life. Polarity and Divisiveness When does anyone feel good in a state of hate? No one! It’s draining, exhausting, and not the essence of who we are or what people want. Yet, there is a lot of polarity, misunderstanding each other, and hatred of people who don’t think like you do. With this polarity, it’s hard to imagine how to bring the two sides together again. I asked Roxanne her thoughts about healing this big gap. She said this has been far more prevalent than ever before. But there is always going to be the dark and the light, the yin and the yang. Making a Choice You can choose to add to the divisiveness and hatred or add to the love and inner peace. Even though there will always be polarity, you get to decide what you want to add to. Just remember there is the Law of Cause and Effect. The world has been traumatized by all of this. Think about what you absorb being receptive to the news and social media that makes you feel helpless and powerless. This lowers your vibration and frequency. Take time to clear your energy field to reduce this in your life. Validation Comes from Within However, if someone comes at you aggressively talking, you have the right to say something like, “You have crossed an emotional boundary. That behavior is unacceptable and you will no longer have access to me.” This kind of boundary work is part of her soul mission. If you feel attacked, helpless, or burdened, you can always connect with the oneness of the Universe to lift yourself up and strengthen your power. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what other people think about you and how you live your life. It’s so important to stop caring about external validation – like social media. Your validation must come from within. Stop adding to the narrative that keeps you steeped in controversy and challenging your state of being. She suggests that you keep what you are doing to yourself or you will be open to other people’s judgement. Healing the World This is how Roxanne is bringing together her world – all part of her soul mission. Bringing her celestial perspective and energy to real world issues that we all deal with every day. That’s what makes her such a beautiful soul and her work so important. We need that upliftment and higher perspective. Roxanne suggests that we listen to our intuitive voice within. Silence the noise and chaos and listen. Ask yourself if you are living a life that is unfulfilled. Do you need to pivot or look at life from a different perspective? Her last words of advice are to be thankful for all the things that happen in this human experience. Be sure to love yourself, know who you are, and the incredibleness that is inside you. BIO – Roxanne Chaput Roxanne is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Roxanne Chaput Limited, Celestial Guide, Celestial+Generational Earth Shaman, Quantum Healer, Inspirational Speaker, Show Host of Soul to Soul with Roxanne and Life+Love Mentor. Roxanne guides individuals in transition to create lasting sustainable change in their lives. Her soul purpose is to provide a safe and powerful place for her clients to discover the answers they need to move forward spiritually, energetically, personally with absolute purpose and clarity. In essence, her soul mission is to Guide, Heal, Love, Awaken, Inspire, Ignite Energetic Passion and Empower amazingness within one’s own self by guiding her clients to Free their Soul as they embrace and connect to their intuitive knowingness while embodying inner-peace and inner-love. Roxanne’s certifications: Certified Life Purpose Coach, Transformational Life Coach, Cognitive Behavior Coach, Confidence Life Coach, Emotional Intelligence Coach, Enlightened Relationship Coach, Law of Attraction Coach, Forgiveness Coach, and Shamanic Healer. Website & Social Media Soul Connection Call)   The post Soul Mission With Generational Shaman Roxanne Chaput appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Sep 5, 2022 • 8min

What The Faerie Realm Offers Humans – Podcast Snack

Here’s what I learned about the Faerie Realm when a group of us went into the Akashic Records to gain insights on what they offer humans. Faeries and the Akashic Records This was an amazing experience that I am still smiling about. Every month I get together with four other spiritually-minded women to talk about out lives and what we are working on. It’s a spiritual mastermind. We always wrap up our session by going into the Akashic Records at the same time, to help an individual who has something going on or we’re all curious about a particular topic. One woman had recently visited with the Faerie Realm in a nearby park and was telling us what happened. She had left them an offering and is working to get to know them. This made us all curious about what purpose the faeries, Fae Folk or Sidhe (sounds like “she”) and regular fairies serve here on earth and what they offer humans. Good question, right? They exist in a realm or dimension that is close to ours and sometimes people can see them! There are also little fairies (notice the spelling is different) that are part of the elemental kingdom which are different than the Fae. We wanted a better understanding of both fairies and the Faerie Realm as to why are they here, what do we need to know, and what do we gain by communicating with them. 5 Messages about Faeries I’m going to share what all five of us received in the Akashic Records. We were very respectful and agreed to only look at what they wanted us to see from the records. We didn’t dive into any one particular Fae’s records, so there wasn’t any invasion of their privacy. The group wanted to know about the bigger perspective of the Faery race to understand how our interacting with them can be helpful and what we can learn from them. Fountains of Joy I sought to connect with the little winged fairies, which I encountered at the Blarney Castle in Ireland. There, the people created a fairy garden. Sitting there for about 3 minutes because we were so rushed, I closed my eyes and the fairies came immediately, flitting around my face and eyes. Just about two inches high, they were so happy I came to visit them. This was an incredible, exhilarating, and gleeful experience for me and this is what I wanted to know more about in the Akashic Records. What these tiny fairies said to me (and maybe this was a more personal message) was that they wanted humanity to lighten up! “Open your heart, sing, and dance. Throw fairy dust and enjoy the sparkles. When you work with fairy dust daily, please sprinkle it liberally, and allow yourself to enjoy those sparkles any time, anywhere. You are made to feel joyful and here to experience joy rather than being mired down by all the problems and things you want to change with yourself or the world. That’s OK, but mix it up with joy in between or after.” They said, “Call on the fairies to ask for help to lighten you up, lift your spirit, or lighten your load. We will help you shift your energy and perspective. We love to help and share our joy and love.” Then they sent me fountains of joy and limitless fairy dust. I was so beyond happy, elated, and blissful with this exchange and the message. Totally amazing. Listen to another episode about Nature spirits, elementals and plant devas The Eyes of a Child The next person heard, “Magic is everywhere and you have the need to use the eyes of a child. Go back to your child-like self. That’s how you can more easily see the Faerie Realm.” They are part of Gaia or mother earth energy, dedicated to creating balance in the eco-system. I thought that was a fabulous message – the faeries are here to help the earth and help us. This is a theme that continues in other messages. Unearth Knowledge and Healing The third woman who is the one that talks to the faeries said that they wish to bridge the span between people and the Faerie Realm to bring unity and healing to the earth. They are here to unearth the knowledge that can heal and assist with preservation of the earth. Also, they work to create greater longevity. The power of this healing lies within our human hearts! They asked humans to be like children, be joyful, and go play. Be creative and do creative projects. The Fae want to be better understood and accepted. The wee ones are open and want you to trust what you see, hear and feel and share with others. They want you to be in communion with Mother Earth. Respect Mother Earth The fourth woman of our group said the faeries make the world green and their presence is ancient. That’s definitely true of the elemental kingdom. They colorize our world and without them there would be no green. Their message was to avoid disrespecting Gaia and the spirit of Mother Earth. They asked that we strive to preserve it. Inviting us to have a spiritual connection with Mother Earth and be in communion with the Faerie Realm and elementals. There have been hundred of years where we have been out of balance with the earth from a human perspective, which has changed the way we grow our food and approach agriculture, build our cities and roads. Instead, they ask humans to come from a place of being part of Mother Earth and one with her. This will shift how we relate to Mother Earth and our level of respect for her. Be the Best You Can Be The fifth woman heard that the Faeries’ request that we be the best we can be. The best version of yourself. The faeries bring joy, which should be shared, and they enjoy being with humans who are open to them. These messages opened our hearts and filled us with joy. After our session was completed, there were many follow up texts, which is not our usual process. That’s because there was a tremendous amount of excitement and a lot of love flowed between all of us from this experience. I have experienced many warm and welcoming conversations with the Faery Realm and elemental world. Today I wanted to share something fun, creative, and joyful with you. I could always use a little more joy – what about you? Why not connect with the fairies and Fae Folk, and take advantage of what they offer humans? I hope this lifted your spirits today. As always my blessing is, “May you live in the magic.” Learn more about elementals, nature spirits, and the plant kingdom.       The post What The Faerie Realm Offers Humans – Podcast Snack appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Sep 2, 2022 • 29min

Ancient Arts, Sacred Sciences, And Laughter With Timothy Stuetz

Learn about ancient arts, sacred sciences, and laughter with Timothy Stuetz, including a fun visualization to manifest three wishes! We talked about how to quiet the mind, smile more, and find an endless source of laughter. The Past No Longer Bothers Timothy My guest Timothy made a bold statement. He says that over the last 42 years, practicing and teaching various spiritual practices, it’s almost like the past doesn’t exist for him any more. In other words, it doesn’t drag him down. His practices have included meditation, Reiki, Tai Chi, Yoga & Qigong, among others. Every day is so complete, it’s hard for him to imagine anything beyond what is happening right now, even though he has memories of course. But, anything that challenged him in the past, no longer has energy or emotions attached to it. Nice, right? I told him that seemed like quite an accomplishment, since many people carry a big suitcase filled with all sort of emotional wounds and hardships. I asked him how he managed to let it all go. Timothy attributes his freedom to God’s grace and daily meditation. Plus, he’s worked with many teachers over the years. Everything has been a mirror for what he needed to learn and see in himself. He’d ask himself about all the different reflections he faced, “What am I supposed to learn from this relationship?” This questioning has been tremendously helpful. What Is Timothy Doing Now? Timothy’s career has been quite varied including being a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), a reverend, a chocolatier, and a master of several ancient arts and sacred sciences. Today, he has a Quantum Energy Academy where he trains people to carry on the gifts he’s been given. This 18-month training program includes Quantum Energy Healing, and various forms of meditation, Tai Chi, Qigong, and yoga. You can take classes just for yourself or get certified to teach others. One big questions I posed to Timothy is how do we embody more of the magical life he talks about? What are the necessary core elements to make that happen? Timothy responded, “Practice, practice, practice and choosing something that really resonates with you.” Also, don’t give up on a practice too quickly, because anything new may feel strange at first. It may trigger reactions that make you want to give up. But stay with your choice long enough to know it’s something you want to continue or move on if it doesn’t resonate. Prolific Children’s Book Author Timothy is the world’s most prolific writer of children’s book. The stories and exercises in these books will energize the reader’s magical powers of love and create miracles. One exercise teaches how to empower three wishes and send them out into the world, making the reader a powerful magician. My guest said we all have magical powers but we need to remember and learn how to use them.  The ancient arts and sacred sciences are a great path to get you there. Timothy actually leads listeners through a fun exercise to attract three wishes, but you’ll have to listen to the podcast for that. For me, it felt very powerful and got the energy moving all around my body. A Barrel of Laughter Another exercise teaches children how to create a smiling body. If you literally sit and smile, then visualize putting a smile into every organ and part of our body and practice this for a week or two, you will smile a lot more effortlessly. A barrel of laughter can be found by focusing on the dantian (sacral chakra 2 ” below the navel). This is a great solution for what is happening in the world right now. Find the laughter within to stay happy. Timothy says he does listen to the news once in a while, so he can consciously choose where to direct his healing energy in the world. It works better than just sending out a general blanket of love and light. Reclaiming His Smile After finishing his training to learn and teach Tai Chi, his first teacher told him he knew the movements and how to instruct students really well. But she asked if he could do this with a smile on his face! Once she said this, a memory came forward of his father telling him to, “Wipe that smile of his face.” Because of this, Timothy had been on the more serious side. But his teacher’s words hit him like a ton of bricks. She reawakened his natural smile and why he had stopped allowing himself to smile. Then with God’s grace, he started laughing after a meditation retreat which was a huge release. He laughed for 6.5 hours straight! Can you imagine? The final piece to this story is, as he awakened one morning, he had a sense that one of his meditation masters was sitting at the top of his pillow. He felt his teacher’s fingers pull at the corners of his mouth, creating a smile. The more you smile, the easier it gets and the more natural too. When you are not feeling joy, you have lost track of your heart, regardless of what is going on outside. Practice finding the joy. A Place For Gratitude To me, this is a place for gratitude practice. Notice what is working and appreciate all of it. A grateful heart provides elevated energy and a higher frequency. Another strategy that helps is from the author, Lynn Grabhorn, or talks about marveling. Look at nature to wonder how it works and knows exactly what to do. Getting in touch with life through the eyes of a child in this fashion changes everything. This is a mindfulness practice that gets you off the anxiety train and helps you feel more present. Reverend Yugen Bond, minimalist, talks more about mindfulness in this interview. When you quiet your mind, your intuition and spirit guides can get through to you more easily. If you are trying to develop your intuitive abilities, this is super important. Tai Chi and Qigong also help you quiet the mind. You focus on the soles of your feet or below your navel while you are moving, and somehow that manages to erase those deep thinking groves. These practices draw upon the ancient arts and sacred sciences Timothy has studied in-depth. Click here for an episode on Qigong and Tai Chi. Vibrating Like 1,000 Suns Timothy’s last piece of advice is to find a practice that you love that gets you to tune back into your inner self. When your mind is churning, thinking over and over about something, give it something else to repeat that is distracting and uplifting. You could repeat any of these: I am A name of God Peace Love Om, etc. Breathe in and feel the love that you are. Let it radiate through your body to constantly reinforce the ongoing experience of who you truly are. This is another of the ancient arts and sacred sciences for sure. Every cell of your body is capable of vibrating with the energy of 1,000 suns. We’ve all have a good experience in life and those good vibes and feelings are inside you. Tap back into that to relive the experience whenever you want it to raise your frequency. BIO – Timothy Stuetz An astrologer once told Timothy, “You don’t change jobs, you change careers.”  And he was right! He’s been a Certified Public Accountant, an Ordained Minister, a Master of Multiple Ancient Arts and Sacred Sciences (Meditation, Reiki, T’ai Chi, Yoga & Qigong). He’s also the most prolific author of children’s books alive today. Bliss Beary Bear’s Educational, Entertaining & Inspirational Fairy Tales Of The Heart have more original characters than even Disney has created! Timothy also the Executive Director and Founder of Transformations, a nonprofit dedicated to assisting people of all ages achieve their maximum personal and professional potential by integrating body, mind, heart and soul. Holding people at birth and death and empowering them in all ways in between, he has developed expertise in human development, generating and using internal energy to restore health, relaxation, focus, to be successful and connect with and live their Original Magic! Website and Social Media The post Ancient Arts, Sacred Sciences, And Laughter With Timothy Stuetz appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Aug 28, 2022 • 7min

Focus On The Present & Be Positive – Podcast Snack

Why complain about the past, when it won’t get you anywhere? In this short Podcast Snack, I’m talking about why you want to focus on the present to stay positive and create a bright future. What Is a Podcast Snack? This is my first Podcast Snack which is like a little nibble of information for when you have a moment in between other activities. I want to be a little more open and share what is on my mind from a spiritual perspective. There won’t be a regular schedule for these Podcast Snacks. They’ll come up when something hits me that I want to talk about. So, this is the first one – yay for me! Sharing on LinkedIn I’ve been enjoying LinkedIn and have been on the platform a long time. Lately, I’ve been making more comments, sharing, and posting more often. It’s a more professional platform, but sometimes I see some of that nastiness you find on Facebook and Twitter. This always surprises me. There’s a lot of negativity that people put into their sharing. Everybody gets to choose what’s right for them. Personally when I share, I always try to share from a place that could inspire, uplift or show appreciation. This is because I’m looking for opportunities to lift and expand my own energy. When I share from this place I have the chance to lift or inspire others. That’s how I look at sharing on social media, strange as that might seem. The New Jane Goodall Barbie Doll What inspired me today to create a Podcast Snack was something posted by the Female Lead, a group with 3.3 million followers on LinkedIn. They post comments on women and women’s roles, etc. Today in the post was a picture of Jane Goodall with a Barbie doll wearing a safari outfit and binoculars with a chimp doll. There’s a quote from Jane that says, “When I was growing up there weren’t any female role models.” This is related to the new Barbie doll that represents her – its her own doll. I thought this was such a fun thing – how nice! Her focus on the present to improve today. Complaining and Feeling Insulted Of course, there were complainers. One woman said she disagreed because there have always been role models. Just because they weren’t career women didn’t mean they weren’t good role models. She felt the post insulted women like her grandmother. I find it very hard to believe with who Jane Goodall is, all the work she did, and where she was coming from that she wanted to insult stay-at-homes wives. The women who cleaned, baked, raised children, did charity work, and all the traditional stuff were not being slighted. I don’t think Jane’s intention with Barbie and saying there were no role models when she grew up was to put down the house wife. I really doubt it. But she didn’t want to be a house wife. She had other dreams for she wanted to do and that’s fine. Everybody gets to do their own thing today, right? All she was saying was there probably weren’t any other women out in the bush in Africa studying chimpanzees. Or doing that kind of scientific research she did in the wild. She didn’t have any female role models doing what she wanted to do. Yes, there were always women to inspire us. The Suffragettes in the early 1900s picketed and did everything they could to get the women’s vote. They fought to convince President Woodrow Wilson to get over it and make us equal by signing the bill and giving us the vote. This is a great example of female role models from more than 100 year ago. Negativity on Social Media The thing that really hit me was, how many people make negative comments and are angry about history. My point is, let’s not complain about history. It wasn’t perfect but what is perfect? Everything starts somewhere. So, when you go back and look at history and say, They didn’t do a good enough job!” That doesn’t work. You can’t go back and look at history through the eyes of today because they weren’t here now. They were living on earth back then, which was a different time with different social mores, etc. Focus on the Present Moment When you expend energy being mad about the past, then you are not in the present and you are not working on the future. To quote Deepak Chopra, “Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask yourself if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.” So, that’s my point and what I said on LinkedIn. I wrote a post that said, “You can’t go back and make your bed.” I don’t know if you are familiar with that old adage. You can’t make your bed again, it’s in the past. You can’t change that. So, we can’t go back and edit history. However, we can be here now and focus on the present moment. We can think about what we can do today and who we can inspire for tomorrow. Be concerned about the roles models we create for the youth of today by being our best selves, and striving for what we want. This is accomplished by being a positive force now. Can I Inspire You to Be Positive? I guess I’m hoping that I might inspire you to be positive in your comments on social media. You might be angry sometimes and you might not even like what I’m saying and that’s OK too. I’m just saying it for those people who might inspired to try something different. My hope is that people will leave their anger about the past in the past, and expend and use their energy for the present to can create the reality you want today. We can’t change what happened in the past. There’s nothing we can do about it. But we sure can change right now, and we can absolutely change our future. Words have great power – use them wisely, consciously, and when possible, for the good of all concerned. If you’re interested in Business or Life Intuitive Coaching, or a one-time intuitive or past life reading, please email me at Ronnie[@] and let’s schedule a complimentary 20-minute consultation. Thanks!   The post Focus On The Present & Be Positive – Podcast Snack appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Aug 26, 2022 • 29min

Law Of Attraction – Money With Manifesting Coach Cassie Parks

Working with the Law of Attraction for money? In this week’s episode, my guest Cassie Parks, manifesting coach, talks about how she has helped clients attract $10,000+ for many years. Cassie’s First Manifesting Success! I asked Cassie how she got started on this wild ride. Her story started in 8th grade, when she was in a fundraiser contest at school that required her to sell five things on the first day to get her name in the $20 drawing. Before going to sleep, she pictured herself sitting in her seat at school, hearing her name called, walking down the stairs ands getting her $20. The next day, she was the 3rd name called and won $20! While this was a great start, she still had a lot to learn. There’s More to LOA Than Believing Cassie truly believes you can create whatever you want and the mind is very powerful. She was interested in psychology or being a counselor. Then in her early to mid 20s, she believed in the Law of Attraction (money), but she thought that was all it took. This meant she was pushing and howling and it was not working at all. Then the clouds cleared and she finally realized what it took to let go, allow, and enjoy life along the way instead of pushing that thing to manifest. Finally, success came! Cassie manifested her financial freedom with enough passive income to quit her job. That’s when she started to build her coaching practice which she had been longing to do for a while. She wrote a money manifesting course six months before leaving her job and launched it six months after leaving. Over 200 people took her program and she created a five-figure launch. In the past, Cassie had only made two sales, so this was quite an accomplishment. This became the basis for what people came to her to learn about. Next she expanded to the next level, working with the future self. I mentioned how in coaching school we also did work with the future self. I was in. It was such an exciting concept. The Magic of Law of Attraction – Money What was the magic that turned things around for her, helped her quit her job and launch her coaching practice? Cassie pointed to two important things: 1. Looking at her money story. – She had to shift and write a new money story. That required thinking about what she really wanted and stepping into it. She focused on how to move into that more every day. 2. Working with scripting. – When she first quit her job, she knew what it felt like to have a little bit of success as a coach, getting to about $1,000 a month, however she hoped for so much more. Cassie also knew what it was like to create products that no one bought. (Me too!) Lacking the experience of what it felt like to have clients achieving great success or being a coach who was making money was a hinderance. So, before she wrote the money course, she scripted every day about what it felt like to be a successful coach and have successful clients. Cassie stepped into these roles and created it in her mind first, to give herself the experience. Getting into that future energy was exciting and exhilarating. What Sets Cassie Apart? I asked Cassie what sets her apart as a manifesting coach from the crowd working with the Law of attraction. She responded her approach is practical, easy, and fun. When most people come to her, they’ve already listened to a bunch of other Law of Attraction coaches and have this long list of things they think they should be doing which is exhausting. Scripting and Evidence Journaling Instead, Cassie suggests 20-minutes of scripting a day and then pay attention to the stories you tell yourself, what thoughts come to mind, and the choices you make. She does very practical, easy, fun methods and has created assignments in her program that build trust, help you set intentions, and let them go. Then some days you’ll do nothing, so you can have fun along the way. Counting the evidence and the signs that what you want to manifest is happening is essential. She has clients keep an “It’s Happening List,” so you can’t discount your progress or success. On the other hand, when you hate the process because it’s too hard or complicated or you can’t get it all done, you end up having bad feelings about yourself. You start to question the validity of the Law of Attraction (money). That’s just not productive! With Cassie, she keeps it simple and fun. I Found Love with LOA I talked about how I used the Law of Attraction most successfully to find my husband, Paul. We’ve been married now for 22 years – yay! My method was to write affirmations, that became poems, that turned into chants or songs which I sang all the time. I didn’t have to carve time out specifically for this. I sang my songs while driving, taking a walk, doing the dishes or in the shower. I did the manifesting while doing other things. I found the songs highly uplifting and always felt happy afterwards. This raised my vibration and put me in the energy of matching my heart’s desire to find the right romantic life partner. That’s the Law of Attraction in action! Pay After Manifesting Cassie actually has a very unusual way to offer her program. She allows you to sign up and pay at the end. Isn’t that cool? You pay based on your success, with 10% of whatever money you manifested during the time in her program. There’s no excuse this way- you just have to do the work! One of Cassie’s pet peeves is people who think change should happen instantly. You can see some results quickly. But imagine trying to change the direction of a large cruise ship – it can’t turn on a dime, right? That is in essence of what some people expect and doesn’t work. Another problem can be distraction, also called Shiny Object Syndrome. There is always something new to chase. When it comes to personal development, the choices are endless, but you have to pick one and stay the course. Keep going and don’t give up. Money Stories After interviewing her clients over a few years, Cassie discovered a number of prevalent money stories. These are the stories people tell themselves about their relationship with money. See if one of these fits. Survival (There’s never enough – you are just surviving.) Money Chasing (You spend money on everything to make money.) Money Hot Mess (You have money, but nothing to show for it.) Just Enough (You have enough to cover expenses but can’t save.) Hold Tight (You hold on tightly and deny yourself to save pennies.) Sometimes these stories match your parents’ money stories or can be the opposite, as you try to break free of how you grew up around money. To hear more about money stories, listen to the podcast with the player at the top of the page – its wonderful. BIO – Cassie Parks, Manifesting Coach Cassie is the fairy godmother for people who struggle to manifest more than parking spaces. Through her positive reality podcast, books, and online coaching program, she shakes up your approach to using the law of attraction (money) while making it all feel easy, practical, and of course fun. Her insights have been featured on Colorado’s best, in the Huffington Post, and on one of the most downloaded episodes of Primal Blueprint. She could make an episode on any of these, or any other ideas you have that your audience would find interesting. She’s the author of several books including Manifest $10,000, Double Your Business, and Marketing to Serve. Cassie also wrote a three book series on the Champagne Life, plus a couple of novellas! Here’s her Amazon author page. When she’s not teaching people how to attract more money, you can find her in the pool, having a dance party with my favorite kiddos, concocting powerful female leads for her novellas, and occasionally sipping on her favorite chocolate cake champagne cocktail. Website, Podcast & Social Media Manifesting Success Stories Podcast Manifest It Now Podcast The post Law Of Attraction – Money With Manifesting Coach Cassie Parks appeared first on Intuitive Edge.

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