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Dec 2, 2022 • 0sec

Meet Lynn Robinson, Author Of Put Your Intuition To Work

Meet Lynn Robinson, bestselling author of Put Your Intuition to Work and popular speaker on the hot topic of intuition. She tells people how to tap into the power of their own inner GPS. Put Your Intuition to Work I just finished Lynn’s newest book and totally loved it. It was jam-packed with so many amazing and simple examples of how to use your intuition on the job or your personal life. Lynn’s whole business was launched by her intuition. She was working at an IT company near Boston and knew she didn’t want to do this “When she grew up,” LOL. She was working with a coach and longed to be self-employed, wanted to do something with counseling people, and was fascinated by intuition and spirituality. Her coach was the one who got her started using the Law of Attraction, visualizing, and writing down her wishes. Following Her Intuition Then, a friend passed away and she went to his funeral. Have you ever had a situation when you intend to do one thing, but do another? She intended to sit near a friend. But the internal voice directed her to sit next to someone she didn’t know. She wondered what that suggestion was all about. But then when the service was over, they started chatting and the woman asked what she did for a living. Instead of talking about the software company, Lynn mentioned her idea of starting an intuitive business. Turns out the woman was a writer for the Boston Globe and wanted a reading! Hear more about developing intuition in this episode Intuition Launched Lynn’s Business Yes, she wrote an article about Lynn Robinson, and that totally launched her new career as she got 500 clients booked from that one article! Can you imagine? Lynn says your intuition can show up through an inner voice, a gut feeling, or a knowing about something. So, walking into the funeral service, she just knew she had to sit next to that woman. A couple of things make this quite powerful: She heard something intuitively She acted on the message! Intuition is a skill, so the more you use it and work it, the better you get at it. With time, your intuition may develop other qualities like a sense of calm or a directness of the suggestions. Different Ways People Receive Messages Then, Lynn Robinson asked me how intuition comes to me. I told my own story about hearing intuition and following through. You can listen to the whole story in the podcast but, here’s bottom line. A candle fell out of the holder and was lying on it’s side charring my dining room table because I ignored the intuition I heard! Lesson learned! We don’t all get intuition the same way – there are many ways that it can come to you including as a voice, a sense, a feeling in your body, or an image in your mind. Here’s one way Lynn suggests to start to trust to your intuition for decision making. If you feel excited, interested compelled, that’s a good sign and worth following. However, if something brings you down, that’s more of a warning to move away from that option. Don’t Talk Yourself Out Of It Often people talk themselves out of following their intuition, thinking they are protecting themselves. But intuition will help you move out of your comfort zone, so while it may feel risky, it truly is good guidance. I also asked my guest, “How do you know if the message is one of fear or intuition? Lynn’s response was so obvious – why didn’t I think of it – ask! Ask yourself what is the source of the information? Is this fear or is it a warning? Great advice! Lynn Robinson likes to do intuitive readings for entrepreneurs. She has found that many are actively using their intuition, even if they aren’t aware of it or calling it that. They often keep pen and paper near by to jot down thoughts as they come in. For example, while interviewing potential new hires, note down the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses, if they’d get along with the team, and if hiring them will work out. We have much more knowledge within than we may be aware of. Learn more about your inner wisdom Fear Can Get in the Way Gavin De Becker wrote The Gift of Fear which is a book about trusting your intuition. Lynn ascribes to the philosophy of, “Feel the fear and do it anyway.” She admitted she was terribly scared at first, when clients started coming to her and she had to deal with imposter syndrome. But your intuition helps you grow, which is why sometimes it’s good to get out of your comfort zone. I’ve been doing readings for over 30 years like Lynn, and on occasion I also still question myself. It’s natural. But when doing readings, you have to say what you get. The only time you might not is if the message is something horrifying and then you want to soften it a bit. In general though, editing stops the flow of information and is not advised. Be Open With Your Reader We both admitted that we really dislike when people play, “Test the psychic.” They won’t share anything, provide any reaction, or their body language is guarded. The truth is, the more open you are with the your reader, the better your reading will be.  That’s how you get your money’s worth! This is not to suggest that you should share lots of information before the reading – not at all. But you can say you agree, or what you find to be interesting, or how that has meaning for you. Or, that the information doesn’t resonate. What you are actually doing by asking a question or providing feedback is helping to open the energy exchange, which allows your reader can go deeper. Lynn made a prediction that I just loved! Think about how the coaching industry was just 10 years ago compared to now when many business have coaches on staff or hire on retainer. She feels the same thing will happen with professional intuitives! Star Trek Was Onto Something Then we laughed about the intuitive advisor on Star Trek’s the Next Generation, Deanna Troi. Today, many of the tried and true methods of doing business are no longer working. That’s why listening to your gut or getting intuitive advice can help or build confidence about a decision you’ve made. More Insights & Suggestions Lynn  Robinson told a great story about getting the winning lottery numbers for a drawing that was $5.2 million Permit yourself to explore when making a big decision and find out why this matters Small steps are very important to build your skills (we discussed Kaizen, a Japanese management method) How to manage your fear about change Why getting a reading can be extremely affirming Lynn has a bunch of entertaining quizzes on her website so make sure you visit and enjoy the fun! Bio – Lynn Robinson Lynn Robinson is a bestselling author and popular speaker on the hot topic of intuition. She talks about how to tap into the power of your own “Inner GPS.” Her consulting clients consistently praise her uncanny intuitive insights as “spot on” resulting in increased personal clarity, creative solutions and overall business success. Her latest book is Put Your Intuition to Work (Weiser). She’s also the author of Divine Intuition: Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace and Prosperity Website & Social Links Lynn’s Website Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: Her Books: Amazon Author Page     The post Meet Lynn Robinson, Author Of Put Your Intuition To Work appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Nov 25, 2022 • 30min

The Fairy Realm and Ladies Of The Lake with Bernadette Wulf

The Fairy Realm and Ladies of the Lake come together to help humanity move into the New Earth. Bernadette Wulf reveals the true role of faeries in the Arthurian legend during this mystical interview. (Note: I’m going to be using “faeries” and “fairies” interchangeably throughout this post, so more people can find this episode when searching online.) The Fairy Realm Bernadette has always been interested in the fairy realm since she was a child. She didn’t play with the fairies as a kid, but always drawn to the fairy tales and knew there was something more to life than what she was being told. As an adult, she took shamanic journey courses to connect with the fairies and that’s when she started having experiences with them. I had never heard of shamanic journeying to connect with fairies – that was new to me! Bernadette mentioned several teachers John and Caitlin Matthews and RJ Stewart, Tom Cowan mostly connected to Celtic magical teachings and lore. These teachers provide guided journeys versus just drumming in the Native America tradition, and this helped her connect with the faeries in a strong way. The Sidhe and Tuatha de Da’an Today, she communicates with the Sidhe, (the Irish term for faeries who are descendants of the Tuatha de Da’an, a race God-like beings), plant devas, and weather elementals. Originally, we were the same race according to Bernadette’s studies, but humans went into denser energies while the Fae stayed in the fairy realm which is also called the etheric realm. This is the same place where nature spirits reside. Her strongest connection has been with the fairies of Avalon and from Arthurian legends. Since they live a lot longer than us, Bernadette says some are still actively trying to communicate with us because we share this planet, even though on a different dimensional level. They are working to remind us to take care of the planet, the animals, and the ecological systems. What we have done to the earth is impacting their world as well. While the nature spirits are working to create harmony, humans clear cut an entire forest which causes tremendous disruption to the energy of the area. The faeries are reaching out to convince us to do better and take care of the earth. Meditate to Meet the Faeries I asked about the group meditations she leads into the fairy realm. Recently Bernadette lead a journey to Avalon to meet with the Avalon Fairies. She’s also done journeys to meet the Sidhe, along with others. Whoever she works with are all very intent on bringing in the New Earth reality. We are unlimited beings and although it can take time to manifest what we want; we are here to create our reality. This is a co-creative reality and working with the faeries makes the process stronger. At times, talking about fairies can be confusing because there are the little fairies that work with nature and the Fae which are more human-like. The fairy means different things to different people. I asked about the elves from the Lord of the Rings series and Bernadette said they really are the Fae, but the author, Tolkien, didn’t like how the word had become a derogatory term for gay people. Listen to this podcast snack about the Faeries. Shamanic Journeys Then I was curious about her shamanic journeys to visit the fairy realm and I wanted to know if she goes with a bigger purpose or intent. How do people actually step into the New Earth now? Bernadette says her fairy guides nudge her until she puts a workshop together. She channels them during the workshop, allowing the faeries to lead the program. A recent program was created to allow Morgan le Fay to help participants clear their shadows. What do people come away with in terms of experience and knowledge. The World of Wonder, which is Bernadette’s free gift, allows people to see how the fairies see the world, where everything is malleable and beautiful. They bring in the arts music, singing and dancing. The new earth offers a sense of freedom to create the world and your life the way you want it to be. You get to have what you want and everyone can do it the way that suits them. Fairies & Healing I asked, “What’s been most surprising for you about doing this work for decades?” Initially, Bernadette’s approach to connecting with the faeries was more superficial. But now the work has gone much deeper. Most of the time she works with the same faeries, often with the Ladies of Avalon and a couple of elfin guides too. In the past it might have been true that the Sidhe could be nasty when you crossed them. But today, those stories have really quieted down. The worlds have separated more, so now the Fae who want to work with humans step forward and the ones that don’t stay clear. However, it’s essential to be honest and have integrity when working with the fairy realm. If you say you are going to do something, you better do it. They are very powerful, so never cross them and be sure to follow through on what you promise. That’s part of moving into the New Earth – becoming more conscious of how our actions impact things. Like our buying habits for example. People as where was this made and what will happen to it when I’m done with it. Arthurian Legends Curious about the Ladies of the Lake (also called Ladies of Avalon), I asked Bernadette to tell us a little more. She pointed out that they are shape shifters, so they can appear any way they want. In Arthurian legend, they were initiating the knights and appeared as ugly old hags. But if the knights followed through on their promises, they could marry the ladies who would then appear as beautiful. Bernadette sees them as tall and elegant. She got to know the Ladies of the Lake reading a lot of books about King Arthur, especially the earlier ones. As time went on and the church had more influence, they started demonizing the Fae women. The stories changed and became tainted. Morgan le Fay became someone evil, but originally she was the Queen of Avalon or High Priestess. As the story evolved over time, she became a temptress as Arthur’s half-sister, who pulled down the whole kingdom. That wasn’t her original role. Ladies of the Lake Guinevere was also originally from Avalon or the fairy realm, and volunteered to become human, marry Arthur and be his queen. This was done to anchor the energy of Camelot in the human world. In addition, Nimueh, who was Merlin’s girlfriend or wife, was demonized. The stories were changed to say she trapped Merlin in a tree or tower, but the couple actually worked together. He came and went freely, so this was not how the original legend was told. In the book, The Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley seems to have gone astray from the original story and according to Bernadette she had a more material way of looking at what transpired with the Ladies of the Lake. I had always loved this book, so was disappointed to hear this. Patriarchy Changed King Arthur’s Story As the Arthurian legend changed over the years, and the women were demoted in terms of importance, intent, and spirituality. Another example is the addition of Lancelot who was NOT part of the original story. In other words, in the original tale, Guinevere did not cheat on Arthur with Lancelot, since he didn’t even exist as part of the legend. I never thought about how poorly women were presented in this legend or that were amended by the church and the patriarchy. Good to know the women of Camelot were from the fairy realm and meant to remind of us our divine feminine spiritual nature. Phew! Bernadette shared a few books that are closer to the original legend. Faery Gates of Avalon Red Tree White Tree Guenevere and the Round Table Excalibur & the Sword in the Stone We explored other parts of the King Arthur story including the sword in the stone, Excalibur, and more. So, what is our take away from these stories? The point is to reconnect humanity with the sacred symbols and rebalance us. Today, the faeries want to awaken our spiritual side and divine feminine nature, which has been lost or repressed over the centuries as we moved deeper in to a patriarchal world. One reason these stories are so popular, is because they still ring a bell in human consciousness, reminding us that there is another reality and of our original spiritual makeup. What a great interview! Thanks Bernadette! BIO – Bernadette Wulf Health, Wealth & Faery Magic Teacher Bernadette Wulf is sought out by intuitives, sensitives and empaths to guide their way to the New Earth reality! Step with me into the New Earth now with her where effortless prosperity and thriving in harmony with all life is the new normal. Bernadette is passionate about connecting you with the faery realm, protecting the environment, plant-based nutrition, the well-being of all life, creative expression, and magical manifestation of dreams coming true. She has decades of experience leading guided shamanic journeys and teaching Celtic magical lore, plus plant-based nutrition, Law of Attraction and Energy Healing. Bernadette offers  written and live Zoom courses, recordings, and private coaching. Website & Social Media Links Facebook Groups Soul Gardeners – Inspiring Good News Sustainable & DIY Alternatives to Pollution & Plastic Whole Food Plant-Based, Gluten Free Recipes – Medical Medium Compatible Faehallows Magical Community WulfWorks Visionary Art Group Facebook Pages Celtic Magic & Faery Lore 5th Dimension and Beyond The post The Fairy Realm and Ladies Of The Lake with Bernadette Wulf appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Nov 22, 2022 • 0sec

The Simplicity And Power Of Gratitude

In this bonus episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, I share my very simple gratitude practice. Find out how to nourish your soul in just a few minutes. When you build on even the smallest moments that you’re grateful for, you’ll lift your spirit, raise your vibe, and expand your world. And remember, the smallest positive ripples you make, expand out into your world, offering an uplifting moment to everyone in your world and beyond. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.   The post The Simplicity And Power Of Gratitude appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Nov 18, 2022 • 0sec

Creating Moments of Joy And Your Dream Life With Colleen Coles

Ready for creating moments of joy and your dream life? Join me as I interview Colleen Coles, who developed the program Orgasmic Dream Life in this week’s episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. She Did Everything Right I asked Colleen how she got into this area of coaching and came up with the Orgasmic Dream Life program. She’s been a purpose alignment coach for seven years and started because she wanted to know more about her life purpose. During this awakening, she also met her man and got married. The sexual piece came from her own struggles of turning on her sexuality in her marriage. In high school and college, she had become a devout Catholic and vowed to not have sex before marriage. Colleen thought she had done everything right, but still had a hard time connecting with her husband, Michael, in the bedroom. This made her feel lack luster in her whole life and without passion. She really wanted to find her passion and purpose which brought her to coaching. Initially, Colleen was certified as a coach by Gabby Bernstein who talked about John of God. This inspired Colleen to visit his compound in Brazil and was grateful she followed her intuition because soon after he was shut down. After this awesome visit, she traveled around Brazil, did a bit surfing and was taken by the amazing energy. Yet, even though she had worked on her purpose by shifting into coaching, she still felt stuck in a box about her marriage and sexuality. The bottom line is Colleen got into this area of coaching because she herself needed it. That’s why she studied Tantra, the yoga of spirituality and experiencing that energetic and spiritual connection within sex. Her sensuality came alive in Brazil after surfing, and being around so many beautiful, sensual people there. And this awakening helps with creating moments of joy now. Visiting John of God Her trip to Brazil showed her that God and spirit could be found in physical life, like surfing ocean waves and feeling good in her body. There was no shame in feeling connected to God through her sexual energy. But in the past, these two worlds had always been separate and distinct, limiting her ability for creating moments of joy. Giving herself permission to feel good opened up a world of passion for her life and she found so much clarity. She busted through all the old rules she thought she had to follow which kept her life constrained and living without purpose. She returned home ready to clean up her life and no longer willing to settle. This new attitude helped everything, from her marriage and her spiritual connection, to coaching and income. It was just phenomenal. The point is to do what you want and feel called to do. Otherwise, when you shut down, it restricts the root and sacral chakras and the flow of life force energy. Sensual Awakening in Brazil In the past, she had been following her religious beliefs, which created a conflict. I wanted to know how she got past the rift between religion vs. her new experiences. At her first Gabby Bernstein event, she did a meditation and came to realize, “This is why I am here – to connect with spirit. We are all trying to find connection back to God.” She wanted more and since the religious route didn’t work out, she went for the spirituality. Before this shift, her sexual relationship with her husband wasn’t working, but she thought that’s just how it is and you have to put up with it. Then walking down the boardwalk in Rio, she and a friend stopped to talk to some people. A woman said to her, “You are so cute!’ and started kissing her out of the blue. Colleen wondered, “Whoa, did I like that or not like that?” She was feeling very different feelings she hadn’t felt before and was surprised how much sensual energy emerged while in Brazil. Turns out Colleen could be in her body and connect with nature and her sensuality all at the same time. The experience was available everywhere which made it much easier for creating moments of joy. Connecting with Herself and Spirit Connecting with her body and even into the shameful places, she faced them. Doing this, Colleen found what she’d been searching for all along – the connection between herself, spirit, nature, and God. She felt like God had been waiting for her to experience all of this. What a huge shift! Colleen’s program, Orgasmic Dream Life, covers manifesting with your intuition and sexual energy. I took the program because Colleen said she’d cover ways to find more joy in life. That’s all I needed to hear – I was in. For more on creating joy, check out this podcast snack. The Sexual Psychological Feminine Split There is something within all women called the sexual psychological feminine split. Women have been conditioned in a way that often leads to being your normal self 90% of the time, and sexual 10% of the time. It means most women only allow their sensuality to show up 10% of the time when “appropriate,” maybe once a week and then this part gets hidden away again. However, humans are 100% life force energy and are not created to live in this fragmented way. Sadly, many women have been conditioned like this. But, you can be your complete self and sexual, which will super charge your life, bring more clarity, and help you better connect with your intuition. Intuition, especially for women, resides in the body and there is a connection between the third eye and sacral chakras. This is all part of creating moments of joy and recognizing them as they happen. Intuition Is Within the Body In the past, Colleen looked outside herself for her intuition, but it was within her all along. When she allowed herself to have more fun and feel more pleasure in her body, she discovered greater clarity and could hear her intuition far better too. When you combine joyful passion with intuition, it’s like rocket fuel. This allows you to feel what’s natural, so you can take action more quickly and enjoy life more fully. Let it be simple, connecting with the sensual life force energy. The sacral chakra is the center of creation, so yes, it’s for creating new human lives, but also for creativity like painting, music, and dance. This is how you connect with your own creative life force. Creating Moments of Joy We also talked about a number of other topics that Colleen explored such as: Allowing herself to be more alive and live more fully Connecting with her “I Am” energy of her solar plexus How feeling stuck in her sexuality also meant she was stuck in her business How being open to pleasure opened up possibilities in other areas of her life Facing her biggest fear of being a turned on, sensual woman could ruin her marriage How taking this chance paid off in every area of her life How taking Colleen’s class opened me to more fun and joy This was a lively, fascinating conversation that explored some previously taboo topics with a fresh and down-to-earth point of view. If you’d like to speak directly with Colleen, sign up for a free clarity call here! BIO – Colleen Coles Colleen Coles is a Purpose Alignment Coach and the founder of the Spiritual Mentorship brand, Authentically On Purpose. She helps spiritual people who don’t want to settle build their dream life through sexual energy. Colleen’s mission is to help teach and heal more people to be who they really are, do what they love, so they can make a difference while feeling lighter, brighter, more fun, and freer. She has helped hundreds of clients since 2015 overcome deep levels of trauma through her energetic healing work that traditional counseling can’t seem to reach, and teaches tools to trust yourself and live an authentic life on purpose. Colleen worked as the Mindset Coach for The Haus of Impact and is a certified life coach, studying under Gabby Bernstein, Gina DeVee, Tony Robbins, and tantra from Psalm Isadora. Website & Social Media Instagram: @Colleen.Coles           The post Creating Moments of Joy And Your Dream Life With Colleen Coles appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Nov 14, 2022 • 7min

Raise Your Vibe With These Warm Suggestions – Podcast Snack

In this episode, a podcast snack, I’ll be talking about how to handle denser energies and raise your vibe with these four warm suggestions. Dense Energies Have Been Draining The energy leading up to the US election was very dense and heavy. Add to that the full moon with an eclipse, and there was a lot to make the energy feel draining. It’s been making me feel so tired! What about you? My solution to the stress and heavy energy of the collective is to go to the beach as much as possible during the warmer summer months. But here in Connecticut, it’s November. So, I’m not going to the beach anymore. Sadly, the season is over! Then I was talking to my friend, Carrie. We got together to have lunch and sit outside in this warm spell (but not warm enough for the beach) and we were both talking about the dense energy and feeling tired. As always, we decided to use our intuition and ask spirit for guidance on how to handle things when the energy gets dense like it has been. We were looking for advice and understanding from a spiritual or energetic perspective. Lift Dense Energy We put it out to spirit, asking for help to feel lighter, lifted, and happier. The message I got really surprised me but thinking about it for a while, the ideas to raise your vibe made so much sense. First, be out in nature as much as possible. Nature is an incredible healing force for human beings. When you can be outside, like at the beach, it helps clear your energy lift your frequency, and all those things that make us feel better. It’s a great place to release stuff and let go. In addition, humans naturally collect a lot of positive ions which doesn’t sound like a problem but it is. We feel better with more negative ions.  At the beach or near any body of water, you attract negative ions which clear and balance you out. This is also true of being in the rain and probably taking a shower. I also love the warmth of the sun on my skin, which feels so good even though it does have some drawbacks for the skin. But I tend to go at the end of the day and don’t stay too long. There’s nothing else like it for me to clear my energy and raise my vibration. Recently, I even had this silly idea that maybe I was a cat in a past life since they love napping in the sunshine. Just kidding. How to Raise Your Vibe The message I got from spirit to help with the denser energies that do crop up were surprising. When the weather turns and you can’t stay outside in nature too long because it’s cold, here are some simple alternatives to raise your vibe: Take a hot shower Take a hot bath Use a heating pad Drink a cup of hot chocolate, tea, or coffee These are all really soothing and warm suggestions. Then it occurred to me. When you go to the beach or outside in the warmth, you are warm. You are more comfortable so your energy expands. Now when your energy field is expanded you are generally in a happier state. Isn’t that interesting? Physical Warmth Raises Your Vibe So, this message from spirit provides a way to expand your energy field, even if you can’t be happy in every moment. It’s a way to be relaxed and expanded, to life your spirit automatically. You can use these warm suggestions. Just the idea of sipping a cup of hot chocolate sounds amazingly soothing and uplifting to me. So, as we move into the colder months of the year, or when other periods of denser energy come upon us, now you know what you can do to shift your frequency and raise your vibe. I look forward to lifting my vibration with the warmth of these suggestions and I hope you will too. I’m always looking for ways to find more joy, lift me out of a lower vibe when things are aggravating and ways to sustain joy, connection or higher vibration. It never would have occurred to me on my own, that by warming my physical body, I could elevate my energetic or emotion bodies, lift my mood and raise my vibe. A big thanks goes out to spirit for providing these super simple, cozy tips. May your life in the magic of these warm suggestions as the cold comes upon us to easily raise your vibe. Are you trying to make a difficult decision and wish you could get a clear sign from the Universe, listen to my FREE Audio Course, How to Ask the Universe for a Sign. And you can learn more about working with me as a Business Intuitive here.   The post Raise Your Vibe With These Warm Suggestions – Podcast Snack appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Nov 11, 2022 • 31min

Discover Sacred Geometry Art With Lon, Author of Modern Merlin

If you like sacred geometry art, wait until you meet Lon. In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, we talk about soul portraits, oracle decks, and her new book Modern Merlin. Sacred Geometry Art I began by asking Lon what sacred geometry art is all about. She explained how the sacred part refers to the divine part and geometry literally means measurement of the earth. Together the words mean divine measurement of the earth. It’s been proven scientifically that everything in creation is based on repetitions, patterns, and sacred forms that repeat. For a good example look at the seeds in a sunflower and how they line up in a spiral. You can also see this in cauliflower, how a wave breaks on the beach, and even your fingerprints. Crop Circles & Messages There’s a mathematical rhyme and reason and divine blueprint that determines how life develops. That appears in her sacred geometry art and Lon fell in love with this back in the 1990s when she first saw crop circle pictures. Crop circles are patterns appearing overnight in crops found mostly in northern Europe. The patterns are beautiful, intricate, and mathematical that spread out over hundreds of yards. There are tons of pictures of these unusual designs and remain a huge mystery. Some say they are a hoax, but there is likely something more going on. There’s a lot of discussion about how they happen, from aliens to farmers. Lon has always been very visual. Her degree is in graphic design and she doesn’t care how the crop circles are created – she just fell in love with the forms and perfect designs. Her art began by turning the picture of a crop circle into line art, then adding colors.  After playing with them for a while she came to realize this must be some kind of language – like a universal language and there are messages in them. For example, a circle might indicate a different signal than a square. Communicate Through Art The idea came to her that maybe she could express certain concepts – really big ideas that are the foundation of our experience as humans on this earth. Concepts like healing, love, connection, prosperity, among others in forms and color. She started experimenting and it was incredibly exciting. People often understand the concepts by looking at the sacred geometry art created through computer software. Then people asked if she could capture their energy in sacred geometry art. Lon first gave it a try for a dear friend. While she was working on it, she was tuned into her friend’s essence, the powers that she came in with and her soul. She realized she could create art, but also write their soul story and that’s how her Soul Portraits came to be. Hundreds of people from all over the world wanted this done for them, to see the expression of their energy and soul through sacred geometry in art. Modern Day Mandalas Another way to describe this art is like modern-day mandalas. People may be more familiar with this design term. Mandalas have been used through the ages as a tool to help connect with spirit and tune into the Universe. Mandalas also help us move away from focusing on the outside physical world and shift inward where we find the multi-dimensional language of spirit, guides, the Universe, and God. Her New Book – Modern Merlin Towards the end of the book, Lon wrote about energy management and boundaries which she said was important for people to learn about. Plus, the power of smudging ceremonies and energy hygiene. The biggest message from the book is that we all have tools, abilities, and skills that are innate, which allow us to co-create with the Universe. The book cover features stunning sacred geometry art which is so beautiful. Lon said we have far more control over what happens in life and how we feel than people think. Most people have been trained to look outside for the tools, which can make you feel like a victim. This is not true because we are in charge. Changing your perspective can shift everything. Even in the midst of something scary or unfamiliar, you can choose a different attitude to feel more empowered. It’s not so much the external circumstance, but how your interact with the circumstances that makes a difference. Listen to Your Intuition I shared a story about speaking with the Honeysuckle Deva in my garden. The message was about joy and that I think too much. LOL! I heard that if I noticed more moments of joy, I would be more present which is the only time when anyone can access power to change something. This coincides with what Lon talks about! So, the messages we are getting are similar, even though we come from different places. Today, humanity is going through a shift, learning to trust intuition and follow it. Don’t allow your mind to shut this down. Instead, be guided by your heart and intuition rather than just the mind and head. It’s about finding the coherence between these two types of information. The mind can’t effectively guide us into the new era of multi-dimensionality. As many have said, COVID gave people quiet time to tune into their intuition and the spirit world. Yet, even as a spiritual person, I still have resistance to follow through at times. You have to push yourself a bit to get beyond logic and old patterns. The more you listen to your intuition and have a positive experience, the more trust you build and the easier it gets. You can also use cards, like Lon’s Oracle Decks which feature sacred geometry art. 3 Big Questions Lon explained her method of how to push past resistance, especially if fear is involved. Being worried about loved ones or even the earth, while compassionate, creates anxious energy that is not helpful. You would be better off creating joy, happiness, and lightening up the energy. Ask yourself, is this anxiety… Sourced from the past? Does it come from the future? Is it something happening to me right now? The only valid fear is danger in the present moment and this requires action. But most of us are afraid about what could happen or angry about the past. When Lon works with her clients as an intuitive guide, she helps them see different perspectives. Look at your triggers as something that brings up frustration, anxiety, or anger. The value is in recognizing the trigger as a treasure, showing you what needs to be resolved. This is an opportunity to heal and a show of inner strength and awareness. When you are healed, you won’t get triggered. Lift Your Spirit In the rest of the interview, we talked about magic. Set an alarm to go off during the day and notice beauty or feel more joy. These little moments lift your spirit and raise your vibration. It’s the simple things like listening to the birds sing that work. The magic of life is all around us. The consistency of little moments of joy is what brings you greater happiness in life. Keep in mind that you can change yourself in any moment. You have so much more power than you ever imagined. Bio – Lon Lon is an internationally acclaimed sacred geometry artist and creator of two bestselling and award-winning oracle decks. As founder of Lon Art, she offers tools for transformation, readings, an online course and personal soul portraits that connect you to your soul purpose. Lon’s work inspires authentic insights and activates thinking beyond the everyday, so you can make real changes in your life and become the best possible version of yourself. Modern Merlin is her first book and has an associated course offering a deeper introduction to the concepts and patterns that construct your life. For more information, visit About Modern Merlin: Expertly written by internationally acclaimed artist and author Lon, Modern Merlin: Uncover Your Magic Powers takes complex topics, such as magic, manifestation, multidimensionality, and energy, and makes sense of the how and why things are the way they are—and how you can begin using your magic deliberately and skillfully to be in full cocreation with the Universe. Social Media       dZy5OzdL5PjZAMBAvHoZ The post Discover Sacred Geometry Art With Lon, Author of Modern Merlin appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Nov 3, 2022 • 30min

Famous Psychic Mediums – Meet Maria Verdeschi

I’m speaking with Maria Verdeschi, one of the USA’s famous psychic mediums in this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. Find out how she came to do this work after a hellish year when her life came crumbling down. Not All Psychics Are Mediums Why does she call herself a psychic medium? Maria said, “All mediums are psychic but not all psychics are mediums. Maria said she’s been aware of this skill since she was just four years old. One night she asked her parents to tell the people in her room to be quiet. She heard so many spirits in there. Her parents humored her the first time, but the next night they told her to get her butt back into bed and be quiet. As a result, she kept this ability to herself for years. Later in life, the spirits kept knocking, but she was stubborn about getting this part of her life going. Finally, it all started to flood in after she had a series of heartbreaking, life crumbling events that all happened in one fateful year. She got divorced, her mother passed, and her dog passed. Your basic nightmare. Yet, she still resisted. Instead, she ended up feeling depressed. Finally, when she couldn’t take it anymore, she realized this wasn’t working, so she started listening. That’s when things started to turn around. When her mom passed in 2009, Maria said the door flew open to the other side and her mom offered her lots of guidance that was always on target. Many famous psychic mediums say they started this journey when a loved one had passed. She trusts her mom completely and sold her house even though she didn’t want to which turned out to be the best timing and great advice! I had a reading recently myself and my mom came through with tons of advice. She talked throughout the entire reading! I was quite surprised. Signs from Spirit We started talking about how to recognize signs from spirit. Maria says you’ll feel it in your gut if that’s a sign for you. You might get chills, get a smile on your face, of feel a lift in your vibration. You just know it when you see it. Learn How to Ask the Universe for a Sign – Listen to this free program here. When you see a sign from spirit, be sure to acknowledge it and thank spirit or the person you think showed you the sign. This is how you attract more sings into your life which can be so helpful and affirming. Gratitude is the highest energy, like joy and love. Expressing your gratitude makes you much more magnetic. Nickels and Pickles Most famous psychic mediums will talk about seeing signs. Maria and her youngest daughter often share their signs with each other, like seeing 11:11, acknowledging this magical number. It usually means spirit is trying to get your attention. Eleven is a master number according to numerology. Once I was with my friend Carrie, and we had just finished meditating together and getting guidance from spirit, when I looked down at the grass and saw a four-leaf clover. To me this was a sign we were on to something special. Maria has a family friend whose father sends them nickels from the other side. This always makes her laugh and she sees it as a positive sign. My friend Terry also sees coins from her father, but he uses dimes. The point is to pay attention to your surroundings and what is happening. It’s to build a new level of awareness. You have to be awake enough and open to seeing the signs to notice them! Maria had a friend she asked her dad later in life what his sign would be. He had a great sense of humor and said his sign would be pickles. One day this friend had asked her dad for a sign because she really needed one. A couple of hours later, her friend called from the car to tell her about a weird bumper sticker with a pickle on it! That was her sign and she thanked her dad. What Stands Out About Her Work After 10 years of doing this work, I asked Maria, “What stands out most?” She said connecting people with their loved ones who have passed over. In addition, the healing that happens after through having this communication. It fills your heart to do this work as many famous psychic mediums will tell you. And the clients feel more in their power. and leave with this healing. They let stuff go which helps them feel lighter and more empowered. “What’s it like for you when you get messages from spirit?” “It’s a whole new game of charades each time.” Maria is good about sharing whatever she is seeing, hearing, and feeling. She reminds people to really listen and pay attention to the whole thing including hand movements and other details. She’s made gestures that people on the other side used to do which clients recognize. This becomes important evidence that loved ones are speaking as well. Want more on Mediumship? Check out this episode with Ireland’s #1 Psychic Medium How to Develop Your Mediumship Skills I asked Maria what she recommends for people who want to develop this skill. She suggests taking classes but checking it out before you sign up. Read about the person teaching and trust your gut. See what feels right to you and go with your first instinct. Learning in a class and group setting can be so helpful to help you learn faster. The energetic connection can help you move forward faster. And opportunities to practice in a group which can be remarkable. Plus, it’s a fun, bonding experience. Famous Psychic Mediums Like Thomas John Maria met Thomas John, another of the famous psychic mediums, taking one of his classes. They developed a friendship over the years. She says no one is better with names, he super kind, and has a great sense of humor. A sense of humor can be very helpful doing psychic mediumship work, so the humor can lighten up the energy or mood significantly. It can really help. Maria says look for those signs because your loved ones area definitely sending them to you! Set a clear intention of what you want to see. Name the item and give a time limit and they will show it to you. Bio: Maria Verdeschi Maria Verdeschi is an acclaimed Psychic Medium, Speaker, Best-Selling Author, Teacher and Coach with clients all over the world. Her extraordinary ability to communicate with spirit began at the age of four while living on Long Island. Now with over a decade of experience, Maria is well known for her accuracy and delivery of evidential messages from departed loved ones. Her kindness and compassion is unmatched. She has a genuine interest in each client that provides for a relaxed and down-to-earth reading. Maria is the host of the spiritual podcast Hello From The Other Side, and is a co-host of the Blog Talk Radio show Reading The Signs. Her best-selling book There Is No Death, Only Life, with a foreword written by Celebrity Medium Thomas John, has provided support to readers while healing from grief, and she is a contributing author in the best-selling book The Last Breath. Her successful coaching and mentorship program features classes on Mediumship, Connecting with Your Loved Ones in Spirit, Meditation and Manifesting. In addition, she is a Master Reiki Practitioner proficient in Pranic Healing. Her ability to connect with teachers, students, clients, guides and departed loved ones is nothing short of astonishing. She has mentored and participated in many events with Celebrity Medium Thomas John, and mentoring and classes with Andy Byng. Maria’s accomplishments are truly remarkable and she is extremely passionate about being a spiritual leader and educator, helping people connect to the inner side and expand their own innate psychic and mediumship abilities. Most important to Maria is that people understand the simple truth that, “there is no death – only life.” Website & Social Links: Amazon Author Page The post Famous Psychic Mediums – Meet Maria Verdeschi appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Oct 28, 2022 • 30min

Trauma And The Soul Blueprint For Service With Robin Clare

You’ll learn about Robin Clare’s ideas regarding trauma and the soul blueprint for service in this eye-opening episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. King Solomon Speaks The conversation with Robin started by asking about her books, and writing, and the King Solomon material specifically. Her books are channeled from the Ascended Masters and King Solomon is one of them. She’s also written books with Jesus and Sophia. King Solomon appeared in her bedroom one night, telling Robin he needed his spiritual army to stop searching and start serving. He wanted her to write a book with him but she ended up producing a series of meditations. If you align your chakras with the earth chakras, you’ll be able to expand far enough to hold universal energy and then live a life of service for the Divine. That is the intention of the King Solomon Speaks meditations. Reach out to by email RobinHClare[@] to ask for the link and enjoy these meditations as her gift to you! King Solomon’s Wisdom There’s a bible story I recall about King Solomon where two women claimed to be the mother of the same child. They came to him to settle the matter. In his wisdom, he said they should cut the baby in half, thinking the real mother would object and give it to the other woman. That worked to figure out who was the real mother. (I’ll get to the part about trauma and the soul blueprint in a minute.) Robin said King Solomon was an incredible energy healer. Supposedly, he knew advanced energy techniques to lift the boulders that built the Last Temple in Israel. The people had to suspend logic to apply these advanced techniques. I wondered why King Solomon wanted to write about this. Robin thinks he came to her because he considers humans to be his spiritual army. He wanted people to start living in accordance with their human nature and stop thinking they aren’t healed enough and get out there to be of service. King Solomon came to say it’s time to be of service and live in connection with oneness and divine energy. We are all one and have access to the same source and universal energy. The first place to connect with the vast energy is to connect with your soul. Changes Affect Grounding with the Earth I was listening to the Spirit Speakers podcast and Patty Davis said she can no longer ground with the earth in the traditional way by putting roots down into it. She says, she connects through the heart chakra now. Robin also talked about connecting with the earth through the chakras. So, it seems there are some big shifts happening with the energy of Mother Earth and many are bringing forth that kind of information. Lee Carroll, who channels Kryon, said earth had tipped the scales towards the light, having gotten to 26% light. Kryon claimed we only needed 25% to balance out the darkness and this was fantastic news. from a few years ago. King Solomon also talked about moving towards a tipping point for living in a higher consciousness. Being spiritual means, you have an internal relationship with your own divine source. Synchronicities are starting to pile up – a positive sign in my mind. Connecting with Her Divine Spark When she meditates, Robin starts with a spark within herself and expands this out beyond her body and field. She sees her light going around the circumference of the earth and then expands it out to the universal and connects with the oneness. It feels like a different level of consciousness and filled with peace and love. In that space is where you can receive the most higher-level guidance for life. Once there, Robin asks spirit if anyone has a message she can convey or if her own spirit team has a message for her. Everyone can do this – it just takes 10-minutes a day to practice. If you are going to live connected to your soul, spirit helpers, and guides, to angels and Ascended Masters, you have to meet them where they are. They don’t live in regrets of the past or worry about the future. They live in the present moment. The more you are able to live in the present, the more you are able to hear and connect with these beings who are on call for humanity. But they won’t interfere unless you ask for help. As you come to understand and heal your trauma, the soul blueprint for service is revealed. Listen to more on healing trauma in this episode. Trauma and the Soul Blueprint Yes, there is free will, but your soul will orchestrate things, so you can meet your goal. That’s where trauma and the soul blueprint for service come together. The trauma is what you are trying to grow beyond and heal. If you have repetitive traumatic experiences and wonder why this keeps happening, know that you are in the process of growing. As soon as you learn what is needed, you won’t be bothered by that again. You have to look at it to heal it. Robin’s Spiritual Path & Mantra Robin’s spiritual mantra when she started on her spiritual path was, “Bring it on.” This led to a series of exhausting, on the floor crying experiences to heal her own suffering and trauma in her life. She used to offer a service called the Soul Plan and today she has discovered that hidden in the trauma is your own service plan. This is the service you are here to provide. For example, you might be a mother whose service is to raise an incredible child who will serve the world. It’s not just about what you are going to do. You have to see where your soul is taking you. In career, you will see a pattern in your that takes you to your destiny, so you can serve. This is part of her new book which will explain the hidden truth in trauma which turns out to be your service plan. Trauma and the soul blueprint guide you to discover what you are meant to offer to the world. Your Soul Orchestrates Life The soul orchestrates everything that happens, so you have to review and understand where you’ve been. This is looking at your soul plan. Hidden in your whole life story is what you are intended to do. Robin stood on her deck for a full year, through all the seasons, asking how she can serve. And because she’s serious and spirit knows that she’s serious and she’ll do whatever it takes, they speak to her. A Broader Definition of Service I asked Robin what service is about. It’s not only being like Mother Theresa. Her definition of being of service is very broad beyond charity or volunteer work! Your regular work is service. Bringing up your children, writing books, or speaking to share a message with the world are all service. This is a new way to define service, and the idea that I can just be myself and still offer service to the world is a relief! You actually get to be of service to yourself as well. For example,  meditation is a service to the self. Mind-Blowing Stories with Messages from Spirit Robin wrapped up this inspirational interview with two completely mind-blowing messages that spirit asked her to share with two specific people. Listen to the podcast to the end, so you do NOT miss these brief but astonishing stories. Robin shared messages with two complete strangers so find out how their prayers were answered. BIO – Robin Clare Robin’s path to fulfilling her destiny began by leaving her traditional 25-year MBA business career and traveling the globe to study with spiritual masters. But, first, Robin had to reveal her deep secret of struggling for four decades with food addiction and bulimia. Next, she dug deep into current and past lives to heal wounds that had blocked success and fed her active addiction. This commitment to her healing led to an opportunity to open to her divine gifts and live her most authentic life. Now in grounded recovery, Robin is an award-winning coach, recovery medium, best-selling spiritual author and highly-regarded speaker and teacher. She has documented her extraordinary spiritual journey in the highly-acclaimed Messiah Within, followed by Amazon bestsellers, The Divine Keys, and Feast & Famine. In 2021, she released an ebook and recorded Divine Meditations in King Solomon Speaks. She will release The Hidden Truth Within Trauma in early 2023. Awards include 10 Best Life Coaches and 10 Best Energy Healers in The Natural Nutmeg Readers Polls of 2017-2022. Certifications include Recovery Coach Professional, Advanced Akashic Record reader, Reiki Master, 13th Octave LaHoChi practitioner. Robin is a channel for the Ascended Masters. Website & Social Media Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Pinterest Amazon author page   The post Trauma And The Soul Blueprint For Service With Robin Clare appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Oct 25, 2022 • 0sec

Sweetness Of Life – A Message From The Honeysuckle Deva

Discover the sweetness of life with this amazing message from the Honeysuckle Deva in this eye-opening Podcast Snack from Breathe Love & Magic. Influx of Higher Frequencies Recently, I’ve been noticing an incredible influx of high frequency vibes that are coming to earth. It feels like every other day there’s some new big thing happening for me. I’m sharing this message based on the energy that’s available right now and the opportunity to change your life (if that’s what you want) and raise your vibration. I had been questioning myself and wondering if I was involved in some self-sabotaging behavior. The thought came to me to open the Bach Flower Remedy book (I love them and have used them for years) to see what I might discover. Cracking the book to discover what I needed, the page opened to honeysuckle. I wasn’t familiar with this remedy. The indication that I needed honeysuckle was about “dreams that remain unfulfilled and a need for inward mobility.” That was perfect. Luckily, I have honeysuckle growing all over the fence surrounding my vegetable garden. So, I walked out to my garden to see the beautiful vine. At first I had a hard time settling down. I deadheaded some flowers, did a bit of weeding, and talked to the devas, elementals, and plant spirits, thanking them for the bounty of my garden. Once I settled down, I tuned into honeysuckle and want to share this message because it has far-reaching application. Almost anyone listening to this can take advantage of this message. Learn more about plant devas, elementals, and nature spirits. Tuning into Honeysuckle “There is a sweetness of life for you to recognize and be in touch with. You are often unaware because of your thinking, thinking, thinking mind. I think too much LOL! To move forward, you need to notice the sweetness because this is what opens your heart and creates flow. Be more mindful, present, and in the moment which creates inward mobility. (That’s what the Bach Flower Remedy book said about honeysuckle! How perfect for me!) There is a greater freedom in the now since you aren’t worrying about the past or fretting over future. You won’t be trying to change things. Instead, you’ll be present. So, when you are present and in the now, that’s when you can move forward because you won’t be mired in the past or the future. Be more mindful of the sweetness of life every day and raise your vibration. Take moments to tune in! Tune into the truth of who you are. Give yourself the freedom that comes from being present in the now which will create the mobility you desire.” Channeled Message That’s what I needed to move forward and get out of my own way. I was blown away by that message and have started working on this to recognize more sweetness of life! Create More Sweetness of Life Here are some examples of how to recognize or even create moments of sweetness or joy: If you are outside on a sunny day, tilt your face up to the sun and close your eyes and breathe for 30 seconds to feel the light and warmth shining down on you. Try a breathing exercise where you close your eyes, breathe in to the count of five, hold for five, breathe out for five and hold for five. Repeat this pattern for five cycles of breathing. This is very calming Imagine planting roots down into the earth from your tailbone into ground you firmly. Then allow Mother Earth’s energy to rise up through the roots, into your body, down your legs and feet, and up through your body and spine, to your arms and hands, then up into your neck and head. Very relaxing! Marvel over something like a maple tree. Wonder how it knows how to make seeds and leaves, chlorophyll out of sunlight, and how many leaves to have and how big they should grow? Many Ways to Be Present There are so many ways to be present in the moment and any mindful exercise that you know of will work. Then wrap up any of these exercise by being in touch with the sweetness of life. That’s how you too can be open to your inward mobility which is your growth. This is your ability to move forward and reach the levels you want and raise your vibration and frequency and really enjoy what is. I’m just so excited about this opportunity because this is what’s happening on planet earth right now. And while there so many other unhappy unpleasant things in the news or your Facebook feed, that there’s some really GOOD energy out there too. The energy that you can access right now is very loving, supportive, high vibe, and growth oriented. Find time to be in the present moment several times a day for 30 seconds or a minute. It’s not a big commitment or a big block or time. But it will change your perspective, it will raise your frequency and vibration and it will change the course of your life. A Blessing Here’s my blessing to you – “May you live in the magic and be aware of the sweetness of life!” Thanks for listening. Learn more about my work as a business and life intuitive coach, where I offer mystical insights and practical advice and solutions or get a past life reading tapping the Akashic Records. Or contact me here       The post Sweetness Of Life – A Message From The Honeysuckle Deva appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Oct 21, 2022 • 30min

The Synchronicity Of Love With John David Latta

My guest, John David Latta, author of The Synchronicity of Love, talks about balancing his energy on this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. Synchronicities Are Signals I’m a HUGE fan of synchronicity and think it’s one of the most magical things that can happen. When things start coming together or you see something time after time, that’s your signal or message to pay attention. For John, when his life fell apart and he hit rock bottom, he discovered this truth which he writes about in Synchronicity of Love. It all began when he signed up for his first spiritual retreat. Before this, he had been devoutly anti-spiritual and uninterested. He chose a retreat leader that the author, Michael Crichton, wrote about in his book, Travels. Sitting on the plane on his way to the retreat in Southern California, he was seated next to a woman also reading a Michael Crichton book. It turned out they were the only two people on the plane going to the same retreat! What are the chances? This was the beginning of a slew of crazy synchronicities that have represented signs and guidance over 20 years. John says it’s like your life is being orchestrated at a higher level with the magic of synchronicities happening over and over again. For more on Synchronicities, check out this episode too! The Synchronicity of Love Latta’s book has 119 short stories about synchronicities and manifesting. He has come to a new understanding about manifesting. His new thinking is that people aren’t actually manifesting as much as putting themselves into alignment with what’s meant to happen. This is like getting into the flow, which is lining up with your highest good – the soul, divine being or divinity. When you put yourself in alignment with that, everything starts to fall into place. Coincidences become common place. Dream World Symbols What did John find in his life that was most effective to create more alignment? He relied on dreamwork. According to Carl Jung, “Until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Dreams speak to us in symbols and metaphors, so they are not always easily understood. But they provide insight into the subconscious mind and what’s really going on inside. When you notice patterns in your dreams, that’s how to unravel what’s going on within. The more you pay attention to your dreams, the better you can break into other realms of your being. John mentioned how Judith Orloff breaks it into two big categories: 1) psychic dreams which feel like guidance and 2) psychological dreams. If you take the time to ponder your dreams and unravel the messages, you can learn a lot about yourself or get messages from your subconscious or your guides, etc. For John, the synchronicity of love is about spending time in heart-centered meditation. He noticed that the things that often triggered him, lead to something inside himself that was similar. He called it, “If you spot it, you’ve got it.” So, the meditations focused on the heart helped to smooth things over. Sacred Site Tour He went on a sacred sites tour of England with a sunrise ceremony at Stonehenge, etc. He met wonderful people from all over the world, but he hated the tour guide who was blustery and didn’t fit his image of a spiritual guide. Noticing this, he thought maybe he could change it. So, he used his own version of Ho’oponopono (the ancient Hawaiian method for forgiveness) while thinking about this woman. He tried to see himself having similar qualities as her to melt away his dislike. It worked incredibly well and the next day there was a dramatic transformation. He liked her, thought she was funny and suddenly got along famously with her. This was amazingly synchronistic and powerful, as he opened his heart to someone he didn’t like. His Shift Impacted Everyone My comment on this story was how his own shift towards the guide most likely impacted everyone on the trip. John agreed, saying he wrote about this in one of his favorite chapters of the book. He was the only man on the trip, and at one point, everyone was meditating in a crop circle. John couldn’t settle down, so he stood and walked around everyone like a moving meditation until everyone else was done. Afterwards, a few women pulled him aside and thanked him for circling the group because they felt so much safer with her eyes closed knowing he was watching over them! Towards the end of the trip, he thanked the guide for all her efforts in creating their amazing trip. She teared up and responded that he had no idea how much that mean to her. John was truly amazed to experience this turn around since at the start he could not stand the woman. I loved this story because this kind of shift is truly life changing. I told a story about how this same kind of thing played out in my life at the beginning of my career and you can listen to that story in the podcast. When you are living on a spiritual path and you make this kind of shift in perspective, it often boils down to your intention. Latta says he thinks we create limitations for ourselves, so we have the opportunity to wake up and shift our intention. Balancing Feminine with Masculine Energy Prior to his life falling apart, he was CEO of a food company and spent most of his time using his masculine side. John said he bossed people around, was busy doing, taking action, being competitive, argumentative, talking and judging. Then his life fell apart and he went to therapy for the first time, ending up in a group as the only man. I commended him for being brave enough to sit in a group with all women and share his feels – whoa! He had a really funny dream about peeling shrimp that he recognized as being uncomfortable with revealing himself in the group. You can hear how that all unfolded when you listen to the podcast. Often the women in the group would say to John, “You’re so good at doing, try being.” So, one night when he was putting his son to bed, he thought instead of hurrying the process he would simply site and listen to him. His heart swelled with love like never before at that intensity and he felt so grateful. John’s book is a great read, with 119 spiritual, inspirational, and heart-centered stories. Get your copy here on Amazon or Barnes and Noble BIO – John David Latta Terrified by an oppressive fear of death, John David Latta was a single dad with two children facing rock bottom, loneliness, and bankruptcy. Hard work, arguments, and logic were getting him nowhere, the competition was tough, and he was in over his head. In his book, The Synchronicity of Love, John shares his extraordinary stories of what happened at work bottom, when he threw himself into Unconditional Love with sincerity and earnestness. His stories about his journey inspire, uplift, heal, shock, awaken, and transform. They contain the seeds of potential to change habits and one’s deepest assumptions about what is possible and have the power to radically transform anyone’s life. Today, John is a mystic, author, teacher, and former founder and CEO of a multi-million-dollar consumer products company. He lives with his wife Wendy, in Redmond, WAS. Visit him at   The post The Synchronicity Of Love With John David Latta appeared first on Intuitive Edge.

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