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Feb 3, 2023 • 31min

Amazing Transcension Teacher – Meet Eugenia Oganova

What is Trancension? That is exactly what you are going to find out in this latest episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. Wait until you meet Eugenia Oganova. Defining Transcension According to the Wiktionary, the definition of transcension is the act of transcending, surpassing something, or passing over something making it obsolete. That is what we humans are doing right now as we transcend our old selves and become new and improved beings. Eugenia has created the Transcension Method which is a system that allows you to create a multidimensional awakening, so you can move in higher levels. Let’s just say these methods are super detailed, multi-layered, and densely comprehensive. Talking with Eugenia was a little bit like playing multi-level chess with Guinan on Star Trek Next Generation. But there’s no question her deep understanding of what is happening with our energy today is impressive and has something to offer anyone who wants to participate in transcension of the 3-D world as it stands today. Listen to more about ascension and expansion here Soul Design and Quantum Strategies She has created something called Soul Design which takes a multi-faceted approach to assessing who you are and what you are meant to do. Eugenia dives deep into looking at how your energy is set up so you can make the most of your soul’s plan. This is how you eliminate stress and guesswork, because you’ll KNOW what will work and how to build your business. Sounds good! Her well-developed quantum strategies and soulful business training incorporate masculine and feminine energies. You can achieve those 5-figure months you might only be dreaming of with these methods. Not your typical business coach, Eugenia is clairvoyant and uses her extraordinary abilities to download information and support her clients in addition to applying solid business strategies. Bestselling Author of 3 Books To start, we talked about her historical novel about ancient Egypt entitled, The Secret of Sekmet – Why Akhenaten Challenged the Gods of Egypt. Surprisingly, at 10, I was fascinated by Akhenaten, writing a big report on this ancient pharaoh who completely changed the religion of Egypt, shifting the focus to only one God – Aten, the Sun. What’s so amazing is that Eugenia has written this book from her own, vivid past life memories that are so detailed she  recounts the scents present during ceremonies in temples that no longer exist. Eugenia says this is an example of lifting a people vibrationally, so there could be transcension. But after Akhenaton’s death, priests angered by his dismissal of other deities, chiseled his name from all monuments. This book is now on my reading list. For many people interested in spirituality, ancient Egypt captures their interest like no other earthly civilization. That’s also true for people curious about science and archeology. The culture has left a long-lasting imprint on the planet. BIO – Eugenia Oganova Eugenia Oganova is an international Leader in Personal Transformation with over 20 years of experience. In addition, she’s a Transcension teacher of multidimensional wisdom, elevating individual consciousness. A catalyst in the shift into Sovereign Individuality and Unity Consciousness, she speaks to people who are becoming awakened beings. She says we are truly free to create the life we desire, filled with Joy, Abundance, and Creative Contribution. Eugenia is a best-selling author of 3 books: Mission Alpha – The Wise and Passionate You Awakening the Harmony Within – How to Create with Spirit The Secret of Sekhmet – Why Akhenaten Challenged the Gods of Egypt She has taught her methodology and wisdom as well as taken people to sacred sites around the globe. Eugenia has been featured in over 100 networks and publications and is a self-made millionaire in personal transformation and conscious business. Eugenia is the creator of the Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Method and the Transcension Method. These systems allow you to create a multidimensional awakening, Wealth and Abundance, plus Quantum strategies with practical Love. Website, Social Media & Books Website: FREE GIFT “The Solar Council & The Language of Light Bundle”: Facebook: FB Group (starseeds): FB Group (conscious coaches/healers): YouTube: Instagram: LinkedIn: Podcast: “Conscious Coaches on a Mission”           The post Amazing Transcension Teacher – Meet Eugenia Oganova appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jan 27, 2023 • 0sec

Transformation Coach And Intuitive Healer – Melissa Oatman

If you’re seeking a Transformation Coach & Intuitive Healer, who also does Reiki & Past Lives, listen to this interview with Melissa Oatman in this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. Transformation Coach & Past Lives The first thing we talked about was past lives. I asked Melissa how she got into doing this work. It all started back in high school, when she began questioning traditional religion. That started her reading books on mediumship which also touched on past lives. Then in her 40s, she had her main spiritual awakening and while seeking answers she found a spiritual teacher she really liked. Melissa had a session with this woman who had bee trained by Dr. Brian Weiss. It wasn’t deep hypnosis; she was awake the whole time. Melissa saw a life where she died young because she didn’t ask for help and was trying to do everything herself. There were several themes paralleling her life today including not speaking her truth, not standing up for herself, and not asking for help. So, having these sessions helped her to be certain this is REAL and affecting my life today. Whoa – that was really life changing. These sessions lead her to the healing work she does now. It’s funny but at a metaphysical fair in her 30s, she was told she’d be doing this kind of work, but she thought the whole idea was ridiculous at the time! But now, here she is, working as a transformation coach, doing past life work, intuitive healing, and more. Melissa will help you see a series of past lives during one of her sessions, if that’s what you want to work on. Learning about Self-Love Melissa has also come upon soul contracts and helped people with these situations, especially as they pertain to life today. Many times, family members and friends were also with you in the past and you come together to work on learning things together. I was curious how often it comes up that people need to love themselves more. Melissa says it comes up in almost every session. She feels she attracts people who have this issue because she has worked on self-love herself. Her book Beautifully Broken, addresses how this theme of self-love has tracked through her life, in her marriage that ended  and with others as well. That’s one reason why the theme of self-love is usually present in a session, since people with this lesson are her ideal clients. This made a lot of sense to me – the idea that we attract clients to share our own learning with. I have a self-love program called Time to Shine. Melissa also has a 10 day course on improving self-love. This was created as  a way to kickstart the self-love healing. She tailors sessions to each client, connecting with their energy and spirit guides before getting into the intuitive healing. She also creates personalized meditations for clients. Forgiveness Is Transformative What has been most helpful for your clients? As an intuitive healer and transformation coach, Melissa responded right away with forgiveness work. Not only forgiveness for others, but more importantly for themselves. When you beat yourself up and don’t forgive yourself, it can become a stuck emotion that causes problems and discomfort. That’s a hidden benefit of past life work in my opinion. Looking at relationships with people from past lives allows you some distance and that 100-foot view to see the bigger picture. That can make forgiveness a lot easier. You can also find more compassion for the people who might have done you wrong and for yourself as well. Intuitive Healer Points Out Life Lessons We come to earth to learn lessons and have agreements with other souls to accomplish this. So, when you take a step back and look at the lesson of situations, you can start to look at the facts and gain a deeper understanding of the situation. As you explore past lives, you are more conscious of what you are working on now. It doesn’t allow you to skip the process, but you may have a better understanding of why things are happening. Ready to learn about your past lives? People often have to go through their life lessons more than once. However, you might find you get through it faster the next time, you understand more quickly, or you can stay calmer during the process. I asked Melissa to share one of her an amazing healing stories. One that came to mind, was about a client who started out very negative and down on herself. She didn’t feel she deserved much from life. Over time, Melissa noticed a lot of growth and progress with this woman. To see the change in someone as the weeks passed was so exciting and very rewarding for her. I also love the “ah-ha” moment with clients and for myself too. That’s when a shift is about to happen. Sometimes we hold onto things that just don’t mean anything when you really take time to examine everything. Then, when you let go, it’s really amazing. Listen to More on Energy Healing Melissa’s Upcoming Book Next, I asked Melissa where she’s going now and what she’s working on. She said the spirit has been nudging her to write about her mom’s passing in January 2022, and she started writing about the grief journey and walking with her mother in the cancer journey. She hopes to be healing herself and offering healing to the reader as well by sharing her experience. To wrap up, I asked Transformation Coach, Melissa, if she had any other message or wisdom to share. She replied, “Don’t be afraid to be authentic, speak your truth, and stand up for yourself.” In today’s society, so many people don’t have your best interest at heart or the best intentions for you. That’s why it’s important to always honor yourself, stand your ground, and maintain healthy boundaries. Let people know how you want to be treated. Love Yourself Flaws and All Love who you are right now no matter where you are because this is a journey and in six months you’ll be in a different place. Love who you are faults and all.  You’ll be able to look back and see how much you have grown. Remember who you are and appreciate yourself, your gifts, and what you have to offer the world. That is the way to see all the good you do. You impact all the people around you, even if you don’t realize that impact. And a lot of it is positive. That ripple will come back to you. Kindness is never wasted. Get Melissa’s Free Gift – A chapter from her book Beautifully Broken today! BIO – Melissa Oatman Melissa Oatman is from Collinsville, Illinois.  In addition to teaching German, Melissa is a healer, channeler, spiritual teacher, and intuitive. She humbly hosts the wildly successful podcast which is in the top 1% of all podcasts, Awaken Your Inner Awesomeness, a weekly program dedicated to improving lives and deepening spirituality. Melissa is the author of Beautifully Broken, the spiritual woman’s guide to thriving after a divorce or break up.  A single mother of twins, she’s passionate about travel, education, and family. Website & Social Media Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:         The post Transformation Coach And Intuitive Healer – Melissa Oatman appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jan 19, 2023 • 30min

9 Energy Drains And 7 Ways To Turn Them Around

If you are concerned about energy drains and energy leakage, discover some of the most common sources that cause them in this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. Then discover how to stop the outflow, so you can turn things around. Do You Have Energy Leakage? Everyone expends energy and also takes in energy every day and this is completely normal. When talking about your energy, the best thing to aim for is a good balance with more inflow than out. What nourishes you is what renews your energy. Self-care, exercise, creativity, doing work you love. These are all methods to keep your level of vibrancy on the high side. However, there are a lot of ways you can let your energy slip through your fingers. That’s why it’s important to know what kinds of things are likely to cause an imbalance to much, much energy going out. Most often, energy leakage is the result of overextending yourself in one way or another. Some of the energy drains I talk about in this episode are easier than others to identify and deal with. But each one can be addressed and shifted to regain your energy and balance. Get a few quick tips to raise your vibe What Are Energy Drains? You’ll hear me talk about energy drains in detail and list several of the most common ones.  You’ll find many to be obvious and common sense, while others might be a bit surprising. Some are more physical in nature, but several are emotional. Poor health, lack of sleep, stress, not standing up for yourself, and unhealthy relationships – these are all prime examples of the way you might lose energy. When these situations run your life, you will feel exhausted all the time. What you want to think about is how you can rebuild your energy. What will renew your physical and emotional stamina? What will help you feel more vibrant and feed your soul? Figuring this out will make all the difference. How to Stop Energy Loss Then I move on to share why you want to stop energy leakage and how to do this. There are times when you can’t just change your circumstances, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t tools to help you cope better. You’ll learn about seven different methods to curb energy drains and most of them are very straight forward. Some fixes are super simple, like getting more sleep and attending to your health. Getting out in nature is another good option to rebuild your life force and vibrancy. Another powerful option is to work on clearing your energy. I did an entire episode on clearing energy for your home, office and self. Become Aware of Your Energy One of the best ways to prevent energy leakage or to replenish your energy store is to build awareness about your own energy. Becoming aware of your energy and what is happening with it allows you to more easily manage it. The greater your awareness, the easier it will be to stay energized and live your best life. This could be as simple as thinking about your energy at lunch or at dinner. Checking in with yourself about how you’re feeling, helps to build your awareness up. In turn that ensures that you can take action if needed. Like with so many things in life, awareness is everything. I hope you found this podcast episode helpful and put some of the tips and methods to work to maintain your positive energy flow. If you feel drained by your business or life and are ready to turn things around, consider working with me as your Business Intuitive. The post 9 Energy Drains And 7 Ways To Turn Them Around appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jan 13, 2023 • 34min

Unicorn Magic And Sacred Sites With David Winters

Discover unicorn magic and healing at sacred sites with empathic clairvoyant, David Winters, in this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. Star Seed Life David started the interview explaining about his past life as a star seed. In 2010 he separated from his wife of 20 years and went to a Reiki healer and shaman did a soul retrieval with him reclaiming his traumatized and fragmented parts. The healer helped him recall a past life where he was hurling through space and headed towards earth. While this was puzzling, he felt a bit home sick, having left his home near the star, Sirius. Past Life in Scotland As he became more awake on his spiritual path, he realized there had been disruption on his planet, so he came to earth ending up in Scotland. He learned a lot more through his intuition and hypnotherapy in 2018. David grew up in an ancient time on earth, cared for by giants who raised him in Scotland. He says the truth is we don’t understand all of earth’s history and the stories as it really was. Recently, he returned to this site in Scotland, and did a healing ceremony in which he connected with his ancient self. Today, this is the work he does with clients. In the fall of 2022, he went to the Isle of Iona where St. Columba built an abbey in the 6th century and David discovered a past life connection with this saint. The two women with him on the trip also had past life memories of the island. They experienced deep healing from being traumatized in a nunnery there. People are drawn to take trips with him who feel a past life connection and resonance with the land. Interested in having a past life reading? Unicorn Magic Begins I asked David what was the most mind-blowing experience in visiting scared sites and reviewing his past lives. He said it was this recent trip to Iona for sure. St. Columba was one of the big three religious leaders in the 500s to spread Christianity in Ireland. The other two are St. Brigid and St. Patrick. Interestingly enough, when David thinks intuitively of this Saint, a unicorn comes to mind. Unicorn magic and unicorns are often considered nothing more than a child’s fantasy. Yet, this mythical creature appears in art throughout history. And for David, this magical creature is strongly connected with St. Columba. Traveling to the Well of Eternal Youth, where St. Brigid is said to have visited, he felt she sent him a vision of a unicorn. This child-like, magical creature feels related to the youthful quality of the waters. The next thing that happened was one of the women looked at him and said, “David, you are a unicorn.” Before he knew it, he met and connected with an entire herd of unicorns. Talk about unicorn magic! David says the world is a magical, beautiful place. This message urged him to reclaim his childlike joy so he could experience magic and wonder.  Now he’s driven to share this message with the world to heal our planet. Childlike Wonder I asked David what this childlike viewpoint has to offer humanity? When you see the world as joyful, it becomes precious and you’ll be more likely to take care of it. This reminded me of Zen and beginner’s mind, to approach the world with wonder without a lot of expectations. You aren’t weighed down by negative experiences, anger, and trauma that life comes with. When you approach the world with wonder, you see possibilities and connect with moments of joy. You can feel gratitude for the smallest things, which is where the real joy of life is found. This is unicorn magic! I’ve been getting this message myself for a year now, just from different spirit sources. Unicorns Set Up the Positive Vibes David believes our world is moving in this direction – to be more joyful and childlike, a fresh way of looking at life. This is where Unicorn magic comes into play. They are skilled at setting up the energy before you reach a destination or event. For example, if he had to go visit his neighbors who have a contentious household, he’d send the unicorns first to set up better energetic conditions. These spirit animals are big and come with high vibration and healing energy and that will shift the energy. David feels this is an example of childlike behavior and believing in unicorn magic. Personally, I think this process is a masterful way to influence the energy. Magicians are known to send energy out in front of them, so when they get to a destination, everything is optimal for the work they need to do. I’ve heard this called “prepaving the way.” How to Use Prepaving I’ve done this myself for something simple like taking a road trip. I see myself leaving my garage, then driving down the road, having a great trip, then returning home safe and sound. That’s an example of sending the energy out in front of you. David realized he had also done this prepaving on other trips to Ireland, where he’d start his tours at a well where St. Columba had once been. He would call upon St. Columba to send out good energy ahead for the trip that was just starting. This is setting up the energy to be the most welcoming, positive frequency. You could do this in so many ways, even for business networking, especially if you feel nervous about meeting a room full of new people. You could send the energy out in front of you to be welcoming and productive for you and for the highest good of all concerned. This is not manipulative at all because you are asking for he highest good for  everyone, by aligning the energies in a positive manner. More Unicorn Encounters When he came back from Iona, he got a new url for his business, David noticed there was a wine company with the same name, so he went to their site to learn about them. Turns out, the company had their own experience with unicorn magic, as they had seen unicorns in the vineyards, setting up the energy for their success! How cool is that? So, it seems this is the kind of unicorn magic popping up around the world now, and David suggests remembering you can call upon these magical beasts and send them out in front of you too, to set up good energy. How can you not be happy when you think about unicorns? They are so beautiful and magical. We went on to talk about where David lives in Mt. Shasta, which is a fascinating place with written mythology of Lemurians and also faeries who visited the Isle of Skye with him. Talk about magical! Hear more about Faeries in this podcast episode. Get David’s Free gift – Get his Free “Grove of Trees” protection meditation as an audio and pdf file, when you sign up for David’s newsletter on his home page. BIO – David Winters Growing up as an empath, David was stigmatized for his sensitivity in an insensitive world. He studied microbiology for many years to learn what’s beneath the surface of life receiving a master’s and  Ph.D degrees. Then he questioned his commitment to science and wondered if there was a truer path. He began waking up to the hidden world of life beyond the veil! Developing his extraordinary clairvoyant gift, he explored many sacred sites and found his connection to the ancient people of Ireland and Scotland. The Bird Tribes, Tuatha de Danann and the Celtic Goddess and Saint Brigid. Today, David bridges mystical sites in Europe and America with healing potential and liberation from false realities. His first book, “Where Heaven and Earth Meet: Stories of Healing, Magic and Remembrance” is due out in early 2023. Website & Social Media Website: TikTok: UnicornSpirit111 The post Unicorn Magic And Sacred Sites With David Winters appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jan 6, 2023 • 0sec

Feng Shui For Business with Kathleen Horvath, Author Of Water Rabbit

Learn about Feng Shui for Business with Master Practitioner, Kathleen Horvath and what’s coming for 2023 according to Chinese Astrology in this week’s episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. Shipwrecked on a Deserted Island This interview began with me asking Kathleen about being shipwrecked on an island in the India Ocean! She’d been sailing around the world, working as a cook on the boat, and they ran aground on a coral reef and started to take on water. What an adventure! They decided to abandon ship even though the waters were shark-infested. Luckily, they could walk to what looked like a deserted island. The crew grabbed all the food and supplies they could carry and made it to the primitive island. Their May Day call was answered and 2-1/2 days later, they were rescued from one of the Seychelles, a string of 115 islands off the coast of East Africa. One great benefit of sailing around the world was seeing the different ways that people lived. What they wore and ate and how they built their structures, which was like her own personal anthropology exploration. Kathleen feels this was her actual entrée to the world of Feng Shui. Being on a boat before technology, she read a lot and began with Shogun from the James Clavell series. (I loved that book!) This series introduced her to the idea of Feng Shui. What is Feng Shui? We took a step back for a moment to define what Feng Shui is. My definition is how the energy flows and moves through a space and Kathleen said this was a good way of thinking about this ancient Asian art. When Kathleen starts working with someone, the first thing does is to find out what they want to achieve to know the direction her work will take. Next, she runs their Chinese Astrology chart to see what is trending. This touches on the person’s reputation, and how the stars look for marketing, and partnerships. Is their work local or international? What is the full potential? It’s pretty comprehensive and backs up if the person is able to meet their goal, supported by their astrology. Kathleen Horvath also puts a client’s address into Google Earth to see how the home is situated on the property from the satellite view. Looking at the exterior landform, and what is all around your home, she can see how the energy comes into your front door. This is VERY important. Tips on Good Feng Shui Optimally, it’s great to have a hill behind your house creating safety and an open area in the font without obstructions. Good landscaping and trees can also add to the energy in a positive way. We talked about my home and how my front door is situated. I have a support pole on my front porch, so she made a suggestion to place flowerpots and plant something that grows up the pole as a buffer to soften it’s impact. Feng Shui for Business We jumped over to Feng Shui for business and I asked what should people think about in this arena. Kathleen tends to focus on the annual energy and does classical Feng Shui which uses astrology and the compass. You can turn your life around by following the good directions on your floor plan. She looks at where the best energies are going to be present which changes every year. Your body is like an antenna, so you want to situate yourself directionally in a good location to enhance your vibration. How interesting! Register Here for Kathleen’s 2023 Feng Shui Event Improving Your Energy When improving your Feng Shui – it has a two-fold affect. First, Feng Shui is used to improve power and money. In 2023, the year of the Water Rabbit, the south sector is very important. The second reason you do Feng Shui, which is not spoken about enough, is that helps you energetically. Put yourself in the right position and you are able to charge up your personal energy! The way to buffer the challenging energies is to avoid being in those spaces when possible. For example, the west is not a good space for 2023, so what if your bedroom is there? She says spend more time in other areas where the good energy is. That’s easy. Focusing on the annual energies makes a huge difference. The world has endured a tough couple of years. Still, working with these principles, her clients have made progress and are moving forward, even though it hasn’t been easy. Feng Shui for Love Next, we talk about how I used Feng Shui as a Love & Dating Coach. I wrote an article about How to Use Feng Shui Your to Manifest Love which got a lot of attention online. We also talked about what I call Dinner Date Feng Shui which is about allowing the man to sit in the command position. This is the seat that has a wall behind it and a straight view of the entrance which is the best position for power and protection. This is a good seat for the man because he will feel more at ease and be more open to you. Something to think about. 2023 Predictions for Love The year 2023 is very good energetically if you are looking for love! Yay! On the flip side, if you are having an affair, you might want to end it before February 4th, because this year you are likely to get caught! With a home office, get your compass out, take the direction of the room, and manage the energy of just that room. Ergonomics are also very important for good energy flow. Kathleen even recommends putting your computer screen, which is like an antenna, into your personal power direction based on astrology charts. That’s how you dial into the most vibrant energy of the year. What’s Important about 2023? In 2023, there is a seismic shift happening.  Everything in Feng Shui is a repeatable pattern in cycles. At this time, we are approaching the end of a 180-year cycle, which includes nine, 20-year periods. Now the world is moving into the last period, which is a nine, and the element of fire. Right now, it’s on the cusp in 2023, so the transition is beginning. What is period nine good for? Women in business, women’s empowerment, healthcare including mental, physical and emotional, technology, solar power, metaphysics, and anything to do with energy work. If you are not in these businesses or industries, then target people in these industries as clients. A lot of money will be made in these areas. For business, corporations that demonstrate how they care about the bigger picture, through their products, services, employees, customers, and how it all impacts the earth, will be more likely to succeed. Kathleen says this is the rising phoenix coming from the ashes and ascending. Awesome! Live Event with Annual Predictions The 2023 Water Rabbit event is January 15th. Register Here. Discover what’s possible for you and stay ahead by learning the Feng Shui, Astrology, and Favorable Timing trends. Kathleen covers all the animals, positive directions in the chart and how to deal with challenges. I took one of her programs recently and learned so much, so check out her event. BIO- Kathleen Horvath Kathleen is a Business Feng Shui Master who’s dedicated to helping conscious businesses and individuals harness the power of the ancient wisdom of Classical Feng Shui and Chinese Metaphysics to optimize their success in business and life. She specializes in Business Feng Shui, Astrology and Good Timing, and uses these tools to empower her clients to follow their unique birth map, optimize their physical workspace, use their greatest strengths at the right times, and achieve their personal and business goals to craft their destiny. Kathleen developed her proven date selection technology, The TimeBlazr Business Management System, to increase efficiency, productivity, and accountability for her clients, who are both entrepreneurs and professionals. Kathleen has several advanced degrees in Classical Feng Shui and Chinese Metaphysics from top-level teachers around the world.  She has studied and taught in the United States, Malaysia, China, Tibet, India, and England. Website and Social Media Website: Twitter: YouTube: LinkedIn:   The post Feng Shui For Business with Kathleen Horvath, Author Of Water Rabbit appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jan 5, 2023 • 7min

Celebrating 100 Episodes – Podcast Snack

  In this brief Podcast Snack, I am celebrating the milestone of 100 episodes! (This is 101 LOL) Yay! It’s been quite a journey for me. You’ll hear about some of my favorite interviews and a topline view of the different topics I’ve covered over the last two years. It’s been wonderful to have met so many fabulous people who are experts about spirituality and healing. There have been shows about the Law of Attraction for love and money, dating and finding love, narcissists, divorce and divine feminine energy. I’ve spoken to shamans, healers, psychics, mediums, and card readers too. Experts have talked about how to communicate with plants, elementals, and faeries. Others shared about spiritual travel, cardology, synchronicities and the list goes on. After all, there are 100 different episodes! You might even want to scroll back to see what past episodes you missed that could be fun to listen to today. Thanks a million for listening and being a part of the Breathe Love & Magic community. May you live in the magic!     The post Celebrating 100 Episodes – Podcast Snack appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Dec 30, 2022 • 0sec

Psychic Development With Lisa Rusczyk Of We’re All Psychic

Psychic development is for everyone! In this week’s episode, I’m speaking with Lisa Rusczyk from the We’re All Psychic podcast about her journey and how she learned to tune in. How Did She Develop Psychic Abilities? It all started with her mom purchasing the Time-Life book series called The Mysteries when she was 15. In the book about psychic powers was a section on palmistry which totally captivated her. Lisa was really into this. Then in her 20s, spirits started to speak to her and she worried she was a little bit crazy. This was hard to explain away. However, she was getting validation about the spirits she was seeing and speaking to from people, so she kept going. Lisa also has spirit guides she works with and they started showing up around age 23. She’s been working with Sam since then. For Lisa, her mediumship skills began when her cat Morgana died and started coming around in spirit. Lisa says her cat taught her how to read tarot cards and has a way of telling things to her clients that’s very well received. She can also read your pets, although she admits she’s not good at finding those that have gotten lost. We’re All Psychic Lisa decided to start her own podcast We’re All Psychic to meet other people who are interested in the same stuff. I recently appeared on her show which was a lot of fun. You can listen here. First, she recorded about six episodes which aired but then she let it go for a while. Then she met her co-host Misty Lohr. Misty had taken her tarot class and then said she had a message for her, “Pursue the podcast.” At the time, Lisa was working for the platform Everclear, so she decided to simply ask them if they would sponsor her podcast and they said yes! She also asked if she could interview other psychics which they agreed to. Lisa was so excited! This access gave her the ability to speak with some very talented psychics and healers which has been a lot of fun. Psychic Development and Mediumship One guest that stands out is Bee Woo. She’s a screen writer who writes comedy, she lives in New York as well as evidential mediumship and psychic work. Bee invited Lisa and Misty to her psychic and mediumship circles, so they could observe conducted on zoom. There might be six in the group and people wait to get visuals and say what they see out loud. Then if it makes sense to you, you claim it. This method of psychic development was new to her, so she was really glad to have this experience. Whenever I go to mediums, my mom loves to show up. However, Lisa told me there was a tall man with salt and pepper  hair, a bushy mustache, and a plaid shirt. She said he was with my father, but I didn’t know who that was. But he could have been another relative. Lisa did connect with my mom, spotting her short curly hair and her love for gold and diamond jewelry – spot on! My mom told her that I make more of an impact than I think I do. Well that’s nice to hear mom! How to Develop Psychic Abilities Lisa works on a psychic hotline, does readings, and has plans to teach classes in 2023. She’s going to offer all sorts of divination workshops to get people used to using their intuition. Classes will cover oracle cards, tarot, psychic development, and mediumship. Also, in her podcast, the most listened to episode is on palmistry, so they’ll be teaching that as well, plus using the pendulum, and last but not least, magic classes. Now you have lots of ways to learn psychic development! If you are interested, go to her website and fill out the poll on which classes you’d like to take and she’ll notify you when they are scheduled. Lisa and I agree that we ventured into the spiritual world to work on our lives and do personal and spiritual development. That’s one of the best reasons to start your own journey. BIO – Lisa Rusczyk Lisa Rusczyk is a cohost of the podcast We’re All Psychic, with cohost Misty Lohr. She started the podcast to meet more people and to help teach others about the Mysteries of energy work. Her goal is to bring more happiness and love into each person’s life by offering the wisdom of ourselves and our guests. Website and Social Media Instagram: @psyreaderlisa and @misty.lohr Facebook:    The post Psychic Development With Lisa Rusczyk Of We’re All Psychic appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Dec 23, 2022 • 0sec

Happy Winter Solstice 2022 – Santa Was a Woman!

In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, you’ll hear a fascinating tale about the origins of Santa. You Won’t Believe Who Santa Really Was! This encore presentation from 2021 will open your eyes to legends and lore about the origins of Santa. As you discover how the idea was borrowed from indigenous people in the northern most areas of the globe, you’ll be amazed at where all the details came from. From Nordic lands to Russian and Mongolia, ancient peoples welcomed a Goddess who flew her sleigh across the sky. She did this on the darkest day of the year at the time of the Winter Solstice to bring the sun back to earth. Better still, find out how the reindeer that flew her sleigh into the night sky were all female! One of the most interesting facts is that only the doe keeps her antlers during the cold winter months. Forget Donner and Blitzen and think Heather and Heidi. Why the Church Turned Santa into a Jolly Man It’s time to give the female shamans and deer credit for this celebration. What once honored the Deer Mother and the cycles of the year, shifted to a male dominated Christmas story hundreds of years ago. Why you ask? It was all in an effort to woo and convert Pagans to Christianity. Learn about how female shamans connected with the Deer Mother for the good of the people. We’ll explore lore, legends, and ancient rituals traditionally lead by women to celebrate a Happy Winter Solstice. Honoring the Deer Mother harkens back to a time when the earth was much colder and reindeer were far more common. Siberian legends include the deer and the shamans using the red and white psychedelic mushrooms to journey. They went to the upper levels where they communed with the Gods. This is one reason Santa and reindeer are associated with red and white designs. Tracing Santa Through Art History Traditions have been traced back through art including rustic symbols and drawings. The art shows a reverence for the life-giving deer that provided sustenance including milk, fur, clothing, etc. I was thrilled to find this story last year and thought I would share it again in 2022, to help more people discover this surprising bit of pre-history. Here’s my complete post from last year with amazing photos, originally published by Danielle Prohom Olson on her incredible blog Her headline read: Doe, A Deer, A Female Reindeer: The Spirit of Winter Solstice (2021) Happy Winter Solstice! The post Happy Winter Solstice 2022 – Santa Was a Woman! appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Dec 16, 2022 • 38min

Soul Mates, Karma & Reincarnation with Dr. Andrea Shakarian

Ready to learn about soul mates, karma, and reincarnation? Dr. Andrea Shakarian and I talk about her unique way of uncovering past lives in this week’s episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. Discovering Soul Mates and Past Lives Dr. Andrea Shakarian is a chiropractor and certified hypnotherapist who has a keen interest and skill at uncovering past lives for her patients. However, her method is rather unique. She uses her chiropractic skill of muscle testing to reveal and pinpoint the place and timing of a specific past life. How cool is that? Since she was a young child, Andrea dabbled in the spirit world. Her family openly talked about having conversations with angels and spirits. Dr. Brian Weiss Got Her Started Years ago, she heard Dr. Brian Weiss talk about past lives on the Oprah show. That got her started. Then she spirits started communicating during her dreams and sometimes provided messages for to deliver to other people as well. Andrea has always loved the idea of having a soul mate – it seems so romantic and this is how she got into learning about soul mates and twin flames. She felt she could recognize people on a soul level. We often reincarnate with a group of people which is part of our “soul family”. However, soul mates and past lives aren’t always romantic and twin flames are frequently the most difficult relationships going because you are working with a specific lesson. You’ll learn a lot but it won’t be easy and there are times when this is not a lasting or healthy connection. The point might be about healing and ascending, rather than enjoyment, which pretty much sums up soul mates, karma, and reincarnation. We Are All One Dr. Shakarian has also studied Zen Buddhism and the concept that we are all one and she talks about how this factors into your relationships as well. According to the Kabbalah, we are all one, and originally, we were sparks of light contained in one vessel that broke open and dispersed. Now we are trying to get back to the source. Andrea did a reading for one client who had lost their romantic partner early in life and was devastated. The partner came through during mediumship to say that they’d be back again in this life as a walk-in. That was a big surprise to Dr. Andrea, having never encountered that before, and she hesitated to convey that message. But she did. The spirit insisted her client would recognize their soul when it comes back. I mentioned how this sounded a little bit like the movie Heaven Can Wait with Warren Beatty and Julie Christie which is one of my all-time favorites – an oldie but goodie! Soul Mates, Karma, and Reincarnation A couple came to Andrea struggling with a control issue and wanted help to understand where this was coming from. Through her muscle-testing method, Dr. Andrea discovered a past life in the ancient Mediterranean area. One had been royalty and the other had been a servant, and they were having a forbidden love affair. Then there was betrayal and a murder attempt which was all very brutal. Bringing this to light was very healing for the couple. Similarly, I did a reading for a woman who was having terrible fights with her husband who wanted to understand what was behind that. I discovered she and her husband had been brothers in the Texas oil business back in the early 1900s. They fought like crazy after their father died because he had not created a proper succession plan. Going back further, another life appeared where they were again brothers, but this time on opposite sides of the US Civil War. I explained, when you think about it, fighting in a marriage is not as drastic as that, so things between them seemed to be improving and we both laughed. Ready for your past life reading? Past Life Work Is Not Always Pretty Some people think looking at past lives is going to be a fun adventure and great story to tell. While that can be true, the real purpose is to access a higher perspective about the lessons you’re learning in this lifetime and how the past plays into that. It’s usually not a romantic journey with castles and unicorns. However, there is a lot much to learn and it can be incredibly healing. Common Themes in Past Lives Andrea asked me what some common lessons are that I have noticed with soul mates, and past lives. We talked about: Power struggles Worthiness Standing up for yourself Taking care of yourself Abandonment Betrayal Here’s the best thing about past life recall. Looking into your past with soul mates, karma, and reincarnation does offer amazing insights and can be very helpful when it comes to forgiveness. If you see what you have done to others and the errors you’ve made, it can help you have compassion for that soul in this life for what they are doing wrong now. And also, compassion for yourself which can be HUGE. Keep in mind that you are witnessing your soul’s growth. That’s the point. This doesn’t mean you have to stay together or put up with bad behavior or treatment. But these insights sometimes help you forgive which often can be the way to ascend the problems. Letting it go rather than holding on to hatred or your wounds, frees up your energy. Akashic Records Readings Andrea and I talked about doing formal Akashic Records readings about soul mates and past lives and how the structure is great when you start out. Now, we have both simplified the process and just get to it, without a lot of ritual. But it’s important that everyone do this work in the way that works best for them. 15 questions to ask in an Akashic Records reading Past Lives Present Miracles Denise Linn wrote this amazing book that I just read called Past Lives Present Miracles. (I love Denise who is a prolific author on many spiritual topics.) She says you can change the result of your past life right today. The author said she had conducted massive workshops with 500-1,000 people and they would do this together with powerful results. I’m not sure how you can mess with time, but perhaps you are just changing the energetic residue. The conversation covered many interesting facets of soul mates, karma and reincarnation, so if this is your thing, you’re going to love this episode. Get Dr. Andrea’s online course to How to Open your 3rd Eye and Develop Your Visual Intuition at 50% off. Use this discount code RON50 BIO – Dr. Andrea Shakarian Dr. Andrea Shakarian, DC, CHt, is a Doctor or Chiropractor, certified Hypnotherapist, licensed by the American Board of Hypnotherapy, and holds a certification in Angel Mediumship and Advanced Angel Readings by Charles Virtue. She has developed her own unique technique of energy healing to remove emotional blocks stored within the body. Her gifts of clairaudience, clairvoyance, and mediumship allow her to receive information from your spirit team to help you develop your own intuitive abilities, so that you can start living your life with intention. Website and Social Media Website  Instagram Twitter Medium   The post Soul Mates, Karma & Reincarnation with Dr. Andrea Shakarian appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Dec 9, 2022 • 0sec

Essential Oils for Protection And More With Allison Stillman

Curious about essential oils for protection, anointing, and reprogramming your beliefs? Listen to world renowned Aromatic Alchemist, Allison Stillman in this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. I am a huge fan of essential oils and when I use them, I work with the emotional benefits that come from the plants, in the same way Bach Flower remedies work. My favorite right now is Green Mandarin which is all about pure potential – yeah baby! The Sacred Art of Anointing Let’s talk about Allison’s new book, The Sacred Art of Anointing. I asked Allison to explain what anointing means. She said when you anoint something or someone, you take a consecrated oil or water and rub it on specific spots, making them sacred and divine. For example, you might take a drop or two of lavender and anoint your heart or the crown of your head. Doing this, you are declaring that you are sacred and divine and putting that out to the universe. As you go out into the world, you carry that with you. We’ve seen this in ancient cultures and Allison’s own recollection is of ancient Egypt where the priests and priestesses conducted elaborate anointing ceremonies. Many of our modern-day sacraments from religious traditions are based on these ancient rights. As individuals, we lost the right to do this for ourselves because it became taboo during the inquisition with a deep fear of going against the church. This is true for anointing or using essential oils for protection. Woman with the Alabaster Jar It wasn’t into the 1920s that aromatherapy came back to the world. Allison was one of the first people to bring anointing back through a serendipitous and magical experience. She recalled her life as an Egyptian priestess doing these rights. I got chills! This lead me to bring up the book Woman With the Alabaster Jar which traces the belief that Mary Magdalene and Jesus were married by looking at art through the ages. The author talks about the Bible story where Mary anointed Jesus by rubbing expensive oils (spikenard) on his feet. This book claims this was an ancient marriage rite of the time, while others say Mary was preparing him for burial. That’s a good example of using essential oils for protection. Raising Your Frequency with Essential Oils Allison listed the holy oils including spikenard, frankincense and myrrh, sandalwood and Palo Santo. They have psychoactive properties inducing a visionary state which is why the Catholic and Greek churches burn the resin as people come in, encouraging a meditative state. Placing the oils on the reflex points of your feet has an incredible effect on the body. There’s been research on a raising the frequency of the body’s organs by applying essential oils to the feet. So, that part of the story remains true. In addition, the palms of your hands, the soles of your feet and the length of your spine all play a role of reading the energy and adding to your intuition. Allison pointed out the aura or electromagnetic field, is a vibratory field three feet out around our bodies. Essential Oils and the Energy Field In fact, the Hearthmath Institute measured the energy from the heart to eight feet outside the body! With this in mind, Allison Stillman has a friend who is skilled at seeing auras, so they did an experiment. Allison smelled frankincense and her friend said she had never seen this happen before but she saw the color gold come into her energy field. The only other time she had seen this was when looking at pictures of Jesus and Buddha that also had gold in their auras (which still remains for those who have this gift of sight.) Smelling essential oils and putting them on your body helps to close up any holes in your field. This is another example of using essential oils for protection. Essential oils impact not only kill bacteria and viruses, but also work on an emotional and spiritual level. Using essential oils to consecrate your body every day is the fastest way Allison has ever encountered to awaken divinity. She has plenty of experience as a healer including a sound therapist, massage, energy work, and a Reiki Master. Nothing is as powerful at bringing in divinity and knowing the truth of who you are as essential oils. Oils Help You Stand in Your Power I moved on to ask about standing in your power. If you are connecting with your divine energy how does that relate to standing in your power? Do you make a connection? Allison says absolutely! We are spiritual beings in a human body having a human experience purely to know ourselves in this way. In Neal Donald Walsh’s book Conversations with God, he talked about why we have suffering fear and pain in the world. The reason for these negative experiences is that they provide contrast so you can value love, joy, unity, and harmony even more. Without the opposite expression, its hard appreciate the incredible state of love, unity, and oneness. Essential oils for protection keep you safe so you can lift your vibe. Releasing Old Patterns with Essential Oils Allison studied for years with Bob Proctor and Joe Dispenza. Bob’s work is about getting to the bottom of old belief systems. He suggests choosing a goal that is beyond what you think is possible and focus on it. Doing this helps you come up with new ways to manifest that you wouldn’t be able to see otherwise. Oils are the fastest way to access the emotional and behavioral centers of the brain. Also, the amygdala which stores long-term memory, is accessible quickly through the sense of smell. So, it came to her that if you could combine Proctor’s work with essential oils, you could clear programs so fast in people! The Subconscious Mind Humans are run by programs buried in the subconscious mind that go back to age five. That’s when you came up with beliefs to survive this world of suffering. Essential oils get into the brain and awaken that subconscious awareness. Next, use an affirmation said in a very specific manner, plus aromatherapy to establish new memory in that amygdala. What a powerful combination to clear those programs very quickly and create new emotional and behavioral patterns. Sometimes essential oils are for protection, other times they help you release old patterns. Essential Oils Produce Amazing Shifts Allison had a good friend who wanted to buy her first house, but this seemed entirely out of reach for her. They did a session and she wanted to buy a home within one year. Together, they did deep work, created the affirmation and the oil for her. Just four months later, her friend sent an email saying she bought her home! Talking with Allison Stillman was powerful conversation about what is possible with essential oils: Her method to manage her energy while working at a n intense corporate job for 6 years How she works with a posse of angels that helped her with souls who passed during the Kosovo war How anointing with essential oils for protection keeps your energetic body safe How to call in your guardian angel to surround, empower and protect you The Living Mind of God coined by Stephen Hawkins History about aromatherapy, starting with lavender and tea tree oil How smell affects memory and your emotional life What a lively and expansive conversation with Allison! You are sure to enjoy this episode so listen this weekend. Get Allison’s Free Course: Using Aromatherapy to Create More Abundance which you can find here. Just scroll down on the home page. BIO – Allison Stillman Allison Stillman is a renowned Aromatic Alchemist, author, teacher and transformational life coach. She is considered an expert on the historical use of essential oils in religious and spiritual ceremonies. Her book, The Sacred Art of Anointing is a result of her 40 years of research and practical experience with essential oils and anointing and is featured in the Harvard Divinity School Library Allison is featured in the NY times #1 bestselling book “Love for No Reason” by Marci Shimoff, “More Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul” by Arielle Ford, and “Insights from the Coffeehouse” by Jonathon Collins. She’s been on radio, television, podcasts and in newspapers and magazines across the globe. She coaches people around the world to use essential oils to transform every area of their lives, and release old programs and paradigms to create the life of their dreams. Allison is one of the world’s leading aromatherapists, growing and distilling essential oils. She has conducted long-term studies on the effects of essential oils on dementia and Alzheimer’s, as well working with people in recovery. Website & Social Media Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: LinkedIn:   The post Essential Oils for Protection And More With Allison Stillman appeared first on Intuitive Edge.

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