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Aug 18, 2022 • 31min

Remote Energy Healing And Transmosis With Tracey Whittet

In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, learn how my guest, Tracey Whittet does remote energy healing and Transmosis to help you feel balanced, uplifted, and greater wholeness. Multi-Dimensional Body Balancing To start, I asked Tracey to please explain what multi-dimensional body balancing is. She began by quoting Buckminster Fuller who said, “99% of who you are is invisible and untouchable.” People think they are whole based on what they can see and touch, but there is so much more. You have several energy bodies that surround your physical body. To get really specific, humans have six invisible bodies that are layered around the actual body. These are part of your aura or energy field: Physical Mental Emotional (Astral) Causal Etheric Spiritual These additional bodies look like you but are transparent in nature. Now, your wounds cause you to disconnect from these bodies unconsciously. Transmosis is how the energy flows and this hybrid word came to Tracey one day while working on a client. What Is Transmosis? What does it mean? Well, the prefix “trans” means across or the other side. Combine this with the word “osmosis,” which is how water moves from an area of greater concentration to an area of lessor concentration. Put the words together and this defines how the healing energy moves through the body during the Transmosis process. The unconscious transfer and assimilation of higher frequencies to raise the recipient’s energy to be equal to Source’s (God) energy. In other words, Tracey up-levels her client’s frequency to connect with their soul level energy. This can be done in person or with remote energy healing. Tracey’s Spiritual Journey Tracey started her spiritual journey at a young age (somewhere between 18 and 20), going to a Sunday gathering in her neighborhood. First she had reflexology done and was hooked! Then she learned Reiki healing and that was the beginning of her healing studies. She also studied a Course in Miracles with this group, which had a huge impact on her life and how she looked at everything. Then, in her mid 20s, she took a program by Michelle Lousson called Creative Wellness, which was about holistic stress management. The intensive, week-long program changed her life and she still uses the same methods today. Tracey went back to college and got an individualized degree in Stress Management. She wanted to learn more about the endocrine system and took anatomy and physiology to better understand the body. Call in 100% Pure Divine Light Switching gears, we talked about how channeling is not only with words, but also with energy. Tracey considers her work to be divine flow. We are spiritual, divine beings, so we are the local representatives of the Divine! Tracey and I had a good laugh about this. Tracey recommends that you always call in 100% pure divine light. You are so powerful, but most people often forget or get disconnected from that wisdom. At the start of a session, Tracey calls in your guides, asking for 100% pure divine light for the highest good to be done for you and all concerned. She also calls in her own guides of 100% pure divine light and asks to be a pure divine vessel of truth, wisdom, and healing love for her client’s highest good. Then she invites her client and herself to move the ego out of the way. Working with the Violet Flame Next, she calls in the all consuming Violet Flame (St. Germain) to clear, clean, cleanse, heal, harmonize, and balance her client on all levels, layers, timelines, and dimensions. Tracey said that while doing her work, humorous thoughts often come to mind and she sometimes feels like she’s on Saturday Night Live. This is part of her bringing in the divine and levity is absolutely a type of joy – a super high frequency. Levity opens doors, changes energy, and offers a transformation in itself. You can release through laughter the same way you do with crying. It’s all the same, moving energy to get the result you desire, whether in person or by remote energy healing. Tracey has found when she asks spirit what the client needs to work on, she always hears that everyone is working to clear ancestral lines. This is true for both sides of your family. Everyone inherits energy, and even if it feels like it’s yours because it’s in your body, often there are energy patterns that are definitely from an ancestor. Soul Alignment Up to 80% of the time, energies get stuck in the past in our nervous system, endocrine system, and chakras too. So, a client might want to work on something in particular, but Tracey asks spirit what to work on. That calls up the hologram of your energy, like the movie Minority Report, which is a vast landscape of how you manifest in the world. Then the beings of light do what is for your highest good. Recently, when I was doing remote energy healing with a client, I was working to clear her system. I noticed that her energy bodies were out of sync. They looked like a Venn diagram with three overlapping circles. Instead, the energy bodies needed to be aligned and I focused my attention on getting her fully aligned, calling back all the pieces to sync together, like one central core. Tracey was saying that is soul alignment. How to Use Liquid Gold Light Once you have cleared and cleansed the energy bodies and systems and have everything realigned, you’re ready to wrap things up. To do this, you simple heal and seal with liquid golden light. Allow the light to fill any voids or empty spots that were cleared, and activate upward spirals that are clockwise to reverse any tears or contractions (like fear) of energy. Then you anchor and hold with divine protection of truth, wisdom, and healing love. Right now, Tracey is creating a course so anyone can do this for themselves. Her vision is to heal the world, support higher consciousness, and help human beings evolve. Get Out of the Way! This year, Tracey learned that even though she always thought she was in charge, she discovered that if she just gets her ego out of the way, things tend to fall into place easily. That is so true! She also suggests that you can ask your 100% pure divine light team for help with anything, to help you do what is for your highest good. Your Intuition Is Your Power Connect with your higher self and your divinity, to tune into your intuition and highest good. Then make sure you clear, clean, cleanse, heal, harmonize, and balance to take care of your spiritual hygiene. Be in a relationship with yourself first and your divine being – this is what creates flow. Be in your heart and think of this as your own divine GPS. So connect in the morning and go from there. She says its a walk of trust and we are all working on this. Remote Energy Healing Tracey works with clients in person in New Mexico and also she offers remote energy healing. Regardless of who you choose to work with, taking care of your energy bodies can only serve you. Thanks, Tracey! Get Tracey’s Free Gift – a pdf copy of her book, The Magi Within at Bio – Tracey Whittet Tracey Whittet is an intuitive guide, channeler, and energy healer in Santa Fe, NM sharing her unique gift called Transmosis Healing. The multi-dimensional body balancing sessions clear non-beneficial energies on all levels, layers, timelines, and dimensions by clearing the Energy Bodies. Clients feel better, happier, lighter, and are uplifted by the 100% pure divine light clearing that compassionately elevates you into wholeness. Website & Social Media: Website: LinkedIn: Twitter: Facebook Page: Facebook Personal: YouTube: Instagram:   The post Remote Energy Healing And Transmosis With Tracey Whittet appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Aug 12, 2022 • 28min

Whimsical Wisdom Of The Sock Monkey Oracle – Shannon Grissom

In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, I’m speaking with Shannon Grissom about her Sock Monkey Oracle Cards. This adorable and highly creative deck is filled with the whimsical wisdom only sock monkeys can provide. Where the Sock Monkey Oracle Idea Came From I asked my guest, Shannon Grissom, where this idea came from. She told the story that 20 years ago, she painted the original sock monkey painting as a tribute to her mom after she passed. Shannon had found a sock monkey among her things while cleaning out her home. From the very first painting, she thought this was a great idea for an oracle deck. But she didn’t do anything with them, even though she continued painting the inspiring monkeys. The paintings piled up but they would have to wait to be born as an oracle. The Pandemic Provided Time Then came the pandemic and shut down hit, and her two one-woman shows were closed. Shannon saw this as a sign from the Universe – it was time to shift gears. She asked herself what’s on my list that I never had time to do – the Sock Monkey Oracle Deck! Once she made the decision, the flood gates of creativity opened. She finished the paintings and then sat down to write the book that accompanies the deck. But Shannon doubted herself wondering who am I to write the text for this oracle. Channeling Sock Monkey Wisdom Then she realized it wasn’t coming directly from her but to her through channeling and the Sock Monkey Oracle Deck was born. It was an amazing experience! I thought this was such a beautiful story. The thing about sock monkeys to me, is that they are so outrageously lovable! Soft, comfy, cozy little dolls that you just want to hug and squeeze. History of Sock Monkey Dolls I asked Shannon what was the history of sock monkeys dolls. She said that dolls have been made from socks for hundreds of years. But during the depression here in the US, the Nelson Knitting Company from Rockford, Illinois, changed the yarn for the heels of their socks to red. This is how the sock monkeys of today came into being with their bright red lips. Learning to Lighten Up Curious, I asked Shannon what lessons she learned while working on the guidebook. She replied that the deck seems to call her on her own stuff and then laughed deeply. There’s a lesson in each card that she has worked on or is still working on. The deck has helped her the most by shifting from being focused and driven, to lightening up. How can you not when you look at those cards with their little faces? They just put you in a state of joy. Shannon’s process for tuning in is to move into a state of joy. To do this, she pictures herself with all the dogs that have ever loved her (and vice versa) which puts her into a cosmic state of flow. Isn’t that so sweet? This allows her to connect with spirit and helped her channel the lightness and wisdom of the Sock Monkey Oracle. Pick a Card Daily Her regular practice is to get into alignment with spirit and speak with her guides. Then she pulls one card from the deck, asking what she needs to focus on for the day. The very first one she pulled from the finished deck was “Unwind” which was spot on. This card also made her laugh, since she had gotten very wound up towards the end of the production process. Of course I had to pick a card myself from the deck Shannon had graciously sent me. The card was “Education” which I took to mean I was learning something new. Shannon’s take was a little different on the message seeing that I am teaching something by sharing this with the listeners. Very true! Which Cards Stand Out? I wanted to know if any of the cards stood out for her and she responded immediately with the “Love” card. Shannon says the Love card hits her soul on a deep level. We also talked about the cover of the deck which is dance. She talked about posing the sock monkey and was reminded that she has no control because they didn’t always want to pose they way she wanted them too. Then she let out a big laugh! The other card that hit her strongly was the “Withdraw” card, which is the last one in the deck. Shannon doesn’t necessarily like getting that card, but she knows and has learned to heed the message and stop pushing. Shannon’s Spiritual Practice Next I asked how she got her spiritual practice started. Shannon said her sister-in-law got her into oracle and Tarot cards in her mid 20’s, opening her to the idea of something bigger than herself. She also started doing Julia Cameron’s “Morning Pages” from her book, The Artist’s Way. This began her phase working with automatic writing which Shannon is still doing today. Then, she actively tunes in to speak with her guides every day and records this by using She used to start her day with painting, but now she tunes into spirit first. I always find such a disciplined approach so impressive since that’s not my strong point. Shannon talked about how she has learned to pay attention and listen to spirit, so she can live her best life. When she blocks out the advice, problems tend to crop up. The Gratitude Challenge We also talked about her gratitude practice and I asked how this got started. It seems her husband had a bad accident and this was a tough time in her life. Then coincidently, her niece had started a month-long gratitude challenge for November that year, suggesting people think of something they were grateful for every day for 30 days. This was super hard for Shannon, but she took on the challenge to move in the right direction. When the month ended, she didn’t stop! What happened was she started looking for things to be grateful for! Doing this since 2009, the process has morphed. Now on her daily walk, she looks for something cool to take a picture of. She says it’s like hunting for gratitude. Shannon didn’t realize she was negative until she started seriously looking for the the positive side of life. I added that the human brain wants to be right, so people look for evidence that supports their viewpoints. If you are negative,  you’ll find that evidence. On the other hand, when you push yourself to be more positive, you’ll start to see more wonderful things in your life! Reset Your Internal Radar for Positivity What Shannon did in essence, was reset her internal radar for gratitude and positivity and that completely shifted her life experience. In my practice, I also ask for synchronicities and help to see and notice the signs that my guides share with me so I can walk my highest spiritual path. Shannon also adds the word and emotion LOVE to her affirmations to help her buy into them more deeply. This struck me, as putting the love vibe into your affirmations adds a powerful emotion and really, what frequency is higher that love? If you want more whimsy, more magic, and more love in your daily practice, get the Sock Monkey Oracle for yourself and enjoy! BIO- Shannon Grissom Shannon was a late bloomer and didn’t discover painting until 33! Upon realizing she wanted to be a professional artist, she was hooked and driven. She’d get up early each day to paint for a few hours before the start of her day job. This demanding schedule was worth the effort because she left that job in 1999 to create art full-time. At 44, she began production of her television series, Give Your Walls Some Soul. The inspirational how-to painting show grew from an audience of just one station to over 50 across the country, winning numerous awards and still airing today. Next, at 46, she published her children’s book Monkey Made of Sockies, and a line of licensed merchandise, including a coloring book, and  golf club headcovers carried on tour by several LPGA pros. Today Shannon is an award-winning artist, television producer/host, author, and songwriter. Her artwork is licensed and sold globally, and she just launched an online art school called “Painterly.” Shannon’s  latest project, the Sock Monkey Oracle is a joyful marriage of her metaphysical interests and her creative life. No matter what she creates, Shannon’s mission is to radiate love and help folks pollinate their own creativity. Get your own deck or visit her website to learn more about Shannon Grissom The post Whimsical Wisdom Of The Sock Monkey Oracle – Shannon Grissom appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Aug 4, 2022 • 30min

How To Be Confident In Your Body With Vicki Dello Joio

In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, find out how to be confident in your body in this interview with Vicki Dello Joio, Qi Gong Master Teacher and Public Speaking Coach. How Vicki Discovered Qi Gong Vicki started her long relationship with martial arts growing up in New York City. She wanted to kick through obstacles, get where she wanted to go, and learn self-defense. After years of practice and dedication, she got a strong inner message that it was time to focus on the energy of what she was doing vs. breaking a board or do harm to someone else. She started to explore the other aspects of Qi Gong. I shared that I have a client who is a lawyer and being at court sort of makes her a warrior. I got a message for her that it was time to put her proverbial sword and shield down and learn to use her feminine energy instead to deflect attacks and court room antics. Turns out Vicki also has an attorney client who was going to present to the Canadian Supreme Court and she needed to learn how to present an important case at this top level. Using what she knows about moving energy and how to be confident in your body, Vicki helped her client with her case. We come back to this later in the blog post. WaQi Is About Your Energy Field WaQi is a powerful, scientifically-validated practice for making positive changes in mind, body, and spirit. Harnessing the power within and your confidence, you can walk into a presentation (or anything really) saying to yourself, “I am,” which is always a bold positive statement. Think how much more presence you would have with “I am” vs. thinking either, “I can’t do this,” or “I hope it goes well.” Vicki explains that the energy you bring to any interaction is the one ingredient that matters most. The shift for Vicki came at the end of training and sparring with her partner one day. They’d come home and end up fighting a lot and she was done with this pattern. So, it came to her that she wanted to stop hurting people and being hurt. She didn’t want to fight anymore. Coincidently, she got a phone call that same day from a friend who was a Qi Gong master. Her friend said she’d been thinking about her and had a feeling it was time to stop fighting and learn more about the inner plane. This is why Vicki shifted to Qi Gong. How to Exude Power Vicki became more familiar with what it means to exude power from within. She gained a sense of internal power and become a lot more resilient, rather than having to fight. This is about how to be confident in your body. People who learn this skill to come from within as they straighten their spine and emit that energy. I asked what that means to the average person. Vicki says its a way to tap into your inner guidance and know what is best for yourself. Believe it or not, standing tall in your body is a way to unite heaven and earth in Qi Gong. To understand and know what steps to take to get to your goal, what serves you best, and how to be discerning all at the same time. It’s about realms of consciousness. When you’re not straight, then the energy gets stuck and doesn’t flow as freely. Allow for flow in your body with this type of posture to shift or eliminate pain or even how you feel or perceive something. Vicki’s Work as a Public Speaking Coach Vicki works with private clients to help them move into a good place physiologically, for the best possible presentation. With her attorney client going to the supreme court, they worked on how to respond to difficult questions and hold herself strong. The client had a huge win, because the case was expected to be shot down. Yet, the court was split and agreed to review again in six months. This was surprising and a reflection of how well she used her energy during the presentation. She demonstrated how to be confident in your body. Tai Chi Vs. Qi Gong What is the difference between Tai Chi and Qi Gong? Qi Gong is actually a word that references a broad array of practices with many subcategories and styles. Some martial arts and others meditative, etc. Qi Gong was a word created in China in the 1950s to represent the whole category of movement exercises. Tai Chi is a branch of Qi Gong. It’s about techniques that work with the breath, move energy intentionally (like acupuncture), and visualization. There are over 6,000 exercises that fall under this umbrella, so in any class you attend, you might encounter a new series of movements. Qi Gong is more solitary vs. working with a partner, to build yourself, improve your health, and walk your talk. What Is a Joy-Fueled Life? Next I asked Vicki what she means when she talks about a “joy-fueled life.” She sees joy as a fuel and in Qi Gong it lives in the heart. It can be a fuel for life. Many people see their joy as dependent on outside things like having enough money, the right job, or house. She thinks joy is a birthright and a life force that you can tap into any time you want. She also clarified that joy is not the same as happiness. This is not about everything being nice all the time. Vicki sees joy as a container for all other emotions. For example, at a funeral or memorial, people are sad about the loss, but might also laugh during the eulogy, remembering the joy of the person who passed. Laughter is like tears, allowing emotion and energy to move through you. When you think about how to be more confident in your body, you know joy follows close behind. Her name Victoria Dello Joio means “Victory of Joy” in Italian. Realizing this made her ask herself what it meant and what that looks like. The way of joy is her own hybrid system she created over many years that combines heaven, human, and earth. The Power of Your Heart Center What are some embodied tools that people can use to amplify the power of our presence while honoring our shy self? If you want to push past the shyness, speak your truth, and come forward with what matters to you, start by putting your hand over your heart chakra. Your thymus gland is behind your sternum where the heart center is, which supports your immune system. Then ask yourself why you care, what matters to you most, and what your message is. The heart center is where the WaQi energy and field emanates from. At the same time, lift your crown and lengthen your neck, so your chin drops a bit. This move opens a channel between your wisdom in your head and your heart, the source of love and joy. Then feel your sits bones connected to your heels, so you have a sense of vertical alignment and move into neutral compassion. This is how to be confident in your body. Now when you express yourself, you honor your shy self, but come from a place of inner power. Doing this connects your heaven realm or wisdom and your earth realm which is your power. Ready to awaken to the voice of your soul? How to Be Confident in Your Body I brought up the Donna Eden’s Thymus Thump, which is tapping on your sternum to calm your nervous system and reduce that fight or flight feeling. This brings you back into alignment. Cool right? So, when you feel nervous or have to make a good impression, or get your point across, lift your crown, activate your thymus, ground through your feet, then you will be in  your power. This connects the heaven and earth, helps you be strong, and is a great example of how to be confident in your body. This reminded me of the Wonder Woman  stance (from Amy Covey’s work) with your hands on hips and feet apart of shoulder wide which helps you remember you are in charge. You summon up energy in this stance, and feel in your power. Stand tall, feel into your heart, and remember to breathe. In addition, seven long, deep breaths can bring you back to center, helping you feel a lot more resourceful. Give yourself this gift! You can find lots of videos on Vicki’s website to learn more and enjoy!   BIO – Vicki Dello Joio Drawing on decades of theater performance, directing experience, and life-long study of martial arts, Vicki stands apart from other trainers (public speaking coaches). By focusing on crafting the stories her clients tell AND the energy behind how they deliver their message, their audiences can feel and remember them forever.  The Energy You Bring is the Ingredient that Matters Most. Learn more about Vicki at Listen to talks and interviews about Qi here     The post How To Be Confident In Your Body With Vicki Dello Joio appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jul 29, 2022 • 33min

Discovering Inner Wisdom With Life Coach Ulrika Sullivan

Discover your own inner wisdom with Ulrika Sullivan. Having left her corporate job as a scientist and chemical engineer, she’s now a spiritual life coach and energy healer. Ulrika is passionate about helping women connect with their intuition, energy and true self to find greater life balance and self- love. She believes in living from the heart with more ease and flow. Sounds good doesn’t it? The Work Hard Success Model The idea that the harder you work, the more you will receive has defined success for many decades. Often, there is a specific career path to follow. But this old paradigm has become outdated and doesn’t hold true any more. People are tired of the struggle this creates. Ulrika challenges the concept by asking, “What if that’s not true?” She knows there’s another way and this is the center of her life coaching practice. You can discover other ways to experience success. Wow, wouldn’t that be freeing? The shift is to define what success is for you. That’s how you get into the flow. You can step away from being completely driven, following your focused career path, and all those usual check boxes. How to Redefine Success Ulrika suggests shifting this typical pattern by going inwards to find your true talents and gifts. Connecting with your inner wisdom is a better way to discover your own individual path to success. The old way would be to get promoted, publish a book, become a thought leader, have a big stock portfolio, drive a status car, own a big home, win awards, etc. If you redefine success based on your inner knowing, what does success look like then? It’s important to identify those patterns in your life that may no longer serve you. They keep you on the treadmill, feeling unsatisfied. Raise your awareness to notice these patterns and open to new possibilities. Go within and figure out what ignites your creativity. When do you feel the most life force? What lights you up? This takes some digging but is so worthwhile because you get in touch with your true self. Start by asking yourself these questions. Connect with Your Inner Wisdom Here’s a concrete example of the new kind of success Ulrika enjoys. In the past, she started her morning with her phone and a big to-do list. She’d wake up, take her phone into the bathroom, shower, rush around, and commute 1.5 hours to work. In contrast today, Ulrika doesn’t set an alarm. She wakes up when her body is done sleeping. Then, she lies in bed for a while reviewing her dreams and connecting with her body. Next, she makes coffee and goes back to bed to meditate, talk with her spirit guides, do intuitive journaling, and pull cards. After this, she gets up, moves her body, and starts the day. Her morning is about self-care and self-reflection. This massive difference in pace and flexibility from Ulrika’s previous way of life has totally shifted and greatly improved her well-being. Honoring Yourself Defines Success Having time to herself and honoring her needs gives her a whole new measure of success. The path of connecting with your inner wisdom is a game changer. I could relate to part of this because I’d been my own boss for most of my career. I worked freelance, so I could set my schedule and say no to jobs that didn’t fit. Then, as a coach, I had freedom over my schedule too. But in the end, I still defined my success with traditional metrics – number of clients, income, social media followers, etc. I guess I’m still working on this new idea, LOL. The next step is to stop tracking and detach from these metrics which creates an opening to trust that you will be given all that you need. This is heart-centered living according to Ulrika Sullivan. Signs and Synchronicities By working with the energy, signs, and synchronicities, you allow your own inner wisdom to guide you. The awareness of energy helps you align with the Universal flow to attract what you need and release the fear of not having enough. Wow, that’s huge! When you allow yourself to work through the heart, tap into that, and let it lead, there is no more wondering. This helps you trust and be even more of your true self. Synchronicities happen when you are present in your life right now. In the past, Ulrika lived only in the future, planning and stressing. This happens when you want to control or expect something in a certain way which is normal for most people. Signs and synchronicities work in the complete opposite way. What comes to you is right for you at that time because you are open to it and aligned with the energy. That’s why there is less stress and more ease. Self-Love Is The Key The key to it all is self-love. When self-love is low, you may attract things that you don’t want. You must turn this around, so that you are your highest priority. That is the core of self-love – listening to and taking care of yourself so you have access to your inner knowing. This is also the fundamental of heart-centered living. When Ulrika let go of her logical mind, the right situations just started to show up for her. Now this happens all the time. In the past she was way too busy and so was her mind. Slowing down and tuning in, helps you see the signs that are meant for you. Ulrika’s Awakening Ulrika’s company was restructured which eliminated her job and she was laid off. Her identity had been totally wrapped up in her career, which caused her to hit rock bottom. However, this also gave her the opportunity to reconnect with herself and start the awakening process. Ulrika says signs are always present but it’s too easy to be all in your head and miss them. You have to commit to yourself to take time to notice the signs, build inner wisdom, and stop the go-go-go. My Decision Making Method For me, when it comes to big decisions, I write the pro and con list and ask my close friends what they think. Tuning into the energy of each option is also a step. If I still can’t decide, I leave it up to the Universe to show me a sign. Some people are great at noticing signs like hearing a song on the radio, seeing a shape in the clouds or noticing an animal that let’s them know they are on the right track. But I prefer more control, which is why I request something specific, and set a time limit. This works for me every time! I’ve made three of my biggest life decisions this way and it’s been wonderful. Learn more about asking the Universe for a sign in this episode. Building Trust in Yourself Connecting to your inner wisdom and following the advice you get requires trust. Then you have to be willing to follow through based on the signs you see. Allow yourself to be receptive. Receiving is the epitome of working with Divine feminine energy, which is on the rise today. Being receptive feels much easier and that’s what people want now, an easier life. Going within and trusting yourself are two proven ways to get there. Ulrika’s Top Two Tips To make space for yourself and your own life is different for each person. You need that “inner me” time and to make yourself a priority. Also to make time for a daily spiritual practice to go within so it’s as natural as brushing your teeth. Be sure to get Ulrika’s Free Gift – a meditation on how to listen to yourself  Listen to Yourself BIO – Ulrika Sullivan Ulrika supports mindful working women to find calm and return to balance in all areas of their lives. She’s a mom, wife, National Bestselling Author, intuitive spiritual life coach, podcaster, energy healer, yoga teacher, and a fiercely calm professional. Ulrika is passionate about helping you see your life in a new light and get you to where you want to be professionally, personally, mentally, physically and spiritually. Get her book Wisdom Beyond What You Know   The post Discovering Inner Wisdom With Life Coach Ulrika Sullivan appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jul 22, 2022 • 34min

Sex On The First Date & More Dating Questions With Debbie Rivers

On this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic, I’m speaking Dating Coach Debbie Rivers about sex on the first date and more dating questions. When you are dating and looking for love, deciding when to get intimate with a new man can be difficult. Does it matter when you have sex, and which set of rules should you follow? Dating after 40 is so different because your body has changed, and your mindset may have shifted. Are there any clear answers about how to handle intimacy? What I recommend is to decide what you want first. If you want to date around, have fun, and know you won’t be heartbroken if a guy never calls again after sleeping with him, you’re free to do as you please. Of course, take steps to be safe, that’s obvious. But you must be in a strong place emotionally to hold up in the face of rejection. Thankfully, the stigma of first date sex has diminished significantly. However, if you are going to feel attached right away after sex on the first date and will feel completely destroyed if the guy disappears, then wait longer. How Long Should You Wait? For myself, I waited at least 5-6 dates because I figured if the guy was consistent enough for that many dates, then he was a good risk. Certainly, no guarantee but it helped. Whatever you do, don’t tell a man what your magic number is because he might see this as a challenge. Men have been known to hang in there just to get you into bed to meet the challenge and then walk away. There is a lot of pressure and the “3 Date Rule” does still pop up. Some men actually think that three dates entitles them to sleeping with you. This is nonsense and you don’t need to think twice about it. There is no such rule except in his own mind. Even if you say society sets this expectation, you don’t need to follow it. Never have sex on the first date or any time because you feel pressured by someone’s expectations. Or that you owe a person anything just because he bought you dinner. No way! You get to decide when you feel safe and comfortable and that’s the end of it. You want a man to desire you, of course, but you want him to want YOU, not just having sex with any woman. Chemicals Get Released Spotting instant sexual chemistry is easy. But knowing if you have emotional chemistry takes a heck of a lot longer. So, if you decide to go for it and sleep with a man right away, that clouds your ability to stay objective about the emotional connection. Oxytocin gets released, and most women start feeling attached and loving. How do you get around this? Debbie has had clients say it’s embarrassing to have “the conversation” and talk about what you are looking for. Yet, if you can get naked with someone, why can’t you have this conversation first? Think about it. How to Have the Conversation Here’s how to bring it up. The best time is on the very first meeting. Just ask, “What are you looking for? Something casual or serious?” This timing offers the least amount of pressure and has been shown to be when a man will be the most honest. If his response is delayed, he laughs, looks away, or says, “casual,” then he’s the wrong guy. Keep this as a strict rule with yourself and you won’t waste time on men who don’t want what you want. If you have already been on a few dates, and he lets you know he’d like to go to bed,  say something like, “That sounds nice, but my preference is to be in an exclusive relationship where we aren’t sleeping with anyone else. I’m not ready for that yet.” This gives you more time if you are facing down the “3 Date Rule.” This is why it’s essential to be very clear about what you want, what your boundaries are, and what works for you. The decision is very individual, but once you have your own set of rules, your choices become much easier. You simply follow your own rules! This took a lot of pressure off me when dating. Poor Reasons to Get Intimate Debbie says she knows a lot of women have sex for the wrong reason. They worry if they don’t fool around, he won’t like them or stick around.  Some women think if they don’t sleep with a guy, another woman will. So what? That’s no reason to have sex, and it doesn’t mean it’s right for you. If that guy is only interested in you is one thing, let him find satisfaction with someone else! What if he’s just lonely or needy? In addition, Debbie and I both have seen women who place meaning on sex. When a man sleeps with you or spends the night, some women believe that indicates he really likes you. Sadly, this is no benchmark for genuine interest. There’s also this idea that you want to know early on if the two of you are sexually compatible. Okay, fair enough. But waiting a bit longer will still be plenty early. You don’t need to wait three months, just a few more dates will do it. Another common misconception women have is that having great sex will ensure a man chooses you over other women. That’s not a guarantee either. It takes more than a good roll in the hay to establish a solid long-term relationship. Today, sex doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t suggest there is a commitment or genuine interest beyond the physical. Attraction and genuine interest are NOT the same. Here’s What Hot Chemistry Indicates Unfortunately, sizzling hot physical chemistry is not an indication of long-term potential or compatibility beyond the bedroom. That intense attraction is nature’s way of ensuring survival of the species. It doesn’t mean anything more than that. If you want a relationship, your odds of finding a good one or lasting love improve when you don’t have sex on the first date. Why Don’t Women Listen? Debbie brought out a really good point. When she’s worked with men, they complain that women don’t listen. The men say they tell women they don’t want a relationship, yet the women choose to get involved anyway, then get mad when it doesn’t become serious. Women tend to think a guy will change his mind about his dating agenda and go for the relationship when he sees how great it can be. How to tell if he just wants sex. Nothing could be further from the truth. When a man says he’s doesn’t want anything serious, HE MEANS IT and won’t change his mind. Another issue with early intimacy is that it leads women to feel prematurely invested in building the relationship. Even if they discover the guy isn’t quite what they hoped for, or they aren’t the best match, they feel invested and decide to stick with him. This mentality is exactly why women end up in unhappy relationships because they didn’t take their time to vet a man thoroughly before committing to being exclusive. Benefits of Slowing Down On the other hand, when you slow things down and date multiple men at the same time, it stops you from obsessing about any particular guy. This can also prevent the needy behavior that sabotages your chances, turns a man off, and pushes him away. When you don’t rush into a relationship, you can learn more about a man to discover more areas of compatibility or places where you don’t jive. The longer you hold off for sex or exclusivity, the more you can remain objective about his true potential as your long-term romantic partner. This is how you can see past a guy’s “best behavior” that dissipates with time. There’s So Much More! Debbie and I went on to talk about: The difference between men and women and who changes their mind most The issue of size Pressures and expectations about intimacy Who leaves more often due to a lack of satisfaction What women say provides their greatest satisfaction The influence of porn How to keep that spark alive How to rekindle desire and your sensuality The John & Julie Gottman’s book – Eight Dates Asking for what you want and more! Listen to this episode and you’ll learn so much about dating, intimacy, and sex on a first date. BIO – Debbie Rivers Always learning the latest advances in how the brain works, especially when it comes to love, Debbie shares cutting edge tools with her clients. Her unique approach applies behavioral science, neuroscience, and attraction strategies to give you the everything you need. She’s a Certified Practitioner in Coaching in Gottman Method Couples Therapy, a Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming Coach, a Certified Master mBIT Coach (Europe) and a Certified Matchmaker with the Matchmakers Institute in New York. Visit her at The post Sex On The First Date & More Dating Questions With Debbie Rivers appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jul 15, 2022 • 31min

Web Design For Spiritual Business With Kelly McElroy

If you’re looking for web design for spiritual business, this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast provides some amazing insights! Kelly McElroy is the dreamer behind the positive, pastel world of Star Castle Studio. A Spiritual Approach to Branding We had a surprising conversation about a highly unique and very spiritual way to work with a graphic designer. Traditionally, her job is to solve problems or find solutions using art to make sure you are communicating your offerings clearly to your target audience. She paved her own path because typical marketing and branding seemed so black and white and frankly icky to her. That’s why she created Star Castle Studio as a safe space for people who are trying to build a brand that feels aligned with their principles. It’s easy to get mired down and trapped by all the “shoulds” business owners encounter during the process. What most advice online offers dragged her spirit down and left her feeling low. So, she was her own first client with this process. Now her goal is to help you make an unforgettable impression online in the same way. Your Business Has It’s Own Energy What called me to interview Kelly on the podcast was this idea of connecting with your brand as an energy or entity separate from yourself. This is how you discover what is in the best interest of your brand. First, you have to imagine that your business has it’s very own energy pattern. Then you tune into that energy intuitively to see what it has to say! So much more powerful than what experts say you should do. What an amazing concept, that your business can help you design your brand or website which will have the most appeal to your audience. Give it a name and pay attention to the personality. Kelly’s process of web design for spiritual business is super innovative and very effective. How to Tune into Your Business There are several ways to connect with the energy of your business, even if it’s still forming. Trust that the energy already has come together and reach out using any of these options below. Remember, you’re not asking your inner self or higher self. You are asking YOUR BUSINESS. 1. Meditate to Connect Sit down, get quiet and ask to connect with the energy of your business. Spend about 15-minutes with this focus. It might take you several attempts, but don’t give up. Once you do connect, ask if your business entity has a different name or give it one so you can address it directly. Ask your business what it needs or wants. This can be about graphic design, logos, web design or design of any other marketing materials. You can also ask about the content and if there is a style that would work best to appeal to the right clientele. 2. Pull a Card Yup, you can simply pick a card from a tarot or oracle deck! Ask what you can do to best support your business today or what do you need from me today? You can also ask a more specific question. 3. Use Your Pendulum If you have a concern about your business or a decision to make, break out the pendulum. That’s how you can get a yes, no or maybe answer. In case you get a “No” as your answer, then you want to break the questions down and go deeper. For example, if you ask, “Should I offer a new program called Intuition Rocks?” getting no response won’t give you enough information. To get the most guidance, you’ll want to think about a list of questions and really break it all down to get the information you need. Start at the foundation of your idea and work up to the smaller details. Should I offer a group? Should the group be about intuition? How many sessions should be included? (4, 6, 10?) Should it be during the day? Is the name I chose going to work? Would a new name serve you better? etc. Honoring Your Business Tapping into your business energetically is a huge way to honor your business as a separate entity from you. There is a lot of power in doing this. When you treat your company with respect, you’ll also pay yourself that same respect. Astrology of Your Business Kelly has created a color palette for each astrology sign. Think about when your business is born, which could be when the idea came to you or the day your website went live. Then you know it’s astrology sign. If it’s a new business that you are creating branding for, you can use the colors that go with it’s sign. Also the elements could be included. Once you know the colors, then you can create a “Mood Board” which helps you formulate the feeling you want to bring out through color and visuals. Web Design for Spiritual Business Kelly connects with the energy of each client’s business intuitively and also uses a crystal for it’s branding. Revolutionary! Her best tip is to drop the baggage about how other successful businesses like yours look and what their brands are about. Forget all the “shoulds” and honor your business by listening to what it wants to be. That’s how to ensure everything resonates with your target audience. Get inspired and connected to your business and brand and see how much easier it is to create your image and appeal to your ideal clients. BIO – Kelly McElroy Kelly McElroy calls herself the dreamer behind the positive, pastel world of Star Castle Studio. She’s a designer and illustrator, mom, bunny lover, type enthusiast, and a coffee addict. She isn’t afraid of breaking the rules of graphic design. Kelly specializes in creating beautiful custom brands that sing the praises of individuals and their dreams while helping them get noticed for their skills and talents. She’s interested in your unique story, inspiration and ideas because everyone has a story to tell and a gift to share. Learn more at  Get her freebie here! Social Media The post Web Design For Spiritual Business With Kelly McElroy appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jul 7, 2022 • 30min

We Are Spiritual Beings Having A Human Experience – Amy Gray-Cunningham

In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, Amy Gray-Cunningham explains how we are spiritual beings having a human experience.  She shares her wisdom and wonderful way of looking at life here on earth with lots of love. Earth Is a Playground Amy feels we’ve been here many, many times and we come back to earth to enjoy more fun. To her, earth is a playground and it’s all about how we choose to look at it. We are the divine creators of our experience, so we get to choose how we live this life. Her perspective has changed on this in the last year. As a child she felt like the oddball out. She felt like she didn’t get “it” whatever that is. Now she sees “it” as having fun and choosing to be joyful, even in the midst of pain. That is not always an easy task. I asked what secrets she could share to help listeners choose joy in the face of adversity. Amy replied that the earth life is not for the faint of heart or an easy go. We are here to experience emotion and that’s what makes earth life so extreme. It’s an extreme sport – like mountain biking! We are on a journey of transformation. Processing Emotions We are made of energy and science has proven this. Turns out emotions are also energy. So, when you don’t let your emotions flow through the body and stuff them instead, the energy can turn into disease and pain. She says it’s totally up to you though – whether it’s joyful or painful. One objection to this idea is about children who have a rough childhood. People might think they don’t deserve such difficulties. However, as a soul you choose your family before coming to earth, as well as your lessons, and the life you live. You Are Perfect as You Are Amy suggests you keep in mind that everyone is already perfect. There is no soul that is not perfect just as it is right now. There is nothing wrong with you. The problems are simply for the purpose of learning. Unfortunately, sometimes the voice in your head gets in your way. This is your ego, which is there to protect you. How does the ego do this? With the programs you acquired from past lives, media, family, and more.  Again, we are spiritual beings having a human experience and this is part of it. A Mani-Pedi Gone Wrong Here’s an example. Amy went to get a mani-pedi. She walked in and realized immediately it was pure chaos in there. She wanted to pamper herself and they didn’t even know where the gel colors vs. the regular colors were located. Needless to say, she didn’t have a great experience. She said, “I have two choices. I can be upset and angry that I didn’t get my money’s worth, or let it go.” How she perceived the situation was also a choice. Amy explained how the outer world is a reflection of her inner world. She consciously chose to lift her thoughts and vibe, and send the people at the nail salon loving energy, instead of complaining and feeling angry. Sounds like a wise choice to me. If we are spiritual beings having a human experience, Amy has shown a high level, spiritual ability to work through this disappointment with grace. Akashic Records and Soul Realignment The Akashic Records reside in an energetic library encompassing everything you have ever done, thought, or said throughout all of your lifetimes. Whew, that’s a lot of records! Maybe you’ve lived 30, 50 or 100 lifetimes or more and you’ve been incurring karmic debt based on your decisions and actions. Since there’s no sense of time in the Akashic Records, you are often still reliving those debts and making the same mistakes. As an Akashic Records Practitioner, Amy goes into the Records to see who you are at the soul level and to help you clear anything that is no longer needed or in the way. We Are Spiritual Beings Having a Human Experience At a soul level you know who you are, and if you live from that place, everything comes to you. That’s how the Universe and the Law of Attraction works. She has clients come to the session with an intention. Then, Amy helps people clear patterns and come up with action steps to live more in alignment with their intention. Now Amy is offering packages because a one-time reading won’t really help you make the changes you want to make to get what you want from life. She offers one-on-one work as well as group work. An Example of Amy’s Work I asked about a client success story. Amy told me about a client who had retired and set a goal for their work together. Then she took a detour with a part time job. Things escalated and it became full time, which the client complained was keeping her from her goal. However, she didn’t do anything about this conflict until she fell, broke one wrist, and sprained the other. Now she couldn’t work and had to slow down. Turns out they discovered this was linked to an issue with self-worth. They worked on this together, then the client quit her job, and is now on the path to what she really wants. In the Akashic Records, you get the super high level perspective, your soul’s purpose and the paths that will get you there. Through this work, you can see the best path for your highest good, and then choose it. Conversations with Her Husband Chuck Even though her husband, Chuck, passed away a year ago, they are still communicating. Losing her husband was one of the hardest things Amy ever went through. She still misses his physical presence and sometimes still grieves. Yet, Chuck says if she can let go of how their relationship used to be, they could have an even better one now. He also sent her flowers on her birthday through her friend Christine. For an unknown reason, Christine said she felt compelled to send flowers. This was Chuck in action, inspiring her. He even managed to communicate what flowers to include in the arrangement. Christine followed the details without knowing why. How can such a thing happen? Amy says we walk in both worlds. Yes, we live on earth, but we visit heaven every night in our sleep. She claims Chuck chats with her daily while she drinks her morning tea. Then he often plays golf in heaven! What a lovely idea isn’t it? We are spiritual beings having a human experience. We remain connected to spirit and our soul.   BIO – Amy Gray-Cunningham Amy Gray-Cunningham is an intuitive healer and an Akashic Records Practitioner. Her mission is to help people fulfill their soul’s purpose. She believes we are the creators of our own experiences. Therefore, we manifest the life we desire. Back on July 6, 2011, she donated a kidney to a stranger after hearing a “Voice” tell her she would be the one to donate to him. They were a 1-in-20 million match and should’ve been siblings. Since that time, her spiritual life has grown. She wrote a book about her spiritual journey through the kidney donation process called Daring to Believe. She has also started a podcast, Butterfly Kisses-A Journey through Spiritual Transformation. Amy believes that life is a continuous journey of transformation and healing. We create and manifest our life based on the choices we make. It’s all about experiencing our divinity through our humanity. We are spiritual beings having a human experience, and everyone has a story to tell; that’s the beauty of being in this wonder-filled world. Follow Amy! Website: Butterfly Kisses Podcast Website: FB: IG: LinkedIn: Twitter: Youtube: LinkTree:     The post We Are Spiritual Beings Having A Human Experience – Amy Gray-Cunningham appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jun 30, 2022 • 31min

Awaken To The Voice of Your Soul – An Intuitive Approach

In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, I’m speaking with Mary Gooden about her intuitive approach to awaken the voice of your soul and the magic all around you. Her Daily Practice Instead of following what everyone else says about how to live life, Mary Gooden has created a daily practice, tuning into her own wisdom. For the last 15 years, she has used this intuitive approach, connecting with herself daily for guidance. Finally, she has become comfortable in her own skin by going into the deepest part of herself to look for answers. This is the magic of being able to choose who she’s going to show up as. She has a prayer or meditation closet decked out with crystals, mantras, affirmations, oracle cards, all of which she calls the medicine of the soul. Her mantras are placed on the bathroom mirror to see it first thing in the morning. Mary says every morning when you wake up, choose joy, peace, and freedom or something else that you want. To support herself and help her remember who she is, Mary uses phrases like, “I am a fountain of joy and prosperity. I create abundant opportunities for others.” Isn’t that powerful? What a way to start your day! That makes me want to try it too. This is how she remembers who she is every day. So beautiful. Who Has Time to Figure This Out? Her daily process and intuitive approach takes about seven minutes. That’s it! She’s timed it because her clients often complain, “I don’t want to wake up earlier or add something else to my day. Who has time to figure out who I am?” Learn more about intuition here I can totally understand where these comments are coming from because people live extremely busy lives today, right? That’s why Mary has narrowed it down to a science and can complete this spiritual work in just seven minutes. Pretty impressive! That makes it easy for clients to do this as well. The Diamond White Healing Light She asks for the Diamond White Healing Light of Christ Consciousness and brings it down through her head, the center of her body, and all her chakras. Then it continues down through her feet, anchoring into the earth and Mother Gaia. This allows Mary to be connected above and below, to her divine masculine and feminine energy, and her higher self. From there, she flows the energy back up from each chakra, with the rainbow of colors. Finishing up with gratitude, She is thankful for her connection to her wisdom, truth, love, will, passion and prosperity. Then the Diamond White Healing Light fills her auric field. Mary does this process every morning. She says there is magic in this world – reality IS the magic and this is how she finds it. Reiki Healing Energy Mary talks about Reiki energy as the Diamond White Healing Light. She always starts at the crown to create a safe space for this work by connecting to spirit. For her, it’s all about being connected first. We talked about how both of us love Airport Mesa, which is one of the famous vortexes. She lives right near there! This mesa (a big hill with a flat top) has an amazing 360 degree view. The energy up there is nothing short of sublime. The Journey of Her Life Mary Gooden was born in St. Louis, MO. She left home at 17, marrying her first husband. He was in the navy and they lived in Virginia Beach for 22 years. Then she was guided to leave corporate life, bought a fitness club with her sister in New Orleans, and opened a yoga studio across the street. These were her dreams and watching them come true was fabulous. Her intuitive approach cracked open her heart. As a result, she got divorced, and brought up her two daughters. Now she’s with a new man who is a true match for her soul’s vibration. He lives in New Orleans while she now lives in Sedona, and they see each other monthly. This type of long distance relationship keeps things exciting for some couples. If it works for them, why not? You can have what you want in a relationship today – there are so many possibilities! Get more quick tips on using your intuition Sedona Called Her She and her husband visited Sedona and Mary fell in love. It felt like going home. When she got back to New Orleans, she knew immediately that she had to return. She booked her first retreat with 10 women which was a great success! Mary expressed how she felt chosen and went back six times in one year! Then she heard another message about buying a place. Her first reaction was, “Come on!” But she picked a ridiculously low price and held that in mind, thinking it would never happen. Then Mary found a place, offered this low price, and it was accepted! This was a perfect example of her intuitive approach working. When you are willing to let go of your own will, and align to “Thy will,” that’s where the magic truly lives. Now she hosts retreats and is looking to find the right house. What Are Your Dreams? Another message from spirit was to ask people she meets for coffee, “What are your dreams?” Spirit told her that she was a vessel that actualizes other people’s dreams. According to Mary, the feminine Christ Consciousness is all about, “Have fun and allow life to happen for you.” Sounds good to me! The Daily Ritual I asked Mary what she tells her clients. She talks to them about the daily ritual, meditation, and connecting with themselves. It all starts when you give yourself the time of day – make room for connecting with your higher self. What if your biggest mission is your biggest dream? What if the thoughts, visions, and what lights your heart on fire is your mission? Through daily connection and committing to yourself as well, you can discover just that. Follow These Steps: I am committed to coming home to myself every day I love and accept myself I forgive myself and others completely I love the journey I anchor into who I am I choose my mission and purpose There’s not much that’s more empowering than this statement, “I choose.”  A lot of times people just let life happen to them. If you don’t choose, life happens or chooses for you. As for me, in the past, I always knew what I wanted. But right now, I’m in a new place. I don’t know what I want. It’s a little uncomfortable but I am being transparent and admitting this. I have to figure this out because I just don’t know what I want. Surrender And Let It In Some people can’t find their purpose and twist themselves into a pretzel trying to figure it out. However, it’s important to not give yourself a hard time. If you have no idea what your purpose is, chances are you are already doing it. It can be simple and look different for each person. When Mary found herself thinking she didn’t know what she wanted, she cleverly rewrote that script. Instead, she said, “I surrender. I let in.” That’s a beautiful switch making this difficult situation so much easier to handle. She asks her higher self to, “Show me the way today – what is mine to share?” The need to know is an illusive belief – everyone says you need to know. But with Mary’s intuitive approach, you don’t. You can surrender to it and know it will come to you. The action step and how to surrender is simple – seek value in everything you encounter. Everything offers a lesson or an experience. Everything will help you learn something. You don’t have to expect, judge, or criticize what happens. Instead, embrace what transpires and look for the value. Profound and quite helpful. Thanks Mary Gooden! Get Mary’s Free Meditation! Mary has created the Rainbow Energetic Alignment Meditation. This is how you set the stage for your day to be filled with joy and prosperity. Click here to view. BIO – Mary Gooden Mary Gooden is CEO and founder of Divine Destiny Publishing and Soul Mastery Coaching. She believes that abundance thrives in your ability to remain aligned and authentic, which is a daily practice. Mary has studied and practiced Yoga, Meditation and Reiki Energy Harmonizing for almost twenty years. By taking an intuitive approach, she focuses on creating a space for clients to embody Soul-Mastery, a mentorship program that awakens you to your wholehearted mission. Mary supports conscious visionaries, leaders, coaches, and entrepreneurs in becoming published authors by sharing their powerful message, story, and mission on a global platform. She has contributed to seven #1 International Bestselling titles, and is currently working on her contribution to a USA Today Bestselling series titled The Younger Self Letters. Divine Destiny Publishing has created three #1 International Bestselling books  – Aligned Leaders, Wholehearted Leaders, and Sacred Surrender. Learn more at   The post Awaken To The Voice of Your Soul – An Intuitive Approach appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jun 22, 2022 • 29min

Dissolve Negative Beliefs With EFT Tapping And Terry Hernon

In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, I’m speaking with Terry Hernon about EFT Tapping and the remarkable transformations that are possible. EFT for Sleeping After her mom passed away, Terry could not get a good night’s sleep. Actually this problem started while she was helping to care for mother. Her sister urged her to get a prescription since sleep was so evasive and taking a toll on her health. But Terry didn’t want to go this route. She read the stories of raiding the refrigerator while sleep walking on Ambien. This wasn’t the right solution for her. Luckily, she met an EFT practitioner while networking, who helped her find a solution – the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). In just one session, she felt a miraculous shift in her energy. She went home, took care of her kids, cooked dinner, watched some TV and then…slept soundly through the night. That’s how Terry was sold on EFT Tapping! She learned more about it over the years, using it for all sorts of problems and challenges including anxiety, stress, or just ridding herself of false beliefs. In 2014, she decided to get more serious about her tapping practice and signed up for the trainings. Ever since, Terry has been offering EFT Tapping sessions to clients and having great results. I suggested the results of EFT are like magic but Terry wasn’t sure about that since there have been scientific studies proving the effectiveness of EFT. But I assured her that the magic I was talking about was the kind that has now been scientifically proven – like remote viewing as discussed in Dean Radin’s book Real Magic. Client Success Story A triathlete came to Terry, having a problem with swimming in open water. When you do this sport, you have to run, bike, and swim so this woman couldn’t compete if she couldn’t be in the water. That WAS a real problem! In the course of the tapping session, her client had an important memory surface that shifted everything for her. Not long after, Terry received a note that explained how the woman completed the full course, even the swimming and she felt so grateful. Research about How EFT Works Terry mentioned a woman named Peta Stapleton, a clinical psychologist from Australia, who has conducted a lot of studies on how tapping works. She explains about it in this TEDx talk. Terry isn’t too worried about the science though because she knows this method is super effective. Tapping on the meridians does help get the energy moving in your body and the words you speak tap into the subconscious mind. Listen to this episode on healing trauma with EFT Tapping EFT and the Intention Experiment Lynn McTaggart wrote the Power of Intention and The Power of Eight. She did extensive scientific studies where she gathered people from around the world to focus on one creating a shift to see if they could make an impact. For example, a group focused on lower crime in a particular neighborhood. The study took scientific measures and over time, it was discovered that in fact, this group effort actually made a difference and lowered the crime rate! Terry also talked about an experiment she participated in about the war between Russia and Ukraine. They worked on themselves and minimizing the distress from thinking about the war and seeing it on TV. The team also did an experiment sending positive energy to Vladimir Putin and while it didn’t make a difference, one thing that stands out is several people saw that he had been bullied as a child. The next day, she saw this exact detail in the news which was quite a surprise! The group had managed to accurately tune in to Russia’s leader and trauma from his childhood. Use Tapping to Clear Negative Beliefs Terry says, (and I agree!) when it comes to love, so many people hold deep negative beliefs that unfortunately hold them back with finding love. Thoughts like, “There are no good men,” “I’m too old,” or “All men cheat.” Then, the media bombards us with messages of not being good enough. With EFT, you can tap on these thoughts and eliminate them which is so wonderful. Mindset is so important for achieving anything. Tapping helps to eliminate these negative and limiting beliefs, so you can move forward to your dream. Get her Free book, Easy Peasy Guide to Tapping for help with how his works. The reason why these statements aren’t actually true start to become clear during the course of the tapping. Dissolve Devastating Falsehoods This is what helps to dissolve the falsehoods running your life. Notice the bunk your brain comes up with and tap on that. The negativity and beliefs you hear keep you from seeing possibilities or going for what you want. Believing that love is your destiny is a must if you truly want to find the partner of your dreams. Otherwise, you will self-sabotage and live these false beliefs are your truth, even though it’s not. Also, this is what causes your affirmations to not work! Your mindset determines everything. Do whatever you can to protect your mind, turn off all the noise and respect the power of your mind. Your mind will take you wherever you want to go so work with it! BIO – Terry Hernon Terry Hernon is a Level 3 EFT/Tapping practitioner who helps her clients achieve their objectives through compassion and kindness. Her credo is, “When we feel better, we can do better.” She is a two-time author, most recently of a cozy mystery entitled, Stitch by Stitch, available on Amazon and at most retailers. Enjoy the benefits of EFT right away with her free guide, The Easy Peasy Guide to Tapping, available at         The post Dissolve Negative Beliefs With EFT Tapping And Terry Hernon appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Jun 16, 2022 • 31min

The Magic of Spoon Bending, Intuition, & More

Have you tried spoon bending with your mind? In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, my guest JacQuaeline talks about psychokinesis and teaching people how to bend metal, develop your intuition, and more. Training Members of the CIA JacQuaeline specializes in human potential and intuitive, creative mind skills. She’s worked with sheriffs, police and trained members of the CIA/Secret Service. This woman has skills! She met this particular CIA special agent at one of her classes, they got to talking, one thing led to another and that’s how things go. He had family members with psychic ability and wanted to learn more himself. Jack Houck and PK Parties JacQuaeline also met Jack Houck at a Whole Life Expo in the lunch room. Jack worked in the space program at Boeing and was very interested in what she was teaching about intuition. He then started the Psychokinesis (PK) Parties where they documented thousands of people who learned to bend metal in just a few hours. Jack received world-wide recognition by winning the Dinsdale Award. Scientists from around the world vote on one project that moved science forward the most in a two-year period. Houck won for his work with psychokinesis and remote viewing. It’s always amazing when science and metaphysics converge, proving that a lot of what is considered to be “woo woo,” is actually based in scientific reality! Get these easy tips to develop your intuition. The Shift to Coaching After teaching spoon bending, JacQuaeline realized people needed to learn how to apply this kind of mastery to their every day life. She quoted Marianne Williamson who said, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” If you can bend metal, what else is possible? The power of the mind has greater value than doing parlor tricks. What about creating more of what you want in life? This is exactly why JacQuaeline went into coaching. To help people learn how to apply these skills to their life. She teaches a 3-month program called Intuition Power, where people learn to transform themselves and their lives. They use all five senses, plus their sixth! People learn how to get back to pretending which is the key to success with these skills, as well as how to turn it on and off which is vital. Thinking about starting your own spiritual journey? Building Awareness When you build your awareness, you’ll be able to draw the answers you need to solve problems more quickly. Your awareness becomes magnetic. For example, a book jumps off the shelf with an answer. Or, you’re driving and see a billboard with an answer or a song comes on the radio providing the guidance you seek. Meditation is key, but you don’t need to meditate for hours. In fact, JacQuaeline recommends just 15-minutes. This way you can go into meditation with purpose. The silence is key for learning to let go and then draws what you need to you. Consulting Vs. Coaching The art of coaching is to hold the space for your client to figure things out on their own. I admit that I’m often more of a consultant, sharing suggestions and answers. The reason is because for myself, I try to figure things out on my own. However, when I’m really struggling, I just want someone to help me with the answers. That doesn’t mean I won’t take responsibility for myself because I sure do. With the consulting angle, I look at the information from a place of what is for the highest good of my client. What will most help them walk closest to their divine path. JacQuaeline liked this balance between coaching vs. consulting. Thanks! She applauded me for this way of working with people. I certainly can’t teach spoon bending, which is out of my league! Swimming Upstream Right now, JacQuaeline says she is working on going upstream. This surprised me as it seems a bit counter-intuitive. She said first you learn to go with the flow, flowing down stream. But at some point, you have to go upstream to get back to the source. This takes some work. I bet it does! This may require going back through your history, doing some clearing work, and integrating your heart with acceptance and forgiveness. JacQuaeline explains how this allows you to be a better person and live a better life. She was on a hiatus for several years and now she’s coming back and ready to reach a lot more people who are seriously ready to transform their lives. She’s also still offering the PK Parties for spoon bending. Gratitude can help you make this shift to return to source. JacQuaeline suggested that every time you eat or drink something, shift into gratitude mode. Think about what it took for you to be able to drink that glass of water or eat a carrot. How many thousands of people had a hand it getting it to you? This is also a wonderful mindfulness practice; to marvel over how things work and feel gratitude about it all. Here’s another podcast with a daily practice to develop intuition The Plant Experiment JacQuaeline gives out this great exercise that demonstrates what your energy can do. Get two small plants, measure them, and take a picture of them. Then rub your hands together to build up energy and put your palms close to one of the plants. You are sending energy for a minute or two to the plant. Then in two weeks, measure the plants again and compare to the original pictures. The impact is dramatic. The one that received your energy and love will be bigger, bushier, and healthier. This is a way to visually see the power you contain. Science has proved recently that plants and trees are sentient beings. I read about this in Smithsonian Magazine, how they documented communication between trees miles apart. We are a part of everything and everything is connected. As you develop your telepathy and sensitivity, you will be able to receive guidance from so many other sources. Go to, add your name to her email list, and you’ll receive a 7-day intuition training series. You can also sign up to have a PK party and learn spoon bending with a group! BIO – JacQuaeline JacQuaeline specializes in human potential and her expertise covers a wide range of business practices and intuitive, creative mind skills. She works as an executive business coach, professional clairvoyant, having worked with a think tank, sheriffs and police and even trained a CIA Secret Service. Tagged as America’s foremost intuition skills trainer, JacQuaeline helps clients quickly identify solutions and strategies that transform hard work or stagnation into rapid, measurable success. She’s been quoted by the LA Times, highlighted by major magazines, television, and radio, and had her own LA radio show for eight years. Website: Social Media:     The post The Magic of Spoon Bending, Intuition, & More appeared first on Intuitive Edge.

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