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The Rational Reminder Podcast

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Apr 30, 2020 • 55min

Ben Rabidoux: A Reality Check on Canadian Real Estate & Macro Economics (EP.96)

The economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic have been unprecedented and the seismic shifts have caused numerous unforeseen challenges. While no-one could have predicted the enormity and speed of the current crash before it happened, several signs indicated that an economic contraction was on the horizon. Today’s guest, Ben Rabidoux, President of North Cove Advisors, a boutique research firm, is here to share some macroeconomic trends and what they tell us about the state of the Canadian economy. His research expertise includes Canadian housing, macroeconomic trends, and household credit. We kick off the episode with some listener feedback as well as a listener question, where we discuss how to incorporate unvested stock options into your personal financial planning. There are several ways to go about this and numerous factors to consider, so it’s important account for them all. Ben then dives straight in, giving us an overview of the economic landscape before the sudden upheaval. He sheds some light on population growth and its relationship to economic growth. As a great deal of the economic gains was coming from non-resident growth, the crisis is likely to change this. We also talk about personal debt and HELOC loans. Coming into the recession, the household debt service ratio was incredibly high, with interest rates at an all-time low. Ben walks us through how these vulnerabilities might pan out and what could happen with HELOC debt. Along with this, we also discuss the relationship between housing and economic growth, with some truly astonishing data from Canada, the changes that are likely to happen with rental supply, and Ben’s take on some personal finance topics. This show was an incredible overview of some of the larger forces at play, and it went a long way to paint a clearer overall picture. Be sure to tune in today!   Key Points From This Episode: Useful listener feedback and personal updates from Cameron and Benjamin. [0:01:50.0] Data points about the increase in value of the top five S&P 500 stocks. [0:03:46.0] A listener question about factoring company stock options into financial planning. [0:06:04.0] Learn more about Ben, the work he does, his research focus, and his clients. [0:10:22.0] Find out Ben’s take on active management vs index investing. [0:11:20.0] The state of the Canadian economy prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. [0:12:05.0] Canada’s recent explosive population growth and where that’s headed. [0:14:09.0] Consumer and corporate debt-level, the source, and important takeaways. [0:16:13.0] Why it’s difficult to draw parallels between the situation today and Japan in 1990. [0:03:43.2] How different Canadian regions’ employment has responded to the crisis. [0:22:59.0] Housing trends and the state of housing in Canada before coronavirus. [0:24:20] The direct and indirect way that housing affects economic growth. [0:27:48.0] Housing supply, construction activity, and rental market changes in Canada. [0:31:06.0] What the data is saying about real estate prices across all market segments. [0:36:57.0] Some of the economic shocks are temporary and will snap back quickly. [0:39:34.0] The economic conditions in Canada’s previous housing downturns. [0:41:16.0] Ben’s take on the Bank of Canada’s QE programme and how he thinks it’ll work. [0:44:07.0] Renting vs buying: Why Ben thinks there’s no generic answer. [0:47:53.0] Why landlords are often willing to charge rent that makes them a loss. [0:51:29.0] Ben's advice for building resilience to economic shocks. [0:52:47.0]
Apr 23, 2020 • 1h 5min

Scott Rieckens (Playing with FIRE): Finding Financial Education, Perspective, and Freedom (EP.95)

The recent film, Playing with FIRE details the particulars of the FIRE Movement in a way that is accessible, informative, and impactful. Both Cameron and Ben were hugely impressed with the film and the argument it makes for the framework of FIRE. Today we are joined by the producer and star of the film, Scott Rieckens, to discuss the movie and his own journey to reach financial independence. In much the same way that the film does, Scott makes a compelling and inspiring argument for the central philosophy of the movement, emphasizing what many of us will agree are the most important part of our lives and the way we can think about these to maximize our health and happiness. We discuss values and decision making, and how the FIRE perspective accounts for psychological and emotional changes to what is meaningful in your life. Scott explains the reframing that occurs with the system and the important aspects of it, especially those that matter in an introductory setting. We talk about communication and upkeep, the 4% rule, and the individual nature of your own financial strategy. Ultimately the ideas of FIRE are just ways to think about what is really important to you and your family and they provide a way to focus and enhance these. For this truly inspiring and potentially life-changing discussion, be sure to listen in with on the Rational Reminder! Key Points From This Episode: Scott's own understanding of FIRE and what it comes to mean in his life. [0:04:25.4] The initial connection that Scott had with the FIRE movement before making the film. [0:05:23.2] Shared values and finding common financial ground in a life-partnership. [0:08:50.8] Mental changes that Scott and his wife, Taylor, made in response to the ideas of FIRE. [0:11:57.5] Reframing your decisions and the necessary information to do this. [0:18:01.9] Social changes and the impacts of the philosophical alterations Scott made. [0:22:48.1] How Scott has communicated these ideas to his daughter as she has grown older. [0:29:51.4] Scott's complete gratefulness for his new relationship with money. [0:33:23.8] First steps to take in the process toward financial independence. [0:37:27.4] Getting a grip on the '4% Rule and how it can guide your decisions. [0:41:39.6] Increasing income versus decreasing spending and adjusting accordingly. [0:46:41.2] Applying these ideas to something beyond our selfish needs. [0:51:05.4] The multitude of things we can all do with more time in retirement! [0:56:05.4] Comparing the changing definition of success for Scott. [0:58:11.4] The information that is now available for a framework for happiness. [1:01:55.4]
Apr 16, 2020 • 1h 18min

The Stock Market vs. The Economy, and Assessing Risk Tolerance (EP.94)

When it comes to the question of whether the economy affects the stock market, it’s not about whether the former is in a good or bad state, but how that relates to what the market was expecting. In today’s episode we get into predictions about labour economics during COVID-19, the relationship between the market and the economy, and how to make decisions that suit your risk tolerance. We kick things off by reviewing insights Edward Lazear and Gerard O’Reilly gave in a recent webinar. They spoke about how the current crisis relates to past events from the perspective of labour economics, and what empirical data is saying about stock returns and the economy. A talking point here is the idea that recessions are defined by committees, and always long after they have either begun or ended. This leads to the topic of whether there is a relationship between economic data and stock market performance. We find many examples of cases in the short and long term where no correlation can be found between the two, and cases where the market starts to recover before the economy. We discuss how this speaks of a fundamental difference in the analytical methods of economists versus investors, not a rigged market. The first group assesses past information while the second invests based on where they think things will go. We talk about what happens when GDP is good but not as high as expectations were, and how per-share earnings growth can only keep up with GDP if no new shares were issued. We then switch to the concept of risk aversion and discuss the differences between system one and system two thinking, before moving into a comparison between two methods of analyzing risk. Tune in for your weekly reality check! Key Points From This Episode: Having a baby and getting a drone license; updates from Ben and Cameron. [0:00:18.2] Great new Netflix shows and books Cameron has been getting into. [0:03:44.6] Predictions about labour economics during COVID in Lazear’s webinar. [0:06:28.3] Implications around recessions being defined by committees after the fact. [0:10:35.2] Predicting future growth based on great performance in financial markets recently. [0:13:45.8] Pent up demand post-crisis; why the government should keep businesses afloat. [0:16:25.0] Gerard O’Reilly’s observations about financial markets in recessions. [0:21:51.2] Lazear’s stabilization predictions, and why inflation isn’t a threat in slack markets. [0:26:09.1] State Street’s ETF rebalance and failed hedge fund rebalancing bets. [0:28:40.6] Is the market rigged? Forward-thinking markets vs backward thinking economies. [0:33:30.7] Market expectations and the effect economic news has on future stock prices. [0:38:21.8] Lead vs lag in when recessions get defined compared to when they begin. [0:38:46.2] How component-based vs automatically rebalanced portfolios are faring. [0:43:44.1] Why yield curve inversions forecast economic activity but not equity premiums. [0:44:25.7] Research that compares GDP growth and stock returns long term. [0:48:01.9] Slippage: per-share earnings growth can only keep up with GDP if no new shares get re-issued [0:54:00.0] How efficient the market is in pricing new information, not the other way round. [1:01:50.3] Determining risk tolerance; unintended consequences to risk avoidance. [1:02:41.2] Why using a GMO point is more effective than psychometric risk profiling. [1:06:18.5] The dollar terms and percentage terms shown on the Riskalyze risk slider. [1:09:15.7] Five methods of appraising one’s risk tolerance. [1:13:02.2] Bad advice of the week! Rebalancing your portfolios. [1:15:36.2]
Apr 9, 2020 • 53min

Cliff Asness from AQR: The Impact of Stories, Behaviour and Risk (EP.93)

No one credible ever said that investing was a simple endeavour. It might have some simple guidelines, that if followed are more likely to yield positive results, but the ins and outs of the markets, decisions and their impacts, movements and crashes are never straightforward one-dimensional cases. Our guest today, Cliff Asness, really brings this point to bear, showing the nuance and multiplicity of all the topics we discuss. As the experienced owner of AQR and a wealth of knowledge and insight, Cliff shares a host of ideas and thoughts on as many topics as we have time for. We start off the chat talking about market efficiency before moving into the murky waters of value. We hold value investing to be sound, as does Cliff, yet the last few years have stretched even our commitment to this philosophy a little. The perspective that Cliff is able to share, drawing from his formative years in the investing world in the '90s is invaluable and a lot of what we talk about gets contrasted to the tech bubble of that period. The conversation also covers the size of stocks and portfolio allocation. Although Cliff has strong opinions on most of these issues he does a great job of showing the lack of definitive answers to any one of them, allowing space for new knowledge and outlying evidence to make its mark. We also get into finding the right kind of investor for your own style and goals, the role of good communication in finance and the influential article that Cliff wrote about 'pulling the goalie'. In it, Cliff lays out what the data tells us about certain late-stage situations in which it is statistically wise to make more risky choices. For all of this and a fabulously entertaining conversation, listen in with us today!   Key Points From This Episode: Cliff's perspective on market efficiency and the impact on his portfolios. [0:03:48.5] Value investing in today's climate where value has taken such a knock. [0:08:30.8] Stories and behavioural effects on value; how we understand ups and downs. [0:13:36.2] Conversations Cliff has had with clients in the tougher times. [0:21:04.5] Comparing the companies driving growth now with those in the '90s. [0:23:46.2] The size effect and why Cliff does not subscribe to this philosophy. [0:25:17.1] 60/40 portfolios; are they still alive? Why Cliff thinks you can do better! [0:33:07.7] Cliff's experiences with institutions and advisors and contrasting the two. [0:36:31.5] Informed decisions on who to invest with; thoughts on finding the right advisor. [0:38:28.7] Pulling the goalie and why risky behaviour can work in certain circumstances. [0:40:42.5] The value of communication skills in the game of financial advising. [0:47:29.7] How Cliff defines success for his own life! [0:50:07.9]
Apr 2, 2020 • 1h 11min

Taking Back your Amygdala and Flourishing Through a Crisis with Dr. Moira Somers and Dave Goetsch (EP.92)

In today’s episode, we take a less analytical position on the current situation to focus more on the behavioral side of things. Joining us are two returning guests, Dr. Moira Somers and Dave Goetsch, who share their unique perspectives in a very real and at times refreshingly comical conversation about how people could most beneficially respond to this moment in time. Dave speaks of his personal experience going from panicky investor to getting a feel for the broad concept of index investing, and the idea that learning not to worry about the market on a day to day basis can be applied to life more generally. Dr. Somers provides some psychological background to these different strategies for tolerating stress. She shares her insights about a typical response to crises called amygdala hijack and how two main personality types called ‘the monitor’ and ‘the blunter’ deal with stress. We speak about some more healthy strategies for coping, with banding together and communicating featuring as strong solutions that allow us to clear our heads and problem solve more creatively. The conversation also covers the idea that this moment can be taken as a time to reflect, and even to double down on skills that aren’t necessarily investment-related but which can help ensure financial stability in the future. Toward the end of the episode, we look at how financial advisors could be the most useful to their clients right now and hear a strong argument for a strategy that combines experience-based advice with a more important trait: a high EQ. Tune into today’s episode to find out how you can gain more of a bird's eye view of your version of the current situation.   Key Points From This Episode: Amygdala hijack: Moira’s thoughts on psychological responses to COVID-19. [0:03:33.8] Dave’s thoughts on mitigating valid worry using his understanding of markets. [0:05:54.4] Learning not to be emotionally connected to the minutiae of the crisis. [0:13:25.0] Non-investment related skills that can strengthen our financial lives. [0:14:56.1] Adjusting models and using them to gain insights rather than predict the future. [0:17:04.9] Tools Dave has acquired to deal with market fluctuation since 2008. [0:20:40.2] Beating myopic loss aversion by planning your response to situations ahead. [0:24:00.3] Ways of toggling between contrasting feelings about the present and future. [0:29:30.5] Being reflective about one’s current experience rather than reactive. [0:33:07.1] The best predictor of getting through stress: social support. [0:33:59.2] A four-step process to effective decision-making defined by the Heath brothers. [0:37:07.2] Banding together and speaking about our difficulties to find creative solutions. [0:41:04.2] Buffering emotions through shopping and how shoppers are coping now. [0:43:30.2] Changes in workplace customs and industry trajectories sped up by the crisis. [0:44:32.2] The contours of a healthy response to inner and outer turbulence. [0:48:24.2] What financial advisors can do to help their clients right now: listen to them. [0:53:45.2] High EQs and which Big Bang Theory character would be good to talk to now. [0:58:33.2] Where folks who have no financial advisor might turn for help. [1:02:45.2] How spouses in charge of finances could communicate with their partner. [1:04:10.2] Financial advisors as punching bags or mediators between couples. [1:07:09.2] How to deal with communicating realites to kids as a single parent. [1:08:40.2]
Mar 26, 2020 • 46min

Tax Efficiency & Leverage: The Smith Maneuver with Robinson Smith (EP.91)

The Smith Maneuver was developed by Fraser Smith as a smart way for Canadians to convert a traditional, non-deductible mortgage into a deductible mortgage by systematically re-borrowing to invest. Today we are joined by Fraser's son, Robinson, to talk about the maneuver, his father's legacy and explain how you can use it to your financial advantage. In his book, The Smith Maneuver, Fraser laid out a plan for working the mortgage and debt system to your advantage, by deducting the interest on a mortgage, while still being able to claim exemptions on the sale of a house. Robinson does a great job of explaining the procedure for implementing the strategy and all the possible ways to use it. He talks about risk, different kinds of debt and investor diligence, giving everything you need on the subject! Robinson believes in his father's vision of bringing the practices of the wealthy to the average Canadian and allowing wealth creation through leveraging possibilities instead of the inertia and fear that most people choose. For the last part of our conversation, Robinson gives us some examples from the Smithman Calculator, illustrating just how effective the system can be! Join us on the Rational Reminder Podcast today, to get it all!   Key Points From This Episode: An explanation of the Smith Maneuver and its usefulness to Canadians. [0:03:40.6] A step by step walk-through of the implementation of the Smith Maneuver. [0:07:15.1] The possibility of refinancing a credit line for lower mortgage rates. [0:10:18.0] How to think about maintaining more leverage with mortgage payments. [0:13:04.9] The risks of debt, minimizing withdrawal amounts and reversing the maneuver. [0:16:48.6] Robinson and his father's investor experiences around the 2008 market crash. [0:18:35.3] Why leveraging smart debt is so much better than gambling on a startup! [0:20:24.2] The regulatory risk that is present when performing a Smith Maneuver. [0:22:04.1] Risks that accompany not applying these strategies that Robinson is espousing. [0:24:47.6] The influence of your tax rate on the efficacy of the Smith Maneuver. [0:27:23.2] The diligence that is needed in the implementation of the Smith Maneuver. [0:29:15.0] How the Smith Maneuver can address poverty issues that plague Canada. [0:33:39.8] Running through the input process and rewards on the Smithman Calculator! [0:34:51.8] Net-worth improvements and cash-flow dams from re-borrowing. [0:38:41.7] How Robinson defines success in his mission to help Canadians. [0:41:26.3]
Mar 23, 2020 • 1h 16min

Bear Markets: Always Different, Always the Same (EP.90b)

In our second special release episode during the 2020 COVID-19 bear market we discussed a broad history of US bear markets from 1900 to 2020, the recent volatility in the bond market, bond ETF NAV spreads, a nuance in the legislation on tax-loss harvesting, and some of the tax-related changes that Canada has rolled out in light of the current situation.
Mar 15, 2020 • 1h 22min

COVID-19: A Rational Reminder (EP.90)

How we are handling the situation as a firm, investing through a crisis, historical comparisons, and more.  
Mar 12, 2020 • 53min

Safety-First: A Sensible Approach to Retirement Income Planning with Wade Pfau (EP.89)

It’s not unreasonable to assume that a desirable retirement equates to having the financial freedom to meet one's lifestyle and personal goals. The more efficient a person is with their assets, the higher the likelihood of this, which is why sensible retirement income planning is so necessary. Today’s guest is Wade Pfau and he is arguably one of the main thinkers in the retirement income space at present – a more readable Moshe Milevsky if you will. This podcast is usually devoted to high-level discussions about portfolio investment so it was an honour to have Wade join us and have a similar kind of conversation but rather about retirement income planning. Retirees face some unique risks when it comes to strategies for asset management, insurance, and investments, which means they require tailored strategies, and today Wade weighs in on some of the different approaches we see out there. The topic of probability versus safety-first approaches, and the potential wisdom in amalgamating the two as a means of preparing for retirement, crops up a lot in this discussion. Wade talks about the four L’s of the safety-first strategy, how it recommends building up a base of savings that act as an income to reach higher legacy in the long term. He suggests that people need to account for longevity risk more and argues for the efficiency of assuming that you will live until the average oldest age. That way you don’t end up throttling your lifestyle by saving unnecessarily during retirement. In our discussion, Wade also shares valuable insight into low interest rates versus expected returns, the ineffectiveness of the 4% rule, annuities and deferred annuities concerning mortality credits, and different types of buffer assets. Tune in for all this and much more on the topic of retirement planning from one of the greats in the field today! Key Points From This Episode: Notes on Wade Pfau, a leader in retirement income planning research. [0:00:43.0] Unique risks faced by retirees: longevity risk, sequence of returns risk, etc. [0:04:03.0] Retirement now vs 20 years ago: low interest rates and retirement length growth. [0:05:16] Safety-first retirement: build a floor and then spend more over the years. [0:06:31] Contractual protections (annuities) and probability vs safety-first approaches. [0:08:25] The four Ls of the safety-first method: longevity, lifestyle, legacy goals, liquidity. [0:12:18.0] Why to go for stocks/equities rather than stocks/bonds. [0:12:18.0] What the low interest rate environment means for expected returns. [0:16:57.0] The ineffectiveness of the 4% rule when applied internationally. [0:18:47] How people don’t properly account for longevity risk in retirement planning. [0:23:27] A way of covering basic needs so that higher legacy can be gained later on. [0:25:05.0] Strategies for buying annuities and deferred annuities at retirement. [0:28:57] How mortality credits from an annuity allow you to spend more in early retirement. [0:30:43] Mortality credits in relation to immediate and deferred annuities. [0:33:25] Better net incomes at the end of retirement through reverse mortgages. [0:34:36] Buffer assets such as reverse mortgages and permanent life insurance. [0:37:12] Safe savings rates in relation to historical data, bull markets, and mean reversion. [0:44:39] Asset accumulation conceptualised separately from the retirement plan. [0:44:39] Wade’s idea of a successful retirement: meeting safety-first goals. [0:48:39] And much more!
Mar 5, 2020 • 60min

Market Drops, Biological Age, and FIRE any Time (EP.88)

Welcome back to the Rational Reminder Podcast everybody. Today we are using the opportunity to have a bit of a philosophical discussion about a bunch of things related to your retirement and the financial planning that goes into it. We touch on the all too obvious topics of the coronavirus and last week's market fluctuations before we scan the last ten years for any notable data points on fluctuations and the years with the biggest dips. We look at life expectancy and how this affects a retirement planning strategy. In British Columbia, drug use among younger generations has brought down life expectancy estimates, while improved health care has extended them in some regards. This leads to a few comments on biological age and how knowledge of yours should play a big role in your personal strategy for the end of your life. The last part of the episode is spent considering the current state of the discourse around the FIRE movement and what has grown out of it. We can see that it is not uncommon for large portions of the aging population to be happy to carry on working, and that the idea of getting out of the workforce as soon as possible may only be attractive to certain kinds of professions. For all this and a whole more from Cameron and Ben, be sure to tune in!   Key Points From This Episode: The amazing new documentary on Herbalife called Betting on Zero. [0:02:54.5] Market drops last week and the story that accompanied the volatility. [0:06:14.9] Biggest and average drawdowns in recent calendar years. [0:10:03.3] Coronavirus impacts and questions about buying stocks now when they are low. [0:14:20.2] Conversations about the market drop and aggressive response strategies. [0:20:06.8] Data findings for historic cases of market timing from the last century. [0:25:12.3] Historic relations between the market and health pandemics. [0:30:22.1] Life expectancy's huge role in long term financial plans and retirement. [0:32:31.8] Changes in average life expectancies in British Columbia due to drug use. [0:37:40.7] The importance of biological age when making sound financial decisions! [0:41:02.5] Working longer into old age as a means to make retirement easier. [0:44:31.5] The five-factor model for happiness and what it means for your retirement. [0:49:50.5] Bad advice of the week! The last time we will talk about deferred sales charges! [0:54:57.5]

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