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Design Talk (dot IE)

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Jan 10, 2021 • 12min

0042- 01 - Introduction to The Blind Spot

Show-notes for cross-pod for The Blind Spot with Tina LowePodcast -11/Oct/2021 (publish sequence Jan 10 2021)Title: 0042- 01 - Introduction to The Blind SpotSubtitle: With Tina LoweLink: 2Episode: 0042 For more information see “The Blind Spot” on Spotify for notes and descriptions of episodes. and LicenseMusic Title: Modern Jazz Samba Artist: Kevin MacLeodSource: ISRC USUAN1100153 - Simplified Standard License - Art Title: Glowing head in profile with high contrast speech bubble title and guest names.Artist: AgencyX and Allen HigginsSource: Cross-PodLicense: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0Podcast LicenseBlind Spot (dot IE) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 The license can be viewed at taking part you give permission for your voice to be recorded, for the recording to be edited, and for it to be posted and published as a podcast. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Jan 9, 2021 • 2min

0041 - In a Nutshell

An overview of Tina Lowe's "The Blind Spot" podcast - mission and accomplishments. I’m proud to have helped Tina Lowe develop the Blind Spot podcast.The Blindspot podcast is a community engagement platform, complementing Tina’s role as University College Dublin Accessibility Officer Tina’s goal for the Blind Spot was to raise awareness, create a forum and learning resources for students, focusing on access and accessibility in all its diverse forms.So far, the pod has…·      Introduced us to Tina and her personal story.·      Talked about how the Built Environment can both enable and constrain a person’s access to a normal life.·      The innovation of Sensory Gardens and how seemingly mundane actions can transform our experience of outdoor spaces.·      The need for mobility across multiple dimensions: Universal Access to Transport, Access to Higher Education and Access in Sport.·      Discussing with the UCD Student’s Union about ensuring access is at the very heart of University Life.·      Including, the Student Perspective on Neurodiversity, access and obstacles to Diagnosis.·      Talking with an Actor and Autism Activist; and the realities of Neurodiversity, coping with Invisible Disability.·      A topic that has a big impact on Tina’s own life, the importance of Irish Guide Dogs and their mission supporting people with vision impairment attain greater independence; ·      Also, the value of Assistance Animals for neurodiverse children, teens and adults.·      Tina touched on the latest advances in Accessible Technology with VISION Ireland, (previously NCBI)·      And finally, she provides a behind scenes look at creating The Blind Spot podcast with her production team.All in all, the project thus far, Tina has interviewed 28 guests, over 15 episodes, producing more than 10 hours of recorded content.This is an important body of work that will, hopefully, grow over time.Giving voice to and reflecting upon, issues of access across the university and society at large; while also, highlighting the achievements of real people overcoming real obstacles.The Blind Spot podcast was funded as part of the “University for All” Faculty Partner Programme with the support of UCD Access and Lifelong Learning and the UCD College of Business.For more information see “The Blind Spot” on Spotify for notes and descriptions of episodes. and LicenseCover Art Title: YouTube talking head screenshotArtist: Allen HigginsSource: In_a_Nutshell_LoweHiggins.pptxLicense: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0Podcast LicenseBlind Spot (dot IE) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 The license can be viewed at taking part you give permission for your voice to be recorded, for the recording to be edited, and for it to be posted and published as a podcast. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Jan 8, 2021 • 32min

0028 - Design Thinking - Squid App Design Choices with Katie Farrell and Caolan Melvin

Guests: Katie Farrell Caolan Melvin https://www.squidloyalty.ieToday we are talking about design choices, or at least we think of them as choices.We are joined Katie Farrell (COO) and Caolan Melvin (Head of Software Development) from Squid Loyalty, am Irish digital start-up founded in 2019. First, would you like tell us a little about yourselves by way of introduction…-----Katie, the spark of the idea for Squid happened around the time you took part in the study abroad program at University of California, Berkeley? What were your inspiration points, and earliest ideas for Squid then, how have they changed over time? (based on feedback and learning from users and clients?)Caolan, how do you balance writing code with the idea of iterative development and user feedback? And of course, you have to think about the operational side of the technology, scaling and availability. So, there must be a tension between introducing functionality while keeping the foundations solid.Your ideas behind the visual presentation and User Interface (UI)Your thoughts of the dynamics of UX user experience:The choices you made for the underlying technology choices and architecture:Thank you Katie and Caolan for chatting with us today. We often think of design as a series of choices we make in the workshop. Which it is, but you’ve also highlighted how design can also be a dialog, and what we as designers need to do is listen and respond.AcknowledgementsMusicTitle: “Eza One - Supernova”Artist: “Argofox”Source: “”License: “CC BY”PodcastThe `Design Talk dot ie’ podcasts are released under the “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike version 4.0 creative commons license (aka CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)This license can be viewed at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Jan 7, 2021 • 34min

0027 - Design Thinking - Design for Learning with Niall Flaherty

Show-notes. Design for Accessible Learning: with Niall Flaherty Podcast 01-04-2021 – 2.00 pmTitle: 0027 – Design for Accessible LearningSubtitle: A discussion with Niall Flaherty on Apps, websites and Learning Management SystemsLink:Season: 2Episode: 27-----Hosts: Allen HigginsGuest: Niall Flaherty-----OPENING -----Welcome to this edition of the Design Talk podcast. We are joined today Niall Flaherty, an Educational Technologist in UCD with a deep interest in accessibility for learning. Niall has been involved in developing teaching practice guidelines for the design of learning experiences; from teaching materials through to teaching approaches.-----Discussion points:●To start off with Niall, can you talk about the audience for accessible learning materials and experiences in UCD? (size, composition, needs).●The Universal Design principles are?●And Responsive Design is?●The difference between App and web-based?●Does the Responsive Design address Universal Design principles? Is it as simple as using responsive design technology and CSS (cascading style sheets)?●What is UCD’s position on accessibility for learning? (UCD’s response and obligations under the Disability Act, 2005)●Relate website accessibility principles to LMS (Learning Management System) functionality (Brightspace, Moodle, UCD sisweb/infohub)-----CLOSING-----Thank you, Niall, for sharing your views and ideas about inclusive design in education.…Thank you for listening to Design Talk.Download this episode to listen back, click ‘follow’, share and talk about it with your friends.AcknowledgementsMusic by Argofox (CC-BY license) - Supernova: “Eza One - Supernova”Artist: “Argofox”Source: “”License: “CC BY”The `Design Talk (dot IE)’ podcasts are released under the “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike version 4.0 creative commons license aka CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 This license can be viewed at taking part you are giving permission for your voice to be recorded, for the recording to be edited, and for it to be posted and published as a podcast. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Jan 6, 2021 • 42min

0026 - Design Thinking - Using JAWS; a workshop with NCBI

Show-notes. “Using JAWS; a workshop with NCBI”Podcast 25-03-2021 – 13.00Title: 0026 – Using JAWS; a workshop with NCBISubtitle: Introducing JAWS, the PC screen reader, with Brian Manning and Sean Doran from the NCBILink:Season: 2Episode: 26Hosts: Allen Higgins Guests: Brian Manning Sean DornPost-Production:Ruth CampionAllen Higgins-----Welcome to Design TalkThis episode was recorded on Thursday 25th of March 2021, with Brian Manning and Sean Doran from the NCBI, the National Council for the Blind of Ireland.Brian introduces and demonstrates JAWS after which Sean talks about how the underlying structure of web pages are used by screen reader applications like JAWS, for both navigation and to communicate content for visually impaired users.JAWS is a PC screen reader application and was developed for people with vision loss. It enables you to navigate and control a computer without needing to see the screen or to use a mouse. Input is via the keyboard and output is by computer speech feedback.Brian opens the session…(see covered in this episode:Becoming a JAWS+Windows power user - assuming you can touch-type on the PC keyboard.Starting out: Input is through the keyboard, and speech for output (computer speech feedback)With JAWS activated start by typing the Windows key on the keyboard. The Windows key activates the Windows Start menu You can navigate using:•Tab key•Enter key•Arrow keys•First letter navigation•Ins•Ctrl•Combination key shortcuts•Using standard keyboard shortcuts in applications•Alt+F4 to close the current window•Using your own shortcut key combinations•Navigating a website (there is nearly always more than one way to navigate an App or website or application) Followed by a discussion on how screen-readers deal with web pages.[Closing comments] …[Thank the panel and guests] Thank you Sean for helping us better understand how the underlying structure web pages are used by screen readers.And thanks to Brian for demonstrating how he uses JAWS to use his PC.Thank you for listening.Do subscribe to and share the podcast.And look out for more episodes of Design Talk.Thanks to Ruth Campion for sound editingThe music used was EzaOne – Supernova, released by the Argofox label under a CC BY license.AcknowledgementsMusic by Argofox (CC-BY license) - Supernova: “Eza One - Supernova”Artist: “Argofox”Source: “”License: “CC BY”Appendix - Notes and sourcesThe `Design Talk (dot IE)’ podcasts are released under the “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike version 4.0 creative commons license aka CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 This license can be viewed at taking part you are giving permission for your voice to be recorded, for the recording to be edited, and for it to be posted and published as a podcast. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Jan 5, 2021 • 26min

0025 - Design Thinking - iOS Gestures Workshop with NCBI

Show-notes. “iOS Gestures Workshop with NCBI”Podcast 26-02-2021 – 13.00Title: 0025 – iOS Gestures Workshop with NCBISubtitle: A workshop for accessible iPhone use with Miriam Kelly and Sean DoranLink:Season: 2Episode: 25Hosts: Allen Higgins Guests: Sean DornMiriam KellyPost-Production:Ruth CampionAllen Higgins-----READY CHECK ☐ Press the big RED button! [RECORD]Ask everyone to check their mic is active and sound (headphones) on.Check audio levels visually for each guest [tap the mic, say “test, test, my name is…”]Is everyone ready?Visual countdown. 3, 2, 1.-----In this series of talks we will be focusing on inclusive design, designing for access for everyone, because we shouldn’t need to compromise between usability and accessibility.In today’s workshop Miriam Kelly and Sean Doran introduce us to the iOS VoiceOver gesture interface for iPhoneVoiceOver is the built-in screen reader for iOS devices. Users control VoiceOver with gestures like swipe and tap.iOS screen gestures with VoiceOver ONswipe LEFT or RIGHT reads the next app on the screen2 finger swipe UP reads through the entire home screen2 finger tap pauses2 finger tap continues1 finger swipe UP to change UP the value of a currently active setting1 finger swipe DOWN to change DOWN the value of a currently active setting3 finger swipe LEFT/RIGHT changes home screen (note chirp audio feedback before VoiceOver proceeds)2 finger swipe DOWN continues reading from the current point1 finger touch as a pointer to read current touch areaROTOR gesture (like a physical dial motion), twist with thumb and finger, again and again; in combination with 1 finger swipe UP to change UP the value of a currently active settingtouch top of screen status line to + 3 finger swipe UP to activate control centre2 finger swipe LEFT/RIGHT to move between controls2 finger scrub gesture LEFT+RIGHT+ to return (go back) to home screen2 finger double tap toggles VoiceOver speech on/off3 finger triple tap toggles screen curtain (privacy) on/offdistinction between soft swipe and hard swipe[Closing comments] …[Thank the panel and guests] Thank you Miriam and Sean for introducing us to the iOS VoiceOver gesture interface for iPhone.And thank you for listening.Do subscribe to and share the podcast.And look out for more episodes of Design Talk.Thanks to Ruth Campion for sound editingThe music used was EzaOne – Supernova, released by the Argofox label under a CC BY license.AcknowledgementsMusic by Argofox (CC-BY license) - Supernova: “Eza One - Supernova”Artist: “Argofox”Source: “”License: “CC BY”Appendix - Notes and sourcesThe `Design Talk (dot IE)’ podcasts are released under the “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike version 4.0 creative commons license aka CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 This license can be viewed at taking part you are giving permission for your voice to be recorded, for the recording to be edited, and for it to be posted and published as a podcast. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Jan 4, 2021 • 31min

0024 - Design Thinking - NCBI Panel discussion

Hosts: Allen Higgins David Fitzgerald Guests: Sean DornBrian ManningMiriam KellyPost-Production:Ruth CampionAllen Higgins-----[Allen] In this series of talks we will be focusing on inclusive design, designing for access for everyone, because we shouldn’t need to compromise between usability and accessibility.I’m Allen[David] And I’m DavidAnd we’d like to welcome…Sean Doran, Brian Manning, and Miriam Kelly From the NCBI, the National Council for the Blind Ireland.First, would you like to say a little about yourselves?[Sean Doran][Brian Manning][Miriam Kelly][David]Perhaps to start, can you introduce us to some real users’ needs and how new assistive technologies are helping people do more in the world?Question areas… [note - we won't be able to cover them all]•Talk about recent advancements in accessibility technologies•What is the regulatory requirement?•What are the biggest challenges facing users? (everything going online must be a big issue, i.e. government services, banking, telecommunications, billing for anything and everything)•How should we evaluate an app for different levels of accessibility use?•Comment on the challenge of making the case for accessibility in apps, web services from day one.•How tough is the disability audience for suppliers to satisfy? How do you get them on-side?•How deep does access need to go?•Comment on customer facing organisations where accessibility is a core value?•What tech roles are feasible for a visually impaired employee?•Your involvement in evaluating new technologies and then training and supporting users?•Are you ever invited in the to the design process at an early stage?•What practical access-skills do designers need to test the features and judge accessibility function/performance?•Any advice on how to make accessibility designing integral to the development lifecycle for all kinds of products, services and the internet?•Can you suggest good practice design principles, in addition to the fundamental elements like labelling things? •Are there good practices for the number of elements to keyboard tab through per page/screen? •What does a resilient workflow on a page/screen? What about keeping to a coherent design language from page to page?•You’ve talked about voice-over and screen readers. Is voice control becoming more useful or reliable?•With the move to WFH are video conferencing tools like Zoom and Teams usable?[Closing comments] …[Thank the panel and guests] AcknowledgementsMusic by Argofox (CC-BY license) - Supernova: “Eza One - Supernova”Artist: “Argofox”Source: “”License: “CC BY”Appendix - Notes and sourcesThe `Design Talk dot ie’ podcasts are released under the “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike version 4.0 creative commons license (aka CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)This license can be viewed at taking part you are entering a verbal agreement giving permission for your voice to be recorded, for the recording to be edited, for it to be posted and published as a podcast available from wherever people get their podcasts.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Jan 3, 2021 • 28min

0023 - Design Thinking - NearForm on Inclusive Design with Matt Obee and Jack Clark

Hosts: Allen Higgins [host interview]David Fitzgerald [host interview]Michele Mann [audience engagement]Guests: Matt ObeeJack Clark-----[DF] Our guests today are Matt Obee – Senior Product DesignerandJack Clark – Software EngineerBoth Matt and Jack work in NearForm, the digital product and service development company. Headquartered in Waterford, Ireland, with people working around the world.NearForm was the company selected to develop and maintain Ireland’s Covid-19 app.In this series of talks we will be focusing on inclusive design, designing for access for everyone.Inspired by the statement: "We don't need to compromise between usability and access - it can be Yes And"AcknowledgementsMusic by Argofox (CC-BY license) - Notes and sourcesThe `Design Talk dot ie’ podcasts are released under the “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike version 4.0 creative commons license (aka CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)This license can be viewed at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Jan 1, 2021 • 6min

0021 - Design Thinking - From Empathy to Design for All with Tina Lowe

In this episode Tina Lowe and I continue our talk about the idea of designer empathy and the goal of making designs for all.-----Discussion touching on:●      We’ve heard about empathy for design, what does that mean for the designer?●      Can you point to good designs in the world?●      Will we always have to struggle, to navigate our way about the built environment, whether digital or physical?●      What technologies have changed and improved your world?AcknowledgementsMusic by Argofox (CC-BY license) - Supernova: “Eza One - Supernova”Artist: “Argofox”Source: “”License: “CC BY” Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Jan 1, 2021 • 10min

0020 - From Design Thinking to Inclusive Design

Hosts: Allen HigginsGuest: Tina LoweIn this episode Tina Lowe (UCD Campus Accessibility Officer) and I talk about the links design thinking and universal design. We also talk about the idea of empathy and how to spark design awareness in others.-----Discussion touching on:●What is design thinking?●Why do you consider inclusive design to be an essential part of the design process?●Who benefits from inclusive design?●What is design empathy? ●How can you spark design awareness in others?Notes:The season cover art is adapted from “Try to Accommodate Everyone!”, an image of anthropometric ranges for a wheelchair user and small persons (used under Fair Use) from page 44 of the Humanscale 4/5/6 design guides created by Niels Diffrient, Alvin R. Tilley and David Harman; Henry Dreyfuss Associates, M.I.T. Press (1981)The Humanscale design books and selector guides were out of print and unavailable for many years. A reissue of the resource kit was funded on Kickstarter in 2018, organised by IA Collaborative (Chicago, IL) https://humanscalemanual.com by Argofox (CC-BY license) - Supernova: “Eza One - Supernova”Artist: “Argofox”Source: “”License: “CC BY”Cover Art Title: Graphic treatment of Humanscale Blueprint – Try to Accommodate Everyone!Artist: Allen Higgins Source: Humanscale.pptxLicense: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0Podcast LicenseDesign Talk (dot IE) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 The license can be viewed at taking part you give permission for your voice to be recorded, for the recording to be edited, and for it to be posted and published as a podcast. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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