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Aug 25, 2023 • 20min

FOMO is Real

“Social media has mastered intermittent reinforcements as well, or even better, than a casino's slot machine." — Ana Melikian In today's episode, we'll be diving deep into the concept of FOMO, or Fear Of Missing Out. Inspired by the insights from Gina Bianchini's book "Purpose," we explore how FOMO affects our lives and keeps us running in place. FOMO is a powerful psychological force that is constantly reinforced by modern social media and our fear of missing something important. Join us as we uncover the science behind FOMO and discuss how it impacts our decision-making and actions. So grab your headphones and get ready to explore the world of FOMO in the Mindset Zone. This week on The Mindset Zone: Ana introduces you to FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out.) Inspiration from Gina Bianchini's book "Purpose." Ana explains the differences between classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Examples of intermittent reinforcement in everyday life (scrolling social media and checking emails repeatedly.) FOMO as a form of intermittent reinforcement. Understanding the impact of FOMO on our actions and purpose. The danger of running in place due to FOMO. Overcoming FOMO through strategies other than willpower. Shared Resources: Purpose: Design a Community and Change Your Life---A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Your Purpose and Making It Matter by Gina Bianchini (Author) Mighty Networks & Community Mindset with Gina Bianchini - an interview at the MINDSET ZONE FOMO is Real Other Solo Episodes: Expand What’s Possible
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Aug 18, 2023 • 35min

MVV – Mission, Vision, and Values with Josh Patrick

Josh Patrick, expert in Mission, Vision, and Values, explores the importance of articulating values and having a clear mission statement. He discusses the significance in micro businesses, dealing with 'brilliant jerks', and client relationships/team dynamics. Values should serve as the foundation for individuals and organizations.
Aug 11, 2023 • 33min

Tactics to Persevere Through Hard Times with Tammy Barlette

"I'm a human being. I am not a machine. I'm just like you. I just chose a different career." — Tammy Barlette In this thought-provoking podcast episode, we delve into the world of retired U.S. Air Force fighter pilot Tammy Barlette. With her extensive experience in high-pressure situations, Tammy brings valuable insights as a mental performance coach, speaker, and founder of Athena's Voice. She shares gripping stories of critical situations she faced during her military career and the crucial role mental preparedness played in overcoming them. Tammy reinforces the significance of training and how it enables individuals to respond effectively to unexpected challenges. Her passion for making a positive impact shine through as she helps listeners embrace resilience and push past their limits. Don't miss this engaging discussion with Tammy as she imparts wisdom gained from her remarkable journey. This week on The Mindset Zone: Tammy shares the Importance of seeking support from friends and family during failure and tough times She dives into society's emphasis on independence vs. the human need for connection Tammy talks about her own personal experience with fear and emergency situations Importance of positive psychology and positive thinking Developing personal core values before pursuing goals Releasing emotions as a way of progress and performance Aligning goals with values and using deliberative and implemental mindsets Preparing for likely scenarios and developing mental resilience P.E.Z. Approach, P for Prepare, E for Enemies within, Z for Get in the Zone Guest: Tammy Barlette is a mindset and performance expert who specializes in the art of perseverance. As a retired Lieutenant Colonel and fighter pilot, who has faced many challenges herself, she takes lessons learned from the high-performance cockpit and relates them to the challenges of life. As an entrepreneur, wife and mother of three, she shares powerful heartfelt stories of strength and grit. Tammy served in the US Air Force for over 20 years, flying multiple aircraft, including the T-37 Tweet, T-38 Talon, A-10 Warthog, MQ-1 Predator, and MQ-9 Reaper, accumulating more than 3000 total flying hours and over 1500 hours of combat support time assisting and protecting troops on the ground in both Iraq and Afghanistan. She is also a graduate of the prestigious US Air Force Weapons School and has a Master of Arts in Christian Ministry. Upon retiring, she became a professional speaker and founded Athena’s Voice, a speaker referral business featuring female military pilots from around the United States. Tammy Barlette Connect with Tammy Barlette: Website: https://www.athenasvoiceusa.com/tammy-g-barlette LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tammybarlette/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eE51aZyTyc Related episodes: Defining Mindsets. Adopting the Fighter Pilot Mindset and Leveraging Humanity in Leadership with Kim Campbell Expand What’s Possible
Aug 4, 2023 • 35min

Breaking the Cycles of Burnout with Mary Stelletello

“Recognizing that working harder and more doesn't actually equate to better performance or success." — Mary Stelletello Mary joins me today to shed light on the profound effects of burnout. Mary candidly shares one of her burnout stories and the toll it took on her. She emphasizes the importance of managing energy levels and prioritizing self-care to increase productivity. We also discuss the significance of understanding cultural expectations and approaches to work-life balance. Throughout the episode, we offered practical tips for shifting mindset around working hard, burnout, and work sustainability. This week on The Mindset Zone: Mary's personal experience with burnout and her journey to recovery Understanding the cultural nuances of work expectations and work-life balance Practical strategies for energy management and burnout prevention The importance of self-care and rest in maintaining productivity and impact The role of personal rituals, nature, and loved ones in fostering balance Honoring the 'being' time Insights on how to value "doing enough" rather than succumbing to the incessant demands of work Tools for managing screen time and honoring the importance of sleep for overall well-being Mary's strategies for fostering intentional transitions and breaks during the workday Why recognizing and acknowledging burnout is the first step toward recovery The role of leadership and mindfulness in preventing burnout and fostering a sustainable work environment Resources Shared: We The Change The Productivity Paradox: How Sony Pictures Gets More Out of People by Demanding Lessby Tony Schwartz Guest: Mary Stelletello is the founder of Vista Global Coaching & Consulting, Wisconsin’s first certified B Corp, which aims to create meaningful change by partnering with organizations and individuals. With over 30 years of experience across nonprofit, philanthropic, and corporate sectors, Mary offers deep insights into leadership and organizational development. She co-authored the case study, Success Factors for a Nonprofit Merger and the eBook, Proactively Plan for the Inevitable: A Guide to Leadership Transition and Succession. Mary's mission is to guide change-makers in fostering sustainable work practices and maintaining a fulfilling life. Mary Stelletello Connect with Mary Stelletello: Website: www.vistaglobalcc.com LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/marystelletello Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vistaglobalcc Twitter: @VistaGlobalMary Instagram: @VistaGlobalCC Related episodes: Understanding Burnout: A Reflection. For more, tune in to Mindset Zone: Burnout playlist on Spotify. Get inspired by the B Corp movement, tune in to Mindset Zone: B Corps playlist on Spotify. Expand What’s Possible
Jul 28, 2023 • 10min

Reasons for Hope

“If we get together as a community to make a difference and keep hope alive, then it is possible to make change.” - Ana Melikian I recently had the opportunity of seeing the premiere of Jane Goodall’s Reasons for Hope here at the Arizona Science Center with my 14-year-old daughter. Reasons for Hope is a documentary film that highlights Jane Goodall’s work as a primatologist and her mission to inspire people—especially the youth—to be active in the world and drive change. The premier was truly an incredible event and having my daughter see the film with me warmed my heart. Reasons for Hope also made me realize how hope is vital to driving change for us, the ones around us, and the world. In this episode, I discuss Jane Goodall’s Reasons for Hope and outline its five inspiring stories. I share my goal of earning the B Corporation certification for my business and explain why doing so is important to me. I emphasize the value of spreading stories of hope and having role models. I also highlight the need to use all the tools in our toolbox to drive impact on nature and environmental preservation and offer advice on what you can do to help heal the planet we live on. This week on The Mindset Zone: Jane Goodall’s Reasons for Hope How human potential and resilience can help nature and inspire others The Sudbury Regreening story Human innovation in tech, green energy, and carbon sequestration Using our tools to make a difference in nature and the environment The reintroduction of the American bison and birds to the Alps Spreading stories of hope The value of role models My journey to earn B Corp certification Creating hope and change in the world Related episodes: Beyond Optimism & Resilience with Janice Perkins A Conversation with Viktor Frankl’s Grandson – Alexander Vesely Resources Mentioned: Jane Goodall: Reasons for Hope Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKWK7xpVe88 Expand What’s Possible
Jul 21, 2023 • 10min

Differentiating Stressed from Overwhelmed – Why is this important?

“When we use ‘stressed’ and ‘overwhelmed’ as the same, we lose a container for when things get really overwhelming—when we feel upside down and underwater.” - Ana Melikian Have you ever noticed how drinking your morning coffee from your favorite mug makes that experience magical? In her book, Atlas of the Heart, American researcher and storyteller Brené Brown writes about how naming emotions is important. Words, according to Brené Brown, are like containers that shape our emotions. The right or wrong word gives a different feeling for our emotions and experience the same way drinking from our favorite mug or a styrofoam cup changes our experiences with coffee. Applying this logic, I believe understanding the difference between “stressed” and “overwhelmed” can make all the difference in our lives and expand our possibilities. In this episode, I highlight the difference between “stressed” and “overwhelmed” and explain how understanding their difference can empower us. I share an excerpt from Brené Brown’s Atlas of the Heart and describe her research on emotions. I discuss why we tend to overuse the word “overwhelm” and how using “overwhelmed” and “stressed” interchangeably impacts us. I also outline some steps you can take when you feel chronic stress or overwhelm and underscore the importance of learning more words to describe your emotional life. This week on The Mindset Zone: Understanding the difference between “stressed” and “overwhelmed” Why we tend to overuse “overwhelm” The etymology of “overwhelm” The disadvantage of using “overwhelmed” and “stressed” interchangeably What to do when you feel chronic stress Why we shouldn’t force anything when we’re overwhelmed Resources Mentioned: Magic Mind | Coupon code: MINDZONE20 BOOK: Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience by Brené Brown Related Episodes: Differentiating Stressors & Stress Responses for Improved Well-being Stress is a Tool, Not a Toxin with Dr. G Use STRESS to Your Advantage with Barry Shore Understanding Burnout: A Reflection Expand What’s Possible
Jul 14, 2023 • 31min

Dialogue: Beyond Speaking & Listening with Bhakti Karkare

“A dialogue is not an event. It’s a process that’s not going to happen in one meeting, and it’s a journey that requires a lot of commitment to listening, to honesty, and to vulnerability.” - Bhakti Karkare Bhakti joins me today to outline her framework for facilitating dialogue and discuss how it can be used to create inclusive, engaging, and more human workplaces. She describes her background and how she became passionate about the power of dialogue. She defines dialogue and differentiates it from everyday chats and conversations. Bhakti also distinguishes the space between the “doing” and “being” of dialogue and underscores the need to step beyond speaking and listening to engage in empowering dialogue. This week on The Mindset Zone: The story behind Bhakti’s passion for dialogue The three shifts in perspective that empower Bhakti’s practice as a master facilitator Why workplaces need to shift the power from leaders to the people they serve Why true, powerful dialogue is beyond speaking and listening How facilitators create the space between the “doing” and “being” of dialogue Why leaders and HR professionals need to have the skills of facilitators How HR professionals can use Bhakti’s dialogue framework to help senior leaders expand their perspectives The difference between a conversation and a dialogue The outcomes of a successful dialogue The etymology of dialogue Teaching the art of dialogue to others The facilitator mindset Guest: Bhakti Karkare is a master facilitator and the founder of Third Loop Learning LLC, a professional training and coaching organization. She is a leadership development consultant and learning strategist known for her work with groups, individuals, and organizations. With a decade of experience working with global HR teams, Bhakti draws from her wealth of knowledge to bring unique cultural insights to her consulting and speaking engagements. She is on a mission to teach leaders to use the power of dialogue to create inclusive, engaging, and more human workplaces. In addition to her work at Third Loop Learning, Bhakti  serves as a member of the Board of Directors of SHRM Greater Phoenix and as a consultant and facilitator for The Silverene Group. Connect with Bhakti Karkare: Third Loop Learning LLC Email: thirdloopllc@gmail.com Third Loop Learning LLC on LinkedIn Bhakti Karkare on LinkedIn Bhakti Karkare on Twitter Expand What’s Possible
Jul 7, 2023 • 27min

How Schools Are Failing Our Kids with Lee Jenkins

“Teacher’ sounds like you’re supposed to teach when you actually need to lead the learning. Sometimes, we lead the learning by teaching, but there are more ways to lead learning other than teaching.” - Lee Jenkins Lee Jenkins joins me today to discuss how schools are failing our kids and what can be done to bring joy back to learning. He explains what the Jenkins Curve is and describes how schools tend to use data to compare and shame children. Lee discusses how schools can leverage data and assessments to keep children curious and motivated to learn. Lee also highlights how we can teach children to be good losers and good winners through sports and athleticism and underscores why teachers are leaders. This week on The Mindset Zone: The need to amplify possibilities for today’s children The Jenkins Curve and the shortcomings of the modern school system Bringing psychology into our classrooms and our educational system How the educational system is killing children’s love of learning Using data and student assessment to bring joy The bell curve assessment Distinguishing between essential and trivial knowledge Creating lifelong learners How schools are adopting Lee’s new approaches to education Teaching children how to be good losers and winners Resources Mentioned: Book: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. S. Dweck Guest: Dr. Lyle Lee Jenkins is an author, speaker, consultant, and recognized expert in improving educational outcomes. Over the last 50 years, Lee has been learning from world-class experts while working as a teacher, principal, school superintendent, and university professor. Lee founded LtoJ LLC in 2003, inspired by his mission to ensure that every child has an educational experience that promotes and encourages the natural love of learning they were born with—while exceeding educational goals. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from Point Loma Nazarene University, a Master’s in Education from San Jose State University, and a Ph.D. from the Claremont Graduate University. Connect with Lee Jenkins: LtoJ LLC LtoJ LLC on LinkedIn LtoJ LLC on YouTube LtoJ LLC on Instagram LtoJ LLC on Facebook LtoJ LLC on TikTok Lee Jenkins on LinkedIn Expand What’s Possible
Jun 30, 2023 • 37min

The RFactor, Relationships at Home and Work with Ken Ashby & Maris Segal

“We’re all connected as humanity. When we’re not in sync with ourselves, it’s difficult to create harmony and be in tune with everybody else.” - Maris Segal Ken and Maris join me today to discuss the four universal rhythms of relationships at home and work. It’s all about, “Show up with respect, stand up and be responsible, reframe limiting beliefs, step forward with resilience.” They also describe how anyone can increase awareness of their own limiting beliefs and highlight the importance of finding gratitude in every experience. This week on The Mindset Zone: What working on mindset means to me The power of respect and its importance in relationships Why people are like musical instruments What it takes to create harmony in the world The rhythm of responsibility, knowing your core values, and communicating the “why” Reframing limiting beliefs and “FACE-ing” difficult, negative emotions Why limiting beliefs are like blindspots Persistence, commitment, and standing resilient against the waves of life The power of cultivating gratitude Guests: Ken Ashby and Maris Segal are transformational coaches regarded as America’s Master Connectors. They are the authors of The RFactor: Discover the Universal Rhythms for Leading Prosperous Relationships. As individuals and business and life partners, Ken and Maris have worked across forty countries and served a spectrum of local and global leaders, brands, and policymakers. From boardrooms, Harvard, and The White House, they have worked with executives, entrepreneurs, celebrities, and rising leaders to identify and bring their professional, personal, and philanthropic vision to life. Connect with Ken Ashby & Maris Segal: Segal Leadership Global The 4Gs Gratitude Practice Book: The RFactor: Discover the Universal Rhythms for Leading Prosperous Relationships Ken Ashby & Maris Segal on Instagram Expand What’s Possible
Jun 23, 2023 • 32min

Give Back a Smile with Mark Willes

“The patients would sit up after their veneers had been placed and just cry. For the first time in their lives, they feel like they have the confidence to smile, talk, and eat. That was my ‘why.’” - Mark Willes Mark joins me today to discuss how giving back can give meaning to our work. He describes his unconventional path to becoming a dental lab technician and how he became frustrated after a year and a half of working at a dental lab. He offers advice on building a thriving business. Mark also highlights the power of believing in and speaking from your vision and underscores the importance of connecting with your “why.” This week on The Mindset Zone: Mark’s beginnings in cosmetic dentistry Why Mark started feeling frustrated after a year and a half of working as a dental lab technician How the desire to be at the forefront of innovation energized Mark in his work The power of believing and speaking from your vision How seeing the impact of his work on other people’s lives motivated him The importance of connecting with your “why” Why Mark had to found a new company from scratch and what he learned from the experience How giving back gives meaning to Mark’s work Educating the dental community and dental patients Resources Mentioned: Give Back a Smile Guest: Mark Willes is the founder and co-developer of Durathin Veneers. Mark began his training as a dental lab technician at Utah Valley Dental Lab in 1996, where he soon became a partner. He has served as an assistant instructor for the Pacific Aesthetic Continuum’s Advanced Anterior Course and has also worked with the Hornbrook Group as a lab instructor. Over the years, Mark has developed several live patient programs, including his current hands-on DURAthin LIVE courses with Dr. Dennis Wells. In 2008, Mark and Dr. Wells—co-developers of DURAthin Veneers—were awarded the AACD’s Outstanding Scientific Advancement in Cosmetic Dentistry award for their work with no-prep veneers. Connect with Mark Willes: Experience Dental Studio Durathin Veneers Expand What’s Possible

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