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May 9, 2020 • 7min

Lessons From My Mum

Thou shalt remember, to always be good to your mumma  Surprise! Before you get too excited, this isn't a full episode, I'm just casually dropping in unannounced today to wish all the mumma's out there a happy mothers day, with a special shout out to mumma Train Wreck, Queen Victoria, who is a nurse aka a frontline worker, who unfortunately I can't be with today as she is at work. So here is the next best thing.  I've mentioned a few times before that I was raised by a strong single mother, and to be honest, I really wouldn't have it any other way. She is the absolute OG Slay Kween and before I play you some really funny audio that will make you fall in love with her even if you don't know her, I just quickly wanted to list a few things she taught me, and hopefully it will make you reflect on the things your mum taught you today too!  1.) Strong work ethic: A lot of people think I'm crazy for working 3 jobs, but for me that's a complete norm. My mum has always been the same and I remember when I was little and my parents were going through a divorce, my mum used to take me and my sister along with her, while she cleaned houses at night after working in a 9-5 day job while we were at school not just to make ends meet, but so that my sister and I would never have to go without or miss out on anything. And you know what, we didn't. And honestly that work ethic is something I am so grateful for her role modelling for me, because I think that that's something that you can really teach someone to have, even though it's something most people aspire to have, unfortunately some people just don't and they kind of go through their career or go about their work with a sense of entitlement for whatever reason, but I've n ever had that and i honestly think that everything I've earned in my career, has been due to having a strong work ethic. So thanks mum.  2.) It's never too late to start something: My mum went back to uni when she was 50 and completed a nursing degree. It just so happened, that when she was 50, I was 17, and also in my first year of uni. So we went to uni together - the same uni. We were both studying at QUT - granted different things, I did a journalism degree. But that was an incredibly brave thing to do, particularly for a woman of her age. But her role at the time wasn't fulfilling her anymore and nursing was something she'd always always wanted to do, but never really had the time to. The most ironic thing about that was, in he final year, when she was doing a prac in the oncology ward, she was diagnosed with cancer. So ended up having to take her final 6 months off and defer it, while she had her treatment and then she ended up getting a job in the oncology ward, where she has been, for coming up to I think it's close 10 years. And without being bias, I think she is honestly one of the most loved amongst both the patients and her colleagues.  3.) And last but certainly not least, it's her outrageous kindness and empathy for others. And by others, I don't just mean humans. I think this is probably one of the most endearing things about her is her love for all creatures, as you will hear in this audio I'm about to play you. This was recorded a few months ago. I had just come off air from the radio, and I was still in the studio and recorded this conversation, which she has since given me permission to play.  So to all the mothers out there, the new ones, the old ones, the lost ones, the step ones and the mother figures ones, big love to you to all today, and everyday. Especially to my mum Vicki. I love you.   See for privacy information.See for privacy information.
May 4, 2020 • 22min

Iso Beauty Blunders

Thou shalt remember that a manicure is to women what duct tape is to men... it fixes everything  When it comes to my beauty routine, I was once delusional enough to consider myself fairly low maintenance. But that was PC - pre COVID, but now that we’re AD - amidst COVID - let me tell you that Lockdown life has taught me more than a few hard lessons. 1.) 14 snacks a day, won't keep #iso boredom away 2.) Refusing to stand up when my Apple watch tells me to doesn't count as resistance training and 3.) Beauty salons should absolutely qualify as an essential service... seriously, just one look at my butchered cuticles right now, and you will be preaching in agreement. So this week, in honour of all of my fellow SNS and shellac addicts who can't get their fix amidst the government enforced closure period, I'm chatting to beauty therapist and good girlfriend Chloe, about what not to do DIY during lockdown...    See for privacy information.See for privacy information.
Apr 27, 2020 • 8min

Productivity Expectations vs Reality

Did you have big plans for productivity and creative projects during covid? Same... but now I can't get off the couch.  Hear more of Phoebe on Abbie Chatfield's podcast, It's A Lot. Follow Phoebe on Instagram @phoebeacp or join the Train Wreck Podcast Community Facebook group.   See for privacy information.See for privacy information.
Apr 20, 2020 • 25min

Workout tips with Sam Wood

Thou shalt remember, that refusing to do home workouts doesn't count as resistance training  At any given point in time, it's safe to say that I'm a.) At the gym b.) About to go to the gym or c.) Thinking about the gym. Even my 9-5 job a PR and Communications Manager for a major health club chain - so at the risk of sounding totally dramatic, my life literally revolves around the gym. But that was PC... pre corona virus, and now that we're AC (amidst corona virus) my life doesn't revolve around much... mostly snacks.  Admittedly that first week was really tough, as I tried to navigate my new workout norm outside the traditional gym environment. So after a few days of sleeping and sulking (and so much damn snacking) I realised that if cauliflower can become pizza, then my lounge room can become a damn gym! And here I am with a brand new routine that involves a mix of running and online training. So if you're struggling in the same way I was, then you will love this weeks episode as I got to chat with the amazing Sam Wood. The former Bachelor now runs a complete fitness, nutrition and mindset program called 28 by Sam Wood, and is on a mission to help people stay mentally and physically fit as well as connected as a community while we navigate through the coming weeks and months.  He has some absolutely amazing tips including some super simple household items you can use in lieu of gym equipment, what to do when the cravings hit you hard and how much exercise we really should be doing...  Father and husband, on a mission to help people move more, eat better and make a positive change to their lives. Sam Wood has over 20 years experience as a personal trainer and is recognised as one of Australia’s leading experts and media commentators in the health & fitness industry. Sam is the founder and personal trainer of 28, Australia’s #1 home fitness and nutrition program, and he's also the proud owner of Australia’s largest personal training studio, The Woodshed, based in Brighton, Melbourne.  See for privacy information.See for privacy information.
Apr 13, 2020 • 38min

Working From Home

Thou shalt remember, that you can quit your day job, but you can't quit your calling... If I had a dollar for every time I said I was going to quit my job to follow my dream of becoming an author and full time creative, I'd have $8476 dollars. But unfortunately, your girls not very brave, and even though I don't have a fear of heights, every time I've psyched myself up to take the leap of faith, I just couldn't do it! So imagine how excited I was when I got a chance to chat to a kween who left her high flying job as a celebrity publicist, to start a podcast and write a book! Spirit animal much?  This week, I'm absolutely thrilled to introduce you to Cathrine Mahoney, a total girl boss who successfully took the leap of faith last year, to launch her Podcast 'So I Quit my Day Job' and write the book she's always wanted to. You know those people in life you just immediately vibe with? Cathrine was absolutely one of them and our mutual love of F45, red lipstick and lurpak butter had us form a binding friendship quicker than you can say Sav Blanc.  Since recording this interview a mere week ago, we've texted regularly, caught up for wines over zoom and planned a trip to the most crowded bar we can find once this quarantine nightmare is over. Even if you're not an aspiring writer, I know you'll enjoy this episode because we also cover the expectations vs reality of working from home, which I know is a universal struggle right now. So without further adieu... Cathrine Mahoney, I welcome you... My website is (no e in Cathrine - blame my mother) Instagram: @cathrinemahoney and / or @soiquitmydayjob Podcast: So, I Quit My Day Job Follow Phoebe on Instagram @phoebeacp or join the Train Wreck Podcast Community Facebook group.   See for privacy information.See for privacy information.
Apr 6, 2020 • 42min

Quarantine Bucket List with Abbie Chatfield

Thou Shalt Remember, that we're not stuck at home, we're safe at home If I had a dollar for every complaint I've heard from people about the perils of self isolating and social distancing, I'd have $486 dollars. While god knows I could really use that money - because hashtag stand down life, I'm more than happy to sacrifice it, because to be totally honest with you ain't nobody got time for that kind of negativity in their life -and that's rich coming from someone who can no longer use a hectic work schedule as an excuse anymore, and consequently has nothing but time. But instead of being a pessimist, I'm approaching this downtime as a real opportunist. And I'm not the only one... yes kweens, you'll be thrilled to know that my girl Abbie Chatfield is back and joining me in this weeks episode by very popular demand! Follow Phoebe on Instagram @phoebeacp or join the Train Wreck Podcast Community Facebook group.  See for privacy information.See for privacy information.
Mar 30, 2020 • 18min


Ola Train Wrecks and welcome back to another season of Confessions of a Train Wreck. Now just before I get started, I want you to know that I didn't intend on coming back this quickly, I actually had planned to be in Japan right now, but you know. Covid-19. So, in light of the world right now, I think it's probably more important than ever for me to keep delivering you guys content. Bear with me through today's episode - it's just me on my own today to give you a quick update as well as some things I'm doing to help with my anxiety at the moment, but I have a stack of interviews planned via zoom - you know because quarantine life - with psychologists and work from home specialists and all sorts of professionals who can help us all at a time we're all feeling pretty helpless. So a lot of you have asked me to give you a bit of a life update... are you ready? Remember, you asked for this and you will be absolutely shooketh to your core! Follow Phoebe on Instagram @phoebeacp or join the Train Wreck Podcast Community Facebook group. Want to hear more Phoebe? Listen to Phoebe, Shad & Tom podcast.  See for privacy information.See for privacy information.
Mar 9, 2020 • 35min

Advice: Girls vs Guys

Thou shalt remember, that mutual understanding is the backbone to every happy relationship   If jumping to conclusions were an Olympic sport, I'd be an unbeatable god damn gold medalist. Like, I'm so good at it, I had enough ridiculous content to dedicate an entire episode to it, which my OG listeners will remember from wayyyy back in season 3... if you missed it, listen here, because it's an absolute clanger. And you know the saddest part? 98% of the times I've jumped to an irrational and uninformed conclusion, it's been about a boy. But because I've realised I get enough exercise from F45 and Reformer Pilates, I've decided it's time to stop jumping and just start asking. Yes, the solution really is as easy as adopting a bit of old fashioned communication. So if you're like me and have spent the better part of your life trying to silently understand the mysterious workings of the male brain to try and make sense of what they're really thinking, this one is dedicated to you... Follow Phoebe on Instagram @phoebeacp or join the Train Wreck Podcast Community Facebook group.  Follow Shad Wicka & Tom Murray and listen to Phoebe, Shad & Tom podcast.  See for privacy information.See for privacy information.
Mar 7, 2020 • 19min

Sustainability Sunday: Eco-Anxiety

Hello my kweens, Happy International Women's Day and welcome back to another Sustainability Sunday episode. You know that I always start the episodes with a little update from my week and this week it was actually a really exciting one. My OG listeners will know that I am beyond obsessed with Botanika Blends protein powder, I literally have it in my oats every single morning and have had for legit the past 12 months. I ordered some online this week and when it arrived, it came in 100% biodegradable packaging which just absolutely made my little heart sing. I honestly don't know what I was more excited about - the fresh kilo of vanilla cake batter protein powder or the packaging that it came in. Either way, snaps to Botanika Blends for jumping on the sustainability bandwagon - they're so nice they've also offered Train Wreck listeners a cheeky little 15% discount when you shop online and use the code phoebe15 at the checkout., which I think is really cool, because going back to a point I made last week, i think a huge part of sustainability lies in consumer behaviour, so by actively choosing to spend your money at places that employ sustainable practices, and turning your back on those that don't, you're putting your money to good use. I'll pop the link and discount code below in this week's show notes, but I just wanted to share that one with you because I get so excited when big brands and brands that I love get involved and play their part.  So if you tuned in last week you would have caught my chat with Lee Constable. if you missed it, Lee is a television presenter, science communicator, biologist and an author who is best known or her work on channel 10s show Scope. SO last week Lee and I chatted about divestment and the role banking plays into sustainability, which really blew my mind and opened my eyes. And so this week we're chatting about eco-anxiety and how you can make small changes to feel empowered to create change instead of overwhelmed.  So just on that, while concern around climate change and waste reduction are required to a degree, I mean it does after all take a certain level of concern to then in turn action change - eco-anxiety is an all consuming anxiety about the enormity of the problem, as well as the guilt you might experience for any personal contributions you might be making to the problems. I don't think I have full blown eco anxiety but I do get very overwhelmed with how many things you can change to your life to be more sustainable, but it's very hard to do all of those at the same time. A good example is last week at home I was getting all flustered about buying rubbish bags for the bin because they're plastic and I'm working very very hard on reducing purchasing plastics, and despite the fact that I've made HUGE leway in terms of not using single use plastics of coffee cups etc, using produce bags at the supermarket, taking my keep cup and water bottle everywhere, I had so much guilt about the bin liners, then I reminded myself that you don't have to be perfect and just being 10% better really does help Anyway long story short, I ended up messaging Lottie from Banish and finding out you can buy biodegradable rubbish bags from Coles that are made from cornstarch so went out and bought them straight away and everything is fine again. But it really did make me think about how overwhelmed we can get when trying to be more sustainable. So without further adieu, let's welcome Lee back to the podcast...  Follow Phoebe on Instagram @phoebeacp or join the Train Wreck Podcast Community Facebook group.  Want to hear more Phoebe? Listen to Phoebe, Shad & Tom podcast.  See for privacy information.See for privacy information.
Mar 2, 2020 • 25min

James Smith: Abs & Thighs

Thou shalt remember, to always stay carbo-hydrated...   When it comes to fad diets, I've spoken about them once, twice, 475 times before. Am I starting to sound like a broken record yet? So for those of you who tuned in last week - (whisper - you get a gold star) - you would have heard James Smith PT dishing up some hash tag real talk about the detrimental diet world. And because that hash tag real talk was so good, I decided to come back for seconds, and you all get some too...   If you missed part 1, sort yourself out and listen here... so let's pick up exactly where we left off... Follow Phoebe on Instagram @phoebeacp or join the Train Wreck Podcast Community Facebook group.  Want to hear more Phoebe? Listen to Phoebe, Shad & Tom podcast.  See for privacy information.See for privacy information.

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