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The Rose Woman

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May 8, 2022 • 1h 7min

Bonus Episode: Healing the Maternal Line

Join Christine on this special episode for Mother's day as we give tribute to our amazing mothers and grandmothers. She will be leading various guided mindfulness meditations and practices. We encourage you to find a cozy spot, prepare a cushion/yoga mat and writing materials for this practice. Start by thinking about the memories with your mother or a mother figure that warm your heart andlet this love fill your heart and flow throughout your body. Parts of healing the maternal line practice:Influences on the understanding of transgenerational traumaSeated meditationProstration practiceRadical empathy practiceForgiveness exercise Helpful Links:Bert Hellinger - Founder of Family ConstellationHareesh Wallis - Scholar, Yogi and Author Christopher Tompkins - Scholar and Founder of Foundation for YogaMark Whitwell - Founder of Heart of YogaThomas Huebl - Spiritual teacher, author, and founder of The Academy of Inner ScienceSundari Gardens - Farm, residence, and guest house, practicing leadership for a New EarthReverence: Creating Ritual in Modern Life book by Christine Marie Mason is now available at the or at Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman, Christine on Instagram as @the.rose.woman, and on Tiktok as @therosewoman108 Listen, Like, Share & Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Youtube Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
May 5, 2022 • 35min

THE UPGRADE: How the Female Brain Gets Stronger and Better in Midlife and Beyond

Previous guest Dr. Louann Brizendine, MD has come back to join us this week to discuss the sequel of #TheFemaleBrain, THE #UPGRADE: HOW THE FEMALE BRAIN GETS STRONGER AND BETTER IN MIDLIFE AND BEYOND.Dr. Brizendine was among the first to explain why women think, communicate, and feel differently than men. Now, inspired by her own experiences and those of the thousands of women at her clinic, she has a message that is nothing short of revolutionary.In this episode, we cover:The Purpose of #Hormones#Cognitive abilities in midlifeOn releasing your "Worry Maglock"Science on #Mantra PracticeMicrobiome nourishingTips for sleep and alcohol problemsThe positivity effect researchHelpful Links:Dr. Louann Brizendine - Author of THE UPGRADE, The Female Brain and The Male Brain Follow her on:Instagram: @louannbrizendineFacebook: @drlouannbrizendineTwitter: @louannbrizendineEpisode 38: Dr. Louann Brizendine on The Female Brain, Hormones and BehaviorFind Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman, Christine on Instagram as @the.rose.woman, and on Tiktok as @therosewoman108 Listen, Like, Share & Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Youtube Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Apr 28, 2022 • 49min

Are You Ageist Against Yourself?

Today, we talk to an internationally recognized expert on ageism, Ashton Applewhite. She is the author of This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism. A co-founder of the Old School Anti-Ageism Clearinghouse, she speaks widely at venues that have included the TED mainstage and the United Nations, and is a leading spokesperson for the emerging movement to raise awareness of ageism and to dismantle it. Let's discover how later life can still be filled with power and #liberation. Tune in to this episode and join the book giveaway.In this episode, we cover:Ashton as an #ActivistHow does age impact each individual's self-perception?On growing #wiser not olderExpanding your circle of friends as you age#Beauty standards in #AgeismDifference between the words: Old and Young #Capitalism and #Agingchoosing your Purpose#Intergenerational conflictCutting Loose: Why #Women Who End Their #Marriages Do So WellOn accepting getting older Helpful Links:Ashton Applewhite, Author of “This Chair Rocks”, Anne LamottOldschool.infoCutting Loose: Why Women Who End Their Marriages Do So Well Jessica DeFino newsletter - Injury As A Beauty Ideal Stewart BrandFind Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman, Christine on Instagram as @the.rose.woman, and on Tiktok as @therosewoman108 Listen, Like, Share & Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Youtube Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Apr 21, 2022 • 28min

From the Frequency of Complaint to the Pull of Possibility

Are there any old #pains that is within you? Rather than avoiding them, explore them. In today’s solo episode, The Rose Woman Christine will discuss how to turn those #grievances into #gratitude. In this episode, we cover:The internal #grievance factoryAre you on a fear/complaint based #frequency or empowering change frequency?Thomas Huebl on "The Alliance of our younger parts"Purpose of healthy complaint Learn the #SurfMindset: The Elements & HacksMoving from complaint to visionVerbalizing your #appreciationsHelpful Links:Thomas Huebl - Spiritual teacher, author, and founder of The Academy of Inner ScienceFind Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman, Christine on Instagram as @the.rose.woman, and at Tiktok as @therosewoman108 Listen, Like, Share & Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Youtube Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Apr 14, 2022 • 37min

Inspire. Commit. Act. The Art and Heart of Sana Musasama

Today we are honored to have Sana Musasama, a global human rights activist, ceramicist, and mixed media artist. She will share with us excerpts from her life’s work and how that journey as an artist led her to Cambodia to work with women and young girls in #rehabilitation in Phnom Penh, following being forced into the sex industry there. Sana continues her humanitarian work in Cambodia and coordinates the Apron Project, a cooperative business based on sewing skills.In this episode, we cover:Getting to know SanaThoughts on the difference between teacher, artist, and non-artistWhat does getting insulated mean?Sana's journey to Phnom Penh, #CambodiaThe Apron project and her humanitarian workSana's inspiration for her #ceramic workSana recalls her encounters with young girls who had experience female circumcisionThoughts on foot bindingHer advocaciesHelpful Links:Sana Musasama - Check out her Facebook @sana.musasama and Instagram @sanamusasamaNSECA - National Council on Education for the Ceramic ArtsFind Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman, Christine on Instagram as @the.rose.woman and at Tiktok as @therosewoman108Listen, Like, Share & Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Youtube Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Apr 7, 2022 • 45min

Radical Intimacy

In this episode, We have the privilege of having Zoë Kors on, to discuss her new book  Radical Intimacy: Cultivate the Deeply Connected Relationships You Desire and Deserve. We learn how real intimacy works, how it’s rooted in deep connection—with ourselves and each other. Tune in to discover what #RadicalIntimacy is about.Zoë Kors is a sought-after thought leader of #intimacy and #sexuality. She is the resident sex and intimacy coach at sexual #wellness app Coral, and the former Senior Editor of LA Yoga Magazine. In addition to a thriving private practice, Zoë offers her services through Center for Relational Healing, which specializes in the treatment of sex addicts and their partners. As a member of the CRH team, Zoë works with clients to reintroduce healthy sexuality and intimacy after the trauma of betrayal.In this episode, we cover:5 basic #intimacy questionsWhat is #intimacy according to Zoë? The connection between #feelings and #intimacyThe practice of #radicalintimacyThe third-person techniqueHow did Zoë cultivated this spiritual path?The Energetic IntimacyThe 6 Core #emotionsThe 7 Pillars of Emotional LiteracyResponsibilities to others in expressing our feelingsThe #Pleasure Positive Society Helpful Links:Pre-Order Zoë Kors new book, Available starting April 12, 2022 - Radical Intimacy: Cultivate the Deeply Connected Relationships You Desire and Deserve - A Part practical guide, part client stories, part personal narrative, Zoë Kors draws on her experience as a sex and intimacy coach, thought leader, and relationship writer to share her powerful methodology for nurturing and sustaining our intimate relationships.  Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter @zoekorsThe Radical Intimacy Podcast The High 5 Habit book by Mel RobbinsFind Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman, Christine on Instagram as @the.rose.woman and at Tiktok as @therosewoman108Listen, Like, Share & Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcasts | Spotify Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Mar 31, 2022 • 52min

Deep O: Susan Bratton, Intimacy Coach to Millions

Want to learn more about #Orgasm and erotic playdates? About heart connected sexuality? Find out in this week's episode of The Rose Woman Podcast where I interview #intimacy expert @susanpizzazzbratton. She is co-founder and CEO of two corporations: @personallifemedia a publisher of heart-connected #lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills and @do.the.20 , a manufacturer of organic and botanical supplements that enhance #sexualvitality A best-selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs including Sexual Soulmates, Relationship Magic, Revive Her Drive, Ravish Him, Steamy Sex Ed™, The Passion Patch, Hormone Balancing, and Hot To Trot. In this episode, we cover:-The 20 Kinds of #Orgasms-How people create this bond-The #ExpandedOrgasm Practice-Erotic playdates-The pace of seduction-Sexual Soulmates-The Internal Erection Helpful Links:Susan Bratton’s WebsiteSexual SoulmatesSexual Soulmate PactPersonal Life MediaThe20 StoreInstagram - @susanbratton BetterLover VideosYouTube ‘Better Lover’ Channel Facebook - @trustedhotsexadvisortomillionsLinkedInTwitter - @SusanBrattonDr. Patricia Taylor - is the leading teacher of Expanded Orgasm in the world today.Sheri Winston - is a celebrated sexuality teacher, award-winning author and medical professional. Episode #58: Lit Up: Arousal, Orgasm and The Brain with Dr. Nan WiseFind Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman and Christine on Instagram as @the.rose.womanPlease enjoy this episode of lively, inspiring, straight talk with this striking powerful woman  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Mar 27, 2022 • 36min

Dream Analyst: Lauri Loewenberg

Continuing more on about dreams this week. Lauri Loewenberg (Certified Dream Analyst) joins us today to discuss what is the real meaning behind our dreams and how she explores them with her clients. She also shares some of personal dreaming experiences, common dreams we have, the significance of dreams, and much more! In this episode, we cover:How did Lauri got interested in to studying Dream PsychologyUnderstanding different types of dreamsAdvice on how to start engaging in the dream worldOn Interpreting the details in the dreamWhy sometimes we remember or not remember our dreamsWhat is the common reason people are seeking a dream analyst?What are the most common symbols seen?Thoughts on shared dreaming Helpful Links:Lauri Loewenberg - is a Certified Dream Analyst, syndicated columnist, author of the book Dream On It: Unlock your dreams, Change your Life, popular radio personality, speaker, and member of IASD, the International Association for the Study of Dreams, an international organization whose purpose, among other things, is to conduct and encourage research into the nature, function, and significance of dreaming.Facebook LauriTheDreamExpertInstagram @wtf_didijustdream / @pinups_by_lauri Twitter @LauriLoewenberg Tiktok Laurithedreamexpert Episode #63: The Science and Psychology of Sleep and Dreams with Tzivia GoverFind Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman and Christine on Instagram as @the.rose.woman Listen, Like, Share & Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Spotify | Youtube Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Mar 25, 2022 • 49min

Science and Psychology of Sleep and Dreams

Joining us today is author, dream, and sleep expert Tzivia Gover. She will discuss with us today the fundamentals of sleep and dream. Tzivia has written several books including Joy in Every Moment and The Mindful Way to a Good Night’s Sleep. She is a certified dreamwork professional and the education director for the Institute for Dream Studies. She has her MFA in writing from Columbia University and is also a certified Proprioceptive Writing instructor and Reiki Master. In this episode, we cover:How is sleeping for Americans today?Is there a standard definition of Good Sleep?What are the different elements of Sleep?What should people do to prepare the environmentWhy do we dream?Why do some people remember dreaming and some people don't?Lucid dreaming and dream InterpretationThoughts on Supplements for sleeping  Helpful Links: Website: www.tziviagover.comLinkstree: @tziviadreamsTwitter: @TziviaGFacebook: @TziviasDreamBooks: Tinbergen - Dutch biologist and ornithologistListen to Last night I had the strangest dream cover by Joan BaezUN Refugee Relief Find Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman and Christine on Instagram as @the.rose.woman Listen, Like, Share & Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Spotify | Youtube Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Mar 16, 2022 • 37min

"The Algorithm" and Women's Sexual Wellness with Jackie Rotman

Jackie and her non-profit are doing the important work of answering the tech giants' "excruciating double standards" around women's reproductive and sexual health and pleasure. Learn about her work, the amazing team behindWe cover:Facebook's Algorithm, and the just published study of 100% discrimination against women's health companiesWomen's Sexual HealthCenter for Intimacy JusticeDame Products and the MTA suit in New York"A pleasure-tolerant society"Deprogramming the line of transmissionParaprofessionals in sexuality outside of existing structuresDads and daughtersTalking to your mom about her sexual, sensual and reproductive lives on Rosebud WomanISSWSH and Prosana (sexual education resource)A vision for equitable and transparent sexual communication for all peopleAbout:Jackie Rotman is the Founder and CEO of Center for Intimacy Justice (CIJ), a nonprofit organization that is currently working to change policies at tech platforms to allow health ads for women and people with vulvas - which are frequently censored today. Jackie holds an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business, MPA from Harvard Kennedy School, and BA in Public Policy from Stanford.Jackie led an investigation, released in 2022 in 60 media outlets, demonstrating systemic censorship by Facebook (Meta) of women’s health advertisements. Jackie has also written investigative op-eds and other writing in New York Times and Boston Globe Magazine. Jackie is a social entrepreneur, who has led three organizations. She previously founded, at age 14, and nationally expanded, an organization that has provided free dance programs to over 25,000 youth across 25 U.S. cities. During her MBA at Stanford, Jackie worked in women's health investing with Rhia Ventures and Tara Health Foundation, and for a Silicon Valley venture capital fund -- where she drove financial, market and competitive analysis for investments in contraception technology and in sex education.Center for Intimacy Justice (CIJ) is a non-profit organization rewriting the rules of business to propel sexual health and wellbeing for women and people with vulvas. CIJ’s is currently leading a multi-pronged, strategic approach to create policies at tech platforms that allow women’s sexual health ads. In January of 2022 CIJ released a report in New York Times and 60+ media outlets demonstrating that of 60 women's health businesses CIJ studied that attempted to advertise on Facebook, 100% of them experienced Facebook rejecting ads – and 50% experienced Facebook suspending their accounts. The report's findings have been taken on by the US Senate's Health Committee.Follow CIJ on Instagram and Facebook Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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