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The Rose Woman

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Jul 11, 2024 • 60min

The Super Generative Life with Multi-Modal Storyteller Yasmeen Turayhi

Today, we are thrilled to have Yasmeen Turayhi as our guest. Yasmeen is a dynamic technology agency founder, filmmaker, and accomplished author of three insightful books on product marketing. She also hosts the renowned podcast "Gateways to Awakening," which delves into neuroscience, intuition, and consciousness. Yasmeen is passionate about helping individuals tap into their intuition through her Inner Knowing School of Intuition, where she teaches executives and creatives how to master their energy. Join us as we explore her inspiring journey and gain insights into elevating consciousness and harnessing intuitive power.She offers a transformative 5-week intuition program designed to deepen your understanding of energy and enhance your intuitive abilities. The program combines theoretical knowledge with practical applications including daily meditations, energy healing, kundalini yoga and techniques for shifting timelines and clearing emotional patternsIn this episode, we cover:Christine’s Travel RitualsThe Invisible ForcesComplex Identities and Self-AuthenticityCultural and Personal EvolutionOn Exploring Energy and ConsciousnessThe Hyphenated Journey - Yasmeen’s open reflection about growing up as an Iraqi-AmericanOn shifting careers and IntuitionCreating a Safe Space and harmonizing with frequenciesTips for Cultivating and Expanding the Energy BodyThe Collaboration Filmmakers ChallengeStorytelling, tech, Intuition school and moreHelpful links:Yasmeen Turayhi - @therealyasmeent on Instagram Inner-Knowing 5 Week Program The podcast Gateways to Awakening The Hyphenated Journey with HakawatiHow to cultivate your intuition to connect with your purposeFierce Grace LondonThomas HublEpisode # 131: Cultivating & Trusting Your Subtle Intelligence with Kathi JoyEpisode # 113: The Protofield, Vibration, Intuition and The Invisible Web with Stefanie Schwartz30 words of Love by Jarrett SleeperSubscribe to the Museletter on  Substack  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Jun 7, 2024 • 41min

Catching up with Christine: MicroPeace, MakeWrong, ProLife

This Episode is a catch up with me, on micropeace, makewrong, cancel culture, being brave, being for life, learning in difficulty, intuition, our potent creative nonviolent future- mentions Ben Bowler at , Linda Tucker @whiteliontrust , @sundari_on_hawaii , Patrick Connor, @nicoledaedone , @the_holomovement , and so much more.May we be with the complexity and nuance of the utterly subjective human experience.In this episode, we cover:Healing and Personal ResponsibilityMicropeace and No Make-Wrong PracticeFacing Cancel CultureMindfulness and EmpathyTravelling the worldUnity Earth on Peace dayThe Mission Within FoundationLinda Tucker and the White LionsA Pro-Life worldHelpful links:Episode # 130: Being the Love that You Are with Patrick ConnorEpisode # 138: The Eros Sutras with Nicole DaedoneUnity EarthPeace Week 2024: Land of the Rising SunThe Mission WithinThe Linda Tucker FoundationBENDING THE BOW: How Ordinary People Spark Visionary Social Movements by Christine MasonEpisode 137: Linda Tucker: Mystic, Protector and Founder of the Global White Lion TrustHolomovementSubscribe to The Museletter by Christine on Substack Find Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman, Christine on Instagram Find Radiant Farms on Instagram @weareradiantfarms and on Facebook @RadiantFarmsLLC Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
May 30, 2024 • 1h 15min

The Eros Sutras with Nicole Daedone

In this episode of The Rose Woman Podcast, erotic artist and co-founder of OneTaste, Nicole Daedone, joins us to discuss important topics like internalized shame, sexual wellness, and personal transformation. As an expert in Buddhist meditation and sexual wellness, and the author of "The Eros Sutras," Nicole shares her extensive knowledge and experience with us. So Listen in and discover valuable insights that can help you on your journey towards greater self-awareness and intimacy.Nicole Daedone co-founded OneTaste to reawaken the connection with intimacy, with each other, and to the primal source of energy that drives creativity—sexuality. She created a contemplative discipline around Orgasmic Meditation (OM) that offers an immediate experience of what happens when individuals unleash rather than repress who they are. Since then, OneTaste has gathered some of the greatest research psychologists and neuroscientists to study the intersection of sexuality and human potential, conducting the largest study of its kind since Masters and Johnson. OM has perhaps the most powerful effect of any natural process on healing trauma, promoting well-being, and fostering transcendental experiences. Nicole has brought people together and created systems to manifest and ground this vision in observable benefits.In this episode, we cover:Origins of Orgasmic MeditationDevelopment of OMFeminine Transmission and LanguageOn Writing "The Ero Sutras" manifestoWhat does “Eros” mean?Tumescence and Creative FlowVajra PrideThoughts on desire for further evolution and perfectionThe transformative power of acceptance and self-loveFulfillment Beyond ExpectationsSocietal Conditioning Around Female DesireTrue Desire vs. CravingContributing to SocietyBreaking Free from VictimhoodOn Recognizing Projection in the realm of sexuality and authenticityTrust in Personal ExperienceThe War on SexAI algorithms reflecting societal biases and CensorshipCancel Culture, Resilience and Deep ListeningHelpful links:Nicole Daedone - Author of The Eros SutrasCheck out her latest programs and projects here. The Eros Platform on YoutubeFind Nicole at Instagram Unconditional Freedom: Free Food programSuzuki RoshiEdward BrownBuddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom by Dr. Rick Hanson Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
May 22, 2024 • 37min

Linda Tucker: Mystic, Protector and Founder of the Global White Lion Trust

After being rescued by a Tsonga medicine woman from a life-threatening encounter with a pride of lions in 1991, Linda Tucker gave up a career in international marketing to become a conservationist.Since this time, she has dedicated her life to the urgent protection of the critically endangered White Lions, venerated as the King of Kings by African elders. Despite their rarity and cultural importance, the White Lions have no protected status and may be trophy hunted in the wild and in captivity.To ensure the survival of this legendary animal, Linda Tucker has raised millions of dollars in a long-term strategy to secure large tracks of protected wilderness territory in the heart of the White Lions’ ancestral heritage lands, in the epic-centre of UNESCO’s Kruger-to-Canyons Biosphere, one of the last viable lion ranges on the planet.In this episode, we cover:Linda Tucker's pivotal moment in the African wilderness in 1991The transformation from a life of consumerismThe Mission to Save White LionsThe establishment of the Global White Lion Protection Trust in 2001The spiritual and ecological importance of the white lionsThe Aquarius AgeNorth American Tour and ProgramsBooks by Linda TuckerPhilosophy and ApproachHelpful links:Linda Tucker - Founder of Global White Lion Protection TrustTickets for Malibu Benefit 5/29/24Linda Tucker on Amazon:The Mystery of the White LionsSaving the White LionsLionhearted Leadership: The 13 LawsSummoned by the Earth with Cynthia JursSubscribe to Christine’s Substack Find Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman, Christine on Instagram as @the.rose.woman Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
May 17, 2024 • 45min

Summoned by the Earth with Cynthia Jurs

In this episode, Christine delves into the profound intersection of eco-spirituality and personal healing. She introduces Cynthia Jurs’s new book, Summoned by the Earth: Becoming a Holy Vessel for Healing Our World, emphasizing the interconnectedness of the material world and spirituality, and the need to heal the divide between them. The episode centers on Cynthia's journey, her eco-spiritual practice, and the transformative power of connecting deeply with nature.Cynthia Jurs is a dharma teacher and author of Summoned by the Earth: Becoming a Holy Vessel for Healing Our World. Cynthia Jurs became a dharma teacher (Dharmacharya) in the Order of Interbeing of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in 1994 and in 2018, was made an honorary lama in the Vajrayana tradition of Tibetan Buddhism in recognition of her dedication in carrying out the Earth Treasure Vase practice. Inspired by thirty years of pilgrimage into diverse communities and ecosystems, today Cynthia is forging a new path of dharma in service to Gaia—a path deeply rooted in the feminine, honoring indigenous cultures, and devoted to collective awakening. Cynthia leads meditations, retreats, courses, and pilgrimages to support the emergence of a global community of engaged and embodied sacred activists. In this episode, we cover:The Practice of Earth Treasure VasesThe Ceremony and its Global ImpactExperience in Democratic Republic of CongoSelecting of Vase Locations and forming Global MandalaNuclear GuardianshipEvolution of Cynthia’s Spiritual Path with Tibetan BuddhismGaia as the Greatest TeacherCommunity and HealingNo Judgment PrincipleMother Earth as RefugeEmerging Gaian SpiritualityReflection on Religious Structures and PracticesReclaiming Gaia’s OracleHealing the Feminine and Sexual WoundingRole of Women in Activism and PeaceCollective Awakening and Community-Based EnlightenmentHelpful links:Cynthia Jurs - For more updates follow her on Instagram at @cynthiajursGuru Rinpoche or PadmasambhavaHero Women RisingJoanna MacyDavid AbramsThich Nhat HanhSundari GardensChup: Breaking the Silence About India's WomenWhere do we go nowSophie StrandCharles EisensteinGayatri Mantra Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
May 9, 2024 • 49min

Telling the Beautiful Truth with Physicist Jessica Wade

Here in The Rose Woman Podcast, we explore different themes of liberation in various forms. Today, we are focusing on the liberation found in celebrating the achievements of women scientists and scientists of color through storytelling. Our guest, Dr. Jessica Wade, is a Royal Society University Research Fellow, physicist, and lecturer in Functional Materials at Imperial College London.Her research considers new materials for optoelectronic, spintronic, and quantum devices, with a focus on chiral molecular materials.She was previously an Imperial College Research Fellow in SPIN-Lab at Imperial, which is led by Professor Sandrine Heutz. She worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Fuchter and Campbell groups at Imperial College London, where she optimized these chiral systems to absorb/emit circularly polarized (CP) light for CP OLEDs and OPDs. For her PhD, Jess concentrated on organic photovoltaics and the development of advanced characterization techniques to better understand molecular packing under the supervision of Dr. Ji-Seon Kim.She is involved with several science communication and outreach initiatives, committed to improving diversity in science, both online and offline. Since the start of 2018, she has written thousands of Wikipedia biographies highlighting women scientists' achievements.In this episode, we cover:Jessica’s Journey into PhysicsAdvocacy for Diversifying AcademiaRecognizing and the Impact of Unconscious Bias Algorithm in Recruitment ProcessingThoughts on Today’s Education SystemsInitiative to write Wikipedia biographies for women scientistsThe Power of ImagesAddressing the lack of diversity in Academic ScienceCareer pathways of scientistsPioneer women scientists and their contributions Jessica’s Research on chiral molecules and its applicationsIntegration of Science and Art as a wholeHelpful links:Dr. Jessica Wade - Physicist in the Blackett Laboratory at Imperial College London. Follow her on TwitterKarin KimbroughRosalind FranklinDorothy HodgkinJune LindseyWilliam BraggQuantum day at Imperial CollegeNano: The Spectacular Science of the Very (Very) Small by Jessica WadeUpcoming Events with ChristineSubscribe to Christine’s Substack  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Apr 18, 2024 • 56min

A Lifestyle and Culture of Integration

In today's episode of The Rose Woman podcast, we invite you to step into the transformative realm of self-discovery and healing. For the first half of the episode, Christine delves into the concept of fragmentation and the importance of integration for personal growth and wholeness. Then, in the second half, Christine interviews Alicia Sunflower Rose, MS, and we learn more about aftercare and integration. She is a Medicine Woman Therapist–part Trauma-Informed psychotherapist of over 10 years, Heart-Centered Hypnotherapist, Shamanic Facilitator, and Quantum Sound Healer. Alicia Sunflower’s passion lies in supporting people to engage in profound multidimensional work, addressing personal, ancestral, collective, and cultural trauma healing in safe, ethical, integral, and integrative containers. Tune in now to gain more insights and practical guidance for navigating your own journey of integration and self-love.In this episode, we cover:Get to know more about ChristineFragmentation and its various formsThe importance of integration for personal growth and well-beingExploration of fragmentation through personal anecdotesCultivating a culture of integration: practices for digesting experiences and aligning actions with values.The Challenges in IntegrationThe Qualities and Characteristics of Integration: Immediate Aftercare vs. Long-Term IntegrationThe Importance and Planning for Self-CareAlicia’s Healing JourneyCosmic PsychologyHelpful links:Alicia Sunflower - Check out her website and Stay tuned for new offerings coming in the spring including the release of the self-paced version of Integrative Medicine Carriers—a nine-week training course on ethical, trauma-informed care in plant medicine ceremonies. Follow her on @thealiciasunflower on IG and TikTok and Alicia Sunflower Rose on FBAnother Eros by Amelia PerkinsEpisode #102: How are we related: Ecology, Consciousness and Enchantment with Tam HuntEpisode #86: Sacred Rest: Upleveling through Rest with Dr. Saundra Dalton-SmithEpisode #129: Beyond the Narrow Life with Dr. Kile OrtigoBONUS MEDITATION - The Flame WithinFind Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman, Christine on Instagram as @the.rose.woman Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Apr 5, 2024 • 48min

Silencing the Inner Critic with Neal Allen

Join spiritual coach Neal Allen as he discusses silencing the inner critic, integrating spiritual insights with coaching expertise, and taming the inner critic. Learn about the inner critic's role in childhood development, the importance of self-empathy, and the journey towards self-acceptance.
Mar 26, 2024 • 56min

Finding Your Fierce Heart with Spring Washam

Welcome to the Rose Woman Podcast: Embracing Love and Liberation! Join us on a transformative journey guided by visionary leader Spring Washam, known for her pioneering work in mindfulness-based meditation. As a teacher, healer, and author, Spring shares insights into the interconnectedness of spiritual paths and the power of love as a measure of spiritual maturity. From her unexpected journey into writing about the Dharma of Harriet Tubman to her reflections on practical Buddhism. Are you ready? Listen in now.In this episode, we cover the following:Realization of her spiritual callingOn practicing BuddhismJack Kornfield as a Spiritual MentorThe path of the heart and perfecting loveWhat is Practical Buddhism?Importance of inner work and collective excavation of the shadowRadical Honesty and Self-ResponsibilityThe unexpected journey into teaching The Dharma of Harriet TubmanPlant medicine and its integration with spiritual practice for trauma healingCreating Safe Spaces for HealingEmbodying Love and CommitmentHelpful links:Spring Washam - Author of  “The Spirit of Harriet Tubman: AWAKENING FROM THE UNDERGROUND”. Follow on @springwasham Facebook and Instagram.Rising of a New Sun documentaryRamdass CommunityJack Kornfield - Founder of Insight Meditation Society and Spirit Rock Meditation CenterEpisode #119 Combat, Hitting Bottom and Finding a Way to the LightSubscribe to Christine’s Substack Find Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman, Christine on Instagram as @the.rose.woman, and on Tiktok as @therosewoman108.Find Radiant Farms on Instagram @weareradiantfarms and on Facebook @RadiantFarmsLLCCheck out these Free E-books brought to you by Radiant Farms Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Mar 15, 2024 • 49min

Cultivating and Trusting your Subtle Intelligence with Kathleen Joy

Welcome to the Rose Woman podcast, today Kathleen Joy, founder of LumiereWork joins us to talk about Subtle Intelligence. With over two decades of experience, Kathleen ignites joy and power in leaders and teams through holistic intelligence. At LumiereWork, she blends consulting, coaching, energy practices, and science to drive sustainable change. In this episode, Kathleen delves into Subtle Intelligence – its unique aspects, cultivation, and impact on leadership. Listen in and get ready to unlock and learn new dimensions of your personal growth.In this episode, we cover:What is Subtle Intelligence and how does it differ from other forms of intelligence? Subtle intelligence in embracing intuition, senses, and energiesWays to open it up and then also how to trust yourself Terms used in Subtle IntelligenceExercises and practices for developing Subtle intelligenceOutcomes of integrating subtle intelligence into business LeadershipOpening up to gather more data and sensing different patternsEnergy sessionsUnderstanding of interconnectedness and empathy on an energetic levelResources in cultivating Subtle IntelligenceHelpful links:Kathleen Joy - Founder of LumiereWork. Check out their Facebook. LinkedIn and Instagram.LumiereWork Programs - Develop multiple intelligences to masteryEmpowerment Amidst ChaosEpisode #48: Rituals for the Empty Nest with Kathleen JoyRobert Anton Wilson quoteFind Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman, Christine on Instagram as @the.rose.womanFind Radiant Farms on Instagram @weareradiantfarms and on Facebook @RadiantFarmsLLCListen, Like, Share & Subscribe on Apple Podcast | Google Podcasts | Spotify Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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