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The Create Unknown

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Oct 21, 2022 • 1h 21min

Bobby Duke on Optimizing an Artist’s Life

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon:’s not easy to put a label on Bobby Duke. Is he an artist? A creator? 1,000 words fit his work, and they all seem to be appropriate. Whether it’s a giant sculpture or turning a normal pencil into a chain link non-pencil, Bobby can envision it and then do it – and it all started with a whittled dagger.Kevin’s theory of artistic and musical parents continues to be true, which is why Bobby is both an accomplished artist and a capable video editor. Bobby has a lot on his plate though, including juggling an addictive personality that’s affected his work. He goes into fantastic detail not just about how he schedules and segments his work now, but also why he has to do it (and what happens when he doesn’t). Matt tells his story about having to work from bed 6 months ago to hauling rocks after a work day now, while Bobby gets down to brass tacks with a dose of reality: things are going to be bad sometimes, and there are constant opportunities to stray from the path you need to be on. Flexibility is a double-edged sword that’s both amazing and ruinous, and Bobby gets a little closer to mastering that each day. Putting your phone down helps.We recognize that it’s easier to process these tradeoffs and make wiser decisions – and also know when we haven’t – when we’re older, but how do you help a younger creative go about their work and life optimally? Well… it’s not as easy as just telling them. Kevin might have a solution: convince young people to treat themselves as if they’re important, which they are. Patrons hop in to ask about forbidden builds, balancing art with its visual presentation, and Bobby’s day to day inspirations. This was a FANTASTIC episode about the reality of being a creator – which, honestly, is usually at the crux of what someone makes. Harnessing talent and creating the conditions for that talent to function might actually be more important.Thanks to everyone who came out for the live show, and a special thanks to the Patrons who make this show happen each and every week. Next week, Ian Hecox from SMOSH!You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Oct 14, 2022 • 1h 44min

Alchemy and Dissolving Bodies with NileRed

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon: we first met NileRed several years ago, we talked about making moonshine out of toilet paper. A few months later, he’d actually figured out how to do it. No one makes chemistry more interesting or engaging than Nigel, and his experiments run the range from scientific to absurd. But which is more satisfying, creating or destroying?We quickly descend into the depths of the important stuff: dissolving bodies with chemicals. And it’s actually a bit tougher to do at scale than it seems from Nigel’s food dissolving videos. Despite not having released a main channel video in 7 months, he’s been busier than ever – so busy that he might just run out of science.Nigel offers some of the best creative advice we’ve ever had on TCU, which is to avoid getting too far ahead of yourself. He says it’s like getting a gym membership to inspire (really, force) yourself to actually go to the gym. Matt points out that even if this works, it’s usually not an organic result that’ll stick. Do you need a $2,000 budget to get started in chemistry? Probably not.Nigel goes into his past and how he arrived at today – a combination of academic work, disillusionment with formal chemistry study, and figuring out how to edit videos. Kevin senses a strain of music in NileRed videos… and it turns out that he’s right.After Kevin’s tale of a bizarre coworker, Patrons launch into questions about specific elements/chemical processes, the power of the Green Weenie, what to do with $20 at Walmart, and specialization in chemistry.Nigel is one of the sharpest, most talented people we’ve ever met (and he’s got one of the best voices), and everyone who came out for the live show witnessed it firsthand. A special thanks to all our Patrons who make this show possible each and every week. You really are the best. Next week, Bobby Duke! You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Oct 7, 2022 • 1h 25min

Jabrils on AI and Zoomer Loneliness

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon: is more than grilled cheese. He’s uniquely positioned to weigh in on everything from what artificial intelligence will do for us – and to us – in the future, to how technology affects our basic humanity. The most pressing major effect seems to be increased loneliness among young people. What is fundamentally different about online interactions?Entropy guides Jabrils’ thoughts, with the good and the bad bouncing around to create a sense of order. It sounds like we need a healthy balance of both – otherwise it’s too easy to create silos of personality which lure us in like the sirens, and then crash us on the rocks of being an NPC.Jabrils reminds us that all of this is at the core an endeavor stemming from human creations, whether it’s data sets or algorithms. What happens when a self-driving Tesla meets a horse and buggy?If AI and tech depends on what we feed into it, everything from languages to marginal personalities and cultures is probably on their way out. Is that a vote for or against a mosquito eradication? And what about the panda volcels?We jump into a philosophical discussion about what constitutes AI art, and whether providing prompts for software is actually creative. Is DALL-E art? Will we get a DALL-E for music? After talking a bit of sportsball, Jabrils explains that he’ll always be relevant because we need people to understand all this information and apply it on a practical level – and that education is what will prevent a dystopian future. We wrap up with simple, powerful advice: try everything, and don’t be afraid to be wrong. Thanks to everyone who came out for the live show – we had an amazing time doing a very unique episode with Jabrils, a little heavier on the philosophical than we’re used to. And a special thanks to the Patrons who make this show happen each and every week. You really are the best.You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sep 30, 2022 • 1h 41min

Quiet Quitting is Garbage

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon:’ve got a problem with “Quiet Quitting,” which is the tactic of doing the absolute bare minimum at a job as a form of protest and to preserve both energy and sanity due to feelings of exploitation. Kevin thinks the exact opposite is the way forward – but are there circumstances in which quiet quitting is a good idea?Kevin’s first major realization came from Conan O’Brien: his advice was to engage in Quiet Grinding. Do your job, work hard, be reliable, and someone will notice… just like the chicken wing quiet grinder who ended up facilitating a restaurant’s expansion and managing its new location.Last week we talked to Ben, who got where he is because he engaged in Quiet Grinding. And 25 years ago, Matt hand-polished over 4,000 copper tacks one by one without complaint. Kevin breaks it down to two big questions: Can you be trusted, and are you disciplined enough?It’s true that Quiet Quitting is often tied to a failure of management, but you’ve got to care about you and your own performance. If you can control it, take pride in it. Resentment is not going to help.And let’s be honest: you’ve got time. Almost every single person has double-digit hours of free time each week, and that’s even after factoring in 10 hours of gaming. Chances are, if you make good decisions with your time, you’ve got 20 or 30 hours a week to work on your passion projects. Stop talking, start doing – and all it takes is a 10% boost.Patrons ask about whether it’s possible to do too much Quiet Grinding, and we question the terminology of the grind. We’ve got the rest of the year to come up with a better term, and we’re fairly sure that Stallone or Schwarzenegger have the right answer.We had a great time hanging out with everyone for the live show, and it was an excellent followup to last week’s conversation with Ben. Thanks again to our Patrons, who really do make this show happen each and every week. Onward to Jabrils!You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sep 23, 2022 • 1h 17min

Creating the Unknown with Ben Webster

Post your first job FREE: to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon:’d better like Unknown Sausage, because Producer Ben Webster is here to explain how it’s made. We’ve wanted to do an episode with Ben for a while because his story is pretty interesting – and he’s blended the traditional education route with hands-on work with us.Ben had a tough decision to make when it came to going to school. First off, was it even worth it? And if so, did it make sense to wait until in-person classes returned to normal? He ended up going to one of the best communications schools in the world – and it’s the same one Matt did programs at in HTML and newspaper layout in the 1990s. What started as handling a few terminally online tasks for TCU turned into a full-fledged producer and editor role with us. That behind-the-scenes role is extremely important, since it allows talent to be talent. But how important is it to know how to do a thing yourself before outsourcing it to the Bens of the world?Making stuff is hard, but making stuff reliably is REALLY hard. Ben dealt with a bonkers living situation to hit every deadline for the podcast – and that’s a major reason why we committed to working with him over others in the tremendous network of people we know. Scheduling works both ways, though, and even the people who want to create with spontaneous energy need to have some structure. Ben goes through a full example of a fake horror podcast – ‘The Spooking Hour,’ as Charles Khan decided – from having the idea to executing it to improving it. He outlines a clear, sensible process that’s a mix of what he’s picked up in school and what he’s seen working with us and Real Weird Sickos. It’s an excellent process for any online project.None of us know what Ben will be up to in 5 years, but we do agree with him that interesting people are always trying to get better at something – and it doesn’t even matter what it is. If someone doesn’t have any ambitions at all, turn and run. We had a great time during the live episode (aside from Matt’s technical glitches in the new setup), and thanks to both the Patrons who make this show happen each and every week and to Maingear for kicking off what’s soon to be an epic recording studio. You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sep 16, 2022 • 2h 9min

Chris Ray Gun's Boiling Ocean of Hot Takes

Join Our Patreon: Ray Gun’s content has evolved, but he’s closer to being himself than ever – and he’s putting in more time podcasting, streaming, and making videos than even seems possible. Now that he’s living alone, who’s going to hold the camera?Separating where you work and where you live is complex. Is it best to have a totally different room and setup? Or can you make it work, and actually be happier, when everything you do all day is seamlessly tied together? It depends.It turns out that Denny’s is a lot more dangerous than any of us realize, and even an assault there is preferable to an office job. Chemo in Applebee’s seems worse, but it might not compare to what a retail job does to the mind, body, and soul – and to any music you used to enjoy.After this episode, we might need to get the Nirvana Baby as a guest. It’ll be weird to have seen a guest’s wiener before. Hasbullah would be even better.Chris has a complicated relationship with Japan and some of his fellow anime enjoyers. Then again, people are bizarre in general, and Chris’s recent bar encounter proves it. He’d rather be in space than fly over an ocean – and it might be worth boiling the whole thing just to be safe.Kevin brings up Chris’s proclivity toward hot takes and his apparent comfort with delivering them. How does he do it? He just puts down the phone. With so many terrible things to rip on now – Lion King, Cowboy Bebop, and all sorts of remakes – there’s a lot of heat to sling. Patrons ask questions about how Chris might get to Japan, his differing pizza policies, his animal fantasy turducken, and some outstanding advice about confidence. This show was wild – it was a real treat for all the people who showed up for the live recording. Thanks again to the Patrons who make this show possible each and every week. You really are the best.Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sep 9, 2022 • 1h 30min

That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore, but Lou Perez Is

Join Our Patreon: Lou Perez is launching his book “That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore” with us, and having Lou on is something we’ve looked forward to for a long time – after all, we’ve known him for about 7 years now. He’s a product of New York City, specifically Queens, and that’s what made being forced to sit outside at one of his favorite pizzerias a truly harrowing experience. It was pizza so good he’d ‘schlep through streets of shit’ to get it… which seems increasingly more likely in NYC.He’s out of the city now, but he’s still tracking the old neighborhood via NextDoor. New York is changing. Is it still the greatest city in the world? Ehhhhhh.Kevin loves that 70’s/80’s genre of urban vigilante films like Death Wish, but the Alpha Cuck is here to save the city. Lou’s got a theory that one of the worst things Donald Trump ever did was to convince the beta males that they’re alphas, and a surprising number of them rip on others with confidence despite nothing of their own to be confident about. Why?!?But the phenomenon of political understanding is even weirder. Liberals get Lou’s jokes and get mad, while Conservatives miss his jokes and still get mad. What’s the difference? Kevin drops one of his favorite tweets of all time, a response to an MMA fighter that perfectly and candidly elucidates the reality of online social interactions.None of us really understand what’s going on with people now, though, including the bizarre urge to film bad events instead of helping. What are you gonna do, stab me? YES.We hit the disconnect between real life and violence again as Lou pushes the boundaries of his 4.8% Native American heritage. Then we get serious as Lou dissects the right between the Hanna Gadsby’ers and the Dave Chappelle’rs, and the 17 people in the world who enjoy both. According to Lou – and us – comedy shows really shouldn’t be political rallies.That’s the message here and in Lou’s book: grind. Take chances. Run the risk of hurting (including, and perhaps especially, yourself). Just ask Richard Pryor, who makes a guest appearance to close out the episode.Thanks to everyone who came out for a live show that waffled between comfortable and raucous – it was awesome. And a special thanks to the Patrons who make this show happen each and every week. You really are the best.Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sep 2, 2022 • 2h 14min

Schlatt's Creator Advice Is Give Up

Join Our Patreon:’s only one way to start a conversation with Jschlatt, and that’s a detailed examination of the social interactions that undergirds deli meat transactions. Getting the perfect slice of meat is a delicate balance of conversation and mouth feel, right down to the millimeter.We get serious as Kevin pulls a remarkable recent statistic about 98% of kids wanting to become social influencers. Schlatt’s advice? Quit – and he’s got compelling reasons for it. Matt hits a breakthrough processing an old quote about loving what you do and never working a day in your life, because it’s completely backwards.Schlatt confesses his love for cars – really nice cars, too – and Kevin posits that TikTokers aren’t even going to be able to afford an Uber ride. He’s probably right given the way the platform sources free content, and it’s just not enough to make a sustainable career. Schlatt delves into excellent advice about developing content skills with streaming and only then cutting down into shorter-form. It’s a funnel that narrows rather than a pipeline that gets wider. If you can talk and you can think/write, you can be funny over 3 hours or 3 sentences. It took Schlatt a long time to get good at streaming – and now he’s molded that into Sleep Deprived, which is part passion project, and Chuckle Sandwich. His method works.Nuts. Hard candies. Snorting Boom Boom. And, of course, candles – lots and lots of scented candles. This is living.Schlatt has an idea for a customer service proxy business and he professes his admiration for Scott the Woz before we launch into a series of Patron questions about Texas pizza, Schlatt’s early experiences with the Lone Star State, shooting flamethrowers and a treatise on developing mouth-feel skills.Kevin laughed so hard through this episode that he was sore and sweating. It was THAT good, and everyone who came out for the live show knows it. Thanks to Schlatt for dropping in again, and a special thanks to the Patrons who make this show happen each and every week. You really are the best. Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 26, 2022 • 1h 33min

ManyKudos -- Not Safe For Work

Post your first job FREE: Our Patreon:'re back on Tuesday with jschlatt, and his return into the Unknown will likely be peppered with cereal residue and conflict. We're prepared. We're ready to fight. Tuesday, 6pm ET. On to the Kudos...It’s Kudos time, which also means it’s jelqing time. And toilet time. Sometimes you do something and wonder how your life went so wrong – or so right. This is one of those episodes.There really is a difference between toilets around the world, and ManyKudos was quite pleased with the toilet bowl water placement in his first trip to the US. Matt shares his story of the worst Ukranian toilet and the rope on a skateboard that held the toilet paper, and he’s got pictures to prove it.Kevin’s turn into the serious starts with the deadly animals of Australia and the phenomenon of island gigantism, but Kudos thinks the dangerous animals in the US are actually more of a threat. Somehow, and we don’t know how, this turns into a discussion of jelqing, which Kudos and friends used to shame the YouTube search history of a fellow Beef Boy.After Kudos tries to ruin Matt’s career for the 17th time in an hour, we start to talk Beef. Kudos, Duplex, and the Millers have put together a podcast that’s run 60 or 70 episodes now, and the crazy thing is that they’ve violated Rule #1 of making a successful project: Simplicity. Their studio and editing setup is complex, but it’s working nicely – almost as well as the Peanut Butter Solution.Kudos finishes us off with 10 minutes of serious wisdom, and his continuous rise from new channel to full-time YouTuber is one of the coolest things we’ve seen in the history of this podcast. It’s worth listening to his advice about how to become interesting.Thanks to everyone who came out for the live show, and a special thanks to the Patrons who make this podcast possible each and every week. You really are the best.Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 19, 2022 • 2h 7min

We Respond to Our Zoomer Critics

A broad range of people listen to The Create Unknown, from high schoolers to retirees. Occasionally that leads to some misinterpretations, and we’ve run head first into a few of those recently. It’s time to throw down.We clear up what we meant by our shared worldview that we talked to PsychicPebbles about – namely, that things are getting much, much better, and that life is just a lot easier than it used to be. Does that mean we’re out of touch with current problems, or that we don’t think they’re all that serious? The truth is that they’re different, and we try to qualify that whenever we can. And sometimes we even over explain it. The problem seems to arise when information runs counter to existing beliefs. Do we miss nuance, or does someone just hear what they want to hear? What we do know is that Vietnam spared us both and neither of us have ever truly had to worry about getting drafted.We discuss the truth about intergenerational wealth and security as we tap into the point of it all: doing what you can to help yourself and then doing what you can to help others. Some of the answers here have been around for thousands of years – and that’s why literally everyone needs to read the Book of Job.After addressing a specific comment about exposure to shocking amounts of blood, Patrons ask questions about what got us into the creative realm, Matt’s bizarrely ghost-like presence at Light Wave, whether there will always be generational gaps, and our formative experiences in college.A really solid crowd turned out for this one, and contributions from Episode Chat helped make this discussion roll (including a special nod to Jen for her frequent wisdom). All of you make this show happen each and every week – we owe everything to our Patrons and community members, and we’ll see you when you GET INNNN next week with ManyKudos. You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: Our Patreon: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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