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The Create Unknown

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Jan 13, 2023 • 1h 39min

How To Guarantee You Won’t Make It

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon: AlternateHistoryHub had to cancel this week, so we had to shift gears a bit. No need to worry, he’s alright and he’ll be back for another episode soon, but we thought we’d use the time this week to give you some more invaluable advice. So, if you’re in the market to fail, you’re in luck because we’ve come up with six easy steps to guarantee you won’t make it.Step number one is pretty simple: if you want to be unsuccessful, be resentful. We start by talking about some of the exceptions to the rule who’ve found success just by being resentful, but it comes at a cost. One way or another, that resentment doesn’t last, and it’s more than likely to turn sour for you pretty quickly.Our second step is to be a DISASTER. If you don’t get the simple stuff in your life together, the rest isn’t far behind. Getting on top of the basics is one of the most valuable things you can do, not only for your health and well being, but to keep yourself prepared for any surprises that might get thrown your way.If you really don’t want to make it anywhere, one of the best things you can do is just wait around and hope to get lucky. As it turns out, though, luck isn’t entirely serendipitous. The odds of something just falling into your lap on a whim are slim to none, and even if it does happen, it won’t matter much if you aren’t ready for it.It’s pretty easy to completely isolate yourself these days, and there’s plenty of cold hard facts out there that say more people are doing exactly that. After all, everything you could ever want to do that suits your interests is right at your fingertips, so why wouldn’t you?Step five is most applicable to our creatives in the crowd. If you don’t want to make it, obsess over originality. Because if you do, odds are you won’t wind up making anything at all. It’s easy to get bogged down in trying to make something entirely new, so your best bet at making something is to just throw that out the window in the first place.Our final rule for failure is a short one – say no. If the nervous part of you gives in, and you say no to every opportunity that comes your way, pretty soon you’re going to run out of opportunities. You don’t know what saying yes to something might lead to, so you might as well roll the dice and take that chance, because turning it down is guaranteed to bring nothing at all.Thanks to everyone who tuned in live this week, and to all our patrons who make every single episode happen. We’ll be back next week for an exciting episode with Reed Duchscher!You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 6, 2023 • 1h 24min

New Year’s Resolutions Are Trash

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon: was a great year for The Create Unknown – but 2023 is going to be even better. This week, we’re celebrating the New Year by looking forward to the FUTURE and all the exciting things to come.We come out of the gates strong this episode and get right to the point: New Year’s resolutions are dumb. People try to change too dramatically at once, and it just doesn’t work out. But lucky for you, we’ve come up with a much better system for annual improvement: the New Year’s GRINDolution.The Grindolution is all about working in small increments and getting in the GROOVE. Kevin talks about his commitment to drawing one cartoon a week to post on social media, and we discuss how much easier it can be to do something on a weekly basis instead of waiting around to get it done.Kevin’s also got big plans for Vsauce2 this year. He spent most of 2022 building up different audiences on different platforms, and he’s looking forward to bringing even more content to the table in ‘23. We also tease a bit of what’s to come in the TCUniverse this year, and why it’s all about BALL NUDGING.Matt also has some very exciting projects on the horizon as he continues to break into the world of streaming. He gives us the breakdown on his setup, the projects he’s got going, and just how easy and enjoyable it is for him to do. From cigar box ukuleles to rusted old gun barrels, Matt is making it ALL on Twitch. You’re gonna wanna check it out: The streams have been going well, but that’s only because Matt did it the exact right way: he did it badly, then he did it better. Not only is it a great way to save time and avoid HUGE regret, but it’s really the best way to find out if you actually enjoy doing a thing.We round things out by talking about all things TCU, and there really is a lot to look forward to. Not only are we keeping up our weekly highlights for all our YouTube viewers, but we’re also looking at really expanding our operation this year, so STAY TUNED.Thank you all for your support over the past year, and thanks to our patrons who make this show happen every single week. You guys are all the best. We’ll be back next week, so see you then!You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 30, 2022 • 1h 19min

Why Do We Do Anything?

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon: the last few weeks of 2022, we’ve been getting pretty existential. We’ve provided some valuable rules for life, estimated the longevity of YouTube, and even taught you how to avoid being a LOSER. But, for our very special year-end episode, we decided to take on the biggest question of them all, the one to tie them all together – what’s the point? Why do we even do anything?We kick things off by reading the tweet that started this whole discussion. The gist is that kids these days are doing NOTHING, and there’s a lot to unpack there. The internet makes things a lot easier for many of us, but it also comes with its own share of problems. When it’s easy to find a niche for yourself and your interests, it’s a whole lot harder to go outside of yourself and actually DO anything.Then Kevin comes to the conclusion that things that used to be pretty common knowledge aren’t so universally understood anymore. We pick apart a tweet that criticizes the holiday season, claiming that everybody should just buy their own gifts to be happy, and we get into just how wrong that mentality can be. It might be tough, but everybody has to come up with a reason to do something, and why it matters in the first place. Continuing with our holiday theme, we discuss why we even ask ourselves what the meaning of Christmas is, and why it’s important to remind yourself why you do what you do. That comes with some traps of its own though, and we lay out just how to avoid them to stay productive when you have to come up with a reason for it all.Then Kevin takes us in a bit of a grim direction, but it’s a necessary detour. We talk about the sadness of losing a child versus the acceptance of losing someone elderly, and the importance of potential. Almost everyone agrees that potential is a valuable thing, and if that’s the case, don’t you have the obligation to do something with yours?We end on an optimistic note by talking about the infectiousness of caring. If you put in the effort and DO something, people are gonna notice. When they do, it spreads like a disease, and providing that example for somebody is one of the best things you can do.We want to thank everyone for another wonderful year of The Create Unknown. Thank you to everyone who tunes in live every week, and to our patrons who continue to make this show happen. You guys are the best. We’ll see you all in 2023 for another year of making something and meaning something.You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 16, 2022 • 1h 33min

How Not To Be A Loser

Post your first job for FREE: to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon:’re getting bold this week. At the risk of losing a good chunk of our listeners, we’re calling out all the LOSERS in our audience, and we’re gonna tell you how to avoid being one.Tom Segura got this ball rolling for us when he did the exact same thing. He’d been getting a lot of comments from fans who complained about how he used his comedic earnings, and about how they could hardly afford rent. Tom called those people losers, which is bold, but he’s right. We took that a step further to boil down exactly why it’s so unhealthy.There are few things that are more destructive and unhealthy than envy and resentment. It’s pretty natural to feel those things, but surprisingly, acting on either of them doesn’t really do anything to solve your problems. Being angry isn’t a substitute for any kind of action.We also take a look at some shining examples of what you SHOULD be doing instead of seething. If you get wrapped up in somebody else’s success when you think you should be doing better, it’s not going to work out well for you at all.Then Kevin gives us the key to it all, the most important thing to remember if you don’t want to be a loser, and it’s much simpler than you might think. There’s only so much time in the day, and only so many opportunities presented to you – make sure you take advantage of as much as you can.Kevin also imparts some Yoda-like wisdom onto us about the stages of this sort of thing: first comes naivety, then cynicism, and finally at the top is wisdom. It’s pretty normal to go through all these, but it isn’t until you reach that last phase that you can put it all in perspective. It’s time to take that next step.We finish up with a couple questions from our patrons who want to know how to cope with a loved one being affected by your failures, the ethics of recreational hating, the loser paradox, and so much more.Thanks to everyone who joined us live, and a special shoutout to all the patrons who make this show happen. We’ll see you next week!You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 9, 2022 • 1h 26min

Is YouTube Running Out of Ideas?

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon: you ever wondered what it would be like if Godzilla was actually real? Well you certainly wouldn’t be the first, and there are a surprising number of YouTube videos out there that’ll answer that question for you. This episode we’re diving into just why that is, and we go so far as to answer a pretty big question: are we running out of YouTube videos?Kevin is concerned that there’s only so many videos you can make about novel concepts, and we might be approaching the end of that rope. Matt has some theories as to why duplicates are already showing up, and why they still perform so well.Then we get historical and reminisce about the glory days of television. TV might not be doing so hot now, but there was a time where dozens of shows were getting made that won’t ever see the light of day again. That’s pretty different from the permanence of YouTube, though, which is starting to pose some problems of its own.We also take a look at one creators’ biggest competitors today: time. Making a fresh new video now is a lot harder than it was back in the early days. You might not realize it, but whenever you hit that “upload” button, you’re not just competing with everything new on YouTube, you’re competing with the whole catalog.We’ll admit it – the whole concept seems pretty grim. But don’t let that discourage you. Just because something’s been done before, doesn’t mean it’s impossible to give it a new spin. Even if an idea has already been explored, you can always insert your own personality and provide a fresh perspective.We finish out the episode with some questions from our patrons who want to know if doing a spin on an older topic is just as valid as making something entirely new, and if there’s a finish line to monetizable ideas.Thanks to everyone who joined in live, and thanks especially to the patrons who make this show happen every single week. You guys are the best. We’ll see you all next week!You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 2, 2022 • 1h 22min

You Owe People Your Creativity

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon: a much needed Thanksgiving rest, we are BACK to deliver another episode of RULES FOR LIFE. Every week on The Create Unknown we talk about Making Something and Meaning something, and in this episode, Kevin’s rule deals with exactly that.Everybody remembers the iconic line from Spiderman: “with great power comes great responsibility.” Turns out, as a creative, you also have a great responsibility to do just that: create. Kevin talks about his experience drawing cartoon potatoes in high school, and how revisiting that recently has generated so much hype.But what if you aren’t a creative person? Well, appreciating the art of others is definitely an art in itself. People like Rick Beato spend much more time appreciating their art than creating it, and there’s a reason they’re so successful. If there’s something you might not be able to do, appreciating it is sometimes just as great.There’s a big trap that people fall into when it comes to creativity, though. When you have a great idea in your head, it’s easy to want to jump right to the end of that plan – but you can’t. The best thing you can do is start small, and build from there. It’s a unique thing to have a creative mind, and it’s important to use it as best you can.We also tackle a harsh truth that almost no one wants to talk about: everyone truly is different. No two people think the same, or have the same set of skills. Our long time Baby Gang member Andy feels that he might fall short in the creative department and times, but he also literally FLIES PLANES. How many people can say they do that?We finish out with some questions from our patrons who want to know about the importance of disposable ideas, the comic to animation pipeline, and just how crucial Kevin’s unique lighting setup is to his creativity.Thank you to everyone who joined us for our return this week, and thank you to our patrons for your continued support in making this show happen. We’ve been having a lot of fun making these episodes, and we hope you can learn something from them. We’ll see you next week!You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Nov 18, 2022 • 1h 26min

TCU Rule #2: You Are What You Do

Post your first job for FREE: to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon: week we’re setting out to tackle a single question – who are you? What is it that makes you, you? On this installment of TCU’s Rules for Life, Matt’s got the answer for you, and it’s a deceptively simple one.There’s a good chance you have some misconceptions about your own identity. Oftentimes you might think it has a lot to do with what you believe, or what you think, but that’s just not the case. It’s what you actually DO that defines you. Even the results of what you do are less important than actually just doing the thing.This rule is a pretty powerful one, but it isn’t without its problems. We outline the biggest pitfall in trying this philosophy, and how easy it is to fall into. Just wanting to do something isn’t nearly the same as setting out to do it, and while things like video games, podcasts, and YouTube videos are great for enjoyment, odds are they’re not going to get you to where you need to go.Matt hates life hacks. Hates ‘em. And unless you’re Mark Cuban, you probably don’t need them. We do have a good alternative, though, and it’s something far more useful, especially if you’re in any kind of a bad place. Nothing gets your life back on track like working hard on yourself, and shortcuts won’t help that.Then we get a little grim, but for good reason. You may not think about it, but you are constantly writing your own obituary, and so is everybody else. When you’re gone, people can’t remember you for what you thought about, or for what you almost did. How could they? It’s the things you actually do that count.We borrow some wisdom from the KGB of all places, and how the people around you might just know you better than you do. Matt also gives us some of his bowling wisdom, and how important it is to take each day one “frame” at a time.We close out the episode with a couple questions from our patrons who get just as introspective as we do. How do you know if a decision is the right one? What if it is right, but it makes life harder?Thanks to everyone who joined us live this week, and a big thank you to our patrons who make this show happen. We’ll catch you all next week, same time, same place.You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Nov 11, 2022 • 1h 35min

Technology Connections Makes Mundane Amazing

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon:’s pretty easy to take the everyday conveniences of life for granted, it’s something we all do. Alec from Technology Connections is here to fix that, and his fascination for the mundane is the source of some of YouTube’s best content to date.Alec’s insatiable curiosity illuminates the importance of humanity’s greatest inventions, the interconnectedness of the modern world, and why nobody cares about any of it. Matt and Kevin talk about their attempts to bring that curiosity to your TV set – something Bjork could tell you a lot about. We also figure out why Alec is the internet’s resident dishwasher expert, and how you’ve probably been using them wrong.Not all inventions are as perfect as they should be, though, and can openers are certainly behind the curve. Alec flexes his technological muscles by bringing us the can opener of the FUTURE. It turns out people really had “built a better mousetrap” to get you your Campbell’s soup, but nobody is using it yet.It’s easy to appreciate a great technological leap, especially when you can think of the alternative to using it. That gets a little tougher to do in the online era. Sure, the internet is amazing, but what is the alternative? What did the computer replace? Does Alec hate digital photographers? We just don’t know.We talk about so many of technology’s advancements, but the reality is that it’s slowing down. Kevin highlights the struggles that tech companies are having today, and we give consumers the credit they’re due for realizing when they’re being swindled. We also get deep into the supposed uselessness of the Metaverse, and how it does the opposite of what we all need right now.Our patrons close out the episode with some excellent questions for Alec about Tech Connections videos of the past, They Might Be Giants, and the never ending war of belts versus suspenders. Thanks to everyone who joined us for the live show, and a special shoutout to our patrons who make this show happen every week, you’re the best.Join us next week for another installment of TCU RULES FOR LIFE. See you there.You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Nov 4, 2022 • 1h 19min

TCU Rules for Life #1: Think, Don’t Seethe

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon: world can be a tough place to get a handle on. But lucky for YOU, dear listener, Kevin Lieber’s got you covered with his rules for understanding it all. This episode we dive deep into one of those rules, and how a tweet about the alleged evils of the late Blockbuster Video started it all.Kevin kicks things off by talking about the futility of online rage, and how it’s often fueled by being completely wrong in the first place. Why do people get so mad, though? Is there even a reason to begin with? Is twitter the true culprit here?Matt gives us his hottest, spiciest, most cancellable take yet. He’s got some opinions on small business, and he’s tired of playing the world’s worst game of fiscal charades. He also clues us into the economic appendage that small businesses ACTUALLY represent. In his worldly wisdom, Kevin has some real solutions for the “twitter rage conundrum.” We talk about the nuance that most issues have, and how assuming you understand their complexities is a big mistake. You know what they say about assuming – don’t. We also take some wisdom from the philanthropy of U2’s Bono, and how he came to a similar realization.To round things out, we boil it all down to one simple rule: if someone is angry over something, that doesn’t always mean they know what they’re talking about.Thanks to everybody who listened in live this week, and a big thanks to all our Patrons who make this show happen. We couldn’t do it without you. Next week is Technology Connections, we’ll see you there.You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Oct 28, 2022 • 1h 20min

Ian Hecox and the Legend of Smosh

Post your first job for FREE: to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon: the year 2022, very few of YouTube’s founding creators remain at the top of their craft – Ian Hecox is the exception. Through some poorly aged content, hairy legal battles, and a departure of one of their main personalities, Smosh remains resolute, and they owe a lot of that to their incredible fans. Ian also walks us through keeping Smosh’s content fresh, and his tried-and-true mentality on being a creator. His Rocky Balboa-like endurance has kept him passionate for seventeen wonderful years of content, proving to us all that it truly is more of a marathon than a sprint.Kevin and Ian reminisce on the “good ole days” of YouTube, getting retrospective about the so-called sellouts of the time and how they stack up to their RAID: Shadow Legends counterparts of now. Ian may finally have convinced people that being a YouTuber is a legitimate, viable career, but Kevin hasn’t had the same luck, and he tells us that he’s still fighting that good fight.If you were on YouTube back in 2012, you probably remember the “grand promise” that creators were given. We talk about the ludicrous amount of money being thrown at YouTube in those days, and the relationship it has to the hype of today’s esports. MCN’s may have sounded enticing to some creators back in the day, but Ian exposes the truly bad business model they were built on. Creators have much more business acumen now than ever, and companies like Mythical Entertainment who acquired Smosh are proof.We round out the Smosh discussion by celebrating the team of almost 40 employees at the company now, and by finding out just what Ian does on a day-to-day basis. While he spends a lot of time flexing his business muscles, that hasn’t sapped his love for being on camera. He also explains the difficulty of putting a mission statement together for a channel like Smosh, and more importantly, how their previous employers failed.Our Patrons join us to ask Ian about some of Smosh’s misunderstood projects, early regrets, and his favorite videos of yesteryear. It was an absolute pleasure having Ian on to get some insight into the real business of being a creator. He is living proof of the importance of so many values we talk about here on The Create Unknown, and we can’t wait to see what the next seventeen years will bring.Thank you to all who joined us for the live show this week, and a huge shout out to our Patrons – you make this show happen. Next week: a Matt and Kevin guide to understanding the world. Be there!You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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