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Practical Wisdom for Leaders with Scott J. Allen, Ph.D.

Latest episodes

Sep 27, 2020 • 52min

Dr. Eric Guthey - Conversation with a Recovering American

Send us a textDr. Eric Guthey is an Associate Professor in the Department of Management, Society, and Communication. He has a background in humanities and cultural history which fosters an interdisciplinary perspective on leadership, management, and cultural dynamics. His primary areas of research include leadership, organization studies, leadership development, and management. His current research explores “the ebb and flow of fashionable leadership concepts."Review These Resources Before/After Listening!Prominent restaurants and CBS team up to learn from each other Copenhagen Restaurant Industry’s Response to COVID19Quotes From This Episode“What you have to understand about leadership studies in Europe is that it’s sprung out of sociology.”“There are many countries in Europe where there was no word for leadership before the leadership industries arrived.”“All management fashions introduce themselves by saying, 'now is a time of unprecedented change.' Everything’s completely different than was before, and so we need a new idea."“When you talk to these chefs, they’re amazing people who have amazing self-knowledge of what they do. And so we’re figuring out ways to develop vocabularies and literacies that we can use to both help them and figure out how they can help other industries.”Resources/People Mentioned In This EpisodeThe International Leadership Association ConferenceScholar: Mary Uhl-Bien - Complexity TheoryScholar: Mats Alvesson - Critical Management TheoryScholar: Eric Gordon - EconomistArticle: Performing Leadership: Observations from the World of Music by Ralph Bathurst and Donna LadkinRestaurant: Noma Chef: Matt OrlandoPodcast: Hit ParadeOther Podcast Guests Mentioned In This EpisodeSteve KempsterBarbara Kellerman♻️ Please share with others and follow/subscribe to the podcast!⭐️ Please leave a review on Apple, Spotify, or your platform of choice.➡️ Follow me on LinkedIn for more on leadership, communication, and tech.📜 Subscribe to my weekly newsletter featuring four hand-picked articles.🌎 You can learn more about my work on my Website.
Sep 21, 2020 • 48min

Dr. John Dugan - Praxis

Send us a textDr. John P. Dugan is the Executive Director of Youth Leadership Programs at The Aspen Institute. He oversees a portfolio of programs designed to (1) cultivate youth and educator capacities for values-based leadership, (2) improve pathways to degree completion, career readiness, and job placement, and (3) invest in local communities to transfer capital and enrich pipelines of talent across sectors. John co-founded and is the principal investigator of the Multi–Institutional Study of Leadership (MSL), the largest international study of leadership outcomes.  John’s research has generated more than 50 publications and 100 presentations at national and international conferences. His research is cited by more than 4,000 scholars and his work honored for its contribution to knowledge in his field by ACPA: College Educator’s International. John’s most recent book is Leadership Theory: Cultivating Critical Perspectives. He is a proud resident of Chicago, IL.John Dugan's Books and ResearchBook: Leadership Theory: Cultivating Critical Perspectives Book: Leadership Theory: Facilitator's Guide for Cultivating Critical Perspectives by John P. Dugan, Natasha T. Turman, Amy C. BarnesResearch: John P. Dugan at Google ScholarQuotes from this Episode“So it’s agency, how to navigate pathways, social generativity, leadership, efficacy, resilience, and social perspective-taking. We really build a robust high potency program around those outcomes.”“You can’t build all of these leadership values, knowledge and skills without also building the protective factors so that when someone gets in the arena, they know when to step out, they know when to step forth, they know when to fight, they know when to play. You’ve got to build the protective factors and not just resilience but that internal belief set.”On curriculum: “Distilling it down to get to the simplicity on the other side of complexity allows us to then see what is it that actually moves the needle.” Resources Mentioned in This EpisodeResearch: Multi–Institutional Study of Leadership (MSL)Book: ♻️ Please share with others and follow/subscribe to the podcast!⭐️ Please leave a review on Apple, Spotify, or your platform of choice.➡️ Follow me on LinkedIn for more on leadership, communication, and tech.📜 Subscribe to my weekly newsletter featuring four hand-picked articles.🌎 You can learn more about my work on my Website.
Sep 15, 2020 • 52min

Dr. Diane Dixon - The Highest Calling

Send us a textDr. Diane L. Dixon is a facilitator of learning, author, consultant, adviser, and speaker.  She has dedicated her career to human and organizational learning, focusing on leadership and organizational development for more than 30 years. Her experience includes designing and facilitating leadership development programs and processes; developing change management and transition strategies; facilitating strategic planning meetings; and team development.  Diane’s work in healthcare organizations and research on hospital CEOs inspired her interest in minority executive leadership.Diane's Website & Her Latest BookWebsite - Diane Dixon & AssociatesBook - Diversity on the Executive Path: Wisdom and Insights for Navigating to the Highest Levels of Healthcare Leadership Quotes From this Episode“I think the thread that ran through all of the stories were the positions that sponsors put them in. And so often they were positions that they had not had experience in before, and having to work through the inner emotion of saying, “Can I do this? I’ve never done this before. Am I going to fail? Should I take this on?”“A sponsor will actually put you in that position and suggest that you be on a high visibility board, task force, or committee or team. They are introducing you to other executive leaders and, most importantly, to leadership opportunities that help you to grow.”On the CEOs in her study - “...everything pointed to their ability to learn quickly and to adapt.”Resources Mentioned in This EpisodeArticle - The 70-20-10 Rule for Leadership DevelopmentBook - 88 Assignments for Development in Place Book - Inclusify by Stefanie Johnson Book - Courageous Conversations About Race: A Field Guide for Achieving Equity in Schools by Glenn E. SingletonBook - Women and Leadership: Transforming Visions and Diverse Voices by Jean Lau ChinBook - Diversity and Leadership ♻️ Please share with others and follow/subscribe to the podcast!⭐️ Please leave a review on Apple, Spotify, or your platform of choice.➡️ Follow me on LinkedIn for more on leadership, communication, and tech.📜 Subscribe to my weekly newsletter featuring four hand-picked articles.🌎 You can learn more about my work on my Website.
Sep 5, 2020 • 1h 1min

Mike Walker - The Digital Leader

Send us a textMike Walker is an entrepreneur, futurist, speaker, and author with more than 25 years of experience in emerging technologies, innovation management, and business strategy. At Microsoft, he leads the cross-industry digital ecosystems, innovation team. Previously, he worked at Gartner, as a Vice President of Technology Innovation research where his thought leadership was reflected in more than 150 published research notes and 5,000 client engagements.Mike is the host of the innovation podcast V-Next, has published articles in Forbes, and been interviewed in publications like Wired, CNN, FOX Business, Nekkei Systems Magazine, and The Wall Street Journal.Connect with Mike on Social MediaMike's WebsiteV-Next PodcastTwitterLinkedInQuotes From This Episode“Just as a growth mindset is foundational to organizational success, the Golden Trifecta is foundational to the next world of digital platforms…there are these three technologies that have very synergistic qualities.”"A platform business model is essentially where I'm breaking down the two-sided relationship of a buyer/seller...essentially what things are shifting towards is an assetless model.""And now these digital ecosystems...we now have to think about a world where everything's connected.""Tech intensity is a philosophy that we've (Microsoft) implemented across the company, where you could be a finance person, you can be an HR person, you could be a salesperson...but what we strongly encourage is a level of technology literacy across all these roles."Resources Mentioned In This EpisodeThe Signals Are Talking: Why Todays Fringe Is Tomorrows Mainstream by Amy WebbAdditional ResourcesMIT Technology Review NewslettersFutureloop News♻️ Please share with others and follow/subscribe to the podcast!⭐️ Please leave a review on Apple, Spotify, or your platform of choice.➡️ Follow me on LinkedIn for more on leadership, communication, and tech.📜 Subscribe to my weekly newsletter featuring four hand-picked articles.🌎 You can learn more about my work on my Website.
Sep 1, 2020 • 50min

Dr. Tony Middlebrooks - Do NOT Listen to This Episode! Do Something Else.

Send us a textTony Middlebrooks, Ph.D. teaches at the intersection of leadership, innovation, creativity, and design as Associate Professor and Director of the Siegfried Leadership Initiative for Horn Entrepreneurship at the University of Delaware. Dr. Middlebrooks has created and taught more than 35 different courses for all collegiate levels, and numerous experiential abroad programs. He received the University of Delaware Excellence in Teaching and Excellence and is the lead author of the textbook Discovering Leadership: Designing Your Success.Learn More About Tony's WorkDiscovering Leadership: Designing Your Success by Middlebrooks, Allen, McNutt, and MorrisonQuotes From This Episode"I don't know better, I know different.""One of the things that I have been long fascinated with, as someone who studies creativity, is this notion of metaphorical thinking and how ideas from one world map onto another in ways that allow you to see those worlds in uniquely different see other perspectives and, and to see the spaces where innovation can really happen.""The Von Restorff effect basically says that anything that is done that is significantly different from the norm from the ordinary is going to be more highly retained, more highly noticed, and more likely to be engaged.""The design principle of balance...I love the notion of balance for leadership because there are so many things, and many of them paradoxical that you have to balance as a leader.""A lot of folks use design thinking as a process, but in reality, it’s a set of mindsets." "With this definition of entrepreneurship, you know, you’ve got a whole bunch of different skill sets, mindsets, and activities built into the notion of creating value." Resources Mentioned In This EpisodeBad Leadership: What It Is, How It Happens, Why It Matters by Barbara Kellerman (Leader, Followers, Contexts)Television Series - The CrownIf You Enjoyed This Episode, Check Out...Dr. Barbara Kellerman - Leader, Followers, & ContextsDr. Kathy Allen - Leading From the Roots♻️ Please share with others and follow/subscribe to the podcast!⭐️ Please leave a review on Apple, Spotify, or your platform of choice.➡️ Follow me on LinkedIn for more on leadership, communication, and tech.📜 Subscribe to my weekly newsletter featuring four hand-picked articles.🌎 You can learn more about my work on my Website.
Aug 25, 2020 • 42min

Dr. Stefanie Johnson - Inclusify

Send us a textDr. Stefanie K. Johnson is an associate professor of Organizational Leadership and Information Analytics. She is a fellow in the Society of Industrial Organizational Psychologists (SIOP) and the American Psychological Society (APS). She has published more than 60 journal articles and book chapters and she has presented her work at over 170 meetings around the world including the White House. Media outlets featuring Stefanie’s work include The Economist, Newsweek, Time, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, HuffPost, Washington Post, Quartz, Discover, CNN, ABC, NBC, CNBC. She has appeared on Fox, ABC, NBC, CNN, and CNN International.Learn More About Dr. Johnson's WorkDr. Stefanie K. Johnson - Leeds School of Business - University of Colorado, BoulderPersonal Website Book - InclusifyInclusify Leadership Matrix - Self-AssessmentQuotes From This Episode"The data used to derive most leadership theories and recommendations was collected by male researchers from male leaders, and it was analyzed and interpreted by mostly male scientists.""And even in terms of effectiveness, men and women are pretty similar. At least the most recent meta-analysis on the topic says, there's not a difference in effectiveness. And if there is a small difference in recent years, it actually favors women - that women are somewhat more effective than men.""Women's motivation for leadership doesn't tend to be one that's about having power over other people."Resources Mentioned In This EpisodeBook: What's Wrong With Leadership? by Ron Riggio (Ed.)Optimal Distinctiveness Theory - Brewer, M. B. (2003). "Optimal Distinctiveness, Social Identity, and the Self". In M. Leary and J. Tangney (Eds.), Handbook of Self and Identity. (pp 480–491).TV Show: The Morning ShowBook: Catch and Kill by Ronan FarrowTV Show: Athlete A (Documentary on USA Gymnastics)♻️ Please share with others and follow/subscribe to the podcast!⭐️ Please leave a review on Apple, Spotify, or your platform of choice.➡️ Follow me on LinkedIn for more on leadership, communication, and tech.📜 Subscribe to my weekly newsletter featuring four hand-picked articles.🌎 You can learn more about my work on my Website.
4 snips
Aug 18, 2020 • 44min

Dr. David Day - Own Your Development

Dr. David Day, a Psychology Professor, discusses the importance of leader development, identity, and investing in personal growth. He explores the dynamic relationship between leaders and followers, contextual approaches to leadership, and shares leadership lessons from 'The Black Jacobins' book. The podcast emphasizes the need for individuals to view themselves as leaders and the continual dedication to growth.
Aug 9, 2020 • 47min

Lauren Bullock and Dr. Dan Jenkins - There's a Gap (Maybe Two)

Send us a textAbout Lauren Bullock and Dan JenkinsLauren Bullock and Dr. Dan Jenkins are the founders of the Leadership Educator Podcast. Lauren is Assistant Professor for Instruction and teaches undergraduate leadership and public relations courses in the Klein College of Media and Communication at Temple University. Dan is Department Chair & Associate Professor of Leadership Studies at the Univesity of Southern Maine. His most recent books were co-authored with Kathy Guthrie - The Role of Leadership Educators: Transforming Learning and Transforming Learning: Instructional and Assessment Strategies for Leadership Education.Quotes from This EpisodeOn having conversations about difficult topics - "it's this mixture of efficacy, confidence, and vulnerability that you have to approach this work with. And also, sometimes it's acknowledging your own ignorance.""I mean, if you saw the Google Doc that I'm looking at it now, it's about 30-pages long. We'll never...there's not enough hours in our lives, to be able to interview all the different guests and to cover all the different topics that we have.""I think the biggest gap centers around the intersection with diversity, equity, inclusion, and leadership theories."Robert F. Kennedy Quote Eluded to by Scott“Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, s/he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” (edited slightly)Resources Mentioned in This EpisodeLeadership Educator PodcastWe are the Leaders We've Been Waiting For: Women and Leadership Development in College by Julie OwenLeadership Theory: Cultivating Critical Perspectives by John P. DuganNational Clearinghouse for Leadership Programs Inter-association Leadership Education Collaborative (ILEC) Association of Leadership Educators ♻️ Please share with others and follow/subscribe to the podcast!⭐️ Please leave a review on Apple, Spotify, or your platform of choice.➡️ Follow me on LinkedIn for more on leadership, communication, and tech.📜 Subscribe to my weekly newsletter featuring four hand-picked articles.🌎 You can learn more about my work on my Website.
Aug 2, 2020 • 53min

Dr. Steve Kempster - Leadership for What?

Send us a textDr. Steve Kempster is a Professor of Leadership Learning and Development at Lancaster University. He is a prolific scholar and a systems thinker. His latest book, Good Dividends: Responsible Leadership of Business Purpose "explores how five dividends (based on five capitals) can be developed through attention to a sixth dividend (and sixth capital) – the dividend from our planet and communities."Dr. Kemspter's BooksGood Dividends: Responsible Leadership of Business Purpose by Steve Kempster, Thomas Maak, Ken ParryResponsible Leadership: Realism and Romanticism by Steve Kempster & Brigid Carroll Quotes from This Episode"We keep talking about leader/follower, but frankly in the organizational world, followers just do not exist. No one aspires to become a follower....think about leader/stakeholders. What would that relationship then offer? You start moving attention towards purpose, towards meaningful work, towards aspects that are deeply significant to people."“You can use capitalism to change capitalism. The biggest way forward for capitalism to change is leadership. It’s the most powerful mechanism on the planet, for social change. For good or for ill, there isn’t anything more powerful than leadership with the power it wields.”“It is corporates that have the scope to rescue humanity.”“Here is the important thing...the data shows us that when you link purpose, meaningful work, adding value to communities, positive social impact, you see profitability go up. And there’s loads of data that shows you that.”“In my experience, out of all of this, the most difficult part of business leadership is getting their heads around purpose.”Resources Mentioned in this EpisodeFirms of Endearment by Rajendra Sisodia, Jagdish N. Sheth, & David Wolfe Responsible Leadership by Thomas Maak & Nicola M. Pless  Gallup - Employee EngagementA Very Short Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Lea♻️ Please share with others and follow/subscribe to the podcast!⭐️ Please leave a review on Apple, Spotify, or your platform of choice.➡️ Follow me on LinkedIn for more on leadership, communication, and tech.📜 Subscribe to my weekly newsletter featuring four hand-picked articles.🌎 You can learn more about my work on my Website.
Jul 26, 2020 • 43min

Sara Safari - Seven Summits to Empower Women

Send us a textSara Safari is on a mission. She is an author, speaker, climber, educator, and Ph.D. candidate; and an inspiring woman actively making a difference in the world. Her goal is to climb The Seven Summits and has dedicated her life to empowering women around the world.Quotes from This Episode"I announced that I'm going to go back to my training for Everest again, but this time, I'm going to raise $1 per foot of any mountain I climb to provide education for these girls.""I was just tired. I was sick. I was coughing. I just wanted to go back home. And I would think of the moment when I saw two lines of girls and they were looking at me like I'm going to fix their life for them. And I would just imagine those girls, and I couldn't quit. I just had to take the next step.""Everything started breaking down. Pieces of ice were falling down the mountain and the noise it made was like a rocket taking off.""The girls are so confident. They're just amazing. I'm in awe of their confidence and the way they are. So I go to them for motivation now, even if it might seem like I'm inspiring them, they're inspiring me all the time."Learn More About Sara SafariWebsite: Sara SafariWebsite: Empowering Nepali GirlsBook: Above The Mountain's ShadowTED Talk: Climb Your EverestHer Mission: The Seven SummitsResources Mentioned in this EpisodeBook: We Are The Leaders We've Been Waiting For by Julie OwenBook: SapiensBook: AttachedBook: Talking to StrangersFilm: EverestFilm: MeruPh.D. in Leadership & Change at Antioch University Quotes Mentioned in this Episode"The hardest person you will ever lead is yourself" - Bill George ♻️ Please share with others and follow/subscribe to the podcast!⭐️ Please leave a review on Apple, Spotify, or your platform of choice.➡️ Follow me on LinkedIn for more on leadership, communication, and tech.📜 Subscribe to my weekly newsletter featuring four hand-picked articles.🌎 You can learn more about my work on my Website.

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