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Aug 25, 2024 • 0sec

(302 advanced) Petra: Czech school system & Interview with Czech kindergarten teacher

Discover Czech School Life with Tutor Petra: A Podcast to Learn CzechIn the latest episode of our podcast, slowczech tutor Petra shows you the fascinating world of the Czech school system. Starting with preschool, she guides you through the different stages of education, from the first day in school to the typical school year organization. If you’re curious about how Czech children learn, this episode is a must-listen! Petra also explores the rich vocabulary related to school life. For more podcast episodes, go to Czech Vocabulary and Grammar with Real-Life ExamplesPetra not only covers school-related topics but also weaves in practical grammar tips. You’ll learn how to use common Czech phrases and terms while getting a sneak peek into everyday Czech culture. This episode is perfect for those looking to expand their Czech language skills with real-life examples. Whether you’re interested in online lessons to learn Czech or searching for free material to learn Czech, this episode has something for everyone. Plus, you’ll enjoy a real Czech conversation with a teacher to help you understand the nuances of the language better.Exclusive Content for slowczech Lab MembersIn the second part, the member-only episode, you will learn more about the daily routine of Czech first graders and get insights into the life of a Czech teacher. As a slowczech Lab member, you’ll have access to the full transcript of both episodes, along with additional learning materials. Join the community today to boost your language skills, confidence, and cultural understanding. Transcript PreviewAhoj a vítej u podcastu. Dnes budu mluvit o škole. V České republice je školní rok od 1.9. do 30.6. Malé děti chodí do mateřské školy, říkáme tomu školka.…[… whole transcript is available in slowczech Lab]. In slowczech Lab, learn Better Faster Together exclusive contentAccess all our members only media: go deeper, practice actively & get confidence. active communityJoin our Discord server, hosted by professional tutors. Be in touch with czech daily. 3 lessons per monthMeet students and tutors from around the world, exchange and practice. 500 CZK/month Get access to lessons, a community, and a cool content designed to help you to immerse yourself in Czech and speak better. Cancel anytime. I want to join. The post (302 advanced) Petra: Czech school system & Interview with Czech kindergarten teacher appeared first on slowczech.
Aug 11, 2024 • 9min

(301 beginner) Daniela: How to address teachers in Czech at schools

Navigate School Interactions and Address teachers in CzechIn this insightful episode of the slowczech podcast, our fantastic tutor Daniela takes you through the essential vocabulary and phrases needed when interacting with school staff in the Czech Republic and when we want to address teachers in Czech. Perfect for beginners, this episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to learn Czech online. Daniela provides practical examples that will help you navigate conversations with teachers, principals, and other school officials with confidence. This podcast is especially valuable for parents or guardians learning the Czech language.For more podcast episodes, go to Phrases for School ConversationsDaniela introduces listeners to formal greetings and titles, crucial when addressing teachers or principals in Czech schools. She covers common scenarios such as attending parent-teacher meetings, asking about your child’s progress, and how to properly address teachers in Czech and other people at school. These practical Czech lessons offer a comprehensive guide to school-related interactions, making it easier for learners to communicate effectively. If you’re a beginner looking to understand the basic structure of these conversations, this episode is a great resource.Join slowczech Lab for MoreIn the second part, the member-only episode you will learn:More detailed vocabulary and expressions for school-related situationsAdditional role plays to practice your CzechA surprise that adds value to your learning journeyBy joining the slowczech Lab, you’ll have access to the full transcript of both episodes and other exclusive content that will help you grow your Czech language skills. The Lab is built on the pillars of community, language, and confidence—helping you become more fluent and comfortable in your interactions.Transcript PreviewAhoj, tady Daniela, lektorka slowczech. Máš se? Já jsem v pohodě.Tato epizoda má téma: Kontaktuju školu – oslovování lidí ve škole. Oslovování potřebuješ, když chceš mluvit s konkrétním člověkem, musíš ho oslovit jménem nebo funkcí. A dneska si řekneme, jak to dělat správně.. […][…] whole transcript is available in slowczech Lab. In slowczech Lab, learn Better Faster Together exclusive contentAccess all our members only media: go deeper, practice actively & get confidence. active communityJoin our Discord server, hosted by professional tutors. Be in touch with czech daily. 3 lessons per monthMeet students and tutors from around the world, exchange and practice. 500 CZK/month Get access to lessons, a community, and a cool content designed to help you to immerse yourself in Czech and speak better. Cancel anytime. I want to join. The post (301 beginner) Daniela: How to address teachers in Czech at schools appeared first on slowczech.
Jul 28, 2024 • 0sec

(300 intermediate) Veronika: Nostalgic memories from Czech school

Veronika’s Czech School Memories In this episode of the slowczech podcast, our tutor Veronika shares her nostalgic memories from her early school years in a Czech school. She speaks about her excitement about reading and the challenges of learning in a crowded classroom. Moreover, she also shares a bit about the Czech school system. By the way, if you want to enroll your children, watch the webinar organized by Brno Expat Center. What will you learn? This episode teaches you how to learn Czech. Additionally, it gives you a glimpse into the Czech education system and offers valuable insights and authentic language practice. Slowczech podcast is perfect for those wanting to learn Czech online with engaging content. For more podcast episodes, go to  Join slowczech Lab for More Insights into Czech school Veronika’s journey through school continues in the member-only episode, where she shares stories about Czech school lunches and after-school care. The slowczech Lab offers exclusive content, including transcripts of both episodes, to help you improve your Czech language skills. By joining the Lab, you become part of a community focused on language, culture, and confidence. Member-Only Episode Highlights  In the second part, the member-only episode you will learn about: Memories from school lunches in Czech schools Experiences in after-school care (družina) The atmosphere and routines of Czech school life What About the Transcript? The member-only part also includes detailed transcripts and vocabulary explanations to aid your learning. Join slowczech Lab to access these exclusive member-only stories, engage with the community, and boost your confidence in speaking Czech. Ready to Listen? Ready to listen to the first part about Czech school and memories? Let’s get started! Ahoj, tady Veronika! Jestli sleduješ slowczech pravidelně, tak už mě určitě znáš. Možná už jsi slyšel/a nějakou minulou epizodu mého podcastu nebo jsme se možná viděli na slowczech akci Mluvím česky u piva. A jestli mě ještě neznáš, tak ti chci říct, že ve slowczech mám taky individuální a skupinové lekce. V lekcích často trénujeme reálné dialogy ze života v Česku a hodně se smějeme. Takže jestli chceš zažít pozitivní atmosféru, mluvit autentickou češtinou a mít po každé lekci spoustu energie, můžeš se přihlásit na lekce se mnou!  Ale teď si pojď poslechnout, jaké jsou moje zážitky ze školních let. [… The transcript continues in the slowczech Lab]. In slowczech Lab, learn Better Faster Together exclusive contentAccess all our members only media: go deeper, practice actively & get confidence. active communityJoin our Discord server, hosted by professional tutors. Be in touch with czech daily. 3 lessons per monthMeet students and tutors from around the world, exchange and practice. 500 CZK/month Get access to lessons, a community, and a cool content designed to help you to immerse yourself in Czech and speak better. Cancel anytime. I want to join. The post (300 intermediate) Veronika: Nostalgic memories from Czech school appeared first on slowczech.
Jul 14, 2024 • 0sec

(299 advanced) Petra: O kočkách – české idiomy, fráze a hudba

In this delightful episode of our advanced Czech podcast, hosted by the amazing Petra, we explore the amusing stories of her two cats, Šimon and Frankie. Šimon, who started as a skinny kitten and has grown into a Garfield-like cat, began roaming outside more after Frankie joined the family. Petra uses these charming anecdotes to create an engaging way for you to learn Czech online. In this podcast to learn Czech, her stories are not only entertaining but also educational, making it easier to understand new vocabulary and phrases in the Czech language. For more podcast episodes go to Grammar Points with PetraPetra, known as one of the best Czech tutors, dives into essential grammar points, focusing on the verb “mít rád” (to like) and its usage with the accusative case. For instance, she provides practical examples like “Moje kočka Frankie má ráda kapsičky” (My cat Frankie likes pouches) and “Šimon nemá rád Frankie” (Šimon does not like Frankie). These examples help learners to grasp the complexities of the Czech language in this podcast to learn Czech. Therefore, Petra’s clear explanations and relatable stories make these Czech lessons both fun and effective.Enrich Your Learning with Czech SongsAdditionally, Petra shares a popular Czech song “Mám doma kočku” by Pokáč, which is often used by Czech teachers to enrich lessons. This free material is perfect for anyone looking to learn Czech, providing cultural context and expanding vocabulary. Whether you are just starting or looking to advance your skills, Petra’s online lessons to learn Czech offer high-quality content that will keep you engaged and eager to learn more. Join Petra and discover how to say cat in Czech and much more in this entertaining and educational podcast episode.Member-Only Episode HighlightsIn the second part, the member-only episode, you will learn:1. **Body Parts of a Cat** – Learn the specific Czech terms for different parts of a cat’s body, such as tlapky (paws), drápky (claws), and čumák (snout).2. **Young Animals**– Explore the names of young animals in Czech, including koťátko (kitten) and štěnátko (puppy).3. **Idiomatic Expressions**– Delve into Czech idiomatic expressions involving animals, such as “moudrý jako sova” (wise as an owl) and “líný jako veš” (lazy as a louse).4. **Grammar Bonus – Plurals**– Understand the rules for plural forms in Czech, with a special focus on masculine animate nouns.Unlock even more valuable content with more of podcast to learn Czech and boost your confidence in the Czech language by joining the slowczech Lab. Our community focuses on language mastery and building confidence through engaging lessons and supportive interactions. Don’t miss out on exclusive materials and insights from Petra, the best Czech tutor, and take your Czech language skills to the next level. Join today and become part of a thriving learning community! Ready to learn Czech fast, slowly? Let’s go!Ahoj, zdravím a vítám Tě u kočičího podcastu.I když to nebude jen o kočách:-)Mám doma kočku.Teda vlastně mám doma dvě kočky. Jednu kočku a jednoho kocoura. Kocour žárlí na kočku.… [whole transcript is available in slowczech Lab.] In slowczech Lab, learn Better Faster Together exclusive contentAccess all our members only media: go deeper, practice actively & get confidence. active communityJoin our Discord server, hosted by professional tutors. Be in touch with czech daily. 3 lessons per monthMeet students and tutors from around the world, exchange and practice. 500 CZK/month Get access to lessons, a community, and a cool content designed to help you to immerse yourself in Czech and speak better. Cancel anytime. I want to join. The post (299 advanced) Petra: O kočkách – české idiomy, fráze a hudba appeared first on slowczech.
Jun 30, 2024 • 0sec

(298 intermediate) Eliška: My childhood in the 90s – improvizace

In this episode Eliska takes us back to the 1990s in the Czech Republic. You will find out how was her childhood in the 90s, this transformative era, what did she used to play with and how she spent her time growing up. Childhood in the 90s in slowczech LabFor our dedicated members of slowczech Lab, we have an exclusive treat! Along with the standard episode, you’ll have access to the premium episode and the complete transcripts of both. This is a fantastic opportunity to deepen your understanding and reinforce your learning.Ready to dive in? Let’s step back in time together and explore the enchanting world of the 90s in Czechia with Eliška as our guide.Tune in now and enjoy the journey!Read the transcript in the slowczech LabAhój, tady Eliška. Doufám, že se máš fajn. Já teď sedím doma v obýváku, na kanapi spí Liam. Liamovi je teď šest týdnů a je to krásné, pohodové, spokojené miminko. A Elias, to je můj druhý syn, kterému je dva a něco = dva roky a kousek, říkáme dva a něco nebo dva roky a kousek,… tak ten je u babičky a dědy. Takže mám volno, mám klid a mám ticho. No a já jsem se rozhodla, že chci pro tebe natočit improvizovanou epizodu, kde budu mluvit o tom, jaké bylo moje dětství a jaké zajímavé věci, jiné věci a nebo věci, které už dneska v dnešní době děti nedělají. Tak jaké věci jsme dělali my? A věřím, že to bude moc zajímavý vhled do české kultury, do českého dětství. Bude to zajímavé a zajímavý vhled, pohled. No a tahle epizoda je improvizovaná, ale budu mluvit pomalu a jednodušeji, protože jsme slowczech… ale je improvizovaná hlavně proto, že když se učíš česky, tak potřebuješ slyšet ta filler words…. Jak se to jmenuje? Vycpávky. In slowczech Lab, learn Better Faster Together exclusive contentAccess all our members only media: go deeper, practice actively & get confidence. active communityJoin our Discord server, hosted by professional tutors. Be in touch with czech daily. 3 lessons per monthMeet students and tutors from around the world, exchange and practice. 500 CZK/month Get access to lessons, a community, and a cool content designed to help you to immerse yourself in Czech and speak better. Cancel anytime. I want to join. The post (298 intermediate) Eliška: My childhood in the 90s – improvizace appeared first on slowczech.
Jun 16, 2024 • 8min

(297 advanced) Petra: Měsíce a roky – dates in Czech

Hello there! I’m Petra, your Czech language guide at Slowczech. This time, our podcast explores the fascinating world of years and months. Plus, in our premium segment, you’ll learn how to read and write dates like a pro.If you love culture, idioms, and chatting about interesting topics, this podcast is for you. I’ll also share a cool pop-punk song and a must-watch TV series recommendation!Tune in and enjoy the journey with us. See you there! Best,Petra In slowczech Lab, learn Better Faster Together exclusive contentAccess all our members only media: go deeper, practice actively & get confidence. active communityJoin our Discord server, hosted by professional tutors. Be in touch with czech daily. 3 lessons per monthMeet students and tutors from around the world, exchange and practice. 500 CZK/month Get access to lessons, a community, and a cool content designed to help you to immerse yourself in Czech and speak better. Cancel anytime. I want to join. The post (297 advanced) Petra: Měsíce a roky – dates in Czech appeared first on slowczech.
May 31, 2024 • 0sec

(296 intermediate) Veronika: školní systém v České republice

Would you like to know how the education system works in the Czech Republic? Then this episode is just right for you! Veronika will walk you through primary and secondary school, up to the university (in the premium episode). Is it different in your country? We would like to hear the comparison!Would you like to gain access to the complete transcript? Join slowczech Lab! But that’s not all – as a Lab member, you’ll also unlock exclusive access to the premium episode, with extra vocabulary and excersises to truly grasp the topic. Simply head over to and sign up. Uvidíme se v Labu!Now its time to listen and learn! Enjoy, and don’t hesitate to reach out on Discord with your thoughts and questions.Ahoj, zdraví tě Veronika! Možná už mě znáš! A jestli ne, tak ti chci říct, že ve slowczech dělám podcast, učím individuální i skupinové lekce a někdy mě můžeš potkat i v Praze na slowczech akci Mluvíme česky u piva. Potřebuješ trénovat reálné dialogy z českého prostředí? Tak to jsou lekce se mnou přesně pro tebe! Role plays jsou totiž jejich specialita! Ale teď už se pojďme podívat na téma dnešní epizody, a to je ŠKOLNÍ SYSTÉM v České republice.Víš, kolik roků je českým dětem, když jdou poprvé do školy? Jaké školy můžou studovat? A jaké zkoušky dělají studenti v České republice? To všechno se dozvíš v téhle epizodě. Tak pojďme na to! In slowczech Lab, learn Better Faster Together exclusive contentAccess all our members only media: go deeper, practice actively & get confidence. active communityJoin our Discord server, hosted by professional tutors. Be in touch with czech daily. 3 lessons per monthMeet students and tutors from around the world, exchange and practice. 500 CZK/month Get access to lessons, a community, and a cool content designed to help you to immerse yourself in Czech and speak better. Cancel anytime. I want to join. The post (296 intermediate) Veronika: školní systém v České republice appeared first on slowczech.
May 17, 2024 • 0sec

(295****) Petra: Hudební podcast – česká jména (deminutiv, vokativ) there, welcome back to another episode of the podcast. Today, we will talk about Czech names.Do you know we rarely use names in their basic form in Czech? We like to spice up our names to the point they are hardly recognizable for foreigners. Take a quiz with Petra. She will throw some of the nicknames at you, and you can guess the base name.And hey, in the premium version, Petra’s breaking down the mysterious vocative case. Say ‘hi’ to your Czech pals like a pro! Is it ‘Ahoj Adam!’ or ‘Ahoj Adame!’? Get it right and impress your friends! Plus, premium membership unlocks the full transcription of both the free and premium episodes.Are you ready? Let’s learn Czech fun way!  In slowczech Lab, learn Better Faster Together exclusive contentAccess all our members only media: go deeper, practice actively & get confidence. active communityJoin our Discord server, hosted by professional tutors. Be in touch with czech daily. 3 lessons per monthMeet students and tutors from around the world, exchange and practice. 500 CZK/month Get access to lessons, a community, and a cool content designed to help you to immerse yourself in Czech and speak better. Cancel anytime. I want to join. The post (295****) Petra: Hudební podcast – česká jména (deminutiv, vokativ) appeared first on slowczech.
May 3, 2024 • 0sec

(294***) Eliška: Milan Kundera

Would you like to learn more about Czech culture and practice your Czech? In this episode, Eliška prepared for you a story about a famous Czech writer and his most significant piece. Ahoj! Vítej v dnešní epizodě. Jak se máš? Jsem Eliška, lektorka a ředitelka slowczech, a dnes ti řeknu něco málo o Milanu Kunderovi.Tahle epizoda je jen krátký příběh. Jestli se chceš aktivně naučit slovíčka z tohoto podcastu nebo se stát členem úžasné aktivní a česky mluvící komunity, máme pro tebe slowczech Lab. Ve slowczech Lab najdeš taky transkript k této epizodě a další informace o Milanu Kunderovi. Podívej se na A teď už… jdeme na dnešní epizodu! In slowczech Lab, learn Better Faster Together exclusive contentAccess all our members only media: go deeper, practice actively & get confidence. active communityJoin our Discord server, hosted by professional tutors. Be in touch with czech daily. 3 lessons per monthMeet students and tutors from around the world, exchange and practice. 500 CZK/month Get access to lessons, a community, and a cool content designed to help you to immerse yourself in Czech and speak better. Cancel anytime. I want to join. The post (294***) Eliška: Milan Kundera appeared first on slowczech.
Apr 19, 2024 • 0sec

(293***) Daniela: Venčím psa

Hey there, it’s Daniela. As a SlowCzech instructor, I’m thrilled to invite you to dive into a topic close to many Czech hearts – dogs!In this podcast episode “Venčím psa” (Walking the Dog), we’ll explore essential vocabulary and phrases for discussing man’s best friend in Czech. Whether you’re a proud dog owner or simply love canine companionship, this episode is for you.Join me as I share insights into my own furry friend, Rony. From his breed and appearance to our daily walks and favorite activities, we’ll paint a vivid picture of life with a four-legged companion. Ready to unleash your inner dog enthusiast? Ahoj, tady Daniela. Jsem lektorka slowczech individuálních a taky skupinových kurzů. Mrkni na web, jestli chceš mluvit o hodně líp než dnes. A hlavně mluvit normálně jako Čech, ne jako učebnice. Češi milují psy a pokud máš taky psa, je to skvělé téma k hovoru. V podcastu se dozvíš důležitá slova pro takový rozhovor. Povím o tom, jaký je můj pes, jak ho venčím a kam chodíme na procházku.  Jdeme na to.Would you like to follow along with the entire transcript? Gain access to the complete transcript in the slowczech Lab! But that’s not all – as a Lab member, you’ll also enjoy exclusive access to premium content, engaging interactive lessons, and a vibrant community of Czech learners and tutors. Simply head over to and sign up. Uvidíme se v Labu!  In slowczech Lab, learn Better Faster Together exclusive contentAccess all our members only media: go deeper, practice actively & get confidence. active communityJoin our Discord server, hosted by professional tutors. Be in touch with czech daily. 3 lessons per monthMeet students and tutors from around the world, exchange and practice. 500 CZK/month Get access to lessons, a community, and a cool content designed to help you to immerse yourself in Czech and speak better. Cancel anytime. I want to join. The post (293***) Daniela: Venčím psa appeared first on slowczech.

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