Make your health an act of rebellion. Join The Healthy Rebellion Please Subscribe and Review: Apple Podcasts | RSS Submit your questions for the podcast here News topic du jour: Podcast Questions: 1. Chronic Wasting Disease in Deer and Elk [15:52] Kristi says: Hi Robb and Nicki, I have a new fear just when I am already worried about the future of meat, transportation, the economy, etc. I bought some elk liver from a ranch that sells grass-fed bison, elk, and beef. I went to fry it, and it did not smell the same as bison or beef liver. And while I'm sure that's just how elk liver smells, I started worrying about chronic wasting disease(CWD), which Joe Rogan brought up on the March 2020 episode with the infectious disease epidemiologist, Michael Osterholm. (The episode that in my mind started off the covid pandemic.) I ended up throwing away the elk meat, and then looked into chronic wasting disease more. So far, no known cases have spread to humans as vCJD (variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease), but that was also true of mad cow disease, and I'm sure chronic wasting disease showing up in humans will take longer since way fewer people eat elk or deer. I am in one of the areas of North America where chronic wasting disease is present, and since I bought the meat from a farm, the elk is apparently tested (they send away the heads to get tested), however it says this doesn't guarantee they're free of CWD. Now I think I should just stick to beef/bison, since the downside of Jakob Creutzfeldt disease is so terrible, but I was also thinking if I do this I shouldn't even buy bison or beef from the same farm, since prions are notoriously hard to destroy, and would stick around on the butchering equipment. Do you have any knowledge or insight on this topic? Am I overreacting? Thanks and keep up the great work with the show. 2. Digestion Woes [23:40] Kelly says: Hi Robb and Nicki, hoping you can help me with everyone’s favorite topic, poo! I’ll cut to the chase. My BMs are a 6-7 on the Bristol stool chart, every day. Usually 3 times per day, and all before 9 am. This has been going on for a few months now. I don’t have any stomach pain or bloating, just really liquid poo. My diet is good, I eat mostly red meat, eggs, fruit, white rice, and I don’t exclude dairy or gluten because I’ve never had any sensitivity to it, but maybe that’s a good place to start? I do drink alcohol a couple times per week, but haven’t noticed a difference when I remove alcohol. I am also a coffee drinker, but I hope that’s not the culprit! Just looking for your thoughts on the best place to start, anything I should ask my doctor to run test-wise? I had an IgG test done a couple years ago and that didn’t show anything to avoid except things like chia seeds and some random things like that. Thank you both for all you do, me and my hubs listen every week and appreciate your common sense approach to health and recent policy topics. Robb and Nicki for President! 3. Organic? [29:08] Mark says: Hi Robb & Nicki, I've read Wired & Eat & Sacred Cow & drink LMNT (love, chocolate salt in goat milk is a favorite). I've been reading some of the comments from the FarmBabe basically that she now goes out-of-the-way "not" to buy/eat food labeled Organic (she seems not to like StoneyField or at least would like them to stop spreading misinformation) . I've also read some of her battles with "Bobby" aka FlavCity. It's hard to sort out if what she's saying is true or if as a non-organic farmer she's biased in any way. Any insight would be helpful, especially considering current food prices. I seem to always want to buy Organic, am I wasting my money? All the best, Mark Sponsor: The Healthy Rebellion Radio is sponsored by our electrolyte company, LMNT. Proper hydration is more than just drinking water. You need electrolytes too! Check out The Healthy Rebellion Radio sponsor LMNT for grab-and-go electrolyte packets to keep you at your peak! They give you all the electrolytes want, none of the stuff you don’t. Click here to get your LMNT electrolytes Transcript: You can find the transcript at the blog page: