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Peak Human - Unbiased Nutrition Info for Optimum Health, Fitness & Living

Latest episodes

Apr 28, 2020 • 1h 31min

Part 81 - Dr. Michael Eades on What Humans Evolved to Eat & What Happens When You Stray From That

Welcome back everyone! Thanks for tuning in and I hope you are putting your health first during this time. In case anyone is wondering, I'm working on the Food Lies film daily and we’re still trying to get it out in the fall right when everything is hopefully back to normal. You can still preorder a copy on Indiegogo and also get great extras like the special features or the Eat Meat shirt. We just sent out the new batch of shirts last week and have about 20 left if people want to jump on those. That's on and search for Food Lies Post or click through Today Dr. Mike Eades joins me for a really great and comprehensive interview. I’ve been following his work for many years and always enjoy his presentations that can be found on YouTube. We got to hang out all weekend in Denver a little ways back and I got to see another of his amazing presentations live talking about what humans evolved to eat and what happened as we strayed away from that diet. It’s shocking stuff and sure to ruffle the feathers of every single mainstream doctor, dietitian, and nutritionist around. We go over this and much of his other work in this interesting episode. Dr. Michael Eades is a physician and the author of 10 books in the fields of health, nutrition, and exercise over the last several decades––among them the New York Times best seller Protein Power and The Protein Power LifePlan which laid out one of the first nutritional concepts of the paleo lifestyle. Since 1986 Dr. Eades has been in full time practice of bariatric, nutritional, and metabolic medicine. Become a producer of the show on Patreon by searching for Peak Human there or going to This show is made possible entirely by listeners like you. I really appreciate this model and us making it happen as a team with only a few bucks here and there. Find out about everything else at and join the newsletter there to stay in tune with the new announcements and other special features we’re offering to the Sapien tribe. Everyone knows about the great meat we deliver at by now. We’re selling out each week so jump on it Friday midday to Sunday night to make sure we can get it out Monday or Tuesday morning.  Here’s Dr. Mike Eades BUY THE MEAT Support me on Patreon! Preorder the film here:   SHOW NOTES [5:05] Some noted evidence of meat eating since the dawn of man until now from Dr. Eades. [13:30] Our brains are our weapon. [20:20] Hunter gatherers’ health vs agriculturists. [26:05] How the Egyptians’ wheat based diet destroyed their health. [40:20] Eades’ take on the history of obesity in the US. [49:35] How PUFAs play a role in the obesity crisis. [55:30] How PUFAs affect the Reverse Electron Transport. Watch this presentation for a deeper dive with graphics to help [58:10] The role incretins play in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes and obesity. Watch this presentation if you want to dive deeper and see the graphics that go along with it. [1:11:30] Why he advocates alternate day fasting. [1:12:55] His experimentation with a continuous glucose monitor.   BUY THE MEAT Support me on Patreon! Preorder the film here:   Film site: YouTube:   Follow along:
Apr 22, 2020 • 1h 46min

Part 80 - Dr. Nadir Ali on Why Plant Sterols Are Bad, LDL Can Be Good, and ApoE4 Does Not Mean You’ll Get Alzheimer’s

Hello, hello my healthy friends! Here’s some news for you - I don’t have Sars-CoV-2. I did the antibody test at Evolve Healthcare with Dr. Gary who co-founded Sapien with me. He has some tests if anyone is nearby. I just did it because I was curious. I haven't felt the slightest bit bad or even coughed yet in 2020 so it’s not because I had any symptoms. Still doing my living room workouts and sprinting 5 days per week and eating nose to tail. You can get your own official grass finished, American raised, beyond organic meat at We actually have a bit left this week. Usually we sell out by Tuesday night but you can still order if you get a jump on it. It’s the best way to support food producers directly. I’m sure people have heard about processing middlemen jacking up prices and disrupting the supply chain to grocery stores. I’ve still seen grocery store shelves empty all while meat sold by producers is at bargain basement price. It’s messed up. Support your local farms or get it online from us and we’ll ship it straight to you. The primal ground beef is the best seller and it includes liver, heart, kidney, and spleen making it a true superfood. Stay in touch by getting on the newsletter at there will be some special content given out there. There’s also a bunch of special content for Patreon supporters at Remember this is a community powered show and if you’re getting value from this podcast and have gotten healthier or lost some weight, maybe you can put a little wind in the sail to keep this boat goin! The Food Lies film editing is going well. I just had a good meeting today reviewing some of the footage. We’re shipping out the new batch of “Eat Meat” shirts this week so get them while you can at and support the film! Dr. Nadir Ali is an interventional cardiologist with over 25 years of experience. He is also the chairman of the Department of Cardiology at Clear Lake Regional Medical Center. He has several years of experience using the Low Carbohydrate High Fat (LCHF) diet in the treatment of metabolic disease, diabetes, and heart disease to improve the quality of cholesterol. He and his team organize free monthly diet seminars at the Searcy Auditorium of the Clear Lake Hospital that receives more than 100 visitors.  All of his work and presentations are fantastic - please check them out on youtube. Until then you can get to know him a bit in our 2 hour interview. He’s got so much good info in his noggin we just kept talking, even with the 30 minutes we did before we started recording. Please listen closely to this one! Here’s Dr. Nadir Ali. BUY THE MEAT Support me on Patreon! Preorder the film here:   SHOW NOTES [0:40] How Nadir Ali got into his journey of the low carb lifestyle. [4:35] Becoming metabolically healthy in many cases can actually lead to your LDL cholesterol to rise. [11:35] The history of why much of the science community wrongly thinks LDL cholesterol is bad. [21:45] Phytosterol, the toxic cholesterol from plants. [23:35] The role of cholesterol in our brains. [25:30] To be able to feed the brain you must be able to absorb highly nutritious foods quite quickly. [34:30] Why Dr. Ali thinks we need to stop demonizing insulin.  [45:40] Why a vegan diet is most likely not the most optimal diet. [50:55] Why phytosterols are bad for you. [56:10] What you need to know about PcSK9 and how it regulates cholesterol.  [1:01:25]** [1:03:05] The paradox of some ethnicities where they are not obese but not healthy either. [1:06:12] Personal fat threshold. [1:10:20] Why fasting and feasting is such a beneficial practice. [1:19:10] How adiponectin can tell you if you are metabolically healthy. [1:22:00] ApoE4 and how it relates to Alzheimer’s and dementia.   BUY THE MEAT Support me on Patreon! Preorder the film here:   Film site: YouTube:   Follow along:
Apr 14, 2020 • 1h 34min

Part 79 - Dr. Sean O’Mara MD, JD on Measuring True Health, Visceral Fat, and Are All Calories Created Equal?

Hey everyone out there in quarantine land, how’s everyone doing? Hopefully you’re holding strong and eating nutrient dense Sapien foods instead of ordering takeout. And going for walks in the sun and doing workouts in your living room. This is exactly what I’ve been doing and have been feeling better than ever. I talked to Dr. Sean O'mara about so many interesting things during this interview we decided to cut it off and do another in the near future. We ended up not doing this immediately so please reach out to me on social media and let me know what questions or other topics you’d like us to address when we do our follow-up episode.  His work with measuring visceral fat with MRI is so important. This is such a huge thing that people are missing, even in the health community. It’s a relatively new concept and technology and is pretty costly, so it makes sense. But this is one of the huge ways to not only prove a calorie is not a calorie, but also really see someone’s true health status. I won’t go on because there’s too many interesting things to bring up - better to just listen to the episode. Dr. Sean is very in tune with everything I’ve learned over the past 5 years and I hope to work with him in the future and get him into the Sapien organization. Here are a few updates before we begin. is in high demand right now and we don’t have a ton of inventory, so jump on it while you can. You can still order this week if you're close to our ranch in Texas. If not, check the site over the weekend and get your order in so we can ship it Monday. Our most popular product is the primal and primal lite ground beef that has liver, kidney, heart, and spleen mixed in for the most nutritious burger patty in the game. We also have pork and chicken that is fed a special diet to make their meat ultra high in omega 3 compared to omega 6. As you've been learning through all these great experts on this podcast, a high ratio of omega 6 in your diet and all these pufas that are so ubiquitous these days is one of the biggest factors in chronic disease. So get the good stuff delivered straight to your door at Become a show producer on Patreon at Supporters here are making this show possible. I’ll continue to turn down advertisers if we can continue to power the show with the community. You get the extended show notes, the other unlisted video content, and soon to be more perks by being a supporter on Other than that you can share with a friend, give it a review on the podcast app or iTunes, and make sure to start back at episode 1. It really makes me happy to hear people’s stories of starting from the beginning and learning more than most doctors and nutritionists know by the end. Especially when they implement it into their lives and have universally great results. How could you not? We’re talking about a Spaien diet here. This is how humans should eat. Find out more at And now let’s get to this enlightening interview with Dr. Sean O’Mara.   BUY THE MEAT Support me on Patreon! Preorder the film here:     SHOW NOTES [5:20] How Dr. Sean O’Mara got into the Paleo/low carb diet. [14:20] The importance of health and how it reflects on you physically and mentally. [25:20] Dr. Sean’s work with professional athletes, businessmen, and social leaders. [32:40] The interventions he uses on his clients. [39:25] What he suggests for exercise. [55:45] The effect of sprinting on visceral fat. [56:10] How he got into researching visceral fat. [1:02:15] Visceral fat is highly associated with chronic disease. 1:01:30** [1:06:00] Best ways to get rid of visceral fat. [1:12:30] Your microbiome influences you and your cravings. [1:19:08] His experience with the carnivore diet. [1:24:30] Calories are not all the same, in regards to the accumulation of visceral fat.     BUY THE MEAT Support me on Patreon! Preorder the film here:   Film site: YouTube:   Follow along:
Apr 8, 2020 • 1h 35min

Part 78 - Chris Knobbe, MD on Vegetable Oils: The Hidden Killer

Hello again my friends, hope you continue to stay healthy and sane in these tumultuous times. I did another livestream with a health professional and just uploaded it to youtube. This time it was with an ICU nurse working in the COVID unit in a hospital in the downtown LA area. This goes along with my posts on social media where I made an inquiry for anecdotes of super healthy individuals getting severe cases and ending up in the hospital. I had a lot of interesting comments from that post, including people accusing me of one thing or another. I don’t know where they're getting any malicious ideas from.  I actually really want to know if there are people in our health community experiencing severe cases. So far I have heard of none. People mentioned 2 Spanish soccer players who seemed healthy and there were 2 reports of people in their 40s where the commenter assumed they were healthy. I still haven't heard of anyone who actively focuses on their health and actually engages in healthy lifestyle behaviors on a daily basis dying or going to the ICU. I only hear about people eating a Standard American Diet who aren't yet diagnosed with an actual disease. I want to prove myself wrong here. I don’t want to be lulled into a false sense of security. But so far it seems that the supposedly “healthy” people ending up in the ICU are 40+ obese males. My nurse friend Rylee confirmed this in our livestream in her limited sample set, and everything that people sent me seemed to confirm this as well. There were reports of thin people getting it, I’ll admit. But this spurs the discussion - are thin people always healthy? NO way! Many commenters even expounded on this telling stories of how messed up they were healthwise even when outwardly they looked in shape.  So I’m not saying just because you're overweight you're unhealthy or just because you're thin you're healthy. I’m also not saying you're going to avoid a severe COVID case just because you are healthy. There was one anecdote of a healthy person on a low carb diet who qualified for a major triathlon. I don’t know much more about his diet or health status other than someone reporting this, but I won’t sweep it under the rug. There’s always outliers here. We don’t know everything about this virus obviously and I’m by no means the expert. I’m just trying to get people to focus on the thing they DEFINITELY have control of in these crazy times - their own health.  Focus down on keeping yourself metabolically healthy, do home workouts, and keep your nutrient density super high with every meal! Get some fresh air and some sun, stay positive, and have some control in your life by doing these things. Enough out of me, let’s get to the episode. Dr. Chris Knobbe is an esteemed eye physician and surgeon  in Boulder, Colorado and currently leads the Cure AMD Foundation. Cure AMD Foundation seeks to spread the message regarding his research that AMD (Age-related macular degeneration) is caused by “Westernization of the diet”. Luckily, he has a theory that macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss and blindness, is not only preventable but also treatable with the implementation of an ancestral diet. He came to this conclusion when he left his full-time practice to commit his time to numerous years of full-time investigative research on nutrition. He now shares his breakthrough findings on this and the harms of industrial seed oils through presentations across the country as well as scientific papers and books. You can learn more at  He did an amazing presentation in Denver recently and has really brought a lot of new information to the table when it comes to the industrial seed oils being the root of all evil! I’m not even exaggerating that much. Populations can be healthy on almost any diet on the planet until the high omega 6 seed oils come into the picture. These go along with processed foods of course, and the refined grains and sugar. But maybe the seed oils are the real X factor. Long time listeners will be familiar with this concept from episode 20 with Tucker Goodrich who did an eye opening interview on this same topic. Go back and check this one out and make sure to start at episode 1 to get the full download of all this super valuable health  info. So make sure to balance your omega 3s to omega 6s and definitely don’t eat oxidized vegetable oils which are even worse - the ones they use in deep fryers that are reused and kept at super high temperatures. You can get super high omega 3 to omega 6 ratio pork and chicken at We have a bit left and will be restocking friday. Pork and chicken have gotten a bad rap in our health community, and rightly so, because they are usually super high in omega 6 compared to omega 3. At Nose to Tail we feed our animals a special (and expensive) diet that’s super high in omega 3 which makes the meat have an unmatched omega 3 content. Our beef also has a great ratio, as does all beef that’s solely grass fed and finished. Get all the organ meats mixed in as well with our primal ground beef. Get it while it lasts at Thanks for the continued support on Patreon - you can be one of the proud show supporters or show producers you could say - the ones that make this show possible. That’s Also please continue to share and rate this show on iTunes or the podcast app. 5 star reviews help get the show noticed and let the big important guests I'm trying to get on the show know that it’s worth their time. Really appreciate each and every one of you. Much love and please enjoy today’s interview. BUY THE MEAT Support me on Patreon! Preorder the film here:     SHOW NOTES [7:07] Chris’s battle with arthritis and how he fixed it. [9:12] Processed seed oils are the major culprit for many chronic diseases. [10:12] Westernization of our diets. [17:42] The rise of seed oils and why they are so harmful. [21:42] Why omega-6 linoleic acids are so bad for us. [25:12] The prevalence of heart disease and how seed oils play a huge role. [33:12] In 2010, seed oils represented 32.5% of the standard american diet. [34:32] Four major problems from vegetable oils. [36:32] What it means when a molecule is proxidative. [40:37] Omega-6 fats drive insulin resistance by breaking down the electron transport chain of the mitochondria. [46:52] Toxicity and how it relates to seed oils. [50:57] There is no relationship between total cholesterol and heart disease. [52:47] LDL cholesterol, heart disease, and lifespan. [54:22] 80% of all olive oils are often adulterated with cheap seed oils. [58:52] Anecdotes of tribes who ‘should’ have chronic disease but are actually some of the healthiest. [1:10:37] Why Chris is a fan of a low-carb diet. [1:14:42] AMD is the third leading cause of blindness in the world. [1:18:22] How diet affects AMD. [1:21:17] How aging and genetics plays less of a role in AMD than some professionals think. [1:25:24] Vitamin A, D, K2 deficiency are all driving AMD.     BUY THE MEAT Support me on Patreon! Preorder the film here:   Film site: YouTube:   Follow along:
Apr 1, 2020 • 54min

Part 77 - JP Sears on Food Religion, Plant Medicine, Awakening, Humor, Health, and Happiness

Hello friends. Hope everyone is faring well in these challenging times. Hopefully this episode lightens the mood and lifts people’s spirits a bit. My guest today is JP Sears who’s a super funny guy and a popular comedian touring the world, but is also focused on health, fitness, and creating a better planet.  He is a YouTuber, comedian, emotional healing coach, author, speaker, world traveler, and curious student of life. His work empowers people to live more meaningful lives. JP is also the author of “How To Be Ultra Spiritual,” He encourages healing and growth through his humorous and entertaining informative videos, including his hit Ultra Spiritual comedy series, which have accumulated over 300 million views. He makes great videos on IGTV making fun of vegans, keto people, and everyone in between. He’s on Instagram at @awakenwithJP I know a lot of people have been waiting for Nose To Tail meat to be available. You can check now and we have some more stuff in stock. We’ll be getting more on Friday so check over the weekend and we’ll ship it out to you on Monday. It’s a great way to get the most healthy and sustainable grass finished and humanely raised meats to your family without having to brave the grocery stores! Since this is a community powered show, I’d like to invite people to continue to support it on Patreon at This is the only way this podcast can continue to exist. I really want to thank the few and the proud that support it currently. Please don’t let them do all the heavy lifting. If you find value in the show, please add a few bucks in there on Patreon. Ther than that, just please continue to share it and review it on iTunes or the podcast app. That really helps the visibility of the show in the charts and takes only a few seconds. I’ll do a hard sell I guess for once. You can just pause right now and hit the 5 stars and then we can all feel good about ourselves. Done? Ok thanks. Let’s continue the good vibes with my new pal JP Sears!   BUY THE MEAT Support me on Patreon! Preorder the film here:     SHOW NOTES [2:00] His passion for emotional healing. [4:25] Using comedy in realms that he respects. [7:20] We need to stop being so “food religious”. [12:35] JP describes his diet. [15:00] His thoughts on the Netflix documentary “What The Health”. [24:40] His philosophy of doing hard things that make you uncomfortable makes you grow and expand. [28:50] His opinion on plant medicine. [32:50] How to find the balance with plant medicines. [40:10] The importance of comedy to JP. [45:25] The importance of low stress and being happy for our health. [47:20] His mission statement and what it means to him. [49:10] Some closing statements from JP.     BUY THE MEAT Support me on Patreon! Preorder the film here:   Film site: YouTube:   Follow along:        
Mar 27, 2020 • 32min

Part 76 - Pulmonary doctor treating COVID on the front lines in NYC - Dr. Lina Miyakawa

Hey everyone, we got a special episode here. My friend Dr. Lina Miyakawa is with us today live from New York City. She’s a pulmonary ICU specialist and is treating coronavirus cases in Mt. Sinai hospital in Manhattan. She went to NYU for her undergraduate degree, received her medical degree from John A. Burns School of Medicine at University of Hawaii, completed her Internal Medicine residency training at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, affiliated with Stanford University in California and her specialty fellowship training in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Mount Sinai Beth Israel in New York City. Let’s get straight to the episode - I think it’s really interesting to get to hear this inside scoop from someone dealing with this on the front lines. She’s been working nonstop treating patients and spared a few minutes to talk with me. Just to give you an idea of what we’re dealing with, she had to cancel our interview yesterday because she lost another patient.  If you’re new to this show make sure to start back at episode 1. I’ve spent the last 2 years finding the brightest minds in the world to interview and people continually report how life changing the information presented has been for them. Here’s Dr. Lina. Find her here: Or on IG: ________ BUY THE MEAT Support me on Patreon! Preorder the film here:   Film site: YouTube:   Follow along:  
Mar 25, 2020 • 1h 2min

Part 75 - Dr. Aseem Malhotra on Our Absurd Obsession with LDL, Hospitals Required to Serve Junk Food, and Banning Sugar

Hello, hello everyone! I hope everyone is staying safe and properly sequestering themselves in their own homes. The big thing I’m focusing on and I hope other people are as well, is keeping myself healthy and productive. We can make this into a vacation and mess around and eat bread and desserts and get all fat and sassy. Or we can use this time to cook delicious, healthy meals and do home workouts. We can get things done on to-do lists that have been sitting around for months, or we can watch Netflix. I’m having moments of pure unproductivity but I snap out of it and am actually taking care of things that have fallen to the wayside and feel pretty good about it. Hopefully everyone listening is staying motivated and optimistic and making the best of this situation. You certainly have the power to do so - it’s up to you. I did this podcast with my new friend Dr. Aseem Malhotra a couple weeks ago and think he has some great info to share. He’s doing some great things out there across the pond. I just posted a video he sent me of him on a news program talking about how important it is to stay metabolically healthy in these crazy times. Underlying metabolic disease such as obesity, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes are huge risk factors with coronavirus. Luckily everyone listening is probably very metabolically healthy or on a journey towards that. Dr. Aseem Malhotra is becoming one of the most influential cardiologists in Britain and a world leading expert in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of heart disease. He is successfully leading the campaign against excessive sugar consumption. The award-winning NHS cardiologist has successfully motivated leading academics, the media and politicians to make sugar reduction a health priority in the UK by publishing commentaries in the BMJ and mainstream media. He also created the film The Big Fat Fix with Donal O’Neil. We’ll be putting a limited number of Nose to Tail boxes on thursday. We weren't ready for this rush of orders but got everything shipped out to those who ordered in the past 2 days. We’re ramping things up and should have more and more meat as the weeks roll on. The Sapien Program is coming soon so be ready! Make sure you’re subscribed to the newsletter on Other than that just make sure to rate this show on iTunes or the podcast app, start back at episode 1, share with a friend, and support the show on Patreon. I continually turn down sponsors to the show and am leaving a lot of money on the table. I really want to not have any affiliation with advertisers even if they have good products. I think everyone can agree this would be better. This only works if people support the show.  And on that note, let’s get to it. Here’s Dr. Aseem Malhotra BUY THE MEAT Support me on Patreon! Preorder the film here: SHOW NOTES [6:45] “The science alone isn't enough, opposition from invested interests needs to be overcome”. [10:10] His movement to get junk food out of hospitals.  [14:15] How he pioneered the movement for the sugary drink tax in the UK. [20:20]** There are actually contracts in hospitals for those bound to hospital beds to have a trolley sent to them stocked with sugary drinks, potato chips and candy. [21:25] The way the food industry infiltrated sporting events and organizations to promote their products. [29:25] Why we should stop demonizing LDL cholesterol. [35:40] Reducing saturated fat in your diet to lower cholesterol and LDL has no benefit and can actually be very harmful. [40:25] Statins and the latest research and data on it. [43:05] Insulin resistance is the number 1 risk factor that no one is talking about. [52:55]** LDL lowering diets are actually at the very root of the chronic disease crisis. [57:25] What else can we do to help the movement?   BUY THE MEAT Support me on Patreon! Preorder the film here:   Film site: YouTube:   Follow along:
Mar 17, 2020 • 45min

Part 74 - Full Coronavirus (COVID-19) Actionable Advice & Info w/ Dr. Katelyn Kalstein & Dr. Gary Shlifer

Special episode on the Coronavirus COVID-19 with actionable advice and full info download. Dr. Katelyn Kalstein is a Naturopathic Doctor and new member of Evolve Healthcare  Find her at Dr. Gary Shlifer is the Founder of Evolve Healthcare  and Co-founder of SAPIEN Find him at   SHOW NOTES: coming soon   BUY THE MEAT Support me on Patreon! Preorder the film here:   Film site: YouTube:   Follow along:
Mar 11, 2020 • 1h 34min

Part 73 - Alex Leaf, MS, CISSN on Some New Ideas on Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, and the Carnivore Diet

Hello good people, we have a fun one today covering a lot of things. We covered so much we didn’t even get to all the stuff I initially wanted to talk to Alex about. He had 2 good blog posts on Time Restricted Feeding and why we definitely should not restrict protein for longevity that we unfortunately didn’t get to. A little news before we jump in - I joined Low Carb Denver as a speaker at the last minute. People are apparently pretty worried about this Corona Virus thing and some speakers dropped out. I am not worried, especially because of my super robust immune system due to eating a nutrient dense Sapien diet. If there’s anyone else out there with herculean health please join us in Denver this weekend, the flights are cheap. I also may be getting some free conference live streaming codes courtesy of Food Lies film supporter Amanda if you want to reach out to me. You’ll be able to watch all the action from the warm safety of your home. Alex Leaf has a masters in nutrition, a teacher for the University of Western States’ Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine master’s program and was a writer and researcher for He has a great blog where he breaks down topics simply and cites a bunch of studies to back it up. He’s very into the evidence based approach to nutrition science and has some interesting takes on things. This wasn’t a debate, but it could have been. I try to continually bring on people I don’t necessarily agree with to make sure we hear all sides of things and don’t get trapped in one way of thinking. I was pretty agreeable with him in retrospect which is what always seems to happen when I’m hosting a podcast.  I realized after he was a proponent of standard diet advice - lean meats & dairy, eggs and fish as well as complex carbs. This is the thing - this can work for people and does fit within the Sapien Framework. Many bodybuilders still do this with success. The vast majority of athletes do this with success. When I was training for the Decathlon last year at UCLA this is what the athletes were doing (for all sports) and yes, they had top professionals using evidence based principles to advise them. The athletes thought I was insane for eating almost no carbs and doing a decathlon. So the story is, yes, you can be ok doing this and you can have whole carb sources (preferably not grains) We later get into cholesterol. I don’t mean any disrespect, but Alex is not a cholesterol expert and please don’t take his opinion on LDL as a fact or something I agree on. There’s many guests in the past that have spoken on why LDL is not harmful including Ivor Cummins, Dave Feldman, Dr. Bret Scher, Dr. Paul Saladino, and next week Dr. Aseem Malhotra will be talking about this as well. So again, so I don’t end up in an echo-chamber I heard what Alex had to say. I still don’t think it holds much water. I’ve been reading/listening to Dr. Malcolm Kendrick for quite a while and a great episode just popped up on Paul Saladino’s podcast with him about the real cause of heart disease and how LDL is not the problem. So listen to that one if you want to learn even more.  Anyway, there’s a lot of other good stuff in this one so take a listen. If you want to support this podcast and get some amazing grass finished, sustainably raised, beyond organic meat head to and get it delivered to your door. We will be getting the epic beef bacon back in stock next week. We have the high omega 3 pork and chicken that are fed a special diet. We also have the classic true superfood - the primal ground beef with liver, heart, kidney, and spleen mixed in. We have one that’s 30% organ meat where you can taste those delicious nutritious bits and one that’s 5% if you're not quite ready for the big leagues. You can also support the show on and get the super detailed extended show notes and the private videos of some of my recipes/meal prep and my two 15 minute exercise routines. These aren't available anywhere else. Thanks so much and don't forget the free-est way to support the show is to share with family & friends and give it a review on the podcast app. Really appreciate each and every one of you! Here’s Alex. BUY THE MEAT Support me on Patreon! Preorder the film here:   SHOW NOTES   BUY THE MEAT Support me on Patreon! Preorder the film here:   Film site: YouTube:   Follow along:
Mar 4, 2020 • 1h 18min

Part 71 - Allan Savory on How to Save the World

Allan Savory was born in Zimbabwe and educated in South Africa at the University of Natal, BS in Zoology and Botany. In the 1960s he made a significant breakthrough in understanding what was causing the degradation and desertification of the world’s grassland ecosystems and, as a resource management consultant, worked with numerous managers on four continents to develop sustainable solutions. In 1992 Savory and his wife, Jody Butterfield, formed a non-profit organization in Zimbabwe, the Africa Centre for Holistic Management, donating a ranch that would serve as a learning site for people all over Africa. In 2009 Savory, Butterfield, and a group of colleagues co-founded the Savory Institute in Boulder, Colorado to serve the world through an international network of entrepreneurial innovators and leaders committed to serving their regions with the highest standards of Holistic Management training and implementation support.   In 2003, Allan Savory received Australia’s International Banksia Award “for the person or organization doing the most for the environment on a global scale,” and in 2010 Savory (and the Africa Centre) received the Buckminster Fuller Institute’s Challenge award for work that has “significant potential to solve humanity’s most pressing problems.” A TED talk Savory gave in 2013 has received over 10.8 million views and in 2014 was voted one of the 50 most intriguing TED talks of all time. The Savory Institute is one of 11 finalists in the Virgin Earth Challenge, a $25 million initiative for the successful commercialization of ways of taking greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere and keeping them out with no countervailing impacts.   Before we jump in I want to make sure everyone knows about where we ship 100% grass-finished beef and buffalo, and high omega-3 pork and chicken to your door. This is all raised beyond organic in Texas. Our primal ground beef with liver, heart, kidney, and spleen is flying out the door these days. Get it while you can, we only process animals every 2 weeks. There are so many nutrients in this tasty ground beef that are hard to get otherwise. You can make a custom box at and get free shipping if it’s 20lbs or more.   You can also support this podcast and everything else I do at I’ve been able to scrape by without taking on any advertisers or outside money for any of my ventures so far and really want to keep it that way. The Food Lies film, the Food Lies youtube channel, and all my social media is powered all by the community. I have yet to take a cent from another company. That’s or click through where you can find out about all the projects I’m working on including the heath technology. We’re still looking for doctors, healthcare providers, and health coaches to work with us. You can add yourself to the waiting list at   Thanks for sharing this podcast and reviewing it on iTunes and the Apple podcast app! Really appreciate all of you and all the inspiring messages of positive health journeys! Now let’s hear some more great information from another brilliant mind, Dr. Tommy Wood.   BUY THE MEAT Support me on Patreon! Preorder the film here:   SHOW NOTES   [5:45] Livestock can help us to reverse desertification and climate change. [11:23] The specific environment in which we develop leads to our specific adaptation and change. [15:10] Humans and our technology are nowhere near complex as when we compare to nature. [21:20] The problem with all the natural resource policies in the United States. [24:40] What does it mean to develop a holistic context for management? [33:00] What is desertification? [35:10] Brittle environments have periods of humidity and periods of long dry periods.  [35:50] How to reverse desertification. [50:00] The issue of uprooting paradigm shifts. [54:28] Climate change and its denial. [1:02:05] Mainstream agriculture supported by universities and governments is the most destructive and extractive industry ever in the history of mankind. [1:03:10] Billions of hectares of grasslands and savannahs are burnt every year.  [1:08:40] Allan’s take on anti-animal activists. BUY THE MEAT Support me on Patreon! Preorder the film here:   Film site: YouTube:   Follow along:

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