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The Renegade Lawyer Podcast

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May 29, 2023 • 13min

How I Created and Sold an $8,000 One and a Half Day CLE for Lawyers That Did Not Offer Any CLE Credit

In the last episode I explained how lawyers can leverage the time and money they are already putting into local seminars to create more referrals. In this episode, I explain the marketing and philosophy behind running a seminar to teach lawyers how to do ERISA long-term disability cases. We charged $8,000 per firm for the sold-out seminar, but this was about a lot more than creating a short seminar and making almost six-figure from those couple of days. This was really about creating an event that we could use to demonstrate expertise to our ERISA clients (who come to us from all over the country.) I also show an example of what another Virginia attorney is doing, using essentially the same psychology, to increase referrals of car accident cases to his firm. These strategies can be used by any lawyer to build trust and increase referrals - you don't need to ask anyone's permission to add value to the world!Ben Glass is a nationally recognized personal injury and long-term disability insurance attorney in Fairfax, VA. Since 2005, Ben Glass and Great Legal Marketing have been helping solo and small firm lawyers make more money, get more clients and still get home in time for dinner. We call this TheGLMTribe.comWhat Makes The GLM Tribe Special?In short, we are the only organization within the "business builder for lawyers" space that is led by two practicing lawyers. One thing we're sure you've noticed is that despite the variety of options within our space, no one else is mixingthe actual practice of law with business building in the way that we are.There are no other organizations who understand the highs and lows of running a small law firm and are engaged in talking to real clients. That is what sets GLM apart from every other organization, and it is why we have had loyal members that have been with us for two-decades.
May 21, 2023 • 26min

How to Use Seminars and Events to Market Your Law Firm

To the extent that a small law firm uses events to acquire clients, it's usually a one shot deal. The seminar is marketed, potential clients are put into a room (often to eat the chicken dinner you paid for) and then prospects are either closed or they aren't.That's not very efficient. What if you could put "tribal leaders" into your room - folks who can refer clients to you? In this session from a Great Legal Marketing live event, Ben talks about how he and his team have put pastors, insurance agents, chiropractors, and yes, lawyers, into the Ben Glass Law training center, educated them about something they were interested in, and by doing so, continued to build out his base of referral sources. Ben Glass is a nationally recognized personal injury and long-term disability insurance attorney in Fairfax, VA. Since 2005, Ben Glass and Great Legal Marketing have been helping solo and small firm lawyers make more money, get more clients and still get home in time for dinner. We call this TheGLMTribe.comWhat Makes The GLM Tribe Special?In short, we are the only organization within the "business builder for lawyers" space that is led by two practicing lawyers. One thing we're sure you've noticed is that despite the variety of options within our space, no one else is mixingthe actual practice of law with business building in the way that we are.There are no other organizations who understand the highs and lows of running a small law firm and are engaged in talking to real clients. That is what sets GLM apart from every other organization, and it is why we have had loyal members that have been with us for two-decades.
May 2, 2023 • 47min

How to Build a Lucrative and Scalable Family Law Practice

Marco Brown and Ben Glass - How to Build a Family Law Practice That Could be Scaled to Nationwide.Ben and Marco Discuss:The number one job of any attorney is to feed YOUR familyHow to build a practice that allows you to be out of the country for a month at a timeA very challenging beginning to a law careerWhat Marco learned from Lee RosenHow his team of 12 attorneys is organizedHow Marco thinks about compensation schemesWhy superstars like to work with superstarsA "standup" morning meeting like no other in lawThe moral duty to market your services (if you are any good as a lawyer)Mentions:Brown Family LawLee RosenGrant Cardone UniversityBen Glass LawBen Glass is a nationally recognized personal injury and long-term disability insurance attorney in Fairfax, VA. Since 2005, Ben Glass and Great Legal Marketing have been helping solo and small firm lawyers make more money, get more clients and still get home in time for dinner. We call this TheGLMTribe.comWhat Makes The GLM Tribe Special?In short, we are the only organization within the "business builder for lawyers" space that is led by two practicing lawyers. One thing we're sure you've noticed is that despite the variety of options within our space, no one else is mixingthe actual practice of law with business building in the way that we are.There are no other organizations who understand the highs and lows of running a small law firm and are engaged in talking to real clients. That is what sets GLM apart from every other organization, and it is why we have had loyal members that have been with us for two-decades.
Apr 27, 2023 • 49min

Is Paid Digital Advertising for Lawyers as Hard as It Seems?

In this episode, Ben Glass and Eddie Hanline discuss the field of paid digital marketing for lawyers. Is Ben anti-paid digital advertising while Eddie is the paid digital guy?Which is harder? Generating a lead or dealing with everything that comes after the lead is generated?How Eddie jumpstarted his wife's personal injury practice.It is really possible to scale a practice 200% in a year?Does Google really favor ads purchased by agencies over individual firms?Calculating Return on Advertising Spend?Eddie Hanline is the owner of Client Forest; a Durham, NC based-business providing marketing and advertising services. Eddie has over a decade of experience and a dedication to bringing results to his clients.For more information about Eddie' services.Ben Glass is a nationally recognized personal injury and long-term disability insurance attorney in Fairfax, VA. Since 2005, Ben Glass and Great Legal Marketing have been helping solo and small firm lawyers make more money, get more clients and still get home in time for dinner. We call this TheGLMTribe.comWhat Makes The GLM Tribe Special?In short, we are the only organization within the "business builder for lawyers" space that is led by two practicing lawyers. One thing we're sure you've noticed is that despite the variety of options within our space, no one else is mixingthe actual practice of law with business building in the way that we are.There are no other organizations who understand the highs and lows of running a small law firm and are engaged in talking to real clients. That is what sets GLM apart from every other organization, and it is why we have had loyal members that have been with us for two-decades.
Apr 24, 2023 • 25min

Why We Fired Our New but Old Virtual Receptionist Service in 7 Days

Most lawyers are dissatisfied with the leads and clients that their marketing dollars produce. When they come to us for coaching, this is almost always their "major issue." When we ask, "Do you record your calls and listen to what your team is saying to people about you?" the answer is almost uniformly "no."You should be listening to your calls.Pre-pandemic BenGlassLaw used a virtual answering service for after-hours, on weekends, and when we were in team meetings. They were good until they weren't, then they got horrible, and we fired them during the pandemic.Coming out of the pandemic, and as our overall marketing improved, we felt we needed help with intake and sales, so we went on a search. The company that we had fired was on the list, and after they promised us the "A TEAM" we started back with them. Two calls in, and after costing us what we estimate to be about $15,000 (our average fee value on the type of case you'll be listening to), we fired them in seven days.The "workers comp" call you will listen to was AFTER we sent the first call to them and told them "This is unacceptable."  To irritate us even more, they insisted that we pay them for the "3 months minimum."Bad move.LISTEN TO YOUR CALLS. Before spending another dime on getting a lead, listen to what's actually going on right now.And oh yes, if you'd like your in-house team trained on handling your new leads, check out Intake Success System.Ben Glass is a nationally recognized personal injury and long-term disability insurance attorney in Fairfax, VA. Since 2005, Ben Glass and Great Legal Marketing have been helping solo and small firm lawyers make more money, get more clients and still get home in time for dinner. We call this TheGLMTribe.comWhat Makes The GLM Tribe Special?In short, we are the only organization within the "business builder for lawyers" space that is led by two practicing lawyers. One thing we're sure you've noticed is that despite the variety of options within our space, no one else is mixingthe actual practice of law with business building in the way that we are.There are no other organizations who understand the highs and lows of running a small law firm and are engaged in talking to real clients. That is what sets GLM apart from every other organization, and it is why we have had loyal members that have been with us for two-decades.
Apr 20, 2023 • 47min

Eavesdrop on a Coaching Call with Ben Glass

In this episode, you get to listen to one of Ben's coaching calls with two lawyers running a small contingent fee law firm. They are frustrated by the constant bombardment of emails and phone calls from marketers all having "the solution" to their marketing problems. Topics include: Ben's superpower with helping small law firms get more cases, make more money and still get home in time for dinner;What you want potential clients to see when they read your online reviews (it's not what most lawyers think);Why your reviews don't need to come only from clients (and why waiting to the end of the case is not necessary);Why having a "blog" on your site, with no "blogs" is killing your intake;How lawyers waste money on marketing by not having a trained sales force in place to take the calls the advertising generates;Why many lawyers are wasting their time on video;How small law firms can compete with Morgan and Morgan (or whoever the big force is in your marketand  a lot more. By the way, if your intake and sales team is not converting the calls that the marketing is producing, you should check out Intake Success System. If you like what you hear and you are running a small law firm doing at least $500,000 in top line revenue, then you might be a good candidate to join Great Legal Marketing. We are looking for the next cohort of law firm owners who have good practices and steady income but who want to break the 7-figure barrier. Ben Glass is a nationally recognized personal injury and long-term disability insurance attorney in Fairfax, VA. Since 2005, Ben Glass and Great Legal Marketing have been helping solo and small firm lawyers make more money, get more clients and still get home in time for dinner. We call this TheGLMTribe.comWhat Makes The GLM Tribe Special?In short, we are the only organization within the "business builder for lawyers" space that is led by two practicing lawyers. One thing we're sure you've noticed is that despite the variety of options within our space, no one else is mixingthe actual practice of law with business building in the way that we are.There are no other organizations who understand the highs and lows of running a small law firm and are engaged in talking to real clients. That is what sets GLM apart from every other organization, and it is why we have had loyal members that have been with us for two-decades.
Apr 14, 2023 • 1h 4min

Gyi Tsakalakis - AttorneySync Digital Legal Marketing

Gyi Tsakalakis is one of America's greats in digital marketing for lawyers. But it's almost unfair to include the limiter "digital." Gyi understands marketing! He also understands that the internet is a media through which lawyers market. It's one media amongst many.Our discussion topics include:Steps to take if you have just started your own law firm and are starting your marketing program, including digital, from scratch;Why the habit of putting value into the world, first, matters;What new lawyers should never include in their online biography;Why your marketing should have multiple ways for the prospect to reach out to you;How some very experienced lawyers are leaving tons of money on the table;Why you should make sure you hunt down Michael Mogil's recent interview with Conrad Saam (Mockingbird);What lawyers should understand before approaching any digital marketing/web vendor.Learn more about Gyi at Glass is a nationally recognized personal injury and long-term disability insurance attorney in Fairfax, VA. Since 2005, Ben Glass and Great Legal Marketing have been helping solo and small firm lawyers make more money, get more clients and still get home in time for dinner. We call this TheGLMTribe.comWhat Makes The GLM Tribe Special?In short, we are the only organization within the "business builder for lawyers" space that is led by two practicing lawyers. One thing we're sure you've noticed is that despite the variety of options within our space, no one else is mixingthe actual practice of law with business building in the way that we are.There are no other organizations who understand the highs and lows of running a small law firm and are engaged in talking to real clients. That is what sets GLM apart from every other organization, and it is why we have had loyal members that have been with us for two-decades.
Apr 10, 2023 • 45min

You an author? The power of book writing to establish trust and authority.

Ben Glass has written over 20 books, ranging from the "Ultimate Guide to Car Accident Cases in Virginia," to mindset books available only to his clients and friends ("The Live Life Big Journal") and even a book for Teenage Soccer Referees.Today he and Michael DeLon (PaperBack Expert) discussVisioning for your life even when you don't have a clue as to how you will get there;How to create a book without writing a word;How Ben's very first book was actually created and "published";The power of your own story (the one marketing asset that no one can steal from you);How to fight Goliath with a book;Why books are the best gifts ever;The psychological message that a book you author sends to your prospects.Michael DeLon is a renowned marketing coach, strategist, and book publisher. Michael has worked directly with business owners across the country to both establish and market their credibility for over a decade. He is also an Amazon #1 Best-Selling author.For more on Michael, visit Glass is a nationally recognized personal injury and long-term disability insurance attorney in Fairfax, VA. Since 2005, Ben Glass and Great Legal Marketing have been helping solo and small firm lawyers make more money, get more clients and still get home in time for dinner. We call this TheGLMTribe.comWhat Makes The GLM Tribe Special?In short, we are the only organization within the "business builder for lawyers" space that is led by two practicing lawyers. One thing we're sure you've noticed is that despite the variety of options within our space, no one else is mixingthe actual practice of law with business building in the way that we are.There are no other organizations who understand the highs and lows of running a small law firm and are engaged in talking to real clients. That is what sets GLM apart from every other organization, and it is why we have had loyal members that have been with us for two-decades.
Apr 3, 2023 • 48min

The Story of a Legal Tech Startup - How Intaker Is Changing the Face of Chat for Legal

"Literally, from day one for us, and we use Intaker both at the Ben Glass Law website and at the Great Legal Marketing website. It, it has worked. And what we like about it is that we have designed, it's AI with thinking, with human thinking to create an extraordinary experience for the consumer who is shopping for an attorney online." -- -- Ben GlassThis is the amazing story of how an idea for a new kind of chat software in legal came to be, and how the company, Intaker is starting to dominate the world of chat in the legal industry.A wide-ranging discussion wth Joe Ruotolo, Intaker's director of strategic partnerships. We discuss: what events you really need to be at if you want to be in a room of entrepreneurial lawyers;why lawyers who aren't paying attention to what the mega advertisers are doing with tech may soon find themselves out of work;how intake can be your lead management software, in addition to being your non-human chatbox (and why this is so good for solo and small firm lawyers)How Intaker is managing it's growth rate and how it onboard new law firm's to its community.How a chance conversation on the day he walked out of his old job lead to the job of Joe's dreams.Mentions include:Infusionsoft/Keap Smith AI (virtual receptionists)PILMMA coachingGreat Legal Marketing membershipCasePeer Case Management.Joe Ruotolo is the Strategic Partnerships Manager at Intaker. Joe has a background in Stem, and holds multiple degrees within that field. He boasts years of experience in providing legal marketing agencies, entrepreneurs, legal tech companies the tools and information needed to excel in the most value to their clients.For more on Joe, visit Glass is a nationally recognized personal injury and long-term disability insurance attorney in Fairfax, VA. Since 2005, Ben Glass and Great Legal Marketing have been helping solo and small firm lawyers make more money, get more clients and still get home in time for dinner. We call this TheGLMTribe.comWhat Makes The GLM Tribe Special?In short, we are the only organization within the "business builder for lawyers" space that is led by two practicing lawyers. One thing we're sure you've noticed is that despite the variety of options within our space, no one else is mixingthe actual practice of law with business building in the way that we are.There are no other organizations who understand the highs and lows of running a small law firm and are engaged in talking to real clients. That is what sets GLM apart from every other organization, and it is why we have had loyal members that have been with us for two-decades.
Mar 25, 2023 • 1h 17min

New shiny objects? Marketing principles haven't change in 100's of years. Beware of Marketing Vultures

This is a classic presentation from at Great Legal Marketing Summit. Listen to this one for marketing principles and ask yourself "am I still falling for all those lies the Marketing Vultures are telling me to make a sale?" Hopefully not! On this episode: The Ben Glass backstory.How I fell for marketing vulture tricks early onThe $299 investment that changed my life.How I marketed when I had no moneyWhat you must do once the marketing starts working very wellHave an interesting story to tell or a service that will change lawyers' lives? Reach out to me at and we can discuss an episode for you!Ben Glass is a nationally recognized personal injury and long-term disability insurance attorney in Fairfax, VA. Since 2005, Ben Glass and Great Legal Marketing have been helping solo and small firm lawyers make more money, get more clients and still get home in time for dinner. We call this TheGLMTribe.comWhat Makes The GLM Tribe Special?In short, we are the only organization within the "business builder for lawyers" space that is led by two practicing lawyers. One thing we're sure you've noticed is that despite the variety of options within our space, no one else is mixingthe actual practice of law with business building in the way that we are.There are no other organizations who understand the highs and lows of running a small law firm and are engaged in talking to real clients. That is what sets GLM apart from every other organization, and it is why we have had loyal members that have been with us for two-decades.

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