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Friend Forward

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Feb 9, 2023 • 23min

How to Talk to Strangers– A conversation with Ashley Kirsner, Founder of “Skip the Small Talk”

Making new connections can be tough. And quick moments of interaction with strangers aren’t the greatest opportunities to make friends. But let's be real, friendships are the essence of a rich and fulfilling life. So how do we get more intentional and step out of our own way? In this episode, we chat with Ashley Kirsner, Founder of Skip the Small Talk, about constructing intentional spaces for people to come together, explore their comfort zones, and potentially develop relationships. We all start as outsiders seeking community, but with an encouraging pep talk, some self-compassion, and a flexible mindset, strangers can become acquainted. Ashley believes in the efficacy of high-quality person-to-person interaction for improving psychological health. Learn more about her work here and connect with her on Instagram.    I’d love to hear who you want me to chat with next, let me know on Instagram.  You can book a private friendship coaching session here. Book Danielle Bayard Jackson -- friendship expert and educator-- to speak at your event. Join our monthly book club. This month: ”The Measure” is the book.  Lastly, to submit your own "Girl Problems" question, visit our website OR leave Danielle a voice note (this woman loves a good voice note!) on Instagram @daniellebayardjackson. So, you go out, do activities you enjoy, and are still having a hard time finding your tribe. You may start to wonder…Where are all the cool girls at? Is it me? Am I trying too hard? Maybe not hard enough? Bridging the gap between friendly ‘hellos’ to ‘hey, I think you’re really cool and that we could be great friends’ is tough, especially with the ability to revert into the pocket-sized digital abyss just a finger-tap away. Ashley Kirsner, Founder of “Skip the Small Talk”, and Danielle Bayard Jackson, your resident friendship expert, shares some key pointers on how to overcome conversations that may feel anxiety-inducing, to help you enjoy the long-lasting friendships that are waiting on the other side. Be Your Own Hype Woman You know what they say, practice makes perfect. And in this case, the practice extends to the work that you do before you enter the room. Set the tone from the beginning – look in the mirror (or not) and give yourself a real pep talk. Lean into the mental prep work before going out so that the experience doesn't feel like a daunting task to check off of your to-do list. This isn't something that you've got to get through, it's a unique experience that you deserve to be fully present for. And maybe you'll get a few funny stories to share out of it. Nothing is perfect. Not you, not me, and not them. Give yourself some grace. Shower in self-compassion. No interaction will go perfectly smoothly, and that's okay. You may be a little awkward, but 9 times out of 10, so will the person you're talking to. Remaining mindful and aware that nobody knows what to do can ease the stress of keeping up appearances. You're allowed to feel bored, excited, annoyed, or nervous, and you don't need to attack or resolve those feelings right away. Initiate conversations to learn more about yourself, and others. Give Yourself Permission. Deeper interactions are intentional and inherently vulnerable. Sometimes we can get in our own way, confining ourselves into a mindset of what friendship should look like or how it should develop. When meeting new people, allow the conversation to unfold naturally, revealing itself to you. Focus on the process and your actions of engagement more than others. Focusing on yourself gives you, in social-psychological terms, an internal locus of control that can act as a safety blanket in moments of awkward silence or discomfort. Success doesn't have to mean leaving with your soul mate or next BFF. It can be the small wins of continuing to share connections, experiences, and quirky facts with people who are there to listen. You deserve to have amazing, fruitful friendships in your life. Ashley Kirsner, Founder of “Skip the Small Talk”, and Danielle Bayard Jackson, your resident friendship expert hope that you find loads of value from this episode. And don’t forget, #AskHerOutAlready is in full effect. We want to see those pictures and read the stories.
Feb 8, 2023 • 9min

Girl Problems: "Is gossiping really that bad?"

"Girl Problems" is a new segment from the Friend Forward podcast, designed to address the DMs we receive from listeners on Instagram @daniellebayardjackson and @friendforward. If you have a girl problem of your won to submit to resident friendship expert Danielle Bayard Jackson, feel free to visit us on socials, or contact us via our website   Looking for a meaningful friendship experience? Come to our Tampa event on March 4!
Feb 2, 2023 • 15min

4 Reasons We Don't Pursue New Friendships

Pursuing new female friendships may feel like a daunting task for most. The upsides are obvious- expanding your social circle, discovering new interests, and growing as a person. However, for many of us, the fear of rejection and vulnerability can hold us back from reaching out to others and forming new connections.  In this episode, we'll delve into the heart of these fears and explore four common reasons why women are afraid to initiate new friendships. From the fear of being rejected and beyond, we'll offer practical tips and insights to help you overcome these challenges and live your life to the fullest. Whether you're seeking to meet other like-minded women in a new city, are interested in connecting with one of your female colleagues more, or simply looking to expand your social circle, this episode is for you. So listen in so you can secure the courage to #AskHerOutAlready! I’d love to hear who you want me to chat with next, let me know on Instagram.  You can book a private friendship coaching session here. Book Danielle Bayard Jackson -- friendship expert and educator-- to speak at your event. Join our monthly book club. This month: ”The Measure” is the book.  Lastly, to submit your own "Girl Problems" question, visit our website OR leave Danielle a voice note (this woman loves a good voice note!) on Instagram @daniellebayardjackson. In today's episode of the Friend Forward podcast, we explore why women may be hesitant to pursue a friendship with someone they've been curious about. Our resident friendship expert Danielle Bayard Jackson outlines the four main reasons why women may not pursue a friendship. So what are some of the reasons? Not knowing how to initiate a conversation, fear of rejection, the feeling that you’ve put all the signals out so the rest should happen organically, and passivity. One of the main reasons women may find themselves hesitant to pursue a friendship with other women is simply not knowing how to initiate the conversation. To help overcome this, we offer the "movie trailer method." This method involves being specific and providing a preview of the experience, including a chosen time and place, a scene from the experience, and the intended duration. By doing this, women can increase their chances of receiving a positive response. Another reason women may be hesitant to pursue a friendship is fear of rejection. Fear of rejection is normal, but it's important to remember that rejection is a part of life, and it is not a reflection of one's self-worth. To overcome this fear, Danielle Bayard Jackson, resident friendship expert suggests “focusing on the outcome you desire, rather than the fear of rejection.” Another reason women may be hesitant to pursue potential female friendships is they simply believe it's not their job. It takes more than sending her a few social cues and being ‘nice’ to show her you’re interested in a potential friendship. Even in platonic relationships, it’s important to be assertive and clear on your intentions. Chances are, she may be interested in getting to know you better as well but someone has to make the first move. Why not you? If it was going to happen organically, it would have happened by now. Sometimes we just need a little push. Passivity can be a friendship ender before they really start. You may not have a Type-A personality, but showing up for the women in your life and the women you’d like to get to know better by planning activities or proactively extending invitations is important. It goes a long way when women see the effort that a friend or potential friend has put into showing them that they matter. Don’t let her do all the work, take initiative and step up because good friendships take time and effort to cultivate. Pursuing female friendships can be a nerve-wracking experience, but by using the "movie trailer method," focusing on the desired outcome instead of your fear of rejection, being assertive and intentional, you can overcome any hesitation and pursue the friendship you desire. Take our resident friendship expert, Danielle Bayard Jackson up on the new challenge and #AskHerOut Already!
Jan 31, 2023 • 6min

BONUS: A vulnerable (unedited) message for listeners

Resident friendship expert Danielle Bayard Jackson shares an unscripted, unedited, vulnerable message for "Friend Forward" listeners.   Follow along with her and the team at Betterfemalefriendships.comor on Instagram @friendforward.
Jan 31, 2023 • 6min

Girl Problems: "Help, I need bridesmaids!"

In this week's "Girl Problems" segment, we respond to an Instagram DM from a young woman who's realized that if her partner popped the question, she wouldn't have any female friends to include in her wedding party. Listen in as resident friendship expert Danielle Bayard Jackson responds. To those who offered their opinion's on this week's episode via Instagram stories, tune in-- you may hear your feedback included!   Book a personal coaching session at Book Danielle to speak by contacting Sam at Follow Danielle on Instagram at @daniellebayardjackson
Jan 26, 2023 • 25min

“People-pleaser” friends -- An interview with psychotherapist and boundary expert Terri Cole

A ‘people pleaser’ is literally the antithesis of what we all want to be known as. We see how people-pleasers are portrayed in television and film and we cringe at the display of their desire to be accepted and their tendency to somehow, always be available. But it’s often said that the things we most detest in others may be the attributes we wrestle with most knowingly or unknowingly within ourselves. If you know people-pleasing is a struggle for you and you’re tired of being resentful of others based on actions of your own volition, or you know someone who struggles and aren’t quite sure what specific words of wisdom to impart, this episode is for you.  I am joined by Psychotherapist and Author, Terri Cole as she shares insight into what people-pleasing is, the root of the issue, the risks it poses to ourselves and our relationships, and how to stop.  Terri has a passion for helping women liberate themselves with boundaries to break the cycle of overfunctioning. You can check out Terri’s book here, she’d love to connect with you over on Instagram. I’d love to hear who you want me to chat with next, let me know on Instagram.  You can book a private friendship coaching session here. Book Danielle Bayard Jackson -- friendship expert and educator-- to speak at your event. Join our monthly book club. This month “The Measure” is the book.  Lastly to submit your own "Girl Problems" question, visit our website OR leave Danielle a voice note (this woman loves a good voice note!) on Instagram @daniellebayardjackson. What is People Pleasing?  According to Terri, most of us were raised and praised to be self abandoning codependents, to be people pleasers, because this gave us positive feedback in childhood. Being “nice”, self-sacrificing, and putting on a smile for everyone is praised as a virtue and is something that’s particularly expected of and projected onto women and young girls.  However, it’s not a virtue. When people pleasing manifests as chronic, pathological, or compulsive, then it’s dishonest — not just to whoever is receiving it, but also to yourself. What we're really doing is giving the people in our life corrupted information about who we are, what we like, how we feel about things, and all under the guise of being “nice.”  The Risks of People Pleasing Disordered emotional boundaries are the foundation of People Pleasing because it forces us to prioritize the wants, needs, desires, and feelings of others above our own. This doesn't mean we should be rude. It doesn't mean we should be super self-absorbed. But the truth is the only person who can make sure that you get your needs met or that you are seen and known accurately in life, in your friendships, and in the world, is you. How to Stop Being a People Pleaser What you think, what you want, who you actually are, matters. It's the only thing you have in this life that is unique to you. This is what makes you you.  Small changes create sustainable transformation. It's not about immediately being different in your friendships or grabbing a bullhorn and telling everyone there’s a new boundary sheriff in town.  You must take the time to figure out your likes and your dislikes. If you do your Resentment Inventory, you'll see what friendships and relationships need your attention. As Eleanor Roosevelt said: ‘nobody takes advantage of you without your permission.’  If someone thinks that you’re just looking for an argument, share this:  “I’m looking for connection, truth, honesty, mutuality, respect. If you tell me the truth about how you feel, I feel like you respect me. And if you placate me with pleasantries because of your own fear, I feel like that's a compulsive action you're doing for you, but it's not good for the friendship.”
Jan 25, 2023 • 7min

Girl Problems: "How do I manage my feelings of loneliness?"

"Girl Problems" is a new segment of the Friend Forward podcast where we attempt to answer the DMs that you send us on Instagram in five minutes or less. Today's message comes from a woman who is struggling to cope with her loneliness. We hope this helps, "G".   Book a private friendship coaching session. Follow us on Instagram. Book Danielle Bayard Jackson -- friendship expert and educator-- to speak at your event.
Jan 22, 2023 • 15min

Six signs that YOU might be the problem

Sometimes, it's you. In today's episode of the Friend Forward podcast, resident friendship expert Danielle Bayard Jackson offers six reasons why you might be the problem in your current friendship. Popular online content focuses on ways that our friends disappoint us, but what happens when we're the source of stress, confusion, and distance?    If it's time for you to finally share your personal story with Danielle, book a one-on-one coaching session to get support and TANGIBLE strategies to help you through. You can also visit us at to shop for resources, or book Danielle to speak at your next conference/ event.
Jan 18, 2023 • 8min

Girl Problems: "Help-- I think I have TOO many friends..."

What do you do when you've become overwhelmed and overextended? In today's "Girl Problems"-- a new series from the 'Friend Forward' podcast where we answer your personal DMs-- resident friendship coach Danielle Bayard Jackson answers a question about how to recover when you've packed your social calendar to the brim. To submit your own "Girl Problems" question, visit us at OR leave Danielle a voice note (this woman loves a good voice note!) on Instagram @daniellebayardjackson   Book a private friendship session here. Watch Danielle's recent appearance on CBS News here. Book Danielle to speak at your upcoming conference or event here.
Jan 16, 2023 • 13min

Three (charismatic) ways to tell her you want to be friends

What do you do when you want to take a woman from an acquaintance to a friend? In this episode of the Friend Forward Podcast, resident friendship expert Danielle Bayard Jackson is offering three charismatic ways to communicate your (platonic) interest. She'll also share the results of a survey she did online so you can see how OTHER women have probably trying to communicate their interest to YOU. Tune in for the details (and for your weekly homework).   Watch Danielle's viral TikTok about "crushing" on a new potential friend. Book a private friendship coaching session. Join our monthly book club. This month: "The Measure" by Nikki Erlick. Book Danielle to speak at your upcoming conference or event by emailing Sam at

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