Hola mis amigos de negocios! Translation: Hello, my business friends. It's true I've talked and written a lot about the data showing that Facebook Ads have a better CPM and Cost Per Click than LinkedIn for B2B Advertising.
However, it's important for your business to have a consistent LinkedIn presence, and even to take a look at advertising on LinkedIn, especially since the B2B targeting is so strong.
So with LinkedIn having changed their Campaign Manager recently, now is as good a time as any to dive in and show you some of the basics.
Let's get started.
1. How to find LinkedIn Campaign Manager. Open LinkedIn.com and log in. In a separate browser tab, open https://www.linkedin.com/ad-beta/account. This will take you to LinkedIn Campaign Manager.
The first screen you see will generally look something like this...
2. Link Your Campaign Manager Account To Your LinkedIn Company Page
This is not something that LinkedIn does automatically for you. Here's how to do it:
Go to the top right hand corner of your campaign manager and click the gear icon, then "Edit Account Details."
Click, Associate Company Page with your Account, then type in the company page's LinkedIn URL.
3. Can you Manage Multiple LinkedIn Company Page Ad Accounts?
Absolutely. Here's what that looks like:
4. Here's how to add admin privileges to other users to your LinkedIn Ads Account.
First, add them as an admin to your LinkedIn Page
Do this by going to your LinkedIn Page, in my case - https://www.linkedin.com/company/data-driven-design-llc/, and clicking the white button with blue font that says "Manage Page"
Then, go up to the top right of the next page, click "Admin Tools," then "Page Admins" from the dropdown.
Then, type in the new admin's name in the box, click them, and click "Save Changes."
5. Now, you can finally add these admins to your Campaign Manager / Ad Account.
Go back to your ad account - https://www.linkedin.com/ad-beta/accounts, and click the gear icon again, then "Manage Access," then, "Edit," then "+ User Permissions," then type in or PASTE in the URL of the person you want to add as an admin.
6. Now You Can Begin To Run A Campaign by clicking "Create Campaign," "Create Campaign Group," filling out your timeline and budget, then clicking on the "Ads" Tab, and assigning an Ad to a Campaign Group and running either a Text Ad (which is like the equivalent of a Google Adwords Ad except on LinkedIn), Sponsored Content (which is like the equivalent of a boosted Facebook Post / Ad), or Sponsored InMail (which we don't recommend).
After following all of these steps, you and your entire team will be able to have the proper visibility into the performance of the ads, the ability to review the data, see what's working and make adjustments.