The title slide is wrong on this video folks, it is Data Driven Daily Tip #324, and we're talking Facebook Offline Events with Casey Carroll of Action Ad Agency.
In addition to the alliteration in our company name, Casey and I have a lot in common. As you can see from the Steve Largent jersey hanging in the background, he is also an NFL fan (Seattle Seahawks to be exact), and he knows Facebook Ads like no other.
In fact, he specializes only in Facebook Ads.
In this podcast, we talk about Facebook Offline Events, the Facebook Attribution Tool, what the minimum monthly budget should be for any business looking to run Facebook Ads, and much, much more.
Thanks to Casey for being a part of the Data Driven Daily Tip Show.
So let's get right into it...
What Exactly Are Facebook Offline Events?
Let's say you have a physical location where you do business. Like a retail store, convenience store, coffee/drink franchise, or car dealership, for example, and you may or may not have a way of collecting customer information, like a loyalty program, or a point of sale system (all businesses have this by the way).
Facebook Offline Events actually allow you to retroactively upload lists of customers that have purchased from you, and get real data around which Facebook Ads you've run that they have seen.
Let me explain this again. You can run Facebook Ads, and then track exactly which creative, imagery, headlines, body copy, calls to action, etc. drove the most actual sales at your offline store.
You do this by having us or your digital agency, set up Facebook Offline Events. Or, you can do it yourself with a little help from this article.
In this podcast, Casey and I also talk about the Facebook Attribution Tool.
What Is The Facebook Attribution Tool?
Attribution is something I've written quite a lot about related to Google Adwords, but now Facebook has made their Attribution Tool available to marketers.
Essentially the Facebook Attribution Tool is a way of understanding which of your ads are driving action, but it allows you to assign conversion credit to marketing touchpoints along the consumer journey, on and off Facebook, to understand what's really driving your business outcomes.
It also allows you to track conversion paths that happen across multiple devices and easily view performance by channel – paid or organic – and publisher to see what's driving your conversions.