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Stronger Marriage Connection

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May 1, 2023 • 39min

Overcoming Sexual Struggles in Marriage | Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife | #35

On today’s episode, Dr. Dave and Dr. Liz talk with Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife abouthealthy sexuality and why many struggle in this area. She also discusses how to develop the capacity for deeper emotional and sexual intimacy. She shares the number one goal she has for people who visit with her and her practice. Timestamps: 0:00 – Introduction: Who is Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife2:53 – Where do you begin in your sexuality coaching with clients?3:18 – Time, sex, and money are the top three issues for newlywed couples6:10 – Marriage is a divine institution7:07 – Top insights from studies and dissertation9:40 – The number one goal is increasing people’s ability to have joy11:49 – No other relationship matters like the one right in front of me13:30 – Marriage struggles are not a problem, but a process14:30 – The perfect storm16:19 – Controlling in the marriage18:28 – What can I do to help?19:16 – There is nothing strange with differences in couples20:50 – Finding more space and respect21:35 – We love strength in people22:43 – Perfectionism is a terror that humanity will expose us as unlovable25:03 – Superwoman complex26:57 – Recognize when you are stressed or anxious28:53 – We don’t get to choose if we experience anxiety31:11 – Being willing to face truth through the looking glass of marriage32:33 – Where to go for more information from Jennifer33:26 – Takeaways About Dr. Finlayson-Fife:Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife is an LDS relationship and sexuality coach with a Ph.D. inCounseling Psychology. Her teaching and coaching focus on helping LDS individualsand couples achieve greater satisfaction and passion in their emotional and sexualrelationships. In addition to her private practice, Dr. Finlayson-Fife has created five empowering and highly reviewed online courses. Each course was designed to give LDS individuals and couples the tools requisite to creating healthier lives and stronger intimate relationships. Dr. Finlayson-Fife also offers many workshops and retreats where she teaches these life-changing principles in person. Dr. Finlayson-Fife is a frequent guest on LDS-themed podcasts about sexuality, relationships, mental health, and faith. She is also the creator and host of Room for Two, a popular sex and intimacy coaching podcast. Insights: Dave: Time, sex, and money are the top three issues for newlywed couples. Relationshiphappiness is often at stake with all of this. Liz: If I can’t say no, then I am not free to say yes. Dr. Finlayson-Fife: All unnecessary suffering is a part of avoiding necessary suffering. Suffering is a part of life. Decide to step into purposeful discomfort, purposeful suffering, to become stronger. Invites:    •    Make sure you can take a step back when you are following a negative pattern, askyourself, what role you have in the pattern? How are you feeding it?   •    In the chaos, uncertainty, and anxiety of life, push for what is true. Trust the process and the honesty in your marriage, it will show you what you need to know to be stronger.   •    None of us chooses whether we experience anxiety, we only get to choose whether its productive or unproductive. Dr. Finlayson-Fife Links:https://www.finlayson-fife.com   Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways: Facebook: StrongerMarriage.orgInstagram: @strongermarriagelifeTikTok: @strongermarriagelife Dr. Dave Schramm: Facebook: Facebook Marriage Group: Facebook Parenting Group:   Dr. Liz Hale: See our website for privacy information.
Apr 24, 2023 • 41min

Love & Constructive Conflict | Dr. Chad Ford | #34

On today’s episode of the stronger marriage connection, Dr. Dave and Dr. Liz sitdown with Chad Ford, author of the book Dangerous Love, to discuss some tips and tools about how we can change the conflict patterns within our relationships. Timestamps: 0:00 – Introduction: Who is Chad Ford?2:50 – What is dangerous love?4:57 – Dangerous love demands fearlessness; choosing love over fear6:16 – Fearlessness is being vulnerable without guarantee that your partner will be too8:49 – Nothing about conflict will change until we change11:10 – “Us-preservation” instead of self-preservation14:52 – You don’t have to agree to come up with a solution that works for the both of you17:15 – Dangerous love is meeting people where they’re at & finding a way forward together19:06 – Conflict doesn't happen to us; we’re part of a pattern in conflict21:25 – Conflict doesn’t have to be destructive; great relationships include conflict23:06 – Change without guarantee that your partner is going to change25:58 – Turn to see your partner because it’s the right thing to do27:50 – If I were to give my whole heart to my partner, what would it occur to me to do?29:04 – Fear is what keep us from giving our whole hearts32:32 – Fairness and connectedness are not the same thing33:58 – In a great marriage is harmony; you can’t harmonize with yourself35:44 – Chad’s takeaway: conflict isn’t impossible, there's always something you can do36:24 – Liz’s takeaway: we need each other in growing and developing and embracing conflict37:00 – Dave’s takeaway: slowing down to see things from their perspective createsvulnerability, compassion, and this new awareness. About Chad Ford: Chad Ford has been living five lives simultaneously for nearly 20 years. He’s been aninternational conflict mediator, a college professor, a senior consultant and facilitator for the Arbinger Institute, an executive board member for PeacePlayers and a writer, analyst and entrepreneur covering the NBA and NBA Draft for ESPN. After completing a Master’s degree in conflict analysis and resolution from George Mason University and a Juris Doctorate from Georgetown University Law School in 2000, Chad was poised to begin his career as a conflict mediator and facilitator. At BYU-Hawaii, Chad created a major and certificate program in intercultural peacebuilding, mediation and facilitation. Chad and his wife Amanda, who teaches courses in family conflict transformation and mindfulness, have worked with thousands of students from over 90 countries in the world. Chad’s work has earned him Professor of the Year honors at BYU-Hawaii and made Intercultural Peacebuilding one of the most popular programs on campus. Insights: Chad: If I want something to change, it starts with me.Dave: Heed and answer to that inner call to connect.Liz: Marriage is the ultimate self improvement project. Invites:    ●    Instead of waiting for your partner to change, recognize the part you play in conflict and seek to change it without any guarantee that your partner will do the same. You mayfind that your partner’s response to your change is exactly what you hoped.   ●    Examine whether there is contempt in your relationship. If you “horibilize” your partner by objectifying them and only seeing their faults and their weaknesses, you might be guilty of contempt.   ●    As yourself, “ If I were to give my whole heart to my partner, what would it occur to me to do?”. Be still and then heed that inner call to connect. Chad Ford Links: - - -   Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways: Facebook: StrongerMarriage.orgInstagram: @strongermarriagelifeTikTok: @strongermarriagelife Dr. Dave Schramm: Facebook: Facebook Marriage Group: Facebook Parenting Group:   Dr. Liz Hale: See our website for privacy information.
Apr 17, 2023 • 40min

Mindfulness in Marriage| Dr. Jacob Hess | #33

Today’s conversation is one you don’t want to miss! Listen in to the StrongerMarriage Connection as Dave and Liz sit down with Dr. Jacob Hess, a master of mindfulness, to discuss the realities of love and romance & what is hijacking relationships today. TimeStamps: 0:00 – Introduction: Who is Dr. Jacob Hess?2:36 – What is hijacking relationships & causing couples to drift apart?4:52 – The narratives of romance - how things are “supposed” to be6:56 – What is the reality of romance?9:30 – People look to their romantic partner to somehow meet all of their needs11:26 – Allow your relationships to be human and allow your partner to be a human being14:27 – See your partner as they are, rather than how they’re supposed to be16:46 – The relationship hijack of self-absorption18:46 – Whole soul romance: when someone loves your mind & heart, not just how they feelaround you20:46 – Micro moments of love22:31 – Small things over time create a new kind of momentum for the relationship to grow24:25 – Honing the ability to show love generally, but especially to our partner26:56 – Infatuation & fireworks draw people together, committed & enduring love keeps themtogether29:31 – The difference between loving a person and loving a particular idea about love31:07 – Follow the peace, not the passion33:17 – Every marriage has waves, learn to surf them instead of fight them34:25 – Jacob’s takeaway of the day: Instead of constantly forcing a story on everybody around,let each moment with somebody be new. Let people breathe.35:16 – Liz’s takeaway: Tranquil affection - loving with great warmth & affection35:50 – Dave’s takeaway: Take something ordinary in your relationship and make it extraordinary About Jacob Hess: Jacob Hess is the author of 14 peer-reviewed studies on competing narratives of difficult health and social issues, as well as a book on what’s hijacking romance, “Once Upon a Time...He Wasn’t Feeling It Anymore, and two others: “The Power of Stillness: Mindful Living for Latter-Day Saints” with Carrie Skarda, Kyle Anderson and Ty Mansfield. And with his Marxist-Atheist friend Phil Neisser, Dean of the State University of New York, “You’re Not as Crazy as I Thought, But You’re Still Wrong.” Jacob is a former board member of the National Coalition of Dialogue & Deliberation, and writes for Deseret News and Public Square Magazine about making space for thoughtful, good-hearted people to find understanding (and affection) while exploring together the deepest of disagreements. Jacob has taught Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and helped create online mindfulness-based recovery programs for depression/anxiety (Lift) and sexual compulsivity (Fortify) that have reached 200K in 155 countries. He is currently working with Impact Suite on a mental health fitbit and with The Council for Sustainable Healing on ways to encourage families to build a healing sanctuary at home to counteract depression and anxiety. Jacob is a happy father of five, partner of one amazing gal – and mediocre goatherd. Insights: Jacob: There's something about being in the presence of someone who you feel, not only their full attention, but you feel held in their affection too. Dave: There are little micro moments in life and in our marriages that we can't let pass by. Liz: We have to understand love. We must know what love is in order to receive it and give it. Invites:    ●    How you greet your spouse matters. Make your partner feel special by conveying your excitement at seeing them when they come home after a long day at work or after being apart for a few days. This will surprise your partner and make them feel loved.   ●    Examine what narratives of romance you consciously or unconsciously expect from your relationship. Try asking yourself some of these hard questions and answer honestly.What do you really want to love? Has this story of romance seduced you so far thatyou're willing to toss this person aside as some barrier on your pathway to your grandfulfillment? Or could it be that the very person in front of you, this human being that hastheir own challenges, could be the pathway to deeper love?   ●    Take the ordinary things in your relationships and make them extraordinary. Do this by giving your partner an impromptu five second hug or leaving them a note saying howmuch you appreciate them. Even the mundane parts of life can be turned into momentsof connection. Dr. Jacob Hess Links:-   Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways: Facebook: StrongerMarriage.orgInstagram: @strongermarriagelifeTikTok: @strongermarriagelife Dr. Dave Schramm: Facebook: Facebook Marriage Group: Facebook Parenting Group:   Dr. Liz Hale:    Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways: Facebook: StrongerMarriage.orgInstagram: @strongermarriagelifeTikTok: @strongermarriagelife Dr. Dave Schramm: Facebook: Facebook Marriage Group: Facebook Parenting Group:   Dr. Liz Hale: See our website for privacy information.
Apr 10, 2023 • 40min

Safe Conversations | Clay & Sonja Arnold | #32

On today’s episode, Dave and Liz are joined by Clay and Sonja Arnold, relationalcoaches and communication experts, to discuss safe conversations - what they are and how couples can use them to decrease negativity and foster more connection in their relationships. Timestamps: 0:00 – Introduction: Who are Sonja & Clay Arnold?2:23 – What exactly is a safe conversation & how did it get started?4:56 – Sentence Stems - phrases used to keep us from triggering negative responses6:09 – “Is there more about that?”8:28 – Make an appointment to talk with your partner first; ask “is now a good time to talkabout [blank]”11:03 – Why is effectively listening to our partner so difficult to do?14:04 – Couples should strive for zero negativity in their conversations16:25 – Owning your mistakes & making repairs quickly19:05 – Address the negativity in your relationship; don’t ignore it because it’ll just stack up22:33 – Imago Therapy - what it is & how it affects who we choose to marry24:56 – If our spouse grows, we grow26:48 – Conflict is growth waiting to happen29:01 – Don’t ever stop having fun with your partner31:37 – Empathy is about trying to connect with your partner & find out what they’re feeling33:26 – Always be willing to learn35:15 – Sonja’s takeaway: Don’t feel like you're lacking because of your struggles. Don’t struggleby yourself. Reach out. Don’t go it alone.35:39 – Clay’s takeaway: Be willing to learn and grow individually and in your relationship36:10 – Liz’s takeaway: Ask your partner if it’s a good time to talk about something and thenstart with a compliment36:50 – Dave’s takeaway: Own your bad - your behavior, your attitude, and your drama About Sonja & Clay Arnold:Relational coaches for 22 years, Sonja and Clay have worked with individuals, families and couples around the world. Theirs is an integrative, neuroscience-based approach for life planning and inter-personal growth for relationships of all kinds. They offer workshops and consultations with clients including business and religious leaders, coaches and therapists, medical professionals and more - the strategy being that by providing skills to one person, a ripple effect will occur as people practice the skills in their work lives, congregations, families and communities. Sonja and Clay have been married for 43 years and have 4 grown children and 5 grandkids. They live with their grand dogs in Arlington, Texas. Certifications include: Safe Conversations® Senior Trainers, Life Coaching Institute Senior Trainers, Tony Robbins Mastery University graduates, Amen Clinics Brain Health and the Well Life Coaching Certification. Sonja graduated with a degree in Education/Deaf Education and Clay in Communications/Pastoral Counseling. Insights: Sonja: Conflict is growth waiting to happen.Clay: We have to feel safe enough to connect in order to really communicate.Dave: You don't necessarily avoid conflict but you bring things up and handle them incompassionate ways. Watch your temper, your tongue, and your tone.Liz: Some things we experience in marriage are really painful and I wish we could X them out. But perhaps then, we'd missed the magic and the meaning and the growth. Invites:    ●    Before starting an important conversation with your partner, ask if it’s a good time first. You could say, “is now a good time to talk about [blank]?”. If they say it’s not a goodtime, schedule another time in the near future to have that conversation when he or sheis ready.   ●    Create a code word to use when things start to get negative in a conversation between you and your partner. Clay and Sonja Arnold use the word “marshmallow” to signal when either of them is feeling triggered and something needs to change. Talk with your partner about a phrase that could work for you.    ●    Don’t forget to have fun with your partner. Keep dating them long after you’re married. This nurtures the space between you and creates more enjoyment in your life together. Sonja & Clay Arnold Links:   Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways: Facebook: StrongerMarriage.orgInstagram: @strongermarriagelifeTikTok: @strongermarriagelife Dr. Dave Schramm: Facebook: Facebook Marriage Group: Facebook Parenting Group:   Dr. Liz Hale: See our website for privacy information.
Apr 3, 2023 • 41min

Relationship Resilience After Betrayal Trauma | Geoff Steurer | #31

Listen in as Dr. Dave and Dr. Liz invite back to the show Geoff Steurer, specialist onbetrayal trauma, to talk about how couples can bounce back and move forward after trust is broken in the relationship. If you or someone you know is experiencing betrayal trauma, this is an episode you don’t want to miss! Timestamps: 0:00 – Introduction: Who is Dr. Geoff Steurer?3:00 – What is betrayal trauma?5:35 – Most people initially stay with their partner after being betrayed7:49 – Quick trust does not exist, you can’t quickly trust somebody9:56 – Both the hurt partner and the betrayer are on their own paths of recovery11:26 – The marriage goes through a recovery process too13:55 – Tearing yourself down does not help you & it doesn’t help who you’ve hurt15:58 – Recovery means being willing to talk about the betrayal17:00 – People can change; there is healing on the other side of betrayal trauma20:15 – Coming clean versus being found out - how it affects the recovery process22:13 – There are no quick fixes when it comes to betrayal & emotion & connection24:50 – Engage in healing; you'll feel better eventually doing the healing work26:48 – What is the role of parents whose adult child is experiencing betrayal trauma?29:19 – A message to those who are on the edge of betraying their partner31:06 – Let’s not be afraid to talk about attraction and chemistry33:16 – Make sure there's not enough space between you and your partner for someone else36:21 – Geoff’s takeaway: there's nothing, in terms of your emotions and experiences and feelings and needs, that your marriage can't handle37:09 – Liz’s takeaway: People have the tools, talents, resources, and abilities to handlesomething as excruciatingly painful as betrayal37:39 – Dave’s takeaway: Be very mindful and intentional in your relationship Insights: Dave: When both partners are committed to doing the work, it brings hope into the relationship Liz: Good people make mistakes, good people betray Geoff: The structure and institution of marriage is sturdy and stable and it’s big enough to hold all of our fears, worries, insecurities, temptations and struggles Invites:    ●   If you find yourself flirting or looking forward to interacting with someone of theopposite sex, get honest with yourself and your partner about it. Don’t be afraid to talkabout attraction.   ●    Keep it a little awkward with people you could be attracted to. Keep that distance there and don’t build so much familiarity.   ●    If someone you love is going through betrayal trauma, get educated and understand the process. Learn how to keep your own emotional balance and know what to say/what not to say. “You don't want to become a piece of debris in somebody else's tornado”. About Geoff Steurer: Geoff Steurer has a passionate commitment to helping couples rebuild theirrelationships from crisis to connection. He specializes in helping couples and individualsaffected by the trauma of sexual betrayal. He understands how exhilarating and stressfulmarriage can be and works hard at his own marriage. His goal is to show couples how his work will pay off in their own lives. Steurer specializes in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, treating pornography and sexual addictions, infidelity, men's issues, anxiety, depression, anger management, and family therapy. He is the co-author of "Love You, Hate the Porn", creator of the "Trust Building Bootcamp", host of the podcast, "From Crisis to Connection", and author of a weekly online Q&A column. Geoff Steurer Links: Geoff's Website Couples Counseling Geoff Steurer Podcast Facebook Instagram    Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways: Facebook: StrongerMarriage.orgInstagram: @strongermarriagelifeTikTok: @strongermarriagelife Dr. Dave Schramm: Facebook: Facebook Marriage Group: Facebook Parenting Group:   Dr. Liz Hale: our website for privacy information.
Mar 27, 2023 • 41min

Tackling Money in Marriage | Taylor & Megan Kovar | #30

On today’s episode of the stronger marriage connection, Dave and Liz sit down withTaylor and Megan Kovar, also known as the money couple, to share the strategies and resources they offer couples in handling money in marriage. Listen in to find out what you can do to avoid financial infidelity and create financial freedom today! About Taylor & Megan Kovar: The Kovar's have been branded as the Money Couple since 2020 after realizing one of the biggest woes couples were having involved money management. With professional money management skills, the Kovars provide resources on budgeting groceries, birthday parties, all the way to retirement. In the past three years, the Kovars have developed awesome pages and platforms: 5 Money Personalities, Financial Infidelity, The Millionaire Marriage Podcast, The Money Couple blog and many other couples’ courses. Through trial and error, the Kovars have developed the right ways to achieve financial freedom, putting family first and enjoying life. Insights: Taylor: It takes work and some education, but I think no matter what your income level, you can achieve some of that peace that comes with financial freedom. Megan: One of the things you need to know about yourself is your money personality, because you just don't realize how that affects so many different aspects of your personality as a whole. Dave: Just because we have money differences, doesn't mean that we can't make it work. It's about understanding, having compassion, simple awareness and trying to see things from our partner/spouses perspective. Liz: Is financial infidelity worth the loss and hurt of intimacy? Invites:    ●    Make your finances a priority. Pick a time with your spouse to sit down and discuss your finances. Stick it on the calendar and then stick to it.    ●    Get educated! Discover your money personality by taking the free assessment and then ask your partner to take it as well. Take another assessment to find out if there'sfinancial infidelity in your relationship and at what level.    ●    Seek out good mentors, people that are going to speak truth into your life. Don’t just surround yourself with “yes men”. Sometimes we don’t see what we need to work on. Taylor & Megan Kovar Links:   Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways: Facebook: StrongerMarriage.orgInstagram: @strongermarriagelifeTikTok: @strongermarriagelife Dr. Dave Schramm: Facebook: Facebook Marriage Group: Facebook Parenting Group:   Dr. Liz Hale: See for privacy information.
Mar 20, 2023 • 44min

Becoming A Smart Step Family | Ron Deal | #29

On today’s episode of the stronger marriage connection, Dr. Dave and Dr. Liz sitdown with author and expert on blended families, Ron L. Deal, to bring you the leading research, tips and tools about how to create successful step family relationships. If you are navigating remarriage and/or blending a family unit, join the conversation and learn what may help you on your journey! About Ron Deal:Ron L. Deal is one of the most widely read and viewed experts on blended families in the country. He is the director of FamilyLife Blended® for FamilyLife®, founder of Smart Stepfamilies™, and the author and consulting editor of the Smart Stepfamily Series of books including the bestselling Building Love Together in Blended Families: The 5 Love Languages® and Becoming Stepfamily Smart (with Dr. Gary Chapman), The Smart Stepfamily: 7 Steps to a Healthy Family, and Preparing to Blend. Ron is a licensed marriage and family therapist, popularconference speaker, and host of the FamilyLife Blended podcast. He and his wife, Nan, have three sons and live in Little Rock, Arkansas. Learn more at Insights:Ron: Humble people who can make changes over time will deepen trust and intimacy in their relationship.Dave: The process of family blending takes patience and time and understanding and love and kindness. Like an extra double dose of all of that.Liz: All couples have struggles, but remarriages and stepfamilies have some unique struggles and challenges. Invites:   ●    If you are a dating parent, engage your kids in "what if" conversations. You could ask, “what if dad started dating again?” or “this guy has kids of his own, how would you feel if mom were to date him?”. This will help you make better decisions about when and where to introduce your kids to the person you’re dating.   ●    Practice chasing the pain, as Ron Deal mentioned. Next time you are triggered by something your partner does, ask yourself “what is this telling me?” or “what is going on inside me and is there a better way for me to handle this feeling than I have in the past?”. Don't let the past invade your present.   ●    Visit to discover more resources about step families and remarriage. Then share the website and what you learned with people you know who are in stepfamily relationships and would benefit from Ron Deal’s work. Ron Deal Links:- - Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways: Facebook: StrongerMarriage.orgInstagram: @strongermarriagelifeTikTok: @strongermarriagelife Dr. Dave Schramm: Facebook: Facebook Marriage Group: Facebook Parenting Group:   Dr. Liz Hale: See for privacy information.
Mar 13, 2023 • 39min

Embracing Regrets | Dr. Dave & Dr. Liz | #28

Join ourn host Dr. Dave Schramm and Dr. Liz Hale as they discuss how to embrace regret and learn from the past. Insights:Do not let regrets bog us down. They can be a reminder into who we are becoming and how we are learning and growing in our relationships. Living a life filled with shame and guilt is not a productive way to live, but by acknowledging and seeking understanding of your regrets you can develop a greater feeling of peace and happiness in your marriage. Invites:   ●   Sit down with your partner and have a conversation about regrets. See what your         partner regrets and share what you may regret.   ●    Practice identifying your regrets as a foundation, boldness, moral or connection               regret in your journal.   ●    Visit the world regret survey and see what regrets people in your area are                         experiencing. Find peace and connection through seeing the regrets that others               around you may have. Recognize that you are not alone in your regrets. Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways: Facebook: StrongerMarriage.orgInstagram: @strongermarriagelifeTikTok: @strongermarriagelife Dr. Dave Schramm: Facebook: Facebook Marriage Group: Facebook Parenting Group:   Dr. Liz Hale: See for privacy information.
Mar 6, 2023 • 44min

Unconditional Love In Marriage | Dr. Greg Baer | #27

Dr. Dave and Dr. Liz Take a deep dive into the topic of unconditional love in marriage with Dr. Greg Baer. Greg shares principles and insights about real love, how it can transform your marriage and parenting. Giving 5 steps to real love. About Greg Baer: For 20 years, Greg Baer was a successful surgeon, teacher, civic leader, and entrepreneur. Despite all these things, Greg didn’t feel happy. In his search for happiness, he learned principles that has changed the lives of thousands. Dr. Baer retired from one of the busiest solo eye surgery practices in the U.S. and began a new career of writing, teaching, and speaking. He has written 18 books about relationships, marriage and parenting and produced all kinds of other trainings. Insights: Dr. Greg Baer: Unconditional love, or what I call real love is the key element to a strongermarriage connection. Dr. Dave: Choose to be a first responder or a nuclear reactor when we feel stress within our relationships. Dr. Liz: It’s all about pain, pain makes us insane, it makes us do things we wouldn’t normally dowhen we are filled with love Invites:    •    Don’t be satisfied with your marriage being just “Okay”   •    Go through the five steps of achieving unconditional love   •    Practice telling the truth about yourself before expecting the truth from others Greg Baer Links: Books: Real Love: The Truth About Finding Unconditional Love & Fulling Relationships Real Love in Marriage: The Truth About Finding Genuine Happiness Now & Forever Real Love in Parenting: Nine Simple & Powerful Effective Principles for Raising Happy & Responsible Children: Real Love Companion: Taking Steps Toward a Loving & Happy Life Real Love in Dating: The truth About Finding The Perfect Partner   Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways: Facebook: StrongerMarriage.orgInstagram: @strongermarriagelifeTikTok: @strongermarriagelife Dr. Dave Schramm: Facebook: Facebook Marriage Group: Facebook Parenting Group:   Dr. Liz Hale: See for privacy information.
Feb 27, 2023 • 41min

Tips For A Better Sex Life in Marriage | Dan Purcell | #26

Join Dr. Dave and Dr. Liz today in talking about sexual intimacy within yourrelationship, where they welcome on special guest Dan Purcell. Dan talks with us about the importance of keeping our relationships close and connected. Sharing some great tips to help couples navigate this important topic and offering some excellent resources for you to learn more. About: Dan and his wife Emily Purcell are the founders of Get Your Marriage On! Their marriage went through a bit of a renaissance a few years ago and wanted to share what they learned with other couples. They created a fun & sexy bedroom game app called Intimately Us that has been downloaded over 300,000 times. They put on events and retreats for couples. Dan is the host of the Get Your Marriage On! podcast. Dan also coaches others on marriage & intimacy. Dan and Emily have been married for over 19 years and have 6 kids. Dan loves cracking dad jokes, running marathons, planning the next creative date night with his sweetheart, and enjoys the magnificent outdoors around their St George home. Insights: Dan: Make your spouse number one, investing in our relationships will bring us the biggest return on happiness. Dave: Taking a deeper approach that is more intimate and can be so powerful, rather than superficial. Liz: What can I do today to make my spouses life more worth living? Invites:   •     Slow things down – take time to work on intimacy with your significant other, thingswont just come naturally, they will take time and effort.   •    Download the app, “Intimately Us” and follow @getyourmarriageon on Instagram.   •    Make your spouse your number one, investigate your relationship and find what makesyou both the happiest. Dan Purcell Links:   Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways: Facebook: StrongerMarriage.orgInstagram: @strongermarriagelifeTikTok: @strongermarriagelife Dr. Dave Schramm: Facebook: Facebook Marriage Group: Facebook Parenting Group:   Dr. Liz Hale: See for privacy information.

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