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Stronger Marriage Connection

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Dec 12, 2022 • 36min

How to Counter Common Marriage Myths | Richard and Linda Eyre | #15

In today’s episode, Richard and Linda Eyre discuss their latest book, The 8 Myths of Marriaging; enlightening relationship truths that dispelling common myths that can harm marital connection. Join the conversation and see how you can strengthen your marital connection by dismissing these myths. About Richard & Linda:Richard and Linda Eyre are the parents of nine children and are among the most popularspeakers in the world on parenting and families. They have presented in more than 45 countries and are New York Times best-selling authors of numerous books on parenting, couples, and families. They have been frequent guests on national network shows such as Oprah, The Today Show, Prime Time Live, 60 Minuets, Good Morning America and more. Their parenting website,, provides ideas, guidance, and creative programs for families throughout the world. Richard and Linda Links:https://valuesparenting.com 8 Myths of Marriaging book link Insights:Dave: Give more and do not keep score within your relationship.Liz: We are powerful, we have the power to hurt or to help our partners.Richard: Commitment, make it total, make it eternal.Linda: Love it, feel the joy of your relationship. Remember that you’re having fun and it is a joyful experience to be committed to someone. Invites:1. Plan a weekly marriage meeting with your partner. Text them right now to plan a timeyou can both sit down each week and connect on what needs improvement.2. Read the 8 Myths of Marriaging book to find out the other three myths of marriaging and how you can safeguard your relationship.3. Take time out for your relationship and enroll in Richard and Linda’s course forparenting and marriaging. Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways:StrongerMarriage.orgpodcast.strongermarriage.orgFacebook: StrongerMarriage.orgInstagram: @strongermarriagelifeTikTok: @strongermarriagelife Dr. Dave Schramm:https://drdaveschramm.comhttps://drdavespeaks.comFacebook: Marriage Group: Parenting Group: Dr. Liz Hale: See for privacy information.
Dec 5, 2022 • 36min

How to Navigate The Holidays After Betrayal | Dr. Jill Manning | #14

Betrayal during the holiday season can cause feelings of joy and celebration to turn sour. However, there is hope. Dr. Jill Manning joins Liz to share her expertise in navigating the holidays after betrayal. Get cozy and tune in for a recipe for holiday healing. About Dr. Jill Manning: Dr. Jill Manning is a licensed marriage and family therapist who specializes in working with individuals who have been sexually betrayed through infidelity or compulsive sexual behavior. For over two decades, her work has been featured in numerous peer-reviewed research journals, television programs, documentaries, radio shows, podcasts, and magazine articles, including The Oprah Magazine. While serving as a Social Science Fellow at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C., she was invited to testify as an expert before a US Senate sub-committee about the harms of pornography on the family. She is the author of “What’s the Big Deal about Pornography: A Guide for the Internet Generation” and has spoken out on the harms of pornography on college campuses around the country, including Princeton, Yale, Harvard, and Notre Dame. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for The Institute for Mental Health Professional Standards based in Denver. A native of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, shecurrently lives in Colorado with her husband and two daughters. Links: @drjillmanning To increase access to betrayal-trauma-specific resources, Dr. Manning produces digital downloads that allow therapists, coaches, and individuals all over the world to integrate high-quality and affordable digital resources into their professional work with betrayed clients or their own self-care efforts. Dr. Manning provided us with some of these pdfs but asked that we refer our guests to her site at the linkbelow: Digital downloads, including several free printables, may be found at: Insights: Dr. Jill Manning: There is hope after betrayal. Invites: Think of one holiday tradition or practice that brings you meaning and helps you feel connected and choose two holiday traditions to let go of for the time while you are healing. Start small and customize your self-care by body mapping. Visualize your body head to toe, and ask yourself how is stress manifesting itself in your body? Go through the list and develop a self-care task to address each stress reaction. Download the CALM app and try one guided meditation.   Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways: Facebook: StrongerMarriage.orgInstagram: @strongermarriagelifeTikTok: @strongermarriagelife Dr. Dave Schramm: Facebook: Facebook Marriage Group: Facebook Parenting Group:   Dr. Liz Hale:   See for privacy information.
Nov 28, 2022 • 50min

A New Perspective on Pornography | Dr. Cameron Staley | #13

In today’s episode, Dr. Staley discusses how to develop purpose in life during and after compulsive sexual behavior usage, AKA pornography. Join us today as we discuss strategies of hope in recovery for spouses, parents and viewers of pornography, *Trigger warning* Today’s episode dives into a discussion about the harmful effects of pornography on oneself and the marriage connection. We recognize this topic is sensitive for many and can be triggering for some. We also recognize that professional scholars have differing perspectives when it comes to pornography, or even using the term addiction. Our interview with Dr. Staley is one perspective on pornography and we hope today’s episode will provide you with helpful insights on this issue.  About Cameron Staley: Dr. Cameron Staley is a clinical psychologist who is passionate about helping individuals improve their mental and sexual health. In his TEDX talk, Changing the Narrative Around the Addiction Story, Cameron shares details from his research and counseling experience regarding helpful ways to talk about sexuality and how to effectively reduce unwanted pornography viewing through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). To make these principles more accessible to those who are struggling with pornography, he developed the Life After Pornography online program and the Life After Pornography Coach app. Cameron also provides online counseling services to residents of Utah and Idaho and coaching services for individuals seeking additional support in applying the mental and sexual health principles found in the Life After Series programs.   Links: The Life After Series Life After Pornography App:   Insights: Dave: Feel it but don’t follow it –intentionally choosing to not follow the urge. Dave illustrates that pornography users have the ability to overcome the urge and empower themselves to fight harmful behaviors. Liz: Though compulsive sexual behavior is so prevalent hope for healing is still available. Cameron: The things that matter most are just on the other side of discomfort. Putting forth the effort to be uncomfortable and progress will lead to a world of happiness.  Invites:    1.   For Parents: Open the lines of communication with your children. When you witness pornography in your home open up a conversation with your children immediately about what they say, how it made them feel, and why the producers of that content decided to use that marketing strategy.    2.   If you haven’t talked to your partner about pornography, find a time to do so. Sit down and ask about their experience with pornography and how it has affected their lives. Discuss your own experience with pornography.    3.   If you are seeking recovery and hope, download the Life After Pornography app or find counseling with Dr. Staley or a professional near you. Hope is available through intentionality, take the time to be intentional by seeking long-term emotional intelligence over short-term satisfaction.    Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways: Facebook: Instagram: @strongermarriagelife TikTok: @strongermarriagelife   Dr. Dave Schramm: Facebook: Facebook Marriage Group: Facebook Parenting Group:   Dr. Liz Hale: See for privacy information.
Nov 21, 2022 • 35min

What Happened To Our Connection | Dave Schramm and Liz Hale | #12

People are more important than problems. In this week’s episode, Dr. Dave and Dr. Liz dive into the deep end of the relationship pool. Using the metaphor of a swimming pool, they discuss the importance of maintenance and consistently adding cups of connection. They share 8“D’s of Disconnection”-how to become more aware of these threats to couple connection and how to tackle them with intentionality.  Insights:Dave: Remember to be more intentional, think about those things you need to work on and be mindfully aware. Don’t go automatic, be aware of the things that are taking away from your connection. Liz: Put people over your problems, remember what is important. Invites:    -   Talk with your partner about your current relationship pool, what needs maintenance? How can you add more cups of connection?   -   Go over each “D of Disconnection” and discuss where you need work and make note of the places you are doing well.    -   Be mindful in the things you are doing as a couple, stay intentional and remember to put people over the problem.   Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways:StrongerMarriage.orgpodcast.strongermarriage.orgFacebook: StrongerMarriage.orgInstagram: @strongermarriagelife Dr. Dave Schramm: https://drdaveschramm.comhttps://drdavespeaks.comFacebook: Marriage Group: Parenting Group: Liz Hale: See for privacy information.
Nov 14, 2022 • 57min

A Better You Makes a Better Marriage | Casey & Meygan Caston | #11

Couple named least likely to succeed in marriage, Casey & Meygan share their success story with Dave and Liz on this week’s episode of Strong Marriage Connection. Tune in to hear more about Marriage365,COVID’s impacts on marriage, and practical things you can do to improve your marriage. If you want to make a better marriage, make a better you. About Casey & Meygan: Casey and Meygan Castonwere the couple least likely to succeed in their marriage. After meeting in college, they fell in love fast and then said I do. But after only three years, they were headed straight for divorce. Their relationship had fallen apart. Communication was lost.Sex was non-existent. Their finances crumbled in the midst of the chaos and the worst part? They placed blame on each other for their bad marriage. But one thing they did agree on, they both didn't want to become another American divorce statistic. The Castons began searching for ways to do marriage right. They surrounded themselves with healthy couples, experts, books, and got therapy to make a relational transformation. But they admit that it was a long and really difficult process to find resources that were affordable and convenient, so they decided to do something about it and founded Marriage365. Visit Marriage365 to learn more about their membership program and newly released marriage app! Links: Ever After pre-marital programMarriage365 membership programMarraige365 app Insights: Dave: Intentionally make time to connect. Plan Ahead! Liz: It just takes one. One person can change the dance in marriage. Meygan: There is always room for improvement, but that does mean perfection. Progress is better than nothing. Find just one thing you can do to improve.  Casey: Be brave and spend time in reflection and ask: how is it working out?  Invites:    -   Implement the Sixty Second Blessing for 7 days with your spouse.    -   Spend time in reflection: Ask yourself “how’s it working out?” and write down your answer.    -   Take the first step to improve your marriage by visiting with a therapist.    Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways: Facebook: Instagram: @strongermarriagelife   Dr. Dave Schramm: Facebook : Facebook Marriage Group: Facebook Parenting Group: Dr. Liz Hale: See for privacy information.
Nov 7, 2022 • 48min

Connection is The First Priority | John Howard | #10

In this week’s episode, our expert guest, John Howard, talks about his book, More Than Words: The Science of Deepening Love and Connection in Any Relationship, and shares what neuroscience is teaching us about emphasizing connection over communication. With tips for parents and couples, John’s insights help the listener refocus on connection for the benefit of ourselves, our marriages, families, and society. Join us for the conversation and learn how to create a deeper connection in your marriage today.  About: John is a Cuban-American who grew up in New York City speaking Spanish. He didn't live with his parents as a kid and eventually left home at 15. After years of traveling and studying native traditions, John discovered the science of relationships as a powerful way to heal his own attachment wounds. He has taught the neuroscience of couples therapy at leading conferences, has trained thousands of therapists, and led a relationship wellness program for Google, Inc. He is the Founder of the Ready Set Love® line of courses for couples, the Founder of Presence Wellness, and teaches at the Dell Medical School in Austin, TX. In 2022, John released his book, More than Words that is high grossing on BookTok and expands on the principles John has taught in his lectures and in therapy for the entirety of his career. – Order John’s book here to receive bonus content (free chapter on attachment) and connect with John personally. John Howard’s Podcast about his book More than Words Insights: John reminds us to be intentional with our attention –putting away our devices and distractions and really focusing on our partners. He indicates that one of the best ways to do this is by “stepping in the shoes” of our partner and practicing humility. Byrefraining from making assumptions about our partner, John illustrates that couples will grow stronger bonds that are focused on simple forms of connection and affirmations that will make all the difference to one’s relational satisfaction. Invites:   •  Practice nonverbal, primitive connection with your partner        o    Sit with your partner and take turns holding each other in your lap without talking for 2 minutes.       o    Sit across from each other and look into each other’s eyes without speaking  •  Merge your marriage by taking the RELATE assessment with your partner. Have a discussion together after taking the assessment and learn how “to see it from your partner’s point of view.” Though how you view things, or do things, may be different, practice validating your partner’s point of view and discover a new way you can develop your relationship going forward.   •  Practice skills-based connection        o    Discuss with your partner what you view as “bad behavior” and why. Establish ways you can remedy this kind of behavior together.        o    Write in a journal entry what makes you compatible with your partner. What do you love about them? Also, highlight your differences. List five ways you can connect with your partner that illustrate your differences and will help you grow together.        o     Have a conversation with your partner about how to approach challenges in your relationship with greater intentionality and commitment. Develop strategies that will lead to conflict resolution and connection. For lots of great conflict resolution strategies and tools, take the ePREP course offered free to Utah residents by the Utah Marriage Commission or visit UMC’s Tiktok for quick conflict resolution tips. Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways: Facebook: Instagram: @strongermarriagelife Dr. Dave Schramm: Facebook: Facebook Marriage Group: Facebook Parenting Group: Dr. LizHale:   See for privacy information.
Oct 31, 2022 • 31min

Celebrating Anniversaries | Dave Schramm and Liz Hale | #9

What can I do today to make my partner’s life more worth living? In this week’s episode, Dave and Liz discuss the importance of celebrating anniversaries in our relationships. Marital drift happens to the best of us. Liz shares these 4 tips; be authentic, attentive, appreciative and affectionate for improving your connection and making anniversaries more meaningful. Insights: Dave: It’s important for couples to come up with their own rituals or celebrations to create ways to connect. Liz: I am grateful that my parents stayed married. They could have easily divorced but I am grateful they didn’t, they showed me what it takes.  Invites:    • Couple's conversation: Discuss the anniversaries that are important in your relationship and how you can be more intentional about how you celebrate them.   •   Be authentic –Refrain from comparing your marriage to another. Celebrate what makes your marriage unique and then “vow to keep the vision alive.”    •   Be attentive –Explore the following questions with your partner: “What was the best part of last year?” “What can we improve from the past year?” “What do you hope to see me do different in this next year?”    •   Be appreciative –Create a couples’ gratitude journal. Take turns writing something you appreciate about your spouse and leave it out for them to read.    •   Be affectionate –Talk with your partner about ways they would like you to express affection. What will you do to improve those areas?   Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways:   Facebook: StrongerMarriage.orgInstagram: @strongermarriagelifeDr. Dave Schramm:https://drdaveschramm.com Facebook: Facebook Marriage Group: Facebook Parenting Group: Dr. Liz Hale:   See for privacy information.
Oct 24, 2022 • 29min

Tips to Turn a Difficult Marriage Around | Jeff Forte | #8

Giving hope to struggling couples, Jeff Forte joins Dave & Liz to share how it is possible for anyone to develop an extraordinary marriage. John shares his own challenges with divorce and death and describes how couples can restore connection with presence. About: Jeff Forte is the author of the breakthrough international book, The 90-Minute Miracle(translated into 4 languages). He is also the creator of The Rising Love Marriage Repair Process™, a proven, time-tested system that has helped over a thousand of couples fix their marriages for good. Jeff’s process works even when traditional couples counseling fails and divorce seems the only option. Jeff is considered a leading expert in divorce prevention and marriage turn-around and holds certifications in Strategic Intervention and Marriage Education and has 25 years of conflict resolution experience. He is a trusted advisor to Emmy Award winners, professional athletes, Fortune 500 executives, psychologists, business professionals, attorneys, surgeons, and some of the most high-profile couples around the world. Links: Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways: Facebook: Instagram: @strongermarriagelife Dr. Dave Schramm: Facebook: Facebook Marriage Group: Facebook Parenting Group:   Dr. Liz Hale: See for privacy information.
Oct 17, 2022 • 41min

How Technology Effects Our Intimate Connections | Brandon McDaniel | #7

In this episode, Dave and his guest, Brandon McDaniel, PhD, Senior Research Scientist at Parkview Mirro Center for Research and Innovation, discuss the effects of technology usage on our relationships. While Brandon emphasizes that “not all technology is bad” he shares how “technoference” (a term he coined) can lead to disconnecting from those we love. More importantly, he gives tips for managing our own tech habits and having potentially difficult conversations with our partners around this sometimes touchy topic. About: Brandon T. McDaniel is a family scientist (PhD in Human Development and Family Studies, Pennsylvania State University), Senior Research Scientist at the Parkview Mirro Center for Research and Innovation, adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine Fort Wayne, and nationally recognized expert on the impacts of technology use on relationships, families, and children. Dr. McDaniel’s research on technoference –the interference of device use in our face-to-face interactions and family relationships—has attracted international attention. He has been awarded grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and is actively pursuing research into parent device use and developing educational programming for parents of infants centered around developing healthy digital habits. He also regularly engages in community education in the promotion of healthy digital habits. Links: Brandon McDaniel: Free Technoference eBook: “Raise” parenting app: Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways: Facebook: Instagram: @strongermarriagelife Dr. Dave Schramm: Facebook: Facebook Marriage Group: Facebook Parenting Group: Dr. Liz Hale:   See for privacy information.
Oct 10, 2022 • 37min

Am I in an Abusive Relationship? | Jill Anderson | #6

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In this week’s episode, Dr. Dave and Dr. Liz are joined by Jill Anderson, CEO of CAPSA (Citizens Against Physical & Sexual Assault) who discusses how to recognize signs of abuse and shares resources available to those experiencing domestic violence. We encourage those who recognize unhealthy patterns of behavior to seek help from qualified professionals. To survivors we say, “We believe you and there is hope." About: Jill Anderson is the CEO of CAPSA, a nonprofit organization providing services to and empowering individuals and families impacted by domestic violence and sexual assault. Jill has enhanced programs and expanded the capacity of CAPSA to provide critical 24-hour services, shelter, therapy, and housing for survivors. In 2013, she was named Resident of the Year by the Herald Journal, and in 2016, she receive the Lifetime Achievement Award from Utah State University’s Center for Women and Gender. Links and resources: and control wheel website) National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233 CAPSA’s 24-hour Support Phone Line: 435-753-2500   Visit our site for FREE relationship resources and regular giveaways:   Dr. Dave Schramm: Facebook: Facebook Marriage Group: Facebook Parenting Group:   Dr. Liz Hale:   The information provided by the Stronger Marriage Connection Podcast is intended for general information and educational purposes only. The content of the Podcast is not a substitute for professional advice, marriage counseling, or therapy and no content should be construed as personalized advice. The Stronger Marriage Connection Podcast makes no representation or warranty, either express or implied, regarding its content or outcomes derived as a result of listening to the Podcast. See for privacy information.

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