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Ben Greenfield Life

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Aug 27, 2016 • 1h 1min

A "Healthy Soda" Super-Special: Is Diet Soda Good For You, Stevia DeMystified, Sugar Alcohols, Natural Flavors & More.

Paddy Spence, a veteran of the natural foods industry, discusses the history of soda, Zevia's origins, keto flu, stevia bitterness, and the dangers of TruVia and PureVia. They explore sugar alcohols, protein's impact on glucose levels, and the benefits of Zevia as a tooth-friendly alternative. Recipe for guilt-free frozen dessert with Zevia cream soda included.
Aug 24, 2016 • 1h 29min

Killing Fat Cells, Fixing Mitochondria, Growing Superfoods & More: The Official, Much-Anticipated, Mind-Blowing, Geeked-Out Podcast With Dr. Mercola.

There are very few people who I consider to be personal mentors, extremely trustworthy individuals in my life who I can look to for fitness, health and longevity advice, or people who I think put out truly "cutting-edge" health information. Dr. Joseph Mercola is one of those people. Dr. Mercola is a board certified family physician who had seen tens of thousands of patients before transitioning to a full time internet journalist, as he felt he could help far more people than he could in private practice. It turns out he was right...because every month he has ten million unique visitors and 80 million unique visitors each year. has been the most visited natural health site for the last 12 years and is now translated into six different languages. Dr. Mercola's passion is optimizing mitochondrial health, and during today's discussion, you'll discover: -How Dr. Mercola built into one of the most popular health websites in the world...[14:00] -Dr. Mercola's unique system that allows him to digest dozens of books each month while taking a quarter billion+ steps over his lifetime...[19:15] -Why you should wear blue light blocking glasses during the day, not just at night...[24:30] -How to ground your computer and keep your laptop and monitor from destroying your health...[26:35 & 35:20] -Why Dr. Mercola eats both seafood and one surprising compound found in seafood every day of the week...[29:20] -The little-known biohacks Dr. Mercola uses to maximize his mitochondrial density...[36:50] -Why scrambled eggs are very bad for you, and what you can do about it...[41:30] -The myth about iron levels and a crucial test you must take to keep iron from "rusting out" your body...[53:55] -The best book Dr. Mercola has ever read on strength training, and how he combines it with a special hack called "EWOT"...[20:20 & 79:10] -Dr. Mercola's take on whether or not quantification devices like rings and wristbands are good or bad for you, and what he personally uses...[60:45] -Why Dr. Mercola limits protein intake, and how he strikes a balance between anti-aging effects of muscle and aging effects of too much protein...[67:30] -How to make your own "anti-aging" cocktail...[72:30] -A unique one-two combo you can use prior to saunas to maximize your detoxification, fat burn and fat cell death...[75:10] -Two ingredients Dr. Mercola sprinkles on his garden soil to get 10x+ production of cherries, organic produce and more...[87:40] -The liquid dropper that Dr. Mercola takes on every airplane ride...[94:10] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Tripping Over The Truth -My interview with Dr. Minkoff "Why You've Been Lied To About Cancer" -My podcast with Dr. Mercola's girlfriend Erin Elizabeth on Lyme disease -The book "Deskbound" by Kelly Starrett -Negative ion generator -Eizo computer monitor -Iristech software for reducing blue light on monitors -Swannies stylish blue light blocking glasses -Laptop grounding cable -Organic fish roe -Induction burner for cooking foods at low heat -DIY Exercise With Oxygen Therapy -HARAPad anti-radiation laptop pad -Whole House Charcoal Water Filter structured water filter (use 15% discount code "friendofben") -Tank-free reverse osmosis filter with remineralization -Neobdyium magnet -Ionic ocean minerals -Human Heart, Cosmic Heart: A Doctor's Quest to Understand, Treat, and Prevent Cardiovascular Disease -Gerald Pollack's book "The 4th Phase Of Water" -Dumping Iron: How to Ditch This Secret Killer and Reclaim Your Health -DeltaSleeper SR1 Device -Oura ring -Magnetico sleep pad -Ben's article on strength training and anti-aging -Ben's article on using NAD+ and pau d' arco bark tea for anti-aging -This one-two combination of d-Ribose and niacin pre-sauna -Ben's article on "hacking your sauna". -Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe -Quicksilver Scientific IMD Intestinal Cleanse -Biochar -Clearmind NI focus unit -Ben's podcast on the Quantlet  Do you have questions, comments or feedback for Dr. Mercola or me? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply! ------------------------- Addendum: Ben's notes on the DeltaSleeper/PEMF discussion: The info below regarding the "Ramazzini Team" study on PEMF and cancer does not take a genius to figure out. The Ramazzini team followed what is commonly known as an initiation-promotion protocol. Male and female Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed in their mothers’ wombs and then for the rest of their lives to 50 Hz magnetic fields at an intensity of either 20μT or 1,000μT (200 mG or 10 G). At the age of six weeks, they each received a single 0.1Gy dose of gamma radiation, a known cancer agent. So let's take a look at what we have here. 1. The six week old rats were given a single 0.1 Gy dose of Gamma radiation. A KNOWN cancer agent. Gamma rays are classified as ionizing. This means they have the power to cause permanent cellular damage. See Below: Primer on Electromagnetic Fields. 2. They were exposed continuously for the rest of their lives to 50Hz magnetic fields at either 200 milliGauss or 10 Gauss fields. This is completely unnatural. The Earth's magnetic field is 3-6 milliGaus (0.3-0.6 Gauss). The SR1 creates a field exactly within this natural range. I don't believe the 50Hz magnetic pulse itself would cause any damage however the SR1 device provides a much lower frequency pattern. So basically, these rats did not stand a chance of not developing cancer. Further into the report we find the following from Fiorella Belpoggi, the Scientific Director of the Institute who notes that: "No Cancer Seen with EMFs Alone" In an interview, Belpoggi said that they are planning to publish the results of a concurrent experiment in which rats were exposed to power-frequency EMFs, without any other treatment. “In our preliminary data, ELF EMFs alone didn’t appear to show an increase of cancer in experimental animals so far,” she disclosed. "The main result of our experiment,” she said, is that “ELF EMFs have a synergistic effect: They are able to enhance the effects of a well-known carcinogen at low doses that was negative at those doses in the same experimental model." It's important to understand the difference between EMF's in something like a DeltaSleeper and EMF's from higher power devices, so keep reading... ...EMFs are classified as ionizing or non-ionizing according to their frequency. Ionizing fields have very short wavelengths and frequencies between 1016 Hz. and 1023 Hz. These fields are above visible light on the electromagnetic spectrum (1015 Hz.) and include cosmic rays, gamma rays and X-rays which have the power to knock electrons off their nuclear orbits and cause permanent cellular damage. Non-ionizing fields have longer wavelengths and frequencies below 1014 Hz. Although they have less power than ionizing fields they are still capable of having biologic effects. Important EMF modalities in medicine today are non-thermal applications of non-ionizing radiation. Medical applications of non-thermal, non-ionizing EM fields include non-union fracture bone repair, neuronal stimulation, nerve stimulation, tissue regeneration, immune system stimulation, osteoarthritis therapy, wound healing etc. Non-ionizing fields are classified as thermal, which means in biological terms, causes gross tissue heating, or non-thermal, indicating no gross tissue heating is involved. And the SR1 Device is a non-ionizing, non-thermal device. Furthermore, is switched on for just 22 minutes per use. The Earth's magnetic field ranges from 0.3 Gauss - 0.6 Gauss. The SR1 Device field strength falls within this range. They are in effect "Copying Nature" with that technology.  See for privacy information.
Aug 20, 2016 • 1h 12min

Is He The Most Self-Quantified Man On The Planet? Tracking Telomeres, Heart Rate, Electrostimulation & More With Quantified Bob.

Meet Bob. "Quantified Bob". Quantified Bob has tracks his life tirelessly, and has reams of data and insight on how the human body responds to everything from varying amounts of starch intake, to electrostimulation, to artificial light to different diets to cognitive performance training and beyond. Bob Troia is a serial entrepreneur who has been at the forefront of digital innovation and emerging technologies for nearly two decades. A left- and right-brain thinker who is equal parts technical, creative, and analytical, Bob is as comfortable talking about business strategy, marketing, and product development as he is discussing programming, design, AI, hardware, and human physiology. He is actively involved in the quantified self and biohacking movements, focusing his passion on the intersection of self-tracking and personal analytics, health and wellness, behavior design, technology, and life optimization, documenting his personal efforts under the moniker “Quantified Bob”. During our discussion, you'll discover: -How Quantified Bob got his name...[11:35] -How you can account for all the different potentially confounding variables when you're testing and tracking data...[13:00] -Why Bob hacked and tracked his glucose, and what he found...[17:10]  -How you can self-test your water quality, and what Bob found by comparing tap water to filtered water...[31:10] -The best way to monitor air quality in your home or office...[45:15] -The most surprising thing you can change in your bedroom that may give you a better night's sleep...[50:00] -How to track your "rate of aging"...[54:10] -The unique form of neuromuscular electrostimulation that Bob uses...[62:30] -The craziest or most intriguing self-quantification experiment Bob has planned...[67:50] -And much more... Resources from this episode: -23andme genetic testing -Oxaloacetate -MyBasis watch -The Dexcom G5 continuous glucose monitor -PrecisionXtra -Ketonix Breath Ketone monitor -Zerowater -Home water testing kit -Trace liquid minerals -Foobot indoor air quality monitor -Allerair central air filter -The new Molekule air purification system -Titanovo telomere testing kits -D-minder Vitamin D testing -My podcast with Jay Schroeder on ARPWave -ARPWave practitioners -Periodic fasting diet study Do you have questions, comments or feedback for Bob or me? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Aug 17, 2016 • 1h 15min

Muscle Cramping, Calorie & Carb Cycling, Gene Splicing, Fixing Altitude Sickness & More! August 10, 2016 Podcast: 358: Muscle Cramping, Calorie & Carb Cycling, Gene Splicing, Fixing Altitude Sickness & More! NEW! Click here for the official BenGreenfieldFitness calendar of events. Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right (or go to SpeakPipe), use the Contact button on the app, call 1-877-209-9439, or use the “Ask Ben” form at the bottom of this page. ----------------------------------------------------- News Flashes: You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on,, and Google+. Fascinating…this is why we race faster than we train. Gene's coming folks. Sad but true and why I have upcoming podcast on computer monitors. (check out VisionGym for fixing my myopia) An herb for lucid dreaming? Cool. (here is what I ordered) ----------------------------------------------------- Special Announcements: This podcast is brought to you by: -FitLife: Use discount code BEN for 20% off anything! -FourSigmatic Foods: use coupon "bengreenfield" for 15% off any mushroom blends. Use $5 discount code BEN on anything at Harrys Shaving. -Click here to follow Ben on Snapchat, and get ready for some epic stories on his morning, daily and evening routine! What did you miss this week? A clay mask, a park workout, a morning routine change-up, an epic post-race salad and more. NEW! Click here for the official BenGreenfieldFitness calendar. Nov 17-18, 2016: Ben is speaking at the Biohacker's Summit in Helsinki, Finland. Discover the latest in wearables, internet of things, digital health, and mobile apps to increase performance, be healthier, stay fit, and get more done. Learn about taking food, preparation, cooking, and eating to the next level with the latest science and kitchen chemistry. Even delve into implanted chips, gene therapy, bionic arms, biometric shirts, robotic assistants, and virtual reality. Two days with an amazing crowd and a closing party with upgraded DJs to talk about. Click here to get in now at a 40% discount. Nov 11-14, 2016: Ben is speaking at this year's Wise Traditions on real food to enhance physical and mental performance. If you're an athlete, this is the talk for you! Click here to sign up. Did you miss the weekend podcast episode with Dr Chutkan? It was a must-listen – titled “The Gut Super Special: Eating Camel Poop, Weird Constipation Causes, Pig Whipworms & More: How to Banish Bloat, Fix Your Microbiome & Reboot Your Gut”. Click here to listen now or download for later! Grab this Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle. And of course, this week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - click here to leave your review for a chance to win some! ---------------------------------------------- Listener Q&A: As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Rachel Browne, the Podcast Sidekick. Natural Remedies For Altitude Sickness Jenny says: She's from Indiana. She's a fit and active 52 year old woman that lives 500ft above sea level. Her husband and her are planning a backpacking trip to Yellowstone this fall and she'll be hiking at 6000ft - 8000. Her concern is elevation sickness. She's snow skied out west before and she's experienced that horrible that headache and nausea feeling that comes with it and she's wondering if you have any tips for how to avoid altitude sickness and get used to working out? In my response, I recommend: -Garlic/lavender/clove essential oils -Gingko Biloba -TianChi -Coca leaves Everything You Need To Know About Muscle Cramping Rachel says: She's from Sydney and she loves the podcast and thanks for everything you do. Her question relates to muscle cramps. Her husband gets terrible cramps and they can occur at any time, like during runs over 12K and during the day, but they mostly occur at night. He takes magnesium and camp bark formula two times per day and magnesium forte. They've tried so many things but nothing seems to work. He rolls, stretches, doesn't relax etc, his mum had this issue and they both have blue feet. She may well have missed something you've already written about it but she can't find it. In my response, I recommend: -This podcast on muscle cramping How To Cycle Your Calories & Carbs Jeff says: Question about fat burn and calories deficit. He generally stays in fat burn and eats pretty healthy. He's wondering if he works out everyday and he's anywhere between 500-1000 cal deficit is that safe and OK to do, how long of a time period can he go that way? He only has 5-10 pounds to lose but he's really working on endurance, muscle strength and so forth. In my response, I recommend: The 5 Best Books For Power & Strength Jason says: He's a police officer in Albury and he's looking to start reading books on function strength for policing, he's looking to gain power and strength. What books would you recommend for that? In my response, I recommend: -Starting Strength -Mass Made Simple -Neuromass -Naked Warrior -MILO Strength  See for privacy information.
Aug 13, 2016 • 1h 9min

Dirty Secrets Of The Supplement Industry, Lucid Dreaming, Smart Drugs, Hurricane Training & More: The Ryan Munsey Podcast.

My guest on today's podcast, Ryan Munsey, is a former fitness model and gym-owner-turned writer, speaker, and biohacker. He's a mental and physical performance specialist with a degree in Food Science & Human Nutrition from Clemson University, and a wealth of knowledge on topics such as smart drugs, lucid dreaming, unconventional strength training and cardiovascular training techniques, and dirty secrets in the supplement industry. Ryan is also the Chief Optimizer at Natural Stacks and host of the Optimal Performance Podcast. During our discussion, you'll discover: -Why Ryan thinks most people shouldn't eat breakfast...[6:10] -The strange and shocking history of corn flakes...[20:50] -How to "hack" yourself into a state of lucid dreaming...[22:20] -How Ryan uses resistance bands to get strength breakthrough...[31:00] -The concept of something called "Hurricane training" for a huge boost in cardiovascular fitness...[39:24] -How Ryan stays lean when he can't workout... [45:45] -Ryan's unique personal "smart drug" stack that he uses...[53:00] -Why you should use caution when you see the word "proprietary" on a supplement label (and other dirty secrets of the supplements industry)...[62:10] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Ryan's article on why he skips breakfastr -The strange and shocking history of why corn flakes were invented -Ryan's podcast interview on lucid dreaming -Galantamine for lucid dreaming -CBD oil vs. Rick Simpson's oil -Rogue monster resistance bands -Ryan's article on Hurricane Training -Martin Rooney's Cardio Workouts for Warriors book -Bulletproof Instamix -The Longecity forum -How To Make Your Own Smart Drugs -Top 10 dirty secrets of the supplement industry -Natural Stacks (for CILTEP, etc.) (use 15% discount code BEN15 on anything) Do you have questions, comments or feedback for Ryan or me? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Aug 10, 2016 • 1h 7min

The Gut Super-Special: Eating Camel Poop, Weird Constipation Causes, Pig Whipworms & More: How To Banish Bloat, Fix Your Microbiome & Reboot Your Gut.

In the beginning of this episode, I mention "Michael Phelps cupping" and what the research really says about whether cupping does or does not work, and also mention a new study on 20-25% gains in lean muscle gain, strength and power, and this HMB-ATP stack that uses exactly what they used in the study (use 50% discount code BEN50). When it comes to healing your gut, getting rid of bloat and constipation, changing your gastrointestinal bacteria or any other digestive topic, I consider Dr. Robynne Chutkan to be one of the smartest women on the face of planet. She is on faculty at Georgetown University and founder of the Digestive Center for Women, and she is author of not one, not two, but three books that focus on her primary philosophy: healing your body from the inside out. So basically, she really loves talking about poop. Her latest book, The Microbiome Solution, is a deep dive into how and why some of our modern day living is actually causing more problems than we realized to the tiny microbes that keep us happy and healthy– household cleaners, air conditioning, processed food. In that book, she talks about eating poop, timing your probiotics, getting a dog to lick your face, eating dirt and more. In her other book, The Bloat Cure, she looks at less of the science and more at the practical nature of our bloated bellies, talking about how bloat isn’t just bad Chinese food, but also things like codeine in cough syrup and dehydration and birth control pills and GMOs. During today's episode, you'll discover what I learned from reading both these books, and much more, including: -How Dr. Chutkan can actually "smell" gut issues with her patients...[16:25] -What it means if your sweat smells funky...[21:00] -What pig whipworms and hookworms have to do with getting a healthier gut...[24:30] -Why the Bedouin tribe eats camel feces when they have gut issues...[34:00] -Why the "poop pills" everyone seems to be talking about don't work...[52:50] -Which common musculoskeletal imbalance can cause constipation, no matter how healthy you eat...[55:56] -Why your medications and supplements may be making you constipated, and what you can do about it...[62:30] -How wine can be either good or bad for your microbiome, depending on when you drink the wine...[67:45] -The best time of day to take probiotics if you are also taking antibiotics...[69:30] -Beans cause bloat for lots of people, you'll discover one special ingredient you can add to them to keep this from happening...[72:55] -And much more... Resources from this episode: -The Microbiome Solution: A Radical New Way to Heal Your Body from the Inside Out -The Bloat Cure: 101 Natural Solutions for Real and Lasting Relief -3 day "poop panel" to test your gut -Openbiome for fecal transplants -"How To Poop The Right Way" article -NatureCleanse   Do you have questions, comments or feedback for Dr. Chutkan or me? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Aug 6, 2016 • 1h 12min

Ayahuasca 101, Tripping Out On Nutmeg, Magic Mushrooms & More With Dennis McKenna.

When it comes to plant based medicine, my guest on today's podcast is widely considered to be a groudbreaking pioneer. His name is Dennis McKenna. Dennis's research - spanning back to the 1970's - has focused on the interdisciplinary study of Amazonian ethnopharmacology and plant hallucinogens. During the early 1970's, he developed a technique for cultivating psilocybin mushrooms with his brother Terence McKenna and they later published what they had learned in a book entitled Psilocybin - Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide. Dennis has conducted extensive ethnobotanical fieldwork in the Peruvian, Colombian, and Brasilian Amazon. His doctoral research (University of British Columbia, 1984) focused on the ethnopharmacology of ayahuasca and oo-koo-he, two tryptamine-based hallucinogens used by indigenous peoples in the Northwest Amazon. He is a founding board member of the Heffter Research Institute, and was a key organizer and participant in the Hoasca Project, the first biomedical investigation of ayahuasca used by the UDV, a Brazilian religious group. He is currently Assistant Professor in the Center for Spirituality and Healing at the University of Minnesota. During our discussion, you'll discover: -The strange magazine, still published, that Dennis's father used to read - a magazine that first got Dennis interested in the "paranormal" and psychedelics... -How DMT works, and ways that you can induce the same psychedelic sensation that DMT induces without actually using something like ayahuasca... -Ways that you can induce deep sleep without relying upon compounds such as valium or ambien... -Why one common spice that you can find on the counter at Starbucks can send you on a hallucinogenic trip... -The difference between an ayahuasca experience in rural South America vs. an urban New York loft... -Why Silicone Valley is obsessed with LSD microdosing as a creativity-enhancing "smart drug"... -How psilocybin works to enhance your connection with nature and how you may be able to activate this via other mechanisms... -How one can safely "source" these kind of plant-based medicines in their local community... -And much more... Resources from this episode: -Fate magazine -Deltasleeper device -10 ways to activate the pineal gland -The ajna light -Passionflower extract -Nutmeg essential oil -Kava kava extract -Syrian rue extract and -LSD Microdosing: The New Job Enhancer In Silicon Valley And Beyond? -Pre-frontal cortex tapping for online drug information -Alexendra Tannous's Sound Meditation video -The WholeTones Sound of Healing CD's -Psilocybin - Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide -The Invisible Landscape: Mind, Hallucinogens, and the I Ching -The Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss -Botanical Medicines: The Desk Reference for Major Herbal Supplements Do you have questions, comments or feedback for Dennis McKenna or me? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Aug 3, 2016 • 1h 26min

The Great Olive Oil Hoax, Warrior vs. Worrier Gene, Maintaining Muscle During Endurance Exercise, The Ultimate Guide To Napping & More. August 3, 2016 Podcast: 357: The Great Olive Oil Hoax, Warrior vs. Worrier Gene, Maintaining Muscle During Endurance Exercise, The Ultimate Guide To Napping & More. NEW! Click here for the official BenGreenfieldFitness calendar of events. Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right (or go to SpeakPipe), use the Contact button on the app, call 1-877-209-9439, or use the “Ask Ben” form at the bottom of this page. ----------------------------------------------------- News Flashes: New ketone drink (developed by Department of Defense): may help athletes unlock their potential. Tour de France winner @chrisfroome says: "I've cut back on carbs completely but I'm not losing muscle." You think you know olive oil, eh? Read this for some shocking news? - then go here to see what I personally use. How to have a lean, mean baby. You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on,, and Google+. ----------------------------------------------------- Special Announcements: This podcast is brought to you by: -FitLife: Use discount code BEN for 20% off anything! -Casper: Get $50 toward any mattress purchase by visiting and using promo code 'BEN'. -Click here to follow Ben on Snapchat, and get ready for some epic stories on his morning, daily and evening routine! What did you miss this week? A clay mask, a park workout, a morning routine change-up, an epic post-race salad and more. NEW! Click here for the official BenGreenfieldFitness calendar. August 6, 2016: Join Ben for the Portland Spartan Sprint and 4 hr Hurricane Heat. Click here to sign up! August 11-13, 2016: Ben is speaking at the Ancestral Health Symposium (AHS) in Boulder, Colorado. AHS is a historic three-day event created to unite the ancestral health movement and to foster collaboration among scientists, health professionals, and laypersons who study and communicate about health from an evolutionary perspective to develop solutions to our health challenges. Click here to learn more or to register now. Grab this Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle. And of course, this week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - click here to leave your review for a chance to win some! ---------------------------------------------- Listener Q&A: As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Rachel Browne, the Podcast Sidekick. The Ultimate Guide To Napping Grant says: He recently saw your Snapchat story on napping. You said you naturally wake up after a 20-30 minutes daily nap and its part of your ritual. He's curious how your body naturally goes 20-40 minutes and wakes up by itself without an alarm? What does it mean if you nap longer, like 2-4 hours? In my response, I recommend: -Supermemo napping article -Withing Aura -Sleepstream (use Powernap function) -Lavender essential oil -Sleepmask -SR1 Deltasleeper -Masimo pulse oximeter How Much Coffee Can You Drink If You're Pregnant or Breastfeeding? Dalice says: She loves the podcast! After the recent podcast with Dr. Chopra, she has a question about coffee while breastfeeding. The studies showed that coffee consumption had little impact on the child when pregnant, is this still the case when breastfeeding? She has a 4.5 month old daughter and she wants to know if she can safely drink caffeinated coffee while breastfeeding. In my response, I recommend: - How To Maintain Muscle During Long Endurance Exercise Aleksi says: He loves the podcast and he's been listening for many years. His question regards hiking. He's going to Norway for a week-long hiking trip and he's wondering how he can keep himself healthy and not lose too much muscle during the trip, with the least amount of weight to carry? And would that change if he were to hike a 2000m Appalachian trail instead of a week-long hike? In my response, I recommend: -NatureAminos -Algae article -Colostrum -Exogenous ketone + C8 & my article "How To Get Into Ketosis: The Ultimate Guide" -BPC-157 & SARMS like LGD-4033 -Broken Skull Challenge Warrior vs. Worrier Gene Cathy says: She loves the podcast. She has a question about the COMT mutation, which she has. She knows it means you can have a hard time breaking down catecholamines. She has major insomnia issues, if she's out late at night she just can't wind down, she feels like she has adrenaline and cortisol issues going on, and its really difficult for her to fall asleep. She's wondering if you have any advice for people with the COMT mutation and if there's anything they can do to help breakdown the catecholamines that would help her get more into her parasympathetic nervous system? In my response, I recommend: -Thorne multivitamin -Magnesium lotion -DIM -For Worrier: Brain Food -23andme    See for privacy information.
Jul 30, 2016 • 1h 5min

Getting Ripped With Yoga, Using Isometrics To Build Massive Athleticism, Five Things You Must Do Every Morning & More!

At a health conference, two years ago, I met a giant, 6'5" basketball player - a beast of man - who swore that his entire fitness routine was comprised of yoga and basketball. I scoffed at this, swearing that the guy must be sneaking away to the gym to hoist a barbell or do explosive plyometrics... ...but then, just a few months later, I met another guy (a very ripped and athletic guy) at a different health conference, and this guy - named Dean Pohlman - completely destroyed me in an obstacle course competition, then informed me afterwards that his training primarily consisted of... guessed it: yoga. So as you can imagine, I was somewhat intrigued with how one could use yoga to do things like maintain a very aesthetic body and build athleticism, and I had Dean on a podcast episode called "How To Get Ripped With Yoga". That episode was so popular and helped so many people get fit with Dean's special flavor of yoga, that I decided to get Dean back on today's episode to talk yoga, mobility, athleticism, and much more! Dean is the founder of Man Flow Yoga, a fitness-centric style of yoga dedicating to helping anybody who wants to get ripped with yoga to not just get ripped, but to also get massive increases in their flexibility, core strength, endurance, balance, and bodily awareness. It’s basically yoga for people that want the physical benefits without the lifestyle change of becoming a hippie. You hold the postures much longer, more emphasis is placed on technique (instead of the spiritual), and the workouts are more catered to the physical needs of guys (although his workouts are equally accessible to women). Dean was a former collegiate-lacrosse player when he discovered the potential that yoga had to help improve physical fitness for athletes. He rejected the traditional approach to yoga, however, and in 2013 created a brand of yoga that catered to the more physical fitness-inclined individual. He is the author of the #1 bestselling Yoga Basics for Men eBook, and he has been featured in the Huffington Post, Fox 13 Tampa News, Austin KXAN News, Ben Greenfield Fitness (of course!), and many more top-ranked podcasts. During our discussion, you'll discover: -The five things Dean does every morning to create a perfect day... -The one breakfast Dean has every morning, 365 days a year... -What happens when you hold a pose in yoga for 60-90 seconds instead of the standard 10-30 seconds... -Why yoga will create a muscular imbalance in your back and shoulders, and what you can do about it... -How to develop power and brute strength with yoga... -Why Dean doesn't get into the spiritual side of yoga much, and my disagreement with Dean on this... -Why yoga doesn't increase your mobility, and what you can do about it... -Dean's top tool he uses to quickly remove muscle knots... -How Dean uses his elbow and other body parts to massage himself prior to yoga... -My crazy home massage routine that includes infrared, wholetones music, CBD, ayurvedic oils and more... -Why you should push the "reboot" button on your body each year (and how to do it)... -And much more! Resources from this episode: -How To Get Ripped With Yoga podcast with Dean. -Dean's ManFlowYoga program -Dean's Mobility Project (use code “greenfield25” for 25% discount) -Miracle Morning -CILTEP -Ben's new "Foundation" based morning routine -Brain Octane -Ben's Pau d' Arco bark tea article -Venom Suspension Straps for yoga -Neuromass book -The Kundalini yoga routine that Ben does twice per week -The KnotOut muscle adhesion tools -Ben's metabolic mobility routine video -The BioMat -NatureCBD -Wholetones music Do you have questions, comments or feedback for Dean or me? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply! See for privacy information.
Jul 27, 2016 • 1h 1min

Unleashing The Phenomenon Of Using Sound & Music For Performance, Recovery, Healing & More.

Quick question: when was the last time you listened to music? Or white noise? Or “binaural beats”? Or any other form of audio? And did you ever give any thought to the frequency of the actual wavelengths of sound contained within that audio? Until recently, I didn’t. I had no clue that frequencies of sound, frequencies of music, and even the frequencies of the piano that my kids practice each day or the guitar and ukelele that I practice each day can actually affect cognitive function, heart health, liver, kidneys, digestion, libido, mood and much, much more. But at a recent health summit, someone handed me a book called “The Sound Of Healing”, written by author Michael Tyrrell…along with a handful of CD’s that Michael had recorded. These CD’s, called "Wholetones" are described as music that "heals, repairs, and protects against disease." So, skeptical but curious, I sat down and read the entire Sound Of Healing book, and I began occasionally listening to the CD’s while driving, while getting a massage, while sitting in my sauna, etc. Every time I finished a CD, I had such a unique feeling of elation and satisfaction after listening, I downloaded a digital tuning app and retuned my guitar and my ukelele to the “frequencies” Michael described in the book. This may all seem a bit “woo-woo”, but it made a huge difference in the ability of a song to make me feel uplifted and full of positive energy as I played it. I managed to get Michael on today’s podcast, and during our discussion you’ll discover: -Why the music and sound you listen to every day is not tuned the right way and can actually be destroying organ function... -How sound frequencies affect the human body, water, plants and more... -How to "re-tune" music and sound to heal organs and provide therapy to the body... -How to combine light and sound to de-stress your body... -Why digital sound from CD's and mp3's are not as good as analog sound from things like vinyl albums, and what you can do about it if you don't want to buy a vinyl record turntable... -The best way to use the sound to heal your body and to target specific organ systems... -What Michael thinks about the use of tuning forks as vibrational sound therapy... -How can a musician "re-tune" their instrument to the correct frequency... -And much more... Resources from this episode: -The WholeTones Healing CD's -The Sound Of Healing book -Digital tuning device -The fluoride "deception" conspiracy podcast I recorded -The Biomat device -Royal Rife -DETA electromagnetic bioresonance devices -DELTASleeper device -Earthpulse device -SADIE recording software -Tuning the Human Biofield book (tuning fork therapy) Do you have questions, comments or feedback for Michael or me? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply.See for privacy information.

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