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Ben Greenfield Life

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Sep 28, 2016 • 57min

A New Way To Get Unstoppable Conditioning, Maximum Strength, Speed, Power & Muscle...In 3 Hours Per Week (Or Less).

On several recent podcasts, I've mentioned that (especially when I've been traveling and have limited equipment), one of my key, go-to workouts is a program known as "Neuro-Mass", which I now consider to be one of fastest methods for developing power and strength with little more than your own bodyweight and, optionally, a kettlebell or two, adding slabs of functional muscle to a lean frame quickly, and building muscle recruitment and explosiveness in a smart, systematic way.  Neuro-Mass gives you the exact protocols you need to create an impressive, functional, athletic physique, combining the best kettlebell resistance and bodyweight exercises with a new cutting edge training method called "Neuro-Sets". These Neuro-Sets, comprised of grinds, isometrics and explosive movements, create rapid physique transformation. While most training programs only focus on one approach to create growth or lean muscle or power or strength, Neuro-Mass uses multiple stressors in a single workout to create a better and smarter body, developing pure power combined with amazing capacity for sustained and continual strength output. The entire program was designed by this episode's podcast guest: Jon Bruney. Jon's exploits as Guinness World Record-holding strongman have been immortalized in Ripley’s Believe it or Not and seen on NBC’s: America’s got Talent, The Today Show and TruTv’s Guinness World Records Unleashed. A true renaissance man in the realm of strength-development, Jon is a best-selling author, world-class trainer, coach, motivational speaker, strongman, and pastor. Jon’s work with competitive athletes includes Olympians and NFL players. He is the author of the best-seller “Neuro-Mass – The Ultimate System for Spectacular Strength”. He also writes a training series called “Foundations” which is featured in MILO, widely considered the world’s most prestigious strength training journal. As co-owner of Submit Strength Equipment, Jon has been responsible for the design of numerous pieces of cutting-edge training equipment now in use around the world. Jon is also a veteran of numerous trainer certification courses. During our discussion, you'll discover: -Why one of Jon's favorite tricks is to attach two Harley-Davidson motorcycles to his body...[11:15] -How to start each set that you do with something called a "grind" to stimulate maximum muscle recruitment...[17:40] -The best way to breathe if you are lifting a weight to maximize muscle tension...[21:45] -Why Jon is such a fan of the Powerlung, and also putting a paper bag over your face...[24:10] -A surprising training trick you can do with a yoga block while you are sprinting...[33:45] -Why you should create "controlled trauma" in a muscle during an exercise...[36:40] -The reason most people do isometric exercises like a wall squat the wrong way, and how you should actually do it...[43:00] -How to exhaust a muscle completely with nothing more than a bath towel...[44:25] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Book: Neuro-Mass – The Ultimate System for Spectacular Strength -Magazine: MILO -The Powerlung -Neurogrips -Compex -Captain Of Crush hand grip strengthener Do you have questions, comments or feedback for Jon or me? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Sep 24, 2016 • 57min

How Your Computer Monitor Is Slowly Killing Your Eyes, And What You Can Do About It.

Do you ever get headaches after working on a computer for a long time? Eye strain? Mild irritation? Brain fog? It's not all in your head. See, just like most televisions, computer monitors "flicker".  Monitors have been flickering for many years, but most people don't realize this because the flicker is invisible. However, the flicker is still very hard on your eyes and is just one of the computer monitor issues responsible for the growing epidemic of near-sightedness and myopia - also known as "computer vision syndrome". Even fancy, modern PC LCD monitors are not flicker-free, even though many people think they are. These LCD monitors originally started out by using something called CCFL (cold cathode fluorescent lamps) as a backlight source for the monitor, but in recent years manufacturers have shifted to using LEDs (light emitting diodes). If you have one of those thin monitors, then you probably have a LCD monitor with LED, and if you are unsure, you can check the model number on the backside of the monitor and Google it. The use of LED has numerous benefits, including lower power consumption, far fewer toxic substances due to the absence of the cathode and some fantastic picture quality advantages, but along with all these benefits come potential eyestrain issues that can damage and destroy your eyes over the long term. See, when your monitor is set to maximum brightness, the LEDs are glowing at full 100% strength. If you reduce the brightness setting in the menu, the LEDs need to omit less light, and this is accomplished by inserting small breaks, or pauses (flickers!) in which the LEDs turn off for a very short, nearly invisible time. When you reduce the brightness setting of your monitor even more, the breaks become longer. This creates a frustrating catch-22: a bright screen can strain your eyes, and the flicker created by a less bright screen can also strain your eyes. Compared to old-school CCFL monitors, the newer LED-based monitors carry the greatest risk of giving you eyestrain, tired eyes or nasty headaches. You can read more about this issue in the article "LED Monitors can cause headaches due to flicker". My guest on today's podcast has figured out how to tackle this issue, and has invented a special piece of software called "Iris" that controls the brightness of the monitor with the help of your computer's video card, allows you to have adequate brightness without the flicker, and even automatically adjusts your computer monitor's settings based on the sun's position wherever you happen to be in the world. His name is Daniel Georgiev, and he is a 20 year old computer programmer from Bulgaria. Before he learned to code, Daniel was a rower in his country's national team for more than 5 years, and participated in the 2012 World Rowing Junior Championship. During our discussion, you'll discover: -How Daniel got kicked off his soccer team, and within two years qualified for the Bulgarian National Team in rowing...[11:20] -Why Daniel programmed his computer monitor to freeze and stop his work every 30 minutes...[19:45] -Why Daniel doesn't like the computer program "Flux" for decreasing blue light on your monitor...[21:45] -The link between color "temperature" and the amount of blue light a computer monitor creates...[29:52] -How to convert a glossy computer monitor screen into a matte computer monitor screen...[33:50] -Why you should use font rendering technologies to change the type of font you are looking at when you read on a computer monitor...[39:00] -How to automatically invert colors on a screen or change the screen to grayscale when you are working to reduce eye strain and improve your ability to sleep...[46:25] -Why you blink 66% less when you are working on a computer (and why yawning when you work on your computer is actually quite important)...[50:00 & 54:50] -How to set up your computer monitor to force you to take automatic "Pomodoro" breaks, and get instant reminders for eye exercises, neck exercises and back exercises...[56:10] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Iris software -Anti-glare screen protectors -The Eizo Flexscan 2436 Monitor Ben uses -The BenQ Monitors that Daniel talks about Do you have questions, comments or feedback for Daniel or me? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Sep 21, 2016 • 1h 10min

The Mysterious Kuwait Muscle-Building Phenomenon, The Too-Much-Protein Myth, Anabolic Triggering Sessions & More With The MindPump Podcast Crew.

Meet the guys from MindPump podcast.  The hosts - who traveled all the way up from San Jose to descend upon my my house in Spokane, Washington to record this podcast - claim to "pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health." Take a gander at these they seem to have the body composition and transformation equation pretty well figured out. They include... Sal DiStefano... Sal was 14 years old when he touched his first weight and from that moment he was hooked. Growing up asthmatic, frequently sick and painfully skinny, Sal saw weightlifting as a way to change his body and his self-image. In the beginning, Sal’s body responded quickly to his training but then his gains slowed and then stopped altogether. Not one to give up easily, he began reading every muscle building publication he could get his hands on to find ways to bust through his plateau. He read Arnold’s Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding, Mentzer’s Heavy Duty, Kubrick’s Dinosaur Training, and every muscle magazine he could find; Weider’s Muscle and Fitness, Flex, Iron Man and even Muscle Media 2000. Each time he read about a new technique or methodology he would test it out in the gym. At age 18 his passion for the art and science of resistance training was so consuming that he decided to make it his profession and become a personal trainer. By 19 he was managing health clubs and by 22 he owned his own gym. After 17 years as a personal trainer he has dedicated himself to bringing science and TRUTH to the fitness industry. Adam Schafer... Adam Schafer is a IFBB men's physique Pro and fitness expert. Adam made his entrance into the fitness world 14 years ago and has continued to send shock waves throughout the community ever since. He is a man of many talents who wears many hats. He is first and foremost a certified fitness expert who has an insatiable desire to help people in need of major lifestyle changes and daily accountable motivation. He is also incredibly driven entrepreneur and business minded individual with a vision that continually challenges his colleagues and peers to think bigger and achieve more. Justin Andrews... Justin has an incredible passion to disrupt the personal training industry and create ground breaking programs and tools that fitness professionals and clients alike can benefit from. The fitness industry in general needs a massive face lift to speak more to the generation growing up with a more advanced technology tool kit. Justin’s approach is to create programs that utilize technology as it advances and cut through the millions of options people face everyday when seeking specific information relating to their fitness needs. The great thing about where we are today is how easy it is to access information, the bad part about accessing all this information is how much misinformation is out there to weed through. As a health and fitness professional with a proven track record here in the heart of the Silicon Valley, Justin Andrews will keep working tirelessly to keep people educated and connected to quality personal trainers long into the future. Doug Egge... Doug received his first gym membership as a gift from his dad when he was 16 years old. Rocky III had just come out and he was determined to build a body like Stallone. It never happened. Despite following the advice of muscle magazines and busting his butt in the gym, Doug saw minimal gains over the next 30 years. Then he was introduced to Sal Di Stefano by his chiropractor who recommended he work with Sal to eliminate muscle imbalances that were causing lower back issues. Sal's unique approach, often 180 degrees different from what Doug had read in books and magazines, produced more results in a matter of months than he had experienced in the 30 years prior. Doug with an extensive marketing and media production background, recognized Sal's unique gift and perspective was missing from the fitness world and suggested that they should join forces. Doug and Sal have since produced life-altering programs such as the No BS 6-Pack Formula and MAPS Anabolic. Doug is very pleased to have the opportunity to work with Adam and Justin as Producer of MindPump. During our discussion, you'll discover: -Why bodybuilders are traveling to Kuwait and mysteriously coming back with 20+ pounds of extra muscle...[17:00] -The truth about underground muscle building supplements like SARMS, Clomid, injectable testosterones and more...[23:20 & 30:10] -Why old-timey strength training protocols could be the best way to build strength compared to new-school bodybuilding protocols...[34:00 & 41:00] -How to do an "anabolic triggering session"...[52:00] -Why you need far less protein than you think...[59:30] -The biggest myths in the fitness industry...[67:40] -And much more... Do you have questions, comments or feedback for the MindPump team or me? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Sep 17, 2016 • 59min

The Best Time Of Day To Exercise, Have Sex, Take Supplements, Read A Book, Take A Nap & More!

Do you know your chronotype? Until two weeks ago, I didn't. Turns out, I'm a "lion" chronotype (with a strong tendency to delve into "bear" chrono-typedness). You might be a wolf, in which case you should try working out at 6:00pm and not 6:00am. An early morning run for you might feel like punishment, while an early evening run will provide an enjoyable pick-me-up. Or maybe you're a lion, in which case having a wine, beer or cocktail between 5:30pm and 7:30pm will minimize the chances of sleep disruption from alcohol. Or perhaps you're a dolphin, which means you should schedule any big presentations or work tasks for around 4:00pm, when you're most awake, most alert, and even most confident. You could also be a bear, in which case shifting dinner from 6:00pm to 7:30pm can actually accelerate fat loss and stave off late-night snacking. Interesting, eh? You'll find all the science, the studies, and the facts behind this type of new chronotyping research in the new book "The Power of When: Discover Your Chronotype-and the Best Time to Eat Lunch, Ask for a Raise, Have Sex, Write a Novel, Take Your Meds, and More". A growing body of research actually proves there is a right time to do just about everything, specifically based on your biology and hormones. As Dr. Michael Breus - the author and today's podcast guest - presents in his groundbreaking new book The Power of When, working with your body's inner clock for maximum health, happiness, and productivity can be easy, exciting, fun and pay off big dividends. For example, since reading this book, I've even cut out caffeinated morning coffee and replaced it with decaf, started prioritizing morning and afternoon sex instead of evening sex, and shifted my fiction-based creative writing from 8:00pm to 8:00am.  The Power of When presents a unique program for getting back in sync with your natural rhythm by making minor changes to your daily routine based on your unique "chronotype". In the book, after you've taken Dr. Breus's "Bio-Time Quiz" to figure out your chronotype (e.g. are you a Bear, Lion, Dolphin or Wolf?), you then find out the best time to do over 50 different activities, from when to exercise to have sex to take supplements to ask for a raise to eat breakfast to take a nap and much more. So you can consider this book the ultimate "lifehack". Dr. Breus, Ph.D., is a Clinical Psychologist, a Diplomate of the American Board of Sleep Medicine and a Fellow of The American Academy of Sleep Medicine. With a specialty in Sleep Disorders, Dr. Breus he is one of only 163 psychologists in the world with his credentials and distinction. In addition to his private practice, where he treats athletes and celebrities alike, Dr. Breus also trains other sleep doctors and consults with major airlines, hotel chains, mattress manufacturers and retailers to provide the optimum sleep experience for their customers. For example, an audio relaxation CD he designed for the Crowne Plaza Hotels helps millions of people fall asleep each year, and for over 14 years Dr. Breus has served as the Sleep Expert for WebMD and frequently pens "Sleep Matters" a column in WebMD magazine. He also writes The Insomnia Blog, which appears regularly on WebMD, The Huffington Post, The Dr. Oz Blog, Psychology Today, MedPedia, Organized Wisdom, Travora Travel, and Furniture Today, and has been interviewed on CNN, Oprah, The View, Anderson, and The Doctors and The Dr. OZ Show. During our discussion, you'll discover: -Why I'm now having sex in the morning and coffee in the afternoon...[10:35] -The fascinating history of chronotyping and chronobiology...[11:50] -Why it is that guys like Tim Ferriss and Tai Lopez operate extremely well in the wee hours of the night...[18:30] -Why Thomas Edison created the most disruptive event in the history of bio-time...[32:10] -Whether chronotyping is based on scientific research or simply cute, easy-to-remember animals...[30:25] -When the best time of day is to drink alcohol and to drink coffee based on your chronotype...[25:40 & 27:20] -A simple, scientific, biological way to determine chronotype based on a seven dollar piece of home health equipment...[31:35] -When the best time to have sex is, why and how to "sync up" sex times with your partner based on their chronobiology...[35:35] -When the best time of day is for cardiovascular exercise vs. yoga vs. weight training...[39:25 & 47:20] -How your chronobiology can affect when you should take supplements or medications...[22:00] -Dr. Breus's most potent and effective jet lag tips...[51:00] -Why Daylight Savings Time day is the #1 day that traffic accidents occur...[59:50] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -Dr. Breus's hybrid pillow -The Power of When book -The Power of When quiz Do you have questions, comments or feedback for Dr. Breus or me? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Sep 14, 2016 • 1h 13min

Do Blenders Damage Food Nutrients, Why Weightlifting Makes You A Faster Runner, How To Boost Dopamine Levels & More! September 14, 2016 Podcast: 359: Do Blenders Damage Food Nutrients, Why Weightlifting Makes You A Faster Runner, How To Boost Dopamine Levels & More! NEW! Click here for the official BenGreenfieldFitness calendar of events. Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the tab on the right (or go to SpeakPipe), use the Contact button on the app, call 1-877-209-9439, or use the “Ask Ben” form at the bottom of this page. ----------------------------------------------------- News Flashes: You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on,, and Google+. This is such a fun read about health habits of famous people from history. How does strength training for runners work? Big, big meta-analysis on it, worth checking out if you run. Best. Almond. Article. Ever.  If you think you don’t need to detox metal because you “don’t have fillings”, you need to read this. Trekkies click your heels together…the Tricorder could actually happen... ----------------------------------------------------- Special Announcements: This podcast is brought to you by: -FitLife: Use discount code BEN for 20% off anything! -KimeraKoffee: Use code BEN for 10% discount off anything! Use $5 discount code BEN on anything at Harrys Shaving. -Click here to follow Ben on Snapchat, and get ready for some epic stories on his morning, daily and evening routine! What did you miss this week? A clay mask, a park workout, a morning routine change-up, an epic post-race salad and more. NEW! Click here for the official BenGreenfieldFitness calendar. Nov 17-18, 2016: Ben is speaking at the Biohacker's Summit in Helsinki, Finland. Discover the latest in wearables, internet of things, digital health, and mobile apps to increase performance, be healthier, stay fit, and get more done. Learn about taking food, preparation, cooking, and eating to the next level with the latest science and kitchen chemistry. Even delve into implanted chips, gene therapy, bionic arms, biometric shirts, robotic assistants, and virtual reality. Two days with an amazing crowd and a closing party with upgraded DJs to talk about. Click here to get in now at a 40% discount. Nov 11-14, 2016: Ben is speaking at this year's Wise Traditions on real food to enhance physical and mental performance. If you're an athlete, this is the talk for you! Click here to sign up. Did you miss the weekend podcast episode with Mark Dhamma? It was a must-listen – "In Which Ben Greenfield Is Hypnotized On A Podcast (And Three Embarrassing Personal Admissions From Ben)”. Click here to listen now or download for later! Grab this Official Ben Greenfield Fitness Gear package that comes with a tech shirt, a beanie and a water bottle. And of course, this week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - click here to leave your review for a chance to win some! ------------------------------------------ Listener Q&A: As compiled, deciphered, edited and sometimes read by Rachel Browne, the Podcast Sidekick. How To Boost Your Dopamine Levels Michael says: Michael is from Orange County California. He's an industrial designer and his job depends on his creativity. He's heard that dopamine levels could be linked to creative performance. Do you have any suggestions for biohacking dopamine levels? In my response, I recommend: -NaturalStacks Brain Food -Mucuna Dopa -Grass Fed Whey Protein Isolate -23andme genetic testing -Michael Tyrrell Wholetones Do Blenders Damage Foods? Megan says: She's a long time listener first time caller. Her question is about making home made almond butter. For better digestibility and nutrient absorption she usually soaks, sprouts and dehydrates her nuts and seeds. The other day she tried her hand at making almond butter in the Vitamix. The ultimate product turned out great. But her concern is about oxidized oils. During the process the almond butter got super hot, this is obviously needed for the almonds to release their oil and create consistently, but she's afraid to eat it because of the potentially damaged and oxidized saturated fats. Do you thinks this is an issue? Oh and Rachel, if you like lime, you should try adding that to your cucumber infused basil water. In my response, I recommend: -How to biohack your smoothie article Can MSM Work As A Detox? Jamie says: Her question is in regards to the podcast on cancer. The doctor on the podcast said vegetables rich in sulfur bind to mercury. She takes MSM which is sulfur and it was always her understanding that it actually detoxified your system. Can you address this? And give some pros and cons on MSM overall? In my response, I recommend: -CytoDetox -MSM Powder -Magnetic Clay Magnesium Lotion How To Use Peptides To Heal Injuries Randy says: He's from LA. His buddy John and him workout together, and they're both suffering from different injuries. He has tendonitis and John has a pulled muscle and they were discussing which of the peptides would be appropriate for each of them. Can you talk about the difference between BPC 157 and TB 500 in terms of their uses? Where would it be the most efficacious to use BPC 157 and where would it be best to use TB 500? In my response, I recommend: -How to use BPC-157 -How to use TB-500    See for privacy information.
Sep 10, 2016 • 1h 10min

In Which Ben Greenfield Is Hypnotized Live On A Podcast (And 3 Embarrassing Personal Admissions From Ben).

Warning: I get hypnotized in this podcast and it may make you sleepy when you listen, so please don't do things like drive in your car, operate heavy machinery, ride a bicycle, etc. during this episode. If you do, you may end up in your local newspaper in a way you don't particularly like. A couple weeks ago, I sat across from my friend Mark Dhamma at SoHo House in West Hollywood, LA, leaned in over my roasted chicken and Moscow Mule drink and asked him my burning question. "So could you hypnotize me?" He confidently nodded. "On a podcast?" He nodded again. And so, what you are about to hear came to life. Mark Dhamma is a High Performance Health & Mindset Coach on primarily Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and private sessions like those you're going to hear in this podcast, Mark shares advice on how to look, feel and perform at your best with 32,000 people in over 20 countries. Mark has 17 years of experience in the health industry, including being a Men’s Fitness model and health coach. With his Masters Degree in Positive Psychology under the famous, "Flow" Professor, Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, he teaches science backed proven techniques to be happier, more confident, motivated and productive. Mark gained executive coaching skills from the Royally Knighted Sir John Whitmore "The Founder Of Modern Day Coaching", as well as using NLP and Hypnosis to literally re-program his clients to be successful.' During our discussion, in which I am hypnotized while lying shirtless on the floor of my office, you'll discover: -What exactly happens to your body and brain when you get hypnotized...[12:50] -Why your brain is like a "rider" and your body is like an "elephant"...[13:35] -Three slightly embarrassing personal "issues" I have that I want to fix in my life, and how hypnosis can be used to address those issues...[18:40] -What changes when a hypnotist is in the same physical place as you vs. working with you digitally or via Skype...[62:35] -How you can learn hypnosis for yourself...[65:45] -And much more! Resources from this episode -Hypnosis Practitioner: Pam Castillo -Book: Patterns of Hypnotic Techniques  -Podcast on NLP: "How To Get To Sleep At Night Before A Big Race." -Click here to get your own hypnosis session and get $200 off when you use the code BEN10. Do you have questions, comments or feedback for Mark or me? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Sep 7, 2016 • 1h 22min

How To Lose 131 Pounds By Eating Meat: The Rick Rubin Podcast

What do the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Kanye West, Johnny Cash, The Black Crowes, Slayer, Jay Z, James Blake, Dixie Chicks, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Black Sabbath, Slipknot, Metallica, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Weezer, Linkin Park, The Cult, Neil Diamond, The Avett Brothers, Adele, Mick Jagger, System of a Down, Rage Against the Machine, Audioslave, Sheryl Crow, ZZ Top, Lady Gaga, Shakira, Ed Sheeran, Damien Rice, Eminem, and just about every other world-famous band or musician you've ever heard of have in common? They were all produced by today's podcast guest: Rick Rubin, the American record producer and former co-president of Columbia Records.  In 2007, MTV called Rick "the most important producer of the last 20 years", and the same year he appeared on Time's 100 Most Influential People in the World list. Rapper Dr. Dre has stated that Rubin is, "hands down, the dopest producer ever that anyone would ever want to be, ever." But Rick has a personal passion outside of music that many people don't know about..., nutrition, fitness and biohacking. And in this episode, in which Rick and I sit on his back porch, watching a relaxing sunset after a hard morning of Laird Hamilton's pool workout, we have an intense discussion about veganism vs. Paleo, Rick's weight loss journey, and much more. During our discussion, you'll discover: -The little-known Ayurvedic pulse taking technique Rick used to find out he need to "drink more bone broth"...[16:10] - Why Rick thinks an ice bath is very much like eating meat...[26:25] -How Rick lost 131 pounds by eating animal protein...[29:45] -Why Rick took an entire week to eat one steak...[28:56] -What legendary Ironman coach and physician Dr. Phil Maffetone told Rick to do for diet and exercise, and how Rick modified it...[37:35 & 41:05] -What a typical day is like for Rick...[54:25] -How Rick uses "transcendental meditation", and his insight into neurofeedback for the brain...[57:20] -Rick's unique dietary and supplementation routine he uses each day...[60:35] -The one herb Rick uses each day to decrease hunger and sugar cravings...[68:00] -Rick's standing workstation setup...[68:55] -Why Rick uses a projector instead of a television or computer to watch movies at night...[73:45 ] -The audio track that Rick falls asleep to each night...[76:30] -What is it that drives Rick to live the life he lives...[79:30] -And much more! Resources from this episode:  -My article on "hacking" an infrared sauna -The Ayurvedic pulse taking technique Rick refers to -Don Wildman's "Hardest Workout In The World" article from Esquire magazine -Phil Maffetone's "Big Book of Health and Fitness: A Practical Guide to Diet, Exercise, Healthy Aging, Illness Prevention, and Sexual Well-Being" -My podcast on Transcendental Meditation -My neurofeedback EEG training experience -The full recipe for Rick's Stim-Stem Shake Espresso  Chocolate whey protein Bulletproof Collogelatin  Glutamine Chocolate Stevia Bulletproof Brain Octane  Organic Cocoa Nibs Organic Cocoa Powder Organic Aloe Vera Juice Ocean's Alive Marine Phytoplankton  Ice to desired texture -NatureAminos amino acids -The herb Rick uses to decrease hunger and sugar cravings -The Kybounder Mat Rick uses under his standing workstation -Sleeping Monk tea -Natural Calm Magnesium powder -The alternative to Natural Calm Magnesium powder that Ben uses -Below is the Natural Calm Magnesium reply that Ben mentioned regarding heavy metals: In regards to the Arsenic levels that Labdoor has decided to use, it is from a proposed limit over 10 years that was NEVER approved or accepted. The current established level for Arsenic is 10mcg/day. Why Labdoor decided to use a never approved or accepted proposal in unclear. In regards to the Natural Calm supplement, here is Natural Vitality's official statement on it: "The simple truth is that Natural Calm both meets its potency label claim and is well within the No Significant Risk Levels for arsenic and in fact is less than 10 percent of California’s Prop 65 stringent safe threshold levels. This has been consistently scientifically validated by third party test results from top American testing labs as part of standard Good Manufacturing Practices. While testing results commissioned by Labdoor, when correctly interpreted, align perfectly with our results, their report contains a number of distortions which provide both a highly inaccurate picture and a disservice to consumers. We believe Labdoor is attempting to use our well-deserved, award-winning reputation to inflate their importance. Apparently their business model involves casting themselves as a “trusted source” by creating sensationalized stories to drive traffic to their website with the objective of creating profit from advertising sales and, interestingly, sales of supplements. Factual Flaws Labdoor’s Natural Calm test size was over two and a half times our recommended serving size but they did not factor that into their analysis. When correctly interpreted our results read: Magnesium was 346 mg, about a 1% variance from our label claim of 350 mg. Arsenic was .7992 of a microgram. Less than 8% of the California Prop 65 No Significant Risk safe threshold. Labdoor was approached regarding their misinterpretation of the results and asked to retract their press release, send out a corrected press release and update their website. However, Labdoor refused to admit wrong doing of any kind and continues to assert the virtue of their inaccurate position. At this point, both through the correct interpretation of the assay provided to us from Labdoor and our retest of the lot in question, Natural Calm has been clearly shown to be accurate both in terms of label claim and in following California’s Prop 65. The laboratory used by both Labdoor and Natural Vitality was the highly regarded Covance laboratories. Covance’s interpretation of test results (both Labdoors and ours) validates our position in terms of label claim and purity. Additional information is available at Natural Vitality customer service if desired ( Having cleared the record with scientific facts, we now consider this matter closed." I would be happy to provide you with the Certificate of Analysis that we had performed on an actual servings size instead of the 10.66g that Labdoor used, which is 2.5x our suggested serving size. -The ZMA supplement you can use before bed at night for minerals  -The Jack Kornfield spiritual teaching download at -Ben's article on BPC-157 peptides for muscle gain and fat loss  -Ben's article on TB-500 peptides for muscle gain and fat loss  -Ben's article on SARMs for muscle gain and fat loss  -The NatureColostrum Ben recommends for muscle gain  -The NatureAminos Ben recommends for muscle gain -The SuperEssentials Fish Oil Ben recommends for muscle gain Do you have questions, comments or feedback for Rick or me? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Sep 6, 2016 • 47min

How To Easily Measure The Human Energy Field, "Chakras", Organ Function & More.

Four months ago, at the London Biohacker's Summit, my friend, fellow biohacker and self-quantifying nerd Ruben Salinas got on stage and, during a fascinating presentation that revealed a host of cutting-edge methods he uses to keep his body and brain optimized, mentioned that each day he sticks his finger in a device called a "Bio-Well", which measures parameters like his "chakras" and "energy field" and "organ health". I was skeptical. So I did some research into Bio-Well, and discovered Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, who is a Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg Federal Research University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Dr. Korotkov is a scientist known for his research on the human energy field and he developed something called the Gas Discharge Visualization technique, popularly known as "GDV". He was involved with the development of this Bio-Well device, and during our discussion, you'll discover: -How Dr. Korotkov developed gas discharge visualization (GDV) technique the point where you can keep a running tab on everything from cortisol to organ function throughout the day...[3:40] -How a mild electrical shock to your finger can result in the ability to engage in direct, real-time viewing and analysis of changes in your human energy fields...[12:35] -The actual research behind GDV and whether it actually works when investigated in studies...[17:35] -How you can use simple measurements on your finger to determine things like food allergies, altitude acclimatization, brain wave states, diseases and more...[27:00] -How you can use GDV assess response to drugs, meditation, stress reduction therapy or any other interventions...[29:43] -How GDV can be used to monitor your personal environment for things like mold and fungi...[33:05] -The methods Konstantin follows to modify his diet, exercise and lifestyle based on GDV testing of himself and his environment...[33:55] -And much more... Resources from this episode: -The Bio-Well website -Book: Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine research Do you have questions, comments or feedback for Konstantin or me? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Sep 3, 2016 • 59min

The Best Way To Test For Zika Virus & Beyond: One Single, Very Inexpensive Test That Can Measure EVERYTHING - An Interview With Army Microbiologist & Virus Expert Dr. Charles Wick.

Today's podcast guest is a guy who could save and be saving more lives than any guest I've ever had on the podcast. While working for the army as a microbiologist, he developed two extremely unique methods of microbe detection. The first is a universal and physical virus counter (IVDS). The second is a computer program that, in conjunction with Mass Spectometry, identifies the unique protein fragments (peptides) within a sample of anything and universally detects all the microbes in a sample (MSP) - from Ebola to influenza to Zika, West Nile Virus, AIDS and beyond, including known, unknown, and mutated viruses. He was the feature of the NY Times Article: Scientists and Soldiers Solve a Bee Mystery, which was about work he did in the bee population in 2010 to shed light on colony collapse disorder. But the promise of what he does goes beyond bees, and when it comes to health and fitness, in the right hands his Mass Spect Proteomics program could help scientists and physicians study the gut, infection and other elements of health. The need for a lot of lab work would be eliminated and human body clinicians would no longer be limited to parameters of particular panels, because they would now have access to one very inexpensive test that sees everything - EVERYTHING - and beats the pants off old-school methods of disease detection. The Integrated Virus Detection System (IVDS) he helped to develop is a fast-acting, highly portable, user-friendly, extremely accurate and efficient system for detecting the presence of, screening, identifying, and characterizing viruses. Let's say, for example, you get bit by a mosquito (this analogy is inspired by the newspaper clip below that I was just reading this morning). Over several days, you feel increasingly worse and worse. What if, using your own saliva or other body fluid, you could immediately test in the comfort of your own home to see if you had Zika, West Nile, or some other microbe-related issue? That's possible. My guest's name is Dr. Charles Wick, and he is based out of a small tech firm in Montana that is working to make IVDS laptop sized units to be used use in mobile applications like airports, drugstores, homes, etc. to help quickly and accurately diagnose the flu and other bugs, along with developing technologies to help bee keepers manage their hives to save insects like bees and beetles. Dr. Wick is a retired senior scientist from the US Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) where he served both as a manager and research physical scientist and has made significant contributions to forensic science. Although his 40+ year professional career has spanned both the public sector and the military, his better-known work in the area of forensic science has occurred in concert with the Department of Defense (DOD). After earning four degrees from the University of Washington, Dr. Wick worked in the private sector for twelve years, leading to a patent, numerous publications, and international recognition among his colleagues. In 1983, Dr. Wick joined the Vulnerability/Lethality Division of the United States Army Ballistic Research Laboratory, where he quickly achieved recognition as a manager and principal investigator. It was at this point that he made one of his first major contributions to forensic science and to the field of antiterrorism; his team was the first to utilize current technology to model sub-lethal chemical, biological, and nuclear agents. This achievement was beneficial to all areas of the Department of Defense, as well as to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and gained Wick international acclaim as an authority on individual performance for operations conducted on a nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) battlefield. During his career in the United States Army, Wick rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Chemical Corps. He served as a Unit Commander for several rotations, a staff officer for six years (he was an Division Chemical Staff Officer for two rotations), Deputy Program Director Biological Defense Systems, and retired from the position of Commander of the 485th Chemical Battalion in April of 1999. Dr. Wick continued to work for the DOD as a civilian at ECBC. Two notable achievements, and one which earned him the Department of the Army Research and Development Award for Technical Excellence and a Federal Laboratory Consortium Technology Transfer Award in 2002, include his involvement in the invention of the Integrated Virus Detection System (IVDS), a fast-acting, highly portable, user-friendly, extremely accurate and efficient system for detecting the presence of, screening, identifying, and characterizing viruses. The IVDS can detect and identify the full spectrum of known, unknown, and mutated viruses, from AIDS to foot and mouth disease, to West Nile Virus, and beyond. This system is compact, portable, and does not rely upon elaborate chemistry. The second, and equally award winning, was his leadership in the invention of the method for detecting and identifying microbes using Mass Spectrometry Proteomics. Each of these projects represent determined ten year efforts and are novel in their approaches to the detection and classification of microbes from complex matrices. Both topics are the subjects of two books published by CRC Press. Throughout his career, Wick has made lasting and important contributions to forensic science and to the field of antiterrorism. Dr. Wick holds several U.S. Patents in the area of microbe detection and classification. He has written more than forty-five civilian and military publications and has received myriad awards and citations, including the Department of the Army Meritorious Civilian Service Medal, the Department of the Army Superior Civilian Service Award, two United States Army Achievement Medals for Civilian Service, the Commander's Award for Civilian Service, the Technical Cooperation Achievement Award and twenty-five other decorations and awards for military and community service. During our discussion, you'll discover: -What bees disappearing has to do with the Zika virus...[15:38] -Why colony collapse disorder in bees is happening (and whether cell phones are to blame)...[24:12 & 28:20] -Why it's actually a pretty big deal for your health if bees die off...[31:00, 32:40 & 38:00] -What can be done now to keep bees from disappearing...[34:00 & 51:15] -How the biological testing equipment Charles developed is extremely unique, and why older detection methods are flawed...[18:30, 37:50 & 46:25] -Ways this technology can be used to quickly find out if you have things like MRSA, Lyme, influenza or some kind of underlying chronic infection...[37:10 & 44:40] -How the smartphone of the future could be used to detect virtually any microbial condition...[53:35] -And much more... Resources from this episode: Book: Integrated Virus Detection Book: Identifying Microbes by Mass Spectrometry Proteomics The research page of Charles Wick NY Times Article: Scientists and Soldiers Solve a Bee Mystery The essential oils Ben Greenfield uses Video 1 from YouTube: Charles discusses Mass Spectometry Proteomics (MSP) and Integrated Virus Detection System (IVDS). Both, universal microbe detectors that, including Ebola, could universally detect every microbe in a single sample. Video 2 from YouTube: In this second half, Charles answers questions about his IP, terrorist using Ebola, how MSP and IVDS have all but made PCR detection methods obsolete, and of course the meaning of life. Do you have questions, comments or feedback for Dr. Charles Wick or me? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Aug 31, 2016 • 1h 14min

The Most Effective Detox You've Never Heard Of (And Exactly How To Do It).

In 1974, the World Health Organization stated that environmental toxins create approximately 84% of all chronic diseases. Over the past 40 years this number has increased dramatically... ...and as a matter of fact, an oft-neglected but serious issue called "cellular toxicity" is one of the major epidemics of our lifetimes, and remains an underlying cause of numerous health issues, including gut problems, thyroid issues, sluggish metabolism, brain fog and much more. In today's episode, you're going to learn exactly why that is, what cellular toxicity is, what you can do about, and the most effective form of detoxification that you've probably never heard of. My guest on today's episode is Dr. Daniel Pompa, D.PSc., who is widely considered to be a global leader in the health and wellness industry. He travels all over the country educating practitioners and the public on the root causes of inflammation driven diseases such as Weight Loss Resistance, Hypothyroid, Diabetes, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autoimmune Disorders and other chronic conditions. ...and I happened to have had the pleasure of hanging out at Dan's house with him in Park City Utah during my TrainToHunt National Championships competition, and finding out everything I've always wanted to know about how to detox the body as effectively as possible. Dan's authority is rooted in his own personal battle. He has overcome serious neurotoxic illness and heavy metal poisoning, and he did that using the cellular detoxification strategies we talk about in this show. His methodology is rooted in self-experimentation, and runs very much counter to mainstream detox tactics. During our discussion, you'll discover: -How Dr. Pompa developed extremely"toxic" cells despite being a seemingly healthy pro mountain biker and chiropractic physician...[9:30] -The big, big problem with detoxifications such as cilantro, chlorella, juice cleanses, colonics and other popular detox methods...[30:00] -Why the popular cleansing mineral zeolite is too big to cross a cell membrane, and what you can do about it...[34:05 & 53:55] -Dr Pompa's 5 "R's" of fixing your cells for good, and how you can personally do each of these R's...[37:35] -Why you must detox your cell, and not just your tissue or your blood, and exactly how to detox your cells...[40:15] -What happens if you mix popular detox methods, like fiber supplements or glutathione or n-acetyl cysteine or juicing, etc...[58:15] -The tiny white bottle that Dr. Pompa gave me that made me feel like complete crap and call him on the phone three days later...[63:20] -What you should feel like when you are detoxing, and how long you should actually detox for (you'll be surprised at the answer)...[64:30] -And much more! Resources from this episode: -CytoDetox supplement -Six hour urine challenge -Evidence Of Harm DVD about mercury dental fillings -The "Smoking Tooth" video on YouTube for finding a holistic dentist -Biology Of Belief book -NOW Foods liver capsules -USWellnessMeats (Ben mentions braunschweiger and head cheese in this episode) -Cancer As A Metabolic Disease book -Thorne multivitamin -Dr. Pompa's article about detoxification mistakes Do you have questions, comments or feedback for Dan or me? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.

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