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Feb 20, 2020 • 1h 20min

The Shocking Truth About You Getting "EMF'D": 5G, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones - Hidden Harms & How To Protect Yourself

This week, I sat slack-jawed and shocked in my bed as I read my friend Dr. Joseph Mercola's new book EMF'D: 5G, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones: Hidden Harms & How To Protect Yourself.  The hazards of electronic pollution may once have been the stuff of science fiction, but now we know they're all too real. And with the advent of 5G ultra-wideband technology, the danger is greater than ever. The dangers of electromagnetic fields are real - and I just had to get Dr. Mercola on this podcast to talk about exactly what they are and how you can protect yourself. He's one of the world's foremost authorities on alternative health, and in this latest title, he has mined the scientific literature to offer a radical new understanding of how electromagnetic fields impact your body and mind. In this first-of-its-kind guide, he reveals: • What EMFs (electromagnetic fields) actually are, where you find them in your daily life, and how they affect you • The toll that EMFs have been proven to take in conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and neuropsychiatric illnesses • Why you've been largely kept in the dark about this threat to your health • How you can actually repair the damage done by EMFs at a cellular level • Practical strategies to protect yourself and your loved ones from EMFs at home, at work, and out in the world The coming 5G technology will be pervasive and powerful. It will also be one of the largest public-health experiments in history-with no way of opting out. That's why you need to listen to. Now. During our discussion, you'll discover:  -Why Dr. Mercola wrote this new book...7:26  Mitochondrial dysfunction is really one of the primary ways we age and develop chronic illness Three years ago realized EMFs were one of the primary ways our mitochondria are damaged and very few people were warning the public about that Written 14 books but this is my last one for 5-10 years as I have a new strategy for creating content -Dr. Mercola's new strategy for creating content...9:22 Well you were a major part in that when you told me it took you three years to write you new book Boundless and it had 3000 references. Another factor was conversation I had with Dave Asprey in a private party we were both at JJ Virgin at Mindshare and he recommended a book by Ryan Holiday Perennial Seller which I read and helped me understand how to write a classic book that will be read for decades requires many years to create and many many drafts of the book as the first few drafts are typically terrible. So rather than write more books I am going to be writing scientific reviews for journals. It has been about twenty years since I published in the science journals and I thought I was about time to start up again Especially because I have some GREAT secret sauce resources to do that and I can share with your audience -Oh yeah? What are those resources?...12:30 One is my science editor, Tyler Lebaron who I introduced you to and you did podcast on molecular hydrogen. He is one of the sharpest scientists I know, humble, brilliant chemist, biochemist and knows molecular biology well and he is reviewing all the science I compile for accuracy. The big one is RSS feeds (really simple syndication), which is essentially an easy way to stay up to date with your favorite websites, such as blogs or online magazines or PubMed which is really important RSS feeds were how I was able to find and write about so much great content in the early days of my site. In 2005 I used an RSS reader called Google Reader but they shut it down six years ago. Would not use it now though even if it was up because Google is evil on steroids. Alternatives to Google Feedly Qwant search engine Brave browser  How To Migrate From Chrome To Brave RSS Feed search for PubMed lets you follow as many search terms so you don’t have to go to Pub Med every day and do individual searches for them There has been a trend towards open access and now nearly 1/3 articles on PubMed are now free to read If you or someone you know has academic credentials at a university you can typically get free access 25 page paper with 200 references on blood flow restriction (BFR).  It isn’t published yet but I can give your listeners a 25 page consumer summary with videos and if they want can send the review paper after it is published in -Why does the public not accept that EMF is a serious danger to their health?...22:00 In 2011, the WHO labels cell phones as a class 2B carcinogen 2018, NTP study shows that cell phones are clearly class I carcinogen Cellphones are the cigarettes of the 21st century Kills you slowly Companies knew it killed customers (as do cell phone companies) Same PR agencies discredit researchers (creating doubt and controversy among the public) Convenient and useful Invisible Captured media Captured federal regulatory agencies FCC started 6 BILLION dollar program to spread 5G to rural areas EMF is unavoidable (unlike cigarette smoke, which you can mitigate somewhat) -What's 5G, exactly, and why would folks want it in the first place?...32:15 100X faster than 4G.  Most don’t need it now Possible commercials use that need high bandwidth like self-driving cars SpaceX rollout There have been zero safety studies on the effects of 5G AT&T As we start 2020 implementation is not widespread.  Companies like AT&T lie and say it is 5G and it isn’t Go to browser on phone and go to and hit enter unless > 500 megs per second it is NOT 5G Fiber optic cable is the best alternative to 5G It's essentially a giant public health experiment -How to mitigate NAD damage from EMF, and how can we increase it in our bodies...47:25 Limit exposure to EMF Exercise and intermittent fasting increase NAMPT by 30% Precursors and Chris Shade’s new liposomal NMN Quicksilver NAD+ James Clement out of Gainesville will help us figure this out with his new mass spect to measure NAD+ Read here The Switch book by James Clement; discusses cycling between mTOR inhibition and activation Ketone Aid Water and Wellness hydrogen tablets -How to activate the NRF2 pathway...1:03:21 Polyphenols like broccoli glucoraphanin and moringa but don’t recommend these xenohormetics Steamed nettle has many of the same biochemical qualities as moringa Favorite is molecular hydrogen -Why magnesium is a good supplement, and the best forms to take...1:06:30 Best form is ionic magnesium not attached to anything and that would be molecular hydrogen Other favorites threonate, malate, and citrate Calm magnesium citrate...Canna CalMag Hydroxy free radicals Carnosine MAG SRT -Technologies that can repair the damage caused by EMF...1:11:36 Don’t rely on harmonizers; false sense of security First order of priority is to measure and lower exposure Carnosine is my new passion and the topic of the second review Even experts in carnivore like Paul Saladino haven’t deeply studied this The Carnivore Code by Paul Saladino ACIM Mitochondrial rescue Grounding Ground every day but not the way you do BGF podcast w/ Clint Ober Dave Stetzer Dirty Electricity filter Acousticom 2 RF detector and EMF meter Brian Hoyer's Fluke 287 about $400 Dr. Mercola's recent podcast w/ Ben Greenfield -How to read a chapter of Dr. Mercola's book for free...1:21:15 Resources from this episode: - Dr. Mercola's website - Dr. Mercola's new book EMF'D: 5G, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones: Hidden Harms & How To Protect Yourself - BGF podcasts with Dr. Joseph Mercola KetoFasting: The Dark Side of Fasting & Ketosis (+How To Use Cyclic Ketosis To Fix The Issues) Killing Fat Cells, Fixing Mitochondria, Growing Superfoods & More: The Official, Much-Anticipated, Mind-Blowing, Geeked-Out Podcast With Dr. Mercola. How To Reverse The Damage From Cell Phone Radiation, Hidden Sources Of EMF, The Best Way To Measure Your EMF Exposure & Much More With Dr. Joseph Mercola! High-Fat Fudge Balls, The Best Fruits For Blood Sugar, Egg Allergies & More With “Fat For Fuel” Author Dr. Mercola - Books by Dr. Mercola - - - Book: Perennial Seller by Ryan Holiday - Book: The Carnivore Code by Paul Saladino - Book: Dirty Electricity by Sam Milhan - BGF podcast with Tyler LeBaron about molecular hydrogen - Tyler LeBaron doing one-arm pull-ups in a three-piece suit - BGF podcast wth JJ Virgin - BGF podcast with building biologist Brian Hoyer - Shielded Healing, Brian Hoyer's company - BGF podcast with Nick Pineault: The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs - How To Migrate From Chrome To Brave - RSS Feed search for PubMed - Feedly - Qwant search engine - Ketone Aid - Transdermal Magnesium - Water and Wellness hydrogen tablets - The Carnivore Code by Dr. Paul Saladino - BGF podcast w/ Clint Ober - Dr. Mercola's recent podcast w/ Ben Greenfield  Episode sponsors: -Kion Aminos: Building blocks for muscle recovery, reduced cravings, better cognition, immunity, and more. Get 20% off your order of Kion Aminos, and everything at the Kion site when you use discount code: BGF20 -Organifi Green Juice: Now you can get all your healthy superfoods in one glass...with No Shopping, No Blending, No Juicing, and No Cleanup. Get a 20% discount on your entire order when you use discount code: BENG20 -X3 Bar: Grow muscle 3x faster than you can with free weights! The X3 Bar will change the way you train forever. Get a $50 discount on your X3 bar when you use discount code: BEN -Powerdot: Relieve your pain, Recover faster from workouts, build muscle and endurance to help you accelerate past those training plateaus and feel great doing it. Get 20% off your order when you use discount code: BEN Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Dr. Mercola or me? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Feb 15, 2020 • 1h 11min

Water Fasting, Trauma Release For Fat Loss, Homeschooling, Hidden Nasty Ingredients In Your Personal Care Products & Much More With Katie Wells TheWellnessMama!

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder and CEO of and Wellnesse is my guest on today's show. A mom of six with a background in journalism, she took health into her own hands and started researching to find answers to her health struggles. Her research turned into a blog and podcast, and she’s now written over 1,500 blog posts, three books, and was named one of the 100 most influential people in health and wellness. When she’s not reading medical journals, creating new recipes, or recording podcasts, you can find her somewhere outside in the sun with her husband (who she met walking across the country) and kids or undertaking some DIY remodeling project. Obligatory additional unrelated randomness: doula, speed-reader, hates bananas, loves baseball, scuba-diver, INTJ, highly experienced in answering the question, “why.” Her new company Wellnesse is her debut line of high-quality, all-natural, and clean personal care products. It is based on the DIY creations she has been making in her kitchen for years and is set to launch January 2020. Cruelty-free, GMO-free, and paraben-free are important personal care product qualities for Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, award-winning blogger, author, podcaster, and real-food crusader. The first products in the Wellnesse product line include: -Whitening Toothpaste -Cleansing Shampoo for All Hair Types -Smoothing Shampoo for All Hair Types -Nourishing Conditioner for Wavy, Curly Hair -Enriching Conditioner for Wavy, Curly Hair Katie spent more than ten years researching the personal care market and perfecting her own recipes using safe and natural ingredients. Unable to find commercially-available products that lived up to their clean and green labels, she developed a mission to bring simpler, safer personal care to the homes of families across the country with Wellnesse. During our discussion, you'll discover: -Why Katie was doing a water fast at the time of recording the podcast...5:41 Begin w/ time-restricted eating; progress to 24-hour water fast, eventually a 10-day water fast Every major religion includes fasting as part of their lifestyle Katie does it for the mental benefits, more so than the physical Book: Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl Book: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz Benefits of water fasting: Give the gut time to replenish Increase autophagy in the body Lowering age-related inflammation Immune benefits -How Katie has lost over 50 pounds in the last 12 months...10:10 Tried doing it "by the book" to no avail; saw real change when she dealt w/ the emotional elements of weight gain Suffered a sexual trauma as a teenager, and did not properly address it emotionally at the time Hormonal distress; sympathetic nervous system always on alert Therapy that involved being picked up, learning to trust others, adrenaline shake, etc. Similar to Trauma Release Exercise (TRE) therapy What is TRE® | Tension, Stress and Trauma Release : TRE® Book: The Healing Code by Alexander Loyd -Biohacks or technology that are efficacious for weight loss...19:10 Sauna Clearlight Saunas Cryotherapy Nutrition Genome 23andMe -How Katie balances multiple businesses while raising 6 children...24:09 Wellness Mama began with the simple desire to provide a better life for her newborn children Background in journalism sparked a desire for research in topics that weren't well-known at the time Became excessively stressed after the 3rd child Business was easy; implement and execute systems Family did not have as much continuity Began running the family like a business (systems, schedules, etc.) No nannies, personal assistant for business, a tutor for homeschool Children are involved in the business (working to their strengths) Children need to have a profitable business before they can own a car or a cellphone -The process of testing and researching info that's published on Wellness Mama...32:03 Structured work 3-4 hours per day Kitchen is a test lab for new products Environmental Working Group Concern over lack of oversight and accountability in personal care products FDA has little authority to pull products from shelves Major brand facing 15k lawsuits for using talcum powder in their baby powder -Problems with your so-called "healthy" toothpaste...39:00 Most natural toothpastes contain glycerine, alternative sweeteners that may harm the oral microbiome Ingredients to be found in a toothpaste made by Katie: Experimented w/ a paste that mimicked oil pulling Calcium Baking soda Meme and green tea Xylitol (beneficial for oral microbiome) Oral microbiome affects the gut microbiome more than we thought before -The household products that are notoriously unhealthy and need to be swapped out right now...45:03 Laundry detergent Toothpaste Conventional shampoo and sunscreen Many "Green" cleaning products contain harmful ingredients Fabric softener and dryer sheets can be linked to asthma, autoimmune disease Branch Basics cleaning products Children may experience early onset of puberty as a result of these products in the home -Some of the products that Katie's company is focusing on in the next 12 months...51:54 The majority of what you put on your skin will be absorbed by the body Make the products w/ beneficial ingredients that will be absorbed Focus on the most difficult and time-consuming home-made products on the Wellness Mama blog Wellnesse is a certified B-Corp.; don't need to focus primarily on profits to be successful Be careful when using lavender essential oil on boys (smaller amounts can be supportive) Two types of shampoo and conditioner Remineralizing toothpaste Sunscreen and bug spray -Up and coming health trends Katie is excited about for 2020 and beyond...1:02:48 Heart rate variability (HRV) Apollo Neuro BGF podcast w/ Dr. David Rabin of Apollo Oura Ring Nature Beat app Bio Strap Sauna therapy Clearlight Sauna Increase heat as much as possible Wood-based essential oils Ben's biggies for HRV: Sleep, breathwork, meditation CBD at night Cold therapy -And much more... Resources from this episode: - Wellnesse - What is TRE® | Tension, Stress and Trauma Release : TRE® - Book: The Healing Code by Alexander Loyd - Nutrition Genome - Environmental Working Group - Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine - Hormone-Containing Hair Product Use in Prepubertal Children - Book: Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl - Book: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz - Branch Basics - Morozko Forge ($150 off the retail price for any Forge) Episode sponsors: -Kion: My personal playground for new supplement formulations, Kion blends ancestral wisdom with modern science. Take advantage of Kion's President's Day sale, and save 15% off your entire order when you use discount code: "SAVEFORABE" -Seed Daily Synbiotic: A formulation of 24 unique strains, each of which included at their clinically verified dose, to deliver systemic benefits in the body. Save 15% off your order when you use discount code: BEN15 -Vuori: Activewear and athletic clothing for ultimate performance. Vuori is built to move and sweat in, yet designed with a West Coast aesthetic that transitions effortlessly into everyday life. Receive 25% off your first order when you use discount code: “BENG25" -BiOptimizers MassZymes: MassZymes is a 17-enzyme full-spectrum formula with 5 different kinds of protease. Plus, it contains all of the key enzymes needed for optimal digestion. Right now you can get a bottle of MassZymes for FREE. All you need to do is pay a small shipping fee and there’s no catch. Click my link to order your FREE bottle! Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Katie or me? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Feb 13, 2020 • 1h 5min

A New Treatment For Blasting Tissues With Oxygen, Growing New Blood Vessels, Recovering Faster, Killing Bacteria, Building Stem Cells & Much More!

I've recently become a huge fan of something called "Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy" treatment. After getting an HBOT USA softshell unit for my home (the Vitaeris 320 model), I've been in it every day for 40-60 minutes for reading or napping, and it's become a complete game changer in my personal recovery and health protocol. You can read more in my guest's new book "Oxygen Under Pressure: Using Hyperbaric Oxygen to Restore Health, Reduce Inflammation, Reverse Aging and Revolutionize Health Care", but the benefits include: Hyperoxygenation:  The delivery of 100% oxygen under pressure (1.5 to 3 ATA) within the hyperbaric chamber provides up to 20 times normal oxygen to all tissues within the body. This oxygen supersaturation is in marked contrast to breathing room air (21% oxygen at 1 ATA). Direct Pressure to Oxygen Molecules:  Inside the hyperbaric chamber, oxygen molecules are compressed and become more soluble, obeying the scientific principles of Boyle’s Universal Gas Law. This phenomenon allows oxygen to effortlessly cross cell membranes and enter all of the body’s fluid systems, including plasma, synovial, lymphatic, interstitial (between cells) and cerebrospinal fluids. Normally, only the red blood cells are capable of transporting oxygen throughout the body. Now, all body fluids combine to provide alternate transport routes for extra oxygen and cumulatively can provide up to 20 times normal O2. Bactericidal Ammunition – Aids in Killing Bacteria: Conditions created within the hyperbaric oxygen chamber are not favorable for the viability of bacteria, fungi and viruses – organisms that cannot survive in an oxygen rich environment. Extra oxygen is provided to the white blood cells (leukocytes) which become supercharged in the battle against bacteria responsible for causing infection and illness. Angiogenesis – The Formation of New Blood Vessels:  Hyperbaric Oxygen stimulates the body to grow new capillaries (angiogenesis), essentially building a new collateral circulatory system to serve injured and healthy tissues alike. The resulting neovascularization is extremely helpful for reaching tissues and organs that have restricted blood flow (ischemic areas) as well as areas of the body that are lacking or compromised in available oxygen (hypoxic areas). Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Stimulation – A Surge of Antioxidant Capabilities:  Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) is an important enzyme found in human cells that inactivates superoxides, the most common free radicals in the body, responsible for destruction of cells. Hyperbaric Oxygen stimulates SOD production thereby helping the body to rid itself of the byproducts of inflammation and damaging free radicals. Synergy With Antibiotics: Hyperbaric Oxygen has been proven to create a synergistic effect when administered in conjunction with certain antibiotics. Synergy can be understood as two or more agents working together to produce a result not obtainable by any of the agents independently. Administration of HBOT biomechanically potentiates the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy. The capabilities of sulfanomides are increased up to ten fold when HBOT is added. Increased oxygen levels from HBOT alone also act as antibiotics by impairing bacterial metabolism. Improves Osteoblast and Osteoclast Production:  Faster regeneration of bone is derived by hyperbaric oxygen’s ability to stimulate and increase production of specialized cells (osteoblasts and osteoclasts) responsible for bone repair and formation. Increases Fibroblast and Collagen Production: These essential building blocks of connective-tissue, tendon and skin matrix (fibroblasts and collagen) provide the structural framework throughout the body and play a critical role in wound healing. Fibroblast and collagen reproduction and growth are aided by the added availability of increased oxygen provided during hyperbaric conditions. Decreases Inflammation Inflammation, one of the most common mechanisms of disease and injury, is caused by biochemical byproducts that are manufactured by the body’s natural immune response. Hyperbaric oxygen markedly decreases inflammation by stimulating the body’s own anti-inflammatory defenses. This may be the single most important function of HBOT. This podcast is all about HBOT. Jason Sonners DC, DIBAK, DCBCN is owner and Clinic Director of Core Therapies Family Wellness Center, New Jersey Hyperbaric Oxygen Center, and HBOT USA Corp. As the owner and one of the doctors at Core Therapies, Dr. Sonners primarily practices functional medicine taking on complex cases including autoimmune conditions, chronic inflammation and neurologic dysfunction and using treatment methods to help improve function and tap into the body’s innate ability to heal. He uses nutrition, detoxification, hyperbaric oxygen and herbal therapies to improve the health and quality of life for his patients. Dr. Sonners works with families all over the country helping them find answers to their toughest health questions. As the clinical director of New Jersey HBOT and HBOT USA, Dr. Jason Sonners utilizes Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) for many of his chronic patients and helps get Hyperbaric Oxygen both into the homes of patients in need as well into the offices of doctors who want to build hyperbaric therapy clinics. Dr. Sonners is on the faculty for the Medical Academy of Pediatric and Special Needs (MedMAPS) as well as the International Hyperbaric Association (IHA) educating other doctors on alternative and complementary treatment methods. He also guest lectures for various functional medicine conferences around the country talking about the use of nutrition, fasting, red light therapy and hyperbaric oxygen in helping the chronic illnesses plaguing our country. During our discussion, you'll discover: -What HBOT is, and how Jason began using it...10:22 Herniated disk and injured foot; suffered drop foot for 18 months as a result Several months of HBOT led to full recovery Jason's father had amazing improvements in his MS after HBOT Eventually implemented it in his clinic What is HBOT? Hyperbaric = increased pressure Air is 21% oxygen Add varying amounts of pressure and oxygen to create different "doses" Used traditionally in hospitals for more severe conditions: gangrene, radiation burns, diabetic neuropathy, etc. How HBOT assists w/ wound care: Trauma, infection damages micro-circulation (in the capillaries) Hyperbaric oxygen can get into areas of the body that are oxygen starved HBOT is able to bypass the red blood cells and inject oxygen into the plasma; much more expedient delivery mechanism -Various delivery mechanisms and how much oxygen one needs using HBOT...18:20 All gases move in gradient (high to low pressure) A pressurized environment causes the pressure in your body to increase The more pressure you're exposed to, and higher percentages of oxygen, the larger the gradient of pressure Oxygen concentrator increases the amount of oxygen you're breathing in (and that's pressurized in a HBOT chamber) HBOT chambers in hospitals can have 100% oxygen inside 3 types of chambers: Hospital grade (~$200k + cost of oxygen) Hard chamber ($90-100k) Home model ($15-22k) -Actual use frequency and volume of a HBOT chamber...22:42 Match the right tool to your goals Short-term benefits: Increase in oxygenation More ATP production Some immune activation Long-term benefits: Super oxide dismutase increase Body begins replicating mitochondrial content Increase in stem cells Rebuilding blood vessels Antimicrobial benefits Stem cell proliferation study Front load the therapy for the most efficacy in therapy (first 3-5 months), then space it out Sessions range from 60-120 minutes There is a point of diminishing returns Extra oxygen stimulates parasympathetic nervous system (increased relaxation) -The effects of HBOT on aerobic or endurance activity...35:23 Performance enhancing effects do not come from red blood cell changes Red blood cell adaptation has to do w/ hypoxia, not hyperoxia -How HBOT promotes angiogenesis when cancer cells are present...38:04 BGF podcast w/ Dr. William Li The understanding of the metabolism of cancer has changed in recent years Cancer cells don't use oxygen to make ATP Drive blood glucose levels down, oxygen levels high Starve cancer cells, while nourishing healthy cells Bottom line: Angiogenesis isn't the concern -Antioxidant mechanisms affected by HBOT...42:35 Superoxide dismutase (SODS) upregulation is stimulated by HBOT Hormesis: induce stress to the body, produce an adaptation -The effect of HBOT on bacteria growth in the microbiome...47:11 Upregulation in your own immune system: HBOT will affect neutrophils and macrophages Used on anaerobic pathogens (serious infections) Environment of high oxygen is conducive for healthy bacteria to thrive Watch out for a new BGF podcast w/ Dr. Matt Cook! -How HBOT works with bone repair and formation...51:25 It's all about cell signaling Growth factors are the signals for healing and recovery Regenerator cells Platelet derived growth factors Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) promotes angiogenesis HBOT is one of many modalities used for healing -Treatments that work well in conjunction w/ HBOT...57:07 High-dose red light right before HBOT JOOVV lights Synergy between red light and oxygen Ben uses holotropic breath work The Renegade Pharmacist 21 Day Soma Breathwork course BGF podcast w/ Niraj Naik PEMF table BGF podcast w/ Dr. Nick Berry of Essential Oil Wizardry Dr. Nick's Essential Oil Wizardry "Inspire" Oil Do not hold your breath while transitioning between pressure -Safety concerns w/ HBOT chambers...1:01:05 The risk is when there's 100% oxygen, not a home chamber Oxygen is not flammable, it's an accelerant Pneumothorax (collapsed lung) will be problematic in a HBOT chamber Don't do w/ ear pain The pressure you're in is equivalent to being 10 feet under water -How HBOT affects mental performance...1:06:10 Article: Hyperbaric Oxygen Environment Can Enhance Brain Activity and Multitasking Performance -HBOT vs. exercise w/ oxygen therapy (EWOT)...1:07:31 LiveO2 for EWOT VASPER BGF podcast w/ Sebastian Wasowski of Vasper -And much more... Resources from this episode: - The HBOT USA website to get a chamber for your own home or find a practitioner (Ben uses the Vitaeris 320) - HBOT USA YouTube channel - Stem cell proliferation study - Book: Oxygen Under Pressure by Jason Sonners - Dr. Nick's Essential Oil Wizardry "Inspire" Oil - The Renegade Pharmacist 21 Day Soma Breathwork course - JOOVV Red Light Therapy - LiveO2 for EWOT - VASPER - BGF podcasts mentioned: Sebastian Wasowski of Vasper Co. Nick Berry of Essential Oil Wizardry Niraj Naik, The Renegade Pharmacist Dr. William Li Episode sponsors: -Kion Serum: Use Kion Serum anywhere you’d like for more vibrant, youthful skin and hair. BGF listeners, receive a 20% discount off your order when you use discount code: BGF20 -JOOVV: After using the Joovv for close to 2 years, it's the only light therapy device I'd ever recommend. Give it a try: you won't be disappointed. Order using my link and receive my brand new book, Boundless absolutely free! (While supplies last) -Beekeeper's Naturals: A wellness company specializing in innovative nutraceuticals made from healing hive compounds and plant-based ingredients. Get 15% off your order when you use discount code: BEN -ButcherBox: Delivers healthy 100% grass-fed and finished beef, free-range organic chicken, and heritage breed pork directly to your door on a monthly basis. All their products are humanely raised and NEVER given antibiotics or hormones. For 2 lbs of 100% grass-fed beef and 2 lbs of pure bacon for FREE, PLUS $20 off your first box go to OR enter promo code BEN20 at checkout.See for privacy information.
Feb 8, 2020 • 1h 30min

What Olive Oil Should Taste Like, The Scary Truth About Olive Oil, Can You Cook With Extra Virgin Olive Oil & Much More!

I drink oodles of extra virgin olive oil.   Every day.   My kids and wife do too. It's a crucial staple in our diet...yet there's plenty of confusion around olive oil...   Can you cook with olive oil? How should you store olive oil? What should you look for in a good olive oil? How do you differentiate between all the different certificates and grades of olive oil?   And much more!   So in today's podcast, I interview T. J. Robinson, aka "The Olive Oil Hunter ®" who is one of the world's most respected authorities on all matters olive oil.   Known for his “platinum palate,” he is one of the few Americans invited to serve as a judge in prestigious Italian olive oil tasting competitions.   These days he is dedicated to importing rare fresh-pressed olive oil via The Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Club, the most flavorful and healthiest extra virgin olive oil on the planet, until now virtually impossible to obtain year-round in the U.S. All his oils are independently lab tested and certified for 100% purity. During our discussion, you'll discover: -What makes olive oil so efficacious to our health...5:13 Science database of olive oil research, including studies Ben mentions Olive oil leads to a distinct drop in blood pressure w/ no change in cholesterol; increased triglyceride, decreased HDL count (atherogenic index) Bigger predictor of C/V disease is the HDL to triglyceride ratio (more so than total LDL cholesterol) Research on mental health and depression Stabilization of blood glucose w/ small amounts of olive oil throughout the day Rheumatoid arthritis Mediterranean diet associated w/ improvements in longevity (not the modern bastardized version) Fasting Sprouting, fermenting, etc. The primary fatty acid in olive oil is oleic acid (C18:1) It's a double bond (less oxidation); safe for cooking at high temperatures Two fatty acids for the brain: Oleic acid, and fish oil (sardines, mackerel, salmon, herring) Other bioactive compounds: Bi0phenyls (found in the olive fruit that scavenges free radical species) BGF podcast w/ Dr. William Li (author of Eat to Beat Disease) Oleocanthol has the same anti-inflammatory pathways as ibuprofen (sans the gastric side effects) Phytosterols Squalines (extra virgin olive oil has high amounts) to protect the skin Alphatocopherols (Vitamin E) Hydroxy turpenic acids (lowers inflammation, risk of cancer, decreases blood pressure) -How T.J. Robinson became acquainted w/ the olive oil mafia...20:18 Grew up in Asheville, NC Scored a gig w/ the Food Network; was sent on assignment to Sicily, Italy, where he became acquainted w/ olive oil Harvest of the olive fruit is celebrated widely in Italy and Greece New Yorker article: Slippery Business -- The Trade in Adulterated Olive Oil Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil by Tom Mueller, author of the aforementioned New Yorker article Rampant fraud: It is easy to package cheaper, lesser quality oils as olive oil and sell at olive oil prices Olive oil sold in bulk is far more susceptible to adulteration than an artisan oil Polyphenols and antioxidants deplete by up to 50% during the first 6 months after distribution -What you need to know about the dates on the package, and how to store your olive oil...33:52 Three killers of olive oil: light, time, temperature Look for the "harvest date" rather than the expiration date Look for dark plastic or glass bottles Don't store olive oil above the stove or in the fridge Store in a pantry at room temperature, away from light Polyphenols and antioxidants prevent the olive oil from oxidizing Restaurant olive oils are often adulterated w/ GMO's, soy, etc. Spirulina and glycine protect the gut from oxidized oils Ben discusses this in his book, Boundless Olive oil has similar fat makeup as human breast milk Olive oil is used as a delivery mechanism for food to babies -How olive oil is actually produced...44:07 Olives are picked from the tree, contain 10% oil when they're green Deleafed and washed at the mill Crusher (like a food processor) turns it into a paste Goes into the millaxer (paste begins to break into parts: solid, water, oil) Oil is spun via centrifuge, then goes into the tasting cup The solids are dried out and reused as organic fertilizer for the crops -The process by which T.J. inspects and selects the olives he uses for his customers...51:08 Flos Olei (website is written in Italian) A Guide to the World of Extra Virgin Olive Oil by Flos Olei (2019 edition) Samples are collected, big tasting party Identify the farms to visit (5-6) Trees that are stressed (less water) produce a higher quality oil, higher polyphenols Developing relationships: A farm that's not the right fit at a particular season may be in the future Two criteria for extra virgin olive oil: Meet a chemistry panel for quality parameters Panel of tasters looking for taste defects Most oil in the U.S. doesn't go through this tasting panel Oils labeled as extra virgin may not pass the criteria by the time it's purchased -How you can assess (and enjoy) olive oil on your own...1:00:51 "Single variety" refers to one olive fruit used Watch out for oils that are labeled as "blends" Color of the oil isn't necessarily an indicator of its quality Smell the oil Swirl the cup (to release the aromas) The taste test: Fruitiness (flavorfulness) Bitterness (high in polyphenols) Spiciness People are using olive oil as a tool for weight loss It's great as a skin, hair and face moisturizer Can be used as protectant from the sun and skin healer Used to clean tile Drizzle fresh pressed olive oil over vanilla ice cream for dessert -How to cook w/ extra virgin olive oil...1:23:27 If you cook w/ a subpar product, you get a subpar result Article: Research Finds Extra Virgin Olive Oil Safest, Most Stable for Cooking Purchase small amounts Don't use olive oil that is older than one year from the harvest date -And much more... Resources from this episode:  - The Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Club (click here to get a free bottle with just $1 shipping and handling)   - Boundless, Ben's newest book   - Article: Research Finds Extra Virgin Olive Oil Safest, Most Stable for Cooking   - Article: The World of Olive Oil Is Murky. Here’s Help for the Home Cook.   - Article: Don’t Sleep On This Game-Changing Ingredient   - Science database of olive oil research, including studies Ben mentions - New Yorker article: Slippery Business -- The Trade in Adulterated Olive Oil - Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil by Tom Mueller, author of the aforementioned New Yorker article - Flos Olei (website is written in Italian) - A Guide to the World of Extra Virgin Olive Oil by Flos Olei (2019 edition) - BGF podcast w/ Dr. William Li (author of Eat to Beat Disease) Episode sponsors: -Kion Recovery Bundle: Bounce back faster than ever with Kion’s recovery supplement trifecta by supporting muscle protein synthesis, recovery and the body’s healthy response to exercise-related inflammation. BGF listeners, receive a 20% discount from anything at Kion when you use discount code: BGF20. -Organifi Gold: A new take on an ancient secret: Pain-soothing herbs, incredible antioxidants, and phytonutrients all in one delicious, soothing “Golden Milk” nighttime tea! Receive a 20% discount on your entire order when you use discount code: BENG20.   -Gluten Guardian: Are you ready for upgraded digestion? Take your body to the ultimate edge of human potential and become biologically optimized with Gluten Guardian. Save an additional 10% off your entire order when you use discount code: GREENFIELD   -Clearlight Saunas: You can be sure that I researched all the saunas before I bought mine and Clearlight was the one that stood out from all the rest because of their EMF and ELF Shielding and their Lifetime Warranty. Use discount code: BENGREENFIELD to get $500 off your sauna and a free bonus gift! Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for TJ or me? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Feb 6, 2020 • 1h 15min

Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Hormone Testing 101, Spot-Reducing Fat Loss Cream, The Benjamin Button Longevity Cocktail & Much More With Adam Lamb of RenewLifeRX.

Adam Lamb is the founder and manager of RenewLifeRX a hormone optimization clinic. Adam has spent the last 10-years helping to explore and facilitate the process of hormone optimization through strategies such as stem cells, peptides, hormone replacement therapy and much more.   He is also the author of the best selling book, Better Than the Binge, Overcoming the Social Obligation of Alcohol, where he helps ordinary people remove alcohol from their life so they can accomplish extraordinary things.   Adam is a devoted husband of over 12 years and a father to an 11-year-old son and 7-year-old daughter. Adam often speaks on managing the daily challenges of an entrepreneur, family man and also keeping himself in peak physical condition. If you asked him to “sum up” his lifestyle in one word, it would be discipline. During our discussion, you'll discover: -The effects of a night of poor sleep or more alcohol consumption than normal...7:04 Lower testosterone as one might expect Other activities (watching a fight, viewing porn, etc.) will elevate testosterone levels -How to gain a birds eye view of a person's overall hormone quality...10:34 Understand the story of your life: environment, history, genetics, etc. Phase 1: CBC, metabolic, lipid, DHEA, total testosterone, TSH, IGF-1, FSH, LH, PSA, SHBG, estradiol CBC is for overall health DHEA can be used to regulate circadian rhythm, overall health, rather than testosterone Free testosterone IGF-1 levels reveal sleep, stress, recovery; potential red flag for pituitary dysfunction High PSA levels may be indicative of prostate problems SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) levels rise on high fat, low carb diet Thyroid medication is one of the most overused medications Testosterone therapy is not intended to be a permanent solution Lack of sleep, stress, etc. affect the brain's communication w/ the body regarding testosterone production Many variables can affect estrogen levels, which makes it an unreliable indicator of hormone health There are no absolutes; everyone's body absorbs, responds differently -Why Adam only uses blood tests to quantify his patient's hormone quality...34:10 Trust factor: tried and true Other tests such as the DUTCH test are sourced out when necessary Every 6 months is the gold standard for the max time between tests Longtime patients are self-experts Potential to identify other health concerns when blood is tested regularly -What variables are tested differently for women vs. men...41:20 Pregnalone, progesterone; everything else is fairly similar Women typically don't take enough testosterone 30 day cleanse w/ low-dose testosterone cream yields favorable results Women have a wreck of hormones after having a baby Testosterone elevated to optimal levels helps everything else fall into place Low dose = 2.5-4 mg -Adam's preferred form of delivery for testosterone replacement...45:56 For men: 80% use testosterone cream (healthiest and safest means, no needles or gels) Doses can be adjusted based on where they feel the best Injections: split dose throughout the week It's one or the other (injection vs. cream) most of the time Consistent application of small doses is far preferable to infrequent larger doses -Why the vagina or scrotum isn't the best place to apply the cream...51:23 The best place to apply the cream is the back of the knee, forearms, or shoulders It's where the highest concentration of testosterone is already located Patients have reported imbalanced numbers after applying scrotally or vaginally -Whether increased testosterone levels can deleteriously affect one's overall health...54:08 Testosterone and the Cardiovascular System: A Comprehensive Review of the Clinical Literature Age-Related Low Testosterone Understand the tool before using it (similar to driving a car or owning a gun) Be healthy first before testosterone therapy Testosterone should not be used as a band-aid when you're not addressing foundational principles of health 90% of testosterone therapy is done improperly The ideal client is someone who's aware of their health, living a conscientious life, and just need a push in the right direction Hormone therapy will not compensate for an unhealthy lifestyle -About the peptide stacks recommended by RenewLifeRX...1:00:19 Fat loss peptide stack The Benjamin Button Longevity Cocktail These are written by RenewLife to educate their customers, both present and future BGF podcast w/ Hector Lopez on surprising secrets of the supplement industry -Why Adam wrote his book on controlling alcohol consumption Better Than the Binge, Overcoming the Social Obligation of Alcohol Chronic biohacker (keto diet, intermittent fasting, etc.) Alcohol was always part of Adam's life; had an alcoholic father Went on an alcohol fast for 30 days, then 60, then 90, decided to never drink again There are benefits to microdosing on alcohol, provided it's not a "fall back" -And much more... Resources from this episode: -BGF podcast: 32 ways to increase testosterone   -BGF podcast w/ Hector Lopez on surprising secrets of the supplement industry   -RenewLifeRx Lab Panel (use code BEN50 to receive 50% off of your labs and initial consultation)   -Testosterone and the Cardiovascular System: A Comprehensive Review of the Clinical Literature   -Age-Related Low Testosterone   -Better Than the Binge: Overcoming the Social Obligation of Alcohol   -Surprising Supplement Secrets From An Industry Insider (& The Shocking Truth About Your Multivitamins).   -Scribe Writing (formerly known as Book In A Box)   -Ben's Microdosing With Alcohol article   -Kin Euphorics Episode sponsors: -Kion Flex -Organifi Glow -Thrive Market -Comrad SocksSee for privacy information.
Feb 1, 2020 • 1h 4min

Q&A 407: Top Air Pollution Tips, How To Get Started With Biohacking, Can Infrared & Red Light Be Bad For You & Much More!

Topics include exercise's impact on neuronal growth, concerns about the Impossible Burger, the effects of fructose on health, increasing breath hold time with ketone esters, protecting against air pollution, and remedies for migraines.
Jan 30, 2020 • 1h 15min

A Whole New Way To Deal With Stress, Trauma & PTSD In Just Seconds: The First Clinically Validated Wearable That Helps You De-Stress, Focus, Sleep, Stay Energized & Remain Calm.

Dr. David Rabin, MD, PhD is a guy who designed a fascinating wearable that he showed me a few weeks ago when he came to my house in Spokane, WA. A board-certified psychiatrist, translational neuroscientist, and inventor specializing in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders, Dr. Rabin has spent the last 14 years researching treatments to combat the negative effects of chronic stress on physical and mental health. He received his MD in medicine and his PhD in neuroscience from Albany Medical College and trained in psychiatry at Western Psychiatric Institute & Clinic at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Dr. Rabin helped to organize the world’s largest controlled study of psychedelic medicines in collaboration with colleagues at Yale, the University of Southern California, Mt. Sinai, Modern Spirit, and MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies) to determine the mechanisms of the dramatic therapeutic benefits observed following psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy in treatment-resistant mental illness. The study has begun and is collecting DNA samples from patients with treatment-resistant PTSD who are participating in the MAPS-sponsored Phase 3 FDA trial of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy to evaluate the gene expression changes that result from the therapy. He is also the founder and executive director of the Board of Medicine, a nonprofit organization of physicians and scientists spearheading the development of the world’s first evidence-based peer-reviewed clinical guidelines for the safe use of complementary and alternative medicines including medical cannabis. Dr. Rabin works with patients with treatment-resistant conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and substance use disorders. In his work, he found that when patients were in a calm, safe environment their physiological markers of stress improved, their mood got better, and they were better able to focus and manage their symptoms. He also found that mindfulness techniques and deep breathing worked quite well to reduce stress in patients, but that his patients had a difficult time practicing these techniques on their own in their day-to-day lives. In 2014, Dr. Rabin began his research on what would become the device I'm referring to, "Apollo" in a neuroscience lab at the University of Pittsburgh. After exploring academic research on mindfulness, biofeedback, deep breathing, and a host of sensory techniques including music therapy, Dr. Rabin found that touch is an often overlooked, but an incredibly vital pathway for quickly establishing relaxation in the mind and in the body. He quickly got to work developing Apollo, a breakthrough wearable technology that uses the neuroscience of touch and vibration to combat the negative effects of stress during his research at the University of Pittsburgh. Apollo sends gentle waves of vibration to your body that are clinically shown to bring your heart, lungs, and mind into balance, resulting in improved heart rate variability (HRV). By signaling safety to the body through your sense of touch, Apollo offers you control over your stress, so you can tackle whatever comes next. After clinical trials of the Apollo technology demonstrating its reliable effects on mood, sleep, and focus, Dr. Rabin co-founded Apollo Neuroscience to make the discovery available to the public. Chronic stress tells your body that you’re under threat. These consistent disturbances put your body into fight-or-flight, making it difficult to stay calm, focus your attention, and get good sleep. Apollo’s vibrations work by signaling safety to the brain, thereby soothing the stress response and rapidly restoring balance to the body. Apollo Neuroscience has created the first wearable system that upgrades your body instead of just tracking it. Clinical studies show that Apollo increases physical endurance, mental performance under stress, access to meditative states, and helps users reach relaxation before bed rapidly by improving heart rate variability (HRV). Apollo’s effects occur within 5 minutes of use and have no known side effects. Apollo’s AI mobile app delivers gentle layered vibration frequencies to the body via a small modular wearable worn on the ankle or wrist. Users will be able to connect Apollo’s mobile app to Apple Health Kit to see how their biometrics improve with Apollo use over time. The Apollo system has been tested and independently validated by individual members of a number of different institutions in the military and many Veterans, several academics at Universities, >10 elite athletics clubs, as well as in two University clinical trials with 6 more trials currently underway. The Company has over 1500 beta testers and has conducted over 500 long-term case studies with consistent results. Positive symptom improvements and voluntary reductions in habit-forming substances such as opioid narcotics, benzodiazepines, amphetamines, and caffeine have been reported in those with chronic conditions worsened by stress including insomnia, chronic pain, and PTSD. The most recently completed trial of Apollo at the University of Pittsburgh comparing EEG patterns of 25 naive meditators to 25 experienced meditators demonstrated that Apollo frequencies made naive meditators’ brainwaves look nearly identical to those of experienced meditators within 12 minutes. Apollo is currently being studied in a 100-subject PTSD trial between the University of Pittsburgh and the New School (NYC) with an FDA trial for PTSD at the Pittsburgh VA Hospital in planning for Winter 2020. All studies and trials of the Apollo technology have been supported entirely with non-dilutive funding and grants. The Apollo system has been developed to FDA ISO 13485 regulatory requirements and HIPAA Compliance. During this discussion, you'll discover: -The link between the natural need to feel safe and stress...11:45 Autonomic balance: Understanding the link between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is key Safety and threat are two major stimulants to the nervous system Safety to the parasympathetic Threat to the sympathetic Both natural instincts for self-preservation (diverting energy for the situation) Downsides of constantly being in sympathetic state Affects fertility and libido Athletes experience loss of libido during training Corporate burnout is considered a physical condition due to constantly being in a state of stress (sympathetic system) Preschoolers are often prescribed antidepressants due to stressors in their environment The human body is not meant to tolerate the stressors of modernity The body may be under a lot of stress even if we feel safe (roof over our head, food in the fridge, etc.) -How trauma affects one's ability to feel safe...23:30 "Trauma" by definition may be more far-reaching than one may think Safety includes, but is not limited to the physical element Trauma is one or many meaningful or intense unsafe experiences over time Parents ignore multiple times Perceptions of being unlovable or cannot love others Constantly worried about finances Affects the parasympathetic nervous system Book: Top 5 Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware More connected w/ friends Worked less Choose to be happier Courage to express true self Courage to be who I am rather than who people expected me to be Dr. Gabor Maté Trauma is a disconnection from self Sanskrit word for "self" is synonymous with "health" Breathwork and meditation (Telling your body you have time to breathe and relax) You must let go of attachment to things in the past in order to present to the world your true self -Whether or not epigenetic trauma is a legit concept...34:55 At one time a theory, now well-established in the scientific field Rachel Yehuda: "How Trauma and Resilience Cross Generations" Dutch potato famine: descendants experienced similar symptoms (depression, obesity, schizophrenia, etc.) NYT Article: Can We Really Inherit Trauma? The Famine Ended 70 Years Ago, but Dutch Genes Still Bear Scars -How psychedelics are used to reverse trauma...45:00 Psilocybin and ayahuasca: Used traditionally to release trauma Are being used to reverse trauma Highly efficacious while used w/ MAPS therapy on PTSD patients Psychedelics are for "mind-manifesting"; not a party drug Ketamine is the only legal psychedelic in the U.S. (MDMA, psilocybin expected to clear hurdles soon) BGF podcast with Dr. Matthew Cook about ketamine MDMA Journey by Tucker Max Everyone has trauma; they're all manifesting in different ways Depression Schizophrenia Anxiety Apollo to be used (eventually) after MDMA is administered We don't heal because of the medicine; the medicine empowers the body's innate ability to heal itself Breath is the gateway to the spirit Apollo was created to replicate the effects of expensive MDMA treatments with much more accessibility -The technology behind the Apollo Neuroscience wearable...1:01:25 Gentle vibrations to the body (like an ocean wave, or cat purring on you) Touch is the most effective means of creating the feeling of safety Made up of sound frequencies Skin perceives it much more than the ear Music changes resonance patterns in our bodies in different settings (working out, meditating, etc.) The 7 states in the device: Wakefulness (first thing in the morning) Clear and focused (for long deep work, public speaking, etc.) Rebuild and recover Social and open (social safety and flow, need to be "on") Meditation Relax and recharge Sleep Amount of time you'll use the device are case-dependent It becomes more effective over time; the body becomes sensitized to it -What the Apollo is made of...1:11:40 Built to FDA specs Hypo-allergenic Only active w/ Bluetooth when using the app (very low EMF exposure) HIPAA compliant -Rapid-fire questions about the Apollo...1:15:55 Is it safe for children and the elderly? Yes, it's been tested successfully on ages 3-93 Can it work on any part of the body? Yes, provided you adjust the settings appropriately Is it currently available to the general public? Yes. Click here to get the Apollo (use code BENGREENFIELD15 to get a 15% discount) -And much more... Resources from this episode: - The Apollo wearable (use code BENGREENFIELD15 to get a 15% discount) - BGF podcast w/ Dr. Matt Cook  on how Ketamine works - The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing - How Trauma and Resilience Cross Generations - NYT Article: Can We Really Inherit Trauma? - Dr. Gabor Maté website - The Famine Ended 70 Years Ago, but Dutch Genes Still Bear Scars - MDMA Journey by Tucker Max - BGF podcast with Dr. Matthew Cook about ketamine - The Renegade Pharmacist SOMA breathwork routine that includes the holotropic routine I do Episode sponsors: -Kion Lean: Support for normal blood sugar levels and healthy energy metabolism, even after large, carb-rich meals. Ben Greenfield Fitness listeners, receive a 10% discount off your entire order when you use discount code: BGF10. -Organifi Red Juice: Enjoy all the benefits of the 11 superfoods and their micronutrients that help increase resting metabolism, support cardiovascular health, and remove toxins to turn back the hands of time! Receive a 20% discount on your entire order when you use discount code: BENG20 -ButcherBox: Delivers healthy 100% grass-fed and finished beef, free-range organic chicken, and heritage breed pork directly to your door on a monthly basis. All their products are humanely raised and NEVER given antibiotics or hormones. For 2 lbs of 100% grass-fed beef and 2 lbs of pure bacon for FREE, PLUS $20 off your first box enter promo code: BEN20 at checkout. -Thrive Market: Organic brands you love, for less. Your favorite organic food and products. Fast and free shipping to your doorstep. Receive a gift card up to $20 when you begin a new membership using my link. Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Dr. David Rabin or me? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.
Jan 25, 2020 • 51min

Ben's Top Biohacks, Saving Your Carbs For Night, Problems With Keto, The Amazing Healing Power Of Light & Much More!

I recently had the pleasure to give a Q&A talk on all things health, wellness, nutrition, biohacking and more at Bouley's Test Kitchen in New York City. Every week, as part of his speaker series, world famous chef David Bouley brings in a physician or other guest expert to present on a topic or to answer questions, and each series is accompanied by a fabulous 5 star, multi-course meal that is both amazingly healthy and delicious. I always enjoy giving these talks, and decided to record this one for your listening pleasure. Every member of the audience received a signed copy of my new book Boundless, so you'll hear me talk about the book a bit in this episode as well. Enjoy! In this episode, you'll discover: -The 3 non-negotiable things Ben does for his mitochondrial health...5:35 Book: The Human Photosynthesis Light Sunlight Photobiomodulation (JOOVV) Cold thermogenesis Hot/cold contrast showers (2o sec. cold, 10 sec hot 10x thru) Sauna therapy Grounded w/ the earth (exposure negative ions in the earth) -The #1 biohacking device Ben recommends for calm and sleep...13:25 Look for stimulating the vagus nerve Shift yourself into parasympathetic state Vagal nerve stimulators Circadia by Fisher Wallace NuCalm -How to use a JOOVV device with a pre-existing tumor...16:40 Shift body into state of ketosis Low protein, low carb, high fat diet Avoid amino acid supplements Light can potentially exacerbate the tumor Book: Eat to Beat Disease -Ben's carb refeed strategy...19:12 Save carb intake until the evening Helps w/ serotonin production Won't impact triglycerides Producing ketones throughout the day Dinner is often the most social meal of the day Exercise mimics the insulin sensitivity we have in the morning Quality carbs: butternut squash, pumpkin, homemade sourdough bread, etc. (no Twinkies) Shoot for 100 g of carbs -How to rid the body of glyphosate...24:40 Rule #1: Don't eat from crop that's been treated w/ glyphosate Compounds which make the gut less permeable: Colostrum Lignite (Ion Biome) Gluten Guardian 2 ways to plummet blood glucose after a long meal Post-prandial stroll Cold exposure -The importance of eating local, seasonal food...28:20 Contain bacteria that's good for the biome and immune systems -The proper use of psychedelics...33:00 Used irresponsibly in many cases Lots of preparation that goes into (and going out of) proper ayahuasca retreat or use of psychedelics Journal and listen digital recorder for what you've said -Ben's recommended self-quantification methods...36:00 Track HRV via... Oura ring Whoop Elite HRV Nature Beat Track sleep (Quantified Bob) Quarterly blood panel Wellness FX Thorne blood test (Thyroid, testosterone, heavy metals, vitamin d, and weight management) Stool test once per year Genova Diagnostics 3 day stool panel DNA test once per lifetime Strategene Dutch Panel to test hormones and neurotransmitters Cyrex Panel -A new gadget Ben is trying right now...41:05 Apollo wearable (BGF podcast w/ the founder of Apollo is coming soon!) -A healthy approach to coffee consumption...42:30 Very healthy and tasty when used in moderation Overuse can lead to a dependency Switch to decaf coffee for 7-10 days on a regular basis (reset adenosine receptors) MiCacao -Ben's thoughts on the assertions and claims made on the Game Changers documentary...44:50 The risk of anti-nutrients found in plants may outweigh the benefits of a plant-based diet Must be soaked, fermented, treated properly prior to eating (quinoa, legumes, etc...) Risk excessive gas, or gut damage A piece of salmon, eggs, grass fed steak is simply easier to get the protein you need Can be difficult on the environment to grow the amount of plants needed -Tips for improving posture...49:30 Ch 18 of Boundless is on symmetry and beauty Breathe through the nose as much as possible (including while exercising) Heel rise of your shoes (as low as possible) Earth sandals Movement throughout the day: Eldoa stretching (BGF podcast on it) Foundation training -One belief Ben has changed course on in the last 1-2 years...53:02 -And much more... Resources mentioned in this episode: - Boundless - BGF podcast w/ Clint Ober - JOOVV - Grounding mat - Earthing sandals - Circadia by Fisher Wallace - NuCalm - Gluten Guardian - Kion Colostrum - Quantified Bob - Kion Coffee - MiCacao - Book: Eat to Beat Disease - Book: The Human Photosynthesis - Apollo wearable Episode sponsors: -The BGF Text VIP Club: Get early access to deals, discount codes, and insider tips. Just text the word "FITNESS" to 411-247 -Kion Colostrum: Nature’s “first food” that supports immunity, GI function, athletic recovery, and more. BGF listeners, receive a 10% discount off your entire order at Kion when you use discount code: BGF10 -Beekeeper's Naturals: A wellness company specializing in innovative nutraceuticals made from healing hive compounds and plant-based ingredients. Get 15% off your order when you use discount code: BEN -Seed Daily Synbiotic: A formulation of 24 unique strains, each of which included at their clinically verified dose, to deliver systemic benefits in the body. Save 15% off your order when you use discount code: BEN15 -JOOVV: After using the Joovv for close to 2 years, it's the only light therapy device I'd ever recommend. Give it a try: you won't be disappointed. Order using my link and receive a month's supply of Kion Berry Aminos absolutely free. Got a question for me about what I talk about in this podcast? Leave a comment below and I'll reply!See for privacy information.
Jan 23, 2020 • 1h 26min

21 Ways To Become Boundless, Upgrade Your Brain, Optimize Your Body & Defy Aging

I recently spoke at The Assemblage in New York City as part of my Boundless book launch tour.   (See my calendar for more upcoming Boundless events in Los Angeles, and click here to purchase Boundless, which just launched this week and is already a Number 1 Amazon Bestseller in several categories!)   Anyways...during my talk, I revealed my top tips, tricks, and biohacks for optimizing mind, body, and spirit—including everything from neurotransmitters to the blood-brain barrier to fat loss/muscle gain tips, a 20 minute Q&A, and much more—recorded it, and packaged it all together for today's podcast. In this episode, you'll discover: -The moment Ben Greenfield realized he was living a truly boundless life...6:45 Began as a bodybuilder, eventually sought a more holistic approach to health and fitness Wrote Beyond Training for athletes who may be asking the same questions he grappled with Boundless is a comprehensive guide to live the ultimate life - boundless energy, vitality, quality of life Seek out natural "biohacks" before man-made tech Boundless body, mind, spirit, and environment The Kion logo represents the Body, Mind, Spirit elements Being "boundless" means a joyful, adventurous, fulfilling life, a managed stress load, quality time w/ family -How to have healthy neurotransmitters...18:15 Proper stimulation (watch caffeine intake) N-acetylcysteine (NAC) to repair damaged neurons in the brain Four building blocks (2 for neurotransmitters, 2 for myelin sheaths): Vitamin B complex Amino Acids DHA Oleic acid -Tips for a dynamic blood-brain barrier...21:27 Balanced exercise Fish oil Saturated fat can be problematic Vagal nerve stimulation Coffee and tea is good in small doses Zona blood pressure device -How breathwork will improve your life...24:32 4-8 breathing (4 in, 8 out) 3 minutes sleep latency Alternating nostril breathing (cover left nostril and breathe in through your right nostril, then cover right nostril and exhale through your left nostril, in through left, out through right, repeat) Box breathing (4 in, 4 hold, 4 out, 4 hold) Holotropic breathing BGF podcast w/ The Renegade Pharmacist Hyperbaric therapy followed by breathwork -Smart drugs and nootropics...30:53 Ben's not big on deprenyl, Adderall, modafinil L-theanine Nicotine gum (mix w/ methylene blue) Slique Youngliving essential oil gum Microdose CBD Peptides Dihexa Semax Apps n-back 40 Years of Zen Peak Brain Institute Neurofeedback -How to choose the diet that's right for you...35:16 Book: Biochemical Individuality by Roger Williams Book: Blue Zones by Dan Buettner Religious practices encourage fasting and caloric restriction Intermittent fasting Social element is important -Proper food preparation...38:19 Pay attention to histamines Strategene Sardines, anchovies, mackerel are staples in the Greenfield home Glycemic variability and inflammation are two important metrics to track for longevity Dexcom G6 Cold thermogenesis is great for blood sugar regulation -Cleaning your gut...41:50 3-day stool panel Food allergy panel (Cyrex) Colostrum, L Glutamine, Bone broth Lignite (Dr. Zach Bush) Have a constant mindset of detoxing Activate parasympathetic nervous system before consuming food Pay attention to ancestral food prep methods -What telomere lengths have to do with the size of your muscles... Article: Telomerase Activity Coevolves With Body Mass, Not Lifespan Powerful, explosive movements are particularly efficacious Bigger's not better Ben's preferred workout: Super slow training 1x/week Blood flow restriction training -The routine Ben does to stay lean throughout the year...49:15 Wake up in an intermittent fasted state ~16 hours for men, ~12 hours for women Consume a small amount of caffeine (1-2 cups of coffee) 20 minutes fasted aerobic cardio -Biohacking tools Ben uses...51:10 Kaatsu bands Vasper machine LiveO2 -Recovery tools and tactics...52:41 "I'm a bigger fan of biohacking for recovery than for performance" A recovery stack Ben likes: Topical transdermal magnesium MarcPro Ice pack on top of it Mid-day nap NuCalm device Norma Tec recovery boots Gravity blanket Neck Nest Biomat -How to optimize your symmetry and beauty...57:37 Nasal breathing during hard exercise for facial symmetry and structure OptiO2 Oil pulling Eldoa training -Boosting your immune system...1:00:23 Zinc acetate lozenges Colostrum Oregano Chaga coffee Turmeric (via Kion Flex) -3 tips to eliminate non-native EMF from your environment... Take a calcium channel blocker Eat foods containing NAD and sirtuins Poultry Milk Yeast Fish like sardines and salmon Whole grains Ketone salts and ketone esters to active NrF2 Filtering light Blue light blockers Iristech on monitors Light blocking tape or stickers Ra Optics blue light blocking glasses (use for an hour in the morning too) -The best nutrients for hormones and fertility...1:04:47 Creatine Magnesium Boron Zinc DHEA Vitamin D Nitroglycerine cream -The importance of having a life's purpose and expressing gratitude...1:06:28 -And much more... Resources mentioned in this episode: - Boundless: Upgrade Your Brain, Optimize Your Body & Defy Aging - BGF podcasts: Niraj Naik - The Renegade Pharmacist Dr. Ted Achacoso Drs. Matt Dawson and Mike Mallin of Wild Health Sebastian Wasowski of the Vasper Machine Dr. Peter Martone, inventor of the Neck Nest 32 Natural Ways to Increase Testosterone - Beyond Training by Ben Greenfield - Zona blood pressure device - Fisher Wallace Circadia (cranial electrical stimulation device) - NuCalm device - Soma breath course from Niraj Naik (the Renegade Pharmacist) - International Peptide Society - Book: Biochemical Individuality by Roger Williams - 40 Years of Zen - Peak Brain Institute - Kaatsu bands - LiveO2 - Strategene - Vasper machine - OptiO2 - Dexcom G6 - Ra Optics blue light blocking glasses - Ketone salts and ketone esters Episode sponsors: -Kion Coffee: Carefully selected and roasted for taste, purity, high antioxidants and health. Ben Greenfield Fitness listeners, receive a 10% discount off your entire order when you use discount code: BGF10. -Organifi Green Juice: Now you can get all your healthy superfoods in one glass...with No Shopping, No Blending, No Juicing, and No Cleanup. Get a 20% discount on your entire order when you use discount code: BENG20 -X3 Bar: Grow muscle 3x faster than you can with free weights! The X3 Bar will change the way you train forever. Get a $50 discount off your X3 bar when you use discount code: BEN -Water and Wellness: The best solution for clean and safe drinking water. Water and Wellness also offers an amazing line of essential water additives such as Quinton Marine plasma which contain over 78 trace minerals and elements from the ocean to help restore your biological-terrain. Get 15% off your order when you use discount code: GREENFIELD Got a question for me about today's podcast? Drop a question in the comments below, and I'll reply!See for privacy information.
Jan 20, 2020 • 1h 5min

High-Intensity Resistance Training, Low-Carb Mediterranean Diet, Peptides, Plant Medicines, Psychedelics & More With Keith Norris!

Keith Norris, who first appeared on the podcast Why Strong People Are Harder To Kill (And How To Get Strong), is one of those few lucky souls who has been able to completely transition out of corporate America and dive headlong into his passion for bettering lives by teaching the art and science of physical culture. He not only “walks the walk” on a day-to-day basis, but his economic well-being hinges on his precepts of “proper exercise, stellar diet and lifestyle, and intelligent “hacks” and supplementation” forming the bedrock foundation for a long, healthy and prosperous life. The very essence of Paleo f(x)™ is rooted in the idea of putting theory to practice; an idea that Keith is heavily invested in, having been blogging about these issues since early 2007. And his “30-thousand-foot view” for the Paleo f(x)™ enterprise serves as the movement’s guiding, north star. And with a belief that intelligent “hacks” can help bridge the gap between our elegant evolutionary programming and sub-par environmental surroundings, Keith is continually ferreting out and backing the most promising of technological enhancements. As a founding partner of ID Life, Keith is helping to usher-in 21st century, optimal supplement dosing. It might be said that Keith lives by the credo written by the Greek poet and soldier, Archilochus, over 2,600 years ago – “We do not rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training”. And his vision for Paleo f(x)™ is that of a battle-tested warrior, preserving the right of everyone to fully, actively and enthusiastically engage in the human experience. During our discussion, you'll discover: -Keith's experiences at Burning Man... "Like a completely different world once your plane lands in Reno" Incredible works of art, all of which are burned to the ground eventually Reflective of life: everything is temporal -What to expect at the upcoming Paleo FX... The theme is "Nurture Destiny" Same overall concept as the past, but an elevated vibe You don't want to miss the charity party Guest speakers include: Ben Greenfield, Danny Vitalis, Chris Kresser, Stephen Gundry and many more -How Keith got into the world of Health and Fitness... Played high school football in Texas Blew out leg at Texas State U.; recovered fully, but lost speed and quickness Studies in college led to athletic psychology Served 9 years in the military, ended up working in Big Pharma Became disillusioned w/ his life Became an entrepreneur in the midst of the 2008 recession Eventually founded Paleo FX to form community among Paleo enthusiasts -Keith's training and diet routines... High-Intensity Interval Resistance Training is the focal point 6 days a week Warming up is a waste of time Constantly changing movement patterns Cardio vascular training occurs rarely Want the highest ROI possible Mediterranean/Keto diet Traditional Mediterranean diet Low in saturated fat Genetically predisposed to dementia and Alzheimers Test before you adopt a particular diet Recovery tactics: Sleep is the most important thing in the world Blue blockers Minimize screen time Use natural means of recovery over man-made biohacks Peptides: Melanotan Melanin PP 141 (the boner drug) Ipamorelin Tesamorelin Epitalon (glycine benefits) Cerebrolisin (longevity for the brain) BPC 157 (speeds recovery) TD 500 -Plant medicine and/or psychedelic protocols... 70+ Ayahuasca ceremonies Huachuma (San Pedro) ceremonies Gray area in the U.S. (keep participation w/in the states on the D.L.) -How to learn more about Keith's workout and diet regimens... Keith's Facebook group Log each workout personally (very case sensitive and personalized) Louis Simmons (concurrent training) Westside Barbell website Dirty Practice Facebook group -And much more... Resources from this episode: - PALEOFX April 24-26, 2020 (save 44% with the $99 Expo Pass Promo) -Keith's "Theory To Practice" Facebook group -Danny Vitalis podcast w/ Ben Greenfield -Westside Barbell website Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Keith or me? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!See for privacy information.

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