
Robert Oppenheimer

Prominent scientist who led the team that developed the nuclear bomb during World War II.

Top 3 podcasts with Robert Oppenheimer

Ranked by the Snipd community
Jul 18, 2024 • 47min

Die Atombombe - Wie die schlimmste Waffe aller Zeiten Frieden schaffen soll

In dieser Folge diskutieren der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin, bekannt für seine strategischen Drohungen, und Robert Oppenheimer, der als einer der Führer des Manhattan-Projekts gilt. Sie erforschen, wie Atomwaffen als Mittel der Abschreckung fungieren sollten. Weitere Themen sind die historischen Atombombenabwürfe auf Hiroshima und Nagasaki, die Gefahren des atomaren Wettrüstens im Kalten Krieg sowie die Lehren aus der Kuba-Krise. Die Gäste beleuchten, wie nukleare Teilhabe und Abrüstungsverträge den Frieden beeinflussten.
Aug 27, 2024 • 1h 1min

Fifteen Fictions for Summer re-release: Atlas Shrugged

Ayn Rand, the author of the influential novel 'Atlas Shrugged', discusses her views on capitalism and the role of the individual versus government control. Robert Oppenheimer, depicted as Rand's arch-villain, adds a historical perspective on power dynamics. Salman Rushdie, known for 'Midnight’s Children', challenges Rand's moral dichotomy and critiques the oversimplified narratives of success. The conversation explores the fascinating tension between entrepreneurial freedom and societal expectations, especially in the context of today’s Silicon Valley.
Sep 1, 2023 • 48min

94: Robert Oppenheimer, anti-fascism and the nuclear bomb

Prominent scientist Robert Oppenheimer and the role of left-wing scientists in the development of the nuclear bomb are discussed. The mindset of scientists during the atomic bomb race and their limited understanding of its destructive power is explored. The podcast also delves into the Labour Party's nuclear policy, American financial support in post-WWII Europe, and the fear of nuclear war in the 80s compared to the present day.