
Michael Sandel

Political philosopher offering insights into meritocracy and its impact on political divides.

Top 10 podcasts with Michael Sandel

Ranked by the Snipd community
23 snips
Jan 5, 2023 • 54min

Revisiting The Meritocracy Debate With Adrian Wooldridge And Michael Sandel

Capitalisn't will be back in your feeds with a brand new episode on January 19. Don't forget to rate and review our podcast if you haven't already, and leave us a voicemail at https://www.speakpipe.com/Capitalisnt.
11 snips
Oct 1, 2022 • 59min

Michael Sandel: Das Leistungsdenken zersetzt unsere Gesellschaft

Michael Sandel, Professor an der Harvard Universität und einer der prominentesten Philosophen, diskutiert die Gefahren des Leistungsdenkens in unserer Gesellschaft. Er hinterfragt das Credo, dass harter Arbeit automatisch zu Erfolg führt, und zeigt auf, dass Misserfolg oft nicht selbstverschuldet ist. Das Gespräch beleuchtet die Ungerechtigkeiten im Bildungssystem und die Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf die Wahrnehmung von Erfolg. Sandel plädiert für eine Rückbesinnung auf den Gemeinsinn und die Würde der Arbeit, um eine gerechtere Gesellschaft zu schaffen.
8 snips
Feb 27, 2024 • 2h 20min

Michael Sandel Interview: Why A Party Should Care For Minority | Philosopher Michael Sandel Unpacked

Join political philosopher Michael Sandel, a Harvard professor known for his works on moral dilemmas, as he delves into the evolving concepts of secularism and nationalism. He discusses the limits of free speech and critiques the detachment of political elites in a rising tide of populism. Sandel explores the complexities of democracy, especially regarding minority rights, while emphasizing the ethical dimensions of academia and corporate influence on politics. The conversation highlights the urgent need for engaging civic dialogue in a changing world.
5 snips
Sep 10, 2021 • 1h 4min

Debate: Michael Sandel vs Adrian Wooldridge on Meritocracy

Meritocracy has long been an article of faith in the modern Western world. Get an education, work hard and the rewards of success will be yours, regardless of class, privilege or wealth. But recently meritocracy has come under attack, with the charge led by Michael Sandel, the Harvard philosopher whose public debates on how we define the common good have won him a global following. But not everyone agrees. Taking issue with much of Sandel’s arguments is Adrian Wooldridge, the political editor at The Economist. In this week's debate they argue whether we need more or less meritocracy in society. The host is BBC broadcaster Ritula Shah. For Michael Sandel's new bool click here: https://www.primrosehillbooks.com/product/the-tyranny-of-merit-whats-become-of-the-common-good-michael-j-sandel-pb/ For Adrian Wooldridge's new book click here: https://www.primrosehillbooks.com/product/the-aristocracy-of-talent-how-meritocracy-made-the-modern-world-adrian-wooldridge/Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/intelligencesquared.See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Feb 20, 2025 • 1h 21min

What Are You Worth in America? (with Michael Sandel)

Michael Sandel, a Harvard political philosophy professor renowned for his work on ethics and democracy, shares his insights on the role of education in promoting civil discourse. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing diverse community values and navigating moral disagreements in politics. Sandel also discusses the challenges of maintaining respectful public conversations, particularly in light of social media's influence. He highlights the significance of individual voices in democracy and reflects on the need for inclusive discussions about contentious moral issues.
Apr 2, 2021 • 55min

Justice 12: Debating Samesex Marriage - Michael Sandel

Philosopher Michael Sandel debates the recognition of same-sex marriage, exploring religious, moral, and societal arguments. The discussion delves into the complexities of defining marriage, legal neutrality, and the impact of personal beliefs on societal views. The podcast also delves into moral reasoning in a diverse society and the transformative nature of philosophical reflection.
Sep 26, 2023 • 57min

The Tyranny of Merit (with Michael Sandel)

World-renowned philosopher Michael Sandel discusses the concept of meritocracy and its role in creating deep polarization in society. He explores the dark side of meritocracy, the pitfalls of technocratic governance, the damaging consequences of prioritizing capital efficiency, the unraveling moral fabric of community, and the toxic influence of meritocracy on our culture.
Dec 21, 2020 • 58min

The Tyranny of Merit: What Has Become of the Common Good? | Michael Sandel

Demetri Kofinas speaks with Michael Sandel, Harvard professor and author of 'The Tyranny of Merit.' They discuss the flaws of meritocracy, the impact of the pandemic, the importance of humility and gratitude, the role of civic education, and the challenges of achieving fairness in a system influenced by money.
Oct 22, 2020 • 47min

#221 — Success, Failure, & the Common Good

Michael Sandel, a renowned political philosopher from Harvard, chats about the troubling facets of meritocracy. He explores how higher education shapes societal hierarchies, calling it a modern caste system. Sandel critiques the myth of the self-made man, emphasizing that luck plays a crucial role in success. The conversation urges a rethinking of how we value human achievement and addresses the ethics of our tax system. It’s a compelling discussion on fairness, expertise, and the intertwining of wealth and societal worth.
Aug 25, 2020 • 9min

The tyranny of merit | Michael Sandel

In this engaging discussion, political philosopher Michael Sandel delves into the pitfalls of meritocracy and its role in exacerbating societal divides. He argues that many successful individuals suffer from 'meritocratic hubris,' believing their achievements stem solely from personal effort. Sandel urges listeners to acknowledge the role of luck in success, and highlights the dignity of all work, regardless of educational background. His insights challenge us to rethink what success truly means and promote a more inclusive and generous civic life.