

Finance expert with tips for managing finances on an inconsistent income

Top 10 podcasts with Marc

Ranked by the Snipd community
25 snips
Oct 25, 2022 • 39min

#72 Is it a Culture Problem or a Hiring Problem?

This week’s guest Pat’s business centers on one of the most hyped and controversial investment forms ever – crypto currency.  His company The Giving Block is at the forefront of crypto-philanthropy, bringing a new generation of investors together with non-profits.Despite market turbulences this is one hot sector and his team has ballooned from 5 to 100 strong.  But the speed of success comes with its own hurdles - how do you sculpt company culture and your hiring strategy when you’re growing at this pace? This is undoubtedly one of Marc’s favorite topics to explore… so listen in for valuable tips on how to approach the growing pains that come with scaling fast. Want a deeper dive into these topics?  The paperback edition of Marc’s international best-seller That Will Never Work is out now in bookstores and online: www.amazon.com/That-Will-Never-Work-Netflix/dp/0316530182 Want to be a guest? Head to Marcrandolph.com.  While you’re there, sign up for Marc’s newsletter. Feeling social?Tw: @mbrandolphIG: @ThatWillNeverWork LinkedIn: Marc_randolph  Marcrandolph.com
22 snips
Jun 5, 2024 • 54min

Episode 93: Bye Marc!...Again? Season 5 Wrap Up - Chaotic Harmony Podcast

Marc returns with a big life update as the school year wraps up. The hosts share their end-of-year traditions and reflect on the emotional dynamics of sixth graders transitioning to middle school. They humorously navigate youth social media trends while discussing the significance of community among educators post-pandemic. Heartwarming anecdotes about kindergartners moving to first grade highlight the importance of celebrating growth. Bryan Pridmore, a financial advisor, offers insights on navigating financial pathways, adding depth to the conversation.
9 snips
Sep 24, 2024 • 29min

35. How to Train Property Managers

Marc, an expert in property management training, shares insights into an effective 11-step training system for new managers. He discusses instilling a 'We Don't Sell' mindset to prioritize education and relationships over transactions. Marc highlights the importance of understanding your ideal client and leveraging technology like Rentvine. He stresses the need for system manuals to ensure consistency and efficiency. Additionally, listeners can access free resources and learn about his in-person training events for further development.
Sep 2, 2024 • 34min

Multiplier par 10 sa rentabilité, faire passer son projet à la TV, s'entourer des meilleurs - Château Story, Chapitre 3

Marc, expert en literie pour locations, dévoile des secrets pour maximiser la rentabilité dans l'immobilier. Il explique comment faire connaître son projet sur M6 avec une narration captivante. L'importance de s'entourer des meilleurs partenaires est soulignée pour bâtir une entreprise scalable. Marc évoque aussi des stratégies innovantes, comme l'utilisation d'une newsletter littéraire et des événements pour rentabiliser un château. Une discussion riche qui allie créativité et affaires dans le secteur immobilier !
Aug 11, 2024 • 1h 26min

Augmenter sa rentabilité en faisant TOUT différemment - Frédéric Pedro, Investir Ensemble #169

Frédéric Pedro, investisseur innovant et écologique, partage ses méthodes uniques pour augmenter la rentabilité immobilière. Il aborde comment débloquer des financements en jouant collectif et l'importance de l'écologie pour diminuer les coûts. Marc, spécialiste des matelas de qualité pour locations, discute des détails d'annonces qui attirent une clientèle diversifiée. Ensemble, ils soulignent les enjeux écologiques dans l'investissement immobilier et présentent des outils concrets pour investir différemment.
Jun 27, 2024 • 1h 32min

Episode 1551 - Gareth Reynolds

Gareth Reynolds shares his struggles in show business before co-hosting The Dollop podcast with Marc. They discuss the podcast's creation and Gareth's Midwestern roots. Hilarious anecdotes, drug experiences, and their comedy journey are also highlighted in the conversation.
May 6, 2024 • 1h 31min

Episode 1536 - Chris Pine

Chris Pine, first-time director of Poolman, gives Marc advice on directing. They discuss success measurements, Star Trek, family, Denzel Washington, and the eclipse during the conversation.
Apr 9, 2024 • 31min

Dit kunnen werkgevers doen om de kantoortuin te verbeteren

Japke-d. is expert op het gebied van kantoorinrichting en deelt haar inzichten over de evolutie van de kantoortuin. Ze bespreekt hoe deze omgeving kan worden verbeterd voor het welzijn van werknemers. Marc vertelt zijn inspirerende verhaal over hoe hij een kantoortuin wist te voorkomen, wat leidt tot een gesprek over de nadelen van open werkruimtes, zelfs in andere sectoren zoals het onderwijs. Luisteraars delen hun ervaringen over geluidshinder, wat de noodzaak van betere werkplekken onderstreept.
Mar 27, 2024 • 44min

#3: Navigating the Current Product Leadership Job Market

Founder of Supra, Marc, and VP Product Gaurav Hardikar and FinTech product leader Andrew Chapello discuss navigating the current product leadership job market. Topics include changes in the PM market, tips for success as a candidate, getting interviews, due diligence on companies, and more.
Feb 9, 2024 • 11min

2616: 7 Tips For Living on an Inconsistent Income by Marc with Mad Money Monster on Budgeting Strategies & Emergency Fund

Marc, a finance expert, shares tips for managing finances on an inconsistent income including calculating average monthly income, budgeting for below-average months, saving during good times, and embracing the positives of fluctuating income.