
Dan McClellan

Bible scholar and co-host of the Data Over Dogma podcast, offering academic insights into biblical texts.

Top 5 podcasts with Dan McClellan

Ranked by the Snipd community
94 snips
Jan 27, 2025 • 1h 20min

#94 Dan McClellan - What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?

Dan McClellan, a notable public scholar of the Bible and religion, dives deep into the complexities of biblical interpretation regarding abortion. He challenges common misconceptions and examines key texts, revealing that scripture does not unambiguously condemn the practice. McClellan also discusses the nuances of biblical slavery, Pauline theology, and how societal contexts influence ethical debates. With insights into the evolution of doctrines and historical narratives, he advocates for a more nuanced understanding of biblical perspectives.
30 snips
Jun 24, 2024 • 2h 8min

#245 - Bible Scholar Responds to Ammon Hillman: Was Jesus Christ a Trafficker? | Dan McClellan

Biblical scholar Dan McClellan discusses Torah origins, Greek influence, Bible translation challenges, Jesus's crucifixion, pagan influences in Christianity, and misconceptions about the Bible and Christianity. Topics include Moses historicity, Christ meaning, Jesus in public park, and South America experiences.
21 snips
Aug 28, 2023 • 4h 12min

1803: How "Thoughtful" Mormons Stay in the Church - Dan McClellan Part 3

Bible scholar Dan McClellan discusses how informed, intelligent Mormons navigate their faith, exploring the value of religion in promoting positive behavior and community. They delve into the evolution and impact of religion, the role of rituals in signaling trust and fidelity, and the complexities of belief in God within Mormonism. They also discuss the evolution of Joseph Smith's understanding of God, the social identity and cultural aspects of Mormonism, power structures in religious communities, and the controversy of Joseph Smith's polygamy. Additionally, they explore the mystery of Melchizedek, the inequality and patriarchy in the LDS Church, different positions within the Mormon community, and the challenges of running for political office. The podcast concludes with an intriguing discussion on psychedelics and prophets.
16 snips
Aug 23, 2023 • 5h 11min

1802: 10 Things You Should Know About the Bible - Dan McClellan Part 2

Dan McClellan, an expert in common views of the Bible, challenges literal interpretations and dives into the intricate topic of authorship, suggesting that Latter-day Saints should be open to the Bible's potential inaccuracies. He explores gender roles, slavery, and polygamy in biblical contexts, examines end-time prophecies and the concept of Hell, and advocates for a nuanced approach to the Bible.
5 snips
Aug 21, 2023 • 4h 51min

1801: Mormon Bible Scholar - Dan McClellan Part 1

Join Mormon Bible Scholar, Dan McClellan, as he discusses his journey into biblical scholarship on TikTok. From his unique mission experiences in Uruguay to his thought-provoking discussions on homosexuality and creation accounts in the Bible, Dan's insights captivate. With meticulous research, he explores intriguing topics like God having a wife and homosexuality in the Bible. Don't miss his upcoming book that promises to dive deeper into these compelling issues. This interview is a stimulating exploration of faith, data-driven analysis, and respectful dialogue.