
Christine Emba

Opinion columnist at The Washington Post, journalist, social commentator, and author, known for her article on modern masculinity.

Top 10 podcasts with Christine Emba

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91 snips
Aug 7, 2023 • 1h 2min

The new crisis of masculinity

What does masculinity mean these days? Sean Illing speaks with Christine Emba, a columnist at The Washington Post who wrote the piece “Men are lost. Here’s a map out of the wilderness.” Together they discuss the confusing state of manhood, why figures like Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate hold appeal, and how masculinity could be redefined.Host: Sean Illing (@seanilling), host, The Gray AreaGuest: Christine Emba (@ChristineEmba), Washington Post columnist and author of Rethinking Sex: A ProvocationReferences: “Men are lost. Here’s a map out of the wilderness” by Christine Emba (The Washington Post, July 10, 2023) Rethinking Sex: A Provocation by Christine Emba (Sentinel, 2022) “Did the sexual revolution go wrong?” from The Gray Area (Vox, May 11, 2022) “Men and boys are struggling. Should we care?” from The Gray Area (Vox, December 12, 2022) “The Rage and Joy of MAGA America” by David French (The New York Times, July 6, 2023) Enjoyed this episode? Rate The Gray Area ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and leave a review on Apple Podcasts.Subscribe for free. Be the first to hear the next episode of The Gray Area. Subscribe in your favorite podcast app.Support The Gray Area by making a financial contribution to Vox! bit.ly/givepodcastsThis episode was made by:  Engineer: Patrick Boyd Editorial Director, Vox Talk: A.M. Hall Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
91 snips
Aug 7, 2023 • 1h 27min

#664 - Christine Emba - Talking To A Feminist About Masculinity

Christine Emba, an opinion columnist and social commentator, delves into modern masculinity's challenges. She discusses the curious reality of women dominating conversations about men's issues. The talk explores the masculinity crisis, emphasizing the need for open dialogue and diverse role models for boys. Emba also critiques societal expectations around masculinity and highlights the detrimental effects of fatherlessness on young men. With humor, she navigates the tricky balance between personal attraction and feminist ideals, advocating for a nuanced understanding of masculinity in today’s world.
73 snips
Oct 16, 2024 • 46min

Ep 5: Are Boys Being Left Behind?

Richard Reeves, a writer and scholar focused on boys' education, joins psychoanalyst Erica Komisar, journalist Hanna Rosin, and author Christine Emba to discuss the alarming educational decline of boys. They explore the behavioral challenges boys face in a system tailored for girls, the implications of economic shifts on male roles, and the pressing need for positive male role models. Topics also include redefining masculinity, the impact of fewer male teachers, and the broader societal consequences of these trends.
37 snips
Oct 11, 2023 • 39min

Office Hours Special: Algebra of Masculinity Part 1

Christine Emba, a Washington Post columnist and author of Rethinking Sex, dives into the complexities of masculinity today. She discusses how traditional masculine traits are shifting and their effect on men's identities and relationships. The conversation tackles the evolving dating dynamics and the importance of empathy and communication between genders. Emba also critiques the overwhelming influence of pornography on young men and reflects on the challenges and trade-offs of monogamy in contemporary relationships.
29 snips
Aug 2, 2023 • 1h 37min

576:Christian A.I., Church Dropouts, & Fixing Men with Christine Emba

A new chatbot based on OpenAI claims to have a “biblical worldview” and invites users to ask questions directly to the Apostle Paul. Is this a helpful tool, or another step closer to replacing Christian community with artificial intelligence? Then, a new article in The Atlantic says 40 million Americans have stopped attending church because our culture is addicted to work and no longer values community. But is it all the culture’s fault, or does the church also carry some blame? Washington Post columnist, Christine Emba, is back to discuss her new report about the masculinity crisis. She explains why voices on the far right are engaging men with a message of misogyny and anger, while voices on the left aren’t trying to engage men at all. Is there a better way out of the crisis? Also this week—toxic zombie worms Patreon Bonus:  Interview with Amy Peeler on her Barbie movie article https://www.patreon.com/posts/87033946   0:00 - Intro   1:43 - Show Starts   2:55 - Theme Song   3:19 - Sponsor - Sundays Dog Food Get 35% off your first order of Sundays. Go to www.SundaysForDogs.com/HOLYPOST or use code HOLYPOST at checkout.    4:30 - Animal News   11:32 - Christian AI Chatbot   30:01 - Why Americans stopped going to church   58:14 - Sponsor - Sponsor -  Faithful Counseling Get 10% off your first month at Faithful Counseling.com/HOLYPOST   59:18 - Sponsor - Caldera Lab Get 20% OFF with our code HOLYPOST at calderalab.com   1:00:57 - Interview Intro   1:06:28 - Responses on the right to the masculinity crisis   1:17:14 - Responses on the left to the masculinity crisis   1:25:25 - Solutions   1:36:51 - End Credits Links mentioned in news segment:   Toxin-secreting hammerhead worms are invading the D.C. area. How to stop them. https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2023/07/22/hammerhead-worms-invasive-poisonous-dc/?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=U+S++Reservists+to+Boost+NATO&utm_campaign=U+S++Reservists+to+Boost+NATO   A worm has been revived after 46,000 years in the Siberian permafrost https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/28/world/worm-resurrected-frozen-siberian-permafrost-intl-scli-scn/index.html   Meet the Christian creators designing chatbots ‘with a biblical worldview’ https://religionnews.com/2023/07/20/meet-the-christian-creators-designing-biblically-inspired-chatbots/ The Misunderstood Reason Millions of Americans Stopped Going to Church https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/07/christian-church-communitiy-participation-drop/674843/ Other resources: Men are lost. Here’s a map out of the wilderness https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/07/10/christine-emba-masculinity-new-model/ Chistine Emba’s previous appearance on The Holy Post https://www.holypost.com/post/episode-510-the-sbc-report-and-rethinking-sexual-ethics-with-christine-emba   Rethinking Sex: A Provocation by Christine Emba https://amzn.to/3DFfd2Y   And There Was Light: Abraham Lincoln and the American Struggle by Jon Meacham https://amzn.to/3QmS6Sm Holy Post website: https://www.holypost.com/   Holy Post Plus: www.holypost.com/plus   Holy Post Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/holypost   Holy Post Merch Store: https://www.holypost.com/shop The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.  
6 snips
May 25, 2022 • 1h 30min

Episode 510: The SBC Report and Rethinking Sexual Ethics with Christine Emba

The independent report about the cover-up of sexual abuse within the Southern Baptist Convention has been released, and it’s far worse than anyone expected. What does it mean for the SBC and American evangelicalism in general? And Phil asks if there’s a difference between engaging in godly cultural transformation and fighting a culture war. Was William Wilberforce a culture warrior? And when are we really seeking change, and when are we just virtue signaling? Then, Kaitlyn welcomes Washington Post opinion columnist and editor, Christine Emba, to discuss her new book “Rethinking Sex: A Provocation.” After interviewing dozens of young adults, Emba concludes that evangelical purity culture has problems, but so does the secular message of sex positivity. Instead, she draws from Christian theology and tradition to propose an ethical framework that goes beyond consent alone. Plus, Phil refuses to be concerned about an invasion of aggressive jumping worms. News Segment: 0:00 - Intro 3:07 - Jumping worms https://www.sfgate.com/local/article/jumping-worms-have-made-their-way-to-california-17182377.php 9:36 - SBC Report 32:06 - Culture wars or transformation?Sponsor: 48:32 - Faithful Counseling faithfulcounseling.com/holypost Interview with Christine Emba “Rethinking Sex: A Provocation” - https://amzn.to/38gtHdj “Consent is not enough. We need a new sexual ethic.”- https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/03/17/sex-ethics-rethinking-consent-culture/ 49:41 - Christine Emba intro 52:00 - Book background 54:28 - Misdiagnosing the problem 58:30 - Purity culture versus uncritical sex positivity 1:04:14 - Interviews within book 1:13:35 - Dating app culture 1:24:28 - Willing the good of the other 1:29:12 - Credits Resources mentioned in news segment: “Southern Baptist leaders covered up sex abuse, kept secret database, report says” by Sarah Pulliam Bailey (The Washington Post) - https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/2022/05/22/southern-baptist-sex-abuse-report/ “Southern Baptists Refused to Act on Abuse, Despite Secret List of Pastors” by Kate Shellnutt (Christianity Today) - https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2022/may/southern-baptist-abuse-investigation-sbc-ec-legal-survivors.html “This Is the Southern Baptist Apocalypse” by Russell Moore (Christianity Today) - https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2022/may-web-only/southern-baptist-abuse-apocalypse-russell-moore.html “The Gift of Pain” by Paul Brand and Philip Yancey - https://amzn.to/3wGWjGa The Holy Post is supported by our listeners. We may earn affiliate commissions through links listed here. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
Sep 11, 2023 • 1h 10min

"What Can A Man Do?" with Christine Emba

It seems like everywhere you look, men are struggling to find a sense of meaning and purpose. In fact, men are just getting kind of weird. On the other side of the equation, many women say they can’t find a “good man” who meets their expectations. Enter Christine Emba, Washington Post columnist and author of the 2022 book Rethinking Sex: A Provocation. In a recent WaPo essay, she discusses the crisis of masculinity and where men are looking for models of masculinity, from Jordan Peterson to Andrew Tate and beyond. In this episode, we chat about her article, her book, the past and present mating economy, and the evolution of her own thinking since her college days and the emergence of “the Princeton mom.” (Leave it to her to ask the questions Matt Walsh doesn’t.) In the bonus, we talk about dating apps — everyone’s favorite gripe — in addition to the resurgence of matchmaking and how people got dates and met people in the pre-app world. ————————— WHO IS CHRISTINE EMBA? Christine Emba is a writer for The Washington Post's Opinions section. She is also the author of Rethinking Sex: A Provocation, which challenges the narrative of sex positivity. Prior to joining the staff of The Washington Post, Emba was the Hilton Kramer Fellow in Criticism at the New Criterion and a deputy editor at the Economist Intelligence Unit. She grew up in Virginia and earned an A.B. in Public and International Affairs from Princeton University. Follow her substack here: https://bit.ly/3Z8nJ49 Read her article, “Men are lost. Here’s a map out of the wilderness.” here: https://wapo.st/45KoHX4 Get her book “Rethinking Sex: A Provocation” here: https://amzn.to/3EvpU8A ————————— HOUSEKEEPING  Get your ticket to The Free Press debate with Grimes, Sarah Haider, Louise Perry and Anna Khachiyan: https://www.thefp.com/debates  Meet me at The Unspeakeasy Denver Retreat on September 30th: https://bit.ly/3qRWcaz  Join me at our sanity/real spa retreat in the Poconos with guest speaker Kat Rosenfield: https://bit.ly/3R8IKtL  Can’t come to the full, one-day retreat on September 30th? Join us for a co-ed party that same evening! https://bit.ly/45oCp1n  Join The Unspeakeasy, my community for freethinking women:https://bit.ly/44dnw0v  Follow my other podcast, A Special Place in Hell: aspecialplace.substack.com
May 2, 2022 • 59min

Did the sexual revolution go wrong?

Sean Illing talks with author and Washington Post columnist Christine Emba about whether or not we need to rethink sex. They discuss why, according to the research and reporting in Emba's new book Rethinking Sex, many Americans are unhappy with the sex they're having, and don't fully understand what they want. They also talk about how her Catholic faith informs her views on sex, why it's necessary to expand on the framework of "consent," and what kind of sexual culture Emba hopes to see in the world.Host: Sean Illing (@seanilling), Interviews Writer, VoxGuest: Christine Emba (@ChristineEmba), author & reporterReferences:  Rethinking Sex: A Provocation by Christine Emba (Sentinel; 2022) "Consent is not enough. We need a new sexual ethic," by Christine Emba (Washington Post; Mar. 17) "People Have Been Having Less Sex—whether They're Teenagers or 40-Somethings" by Emily Willingham (Scientific American; Jan. 3) Enjoyed this episode? Rate Vox Conversations ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and leave a review on Apple Podcasts.Subscribe for free. Be the first to hear the next episode of Vox Conversations by subscribing in your favorite podcast app.Support Vox Conversations by making a financial contribution to Vox! bit.ly/givepodcastsThis episode was made by:  Producer: Erikk Geannikis Editor: Amy Drozdowska Engineer: Paul Robert Mounsey Deputy Editorial Director, Vox Talk: Amber Hall Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Jul 3, 2022 • 45min

The Sunday Debate: Has Sex Positivity Harmed Feminism?

In today's world, we're often encouraged to think that sex is no longer a subject burdened with shame or repressed feelings. Rather, it is pleasurable, exciting and even empowering – as long as all parties are consenting. But do women really have the same sexual freedom as men, or are they still living in a man's world, conforming to male heterosexual desires and tastes? How do young women who’ve grown up in a sexually celebratory and supposedly shame-free society navigate sex? To discuss it, our host, the cultural historian and broadcaster Shahidha Bari, is joined by the authors of two books taking differing approaches to the debate: Christine Emba, columnist for The Washington Post and author of Rethinking Sex: A Provocation, and Dossie Easton, therapist and co-author of The Ethical Slut. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Aug 9, 2024 • 1h 7min

What Are Children For?

Anastasia Berg, a philosopher and professor at UC Irvine, and Rachel Wiseman, managing editor for The Point, delve into profound questions about parenthood and declining fertility. They discuss societal pressures and individual choices in child-rearing, emphasizing the challenges posed by factors like economic uncertainty and climate anxiety. The conversation critiques modern narratives around parenthood, exploring millennial perfectionism and ambivalence about having children. With insights from Christine Emba, the dialogue weaves together ethics, societal expectations, and the quest for meaningful family planning.