
Anders Sandberg

Researcher at the Institute for Futures Studies in Sweden, formerly a senior research fellow at Oxford''s Future of Humanity Institute, whose research focuses on emerging technologies, ethics of human enhancement, and long-range futures.

Top 10 podcasts with Anders Sandberg

Ranked by the Snipd community
38 snips
Nov 7, 2018 • 37min

Fermi Paradox

Ever wondered where all the aliens are? It’s actually very weird that, as big and old as the universe is, we seem to be the only intelligent life. In this episode, Josh examines the Fermi paradox, and what it says about humanity’s place in the universe. (Original score by Point Lobo.) Interviewees: Anders Sandberg, Oxford University philosopher and co-creator of the Aestivation hypothesis; Seth Shostak, director of SETI; Toby Ord, Oxford University philosopher. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
35 snips
Nov 14, 2023 • 54min

Ancient traits in a modern world | Sunetra Gupta, Anders Sandberg, Subrena Smith

Evolutionary biologist Sunetra Gupta, neuroscientist Anders Sandberg, and psychologist Subrena Smith discuss the compatibility of our neurobiology with the modern world. They explore topics like the impact of storytelling and virtue signaling, the inadequacy of neurobiology in dealing with 21st-century challenges, the relevance of evolution in humans, and the tension between biology and human values. The panel debates whether our ancient traits are now risking our species and if we can change our behavior before it's too late.
35 snips
Sep 5, 2023 • 41min

Getting everything, losing everything | Anders Sandberg, Massimo Pigliucci, Mazviita Chirimuuta

A debate on the potential of the metaverse and its impact on human relationships and the natural world. Exploring the evolution of virtual reality, challenges, and uncertain future. Skepticism and collaboration in building the metaverse. Concerns about becoming lost in an ideal world with advanced technology and the struggle to find lasting happiness. Class dynamics and societal implications of a future with machines. Debating the nature of virtual reality and the merger of the virtual and physical worlds.
27 snips
Aug 14, 2024 • 1h 44min

Physical limits and the long-term future (with Anders Sandberg)

Anders Sandberg, a researcher from the Institute for Futures Studies, dives into fascinating topics. He explores the relationship between energy use and economic growth, pondering how civilization might have advanced differently without fossil fuels. The conversation touches on exciting concepts like faster-than-light travel and the heat death of the universe, while also addressing the complexities of quantum physics. Anders discusses the potential for advanced alien civilizations and the importance of moral evolution in humanity. Don’t miss this intriguing blend of science and philosophy!
18 snips
Apr 20, 2023 • 53min

#62 – Anders Sandberg on Exploratory Engineering, Value Diversity, and Grand Futures

Anders Sandberg is a researcher, futurist, transhumanist and author. He holds a PhD in computational neuroscience from Stockholm University, and is currently a Senior Research Fellow at the Future of Humanity Institute at the University of Oxford. His research covers human enhancement, exploratory engineering, and 'grand futures' for humanity. This episode is a recording of a live interview at EAGx Cambridge (2023). You can find upcoming effective altruism conferences here: www.effectivealtruism.org/ea-global We talk about: What is exploratory engineering and what is it good for? Progress on whole brain emulation Are we near the end of humanity's tech tree? Is diversity intrinsically valuable in grand futures? How Anders does research Virtue ethics for civilisations Anders' takes on AI risk and whether LLMs are close to general intelligence And much more! Further reading and a transcript is available on our website: hearthisidea.com/episodes/sandberg-live If you have any feedback, you can get a free book for filling out our new feedback form. You can also get in touch through our website or on Twitter. Consider leaving us a review wherever you're listening to this — it's the best free way to support the show. Thanks for listening!
7 snips
Oct 6, 2023 • 2h 49min

#165 – Anders Sandberg on war in space, whether civilisations age, and the best things possible in our universe

Anders Sandberg, expert on war in space, civilizations aging, and possibilities in our universe, discusses defense-dominant situations in war, settlement in the solar system and galaxy, challenges of interstellar travel, strong chemical bonds, living in a simulation, the decay of civilizations, the concept of value, dissolution of bound objects, limitations of GPT as a research assistant, and engaging with scientific discoveries in real-time.
5 snips
Nov 11, 2024 • 1h 26min

Peter Thiel – Silicon Valley-miljardären som vill stöpa om USA

Peter Thiel är en framstående entreprenör och investerare från Silicon Valley, känd för sina kontroversiella åsikter och stora påverkan inom tekniksektorn. Tillsammans med framtidsforskaren Anders Sandberg diskuterar de Thiels unika vision för framtiden, hans påverkan på Facebook och teknologiska innovationer. Thiel delar sina idéer om innovationens roll och statens inblandning samt sitt engagemang i att stödja unga entreprenörer genom Thiel Fellowship. Samtalet berör också hans politiska inflytande och kontroverser kopplade till hans stöd för Donald Trump.
Feb 4, 2025 • 1h 15min

Visiting Sweden’s Superfuturist w/ Dr Anders Sandberg

Dr. Anders Sandberg, a polymath and futurist with a PhD in computational neuroscience, dives into existential risks posed by AI and the current landscape of futures studies. He discusses the unique role of Swedish futurists and the synergy between generalists and specialists in knowledge discovery. The conversation touches on the decline of polymathy in academia and the future potential of cryopreservation, prompting thought on identity and evolution in an advanced society. Sandberg's insights intertwine philosophical and technological aspects, painting a compelling picture of our future.
Jan 10, 2025 • 46min

Anders Sandberg: Om AI, etik och mänsklighetens framtid

I det här samtalet med Anders Sandberg, forskare vid Institutet för Framtidsstudier och tidigare vid Future of Humanity Institute i Oxford, dyker vi ner i existentiella risker och artificiell intelligens. Han utforskar etiska dilemman kopplade till teknologiska framsteg och diskuterar riskerna med AI, inklusive hotet från teknologisk singularitet. Sandberg ger också insikter om hur vi kan förbereda oss för framtidens utmaningar och vikten av att förstå konsekvenserna av avancerade teknologier.
Aug 23, 2024 • 1h 30min

Anders Sandberg - Blooming the Space of Intelligence and Value (Worthy Successor Series, Episode 3)

Anders Sandberg, a Computational Neuroscience PhD and researcher at the Mimir Center for Long-Term Futures Research, dives into the exciting realms of artificial general intelligence and future value. He explores who holds power in AGI development and the potential directions for humanity's posthuman future. The conversation also navigates ethical dilemmas surrounding AI, societal evolution, and the intricate relationship between complex ecosystems and moral responsibilities. It's a thought-provoking journey into the future of intelligence and governance.