
Alex Osterwalder

Co-author of "High Impact Tools for Teams", contributes expertise on team dynamics and innovation processes.

Top 5 podcasts with Alex Osterwalder

Ranked by the Snipd community
68 snips
Nov 27, 2024 • 52min

Rita McGrath, Alex Osterwalder and Ryan Shanks - The Future of Consulting in an Age of Ai

Join Rita McGrath, a strategic management expert and Columbia professor, Alex Osterwalder, renowned for his business model innovation, and Ryan Shanks, Accenture's Head of Innovation, as they explore the seismic shifts in consulting due to AI. They discuss the evolution of consulting roles, the importance of human skills in an AI-driven world, and the move towards outcome-based business models. The trio delves into ethical dilemmas, the need for continuous reinvention, and the future landscape of consulting, advocating collaboration and trust amid rapid change.
10 snips
Dec 9, 2020 • 54min

Gebt den Innovationen mehr Macht! Alexander Osterwalder - Unternehmer, Autor & Erfinder des Business Model Canvas

Alexander Osterwalder, Unternehmer und Autor, bekannt für das Business Model Canvas, spricht über die Transformation von Innovation im Management. Er thematisiert die essenzielle Rolle effektiver Werkzeuge zur Steigerung der Unternehmenskultur und Zusammenarbeit. Die Balance zwischen Innovation und Skalierung ist entscheidend für den Unternehmenserfolg – Beispiel Nespresso. Osterwalder betont Neugierde und Experimentierfreude als Schlüsselkompetenzen für Führungskräfte, während er persönliche Einblicke in seine Familie und Projekte gibt.
9 snips
Jun 7, 2023 • 34min

Alex Osterwalder: Stimulating innovation from the C-Suite

How do you stimulate innovation?In this episode, Alex Osterwalder, CEO and Founder of Strategyzer, talks about what it takes to stimulate and pursue innovation in a difficult and dynamic context. He talks about why CEOs need to invest at least 40% of their time on innovation activities, how they should use new measures (AKIs that complement OKRs), and how to develop inclusive, high performing teams. Alex also talks about the implications for AI in innovation - how it can help develop prototypes and how it will encourage innovation professionals to up their game. “If you’re not producing innovation results you’re doing innovation theatre.” – Alex OsterwalderYou'll hear about:How organisations practise innovationWhy OKRs don't workSeparating exploration and exploitationCreating an innovation mindsetShould CEOs have split roles? The impact of ecosystems on innovationHow AI is being used in innovationDeveloping high performance inclusive teamsWhat are Alex's strengths?What is Alex's leadership style?The biggest sacrifices Alex has madeAbout Alex:  Alex is the CEO and Founder of Strategyzer, the company that provides corporate innovation strategy advice, tools, and training. He’s the co-author of five books, including the Invincible Company and the Business Model Canvas. He is also a Visiting Professor at the IMD Business School. Ranked No. 4 of the top 50 management thinkers worldwide, Alex also holds the Thinkers50 Strategy Award.His resources:●      Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/osterwalder/●      Strategzer: https://www.strategyzer.com/●      Books: https://www.strategyzer.com/booksMy resources:Sign up to one of my courses (https://bit.ly/3QHvlYm).Sign up to my Strategic Leader newsletter (http://bit.ly/36WRpri) for stimuli, ideas, guidance and tips on how to lead your team, organisation or self more effectively.Subscribe to my YouTube channel (http://bit.ly/3cFGk1k) where you can watch the conversation.If you’re looking to work with me, check out my:Services (https://bit.ly/3QFOn1A) to C-Suite execs, entrepreneurs and professionals.Profile (https://bit.ly/3JUzrZk).Writing (https://bit.ly/3JTYnAi).Posts on LinkedIn (https://bit.ly/2Z2PexP).
Jan 7, 2025 • 32min

Sich vergleichen ist ein auswegloser Kampf

Alex Osterwalder, erfolgreicher Autor und CEO von Strategyzer, reflektiert über seinen Werdegang und den Wert von emotionaler Intelligenz. Er betont, wie wichtig es ist.
Apr 26, 2018 • 35min

Growth Innovation for Existing Businesses with Alex Osterwalder

Alex Osterwalder, a strategy and innovation expert, dives into growth innovation for businesses. He emphasizes the importance of seeing the big picture, reinventing business models, and fostering innovation for long-term success. By creating a mini-Silicon Valley within existing companies, growth innovation can thrive and drive significant progress.